Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 15, 1864, Image 3

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    iffl mmjmmi
Olorlons Nows Pcnsylvania, Ohio
t and Indiana tmo to tfee Union
. Tdsdlo-ton, tLoag.Cox, &Co. rocoivo
their tontonco nt tho Ballot-Box.
The new from llio clcollonsln tho Hlates
tiJnjbM ryoTtraKldgt 1$) nfi'd probably 17
fjulon KcpreMntnifvc', have been elected In
Ohio. Indian has gone by n largely In
created Uiilon majority. Pcnsylvarila ha
probably given 20.000 majority on (he home
rote, ami lmr noble sons In tho field will
swell tbatVctcritt thousand more.
The woe-begono appearance, and tone
drawn countenance of tho Democracy In
this County, Indicate tho great Impending
crash that await them soou.
liABCRNV. On Inst Saturday tilghl, one
Cbarlea Wilson, a light -fingered gent, who
h'bccti prdwllu&nround'lown for touio.
time, captured from tho U.S. Hotel, a fine
Henry Repeating Rifle, belonging to MJ.
Bowmau, and cilt dirt for a more genial dl
mate. Deputy fihcrlfl Reams followed and
overtook him nt Cole's Mountain Nome.
tJ brought hlni back. Ilo Imd, however,
sold the gun for 820 Wilton was brought
to" a hearing on tail Wednesday, btforo U.
tJ.'lUyitcn, J. V. He plead guilty and
was boaml orir'jn default ol $.100 bond..
A rolce from Willow Springs says he
ti for iJncoln bcraasc )ivi was elected on
the 1'rctidrnl orcr the whole 61 thu Uuiltd
Stcs, and for fiiur years has bad lit
tnoit arduous diiilcs to perform of nj
President that ever occupied the Preil
drrtt'i Chair, nfid'he wahh blin to Ir'uo an
opportunity lo assume nil Ilia functions of
the ofilce to which ho was rltclrd, before
be haves bin scut, to wit : .111 tho duties
of tho President of nil the Statu.
AonAnos. This Is .Uicidvlly r.n rge j
of agitation. The pcop'e arc continually
agitating. Agitating over the war news,
agiUtlnjf over election news, agitating n
to who will U themxl I'rraldnit.ttc. Mr
Imls orn(pot to bo behind the times,
bas dctermlnnl to give hit patrons un op
priHnm'iyMA iigltAlo their jx-rsnitf,',at n
nNi) IIali., on the first of next mouth.
Head his AdvcrtUrmrnt.
. i r .I. ...
" AliBifhtiT I'onnrrss Ins 'recently
pi!d a law that no person shall bo pe'r
inllted l rfid Hrndbtiry.ainJ Wado'a ncn
Adrettlsemcnt, whlc! isiecrctd in itnutb
r column of tho Hc.NriNKt.. The object
of.lhls lair Is to prcventlbeaccldi-nts and
nfifeiIon consrrjiiint'npoti the -great rush
to tbelr store, which always fa' lows the ar
rival of their Irmnenro stocks of nw good
BiXirihT f-ninger Hernuii,'Iq., on'lait
Eslunlsy.iicllvereJii.il eloquent and patriot
io addrrM at Canyonville, In btbalf uf,
bdf'slcW'kid w0uud.4 Siddlcrs In the il-M.
After wklch, In a wry short pcc of time.
The great beartid citizens of that vicinity
-donated tbo sum of $100, In coin, tu thai
Jltaven ordained Institution tho Sanitary
ii '
Omar I-'ALu-ThiTit bsn recen'ly been
djfcamrd, great falls In Snake River,
rivaling In grandeur those of Niagara,
lint tbise will bo but the drippings of the
ravespnnt, compared lo Ibe great full or
IbctSnaZ fmriy nliicl) ivtll 1m discovered
Abort'y aflrr the 8th oj next month.
McClellau will get About one quarter of
the CoppvrhfBil vnte-li,Chicago plnlfortn
will get tlmntlitr llireo-ft.urlhs. The cum
blneil vote 0fl3lli will not be numerom
eroiigb lo elect rllbcr of them. Rut either
will eel rnnngb to eternally damn both.
"Diiflif Sititctman.
I'MACiitxfl.-'ltor. M. A.Willlams will
preach In the Mi-llitxllst Church, to morrow,
at eleven o'clock A, M.. after which tin
Baersmrnl of lb Lord's Supper will be
adininlilirnl. Services this morning it
Icvco o'clock
Ftas.-dier Hritt, Ej.. on. yesterday,
bowed tu n fig tree In bi orchard, loaded
with fiarn Just Hpcokitf,. bclnjr the seenml
rp Dipt Ims rlpneil lids year. Tho flrsl
rep matured In July.
The besti place Jn Jacksonville to spend
n boar, occasionally, Is Teler llrltt' I'ltf.
Wra'plL sljery, TI)n7trTlsldrie .In pel
plclnres. bad Ix-ttjcr callnround before the
cloudywrntherselsln. .'
jArasoxvnxr J'ltMii.B Fatoot .TIds
popular inntilnttor. of leo'rnlng will com.
mr-Kc'e'iVirfP month' term. Mondays Oct.
7tth, nnd-r tho uperlnteudenco of Mrs
Jane M. JfcColly.
i..i i. ..
Tho JoeJonvllo Lincoln & Julnwon
Club, on the'7lli Inst, had a grand rally, nt
tbo Oert Honse some two Impdwl pr
sons were. preKnt, all prim full of Union
... . i -
A, promliierjt Copperhead Informed us;
ytslcrUay that bo would vola for any msn
who wj nominated on
tho Chicago. pint
ifoneven ir.lt waourclf that occupied
s-lkir ollMnJ.AhemM ' v"
Ocn friends bttie vafloui counties will,
bTgfsJ'toi'a'rfittiit fi'trMnendoua reaction,
Is taking plaea In Poulliern OreKon. and
Jaek'on County, ba's niado up her wind to
go for Ask and Amiv.
Wft9-ro our ow'pblno County friend
d ilng t aro tbey going to let ho Grave Dig
ger Uk Judirement by default t or am thfy
iUayk-Cr.lue,ltittrt.yr.tlietr.couiijy )
Wb would Kdvlio alt who seek the truth,
to torn out' to-day, nd biar Junou Wit-
iuui ;id alt wbq wlb,to bo pa tin pop"'
Hr"Mlid lurfl ont't'o-nwit aurVburrah
for Old 1kciIi
2 RRaiah KMswr.--'liiCwUoardtOf Trus
tew, of Jacksonville, will meet In rranlsr
ml9n,at tbeTp.wn RecordsrV OfTice.Tura
tAyQct. 18th, at 7 o'clock P, M.
Jlenoliitloiis of tho Union Nu
(loitnt Convention.
1, ttttotvrd, That ll l tho highest duty
ol every American clllion to maintain
ngnlnst nil their enemies, tho Integrity of
the Union and the pnnimnunt nulhnrliy of
the Constitution nnd laws of the United
Stntca j nnd Hint, laying aside nil differences
nhd.pOllllcitl opinion?, we pledgu ourselves,
ns Union men, nnlmiltc-d by n common ob
j ct, to do cvirythltig in our power to aid
tho Unrcrnmint In quelling by foico ol
firms the rebellion now rnging ngnlnst Its
authority ; and In bringing to Iho puntsh
incut due to their crimes the rebels and tral
ton nrmed ngalnit It.
2 llttolvtxl, That wo npproro the deter
mination of tho (Internment or tho United
Slates iiOt to compromise with rebels, or
lo offer nny terms of peace except such as
may be based upon nn urfeondllloiml sur
render of llu-lr hostllliy nnd n return to
their jml ullcirhincc or the Conilltution und
laws of the United States; nnd lliat we call
upon tho Oovernmeiil tn'muinlnin this po
H.lion, nnd tn prnMcute the war with the
utmntt pnsslhlu vigor to the complete sup
prrsslou of tho rebellion, In thu full relhinev
upon the svlfsncriu'aiiig patriotism, heroic
valor, niul iho undying dcvoilou of the
Amtrlo.ui p-npte to their country nud tu
lit frfc Institutions.
3. llt'olinl, That as slavery was the
cause, and now constitutes the strength of
this rebellion, nnd mil mutt he, ulwny nnd
everywhere, hostile to Ihu principle of re
publican government, tuilloo nnd the tin
nttionul safety ili-maml its ntler nnd coin
pick extirpation front the toil of the Iteptili
lie. And that while wo uphold und main
tuln Iho aciH iir.d proclamations by which
tin- Government, in Its nwn defense, hi
n'med a death blow ut this gigantic evil.
wo nre in favor, lurlhcruwri1, of such nn
nmeiidtiii-ul lo the tonstiiullnn, to beinadi
bylli pruple. In crirtformlly ivlllt lln pru
visum. n aliu'l ti-rtnlniti1 unil futi'UT 'o
blbll I lie PxUtiitiii ol slavery within the
limits or Jurisdiction of the United States
I. Haulicd, That the thnnlis of the
Americuii (Ksiplt1 uro duo to thu iialdtcr
ami Minors in me nrniy iiriti navy, won
l'vc pulle.1 their livra in ddenio r their
.... ...! I.. ..I ...1 I... . I.... AT II. i. II.. .a .
liHHlir Ullil III VMI1IIUIIIIIM1 vi iinr uu;
that the nutinn tiwos to liirm snmu pcinu
n-nt rcrognlilon or their viilor, uml
uinpttf and pernmnent prnvltons fur
tliifif their survivom who linve rect-Ueil
illMbling und honorable wnuwN In the srr
vioi of th cn-iulryj uhd lint thu memo
rlrn of iIiom who b.ivu fallen In its defrtw.
slmll In-held Ii) grateful and evcrl.istlug
ft. irsuin, That we approve and np
plaint thu pfjclle.il wisilmii, the unm-UMi
jw.til'ilinu. niul the tinswerviuu: fiihlily In
iIh- Constitution nnd the prluelplea ol
American lilH-rly with which Abraham
Lincoln bus di'cliargnl. uuilr clrcuiiHtuii
cvh nf tinpiriillrliil dinicufiy, the griMt du
liii nnd responsibility of the 1'ioidentinl
olTlce ; that we approve nud Mul'iru-, us do
munilet) by the eiivrirency nud ull.il lo
tho preservation (if the lull ion, und ut with
In the provisions of the Cniuiiiiitlnn. the
mrnrures and acts which he lui uihiptrd tu
defmd the nalinli ngaintt Its open uml S
rret foc8( that wo npprnvc especially the
IVncliimilion of Emanclriatlou, nnd the
employment of Union soldiers n men here
lofore'hetd In, slavery ; and that we havi
full confidence In his determination to car
ry on Itirso nud nil other ConMiltitloiml
ineA'Urr rmwiitlnl to the salvation of the
won try with full nnd cnmpleto idVet.
(j Rnohcth That we deem It essential lo
Itw geiu-ml welfare Hull harmony sIimiiM
prcMitl in tlw Nullnnal coout-iN. ntd'wr.
regard as worthy olfilTluia! trust lliote on
ly who cordially endorse llm principles pro
clulmul in III-'' rifo'iilliiin, nnd which
sbmt'd cli trader iza tlw iidmliiljtrnlloii of
7. Hmlrtd, That Iho Government owes
In all men imjilnyiil In lis nrnilcc. jvilhoul
ii'irunl to dlftinctlnn of color, Ihe full pro
lection of the laws of war, nud that uny vl
o'atlon of tliero laws, or lint uiagi-A of clvl
ilwil ynlloiu in tlmo of wnr. by Iho -rebels
now In itrmi, should bo nuJo the subject of
prompt und full rvdn. ' "-.1
8. Ittsolvet, That foreign emlgrVtlon
within iho past lias added mueh toSlij
wivlth. di-vclopnient.of resource and 'In'-
cruiie of mer to luis nation, tlie isyhinn
iifilio 0ipiiBrd ofnll nation, thnqld Lk
fiiilernl nnd cncouriiucd bv a lib?rul'iuiJ
just toller. B
v 9. I too! ltd. That we' aro In f.ivor of the
sperdy construction of a ruilroad (0 th'
10. litttlrtl, That tho nttlonal faith
pledgrl for the rediniptiiin qfr tliMfinbllo
debt mint bo Kent inviolate, and 'nr abls
purpost wo recommend economy. nnd irigld
riyponsllt'lty In the public expeudlluref.
nnd n vlgorou nud juit system of taxation;
Hint ll Is Urn duly ot every loyal Stole to
sustain tho crulil and promote the pso of
tho national currency.
11. Recked, That we npprovo the pn
sitlon tnken tiv Ihe Government, that the
peop'i- of the United Suites can never re
uard with indiffetence tho attempt of any
Kurtprnn powr to nverlhrow liy force and
supplant by fraud, tlielnsllljillniis of- nny
Republican tlnvernment on tho Wjstern
Cpnlinent. anil will view with extreme
Jea'ousy, n meimelng the imicp and Inde
pendei.cv of their nwn cuuntry, the iffria
of any such power to obtain new fnothnhU
for inoonrch'cil governrncntf. suttulneil by
forel-ru inllliary force in ocar proximity ol
the Unlttil States.
-- ii .. " r '
Tub Miu-kxioi at IlAND-UIsrald, In
tho Hook of books, that when this Tcrrcltal
rphere shall wax old and npproacinlgh un
to Its end. that the wolf shall dwell with tho
damb, and He Jeopard liadowo v,llh tho hid
. to. A clrcuma'jinco o;cnrred'ona nay urs
week, llmtlviiUS.Ip bdlovo thatpabrlel was
soinewnerein iuii ticuuiy. n ii'
htoGub was walking tho street, Old Ar
kaiicawcbanced to deierie him 5 whereui-
pnbo mhed lo his fldf. took him Ijy tho
arm and marched down me sirm. n"r'n
1 si as r tluep. Now, thrc s one Hibfg cer
t.inrelllur Iho world t coming (0 an nd,
or "Old Suggs" has an nxo to grind, It is
possible, however, that It may to a result of
tho Chicago Convention. "
'TlIAXXii lo Uobt.
superb applet.
Wrlsly for n baoket of
In Mlllvllle. California
ou the I7lli utt.,-
fc'ifiAN'.daiiKtiier of Jeraen Dogget, In tho
n tbo
17 th year or her agi late of Sam's
In thU couuty,
It makes four distinct stltc.Ucs,
fcctls the li-ork cither fvny,
HGWBtliln and ltcnvygdetls
without change or ten
sion, Mill pnther and
.bow on ut tho same
sprinosto oivr out or or-
id seweu in 'i-iiu yom.u. KV.
RANTED. Wc, tha undersigned, liavo each purchas
ed a luuiKNCi: SMVINU uaciiim;, und have
them now In ne,
Wu have thoroughly tested them on work
of nil grudes beiwy, medium nud llubt
nud our n.iluloli Is that tho I'loreitcc U du
rable, will not lastly cct out of oidc-i-, I
strong mid simple In cuiitrucl(on,uiid Its
1110 Is easily Itutnid by tut must luvxpirt
euuid. It wilt do n greater rango or work wllb
lers trouble and clianga, and we couildi-r
ll altogether better limn uny other I-'ituilly
.Sowlug .Machluu v have owrsien.
Mul)r. Chase, 31 Turk St., S I-'
.Mrs D H Collin, 'JO Clay at., S V
.Mrs J II Wuiisur. C'J5 l-'ulsom at., S P
Mrs S I) Uilmoic, MB do du do
Mrs D.mlcl Iliinii, -tl-1 do do do
Mrs J Hplnoni, 22cLRtcli si., S V
Mrs Alfied Whu-iir, Ul" Misilou st.,SF
Mrs Henry Miller. Mil Unwind St., do
Mrs Ennly Ridwull, 7-1'J Muikil do do
.Mrs Saruli fjumlir', "ill do do do
Mrs K II Ohm, 211 Gerry do dn
Mrs U A Carues, JuckHon l'mco du
Mrs llriiiifli. I'dcnmr la-v'worlhdo do
Mrs V II Uaiiirii, fillS Kearney do do
Mrs Vj llurpu. Hacininviito tuit
of IviiuMirtli do do
Mrs Harriet Cudilng. .TIC 1st do do
W II Rulofsnu. cor, Mout A-SjciIo do
Mrs I'riiHl, 010 C'ntfornia do do
Mrg M MorlniC32 Sutter do do
Mrs Il'ihen. 017 I'nte do do
Mrs Ann Ilrudley, 012 Collfnrula dn do'
Mrat.'eoll I'lirkiK. 2M Hlev. do do,
Mradohu C Cetbet, Mis'ioii D-doics
Mi Annie Melloylo. El Dnrndu , 1
Miss Mu-'giy Meltoyle, I'll Dorado
ChasS Piible, Suc'rumnllo
Louis Stcuninti, Santa Clara
Mrs A M Haiihuin, Oakland
Mrs Orne Woodill do
Mn 1) U Smith do
I W lliufr do
Mrs Mary E niirckballer.'Dutch Pint
Mis (' J Olnri. Nn ni
Mra Samuel T Tuni;, Clarksvillc T.l Dora-
Mo i-iiuuty
Win Riddl'vl:, Fourth Crorslng Calaveras
Mrs O E CVnutock, Nnph City
Mrs Joseph Ki-efer, ClaiksvillcEl Dorndo
Mr diiliu O'NIel Jamestown. Tunlume eo.
It II Knmuhiir vuuuiy clerk Navada City
V. W lllialow . do
N W ICnowlion pruc'l mach'st do
C M Hates, M D. do
John IL-rzir.gvr , .'do
11 Mnekle, J Jo
I' Uriinstlter, Ornrs Voile
O O Shotey, S.nitlle, W 4T
I) llurion. tin du
Hitiry JurksoQ, Vutionvllle, Knnta Cruz
ciumty X ,
Mis Albert Under, S-in Andreas
Mi) Ntwloif'Daiiion, dressmaker nnd lull-
orrM, rioVfhili vat., IkIwcco D'yunl and
Ilruunuu, S.F 1
1 1 l :
Previous to purchartua the Florence, 1
owuvdjtuo Hone Boning Alathlni-.
- Mrs J Ciuwroiin,
. 'Copperotxills, Qnlavt-ras eo.
Oinsed tin tibial Kllplla .Mucblne lv
miinlhs prevlous'.fo" purohsInlha I'lor
ueelf- rV ilr Maiiv Cttyf.r.
f- .Dreutnuifiir.' 1G l'otL.ltiiu l'rnlicbco,
,-'"'" i," r -or
,i ,,..1 w
Wc, whow name follotveMaeil twrt 'imiI
UmiGrovt-r & UuKHorfte Maihw (pre
'MsWs to liurchailop'llMi.nutrMSM.-,
.;rs ,tiry A Mmlissss', drtiwwalwtllO,
Siiiliiii l..rfnn KrMSiCA.t ti -.rl
jirai, ttcin-r, iissiiiiswr,.,'s-,swuMtu
., . ,7i . u . .3-jaTie.i. 1.,
il.!iii Krancleiir
f "Tl
Mr.C!4 IIim.M10 Rrwwlt tr.S P. .
B A I-ovo,'Aiigel'ii,.t'4'v?roonliiy. I
Mi-IJ Reibisrls, 10 Moad tt,,Ssfjf.
MrrL II ilV.'PrUmoBh Woole,fan
FranclMM. r
lv Julia Lyops, Target st., near Tehama
Sail Prniicl'CO.
Mrs Harriet Howcf, 023Pot H-iF.
"' ,.
WV. whoso names IbllQivowne.dlvndtisfd
the WtVcIrr A. WIImiO Sewlhir .Maiblno-Wrv
vlniia to p'lreliaslng Ibu JFJorciioni ,
irJ 11 iimiu, ituuuaro i.t son ims
nrd, San Prnuclrco. , ',,
Mrs. I) 8 UugglesiMH Toliom st., Sw
-Mrs M Youac 211 ,'Sloflklon tt., San
A M Flint, 0 L Flint, Ban Juin Montcry
Mrs O P Jacktoit, El Deradq, Et UormU
county.- j,
11m U.I. Taylor. 411 Dupont it.. S F.
iltt Sarah 1. Miller. Sacramento.
Jlis A Nah. corner SUtvens ii Hi t., B F
Mn Thomas Mitchell, Muk. 111)1 Calave
ras county
The following numul perrons owned and
used Iho Singer iiewiiig machines pievloiis
to uuichaiiiig tho Florence:
lr A J Turner. SSI lll t., Sn FruntUeo,
Sin II II Utlxrue. 01.' IWfll it .lo
JIIH1 Anol H-aiej.llu.il t Uvr BIVtou 8 V
AujU.mn I)rgn, latf'ullplitt tvui J'rtntlno
Jlr.ffcIi.ilstiT.lillrfluu rtp Ud
)lr rah (' Vkk, ilreMinabir t leuuitrcu 109
8tivqtttiM srsiiclMv. 1 '
I believe I can fully and conicleuttonly
itidqrso v-ich iiiialjllcallou claimed for the
Florence Sewinir machine. I -liavo tlior-
"OMfthly tusted It on work of nil grwles, add
,eacn trial lias wen emiuenuy Hiunqciory
i takes hold of udullcaiu fubilcdullctk-ly,
and pf a Mt.ou one with, slnngih, ,To irit
ll seems more than n msnhlno en almost
Intelligent, wllllug helper, It use JstMlly
learned, hnd IU coiittruotlou Is certainly
Muiple, 1 kuow toiiiuihlng of tho oiher
Hi si class machine, having lyaroed to oper
ate several. This U Iho only sewlug uu
chine I bavo found reliable.
San Andrea, Calaveras co.
I hare nred the Wheeler & Wilton about
lwn Venn, llm Tntrcart &. Furr alx raonlbs.
the gloat Ellplle about tbo samo length of.
,lmo, tbo WiliwKp s. ujvis ueariy mo
years, and ha,vc dealt lo ret " of the smill
mnohlnes, WaHl thoroughly disgusted with
every rai&iIao that sows with only ono
thread. Tbo Florence Is tbo only machlno
that hascomo under my tiolUe tbnt gives
perfect nnd entire satisfaction on nit kinds
of work.
No 0110 can cstimnlo Its rnlno nnttl they
have ued mid tiTied It, as 1 have done, Iu
Uci.il, forthlrj work It Is Invaluable.
Guonoic Oii.r.tn,
Cnrson City, N. T.
I have ued n Plorcuce Sewing Machine
for two years; I brought It across ihe plains:
It bas never yet been out or order, nud I
can truly ray ll excel nil other machines
that I hava ever used. I ran a Lndil A
Wubstcr six mouths; a Wheeler & Wilson
eight month) nud used a Graver & linker,
alternately with Slo.U's for two can.
I am fumlllar with tha Howe, nud sever
al of tho small tunolilucs, but I never ucd
one that would do all kluds or work lo
equal tl.o Florence. 1 do not think ll cnu
tu too highly recoinmciidrd.
Mrs. Is 1 ao E'.us, Marysvllle.
After having n Florence maohtno In use
nearly 11 year. I feel tha I can truly recoin
round It as bulng ntl that Is claimed Tor It.
I Imvo used Slng-r'a, Ciover & linker's, and
Ihu Wheuler ii tVllson maohliie, and consid
er the Florence tnp'-rlor to any
Muh Jks.vii: AiKoas-,
Wihulngtflii, LoA Angles county Cal.
We could rofcr to many others who arc
using the I'lorenci'.df ll were mccrsary to
do 10. to convince the miblio Ihitt theu mi-
.chines nru what Is oluluiid, thu
Over. Seven Hundred
n.OItKNCC MAOIIINT.S hnvo In-en sold on
this coait In tin-short tlnni Ihe Agency has
Ir-oii estubllihid here, and vu mnuc this
strong assertion, ns convlnolug proor ol
llu-lr wiirlh. that 110 person Can be found
who has n Horrucu llmt would exchangu It
lura family suniig machine of nny utb-ir
All H NT H
ror llic sale of the I'lorfiire raiullr Sew
ing Mudilnes,
George A Ilanfnll .'Nevada City
fiiorB Viiieeut ', Sli.ektcin
J L I'olliemits 1110 J sltincrameulu
It II Handy Ynki.
MrsS H LarCumbu Virginia. N 1
L 1 Villi 11. I'orllniid Oregon
Ii C Sfuliuis Jackronvlllu On-con
ill Wollhem Ouynias Mexico
wr whiih s. i nmiwjr Agent
Jus irCleiivos Trnvillng Agent
Thurutoii Wcslly rmvellng Ageul
.MnclilriKB will bo supplied by all local
igtnts nt San 1'ruucUco prlCvr, with addi
tion of fnlghl.
tlcnsial AK'iit "' t-'ultrurnln mill IU
I'tttlllO ClIHIlt
f?im Fratichco.
Sept. 9, 18C4. sopllOrut
the Circuit Court, of tho Stato of
I 0
Oregon, for Ihe couniyof Josephine.
John 8. I.ovound John 8. Drum, l'lalutllt's,
11. John II. Iteul, l'erry Ilowvn, Thomas
and JumtsT. Glenn, DUcudant.
Hilt In ClniK'ijr (0 TorcctoM two MLinle' Utnt,
fo (be ubnvu linnud DcfulidanlSi
Yon ore hiieby summoned nud rrqulred
to appear III snld coiirl, on Ihe first tlayftt
'Ihu nuxt term lheieof,'to bu begjin and held
at Ihe town of Kirbyvlllo, In snid.coiiuly.
on tho lib Monday In October, l&iM, it m
ins the 2-illi day of sAld tiiouth. nud Hurt-un-irur
Ihu comiilalut of tho mid nlulutlirs.
Illiil ngalnsl you In said court, or Iho soinu
will bu taken fur ounrtisHd, and tho plelut
ilfs will lukujudgiaent ngaliot Iho said de
fendant ltiiduud llnwcu, for Ihu sum of
Tour hundred nud furly-tuvcn dollats.ullh
lu'lerest thereon, from Ihu 3d day of Sen
'ttnnutr 1.103, uutll aid. nud thu cods and
Ul'b'inemvnts or tins iui; aim tnupiaiuiin.
John S. Drum, will tuku Judgnivui uyilnil
tliOudtlleleiidants, Hci-d and Illnoin, for
ihesunlipr ono h 11 ml ml nnd clown and
twuntyiilyu onu huiidridihs dollars, with In
Icrrtl Hpsnuu. I10111 the Cth day of May,
lai3, niltjlipald, nnd IbucoslsanddUliurir
locnti ufjo suit; uud the plaintiff will
rtifor,'ittti:ecluiilc' liens on Ibe wuler
tUuhofi'Miil-aiid llnweii, slluuled on Ga
Kck(lrafpJoeVhluu couuty, Ou., and
JtosM.pi Mill-be sold to pty Ihu sniao,
aiiyHie MiltlcsroY redumiitlon of thu do-
rmbwi4i wiH'in: foreclosi-d, axcent as 011 ex-1
' .-- ...". - "
' Jlv isAsr of tho.Otjurt.
'2J Jih- 'tJi-P-
u, v, uowniJi
rvpT Wf
AU'y for Plnlullir.
Snuff i
I 3
J On n it H) (IhMMberi fit., N. V.
(Formerly 42 Chatham ttrtet, Nuvv York.) '
Would call iWe tvtteallon ,of dealers to the
artljloa riW.'maafcHre, vU :
' ;'t. -iiV-ffaiili-'
. mui mmo-mxx.-vx.ixt
I I1B1 sjhw-v-i
CaJi ILAht-jT jT i. Nflllt.ll.
, BijjkwiOiiitisanD, CijbHi.
"arTlloo7- xx-w.tar:
Slth, llonty IXw 8Uli,
llli Tt RruIcK i'totli llwujr Dw ScoUl),
Illib IHs'i Tuul, i'ltU Sovtcli.
- vr Imiiljrfoxl,
Atlcnllon Is cnlll to tho largo reduction
In prices of fine-cut chewing and smoking
Tobaccos, which w.lll bu found or a superior
quality. . .
Totoaoao I
mtUDl rnt-cct cuurvai sxonsai
Umg-, I. A. I, ot plsln. AJ'to.
tu.1, uiTflWuuivranrfi, riivqwif.
Kwl-tVeutett Oroaoco, ' Vwtir,
.N.m.1 AQnUeJ, .Tlu lU0uviwttob, T01WW1'
Uruiulslft. , ... .
, 1J. A circular io( price will be wnt
on Mipllenttiiii. Nov. ZH, '03v-yl .
J- ' i' ' ! -,. ' '
JkdmUUtvatar's Xfotif
NOT10R t hereby given tlwt KUrs of
wlwioIJlrflliou, on the esator Jwpo,
Jlltllme.of Jacksop Qounty. Prfgfnr d
vead, have ma grunted tn.we to'kra h
1. All pfw Jiaving. el! w'nM
said' cstc, are rwjiH'sW IP P,rfni I'"''"
wKh H PPr vowctec'to 'kennderslpri.
ed.HthV'iesJiKii. tif.Jwl Milw.
withlii Ix.tWwll ft- ',,ta "' nd "
pefsow Indebted tpW,ole. M jequvs
led to .make IK4lta pajitwwt to .the.
.nBoVrsteoed, . .., , , ,
- PATRIOT nyNW.Adm'r.
AtfjastT, l6f vplivt
, -'irV
in 1 igagrvwgtCTnftkgysragmjJs.iiiJMWw
New Soalors wirt Booksellers, Reed
and RcMcmbcr.
Wholcsnlc Xcirs Deolcri
I'ackJ nnd forwards nit Iho Dally and
Weekly Nevrtpopore, Magazines, etc., to nil
parts of Iho country, v, lib Great Dlnpnlib.
That &ofy Competition ! I
Every New Novel received ns soon
I Imvo special arrangements with all tin
dinVrcrn piibluhcrs. sttuloners, etc., and
liirnlsb thu trade with
Books, Stationery,
IUnnti UooUr, Music,
RSolainotypcs, etc.,
&6 t 3t. j, niiScLio32i- u
IN OttKAT va it 1 trrr.
I have uncnunlcd facllllius, nnd nnarantcc
deafurs the closest attention.
jTCrSeiul for a price list, nud give mo a trial.
American Mags!
Willi full complement of Stars I printed on
Muslin do I.nlno. Imitation of Hunting,
In Fait Colors nt tho
SI.C, 1 Toot ?...$! OUpordozon.
Size, Sfcct 2 00 par doxen.
Slro, 3lect 9 00 ptr duzen.
SUe, 42 Inches ...10 00 per dozen.
OT all sir.", trom sixty ceuts to
-ono dollar per loot.
in sireni vniiftj-.
Major First Caliiornla Artlllury.
Empire News Depot, northeast corner of
Warbluglou nud Suiiouu ilreoU, Sou Fran
Itco. ntduelloti 111 Prls lo KubBrrlbcrs.
ATTENTION la called to the followtqjt
list of American nnd Foreign 1'rrloui
oali, lor Islets I reowlvu sicrlptlons.
Permanent amngemeuls haw bum nindi
by tfio UuIuMkHIuI' Gmcrument for the
oiirrylng of tlie Mulls I nun ihu Atlantic
Htates by steamer, three tlim n tnouin, 1
am I'linblid tu ntoulru luWrlptli.us nta
miicb lpwxr.ratu limit furmerlv. Tlie ssnm
carwtud attention will be paid to tl rut
w'sTuliiguiftill ittckngi, for width luis i
tilblUbinuiiyUM giiitiul iiieb nn invlabh
repuiatlon thruugliuiit thu l'Aa'.r.c Cuavt.
"' Atlantic l'etloillcnlif.
kin yrah
...S3 AU
4 . . 3 flO
... 3 An
... 3 in
darner's Moiitht; Macattne
Godey's Lady's llook,
Allmtto Monthly. h.
Lesllu'a Family .Mujjn,c.:
Iviiiekerbocker Maauziiio
Coutliieutul .Monthly . ..,, . . . ..
Prlrrroii'a Lmlles' ilaa?.lno,....
Arthur's Home ,Maguilue.9ri....
3 .'.ll
3 211
3 0)
3 111)
3 SU
Tales of llu-l)ay.t.
3 fin
3 OU
0 UU
Aioniiny iNoviiioiio
Ituut'a MerchanPs Mugazlutj, C 0U
llankcr'a Miigor.ine ; 0 til)
i.oiian um - u
Dtownron's Ituviaw 3 0
llralllmnlte Itetro'iMCt 3 t
Turl Rejrlflsr (yemly) .;... 'i On
llallou's Mapialne 2 SU
Yankee Notions (comle). 2 fit)
Leslie Uudgt or Fun (comic) 3 on
Nic Kax (eomle) 2 fil)
Cnmlo Monthly r 2 SO
I'liunuy Fellow (einte) i 'i o0
New York Wwkly INruld I , '3 DO
PolicuGnxsttu f;3 60
' Cllpimr 3 90
" Ilotiiff Journal '3 30
Weukly Tribune 30
Sunday Atbvj,. SCO
' Times 3 fll)
; HI'pslch 3 00
, Morcury 3 00
' ' Courier 3 flu
Weekly Time 3 OQ
World 3 SO
Journal .of Commeice 3 SO
3 30
3 30
3 Oil
3 30
3 30
3 30
3 30
3 3D
3 30
3 SO
3 50
Luler . . v.
Leslie's- Pictorial
Harper's Weekly
llutmied Nous
Lulle'a ZlttHiiig (Cermen)
CrlOiiiiiil .IcIuuiC
Family Dlatter V"
Vnl(y Folr
IrWi Amcrictu 3 fin
Solentlllo American....... 3 10
Wifkes Spirit or tho Times 3 30
Tablet v 3 30
Country Gentleman 3 30
Weekly 3 flu
Mctcnry 3 30
Herald or Prnsreti 3 fly
EooltUb American Journal. 3 00
0 00
Kcod'llalla (Italian)....
,. 8 0
..13 (0
. I SO
.. 3 SO
,. 3 SU
.. 3 30
. 3 30
8 30
.. 3 30
. T 00
. 3 30
.. 3 00
Doiton Wetkly Journal . .
Flag of our Union, , . . . ,
Pilot.' Af!
Waverly Magaziue. , . . , ,
Uauner of Light ,'..
i - TrueFlag.
"" Invellgator,..,M'
' Literary Ccmpaplon....
" Llttell'a I.IvIiik Ace.---1'blladclpbra
Forney' WarTesa.
Dollar Newi'oaner'. .
a Katiitl.ir Eieul'Kiosi,
3 30
Daltlnioro WrcklySun,..- J f
i ....i..ni.. vi-Aifiv .rivoai. p oo
ninz-iniiftilAVceklv (ommerclal .... 3 001
St. Louis Hcpubtv-di"-. . 5 60
'FordK'1 Jei-lefllcl8.
Londnydustrtcd Nows with sup-'
'Tplcmeiita ,;,... 814 00
jr'SS Wwhly iDlspaich 13 00
y " HluMtatcd News pr thu
' World .-. 14 ()0
1 " Jllustrateil Times...,...,. i HO
.Weekly Timea ......... 10 01)
DelhaLifu , 13 00
' Atbememu. 12 00
I' Punch ,.,....... QUO
OnoeaWcck 8 00
Xlv'erpool Wilmer& Smith's Times,, ,13 00
Dublin Notion, 13.U0
CoruMll Magaziiw.,,.,,.,.., ..,..., C 00
Temnle Bar Magazine, . t , C 00
St, dawea MaslHC:j,..,V.,.(. 6 00
LQudou.Lancct...-. ....... ,,.J... COO,
World of Fnbbn. , -. 6 00'
,ChfrVe'vJ!Hraa. ,-. . ,....,;. , ,. 4 00'
All. Uw Year-Hound, Uiokcnj...,. ;u 00
LoHsVafi AstJoMriml..,.u.i,,, .-,.., . 13 jQp,
Wh4uterly Review... ,t.-, . 8 fr)
KillnRburg " " ., 3 00
London " " .,...... -SCO
Tlbo four Reviews nud Ulackwood . . 13 00
pcrSubrcrlptlons received for all the
San Francisco dallies, nt Publisher's prices.
Any Newspaper, Miigasluo or Review, not w
rr.entfoneil In the nbovu list will be furnish
cd tiJ order. Orders lor Dooks, Mus'o Fan
cy Armeies, etc., ffllW promptW at ibe low
est ma:!et ratis. Subsorlptious payable
Invariably In advance.
Addrtw, J.STftATMAN,
mvSllf ii' " Agent. San Frahclco.
Clothing Trade
Nos, 411, 413 etna 415 Battery BtT,
Con Msiclinnt, Him Fianclstu,
Importers and Wholesale
Entire Kow und Fa'csTi Stack.
Wc would call tho attention of Country
Merchants to our unusually larsju siootc
or Goods. Our stuck comprises every arti
cle In tho
oLOTHisa ft FrjrtNisinxo link.
Wo have constantly on baud the largest
nnd Krentct variety of
of nny hnusu In Son Francisco, nud our pri
ces for these Roods r ls tbtfn those of
nnv houso, ns wo receive them direct from
tha nianuraclurer'c consignment. Our stock
ts particularly nttwbtlre. and the great fea
ture lo the country merchants Is ihu unusu
ally low price-
Lets than tho cctt of Importation
We also beep lbs
fXta3p2.o -X.x-tl3oa
In the Dry Goods line, wlilch Good, wo bar
'purchased In tbl mnr&et tn.iler the hammer,
and are oliurins lhm at New l'ork cost,
nnd li.
We publish tldseanl In order that we may
make new Roptalntaneoa. nnd Induce tbota
who have not hrvtolvro purchased of us to
eall nud ommlae our stoulc
Good Articles fe JLoty Prlccrt
Aro the great iiulocoinermxitsw coffer to all
who pureliaw to ll again. Mrrcbanls ho
buv or us onu uwks) tt sued prolll, and sell
in 'tlmlr eustomxf's at a tow nffure. We ro
main, -respect fully,
Your obedient servants.
Yholijlc Cloihini; uud II nl Warehouse,
No. 411. 413 nnd 41St Uatltry street.
San Prnnclsco..Juy S4, 'C4. JyD0m3
. i ' i i
California Street, JccbonUlIc,
HAVE just received from the Atlantte
titntca and San Frnnolsco, a cojoplctu
slook of everything In their line, nndw"lll
keep onmttantl von hand an tusortment of
.1 I...... nu Lll. ..M. Im..h M.I.I Plll.n.B.h.
IDUUHI I ill, ouvi'l-liuu mm wi'1'jivm.i.,
Urnni I'ipee. HydrauUo Nozzles, Force
- l'unips, Chains, lad Pipe, Hose.
of all sizes:
Par, Plate nnd assorted Iran ;
PalliU. Oils, HIos uud Glasst
All iniidjtiiHi of Ponder ; . . .
Shot of au number t
Ilrusbes orvtcry TOrlcJy.otc.J'eto.
Also, always ou band n-lirttu lot of stove
or nssurUiT sles. " Duck's IMent Cooking
Stave." nnd tbo " Now World Stove," iho
two vciy lystandcppro'vcd'natlcrnsln tbo
world. Parlor, Otyco and Cabin Stores,
fancy nnd plain, constricted on latest fuel-t-vlng
plans. Pollurs. Kcttlsn, l'ots, 1'iuis,
and everything connected with these stoves,
warrnntml durubl and perftct,
All nrltcle sold by them or manufac
tured, WAHKANTUl). Tlielr work Is made
f lhn.best material und of choicest pal terns.
'.ca.Qrdor. attended lo with dlsimtch, nud
filled according to illrtxtlons. Jn every
thing, tbelr stock Is tbo largest and beat
over brought to Jacksonville. and they are
determined to sell nt Low i-iuvfcs roil can:,
Call nnd osamlno llnMr stock Iwforo pur
chasing ulsowlicro. Juno a. 18(1023.
Agcuts for Ilatllday & Co's Wlro Kopo.
10, Copies Ilorpers Musazlne, commen.
rinj? wllli .Tune immber 18C-1, cndlpg with
May number 18C5.
10 .Copiou New York Ledger commen.
c.li' July Olh, 16C4.
illarperV. Isll's and Domorcsl's Illus
trote'd wetkly imperi.
Js'lck-Nus, Vunkcc Notion. Msrrymao'i
Mcnilily. Phun, Pact uud Poncy, Iludget
or -Fun, Pltunny Fellow etc , etc.
Circulainir Library of new and. select
-Novels, additions Ittvery Sleamor's Mall.
.A largo lot vs ar Alups.
A numbers of superior LUhographiQ
Engruvlugs, -
Behuol IJonks and Blnilor.hry.-
At :rho P04V OQlcq J3aildln.
Sept. JJfd.l8(U. ' Ttr.
1 OmcB op Cisvos P.o n Cov rxnr, I
U,oi,butg, Sept. 4. 18C4, J
BY virtue of tho authority vested lo mo
by the lav. a or tho Can ion Uoad Com
pany, I am required lo ell tbo shares of
atocK of nil mmlcr ibeeor, to pay assess.
Incnts on thi same, If mid nssesrroents mo
tiot-pald to tbu TreafurtT, according lo tbo
order of'be Uoard of Direotors making tbo
fnie. Under wblob authority, and In ac
cnidance ylih the reeuiiements of the laws
or said company, 1 jrill proceed to sell for
'U. 8. gold coin, ot' pubio auotlon, at the
oiucp, Ol. JS. t' Viuanicn, c-eiuwrjr oi ai
company. ltQ'Cburg. llciigloi. county. Ore
liou. on tbo 1st dy or Oct, A. I). 16C4, at
10 A. M of that day, to the highest bidder,
the abates pf the following named members,
topavtbe BMussuivnt sllll rem.alnlugun
ii',d op their respet,vo shares of-iloclf,
S .Geo. K. BrfgK". 5 tbarcs fluotbc.JSth
,j.t.,.,.. iei n -
"v,.v.. JOUNKCLLY, .
oP17ld Pres't O. R.,ComMM?fc. -
'JtODLA-riXOTHBinv '
jf y