Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 08, 1864, Image 2

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1 I
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J. 31. HETTOX, r.illlor.
To Titt KrncACT and mum sr.xcr or rocn
Union, a Ootkbsi:nt roii tiik whole ir
rMmrsmnu:." ll'ajAinjton.
LUl of Agents for llio Onsnov Skntixm.
II. F. IliiMolt. general nscnt for Oregon,
nnil Idaho Tcritit7. . .,
L.T. Flher S-m rmncbco Uii.
J.J.Ui.oflton A-Co do ',0-
... ti (rffrt II'!!.
T. II. 1III1 Willxr do
I'. G. lllnlscye,. . Hock Point do
Thomas Croxton, . . , .Croutons IHfrpIns do
Wm. Splccr JumpOft'-Jo do
Gov. Glbbs, Portland do
I). JI. Thompson Allmny do
V. M. Kvnus, Allhouio do
Thomas Cnrr, , do do
Thomas F. Flojd Kerbn Me do
8. W. Bqwvcr do do
I). 1. Anderson Phoenix do
A. Ireland Myrtle Creek do
Geo. I. Dean, Kllenburg do
Thcodrlo Cameron Union Town do
James W. Watson I!8elnirg do
Mist Ilalllo Hunter.. . llopie Illvcr do
It. W. Siilllu Fort KUruulli do
Vlnjrcr Herman, of Canyouilllc,r,c nernl
A go nt for Douglas County.
Tiir Issuk. Tlio National Union Com
mittee have laid tlonn the following dis
tinct platfornias the Iwuo of tbo forthcom
ing I'rcsldciillal contwl : "f?i0
Abraham Lincoln.
For Presidential Electors,
JAS. F. OAKLEY, of Douglas cointy.
II. N&KORGE. of Linn connty. '
GEORGE It. WOODS, or Wnsco county
O.JACODSwIII address tho citizens of
Hock Point, on the current Isturs of the day.
mis evening, at 7 o'clcck. All are respect
fully Invited to attend.
There will bo u grand Mass Meeting In
Jacksonville, on next Saturday, tbe 131b
Instant. JL'DGK WILLIAMS our Senator
Elect, and other prominent Gentlemen, will
address tho meeting, at 2 o'clock V, M.
Spruklug and other dinoaitrat!ou will be
bad In tbo evening. All arc luvikd to be
Eeasons Why Union Men Should
Support Lincoln.
We wish to call tbe attention of those
wbo really desire a restoration of the Un
Ion, to the following suggestions, nd then
ask them, In all candor how they can con
sclentlomlT support McClcIIau for the Tres
Idency. That Lincoln made some blunders,
noone, we presume, will deny. Hut when
we look at tbe state or atklrsat the time
be took his scut, tho only wonder Is that he
got along without making more serious
mistakes than be did. He b ad to make bis
way to tbe Capital at a time when hundnds
were watching an opportunity to Asawiin.
tehlmjaud when there, what astatoor
things greeted him! Ho found a mighty
nation at the mercy of a bandfol of traitors.
Ho found n mighty nation dharmtd by the
comiaands of a single traitor; Its navies
Mattered to the four winds or the earth; Its
armaments already pointed towards Its own
Capital. Soven State bad then rono
out, and tbe glorious emblem of Liberty
Hbc'eo trailed In tbo dust. The Senate nnd
and Houso of IteprcseutatWes, and every
department of tbe Government, was Infes
ted with traitors, wbo boldly declared trea
son from their high places. Hundreds or
spies, underithe gulte of loyalty, bad situ
ations In every Department and Uurcau of
, State, ready to Inform tbo conspirators of
ony nwve that was put on foot to restore
In tbU condition of affairs delay was
fatal and hasty movements dangerous. Vet
somelhloghidtobe done, nnd tlat Imtnc
dlately, or all was lost, a generation that
bad been bred to the purtultsoC peace, bad
to be transformed luto a, nation or warriors.
Abraham Lincoln Immediately eUd to M
council tbo wlsect beads In tho Und, and It
was quickly deeded to call out 73,000
raca.' After untold generations thai! paw
nwajr, the hscrts or tbo dsKusdauU or
American patriots will beat with
. qukkcu pulses when tbsy read of the
jjiwlous jcesponse of tbU peoplo to tbsir
Chief iJIaglstrato's call, In tbe hour of tUe
'nation's greAteit peril.
But among lbs American people who pro
fesied loyalty, was a claw that wonld bare
been lew dangerous to our Government had
they nrmed themselves and Joined the arm
les In the South. It was composed of such
I ri bad longtbccn lu power, and fid and fat
Uncd on tho spoils of ofllco. .So soon at
ttio first burst of American patriotism were
echo -d buck from tbu walls of European
aristocracy, a low, foreboding growl began
to be beard throughout the North. It came
frcm traitors, who, while arguing the free
dom of speech, nnd tho freedom of the
' Press, slung the bosom that gavo them
I protection. A cry went up from llioo men
! uwlnst the rlnht of tho President to call 7.V
000 men Into the flald , to protect thenatlonnl
Capital against nrmed and organised coniplr
ators, who bad declared that tbeb loody ban
ner of treason should soon flaunt on the
Wccre lu triumph ovur Its proud spirts.
Theso same men have ever dogged at the
btcls of the Atlmlulstrnllon, and opposed
every meamre of Congress to facilitate Its
progress against trcaion. Tbcy havo dis
couraged volunteering; they havo organ
ized secret conspiracies within tbo very
Capital or the nation, having Its ramllyca
lions throughout tbo North; they have
steatbly furnished arms to traitors, and havo
given them comfort by expression, .r w.rm
sympathy, which tho rebel lenders have
used with great effect to cheer thulr men to
deeds of desperation, telling them that n
great party lu tbo North was lu favor of
Southern Independence It Is ono of the
proudest boats of their llcprctcntutlvcs III
Congrets, that they havo never "voted n
man or a dollar to carry on the war."
Wi'll knowing their weakness In the North,
thry bavo had recourse to ahat wo consider
n very shallow tubterljugc. They have
sought out a man wbo they knew was soro
towards the present Admlulsirallon; a man
whom tbcy knew they could mould to their
own ends, nnd Iboy ha j mndo n stepping
block of hint to Induce the wavering In
mount n platform recognizing the right of
secession. Wo bavc no dutibt the oratiou
delivered by McClcltun at West Point, was
writttn and put Into his mouth with the
view to-cajoi Union men after he bad been
nomlnattSThrjtho Copperhead parly. lend
ing IbcmTio'Lellcvo that he would carry out i
the doctrines cxprcsied on that occasion, !
rather tban the platform laid down by the
i.--iiviitutii-v ui iiiv wiiuie iiariT. a mo
owul's consideration Is sufficient to satisfy
n rcn""3 nl,nJ r 'he Inconsistency of
this. IfMcClulIan Is au honc-vt man lie
wWld not havo accepted the platform ofany
pay for the purpote of deceiving Ibiit par
ty. Holding these cutlments declared by
him at West Point, be could not have so
crptcd a nomination to utterly at varlaucc
with Ihoic sentiments.
The only cxcuio made by Union men Tor
voting for McCMIan Is, that bo will provo
dishonest to the patty tbut nmnlnuti'd him.
t4.ll Jl.lth IKaIh hhi STBd k. 1 .?.- - M
( vw miuK luvir iiuiiuriu, nuu nuoju une oi
his own, lu tho evcnflir his Itclug elected.
Union men cannut but have their douU.ni
to'tbe course such a nan would pursue.
Union Men, look well luto this subject bo
foro casting tbo fatal vote. If you have
doubts, give your country tbu ndvaatngo of
tboie doubts. Welch well tbe fact, that In
supporting McClcIlan you are working
shoulder to shoulder with such men ru Vol-
landlglmm, Seymour, Wood, Long, nnd tbe
whole list who bavc, from tbu commence-
mentof Ihu war, done everything lu their
power to clog tbo wheels or Government,
and boaitlugly declare tbcy nccr voted
a man or a dollar to support the war."
Flutter not yourselves that tho Union sen
timent Is In the aiccndency In tbe Copper
bead party. Look around yon, and sec
bow many thert are In that .irty wbo arc
noi ror a compromlso on nny terms, nnd
then make up your mind what chance Union
men have to dictate measures to tbem.
McCluIlmi a Truitor.
TniKD to Huv Hi Onr. To win Mc
Clellan nguln to his enuse, Lincoln had re
rourco to what Is equivalent to bribery,
but Mel'lellan spurned his Imw nfT-r. nsun
honorable man ought to nnd would do.
Ktigau Utvitic.
Now If Southern History Is to be bellev
til, and wo suppose it Is, from tho eoger
ness with which the I'.tvitie seeks, and the
confidence with which It gives the oMer
tide of Hit qvtil ion, this same George IJ.
McCUIIon. the Grave Digger of the Chick-1
nbomlny, the General who, from Harrison's I
Landing, nt the bend of a mighty ortnr. '
attempted to dictate to the American peo
ple, through tbe President, tho manner in
which tho Government affairs Khouhl be
condncled, nt tbe commencement of the
war only desired the promUo of the com
mand of a division to Induce him to JWn
the Southern Confederacy.
A book, entitled "Uallle-fields of the
South, from Hull Run to Fredericksburg,"
wieh sketches of Confederate coromauders,
nnd gossip of tbe camps, shows up this po
litical demagogue Iu these words :
"It may not bo generally known, but
men of high position and great crocily
have said, In Richmond, that McClellao
offered his services to the South when ttie
war began, nud that ho asked to command
a division. Ho was answered, that If his
heart was In the cause, let him join the
ranks like Longstreat nod others, and fight
his way np to that posllfou. There arc
accounts which pats this question beyond
At the commweowent'of the war, ilo
Clcllan was will lag to sell hi eountry or
the command of a division of th Southern
Confederacy, Now lie is willliw to U
tbe whole North to the South OonfedJ
eraey, ir the Democracy or th 'orth v)l
elect Mm President or the Uulted 8tt,
To talk about such a mau srm-raip any
ofier that promisee to give him pUltfoti,
whether It cornea froMtho Southern.. Ceo-
finlwaey. the Ohleo Cdavaalhw, or Abra-'
uara I.IbcoIo, Is simply absurd.
A few moults ago lie was to favor of n
vigorous prosecution of tbe war j now lit
Is running on the tlemmncratlc peace plat
form. Poor, pitiful, trading political trick
tier, you will not get n loynl Stale In the
Union : you will never succeed unlrss Let's
army succeeds, nnd there Is ns little hope of
Leo's army being triumphant ns there Is of
Little Mnc being clecttd Prealdeut In e
vcmber next. There Is no more chance
for Itcc nr McClellan to succeed than tlicr
Is for a cnnimcl to go through the eye of
a needle.,
Cxxv Daiimiiikn, Crooked River Ogn., 1
September 3rd, 18CI. f
Ed. Stnlintli There Is a good deal o
dissatisfaction hero, amongst the troopt
owning their own horses growing out o"
the act lhatsiiice tbo lit of June, the;
have been, or rather will be, allowed m
pay fur the services of their horses. Con
grrsa passed n law that from and nfter th
ill of June nil troopi should be mountrl
try the Government, ami not until 3 month
otter, utid In a country where they couS
not bo dismounted, did the order prnraulgi
llng the law, reach U3.
Thcro Is nnnc or tbe cnvalry that vJll rc
pnllst. All nrc pretty thoroughly ilsgns
ted, und feel like enjoying the tight War
draft. They think It might do sorre of Inc
valllant liar-room nnd parlor sold Its good
to take n tonr nnd scout over ths sand aid
sage, for o summer or two, nnd make then
more appreciative of the luborr of others
Most of the men lu tho regiment, Iron
officers down, feel, from tho manner iu
which they have been treated that thry ere
looked down upon as kind of hangers in,
ami auxlnui to rctuiu their positions. Gil.
lifornln has paid nil her volunteers a bJm
ty of tire dollars per month, In coin, uu! Is
still dutng It. Oregon has Ignored tin ex
iitnnco of her regiment, nnd so far ai re
gards nny offlclnl net of the Stale, theynre
not known. Kviry paper In tbo Stile,
1 with ono or two cxcptlom, tut been innre
. ivuiij iu KV ,IIUIVII tU BUillU DIM.UCr,
tlmn nny merited jimlso.
Ml these things taken Into consideration,
it Is not a wonder that the reglmint wsuld
J . . .
No, Oregon neid expect no
more help, by wny of Yolnnter rs from her
abused 1st regiment, If the Govcrntrenl
wnnts nny more soldiers from her thpy will
have to roll the " whccl'ntid the 1st 0. ('.
will laugh at their caiumity, and " rrock
when their fenr conieih." Some or thcin
might perhaps bo persuaded by tome ol
the -loomed to accept SI ,000 or 51,200 iu
gold coin, as subitltulw.
We hove not seen nny Indinns for nearly
two months. Tbe command will go In
about the middle of October. Wcurc still
scouting tbo country. I bacjut returned
from n seven days ruu, Dorth nnd wt. ' To
morrow, Capt. Small, with 20 days ration
nnd 40 men, leaves for the direction or
Harney Lake, which 1 ctpect will be Hie
last scout mad. VoruKicwt.
Sniw Pins it Sojii: Stniws. AjnlUs
'" not hvny asleep when his eyes are shut,
Ho sees nud hears innio
funny things ocea-
sloually. Wo booked
his inrmoranduin
book, and on perusal, found (ho fulloulng
TwpCopiH-rheadsgot Into a wnrut con
Iroversoy near we, today, ns to the policy
or McClclUn, should ho be electid. One
conlcndfd that he would wlpo out the Cun
fideracy In about firtecn days, nud show Ab
olition wnrhow Jcr that thry know nothing
about nghllng. Tho other ropllnl that that
can nover be, for Little Mao Is a peace innu
nnd stands on a peace platform; that be
would offer them tho Crlttcndeu Compro
rulie, ar.d let them take their niggers Just
w hero they wished. When tho dlfpute had
waxed quite warm, ouo contending for .Mao
and bis West Point rpech, the other for tho
Chicago Convention and tbe platform, a
Union man present, suggested a compro
mise, which Immediately deputed or tbo
dispute nnd three drinks or whisky tbo
Unlqn man being counttd In. Tbe compro
mise was. that one should votn for Geo, J).
McClellan, nnd tbo other for Geo. It. Plat
form. Another Cop., while expatiating on the
tyranny of Old Abe.Jn taklug away tbo
rights bf tbe South, was asked to name one
right that bad been taken away. He asuim.
id his moss Iinpoklng and dlultled "polsb","J
nnu exclaimed, "Wbeie's yonr Helper's
Hook ?"
Tire Hun Jas. D. Foy, wbo siandyJUIfod
and shoulders above any otber maiidriirs
party In Southern Orogon, wbo takes an nc
tlvo lead In politics, a man to whom three
fourths of tbo Copperhead parly or South
ern Oregon bow In admiration, has said
that bo would not vote for nny man, from
const-able tip who had over been In favor of
the present war, and this sentiment was
caught up, by the smaller fry uud reiteiatid
throughout the county.
On the nomination of McClellan, It was
discovered that tho above declaration was
not exactly sultid to the present campaign,
and somo means must bo Invented wberuby
tbe Demoeraoy could swnliow Lltllo Mao,
West Point speech, aod all.
After gicat labor and diligent research,
the Hon. J. U. Wblto bos succeeded In plnck
lug tbe war qnllb from Geo, D, to tbaS be
can bo swallowed by too CowMtnHonal De
moeraoy without pcedadog -wry face. We
lear Umt.Uw Moo. gentleman, aba nw.
Uottsd Ihm dleovitfd an alHdavlt over the
slgBAUire of Gw. B.04JUn, that Um
said MsCUllttB neve .suule M nMtlon i
Wes 1'olut.
We hive no dpuU that a gwWou ,ptty
will unite with one accord ,Jn reJoWng, and
tbt cry wll go up Gt, aasuY, GtEAT,
Rkad ,tbe Interesting coiumuolcathw oT
keariarge on flirt jwge.
Imporinnt Ilcvclntlonii Ht
Bpoctitip the Treasonable
Plot In liiiUiuin.
The Indianapolis Daily Journal of Aug.
2tst has- tbe following additional Informa
tion about tho treason In Indiana :
On Saturdny nlternoim Governor Slor
ton received a letter from nn Eastern city,
which was ns fultows, except some names,
which tve omit for pradential reasons :
, August 17, 18CI.
Governor 0. H. Morton Sir : The facts
hereby elated havo come to my knowledge
In a manner nud from a source such ns to
have no doubt in my mind of their relia
bility. The Copperheads of Indiana have order
ed and pad) fur thirty tboxnnd revolvers,
with forty two boxes fixed tnnmnnition, to
be distributed among the antagonists of our
Government, for the purposo of controlling
the Presidential election.
August Mb, the steamer Granite State
landed In New i'ork landed lorty-lwo box
es ol revolvers nud ammunition ; Aug. Cth,
the steamer Ully of llartlnrd landed twenty-two
boxes ammunition, destined for In
dianapolis. Thirty-two bnxrs of the above
havo licet: forwarded to J. J. Parsons, In
diunnpnlis, via .Merchants' Dispatch, nnd
marked " ," the ballniicc Is stored at
No stiri'l. New York, nwulllug
the convenience nf tho Copperheads to pay
Tore the same before shipping.
Immrdialcly on the receipt or this letter,
Governor Morton placed the Information It
cnntnlned In the bandi or policeman John
S. Russell, whn was able In a short time
tn report progress to Colonel James G.
Jones, Assistant Provost Marshall, wbo,
with Colonel WosfisJftC tho Veteran Ru
tcrvc Corps, "IKM detail, made n
descent on the pfW(ftid Imok-liindlng
establishment of II. II. Dudd & Co., where
they round thirty two boxes, such as were
drM'rlbed In the letter. Afier tho boxes
were openrd their contents were fomid to
consist ol four, hundred large navy revol
vers and one hundred und tlilrty-fivo thou
sandj-ouiids of fixed ammunition for the
same arm. Among the captures mado nt
the same place were the great seal of the
Order of the "Sons or Liberty," the official
list of the members of the Order, at this
place, nnd several hundred printed copies
of the ritual ; also u large amount or cor
respondence or on Important character,
which may be given to tho public at the
proper time. The pioplo will begin to
undarstnnd now how much tlicvc uninitigu
ted scoundrels dcalrc peace. Thirty thou
sand navy revolvers, with ammunition
enough for any army, coupled with the ne
gotiations or Yourbcci for the purcbuso of
twenty thousand Garibaldi rifles, would In
diento that there Is a good deal of the dis
position of the tiger hid uuder their sheep
skin garb of pence.
William II. Harrison, Secrclnry of the
Order of which U. II. Dodds U Grand
Commander, was arrested, nud Is still In
custody. John J. Parson nnd Charles P.
Hutchinson, partners nfDodd, wcro also
arrested, but wero discharged on their afll
davits that they were tint members of the
Order, and wero not udvlsed of the contents
or the boxes.
Tin' Journal also publishes a number or
the papers nnd letters seized In tbo office or
Daniel Y. A'oorliecs, member or Congress,
which we have not room to publish.
ooitntssroxpK.NCK iiktwekn ocnrral caii
msoru.N and u. w. voonuKiss.
Correspondence or the Clucluuall Gazette.
Indianapolis (Ind), Aug. 20, 1BCL
Some time since, copies of the ritual or
the O. A. K. were found In the oBlce or
D. W. Voorhccf, nt Tcrre Haute, which
naturally led to tho Inference that thry
were the property of I). W. Voorhccs.
He bas mado a denial to Colonel It. W.
'!'.,... .1 n in j . ...
i uniuuii unu iu ui-uvrni varringion, wuicii
occasioned the following reply. That the
people may know the truth and judge for
themselves, we lay it before our readers :
LKrrr.it from ii. n. carbingtun to d. w.
lNPiANAroMs (Iud), August 1C.18C4.
1). W. Voorhee?, Member of tbe Uoited
States Congress, Terre Haute (Iud):
I have received from you a copy of your
letter to Colonel S. W. Thompsou, Provost
Marshal, nnd his reply. The following
laconic note occempanies them t
"General Carrlngton : As you published'
.this falsehood lu the tiewspaprcs, I ahull
pect you to correct It, as Colonel Thomp
son has done. 1). W. VOORHEES."
Tbe assumption In the above Is crouud-
less. Your name Is not mentioned by me
lo my reports, noither havo I published
anything about you whatever,
You insist upon my answering your
note to Colonel Thompson. The poiutB
you make are :
First "That the the offices in which It
is said these papers were found hod not
tn-cn occupied by you, or by nny one con
nected with you, or been In any way uu
der your control since November."
Second You dcslre to ascertain wheth
er tho circumstances connected with the
discovery or theso papers In that ofilce led
to the supposition that yoq placed thent
there, or was eveo aware of thele mI.
Ton dwiro tUvlhat the peophj way
knew Uw truth," and "not that you attach
aey pwtloufcr )wp!ktwe to tbe doco-
Tbe papers referred' to are , hundred
aud twelve coph of H tUv ol tbe O A.
K-. Ires9k0rdr,- wIag (0 ovcr.
ilwij tho GevswwKBt ortb UhUJ Bkt,
offwbWi yw an a awHAer; "
Ttw gwtliMMt) who fontl "these papora"
toW me they were found lo your office.
The following are "some of the circum
stances" that led mc t-i suppose they were
correct in the snpposition :
Your law library nnd ofTiM furniture
were In the offics whoro "thisc papers"
were fonml.
You had declined rcnominatlon for Con
gross, nnd the offiee was reported ns not
for rent as late as April, 18C1.
The rltunl 1ml b n Usncd in tho Aulnmn
of 180.1. Your Con?re1onal documents
were In the office wluro "these pnps".wcre
The cnrrcspfindi'iicfi of Senator Wall, of
New Jcrsy, under lib trunk, indorsing a
proposition In fiimtsh you with twenty
thousand stand of Garibaldi rlfl-s, just Im
ported, "for which hu could vouch," was In
the office where these papers were found.
The correspondence of C. L. Vallandig
ham, from Winder, Cunadi West, ntjnr
Ing you "our pfople will flht," nnd that
"ho Is reudy," nnd fixing n point on "the
Lima road" nt "which to meet you," was
In tbo office where "thesa papers" were
Tbe correspondsnee of J. Ilardesty, who
"wants yon to have that hundred thousand
men rrndy, as we do not know how soon
we may need them," was in the cfsj-herc
this ritual was founJ. S
The correspondence of J. J. lWIJbsm,
who nsks you "if yon think the South has
resources enough to keep the Union force
at bay?" end s-iys that "you must have
sources oHskfrmstlnn which he has not,"
was In tbUPR: where theso papers were
found. "r
The currcspindcncc of John G. Davis.
Informing you that n certain New York
jonrnol "is wonderfully exercised ubout se
cret anil war movements, and tremble In
their boots In view of the terrible reaction
which Is sure to nwnll them," was In the
office where these pjpirs were found.
The corresponds nee of W. S. Walker
who "keeps oat of tbo way bcauo they
are trying to arrest him for cfTi. 1 t'ng In
secret sooictios, " enclose the oath of the
K. G. C.'s prior In the O. A. IC , was In
tho ofTiee where these papers were found.
The petition of O. L. Vallandlgham, P.
W. Yoorhces and Ilrnjirnln Wood, In fa
vor of two republics and a United South,
was In the oQlot w lure "these pajurs" were
Tho correspondence ol Campbell, who
says the "Democracy wcr nnco not nfra d
tn lot their pnrpnwn out to da light ;" but
that "It Is deemed best to work in secret,
nnd asking your consent," were tn the office
where "thrtc papers" were found.
And so or II. W. Matins, who wants n
good place lo tho regular army ; nnd so of
Hannrgan, nnd so of W.J. Pierce, who
"will show the bruits that Lincoln has
turned out to be monsters In IfiClj" and
so of Digger, and Devlin, and Dodd, tie,
whose rahl correspondence was In tho office
whero "these papers" were found.
These urc some of "the circumstances"
that led mo to belive that "these papers,"
tho ritual of the 0. A. K., wire found lo
your office-
I lookid upon these7 clrctinulencwi ns n
p'aln Juror m'ght be supK)f(d to do, in 1
not as a statesman, und innocently suppot
ed that such papers as those, If spared
from the fire, would be In-the possession or
tbe owner, and that tho office or the owner
would bo the place where these
would be found.
And yet, with Colonel Thompson, 1
cheerfully accept your denial, and so rts
pond, as you request, "tbut the people may
knnor the trulh."
Your well wisher,
IIk.xrv II. Carrixoto.v.
Tiir. Next IxkLToruL Cuu.r.on. Con-
grew has decided that none of tbe States
which havo been formally declared In Insur
rection shall vote for President till readmit,
led into the Union. Tho States thus exclu
ded from participating In the approaching
Presidential contest are as follows ;
Ylrglula, North Carollnn, South Carolina,
Georgia, Texas. Tennessee, Mississippi, Al.
bama, Louisiana, Florida.
Our next President and Vice-President
are therefore to bo chosen by tbe following
State Ehctors :
Maine, 7 ; New HamphIro. 6 ; Mns.ichn.
etts, 12 ; Itbode Island, i ; Connecticut, C ;
Vermont, fi ; NejJKpik, aar New Jersey,
7 ; Pennsylvania, 20 ; DvlnvXrc, 3 ( ry.
land. 7 ; Wet Vlrglula,5 1 Ohio. 21 : lndt.
ana". 13 ; Illinois, 10 ; Michigan, 8 , Wlr.
consln, 6 ; Minnesota, 4 ; Iowa, 8 ; Kansas,
8 ; ICeutucky, 11 ; Missouri, 11 ; Call'ornle.
3; Oregon, 3; total, 24 Slates, 2U Elec
tors, necessary to a choice, 121.
Wemakotbe followluj quotations from
lilt. .Ir.nA In lis In.J.. r .1. nj... ..
.-. ...... ,.. ,.n itaun v, me toill, UII
Comment la unneoest-ary :
Since the action of tho Ch'eago Conven
tion and Gen. MoClelUut letter of aocept
nnco have been given to tho country, the
Black Itepubllcan Journals of Oregon and
v art totvj lo my, lhatctrtnm JbnueruU alto
are couiplalulng r Ibe wide difference,
the Inharmonious policies, between, and In
the Chicago Platform and McClellan' let-
iti uj acceuiauce.
Tbe fad ) the illrrprnnxn" i-1... .ilr
rtrence.and the disgath-raclimi lween De
mooroU Is r and tntirt tati'frctim, aod
that's what troubles our opponents ; there
Is Just where the tter lies with tbem.
A new Post Office has been established at
tho Willow Springs, six mile norlb of Jack!
sonvllle, and S. P, Dean appointed Past
Asnhol Uush, says tbe correspondent of
the Ortgexian, has notified the Secretary or
State that he Is now prcpaaed to do the
Staio printing, and Is commencing a suit to
reoovcr pesseuloo of (bat oftlco.
San Francisco, Oth..
duy Wi a 55.
-Legal Tenders, to-
-.... ... lM...n . ll . ,.
Clellan : "We can gain nothing b Y
nonnclng tbem. c may looe maeli t,
prercntlng n hostile front to their p
movement!. L've with them under IV
simc Govrrnment wc never will. Hot, j,
the meanwhile II they will ure the bsllot-V,
ngalnst Mr. Lincoln, while wc nso tl4ti.
ridge-box, each side will be a helper toft,
other, and both co-operate in acconpT
Ing the greatest work which the cosoir.
and this continent have witnessed.
MiJ. Dowmnn. Inspector General or uj
Department, is now stopping in town. Hi
has been to Fort Klamath to In'rrtcll!,
works there. He reports nil satlifacloriii
that uirrctlon.
The Major Is ono nf those nobis bet u.
lortunaio vieum m mc irraeticry j
Twlpg, In Te.xa. Ho was surrendered fa.
1 1 the hands of traitors, remained a prtrotq
for eighteen months, nnd bad his propcrl;
an cnmi'caieti, nc inuignanuy rparirf
their offers to restore bis properly, on rot-
dltlou that he would accept an o3lce laU
rebel array.
Mirw and DntNC Howareyoa.JoU! I
I'm deuced clatl to see you.-' Vry
('barley, cjB&d tako a drink oldMIot
Tisn't oftcrV meet.' Thsl's (
Jnhn-and wl.cn wo d? It's meet snJdrltt,
13 ox-ix.
At 8ilverton,nregon, on the 2d IniL,b
the wife of 0. Jucob, of this county, goj;
last of Ettors
RnMAININ'G Iteoiatiilng- I'ocUlnWi,
tbu Port Office, ut Jaiktonvllle,
or Ogn., on the 1st day or Oct. ISUI.
Ilhilr John W Itawlcr JamfsUl
IHnckNilge John Iamb J T
lUih-yJas Lewis Mrs KsttW
Drown CliarlcsK Milter I) T
Cox Miss Snruh h Magnrth Win II
DunUn Mrs RbKly Maiifonl Mrs Nitcj
Daniel Mrs Mnry Prctlymsn P
Diivali David J Rrddy J.s
Dnbell T (5 Reynolds Din 3
Daly Miss Mllcn Spears .Ins 2
Daly Jus W Sargent Conrad S
KrunsJucnb Sill Daldwln
Kians Mrn Fanny Stewart F A
P.vunsWm Hinder J II
Furrls Susannnh Tuflor Fuos
Kistn-r Joseph 31
To olitnin.nny or Iheee letters, tbe stpH.
cant mint call fur '-udvcrtlnd letters," pit
Ibe date or this Hit, aud pay one evstU
Knot called for within ens nwitS, thfj
will be sent to Ibe Dead Letter OiUcs.
lu mailing letters, placo ibe potiip
slamji on tho upper right-hand coratr sal
leave rpaco brtut-en the stamp and dmeUoa
for poM-marklng without lmerforrlnita
the writlug.1
Jacksonviuk Ontuox.
Will practice In the Courts orOregen.
Jacksonvili., Uiikoux.
net" tf
Dealer lu
y Dry Goods, Grocorios, Jd
rj ' HOOTS, andSHOKS, u
h Hard waro, 6l Cutlery, w
Tino liquors, otc, otc. .
ft '. '';oiJ riUK-pitooF V
HUlUli, outh eldeof Cal.fornls
i'lrnt Jauxitonvllle.
These litters are highly n fined, grslsfol
to Ibo tanle, warming. ellmuUtlog audio
vlgoratlng to tbo debilitated svstcru. Tot
are a tlioruujly nudlcatrd coinpouM,
powerful and cTincentraUd.aud bars Lees
brought lo their present slate of perfection
by nearly twenty ears experience, aud sris
beyond mestIon, one of I he bett remtdle.
frir all dlfcrases or tbe dlgotltvs orfsu,
Wheie ttesvkUm bas been feducrd by J
vers, etc., they will prove one or tie raw
valuable auxiliaries for a jx;0d and persss-m-nt
rei-toratloa to health and strength.
Price SO cents per bottle. For sale sy
all drugKUt and Grocers. ocUmJ
Snuff and Tobacco
10 and 18 Chambers St., N. V.
(Formerly it Chatham street, New York.)
Would call the attention or dialers totts
articles of bis manufacture, vU ;
XXx-o-oirxi. SSIxx-u.S's
Slue lUppfle,
1-ura llrpni.
Cv4 Kunpe, Nli!tl,
Autncau Ucnlluaim, Cui""
8&rf.'; . Houer Pew Sootcli,
JIIkU Tul Soottli, rh Hooey P fc"t
lrUUIltioTuj.1. tttttitUab.
or t-uudptwt.
Attention la called in h i.r,. rnlnetloa
In prlcea of flue-cut chewing aud smoking
tobaccos, which will bo found of superior
Tobwooo t
SMOKiqi rmK-cuT cucwuoi smosissi
Jk. V. A, U, or plta, t. JH
S" ' CdWi. or Zvnt, SpuiWi.
a, .. 8t-Sutd Onmoco, CsomI..
Oti1UM1"Kl' Tl Jr,u "lJU't "
N- IJ. A circular of oriees will U
on application, Nov. S8, '03 y!
1111.1 tv iiiin iiiuMuiin. inn ucorri
Rrgiittr holds the following Isnsnsp
relation to thne now supporting Om, Ji.