Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 22, 1864, Image 1

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    jf . nil
.i'm .' ii-il,i'Ju..ulujHLiinim'jiMu
rjwm n
alii2 oniuuotf HKNTiryx:i
bkiti) mr satvantT nimxix.i,
ScpsenirTtnv For Oneyear. In mWancf,
Jour Dollar If uM liblti the, Hrt sis
siaolht of Itic yrar, .vc Hollars j If nut n.ild
.aill tli cjplrilloo of the year, six dolL..
AprcitriiikU -Due mituro ( tu Hurt or
liu), flrkt Insertion, Tbiee DoU.iri! each
tabicquenl itiaertlon. Olio Dollar. A ill' -
count of nTlyprrcent will be undo tu UioSo
UMVi7,".T.tufr,n, .e,
T t7r iC -i .i . . i.i-";
J. (). O. F.Jacbiiniivllle I.oelne
-..1.71.-,. . i '
AT7i"'" S Haiiinlar nf ...i, lutrrTtnl.,
" r.T-r pihii Illinilll, .MM U.I
'Vfd?' nk,k(ihMimiiiellil.M
I Ml, a. UMl.tri In r"l la.i.lliiar lntll.,
iiiiiii'i. .ii,ih j. iiAT.'NVrii
Utn UtLiiiRiit, ii. (i.r. .
jiTri.M-J.u, itatiwt. rro.'iv .4.nl,
Wrren LodgO NO, 10, A. F. & A. M.
imi it ii. -i. I-- ... i
SjV'etloiii llio WnlncmUy Kvonlnu' on
Vor prffrdliiH tbc full moon. In Jicw
IF. Ilt.OOMM.Vff'v.
o, jicnni. n, r. Ki'mn.i..
JAretoNvtr.f.K, Onmox,
( ovpollli' Ihr (.'m.t lloiur.
All IuiIikm ccuhliilllfd to thrlr onra will
U nrotnilly ttlcndiil to. July 29. '.',
B. F. DO WELL, "
Jackxonviu.v, Onvno.w,
iiwi.w .....r ri-xiuir cumnm 111
Tflll practice In ull tliv Court of lh TMrd
I imitlcl.ili.Hai.NCmirtori)H.
oo.nd In lretn.Lul. Wnrhciliironiil-
lr collrclnl. Dot. 18.
. . & . -..... .
JjritMxril.i.i: Oiikiiov.
TTIH prcttco In tlic ConrlH of Oregon.
onicp, r.it twici iiuiidiiiK.
QEOFiQE d7 doruis,
JACSW.Nrll,, Oiikuox. .
Ml ' - If
KiiMtnc nur tu
Kouth end of OrfrROi)
Jmmry.3, ISKI
Photoxi'tuililo Artist,
Fi prtpnrrd to tnkn iTclnrtr In evrry tyl .
i in Kri. wiiii nil in,, inn, iiiiiiriivrinraiiH. '
lr rictiirro do not Mo rAlliucllon. nn
thirtti (fill lie made. Call Hi Id nuw OjI
Irry, on tbr bill, ciainlno bla plclmcf, and
ill for yonrljkenfii.
Ilmlrr In
y Dry Goods, Cfrocoricc,
HOOTfj, omj IIOi:S, ch
g Zlardwaro, fit Gullory, m'0(
Iino Xiquors, etc., otc.
pi in Mi old i-"iui:-iiionp V
lIKltiK, miiiIIi Mduor UiliromU
MmI, JitclJKiiiillK'. . oclKlf
Per further prllculara,cill nt Hcul'tr's
Gtoro.aiidace tbn Macblno In operation.
Mteblneioii band, for anlc.
JaeVaomilM. June lib, 1801, 3m
Wntclimakcr mid Jeweler!
On Oregon alreet, flrM door north of
,Ureuiaii0(i jacKioiiviiie, Ugn.
A e& na,i' 'V j
tiiv n imivirr
Manufacturer aiul repairer of
alliortaol Walchea, Uhrouometert, Clod'
IfuileaJ and other Iiuirumenlr, etc.
iAIk, JI'AVKLUY manufjctiirrd and
rrpalred, afler the mnt approved tyle uf
the art, and wnrraiitul for one j tar. I'rlces
accordlug to tiniea.
Chrluuuiieter and Walclmmher.
'Jfiekianvllle. Juno 2.T, I81II. Sm
.Hi, ii nrT in '
fifBsVekly lino of tfJaRea from Jacl.v
mvijlle to KerbyTiUqLoutl Waldo, Or
egoo, LtAvea Jacktoorille evefy
JUoHilay&, Thursday, 4 A.JM
U(ifig. leavei )Ynldo every
TiAMdny & Friday nCti P. M.
'ThroHfjli paraeutjrrt will be fnmUbed
ulthigool Vaddle-buraea at' Woldo.'for
5rwiKlily. ' ii-i' '
1.281)1,1801 ' octitf'
1 'Jhiii
;-rrr r--
I .1 .1
ryT-vvr- Tin lyi
The Spirit' Slirliiu.
nr urine a. iti'.vrisu.
Republished byiriqucst of llio nothoress'
l'Te licVnl tl said lliat nn thlt wilt
, w.i,i ...... i i.... . .i ..i ...
., ;. . ftre ,'Hl"'
' If "'Ii Wi mi. 0, where, my soul,
In lids eoU world 1 llilne-i
Knt In the gorgroii lighted hall,
, W'" ?"" "" 'Pn.lrmk ...scene,
, Ann Interludes of muric float,
.,, ., .,,, , '
"lcrc "auiy s r-yo mtgiii uriBiiur il)f-
I.nre'a Voice niiuno a made awur.
. ,.. .....I, ,,.!.. ,- i , '
" , '"' ', "J. , ' ,
, Nor to.sucb chirms Ittiworablpvpay. T
4 , -Ar
Vbre friendship's voice breath soft and
' tuu-imoncl love aweon averv ntrlnu-.
t '
Aim iTiiiuiiiy wiin toiivc wart
1 Wi'ot oStrltiK to llio aplrlt lrln
1 And lncM from Mollciwri'i
Wnftn errry Irftcc of Bloom ivwiy,
lurni llrn I vduIiI not cUln to tiow,
Tint' prtllilJj would Ud in vtnr.
N'or yt-l wlfro prIJo uium t Uo nln,
Wlivre uiomiiiuii't wlllarln' fiilo dutb
Ami Qokle fvor ibli nd lido
1 I'llOCarlll lllO "ICfMl'll lliin' .
' U'lipti- gM in y Ml llio ptleo of kiuli,
Or lllle will.- llio uplrlt'i wotlli,
: 0 coubi I li w it nifli 'i fltlne,
Tin- oblld ofn InuiHirlnl Llrtb I
Nor ould I knvel to lfurnln fount,
nt...t f. f..ti. -I..1.... L.il. t
' . ,.u". '"' !"'-"- .
I .!.. -.. Bull. 11 .& BU .
"J "l" " "'"' v.io.b,
Now llirrc to wornbtp wr n Mil.
And ubtlr my bert would Kraut .tppUuio,
And kIvo to clnc nil IU i)tvnf
I Hilt not unto II erect
A civ:ifrlnl iiliur tton.
i And prl'l'ii Dluro wtll I lort,
' Iby luv.ty idcnd itckbunnd bllli,
iT.'iy liliilus Wiiltr tciMd nud bribt,
Tby Upilii n n uud. illillnx tllU-
I Lure fprlnj,-'. ti:ilvr, d'y trrnlU,
I And lummrrV ry uf KldiHi Hxbt, .
And AulumnV roboof riolicr xlow.
A n J Hilda' m'tlc K'l"' f wtills.
TL HtvIiiK 'rov, thr trmbllnt; km,
AhLu tlic mluilrcl' ItiuUicI uot,
Tbtlr virion obnmu ironu ru tbruuS,
Aud o'r uy .uil to mvll In iMti. '
Yil rot to IbifO my iplrlt itnnjpi;
Dill upward mv3ip on wlnx of fire.
And to tbclr niltlior,phtlc, lunvi
Tbc oul' FinmorUl lyre.
Tbcro only, would wy rulril Imih",
Tbrc only, would I dvlttn loknrvl
Tlitru oitlili Mould nut prove umlu,
Tbvro only lovo rio'.vv Hi aval.
Saturduy' Dispatch.
San I-'raiielrro, I tilt. ivtticrn line out
order cih o( Omalm. 'I'luro m con-
i-rublc rfjolclnir Imt nluht, atMonutt tbc
; Krpubllcjiis lliruujilt'iul tbv 8Ulr, over tbe
uew Horn I lie hsitcru .Stale lectlcuj.
Under ileclclon of ConiiMtiiloner of In.
lernal ltorenue, tux of onelujf ofom
per cent, on bullion may be paid In curren
cy, ut a currency valuation of bullion,
Moll, In ifllct, makri tbo tar rqutl to a
coin rate,
TJieMint Siiperlnlrihlent glren ineclal
notice ibui an Inteiiwil rerniuw lax of baK
per cmt. will bo lev ltd on all depMitea of
Kold and illver bullion, payable in U. Ii.
currrnoy. Btamped b.ua, tsbicli Imvc once
paid rcvei ue lux, arc extiupt fiom further
Indict' ClirlttiMi Ooninilmion Fair nai
inaugurate at Agricultural Hill, Uit
eTenlnf;. An adJrcia wag ilellvcreO by
'iter. M. 0. Hrippf.
Private dlopiichrs o,unto 0nM,ye(er
iliy, from 1;0P($109 premium. Iegat
Nit VorkfiSth. Tribune's wrrwpoud
nt,wiib llullir, xrilM'tliat fifty deierlera
cams Into cainp'to-day,nud repocl exten
sive dinAtiffoetlon.
Ifeidipiarlcra, Army of the Jamet,10tb.
Knllrc linraipiM to day, except belling
of our troops by tbo rebels, at'Dqlch (Jap.
Unto this afternoon, heavy cannonading
was heard lit the direction of J'ttersburrf.
Tbo World' correspondent wllli Sherl
dan aaythe bile vjclory p'vet rebjsl.,evol
is (iw most complete ever won. Tbo (juris
captured hvhmjrvil (0 tbo celebrated Haiti
mora batteryi ,
Watbliigton illrpalcli from '.Marylaud
ayallljiWiifViTptifjtJH wiro llic lity-i
lion of the now coiiilUution.
l'lilluilolpbla, 12tli-''oniei' J'eif
olulrni a lt'iblican majorlly of from tbiw
to flvo tliA(is.-tjd, JVAfblv Later, returns
may reduce It, .I'cewtt, appearances iuuT
cato u gain 'ofMbree Uongreumvn. The
I'hlUdclpliU sst t;tte .Hint from llio r(i:
tun,) of 10 counties tbo Democrat huve a
galnoMa.OOO. ' ' '
iiir Yo'il,-, I.llli.-UhTel'Jiiillccnvi'cr,
II. T,iuv ilied qni.be,jeycnlvj, .o.l hi ?i)x.
r 1 MWAI14MjrfM.M
U'orltVt special, from Montreal, 1,1 III,
n.iy.i n rrixilnlliiii.pni.u'il.to-iluy In llio (Jon
fernncc, nfllnnlpg conrnJcratlon of Uritiih
'nililnijlon, l.llli. Secretory of,.tic
Trcniuryjiii niittiorlxetl Ilia Ifniufvi- In llio
Nnvy Department of the Itete,nuo ,brlg
i'nunlleroy, nt Hin I'r.mcixco, lilcli De
partment it lo thoroughly Arm, equip nnl
fit' It nut for lervlce wllli engineer Diillttim,
mi tlic leli'rnpli expedition (9 the north
ern conit of America nrul Itnt.In,
lniK.in'jpolli, 12ili. Forty-five cnuntiei
plvc a Unlen majority or 2l,00(). The
balance io'bq h,eard from rtj prpb.ibly In,
crcJFo'tho majority fiyo (Iipyfnnd. 'iVre
It 11 'null Union major hy.n lwiti'l)rniie.hn
of'bo Ri.ilntnrc. For Conircs.', .all
Uuion except tlio lit, 2d nml 7lh dlttrtclt.
Iliilllmnn, lfllli. Scnttcrinj relurm
from conqtlea Indicate that the vote on the
new eoDililntlon will be cloie. Thc'oldlcri
vo'uj will probably bs required to decide
the rr'ult.
rblladu'pht.i. IStli --nfpnrtil majnrttle
from 4.1 ennnttcf lnnv n Union majority of
S.C7.J. In (ho MMtlnliiK Z.I counlloi the
vole lt year rvc a Union mJ')rtty of
M. If ho allow total faMiiR oft" In Un
ion volo of 8,000 In couulle to bo beard
from, Mill a Union majority on the borne
role of ?V,H. TI16 ty claims a Rain of 20,
000 011 Outline vole, and that the Democrat
will have i majority nn llio homo volo of
'1,000. FdoIIiib up tabic reporlrd Demo-
emtio Rilm m far 1 1.2.12 In IT counties.
The 12lh, Coiirc.vlohiil illilrlet g,xm I, C00
Dmoeratlc majority. It wi reported nt
2,000. Unlnutit claim election of Win. W.
Ketchum In Conjjrefa tiy So Id lent vnlc.
Nih- York, t3. Ulcbmninl IIV. ba n
ilc'pifch from Anxnita nyrtbo rcporli-d
capture of ltntni with 3.000 neprnea l con-
lirmrd. Yanko' destroyed nil Ihelr More
and 2 aquirei lo Ibe tuitneM part of town.J
(lira, WUiirltr d.i'Unl Into Mnilclla, and
litinu'4 a Hook of bulldlnca nud the eourt
Iiojij. Tbo Yullow fgver itlll provallnl nt
Momlay's Dipatcli.
New Ymk, Wlb. Th H'wAI uy lb
Drmocrili in lti!ylratiin will prubtbly
obtain a nnjority nf fi,(l(J() on the home
rote, while lli.i 7Viuiie figurta oulovei'
3.(100 majority for the Union "irly, on the
home vnlc. The V'n.-.n' Walhlm-ton rpecial
atra tbo arrival Ihla morning, by mall
beat, from (Jity Point, report that the ene
my attrruptul to preuilralo our liuea by
analUck on the cmUr of the 2d corpa,
bill were rrpul.nl.
Cincinnati. Ulh Tim Union mijority
in Ohio, on the homo role, if uboat 'J'tfilO;
the toldicu' rote will probably increuie It
to Bft.000. Kvvcntccii Uniuii Cougrcsi
men are elided.
Wjihlnloii, I lib. A gtngnf.Moiby'a
ituerrilli, In ilrmig forro, yesterday, at.
lucked the outer piekUii of ll,c 2d Diilricl
of CVlumliU raiment, italiuuu) at While
I'IiIik, on Manillas railroad. A guard uf
right uen were captuied. 'i'im rffker In
comuuud vrai iliqt in several place, aid
abaiidoiud to bin fute.
liallimore, 1 lib A sin.il! body of Moa
by'i guerrillai eroiutl tlis I'olonue Into
Montgomery county, Maryland, during llio
tail 2-t hour. To day tlicy wro driven
Neir York, Ifilli.The UtuxUl't correi
pomlent, h riling from Jlorlliuburg, Mill,
u;a Moa by iiimIu a uiott audacioua and
lucceatful attack ou a wedern-bound ex
pie train, ten tulles raM of lhh town.
Tbo engine was driven off the track, two
paymaiten and icvcral other ofliceia cap
tared, wllli over CWOOO (Jovernmeiil
fundi, l'lirenger were robbed of money
and vuluabtea, cam tet on Gre, and the en
gineer and fireman so badly scalded that
their recovery la doubtful,
Chattanooga, loth. Uen. Schofkld ar
rived hero to-day, and ot sumei general ill
reclion of affair. The inerny ore reporleil
in foreo at -Dillon. Co). Johnson, wilh
tbo 4 1th colon (1 regiment,, ii making a de
termined defei.ee. Chatlauooga ii strong
ly fortlged and amply aupplied. Tlierciv
Iroop epongh there lo.miko uiifflccUtut
and aiiccrsfful rn!lnncf. Bliermaa bcioic
ou 1 1 ooda rear,
Washington, 15th. All cojitImjcs.nu.Wt
along the lines ol ho Potomac, eieen 9c-
cailonal picket firing. Secretary of,!))".'
Treasury, and other prominent personage",
Jiavu left )'ablugton,for the Army of the
Ti Winie'i Atrmy of, the. Jomcs cyrrca
pouileiil, p )l.c')Ii), pya psr gunboats
tu d.y eucci-coeJ in ,slrticlug n rebel bat-"
ery, 011 the squIi stdo, of the Jatnts rycr,
from wlilcli. jhey jiayo rvcenDy,ic(;ii ubk;
to tiirow sliella Jnto Dutch Ua.p,taraong
Our vrorkinu partips. Tbo cjimal, I, rojid
ly npprojcbing completion, atd clvca,
hromiso of success. .Mailers at the front I
uro wJIJi0ut,)uteria cbuijgo. ,
New York, 15lli, Ittralil't special iflys
lha majorlly ogalnstbe ,cpusHt,u,tbjn, (i
!MaVyaud, is nt Joast flvv llipu?aid. , ,
IUolimond Vixamintf lava all 'Yankee'
nrJner At' 1K-Mu 'Islu Llbby"j)rliou',,i
oncjll ijic)rn1lnlq, pofuliliaYa .llvWo
rixupJ Htilli, Tbo nboU number soW-at
-'wi Jjrvfww.ajfcrfciitra
IUclimond, tick aud
well, Ii not lit hull'
- 1 ilrtl.
Xbc Whig wys 200 rebels, who had de
leted to (Irani, nturnod under lc'y or
ilerjpardonlng and furlougbing them.
,'J'lio Lxamuitr n llio damage done to
llio Virginia central railroad by tflierid.tn
has been repaired, nud Imlni now run to
Staunton. The anmc paper ln tin nc
count of a fllit In Nnrib Curnlliu, be
tween a rebel battery and reveral Yiitikec
gnnh0.1l, and claim that the gunboats
tHt.'Ijmiln, lMb.-Dlupqlches from MilJ.
Wlllliimt.nf the lOlli ICnutiu regiment,
MV.-hc has taken no.trrilnn of IMInt Iviinb.
Uu.ttrJ slfrroupdlnir region were found 2fl0
ntntinlcil-rcbel, Includlni; 2C commission
ed nfflcerf. (2cn. Ilniccrntia has Imool
slrlngent orders for tic government of the
coming election.
I). 1'. Randerjon. Colonel or I tie l.llh
regular Infantry, nnd l'rovnit Maralml
(leneral of the Department or .Mlantirl,
died today, llocuccrnnt readied Jifl'-r-on
late taotglil. A t lat nccnunts. Frlcn
train was nn Trtmlnc river, with Ida malu
forco near by, whence he was to mnvc
westward. Our envulry advance was said
to have been rrptilred nn the 12th. but hn
since been reporlrd at Sedalin. (Irentrx
cltcmcnt exists In ICnmn. The .Milllln
ha bcen-calleil out In repel lhclnvalon.
Waslilnglnn, l.llli. The remain of
Chier. ImlleoTnney were accompanied to
tlic railroad, to-dny, by President Lincoln
and several member or the Cabinet, Tio
body will Im conveyed to Frederick, Mil.,
for IntCTtnent. No doubt Is enlerlnlned
among the friends of cx-Keerelnry Chae
but that ho will bj appointed Chief Jus
lie". Nuw York, ltth.-fiidd. 2:1 l'JilRr
Tuesday's Dispatch.
New York, lAlli.lly arrival nr supply
steamer from Pensacola, we have purlieu
bus nf Ailiothc's pxpedllloii iriln FIorKJa.
Hcreturnrd to Pcnucola on the lt, bnv-
In? been completely riiiwrssfnl. IJo
brniight In over 210 prisoners, -110 nrgrois.
100 head of cattle, 400 miller, und 11 large
amount of stores and niumunlllon, As
bolhe rerilvul a wound which will prob
ably nrcilal the amputation of an nnn.
Poliib (lovernmtitt bai Issued n proola
nation declaring that revolution was still
in progress,
New York. 15lh. IhiM'i lOlli corps
corriepnudeiit. says the mlK-Ja nre bunt
Ihrowlugtipja new Hue of wmka aero;
ilia road, about one mile ouUlde their main
works, enclosing the cily. Tbc some cor
rriponJent t:j number. of convaleaccuU
and recruit nro constantly mriving, and
appear o be n hardy, iutelllg-iit class of
men. '
lltnM'i correspondent, wllli (Ireci'a
cavalry, any a recnntini'tapco was made
hy 200 of tbo 13th Pennsylvania., on llic
night or the lllb, to nteerlain tliostrvngth
of Ihc enemy lu the vicinity nf Stony
creik. 'IVy passed the rtUI picket, cup
luring Kl prisoners, screr.il inuhs.ntid re
treated without loss. Rebel force is strong
ly Intrenched, and consists of seven thous
and Infantry and cavalry, under Wudc and
Hampton. The lltrahl't filli corps corres
pondent sars ihe total loss of that corjis,
In the Pi r'ar drove fight, was 203, of
whom 1.12 were misting.
Duller, being convinced that colored
soldiers nrc pat to work In the rebel In
treiichuienls,has notified tho enemy that he
has also put rebel officers and men to work
at Dutch Gap Cunal. It Is staled that
our colored troops hare been murdered by
Iho rebel', after capture, in front of (be
army of the Jumts.
Washington, Mlh. Returns from 24
Pcniitylruiiia regiments give 3,050 Uolon,
and 350 Dvmocrnlio votes.
Nuw Yotk, Ifilh, Hull's report upon
the, testimony gathered concerning treason
able societies formed in the loyal Slates,.!
published In (lie Uwiiiig Voit, to-tby.
According to report, the Ircasouablo order
embraced societies bearing various titles,
iucUui Mutual Protection Society, Circle
of Honor, Circle pf Knights, Uolden Cir
cle, Corps Dd.imicqiidSqnilKcn Legion,
Order of American Knights, Order of Sons
or IJberty, .Knlgbls of Order of .Sons of
Liberty, ,1'esco, , Organlutloq, .American
OrganUt.(on, Pfinocrutfc Rjiiog Ifpoin,
aud M'cpl'eliau Minute men. Tha litlcr
Kilo is ono borno bv several nollllcal nso
clatloDS In 4S"w York, aud other parts ol
tbo Northern States. Holt says' it teems
to tie a branch of the O. A. R., having'
suUstaulially the' eamo oujvpl to apedm-
piisii, iiv ineuna ivswreniv tuiuq iu mv
luybl Slates In which (lu-y oto cstablisheeir
Chief KKjfetaryi of this' ewuclatlou.'Dr. D.
F, Slovens stated, June last, to reliable
ivltuesies, whoso testimony has been furn
ished,. that those who reptesent McOlellenV
LbUercst,.are.eopelk,d to .preach vigorbrut
proeiilloq,ofwar,'in onkrtoi secure pop-
liiluci sAnlinwut, im1 allure voto. Mdi
CielUH.'Minuto Men appear1, frow,lrculr
isittetl.iby .ebltt4 see-retary at NV 'York,
U organized upon a utilltary LailavklRllIar1
to that.pf thcioriWrtlp'roperaDilelle cbtM-1
poseil of companies, one for each election
district. Ten companies constitute a brig
ade, with n brigadier Oit. tit It head. The
whole Is under n cnmnnndcr-ln chief. The
final aupremc commander of the order was
P. O. Wright, editor of tha News, whoj Chattanooga, IfStb. Our foroes today
was hut Slay sent to Fort Ifayettc. ' reached Ringgold nnd tha lllock Ilonse,
Ynllnndlglmin was hi sucecmor. Robt. tltree miles In advance, nnd found the rail
Ilollowny was T.ient, (lencrnl, and nctrd road and brldgossnfc. Nn commuhtoatlon
In Vnllandigham'B stead ilurlng bis nbsence. wills Sherman, lie has scoured abundant
Col. J. I). .Sanderson. In bis report of llio supplies ut Atlanta, anticipating snch
prngrci of llio order, oxprces hit opinion
mm ins orucr wn lounucn uy aitatioig-
htm, during Ida banMimenl upon couiuiln-
iI.h ...111. T..n 11..I. .1 ..,1... Mk...uf...i
"",'"IUI """ "" u'ui iuiui , proro uisnstrou.
trallora In Itlchmnnd. The order lu Indl-j ;
ana IomI tliolr drat ritual camo direct from for rt Stutintij .t
Dnvl and 0110 witness pollivly stales Hint DilcHlng. r ,' 1
Davl li a member. Tho numlier btlnglng,i .1' , , . , ' .
to the order tun teen variou.ly ertlmatedl I!vry PC0P' 'mm their own clrcum
from atiO.nnotn 1.O0O.000. Vulhindlnham . '"fw "u PcutUr turn of mind, haro
labli epeieb at Dayton put It nt 500,000
which le probably nearest the truth. They
ire connected through Intl., III., Ohio, Mo.
and New York, lu March lal tho entire
armed foroa of the order capable of being
notified for elfeollva rcrtloe, rcpretsntcd at
.110.000 mrn ; Instlmony coe to ahow that
arm have been furnUhrd to members. In ;
Viwliro nlllce were found loiters to Ilx
Senator Will I nf N..J, lu regard to Hie pur
ehao of 20,000 GnrrlUMI rifles to be for
tA'ft mIajI In tnnn iiFtia nitttt (n Its CirurAiMlvit .
by way of Canada and paid fo' by aft i M,cin' l, bc n l of ,lie mm mIl,,' ll"t
ments upon the lodge. There was mtioh wlierf ,,wl1 r.tlinentsi urc posicsscd by nny ,
lelimony taken upon this ioInt, report full I"0'''''' ,,ie TCr mS"n5Q ol that pcoplo
uvldenoe of extensive operations. This par-, ,vl" contlntto to perpstuato those scntl
Heular ritual containa bmad declarations of, '"" nm'ing overy (woplo that speaks or
State rliihli ngnlnU thu attthorlly ol the cultivates it latiguaje. In iho Ltstoryr
Klcrul Goremment to coswo by arms utiy : of the onalont Oerm.ins, wc see tha germs'
Soteivigiifilfctc, amlftveia that tlio exeou-, of onr modern Ariglo kixoi'i clvlllsallo'ii. .
tiro urflccr of the Govt, may be expelbd by ( The ancient OVrman was lje In battle,.
rorco or armi when they refmo to aduihihi-, lived contented wllli one wife, whom Ji'u
icr 11... uovi in nceoruuiieo win. in i, n,r,
Mluourl that on Joining ho umlerMood the i
object was to furnlib aid In tbv Confedoraor.
Uo sd.li. the oiilrliintllulii ctery reapsit,
to tbo General Gov't and friendly 'to the'
..... - .r . o. ... ..U..M...,.,..,.. uaui ue-, pcmH , ,uiIm, bai..-rounil ( J,,,orr.
areiaa niemuers wniuaemi w.u, nrius. , dralI; ,,, , , w , -r ,
lie principles of the 01 d.T whenever dree- .. f t.. , . ,, ... ,-" .
uO to by competent nulhorlly of the onto-1 "' ,OTe1"",, ! ran sl1 'i1' ,,aw ' ,
lit... adiul.led by on. of the oidr lu l PU!"e """. " 'S duels. Tho '
Confvd 'rata Gov't the order Is cxolu.htdy dime grounded and Idealized In tho d'er
made np of disloyal persons dealrlng the In. J mnn language. And At tho present ehry
depend'uee of Ihc confiileralet with a vluw I wherover the language spoken is liiiiiudl
of restoring tho Uulun a It wa. The pur-' atcly derived from the Tuutonlc, the iirotes
poan or (be order aro thown to bs aldlna tout religion ottolns while the corrupted
wld!vrlod.eit,eHslruotlonof Gov't pro-j lMln Idiomi bold among their household
perty, prlvato properly of Union men, and wonIf lll0 Joclr,BC of ,,,, ob h of -niially
cxlenulnal. tho Norlberu Confeder. I A,(, flmong lIlctcDlrocnoriljc oIJ bu:
Not York, Wlh.-A Wter purported to ! ''"? GamMt "h ,C?a.r "M U0' obIa ,0
have bten wltlen by the rebel Vlet-IWdent '
ntepliens, In wpjy to a letter from soveral
of bit fellow-olllsens Is piibllilitd. He says
ao person more nnUully desire an cud of .
warllun lie ; but It Is not in his power nor ,
In theirs to bring It about. JIo ay n rcc
.xulllon of the soverelgwlly of Statoa It tbc
only solution of Inmblv. The Mm of main.
tabling the old Union or any Union br forco
I ir poterou. Tho iiilijugjllon of the
.South bv North would luvolvo tbv d4lruo
lion of tho Coiialltullon, nnd overthrow
their liberty as Mull as ours. Any jxtace
growing out or any .State esUblUhvd by
rorco would bo as rontons to tlicm as to u.
The Chicago Convention as fur as the plat
form goes pmcnti a light which tuny break
lb. dawn or day (o this long cheerless night.
A convention of atatc for Ibe mlhutni-nl
nf mirdlAkjilllva 1 have uo objection.
Washington, 17lli. Offlcial Informsilon
been received that on the evening of tho 14
Col. Ga.iervort of tho Mlh N. Y. cavalry I
surprMd Mo.eby'a command near I'lodmoiil I
Va. captured nil artillery, cantiilluji ! of 4
guna. ca tsous etc., nlo a number of boraee
.... ', . ,. e. -,..!.,.
and nrlioners. A number of tecossloulil
of Alexandria, luwo been placed upon Ma
lianas trains to run the rl.k of being shut
by builiwhackciswho llio on trains.
Nvir York CvmuitrciaV special says six
northern counties of Yirglnla nro to bo de
populated and Iho Inhabitants iint lu the
rear, In older to prevent guerrilla opera
tions, New York, J7th. Ms correspondent,
with Duller, or the 13th, says our toeses In
Ibp reconnoltianc on Iho Darbytown road,
on Iho 13th, arc 18 o.llceii and SS0 men.
Thoenemy's Qrlng ou Duclh Gap Canal m
ceased, iluco Uullcr placed a unmber ofi
prUqners pn it.
eaii,riauolo, J8lhlT-I.cgal Tenders 49a
20. Gold on tho 15i1i,,2,J5j2;21, -Aprgm-
incut Democrat here, ycateiday received a
telegram slating that Pennsylvaplabad glv-,
en a dv'tnperatlo majority, including (hi
soldiers' voto. ' '
iNcw York, i'7lli. Aslilnglon sneclal
to the 2'nouile' says tho 'majority folr new
constitution In Maryland, Is P00. A'oor
becs, of .Imjhiui, s rcslected,' by.leti tlao,
,100 majority. iGross ,ilcg9liy3ia,.ph8rfed
nn(lils qeatiis o bo qoDteledlltllcibl.H-it
believed, wjll.chnpge thp,rc4ult.
Ginoinn,tl, J7ih---ll3lurns frpm, 73
co'imtics. (n Qdo, glyo a Union majority pf
.Philadelphia, 17th. Tho Liquirtr says
hp returns fiom tho Pennsylvania elections I
foot up a Uuloti majoriiy, on tho homo
votp,'o( Ufi'Ui.
at. LoullStb,-The IW.twra's Jeff.-r-sbn
City dispatch, snys''tbe Pacific railroad
U running to Lamjoe llridge, and troops.
are ocinr rsp'uiy .'" (uere. uen. rax
leaves iu'thc ino'rnlug on du important re-
IX. NO. 40
connolssrince.-- Plcaantonl-8tnrta Tor tha
front torrjnrrow, to take commnnd of U19
cnvnlry. It Is believed that lr onr mpiiat
ed forces moro rapidly, Price's train will
be cnplurcd.
,' movemonts. Rebels' six months supplies
nro nn hand. Our officers reel Hood is
InnLHn, A h.nMm.nl ll..l ...til . ..l-fjl
' ..
t "" ,w,.i,ivi,fc lull n 111 UViiaiUf
1 "iginnicii uws, custom, nnd sonllmcots,
which nrc in uiemirives niigencrl. Al-
mat nil the nnclont barbarian wcrcpolyg.
am lit J, yet tlic (Herman, say Tucllns,
werp content with ono wife. Tho Jewish
scntlmonls, commencing with Abraham,
strengthened In Hgypt, nnd stomped by
Mows with religion and law, remain ,to' ',
this day, nml give coloring to the. modtni
clvlllsiition of that peculiar people, whrrovj.
cr seittUrrd among tho Gentilcf. And It
took with him wherever ho went, Invrd. le-
"""r "a"J" w"" wu uermans.
' ll0 a,it" '"'"' "'l language rcqulrr d,
" 1&x$, tho Jomau (VathpllpJIlellglqn k
w,,Ich mn pmpagateil in Litln. never bo-
. '"l ' w u'Wl"ciy unn.inat or ducll.
lug deeply rooted. The Greeks, althousli
they had a duel numlwr In their language,
Ilcvcr fought duels. And among tho Ro-
tmn an appeal to the gods was mora sat
a.uk-iurj- io a leiiow-couairyman man a
challenge to single combat. As the duel
or David und Goliath hud deoiehd the bat.
tie for Israel, so Matiliui contended la sin
gle combat with tlij Gaul, and tho 'J'rigom
In!, Iloralll nnd Curialil fought a telplu
duel for tho Runnni and Albatit, Hut n
Ronun fought no duel with u Roman. And
as n punishment, nothing, certainty, can bj '
more absurd than duelling, for the Injured
man Is us llkoly to b? killed as tho aggres
sor. Though tho barbarous Gcnimu super
stlllon made men believe thnt Heaven
would sida with the innocent. And hence
the llurgundi made the wager of battle a
part id llwir munlolpal law. Aud this
d.IM of sujierstitluns Ignoranco remained a
on lim8 ... ... ,.. of .,,,.. ,.
o)( ,, B0W mMt countries bare
. , , , , , , ,
mac enactments to entirely obollsb this
rolio ol barborism, yet some of the most
eminent men of our own country have been
engaged in it. In tho Southern States,
where the few are iutelligcnt abd insolent,
and tbc many Ignorant nud servile, this
barbarous practice has always been encour.
aged and applauded. Aud n Southern '
gentleman never attained to the honor of
the (hit families without shooting at soma
body. To couduct a nowspapcr, frequent
ly required two editors, the one to be kill
cd iu n duel and the other to write Ms cpK "
toph. In a higher order of civilisation;-1 '
however, duelling must be considered as no'"
reparation for dishonorable uggresslon, but
as unwarrantable murder. Who can reflect
upon the talented Hamilton without' feel
ing tkatijia was murdered T Aud who can '
walk QVerjlbe gravo of llurr, lying by tho' '
side of bis father in Princeton, NewJcray '
without a head or foot-stono to mark his -restiog
place, without laying to himself
that this man's character merits oblivion t '
But the best way to prevent duelling Is to
provide an adequate, legal remedy for Iiv1
sultt. Aud, in this respect our laws are.
Ypry.dcCpicet; .'J.'hcrp ore, no doubt, cas
where wealthy ,ond ipfluciitla! men insuUi.n
their neighbors with impnnily. The law
prqvldes uOjreiueJy. Tie so-called law of
honor cannot, bo retorted to, ond t strike
the insullordpHit will subject an Individ-, it
ua tP ijorerp legal pnutef, '1 III, fliate ot , i
things is notliing woreqr )ci-s;tlmn giving,
the Influential full Powfr to (pre) it.ovprtha,
'liurnbje., ,'1'hls Is wippg, nnd bp .uglo
sJHi9n,ra,cq .vill .generally piefer, plural
IJborty-witb nllilsiocopvcuipnccs than.pW'
II tlegrttikllons. , A.Mtinoios,
t i,s . ? aJMesV ift
:jtir,im',.t- 'J lit j.K. tt' :JWlt,j - I'.i.
Ytgrrtmmatimmrwtr mPTu r-iffm "-fv ?