Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 29, 1864, Image 1

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1KM Manr A-.i)MM??l
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VOL. IX. NO, 41
Mtcxo rrrmr iimcnir mornimi,
B. Tt HOWELL, Prp'r.
ScwCMrr tov For One year, In advance,
roar Dollar) If piU within the tint rlx
nontbt of tlitf your, arodullars J If not raid
out the expiration of the year, tlx dollars.
Adncrtisixu 04 snnare (10 Hues nr
tn), tint liiscrllou, Three Dollars t each
sibsequent Insertion, lino Dollar. A dls
tount of flftjr per cent will bo made to those
who advertise tiy thoyrar.
ay Until Twa.fi rell 1 turrfnt ttlM.
f, (). O. F.Juclsosivlllo Loilgo
(-v - ivfKniiiivrrpniiiirpirti
" VLim Vk Ufatavlt In aMU-ls SiiSMitli wt a-nt
rec'.?WfU2 WMk,(lli.M..oi.tclUll,.t
. Wl MtttlhllV l.f atArli lrilrfiln.
l.-,l.k . K. Urctli.nlaiwl.lnialnciM.lnllt.t
IssIImS. 81 LAS J. UAV, N. 0.
J.l UcLictKUir, 11. -,,
TriilMi. J. t. Hullui, Win. liny not fltu
Warren Lodge No, 10, A.T. & A. M.
k 1101.1) tliclr regular continual
Hfcatlons lli ii Weslm-mlny Kvuuliigcmi
ArNor preceding lliu full moou, Iiwack
H. ili.nou. Ste'i.
o. jacors. n. r. nrasri.t..
tW ZiAVt',
Jacksu.nvim.v, Oarnov,
Uffl.a optMitlt llin Court Ilou.f.
All business committed to llillr core m lit
! promptly atlendid to. July 2P. 'fl
Jackronyim.k, OnrooN,
frill practice In all the CourU or tlio Third
JiJlctal Dlstt let, the 8upn-me Court or Ore
run, ami In Yrcka, Cal. War Scrip prompt
jrjellecjrd. Od. IH.
JiCKwxTii.u; OiiKonx.
Will practice In tho Court of Oregon.
urate, w unlet ituiMins.
Xfoinry SPvlIsIAo,
Jaceionvim.i:, Ouiuux.
Ml tf
JicxiONTitJ.ti Oncoos,
Rsildinc nsar the South cud of Orexon
stent. Januaty. 2. leitit
I'liotogritpltlo ArtlK,
d prrparcd to taVe picture! In ererr tiyr
of tli art, with all tin' lata Imprtivrirutit.
If 1'lclurn do nnt glvo aallifactlon. no
thirgei will Iw made, Call At hl nrM- finl
Ur;. on ihi bill, examlao hi pictures and
It for jour llkenets.
y Dry Gooda, Qrocorios,
j JIOOTri, nod HIIOKS. L,
nardwaro, &. Outlcry, h
imuos, mid MKinciNiia,
nt Tino Iiiquors, etc., otc.
ItKK'Ii., roulli rlileor oaillornia
Vlrrt. J njktonTlllo. oclhtf
NBW bnglamb
Fr further partkular.cll at Neubor's
Swro. anl reo me Mftciiliiu in nperaiiuu.
UacUnciou Imnil. lorAl).
J. NKU1IKK, Agent.
JaslnonWIIe.Jiine th. lfc'Uf. 3m
Wntclimnkt'i ami Jeweler!
On Oreicou rert. Ilr.t door north of
llreutauo'a Jacktourllle, Oku.
jSlanufaclurrr nnd rrp'rer of
allaoits of Watchr, Chronometer, Cloik
Huilcal and nllirr Imlrumenlf. etc.
Alw. JKWKMIY uwuufjcturtil nml
rrpilred, after tlw inoit approvnl Hvle nf
inaart, ami warranted lorcuejfiir. rriccs
accordloL' to time.
Chronoinetrr and Watchmaker.
JaekionTllle.Junn 23, 1 Ml. 3 m
Sr m.Weckly line pf Btagcii from .Turk
aotUIIo jo Kerbjvlllo and Waldo, 0e
fgoo. Leave Jacksonville every
Monday & Thuntlny, 4 A. M
RetQrnlng, leaua Waldo every
Tuesday k. Friday at a P. HI.
Through piceiiz" will be furnlihed
with Kotliwid4lhorct at Waldo, for
J0F5IAM A. LANDIS, Irrnp'r.
Oct. 2fiih,16Gi (Xifltf .
The Coppirhcadi of litis coait have been
clatmlng Urn. lto3ccrana as n illsclplo of
tho Urave l)l(f(fer. Tbo following llnfs
from lilt pen, which wo clip from tha Cm
ltd lllmoiivi, seem to Indlcata which way
the wind blotm.
Tnku ofT Uiy .Sword McCluIInu
Tnko off thy nvoid, MeClvllan,
Tnko oil' thy coat of blue ;
Strip quickly from thy ihouldcri
Thoifu Starry Cadgi lvu ;
You nro nq mora a suldhtr, j, , . -
You'ru clmiiRcd your nt agalu J
On l'enca'n pl.ttform ibitidlug
ThcK'trb of war U rain.
When fir lit ti mot, McClellan,
You led n hero b.uid j
A grand davotcil army
Wur then at lliy command, '
The tlneit ou the plinct,
It lougixl to meat Iho foe ;
It needed but n ktvler,
To atrlke tho crmbtng Motr.
And then, how full, McUUlla:i,
You flllrd itimlloii'(tye?
When'cr thy nants rai mentioned,
Wo felt ur courngo rlic.
Wu Ihouht you were a tnvloiir
Sent to our coiintrj'auld,
To brliiK us back thu Union,
Tho urue our Talhcrs made.
Where are thuy now, McCItll in,
Thsia heropiwhom you Inl!
A cry or nnpnlili atmreri,
Alan. Ihey'er with tho dead.'
They Meep In peaco cttrnal,
Tlioie true, dnrolcd brave
The only pwee you coiH)nrvil,
The peace of soldier's gravuil
Alaok, al.iclc, McCUllan,
Ourfjllh wasliinl tu abakr.
Wo trunlcd long your proinlie.
That you would Itlolimond Uki
Till biok you staggered, leading,
Your buck towards the foo,
With cotunvi' torn and bleeding,
And Uinum drooping low.
Hut nuw you hold, McClrllan,
Another high command,
Again a force ta inuttcrrd,
And you lead ou tho band,
And U that fur enlisted
To Qght Hi Union's w.irt,
And plant oo Klchinond'ahlll-liips
The ll.ij of stripes and stars!
Alar, alas, McCltllati,
A craven crew you lead,
'IVsco'' gltitem on their banners,
While yet our soldiers blvtd
They baitly cry "surrender,"
Ere thu Union Is restored,
They kin the feet of traitors,
And throw away tha sword.
Hare you no skatne, MeClelUu ! 4
Havii you forgot lbs pat !
Have you to long K-d fret men,
To hvrd with slaves at last t
Alas, alv, JUCKllan,
It lenucth eotobe,
When you ratio the flag of tralUrs
And drop that of the frvo.
Take off thy sword, McCItll o,
Tako oir thy coat of blu:,
Btrlp (julckly from thy shouldvrs
Thoso starry ladies two.
You ore uo more a roldler,
You've changed your hart again,
On IVjco's platform standing,
The garb of war Is ralu.
NicronTin Bxctx'iivci.r roa w iimixiu
8ituriay'a Dispatch.
New York, 20th. The World's rpcelal
eorrerpohdent with Sheridan's army lias
tho follawlng, under date of the IJUit Kr.
rry titurolng during the present week, but
litis one, the troops hare boeu roused at
daybreak for the expected attack. For
sonwri'RKjn this morulnj, tha caution wan
omitted, apprehension of an attack baring
probably died nway . The army w as posted
along the north bank of Oedar run Army
of Western Va. on the left, on the Yi tncnes.
ler and Slrauibnrg plko. tha I9lh corpilu
the center and tha dth corns on tho right.
In lh absenee of Sh"rldn, (Jen, Wright
commanded. A dense mist cuvelopeit tne
country, favoring the enmj'a movemeuis.
While our urmy was soundlr sleeping,
dreauilesa of danger, the assault was mad.)
on the right. lUpM aid continuous dls
charged of sentinel's m"keU extended
aloqg the line toward the left, and simul
taneously tho rebel Inlantry rdvaneed
ataong tho worka In a solid column, pour
ing In a flerco lire on our flanks and front.
Only a portion of our troops bad manned
lbs breastworks when tho assault commeno-
cd, which was to deadly as to break our
lines Immediately, and tho men wero swept
from the workr, Into which the enemy cam
log pouring llko a sea.
Cedar Creek. Va.. Mill. To LleulGen,
Grant: I have the honor to report that my
i- ' .-..
army at Cedar Citck was Attacked this
morning, bsfore daylight. My left was
turned, and thrown Into confusion, wlin tow
of twenty pieces of Artillery. I hastened
from Winchester and Tound tho army be
tween Mhtdleton and Newton, baring been
driven back 4 mllei. I here took affair In
hand, quickly muttered a corps, and formed
a eompa&t lino of battle In time to repulse
tho Attack of thu enemy, wlitah was done
handsomely about one p. in. At .three
o'ctoek, after rorao changes of cavalry from
Itft to right Hank, I Attacked the, enemy
Tilth great rigor, driving nnd routing them,
capturing, according to last accounts, 4,1
t'lecca of artillery, and many prisoners, I
do not yet know the loss of tho enemy.
Wagon traln, ambulances and eanilops In
large number aru In our puisosslon, Ooit.
Itamscur Is a prisoner lu our handtnererely
wouridrd. I have to report tho loss of
(leu. Dldwell killed, nnd Gens, Wright,
Urorer and Itickuti wounded, Affair
at tme Icoked tsidly, but by the gallantry
uf our brare uflliers disaster wns converted
into n splendid victory. Darkness inter
vened and shut off further results. I Now
occupy Slrnutburg. Siieuiius'.
The boldness, vlrr and success of the
rtcmy's attack, strongly Indlcttas that
heavy reinforcement luvo been sent from
Itlchmond, with the expectation offutimi
Ing I.augtlrevl'a boasts with regard to Slier
Idm. I.ougttreet had nur.id command,
mid cotiltdcut liopja of dl.atter to Union
nrras bad been boastfully uxpreswd.
Signed, Sm-roN'.
New York, SOth.-tMrlleulars of the
ra!d Into I.tir.vy Vallny, sa7 lliy captured
fiiOO cattle, SOU horc and 32 mulw. d
tr.ijul a tannery containing JKUO.COi
wnrlh of leather, utid laid the country en
tirely wnsle, from Now Market tu Wootlvllli'
also In uclicull to Mad 1 1 (j ii, I.llll'j Wash
ington, back tu I.uray, and thvnee to I'mut
fit. I.oii, lOlh. One hundred ntbsls.nn
dr Col. Itathbone, entenil Lcvlnxton l'rl
day. All nnlo citizens lutweeii 17 and SO
ere musterM Into the Confederate urmy.
l'lvc hundred men, undrr Shelby, oaplurnl
1'arU. Monroe county, nnd are enucr!pllug
all able-bodli'd men for Omflrata strvlce.
Monday's Dhpntoh- ,
New York, 2Ut!i. Thu H'oiWi rorrr j
pjuJent says: In the surprise ami oltao! I
on Sheridan's army, tho enemy eilltrid the
encampment In tho tear of the works, where
the soldiers had scircvly wakeunl ami wire!
actually jutt rising frem their btaiiktti.
Tu rave the artillery nt the lireaitworki
beenme dr.iriBto ulijfct when llm assault
wax first ilisrovviiil, but the nature of the
sroumUrcnuVrc.1 this next to Impossible.
Hattery of fltli l'vnu'ylvaula, eight guns,
was capturnl. Hy superhuman eflorts, all
but one gun of the fllh regular b tilery was
savetl. Meanwhile the enemy advnncsil.
wmplrtcly turning our left flank, und were
nssrlug III"" pllto on the I lights nb.tvc.
Thu whole army was by thU time nrausal,
wagens ami ambuluiicva nuking for the
rear. The lOlh corps, which luJ Hood
firm timing the ksmuIi nn the noilt, nnn
fuuml Itself confionli.il by the riCuml illvU
ion of tbo ttirmy. which Iwd niurul up
Ilk' plkt mid atluckul II iWrcvly on the
fron nml (Unit with musketry auJ orlll
Icrv. Col. Jlollauilcy' tirigadi' of the id
divbion, on tho left, swuir,' Hi position In
front, In receive the 11 ink fire or the enemy.
The nnjoult Increased Uercly nnd llm
whole division rclormid Itself to meet the
shock. Rebels advanctd, mounted the
breaslworka In It front, and with wither
ing volley drnvo It back In rctrcut. Tl.c
19tb corps advanced oloui; Its work), und
now fought retreating und partially broken.
Tho left was compltely lurueiMaud half
the Army or Western Vn. was flying in
dismay through Iho fog, lis camp, nnd
the greater part of" Us camp material, Ml
Into the bauds of tho enemy. Tho lOlh
corp', fighting stubbornly, fell baak, con
staidly lining stragglers. The country
about MldJIctown and beyond, In the rear,
was populated wilh demorahz.'d soldiers.
The moment the Army of Vn. nud the
10th corps were found to bo falling back.
Wright scut orders to the Oih corps to
ehunga fiontand stem the torrent. Scarce
ly n moment elapsed, when Its columns
were seen moving by the left flank slrulght
Into the heat ol the contest, opening for
the pawngo of stragglers and then closing
up Immiiliatcly. This movement caused
Ibe rebels in the enter to pause. 3me of
their cavalry bad already oppeartd ut
Mlddletuwn on the 'left, capturing a por
tion of Crooks' omb'ilunco train. Their
Infantry hud just swung arouwl, ond were
just passing the plka obove, when Merrlth's,
I'uwer a und Umta divisions were with.
drawn from thu right to the center, to pro-
vent tho further advance of tho rebels.
After the check nf tho enemy In the center,
the lines or the Olh and 19th corps, re
formedHie Ctli on the left and tbo lOlli
on the right. Il was then found necessary
to withdraw the whole line soma distance,
tn order to counsel with tbo cavalry, who
were advancing to drive the enemy from
the pike on the left nud bold tbo field at
that point. The retrograde movement was
not accomplished without lots, The enemy
followed so closely and rengefully that
tbtlr ballets rained on the .Artillery like
ball, killing borses and men, and embarrass
ing the attempt of the artillerymen to
move the guns to the rear. The guns
wera fought ipIvndlJIy. They (ought ev
erywhere until the last moment, when t
was found loy could not bo removed. Sis
guns were lost In lbs attempt to rrmovo
tbem.t'Whcn the lines !uuj reached tho
creek, just to the right of where the second
was made, and where tho charges of the
enemywero repulsed, nearly every field
officer of tho 1st division of the 2d corps
was wounded. Rickets, commanding the
corps, was so badly wounded thurhnwas
ennipejcd to leave rhe field. Hid well com
niarTilfnt the 3d brigade of the 2d division,
wMwwrtally wounded hy a shell, which
tore Ids lift shoulder in pieces. Kcrcnt
10 o'clock, for the first Hum during the
day, the army presented a consistent front
towards the foe, nnd held Its own against
further nltnel.'. Results of the contist
everywhere gliomy, We had been sur
prised, drtven rom a spcndld position, lost
heavily In prtamers, lust 'J3 guns, 31 am
liulnnee wugots, ull the medical wagons,
uppllrds of tho l'Jlh cojpi, nud several
rpiurlrrmastrr' wngoni. Wc had lost
many ol ear finest officers. The enemy
were refonnlng to commence the attack,
hcn n iftmt, i;rud cheer rang along our
rear line. Sheridan had ridden post haste
from Wtachcster, und wai upproaehlng.
Ilhinpvarunre created tho wildest enthu
siasm. Hi gluing nt tl.c left, Im rodu
ul-jng the whole front uf the army, waving
Ms hat, amid tlic hnzzahs of Hie men. Re
tnut waistnppdl In an instnut, and from
that lima till three o'ehnk, every nerve
ns tlrnlncd to gftt the army Into tflVnslvc
position. At three o'cloclf the whole
tuny, the Clh In tho center, Iho llitli on
lie right and Crooks' command ou the
lift, with Merrlth's cavulry nn the extreme
Lf and Cuslar'e division on the extreme
right, made u magnificent nnd resistless
elm rge. sweeping the en'my cflf Iho fuco of
the earth e very hvre before It. The enemy
had uctuully began to throw up breast
w.irks, and were preparing tn go Into camp
when the charge wns made. He was
diiven Inch nt e double quick, through
Middk'tor.'ti, ucross Cedar Creek, whines
ho came, and thence pursued by the caval
ry through nnd beyond Hlraushnrg. 43
plsces of artillery, (nc'udlug thou taken
from u, were captured. At Strausburg
urr 100 srogons, and nmbulunces and
cumIops Iniiumrrsble, Tell Into our hands.
One thousand prisoners were pk-kid up
along th road. Two hours more daylight
would bare given us thu whole rebel army.
The army Is ordered tn move against the
ineiny ntflvc A. M, tn morrow.
Ilnol'lf corrnpondmt lays our lours
are fiwi thousand. Trlioncrs suy Karly
lo.t thriV'fourtlis of hie nrtlllm. Wo
eaptund 3,1100 prisoners.
Wiishliglou, 21st. 'Iho following has
liwn rvcrivnl: Cid.ir C'rei It, noun. 20th.
Atluck was made on Iho cntmy nbout 3
p. m. yesterday, The whu.'e Hue advanced
ii nd luriiM ravb lUnl; nf iho enemy, who
after a stubborn resistance broke and II-d.
They wwt- pushid with vigor. The artil
lery captured Is pcobably over 00 piece,
Including nhut wus tnkcii hum us lu the
morning. At least 1.C0O prisoners Inkeu.
A nuinW of nur cavalry made a daib on
I-'isher's Hill this morning, and carried it,
the en. my having II, J during the night,
leaving only n small rear guard. Wc
have to regret ll.u loss of many valuable
i.ineers. oi'
Nosby .ou-OonfedorntB Victories.
Church uv the Noo Hlspensashcn. I
May Ihe4lh, 1801 j
To tub FAiTiirt,-!.: Tho rectnt vlctrys
nelilevctl by our fricids In Iho suMli, Is
wurlhy uvipethel lliaiiltrglvin. I ller4
ilireot that the follerln Sam shvll be chan
tid In evry church ou the lt Suwly in
a a.iM v nuzn.
I wu east dnwn nnd trodded tinder foot.
II coz the wick Id. wuz txallid, and the
saints wuzunibkd,
Hicoztho peoido worshlpl LInkIn and
spat upon Ynlls'idygnni, becoz they trus-
ltd Chnla ind woodent bev uulhlo to do
wllji l'ernaudywud nt im price.
Ilecoz the hosts uv Link In purvaled over
the hosts of Jiff.
Thcrr-t my mind wn- trulbled aud my
sole wuz cnntlipatld.
And I east ashes upon my lied nod-be-walid
sayliu ,
Wo is me I
LIukIn will oglu sit In high jdasls-blm
nnd Ids tervanco and we shell bunt our
There shell be of aplntments and plasls
ur profit n thowsaml and tenskore, but fer
us nary wpn.
Our enemies shell her post orflse end
shell ba clothed In goodly lalment, while
we shel bev to dig er beg.
Our food hel be eorrer, nnd our whisky
shel be maid week with our own teere.
Thus wrptld we.
But our sorrer wax turned to goy, and
our wslllns.
For Fortwl bath smoled the niggers at
Fort Pillow, aBd spared not one. flunky.
And Dick taler hez whtpt i!aok.ant Red
River. Illuoky.1
And nokt bez tooken Plymulb Bodj
stayed tho defenders thereof, f Hunk)'.
And Lrc, bim who afortlme spiled Mich
Illan, and Huniilde, nnd Hooker, the!
chew up Ursnt; yea he will bust him.
And he shtd talk Washington; and
Lluliin, and dials, and Seward shel be
hang upon a gallus forty cubits.
Then shel the faithful huv titer rcwardi,
and be bnppy for keeps.
Fer niggers shel be plenty, nnd every
svun shvl Iil-v uv thtm men scrvuticc and
made oervance, nnd cntikvbinei.
And the Rivers shel be whisky, and the
banks thereof sugur, nud Ihciitbeful shsl
drink their fill.
And I shel horror no more, far lo I thel
revel upon the spoils of (he Abliih.
And my nnzj shel shine iz tha Are, and
my fuco shel glisten with futnlts.
Sing n new song, a my people, fer uv
lull did yo sin small.
Malk n joyful noise, for ycr cutm'z shil
be put under yer fcet, and yoo shel hv
I'oM Orfisls.
Koto to the Pasters. Kf Ornnl whips
Ixe, mall; a fast uv the day, and omit tit
last lmlT uv the nam.
Pimiot.ujt V. XasBr,
Paster uv scd Church In charge.
Specific Contract I.niT-
V'nttm far Iht S.ntaul.
"How In pay our debts honestly is tho"
question that really Is ut Iho bottom of all
Statu laws icferrlng lo tho currcney, aud
the only one that should be considered In
milking a 9 peel do Contract Law.
Ou the third ofMure'a, 19C3, Congress
passed a Inw contnlnlnc Iho germ of n
Specific Contract L'iw, such o Is needed
In Oregon authorlzlrc; thu Sicrelnry ol
the Treasury to giro "certificated" for de
posits uf gold coin nud bullion, payubU In.,
tLu gold coin or bulliuu so di'posltcd.
That is nil wc want, or arc cntlllid to
that principle uf hoiusty and justlee nn
more. Ixl people make coutruct paya
ble in grain, or greenbacks, or go!J or nit
vcr coin, nr whatsoever lh"y uuy choose,
but bind them to their engagements make
them pay as they agree to, nud all should
and will be ratlsScd. A law, however, Is
nco-siary to da this ; for, although I may
ngree to pay a debt In grain, yet thatgruln
must be of n specific stuiidard value ; or If i
In muuey, utso uf n standard value, n hy
Is It that greenbacks ore prohibited by the
law unlhorlztrg llicm, from beinr; a legal
lei.der In all case J (Ami, for a quibble,
why wiro they not expressly made legal
tinders at their expressed fuco value J)
II Government can exact fold i-olu for
llie pusmvnt of duties, why cannot the
merchant who has to pay tliosc duties
also exact gold T JJnvt else Is tie to ob
tain the wherewith to ucy dullce? He
must tell for cash, down," u) one. Hut
where is the dlflmnco In the (Vgnirw of
tho payment, whether It be "cash donn,''
or cush to lie paid In three days, or thirty
ibjys, He Is iqually entitled by commer
cial nsago to do either, and laws shnuld
Miituln htm In r o doing.
A fipeelfio Contract Low, similar lo tin
S'ntute of California, Is In reality carrying
nut the truo meaning of the Act of Cm
grew malting" Treasury Notes n legal ten
der, beeauso they nro not pnihlblted.from
being used ns gold; whervar, Iho usual
spirit or the peoplo of the Pueific Coast
Is, to use gold, nnd nil aro afraid to "talk
trade," for fenr of being token lu on green
backs. In Tact, they aro nvotdtd us far
its possible, but glvo them their proper
imfiit, and knowing that tilaw watches for
yon, gives you confidence and u feeling in
their favor; you handle them In security,
and more cmreney will In time be given
them. Ci'.v.
Hl.'eiuburg.Ocl. 17lh, 1861.
Valdo. Joscpltlne Co., Oct. 20lb 18G1.
illr.lviforjThe Hon. Geo. H. WU
(urns nddrcs.ed the citizens of this placo and
vicinity, last Thursday, the 17ih,
Taking all things Into consideration, the
gathering was large, and tverythlng passed
of pleatuntly. To praise the speech would
be tit
"Gild refined cold or palut the Illly."
Sufflco It then to say that it would con
vince any one but a Copperhead, that the
salvatlou of our country depends upon the
re-election ol Abraham Lincoln.
That it does, nnd that Judge Williams
will fill the hlrrh nosltioo of U. S. S.ntlor
with honor to himseirood the State orOre
gon, Is tbo bumble opinion of
Yours truly, ixbabsarqe.
The Grass Valley A'ufraiiie thus speaks
or Uttlo Mao's West Poiut oratlont
It Is claimed that the oration delivered
l.r (I.n MnHMUn recently at West Point.
over which Shnddyism has been exultant,
wns written by mat prince ot empires,
Thomas Franc's Meagher. There was just
enough of sky-scrapings, enough of word
millinery and sophomrlcal twaddle lu tho
oration to make It probable that Meagher
wrote it,
Tho Nationalt now supporsNoCelan.
Wa would suggest that the Copperheads
of this county send him a copy or the am
davit, showing that Mac never "said U."
KcsoIittloiiBif tho Union Na
tloiinl Coiivciitlon.
ADrrrnn at uai.timope, Ji.'ni: 8, 18Ct(
1. littolvnt, That It Is tho highest duty
ol every American citizen to maintain
ugulust nil their rnemles, the Integrity of
Hie Union and the paramount authority of
the Constitution and laws of the Uulted
Stutcs: and that, laying aside all diuerenceii
ami political opinions, wc pledge ourselves,
as Union men, nntmntid by a common 6b- '
j ct, to do everything In our power ta aid'
tho Government in quailing by force of
arms the rebellion now rnglng ngnlost Us "
authority cud In bringing It) the punish
ment due to tliclr crimes the rebels ami trat-'
tors armed agnluit It,
2. Rtiolvctl, .That we appro the deter
mlnntlnn of tho Uovcrmncut of lite United
Stales not to compromise with rcbottf, or
to ofil'r nny terms uf peace except each as
may b. based upon nn unconditional sur
render of their hostility and n return to
their just alleclanco of the Constitution and
laws uf the United States; and that wc call
upon the Government to maintain this no
itltlnn, nud to prosecute the War with Ilia
utmost possible vigor to the complete sup
pression of tha rebellion, In tho lull reliunru'
upon the self-sacrificing patriotism, herald
vulur. nnd tho undying devotion nf tho
American penpla tu their country uud - tu
Its free institutions.
3. lleotvttl, Tlml ns slnvr'y was the
cause, nnd now constitutes the strength of
tliis rebellion, nnd ns It must b",nlwuys and
every wltrro, hostile lo the principles of re
publican government, justice &.. tho tin
national safety demand Its utter aud com
plete extirpation from the soil of The Repub
lic. Aud that while wo uphold nnd main
tain llie acts oi.d proclamations by .which'
the Government, In Its own defer.:?; Ims '
nlmcd n death blow nt this gigantic evil,
wc are lu favor, furthermore, of such an
amendment to tho Constitution, to be made
by the people. In conformity with Its pro
visions, as shall terminate- nnd forever pro
hibit the cxistsneo of slavery within lias
limits or jurisdiction of the United Slates,
4. Hitched, That tha thanks of tho
American people nro due to the soldiers
und sailors of the urmy und nary, who
liuvc pcrllvd their 1 1 vis in defense, or their
country und In vindication of tho flag;
that the nation owes to Ihem some penna
nt nt recognition of their valor, ' and
ample und permanent provisions fur
llins nf their survivors who have received
disabling and honorable wounds lu the ser
vice or tho country ; and that tho memo
ries of liiosi) who imvu fallen In Its defense, '
shall be held In grateful and everlasting
9. liao!vtd, That wc approve nnd ap
plaud tne practical wisiioiu, llie unsciusii
patriotism, und the unswerving fidelity to
tho Constitution and the prluclplcs of
American liberty with which Abraham
Lincoln has discharsed, tind.'r circumstan
ces of unparalleled difficulty, the grrnt du
ties; and ri-spnnsibllitks of the Presidential
ofilce ; that wo approve nnd endorse, as de
manded by the emergency aud essential to
the preservation of the nation, and a. h-UIi-In
the provisions of the Constitution, the
measures and nets which he has adopted tu
defend the nation against Its open and so
erct foes that we approve especially the
Proclamation of Emancipation, uri tho
employment or Union soldiers ns men here
tofore held In slavery ; nnd that we have)
full confidence iu his determination to car,
ry on thesj nnd nil other Constitutional
measures essential to the salvation of the
cuunlry with full nnd complcto tfiVct.
G. Itttoltdl, That we dem It essential (u
she general welfare that harmony should
prevail lu tho National council'., aud wo
regard as worthy of official trust those on
ly who cordially endorse the principles pro
claimed In these resolution, ati which
should clnraolerlzo tha udmlulstratlou uf
the Government.
7. Raahtil, That the Government owes
to nil men employed In Us nrmlre. without
regard to distinction of color, the full pro- '
tcctlon of the laws of war, and that any vli
o'nlfon of these laws, or the usages of civi
lized nations In time of war, by tho rebels
now in arms, should be made the subject of
prompt nnd full redress.
8. Ilcioked, That foreign emigration,
within tho pait bus udded much to the
wealth, development of resources nnd In
crease of power to this nul Ion, tho asylum
oftheoppicssed of all nations, fhou'J be
fostered nud encouraged by a liberal nud
just policy.
0. Hcsoheil. That wc ore in favor of.lbo
speedy construction of a railroad to tho
10. RetoktJ, That tho national faith
Sledged for tbo redemption or the public
cbt must bo kept Inviolate, end for this
purpose wo recommend economy and rigid
rcsnonsiblily In tha publlo expenditures,
nud a vigorous nnd just system of taxation;
thut it is tho duty of every loyal Stato to
sustain the credit and promote the uo of
me national currency.
11. IU'ohtd, That we approve tho no- "
sltlon taken by the Government, that the
peoplo or the United Htntea can never .re
cord with Indifference the attempt of any
European power to overthrow by force and
supplant by fraud, the institutions nf any
Republican Government on the Western
Continent, and will view with extreme
jealousy, as menacing tho peace nnd lnde
penttenco ot ineir own country, me enens
of uny suoh power to obtain new footholds
fur monarchical governments, sustained by
forclcn military force In near proximity Lbf
the United States.
"I lave a place for everything, and yotj
ought o know It," said a mirried man,'
who was looking for bis bootjack nf(er 'bis
wife was In bed. "Yes,'' said, sic, "aul -I
ought to know where you keep your lata
hours, but I don't."
i i .i
"J wish you wouldn't glvo such jlort
weight for my money," said a cu;totwto
ft grocer who had an outstanding' bill
against him. "And I wish you wcujdn't,
giro tae suoh long wait for tnloe," replW
tbo grocer,