Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 15, 1864, Image 1

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im i laMwwuiiMiiiniMijBmjn ji M"uauf iiiwr "g
tie 0m
i.li,hmM'ml." T5aaSSgMiaaSWgggKPjjfei3aK5
VOL. IX. NO. 89
T. Ill
do Co
Tin: okkuon si:ktinjuu
wiit'Kn Kvmr mitviiday mminimj.
B. F. DOWBJQL, Frop'r.
-lor uncyrar. in alliance,
i-.... n.illir.1 If nflM wllfilll
mo tirsisix'
mantlu of the year, livu dollar: If not paid '
until the expiration of the year, six dollar. I They wrrc first pubtlshct! many years ago.
AofKimsixo One square (10 lines ori,,,, ,, , , . , ,, ' . ,
f.V), first Insertion, Three Dolby : wli I be lines were Indeed proplietlc.-f .
iibirrjiient Insertion. Onp Dollar. A ills- Yw ,.,, ,. cU ,,,,,, ,,,, fir orer ,,, 1M
count m n iiyncrcciiv urn w miuiu iu uiusu
who dmllso by the rear,
atjMrfiITni'IM rwrltivl Hi current rsln,
I, (). O. I' JUO.USOIIVWIC Lodge)
r-ntf. i;,,; , iH.i""r u.V rVr.t !
I (5JVJ wrak In Mrh Minntli. an,) mi
lySy l S .jjj'va IMnnlaircfaaililnlem-nliml
J5 1 W-lii- , im MM.HHO nun, ai
Jcl,V r. X. Urvtliersln nt itamlliiitare Intllxt
laalttuJ Mt.AS J. DAY, X. U.
Jot McLirannv, It. Serfy.
TriiUaa Ji. V. Satluti, Vim. Itay an-l film
Warren Lodgo No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
& lini.l) tliclr regular common!-
jcitlon the Wednesday Kvcnlngs on
Vor-preceding tho full moon, In jack
H. ltf.ortM. Su'ii.
o. JACon. r. r. ni's-tKtx.
flk.1 ZiAW,
JArKoNYiu.K, Onr.nox,
Onirr iiiill llin t'nllU llmtar.
All tuluc commltlcil to Ihelr en will ,
I promptly attemlnl to. Jny 2U. '(!..
JACEso.(rii.i.K, Onxnox. I
(Till practice In all the Court or thn Third
Judlel.il IlUtrlc1, lh Huprctno Court or Ore
con. an J In Vrcka, Cal. Vr Scrip prompt'
j eollrclol. Oct. IB.
JArxNivviu.K Orkiiov.
Will practlcn In tho Courts of Oregon.
Oni I'ot Ofllce IliilMliig.
Notary 3Pia.tXio.
Jacksoviu., Oimiox.
ofW LL
auitVKYOit k (Jivir. i:n(mnki.u.
Jickiiinvii.ijc Oncoox,
IteiMtace near thu South end of Oregon
January. '2, lfcHt
1'liotORraplilo Artist,
li Prrnaml to take pictures In every style
ef ih art, with all lip) late ImprovrmentH
ir neturei" no noi gio ii, anion, im
tkin-rn wilt be made.
f"..ll M. .! ..rt.V l.f.1.1
Irry on Ihr hill, examine hU pictures, ami
sit ror jour llkcaeas.
Dealer lu
y Dry Goods, Groccrios, hj
Hnrdwaro, & Cutlery, y
Tino Liquors, otc., otc.
Pj In ld aMriKI--lMlOOF V
II KICK, south side of California
.Street. Jaekaonvllle. oelHIf
For further pirlleulars.call at Neuter's
Etoro. ami see the Machine lu operatluu.
Machines on hand, lor alc.
J. NHUHKH, Agent.
JsckionUllc, June till, 1801. 3m
Wnlclminkor and Jeweler!
On Oregon ilreet, first door north of
IlrcuUno'a Jacksonville, Ogn.
'Manufacturer and repairer of
II sorts of Watches, Chronometers, Clocks
Mnslcal and other Instruments, etc.
AIo. JliU'KLUY manofuctund and
rrprcd, after the most approved stylo of
the art, and warranted tor one year, rucir
ccvrdiog to times.
Chronometer awl Watchmaker.
Jacksonville, June 23, iel. 3m
:.:,..,, ,.- -.
Sfm-Wctkly lino oTSlagea from Jock
Siqvlllle to Kerbfvllle and Waldo, Or-
egoo. Leaves Jacksonville every
MoHday & Tlmrstlay, d A. Al
Returning, lva 'Waldo every
Tuesday & Friday at a p. M.
Through passengers will be fnrnWied
with goed saddle-horses at Waldo, for
Urtscent City. '
JOHIAH A. liANIHS, Tron'r.
BepUaib.ieM. QC,Utr
fc.lW4 ' U ! ' .. I i
" I I I I I -
Amorlcan Blavory Tho Prophooy.
nr mm. iikxiuktta wim.inotos noun.
Tho following lines were written In Ku
ropo twenty years ago, In answer to n
, iftpo.n.ri, hm, . whn iw,i ,i,
" " -
thoress to travel in tho Southern Slate.
m.t.al.lfany.mcajllt tl. land nf tin, frwf
VVlura Ilia linj cf (lot, fjr uliainlfiit of K-I.l,
IJka a I....I nfll. 11.1,1. In dm markal la ..II
Where Ilia f hill fro thn tnollitr' tnul Ixxmi li torn.
"'"" "' Mb" ' hl'"" '"ln tpln Mlern-
Whrr III malili-li U bittarrel Ilka UlfrtlianJIlo
Tlnu d.oiunl lo I Im ltli mil llio grain of J4ilr I
V i ( kv In llio Wr Uiul t fir ore r lUo tntln t
l'urllirank(riifitMlli Jaik Utrry' atuJn
Hill)inT tu tli-' ll!, while rrjr ljU,
t'mhi Ilia tlcttina Mlwxrllhr, mounU fr Juillca on
Aril He, Iha itrrAt Ixpl nfttio nnlrtrna whir,
Shi'l auilli UiootJMtlli In III tlraiilli nj tlijr
For twijrunrti innil till fr fml f mfllln Ijiio
On Ilia UtnK ri-lM-uml by llltonn Ixhirl tWn I
Thn oinii'l of Ilia war-'ltnm Imll llnlll Ihfr, l I'ljlit,
A thy uni aiil tlijr l-rvllirmnbuiiin M IhutlKhl,
Thn tUtranJ Ilia fllliii nlmll mull Ihm with pain,
A ii.l thrjNottli n,l Ilia Smlh h. ll vl.l-1 In Twain,
Aii'l hr,lh-r Valnat hrolhrr .hallattlkn In llfl,ht,
An,IUtllr Ik runht In Ilia ilMl of Ihonljhl,
Anl llio Mlille nial.1 nml nMivr In ftitruw tliall
I nmiirii,
A hi tho it iff of Iliy fmilAni In IttttM Ik lorn.
Tlia NVrlli In lirr nilghl, llko lilillivl ajiall ilw,
,nl tlii- iralri of tliu rAnnon Iw Utiio In Ilia klr,
Atvl Ihwipli Ilia warm Mnal of hr llrroaa k tlia.1.
Tin. light ef lr KfHj.iiii tliall imtr 1 Jca-I)
Tliu Mart aul Ilia Hri au. Ktr l.lor tliall If,
Prim t f Jlf tly'a tnnnrr fnMR lnl aifl J trt
Ati.I Ilia Union IIkiurIi (j'Utu.l ly tlia aUrtln'Mrr'a
."hall U gnarUl by .S'uilhntdi, fir (( tinlnru.
KKrouTien rxcixiivw.Y w tiik sxxtikkl.
Hi. Iiul, .J. Hebel nccounts slate
llmi Prln U movIiiL- Ihrre columns on ltol
! In. The right is under Bhelliy and Mar-
inadnlu', the o.'iilcr uinlcr hlnistlf nml the
lift iiuiIit Uooier. whose force is compoed
mainly of liuUbrced Indians. I'lvo linn
drtil tnlcrrd Unlet), the county leat of
I'lMiiklln, rnd raptuml ono hundred mili
tia. Wnidilngtun hid ft gnrrhon of six
hundred men, undir Col. Hall, who cvaru
a I iil the place on the approach of the reb
els, and look the men and stores ncrojs tho
river. Information Irom JtfJVnon Ully
reports all safe. Depot at Jacksonville
on the North MlMOuri railroad was burn.
0j j,y ,.U(.rla, this morning
- - ... ... .. ,
ILI Willi ...M.M ,..-.. ..-.. --.. .--
tlficatlons uround St. IjuIs arc niatinul to
The following received from Curler's
Station, Knit Tenn., let. Wonrrlved here
yeilerdiiy, mid found llio enemy ilrongly
iutrenclied on both sldi-s of the river.
Heavy cannonading and ikirmUliiog all
afternoon, nml until noon to-day, whenthtf
enemy wa driven out o( the fort, and lied
towards tllicoflcr.
Hi. Imis, dtli. A train which left
Hannibal ywlrrany morning, run off the
track I" miles from Palmyra. Oucrrlllss
ielil the e.pre, containing 811,000.
sestched the toldiers, took fitly revolvers,
and compelled ono of the euiplojccs of the
train to fire the cars. A freight train ar
rltrd shortly alter, and was aho burned.
Three soldiers on the cars, through the aid
of passengers managed to cicupc.
Cincinnati, -IlkHooker has relieved
I'vlntzleinan. mid esmumd commamt of
the Northern Department Obi, Indiana,
Illinois and Michigan.
New York, fill). Ihiald't City Point
correspondent, says in the fight for the
south tide of the railroad, about 2,000 pris
oners fell Into tho hands of the rebels, be
lougiog to the olit New York. '.I at Pena
svlvunla, and the 17lh New Jersey. Uolii
the Times and WorhVt correspondents put
the number ut only 500,
IleadqnatterV, Army Potomac, 4lh.
Perfect quiet prevulls in front of Perlers-
burg since Friday, lu going over llio
battle field, wo found our dead entirely
itrippid of clothing, and horribly mulllla.
ted. Some have been murdered after they
were wounded.
Nashville, 1th On Sulurday, Duford,
with n part of Forrest's command, includ
Ing all his ortillery, attacked Athens. Af
ter .helling it two hours, he demanded its
surrender of Col, Wad, which was refused.
Uufunl soon after retired.' Fears of an at
tack on Columbia are unfounded, 'Forrest
having gono in the direction of Florence,
From Chattanooga we have a report
that a demand for the surrenJer of Dulton
was made yeslerday, by a body of rebel?,
elalmlmr to be Forrcst'a force. No furth
er particulars.
Ban Francisco, 8th Oold in New
York on the Cth, 189. Legal Tenders, 54.
New Ynk, -lib. Aiplnwall steamers
have to haye convoys (o Panama,
UtraU't London letter says Georgian
pctlllrof, arenow receiving signatures to
; go lo the President of th, J. 3., proving
I fur neaee :
they will prooanty .receive a
''.nlll'lou'sliuaturcs.' 1'fomlocot, Pole.mado
I fv o . . . ,-
itatemeut that, ft,C00 Poles to be furnished
for tho confederate army.
New York, fllh. Tribttnt's Special da
ted Martlnsburg, -tlh, says the latest Intel
ligence from Slierldmi up to Saturday mor
ning. At that lima hit Infantry was still
nt Harrisonburg, while his cavalry were
at Staunton rcconnoltoring townrd Char
lottesville. Tho rebel reports of tho illsai
ter to our cavalry nt Swift Ilun Uup Is un
true. Instead of meeting with n repulse
they gained n vlotory and captured about
100 prisoners, drlv'ng rebel' to 8 mile creek
which wai fortluVd. Kockfiili and llrown's
(lop's nro strongly fortlfiejl hy the rebels,
and defended by conaiilernblu force. Tliclr
position nro llankable on cither side. It
Is probuble the next Information from Sher
idan will conic via Alexandria. Supplies
continue to go to the front and there is n
direct Indication Hint Martlnibtirg and
Hurpcr's Ferry will be abandoned ns ba;c
of supplies.
Corrcspnndeneo of the lltraltl, City
I'oint.lt Is reported that our cavalry re
took (100 of the prisoners captured by the
rebels in the light near Poplar drove
Philadelphia, Cth. liiquiftr'i special
despatch from Washington, savs : I Irani
from n rebel Senrguit, who left Stono's
br gade a week slnco that I -co has acknow
ledged that his position is critical. Ho has
fortified Danville nt all points, and repaired
all the temporary d. fanes on the rntlroaJ.
lie had nliolnkcn n number of heavy guns
from Richmond to Danville. Supplies In
Richmond entirely given out, and great
illfiltfiilty is experienced furnishing rebol
army oven with corn meal. Duvls and
Cabinet left Richmond for South Carolina.
All newspapers, except the It'liig.nn mov
ing from Richmond, and Its will known
that the Ooverumrnt archives have been
(tut to Danville, which is Ue'a baio ol
St. Imli, tth.-OITtcIiiI despatch from Jif
fcrion City niys CO of Col. 1'lelcher'n men
belonging to Kwlng's command reached
Hermann, no report of their operation re
ceived. Gen Kwlng mid principal portion
of Ids troop arrived at Holla. All quiet
ut Jiff.rson City. No enemy appeared In
that vicinity. Rebel army is between the
Pacific and Sonthwcit brunc'i railroads
with n iTnlii of 200 wagons, npparcnijy
almlna nt Holla. Tho Pacific roud report
ed not mtterlally injured, but the South-
wcit branch almost entirely In hand of the
rebels. Several depots, and other propc
ty nt various place di-stroycd. A despatch
fiom Cape (lirurdeuu, say Col. Htllery.
commanding thwc has rcoccnpled Charles
ton nni sent n force to llloomlnqton. Cov-
airy scouring country In nil directions.
New Yotk, Cth. lltntltl't correspondent
with tho cavalry .on our left line, dale or
4th, njs has been no fighting by this divl
slon, since (Jen. Davis gave Hampton such
tvldnnliv' n few davs since. c Still
hold the ground mid nro rendy at moments
notice, to regime the battle, but we are
walling for other movements IWoro taking
the rffenilvc. Richmond pipers of the 4th
a'cknowcledgo the los of Uen, Dobbin.
Our picket arc now only 50 yard dlilont
from Iha enemy.
St. I.ouls, 8lh. Now accmmcd tlial llio
brldgo over Oaondo river, 18 mile this
eldo of Osnxo, wai burned by the rebels'!
Cole Creek bridge 30 cars and locomotive
aWo burned. Report have reached here
that a rebel force under 3lngruder, touch
ing towards Missouri, was attacked and de
feated by Steele on White river on the 4th.
Tho fact that Magruder Is known to bo fol
lowing Price with ft view of protecting his
retreat If necessary, and seeurlng Ihe sup
plies that Prices expedition miy get In this
State, gives color lo this report. No appre
hension felt for the safty or Jcfrcrrou City.
Ren. Pleaeanton I In command.
Clarksvllle, 8th. 700 relwls under Lyon
captured tho itearact Chambers and crnnd
lha tlvcr Into Kentucky yesterday, nt tho
mouth or Yellow Creek, then releaied the
Kaihvllle, Cth. Tho following has Just
been received from Chattanooga: The ene
my retreated lat evening from Altoona. In
the direction or Dallas, having their dend
and fromfour to six hundred wound id on
our bauds. OurloM is 100 killed and 200
wounded. Reanea bridge will bereilorul
tomorrow, and trains will be able to run as
far ai Alltoona, via Dallon. Retreat of the
eiemy Indicates Sherman close on their
rear, ucar Alltoona. Nothing heard from
Roman or Vahburn to-day, It Is pro
suined they are puthlug Forreit as rapidly
as tho slate of Iho road will prmlt. We
have had heavy ami continuous rain the
last flv .days, rendering tho roads alm'ott
Juit received Jhe following frdm Gran
gers HUtlHVIIief oiu.'ju p- m.-ruwinersays
reports of two o'clock yeitorday, state that
Korrcat was at Lawrcneebrg tho night be
fore crossing south. Morgau' advance la
sklrmlskiHg wllh the euemy this morning
on Shell Creek, ho being unable to cross on
account of the high water, He hopes to
crots to-morrow, whei be will pub them.
Signed, Tuouw, MoJ.Gen.
Auether dl!Pl?n reports, .m.ftlygraph
repalredito.Allloona lo'flay, ThcaclloBof
i . (
ycHenlay was sovcro. Rebel General at
tacked wllh his division seven thousand
strong, and nifTered severely, leaving kllld
n.id wounded to tho number of 1,000, while
wo last only 30Q. l'lght Ualcd six hours.
Prom Florence to. HuiiIiiyIIIc, Gcu.Morgtiii
(Federal) has carried Forrest .t Co., nnd
linn eaplurcd hi trnpnrlatlon, The gun
bonti prcveut nil retreat across tho Tenn.
Plepalch from Slevenon report that an
officer oT S hcrldan' slttfr haJint arrived.
.Vhcrld.in is still at HArrUonbiirg. Ills nip
ply trains are all right, though occasionally
lulerriipled by guerrlllns. Rontcnu report
that Kwlng made good his retreat tu ltol tu
luring only a few stragglers. Tim killed
and wounded nro very few lu miinbnr.
Signed, iSr.vvro.v.
lleadiiuarlcis, Department nf.Vn. and
Norlh Carolina, Tlh, ilx a. m. The onimy
having moved Field' nnd Plcklt's dlvMotis
from tho left ( Cliaplu' Parm Road to our
right, attacked with spirit. Kntitx'a caval
ry, In tho liitrcnchmciil, drovo them back
wllh mmll loss lo our men. The cnimy
Rtiffend cnnslili'rably. They Ihen swept
down the IntrcncliiifiiM Inward" Illmey's
who having Ihrowa back hi right, nwidli'd
the ni'niilt, nnd repulrd them wild heavy
Iom. In Ihe niinnllme Iho enemy ndvnuced
lonanl New Msrleel, when thoy met n fore
nt Signal Trains. At three o'clock I took
Hie ollonilvc, sending Illrney with lvo di
vision up Rarbylwu road. The enemy
retired a he udvanced, and Ilirnoy has
reach and occuplul the Inlreuchiuriit which
the enemy took from Knulz. Our lot Is
very imnll, not owr one 1 ri lit as much n
the enemy. We have about 1,000 prleoneix
tSIguid, llt-rt.Kti.
Head Quarters lOlh Army Corps "Ik.
W'u have ivpulsul Iho attack of the enemy
on our right Hank with great slaughter.
Rrb 1 seem to Im Klcld's and Picket's divi
sion on my right fltuk ; enemy seem to be
Intrenching on Raihy road. IIiiinuy.
Head Qunrler's Drpt. Vn., Tlh 10;30 P.M.
lllrney holds the em-my to Ihe Inner line
or liilrctichtnuuts nruntid Rlchmniid, oxtsn
d'ng from Darhylowu road lo connict with
Gen. Wright on left uenr Purl Harrison.
No inovcnicntml Pelerlurg to-day, we have
much Ihe licit of Hits day work, n thousand
ut Unit of the enemy killed and woutidid
and one thousand prisoners, besides wo have
ghen them a bloody repulie. HcTi.Kn.
No illspnlche been recvlvid from Slier
min. fili'-rldun or Roscucrans later than
Unite before telegraphed. 5r.NToN'.
Tuesday's Dispatch.
Washington, Va., 7lh. My command
Is nt this point to night. I coiiimeticid
muring buck from Port Republic, Mount
Crawford, llrldgewatcr and Harrisonburg
yesterday mornlnig. Grain and forage lu
advance of Ihrso polnlshad been previously
destroyed. Thn whole country from Illalr
RIdgo to North Mountain hus been maile
untenable for Ihe rebel nrmy. AVc ile
strnyrd over 2.000 barns, filled with wheat,
hay and farming implements; TO mills Mi
ld wllh flour and wheat, and hava driven
in front af our army over 4,000 head of
stock, nml killed and Issued to tho corps
mil Ii-m than '1,000 sheep. A largo num
ber jf horse have been obtained. Lieut.
Melgli was munjeretl beyend Horrlsonburg,
near Dayton, for which atrocious act nil
thu houses within ten miles were burned.
Since we camo into thu volley, every tralu
mid small party, and every straggler, luia
bein bushwhacked by the people, many of
whom have protection papers from com
marnlers whu havn been in tlio vulley pre
viously. The rear gnurd of the 10th mid
8lh Ohio cavalry, stationed nt the bridge
nvcr the mouth or Ihe Shenandoah, wa
attacked, while aileep, by McNIel, with
170 men. The whole party wa disposed
or or captured. Think they will all turn
up. Fifty lis of them- Imvo reaclnd
Winchester. McNIvl was mortally wound
ed mid fell into our hand?. Ho wa Ihe
most daring and desperate of butliwhack
crs. Slgucil, 'SiismiPAN.
Heaihiuarters, uny of tho Potomac,
Olli. Mil ond Otis corps advanced n h'alf
mllo since yestirday, dtlvlng tho enemy"
sklrmlihers into tlie breastworks. The
movement wa to feel Ihls part of the reb
el lines, and seo If they had been wcukeucd'
to strengthen force? elsewhere, Wc held
the ground gullied, but Imvo net yet made
mi ntlack on the main works. Guant.
Washing lou, loth. Grant telegraphs
that the losses Ihe other day were much 1cm
than nt first reported 400 will cover ho
entire Ml led aud wounded, The enemy's
loss not lcs than ten or twelve huiidred.
Signer!, ;SrA.vroi..
AlUoQua, 0th, 8 p. m Lreached Ken.aw
Mountain pn thivCtb, In tlmo to witness at
a dUtaucv tho attack ou AlltQOna i.Tlte M-
lack as.meU and icpuUed. Xho eucioy'a
lot was 2QQ killed, and l,8"fJ wound.d and
prUo&cr. The eucmy captured a .small
garrlmn al U'g Shanty, ai.d, Jjurued seven
mile ef railroad. Wo Imvo at JAIItuona
and Atlanta abundanco of timber. Hood,
obmylug or approach, moved mpldly
back tu Dallas and Van Went. Jam watch
ing him In case ho rc to reach Klngiiou.
Atlanta I pcrfvQtly eccue (p us, ,TjI
army I better off than lu pamp. i
5lgnei),J Siimuiiy. .
Nsshvllle, 8lh Iosei reorU, filial
Forr'cstrvcauvilibycroIirfT the Tennessee
River on II ttboats, nbovo nnd below, Flor
ence, on the filli, while Roscau mis detain
ed by hlgh'water on Shell Crwk and Kile
River. Signed, Tiinuw.
St. Louh, Otb. OOlclal dispatch from
JctTerson City states that tho advnnoo nf
Prlco lo Mormon Creek, 10 miles, from Jef
ferson City, wa spiritedly contested by our
cavalry. Morning of tho 8th, enemy drow
up In lino of battle buforo our work, but
after being well punUlicd by our ballcrlci
they moved ofT toward tho west.
St. Louis, 10th. News from tho Wost to
day snya fighting Is going' on between our
cavalry ami Price's rear, about fifteen mile
wct of Jcirursou City, this, morning. Price
Is rou tli nf the Piiciflo rnllroad, moving
westwnrd. Whether he will strike for Ihe
Missouri river, or push sotilh wllh Iho view
of escaping from tho Slate. I not known
lie destroyed the rnuroad bridge Tour mlb
wont of Jefferson City.
'Flio Democratic IMatfoiin,
Tho l,vl which the IK'mncrnlto parly
will have before It, If it gut Into nnico nt
Iho ui-xl eliclloti. nnd resolve lo meet tht
legitimate expectations of those who trust
In It, and to keep It. own promises, will lc
of such tremendous, weight n lo entitle
those who nro raddled with It to the deepest
sympifliy of nil beholder. Amougit the
little duties which It will liaro to pnform.
In order to stive the untlon In Its own way.
Mill be:
I, To mako a " frnnk-nnd slrnlghlfor
wmd tender or the Cnii'llliilluti" In the re4
voltetl .VtMos, mid get thsm to twrj-pt It, and
eomi) Iwsk under It n jab which wc hope
will not have to be performed lu Ihe hot
;, In com Hit proper nflVir I raftiatd by
the icouKts, to ruler nil lbs mii Hint my
lni iicedetl lo ourry on the war by volunteer
Ing, without any draft. No dlfflenlty 1 an
ticipated on till point, o It Ir ooiindoutly
ixpeotrd Hint about a million Democratic
;ntsra will ruih In arms m soon a McClel
Ian nssume Ihn direction of the cnmpttgii.
II, To rnlw nil the mnney necewary for
the expenses nf the war by taxation, with
out rwort cither to lonus or Iseito of pa
per, and nt tho tame time lo draw In nit the
legal-tender now outstanding, and nevcrlhc
let keep the liwoi so light that tlio work
lug men ihnll never feel them, nnd never
know anything of tho wcr cxcrptuhul Ihey
read In Iho newspapers. '
4, To catch nil pirate nml sea rovers
sent to sen by Iho Confederate immediately
on their leaving port, aud biTero they have
come In tight uf any merchant vctsel.
fi, To calch till tho guerrilla south or the
Ohio river, and prevent any furtlicrdUtuih
unco uf any kind along the MhssMppl an)
where above New Orlianr, aud make all
that part of Ihe country as pleasant and ns
wire as New York or Conmoiicut.
0, To prevent nil nejsro slave leaving
tliclr owner In any 'part or the continent,
or to rewloic Ihrm a looou after they leave
a possible, or In case the sold on iter ihotild
I) nbwnt, serving In the rebel army, to
keep the said' negroes nt honest labor for
llielr masters'' benefit, supplying them with
olothlug nnd food out of Ihe Government
store, which shall, however, cost nobody
anything: mid Id prevent till negroes dying
of any contagious dlsevto, t
T. To win all baltlo, wherever fought
and ngnluit Mbatuvcr oddi, at airnill loss to
8. To fill nil departments of tho puhllo
service wllh the wlsitt and purest men lu
the country, so that no mistaken or frnudi
shall ever bo committed by any Govcrumvnt
ofllce r.
0. To carry nut our forelgh pollav In such
a vvny as to fill all forelgu nations
wllli a mixture of fear, rpct, admiration
and love-In equal proportion.
10, To ' conduct tho Government thai
everybody shall bo perfectly eat Wiled, and
that no complaint shall ever be made of the
Adtnlulstrallon In any uewspaper or oilier
These things, nt we have said, nro doubt
less very difficult, but as u great imny peo
pic expect thorn nf Mr. Luasiuv, I'uoy can
not bo linpolblc. V- Y, Timet,
PilBSlDRNT I.IXC01.N. TOO fust lOO
qW too radical too conservative too
lenient loo dupotlc -top'indi'pendeut of
hi Cabinet too much under tho influence
of tho Jllair. This U Iho .mm nnd snb-
stce of tlie conip'alnls against President
Lincoln, and they kill each' other. They
prove, )hat tho President does b's own
thinking nnd nets according to his own
convictions of his own judgement nt lilt
own cho3n time, which Is what tlio Prcal-
dent Is clccteil lo do, what the country ml-
mired In Washington find Jackson, find
'what has convinced tho masses that Abra
ham Lincoln Is the man for tho crisis. A
!,couicictillouj pairing loving truth ivtd righL
wilt) strong pracueui suw, cuiigiiiviu-u m
years of experleoco suli as no other rjian
in iho Natipn lias vei Iiml, llio Idea qf,
substituting for lifip t vwk, vpip, pmlii-,
tlbns .puppet of disloynl poIitlcIaiK, with
ontiforce of intellect ori.scMicil convictions
of'tmblic policy, is the isVeam of-tucn who
Iwtnt a' tool Instead of a' President. Sac.
, Thojswcteit oJ.a)t ,p!eaeuri, and'.onej
HjailM jcr wy, ls4to eherUU the heart
Jl,liln0).ci)rrr,-on'lciifr, orOotoWrtli.
A Huiiumcc of Modern Time.
In n quid nnd peaceful placj, on tho
banks of a tributary ol th,a Illinois river,
there lived n Miss Th commonly known
a Mrs. P with husband and c'jUrcn,
Indulging, of course, In the luxurlas of,n
married couple, They enjoyed, u happy
life for quite n nnmbcr of years, nntll tho
demon arnmcil liapnlncss from Its slnmbcr,
and what li tecnlcal'y so calhd they lud'a
falling nut, the Inuband w:nt north, titld
Mr. V married nnothcr, ThW Seconal
union wns nlso crowned with lmpplncM,
nnd no person npprchended any fears of
separation very sonn. Montln passed 00,
and nothing disturbed the happy pair from
enjoying the honey days. A few week
ago, however, husband No. 2, had occasion,
to hi abcnt from home ; In the mean tlmcj
luisbtnd No. 1 by mere nccldont re
turned from tho northern miner, his peck-
ols full of Ilo'sc Rives chief product, in
duced hi not forgotten consort to lice wllh
him, nnd bath nbiconded for parts unknown,
leaving liusbjml No. 2, on the return from
hi Journey, to tnonrn his lo.s and amnio
himself over the following lines :
"duo loved 1110, she raid, nml she swore It I
mis sworo 11 a umtisauu nmes :
.She lrennrcd my gift llkojewcls,
Aud learned and repealed my rhymes,
And numberless, tokens s'ao gave me ;
Her klse went many nnd sweet ;
And I thought her an nngcl front llcnvcn,
When she was but a womanly ohcatf
She robbed ma of rest and of comfort,
Aud gnv-o ui9 bright hopts In return,
And now In my liedeliMiiber, lonoly,
Her plotures I smiling burn.
Hut hark the dinner bell Is pcnllng
Not imuiy nre blueing the bright-
She lean 011 tho arm of another, .
Who was once my love and my prlda,
Ah. vvult I Ut her live nnd bo happy
Her picture are burned, nnd I teq
'Tli bitter bo rid of such tokens,
Aud keep tho heart healthy and frco.
A Tu-tov,
Those vvhn think that pcaoo and Union,
may bo hnd by compromise, would do well
to crock the following not from tho Rich
mond Jiiotiiitr: i
"As Lincoln wants peace on his own
terms, so wo also want penco on ours, f.nd
1he terms mutually exclude and destroy
each other. I it not therefore, tho ronio
ptsce we desire ; and thi'word 1 1 self, ban
died about In thl way, loses nil meaning
and signifies llttcrnlly nothing at nil. It
ha becoma n baleful word, nnd should bo
lift exclusively to tho use of buffalo orators
In n neighboring Slate, if any of Hint sort
still drivel and shlvcl. Let us rid of tho
whole vile cant, mid say nt once wc arc for
war, and nothing but war, until, as Duvls
li raid to have snld, "the last of this gener
ation fulls In his tracks," and then that wa
mrnn to pass it to the next as an Inheri
tance. It Is for those, who Imvo unjustly,
and wantonly invaded pur country to oiler
us peace ; and when they do, thoy will still
offer It In vain until their aimed men are
withdrawn from the sod of theso Confede
rate States nnd tlie felon flag of stars ond
stripes is hauled down from every fort
within our borders. After thai, it will, bo
tlma enough to prnto about peace. Now-,
the very word is nonsense."
What wk May Exruirr. The Chicago
platform menus ad and comfort to Ihojib
els disgraco and dishonor to ovcry ln)ou
soldier, tq every loyal mnu; nnd Its success
will bring about ono of three things, tvlty
Ut, An armistice, which villi give the now
almoit exhausted rcbvlllou a new Icaio'of
life; or, Id, a peaco, w)dcb shall acknowl
edge the Southern Confederacy; or, 3d, a
cowardly, truckling lo tho rebellion, which
shall trull our old (lug In the duet at tho
fiet of .traitors, aud welcome, cap In hand,
the clilcf rebels to tho highest seat In our
political synagogue. Either of these three
results U too terrUila to think upon) each
of them, In Ihe guise of pence. Is o.uly llio
prelude to a.flcrccr slato of civil war.-.Y
J, lltraltl
U.TAtut.M.i.t.-p. The wife of Joo Castro,
of Monterey, has given birth to thirty-six
children, all of whom aro living together
IP inni county, una ursi memy are iwins,
each pair representatives of either sex. jOf
the remaining children, eleven only werb
singly born. A yearling call 1 eaten t
meal by this family, and for desert thsy us
ually consume, on enormous quaatIty.of
r(or. It is safe to say that morejro-
llflo couple cannot be found on the globe.
At least a parallel InsUnoo not waijy
of.rcc.ord according to th,o Alta. ,
-ttialHcr tivrl0? ,n,ctl n looking ,glaa
MpatW'SjH.iriiiiK, hub ui i)in iiiini-iui.im-
jytjMjSjuuIou to seo the contents, of
ttiyHiDibj) mirror was on tho top when
theiNpSsV opened It. He gave one brief
lisic at4 h shock bead, dropped the
M!tk teMb Jey dcploted la execy fwtnre,
w(U Ms itvaiiisr, esolalmlng, "Obi mother,
laetlMr, fcSBsr'ltw brought home yc'aag
puppy P' ' s
L "
r'- t
hsMSa- 4 WPt' 3I. SBBBWTllslBBBHHBnWTljPff '4iBS9SHalalilBalalHallala i A, f .AyJHKaStBBulili' BtV