Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 01, 1864, Image 2

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I '
. .!
J. SI. SUTTO.Y, nitllnr.
Courting for Love.
ft Z? I
I without making the humiliating ocknowl-
i cdptiifht thnt llipr hnt-t. ili-ltlw-rntfilr nl. .
tempted the perpetration of nn enormous i
ruu uroa ,M American pcop e . oc &,,eiW:1, ,g wM , h(vt
leaders mot together in Jvattonal Convcn ! ,. ,, B wc,knPSS -onp , ln rwl . lr ,
tlon. nnd nftcr consultation and deliberation j ,hc W0Pg o(oXhQt lmt j. believe the weak-! Wednesday'! Dispatch.
, agreed upon a platform or principles. nc, cotl.u nth,t In our expressing our , York- 26lli. A special says the
Will they support this platform of prlncl-' re) reelings on the sulked, wbleb mea nsu-, Shenandoah Valley will bo fortified to pre.
pies, or by IK non-support acknowledge ty Hrive lo hide. Ik that m It may, I re- rent future raid.
that It Is a transparent shani, a magnificent sumo Ihc subject of 'Courting' with do I Washington, 2Cth. President L'nooln,
swindle? Thej hold, by every considcra- small dsrtce of nlly for those who aro cat ' on the 23J. addressed a letter to Momirom.
To tiie nrncicr ixd rtRwixtxcT or vorn
Union, GnvrnxMivr roa tiik whole is
IMiHraxsiMJ:." HinAinffon.
tlon of honor, the candidate is bound, if
I elrcted, to carry oat the principles of the
I platform ; that he cannot accept the honor
' tpntlpml him nntl annrn (lit. nliilfnrm nnnn
which that lonor is tendered. Then, if
this position be true, and we cannot tee
how It can be otherwise, what are the
principles which a voter supports by voting
for General McUlellan T
1st, He says that the Constitution Is a
eompiet between sovereign Stales, and
that the Slain being purtirs to that intru
ment, Amy o right to jwlgt of ila tnfrnc.
List of Agents for Ibe Ont.oo.v Sevtixel. ' "oni "" "I l'w ntatvrt nnd metlt of re-
K. F. Riincll. general agent for Oregon, I dress. The very doctrine on which the
? atJldlii", Tcrrltorjr. I rebel acted In dLrnpting the American
I.. I. FMitr San Fmneisco Cal. I .. , , , J ., , .,
J J. Knontioti A Co. ... do . . .do. i n'on' nnd 'n 1,lC Inaiignralinn of the
Tbom Davi, .. . Applpii. (Jen. ; frorfu carnaval of blood which bus cen-
ulnnc on the broken billows of lore, entirely cry Hlair P. M. Gencrut, requesting rrslg-
dependant oo Impressions made by Cupid's
blind-sped darts. The timidity, the doubts,
the sleepless nights and blighting despair,
which they are olmot certain to encounter
sucly merit the commtseratii n of all who
have a spark of feeling for human misery.
Who who would seek an hclp-meto when
nation ; Hlcir having promised to resign
when requested. Promise made In conso
qnence of the resolutions passed at the Hal
timore Convention, declaring they deemed
it essential that welfare and harmony should
prevail in National councils, and regarding
Governor Drntilon ha lfllucd lo accept
the position or Put tmator General.
S'. t.-mls. 27lh. Oflklal Information still
puts l'rlcc's main force at Frodrickiown. ,
wilh his advance ntrnrmlngton. The main ,
boJy Is estimated at from ten to lcntv
thoasuid. priorlpiliy cnvnlry. The d
vanec l about 4.U00 strong and mounted. '
I.lgbl attack was made nn l'llol Knnb nnd '
Iruntnwu, yeitcrdav, which was evlly re- j
mil.. .1 Tim rnrmt thren- OihIIk Into the'
Tbo enemy threw hhdls Into the
iltmufactmv nnd Dealer in
ilium m umm,
j In Ryan's New lirick, Jacksonville,
wealth has down, and mlsftiHlon ..j, , j "orlhy of pnblic conBdence, and official
.i.iticsiivvit.i.n. (inr.iidx,
OCT. 1, 1S6I. j
T. R. Hill Hiiiwr aa
r.li. liiweye, . .Itock I'olat Us
Thoma Craxton Crotlom rtleglna do
Wm. SpTccr JumivOir-Jo no
Gov. Glbbs, I'ortlaml ilo
his babltatlou, with the livery of homcllneH
Imprlntril on bis countenance, has but the
alternative left to wandtr In the mates. of
love until some wanaVring dart may chalice
to pierce the botom of some luckless nympb.
To such, again would 1 tendrr my heart felt
sympathy, for. Indeed. Is hl path bestrewn
with, thorns who. In this condition, would
seek a partner to share bis miifortuncs.
But I fear my sympathy ha caused me to
I .1 r ..:... . . . .
almlMl horror ft.r nr,lr aW "om or,P"' mienilo.1 of IhlS I
D.M. Thompjou..
W. M. limns
Thumn Onrr
Tborn-uF. Floyd...
S. H". tjnwver.!
I. 1'. Amlsrsoa. .
A. Ireland
Geo. I.. Dean,
Theolrfe Camrun
James V. Walson .
Ml lliillle Hunter.
I.. W. SulNns
... Kerbvvllle
. . l'liotnLx
tinued with nn
1 four year. They did jdge that the Con
, sltimlun bud b?cn broken, and did Judge
ihul sccortlon and Southern Independence
was the proper " mode of rirtn." Willi
1 this doctrine cmltodW In the Chicago
Platform, no democrat can consistently
oomplaiu of the action of the Southern
3tatt. They M precisely what the
Irust, those only who cordially endorse the
principles in a series of resolutions which
should characterize tbo administration of
the Government.
I) air, on rudin this, immediately ten
dcrrd resignation, which he held In obey
ancc until now. Immediately on recclvlrg
the President's letter he formally resigned :
tie says my oCVr to resign was not made
becansc the principles, adopted at Haiti
more, were objectionable, bat on the con
trary, it was made In good faith wilh a
view to aly nnlmfultirs among friends 0
those principles in order to secure their tri
umph. The Prrsldcut txprcsed great sal-
. . I'mIm Town do
. . . Hi bn'g
. Rucue River
Furl Klamath de
Ringer Herman, of Canjf uvillo, general
Agent for Dttugtas Ciwnti.
letter, wbtib was t dltcuis the mode of
courting u-ually adoptid lo tbh unfortunate
I rami cojfrtu In the outset, that courting
for love is of all other order, the most no
etic ( for what young lady can listen with-) f"ction with Hlairapnstal administration,
out emotion, lo the devoted appeal of (he uv- Dcnntson of Ohio will probably be
lore driven swain, or Is not moved by his , his f ucevstor.
poHonatc rchersal of some time-honored Washinslon. 2Gth It annears that
Pktfrnn uIrM tln-v ld a right to do : lllud, expressive of that deep and oontln- i Eirir tras InttniPtH . t. t,Li ik.
.lo To give them a right to Judge of tl lo 'ng passion Imprhoned wUWn tlie ckf-m-; yu;t.y t n luxards. Shvrldan is still
d fracKon of the Constitution, arl of the , These tppr.1, and reht f , paw,ing ,lm nlelelnflanm all along
rawe nnd mwsun of redress, and then to ' '" pnooipie siocs in trade or the ,,lt road, t ,, ,u,afripo0 reliable au
wagen war npioat them f,.r the exercise ! f 'd-M ?""-"r. 'V .hori.v. that 3000 nrisoTJ-havMn e.r.
PBoeeeu lueiioiiinga kind of sympathetic . , .... ., '. ; , . , .
ferflng from the one on whom they are b-j ,,,;""'" ' .', . "JI'- " ,f M
slowed. Tills neeomplbhed. the Oral step Is Ktr ,,cre ,1"lt L,ir'-F wi" bf able ,0 nith
madelotvard the yet distant goal. Rut as
tbe mil pracrenH Ue dlStenliUs aeenmn-
He has yet lo cmirlitee Iheoljeclof
hit nlTicllons of the oustabiHly of wealth,
lbs trial', tbe bard.hlpi end tbe tuIery,or
'hoie who have been reared In nnxltnu
I'MlKnnderslcneilhas leased nneoftk,
. tine stori rtnitm In llyan's N'ow Itnc1,
jA building, for thu mauurae- fi
rfvlWC ture nm' r"' of saddlcrj fiM
and harness. Ho has timtr
a large and fine slock In sloiv, lo which In
will Ixi conitantly makliiK nddhlons. n i.
j wh'ch ho Invltca the attenllun of iwtmt
pairous, anu mc iiiinic ni large.
.ow nendj' for Customers:
ItMTjrDninahl ltntnn(lni!nJ thprt l
Oo.winl lUrnfM, UnrV' ilir.(t,rt..lli iai
hiwniih ?iJ.II, ollli u-i ntkl ilfcirtnurJM.
IjuIIm S..l.lllO(W lkllr, CdJI.(p '
rnrrrrotnl, Sutrliinlrt lilp-lulin, V UIik
UrMf , ?.m, rlt
The sloro will always bo slocked willu,
largo and line an assortment as cau be foaaj
on tbo coast, out'Ido of tiau Kranclxo.
KEPATTUNG ttsnd(d toaluj
jjlonniliun", uLd iu a nuuuir to guaraotrt
Give him a call.
Jacksonville. Oct. x.S. 'tit.. ncllif
if litis right, Is monstrous wickedness.
No wwnler that the Epttt should say
Tiir. Issue The National L'nloii Com'
mhtcc have laid dawn lh folio luc die-1 "" MvClelhiii, itamllii' os snsii a pint
tinct platform as the issue of the fjrlbcom ! 'orm " whio or a irar mm." 'Vkt Ex
lug Presidential coute.: : pnn. In nsing this argament, is addressing lftfi
"TIIH UNCONDITIONAL MAIN- ,M .,oan- ,ll,,e tt l, 1,ave Tr-
TENANCK OP THE I'.VION, THE ol"'-' TP051 ,uu ffftr frPm " inwptioo
SUPREMACY OF TH2 CONSTITU on:n ,0 ' P""1,1 i0ar' nm- opposed It
TION, AND THE COMPLKl'K SUP-! 0B ,bc Pr,wlPtl fjbedlcd lo the Chicago
ritllSSIOX OP THE HKHELUON. I I,,u,frm' T1-r arc men r pHwipWs
Wrm THE CAUSE THKItEOF, IlV ' 0Bd nrt rca,ful ,h "cillations of .Me
VIGOROUS WAR AND ALL a IT I CW,un 5 nnJ "'' lf,Mlr r th "Old
AND EFFICIENT MEANS." Gnard" Is cnumsratlng the sol-ran nnd
I binding asiuramsrs they have that thry will
MTIOXAL niOX rO.MlLMIOV MJSIXT.rS. nal I Jfcelved in his support
I 2J, II who supports McClcllan Is In
Staunton with one third of his original com
maod. Relnfbrcemsols seat to Sheridan
from Ibis vicinity, hare reached Stras
New Orkinr, 19tb Mobile udvlors re
port a gunboat expedition up Fish river.
when mlffortune overtakes them, aud tt!?awmi:s. cristmllls. abtn vards an.1 Inm
show the slablllty and plcorc of poor bin ' ber wm destroyed lo the value of 81,000,- i
o.nwiporeny.anaiucnapinneistbatma't 000. Port Gdlnei il In fine condition.
iesrlally be ,fcMmd on the hewd of Vy ,, of Fcrt M,.rffS3 mb mr b:
ttwe who are true KHhe great object of I ,.., .....j-i.b.
their crratton, and earn Ihelr bread ly the ,Tv ., i . .
sweat or Ihelr brow." Should he be able f C.-Rosfrcranahai luoed on
lo overcome her prrjnrtlees on thti score, he i orJfr ,U'P",,1,BS ttl1 luliip not abioluttly
r.,rnr..un..ii.i. ..i..i .. .i ' "" ,,u' rnigrcwu w ntMiint where lie I " - """ "'""f"
i.ti . r ..' .1.. """"'r; UB" ,uc main oWtacles begin lo loem nn before him: Pri,Imre for Mra. Roscrcrans Issued an
Abraham Lincoln. : ,t rotli ii S e , T ,wi bc,0"B""t ,0 "" "-' "r f i tIoiotBl tp citizen, to uie op
i u iv.b I'KtlIli-.M',
or Tr.NMuitr.
For Presidential Electors,
JAS. J-GAZLUV. of Douglas county.
II. X. GEORGE, of Liun coanly.
would lead to the recognition nf -ilm r.m
j ftdrratc States, aud end in sejiaration, Gnat
, and ttcruul.
Rkoel ATTnocjTiKS. To oblige our Ab.
. olitiuu cotfmporaries, who are tlcrnally
; giving fictitious accounts of the brutal
i tnntliicnt of Federal nriaocpn lir tU n-K.
GEORGE I.. WOODS, or Wasco counly tU w Pfwent the following truthful item,
i mmm I copied from a Iloston paper ;
An Mhr m tbe rebel prison at Macon,
Ga., writes to New York, saving : ! Ihivc
btro treated very well, and find some kind
bvurled offieers in the Confederate arms. I
erwl I
strives to dispel Ihem by storm. lint alsi ! j Invaders. Pilot Knob has ben evacuated.
.or leuow, now oncu at Ibis stage of Mi . troops ralllu? back to Mineral Point. f!rn
L.::r:ii r- . '? 3,000 .., of
Tbe Crist and the? Trne
Under this caption, the Marysvllle Rett, have nlll want lo eat."
ly Expnu ol Sept 10:h. makes on oppoal I We one1'1 Prbps. to add that this is a
to the "Old Guard." It soys, we accent I ."!' rB,f. ""! for the actual rebel uttroc
the nomination of McCWian. nod support ' ,,lw-Lu"'f "
him ujion the ground lhat, (landing o ' il ' 'nJ"d nmiHlng how eagerly onr
Me platform of prmtiplti tnuneiaUJ at Soul,''rn finpalli.T catch at every float
Chicago, ht cannot bt a wit man." And j Ins ,raw ,tllt wnl f8V0ra,'e to their rcb
asain : we take McCUlnn un ,. i. el felucrn In the Lontb. From the emus
the nominee of the Democracy ; we take h " frPT,enl,r womes the ridiculous, as
Smith' command, combined with Price &
Shelby, nornber about 10, or 12.000, with
1C pieces ol artillery. Their advance reach
cd Farmlnglon 20 miles uorlb east of IV
lot Knob yesterday. No confirmation of
the cap'ure or Cape Girardeau, as report
d. Active n'cnaratloas for oftVnaiva n,t
him on his latest and most nutbsnlic dlu
ration of principles, irrj ihun m tit
Chicago crtr.1 fatttntJ vponkmlhit in
uvrdt that cannnt bf oHiterottil." ic
Such ore the grounds upon which men,
who aro acting Intelligently in the support
of MeOIelian, support hlin. He who dm
not believe In the principles embudird iu
tbe Chicago Pisiform, ought not lo sup
port lis candidate cannot do it without
selling bis birtb-rlght fur kj (ban a mesa
of pottage.
That platform is an antl-war platform,
made as plainly so as human language can
express it. It b In perfect harmony with
the congratulations extended to Mr, Sblel
by the Oregon Democracy, when that hon
orable gentleman came back from Congress.
They gloried In him. because be had cot
voted a man or a dollar to carry oo the
Uiat.piatform is In perfect harmony
and uncouth form It the rock on which his
hopes are foundered.
Seldom Is his pleadings oo Die shallow.
nets of beauty appreciated, even though he
may be blest with a moderate thare of In-
Oh, hew biller then U bis dlannlntmenl.
He bad chosen the one nmonc a l.uudrwl , dtfrnttve movements oontinus,
w bum he thought mo.t sutceptablr of -love I San Franclioo. 2Tih. IKsp ilches from
dIlghlful pangs," and she. after ij.tlog blm N'c York yteidsy qaoto gold 1 :6S(oJ
uuur io irrai nun unmy and ihten to i:'JO citaing at latter figures. Legal Teu
bis apprals, and even aeknoldse the ders MiiQZiK-
force or his arguments, has at lait by oo- i Chatl.iwga. 27th Forest captorcd
tlnuedooldneM.ndrebur.drlveab.aw.y( Alhen. u,kI dW,roy Klk river bridgV.
When by chance. however. he find, a gen- K''S TT" Tl T
W spirit, who can blu.h in sym,tb, wilh i Bd L ,C0' " o ,b
bis .rprJ. and sigh athls recitals, what "Je caP ,orcd- lli-Nwbrtllend Obatta
bannlnii ! !.... i win. .k.t ..... IK'Ka railroad pot been dialnrrlMl unn'.
-. ,ml, l.. .i,. r.i.. !... ,.-,., ---il---.- -v. ....u . mnun!,jur . , . . ; .--i"-
... ....... .v ...... w, lur .ireiw lOMng i a time, does he ei-Joy bis conquest. , "",Dr ve uten taken to keep np un!n
good many chances in pronouncing an Hem But, alas! his grealeat sueces Is the source ' '""'P1 communication beUew Nosh,
truthful, becuuse it Is found in a Boston i of his bitterest trouble s Lelne.oon.inm-i I vllle ond Atlanta.
to have his brlghle.t hopes bliuted lo d ; -Vashville, 27th. Cm. Rousjfan arrived
-n-v.uiiueni, ne u 111 uouriy arvad or some i at 1'uloskl, yesterday at 3 r. . Forrest's
mishap. Tho greca eyed moustsr, g ves force within 7 miles of Pulaski advancioc.
him many alceples. nights, for U. be not Heavy skirmishing coalinued until af.e,
frequently heard bis adored sitenk kindly to ,U L .k. .!.. -, ,...,.7. . .
nm. k.n,Um. r..ll . ' .!.!. ,..,' L. ' vJ.....tyw, UJIU jorces. i vie
---" .fc..ww vi i.canu liuigai,
In the above quotation. In the first plpce.
paper, nnd in all probability a Copperhead
paper, at that. In the second place, we
uiinic ne renders binuelf ridiculous by an
nouncing tbe world, from bis Utile sanctnm,
the same to be a very fair sample of the ac
tual rebel attrocllies. Does not every
body know lhat It Is an cxtiaoidmanly
iuir sample inueeu. Its a rairer sample than
ona in ten thousand. And (he name of the
rebel officer who gave a Union prisoner all
he wanted lo eat should be written In gold.
Tub Cinruao Duiociucr at Wonic
It will be seen by our telegraphic dis
patches that Iht Copperheads are nl work.
They ore commencing ibis campaign In
earnrst. Their commencement on Lain
with tbe traitorous action of James Uuch- Erie WM l"H"nt, but short lived. If
hanou.and of nearly every other leading tbeto fellows are subject to ' arbitrary nr
Democrat In the land- lhat the Govern" ttil'" ,!,fre he just so many voters
went possessed oo rightful power to coerce , ,wt lo McCWian. Is there, can there be
sovereign State." Over two years ago, doubl lhal !1 n-'' "n will vote ior
the California Democracy embodied it in J wtat ' "" ,ne Democratic ticket T Do
tlieir platform, and it has formed tbe basts not tlrf genuine Union men who intend to
ol their action ever since. vote tliat ticket, feel flattered br the a&so.
and. knowl..,. H, fMn,.,i. . "'" "m,w uwe mis m'jrniog, reports
wealth and .e on w.n...i ... ! . .1 ,b croeiu l1" Mr I'alofckl in force : cav i more fir than smoke.
wealth and graee on womanklud, will may
be tremble at their approach.
In conclusion, let roe appaal to the b-tlcr
atrlbutes of tbe human heart to lend a sym
pathy rur tLo.e nurorlunalcswho aretnven
to tbe alternative of courliog for love.
Kcttik NlILOR.
On last Tuesday, Mr. K. F. 'alker
again made his oppearance In onr office
and turned over to the tender tnercics of
me bums corps, .bout a half buibel4 There ha. b.n Le... .nmi.i.i. ... .,...
.m t l.t- I ., . ft
tilte. but made no rectilar attack Pilot
Knelt wn not rvacuatitl asrcportnl. The
pnst Is defended with strong carthtorks.
mounting heavy puns, and can stand any
ordinary sieo. Ocn. Mower, who left
llrownsvllle, Ark . two weeks ago, with a
strong force or cavalry nnd artillery, Is still
moving northward in Price's rear, and will
be b' ard irom In good time.
Friday's Dispatch.
New York. 27th. Tbe "et slntrs on
authority, that Sherman's ptacc nrgothv
linns In Georgia will ! an unconditional
submission to the Fulernl Govcrnmrnt.
Oprn ndmlfiion of war was for plunder
and crime. If Gcotgm authorities agree
, to these prlncipVs, Sherman will meet
them frankly and cheerfully.
Xu'hvillc, 27ih. Roman skirmished
with Forrest oil day, falling back from
Pulaski, but re advancing nnd holding
Ihc town in the evening, will probably at
lack In the morning.
New York. 2Sth. Official reports show
I rS.t ln .1 Vl.Va.'. I1MI 11 eM
'' "- t iu.t it,, I, at,uvu.
San Francisco. 28ih. Fire In Stockton
yesterday, dcstrryeJ 830,000 worih of
Ivgal Tenders closed today, cl 51 a
ftl V.
Washington, 29;h. Tbe following cfll
clal dlspalchr have Iwn received al Iht
War Drprtmenl : Head Quarters of tl e
Army of the Potomac. 29lb.-Oids cotp
(18th.) advanced this morning and carried
tbe very strong fortifications, and long line
of Intrcnchmriits below Chaplns farm enp
luring some 15 pieces nrtlllery, nnd from
2 lo 300 prisoner. Gen. Ord was woon
ded. bnt not scrlonsV. Gen Illrnev's corns I
adranced nl ihe same lime from Uscp Hot. I H FI I? ID f I O f T C m H I) D
torn oarrled New Market road and Intrer I II ii tl 1 t .1 ) II I) 1 U lit
ehments, scattered the enemy In every di
reetlon. Ue Is now nurehlng oa towards
ltlohmend. I lf: Illrwy where tho road
kitersccls the Ncw Mirket and Richmond
road. The whole country is fil'cil with for
l.flcatlons thus fur.
U.S. Gkaxt.
New York,27ib. Herald' 10th, corps
carrespomlcnt, undir dale of the 27lb, says
Secretary Seward and AsilMsnt Secretary
of War, Dana have beta on a brh'f visit
to Grant. Ycstcrdjy they were escorted
by Grant, Datlcr, Illrnry, and Ord on an
excurion up Ihe River to the limits of our
lines. On approaching Dutch Gap Ihe en
emy opened oo them with batlr!es rt the
llowlet House. As Shells began falling
fast, Src'y of State suggested that his wca.
pon was the jn that he was not prepared
to encounter rebel batteries with that wea
pon, thereupon tho boat turned about, re'
turned down tbe river to Harrisons Laud
ing, at which point the distinguished gnests
were transfercd to the steamer Baltimore,
and proceedrd alone home.
It Is stated that Jiff Davis has gone to
Georgia to head fT Stephenson Hrown, to
his iflurti to restore that State lo the Ud
Ion. Thi situation is considered so fur a
th rebel cause lt concerned, il Is critics tin
ihe estrone, and that uolhlng less than
JvfTs presence can reconcile the cltlxens
of that State lo any longer b?ar the rebel
yoke. Iloud'a army also reported lo be In
astute of utter demoralization, and that
the presence of the President Is considered
necessary to bring Ihem to a fighting point.
UirnW4 WabIngton special says that
psaee propokltloxs have been so often made
the subji-ct of pure csnards ; people are can
tloui about belelvlngany statmcmentsla re
gurd lo ibera and are willing to go do fur
ther than to admit where (here Is so much
smoke there musl be some lire, and In refer
ence to tbe Georgia propositions there Is
fcST" Vi .S. -c
soy .soitos. -.
sxx AT xxx
5srarw goods
Of every description, nnd the
Latest Styles & Fashions
Suitable for
- 2 sVi
aj t i s
s .9 te
o 5
O fl rt
aly fighting bas beo going on all tbe morn Ue"m '',,0, L' " J erp Is n
Iny. IWuforceroeots or Infantry bavins ,nd,clU,,u cf ,De e"eon of Richmond,
arrived, tbe probability Is that a reneral ! ?" vr8uI roop Protest agalu.t It 5 and
ruoum me reoei auinorlties evacuate Kleb-
of thoae large and delicious peaches of his
l oe just ooglit to have seen our devi)
piica io.
Gooii Times CoMuo-The times about
lowu are beginning to Improve, The mer.
chaols have commenced receiving their
probability Is that a general
engagement will take place to day.
Nashville, 27ib. Dispatches from Ihe
telegraph Operator at Pulaski say Rous,
scan Is being pressed by Forrest, and il
slowly falUgbacV. An at tempt reported
being made by the enemy with 3.000 men
and C pieces of nrtlllery to flank Rousseau.
Will lie thu
Io this
Xo mao lias a right to say that a party ' cU,ioM b' whIc!l ,L(.T re surrounded T j W'nl" t0"k, aud "V t our cltlxcns,
or lis caadidate, Lolds principles in conflict I Ul ,hem au,e and rfDte'' Mon " ' wbV',''e1ben u,Ml ia'H the summer,
with the solemn averments of its platform ,ef Jnl " firmer-c,wr """"Hon with men " "'"f t0 rrtorn'
Tbe very object of the platform is lo ite.
fiue lie position of tbe party upon the Is
ties of tbe times. IU annunciations are
authoritative and biodiog upon candidates
aud partisans.
Those men who are proposing 4o sup
port McClcllan oo tbe ground or principles
declared by him in his West Point speech,
Hill raott asaoredly be deceived, There U
not leading democratic newfpptr io
Oregon, California or the Unittd Stales,
supportiog Lin on aech ground. The idea'
is as ridiculous as it is deceptive and fulla
cioas. Tbe Exprw, as ws have already
quoted, aays emphatically that, ' Jf' o
(tpt of (ht nomination of McCUUnu. end
tuppori him upon the ground that, standing j
on tin jqatann, At,, ht cannot be a tmr
man." "Hits U (lie positlou taken by every
oeof the lenders ol tl e Democratic party
It it Ihe-only posilion which they can lake Coast,
who by all Iheir expressions and acts Indi.
cole e deadly hostility lo thts Government.
Rmin.sni.-Hoo. I. D. Haines end
Geo. H. Dorris returned this weet from
the Supreme-Court, where Ibcy have beep
for the purpose of bciog admitted to the bar.
We understand that they both passed very
credible examinations. M r. Dorris, esjiecl
ally passed with mpre than ordinary hon
ors, not only answering all natations eor
rectly, but referlog to tie BBtboritiea on
each question,
I .
PensoxAt, We had the pjeiwe of
call from Mr Rice this week. Jle Is on a,
tour through Orcgoo, soliciting sabecrip
iIom to tbe Marysville Appeal, "'e with
joveexoita ilKMAOK-We have this
wetk finished the publication of the prin
cipal part of the Governors message. It Is
on able and comprehensive report of the
affairs of our State, and should be read by
Dmnrvit!;. Messrs. John McLaugh
lin and Charles Willhuu tUrfptl iw. n,i.
i counly, on Thtuadav. with rlror. nn.n
I . .. .. - - . ' -.-. ... .w, I .,. . , ... ..''. "
via tbe Jdogw Hktsr mi Jehe Days W.-l P001 " w tbe nib, has axriv.
I.--J .. r . ' lL Tlitl .Vn.nl.1, UI.Li ,. . .
on Road.-to Cwyon Oily.
Diarmcj ScHooiri A. ix mofttU tersn
Ol ltte district M-Iionl n Tl.t... tit
ir " - -nptmiinc I'UW
him great success in his enterjKUe, and eer the Ulsb
would recc;omeBd Ibe 4ppeaf ,.to'li5pSibllo i ,Ioai 'M evening.
as one. or tbe: very bt tper oo ml
on butt Moodtir, oadar tbe uuon.
awit of Mr. W, H. Uabeock.-
Rember tbe Club Meeting at the -Court
Heneath the rougheat spot of grouud'.
The rlchctt trenrure may In; fuuud.
the eormy advancing. Our forees reportt-d
Jo line of battle, ready for attack of reb.-Is,
fccputa at Franklin report Col. Dim's with
a large force of Wheeler's uko between
HViUlamsport and HilUboro. A dispatch
from Columbia Tennessee says oo the 20th
U:flles wis at Lawranceburg with 700 men
and 2 pieces of artillery. Report that
lluutsville was captured is unfounded.
Ample prepartlous have been rasde for Its
New York, 27th. The TriUat'i eorrts-
jmndent lettrns from captured rcbela thai
Lee's army, a mouth ago, was from C5 to
70 thousand elront;, Including tb whole
amy corps. Itee was tbe only General in
whom Ibe Sotn people had any confi.
deuce, and bU army was full of disaffected
meti. .
Sandy Hook, 27lh fjlly of'lJaUImore,
til. Tbe tfpanltb Mlatater bas resigned.
Tbe J.on4o jh wgtte Cbl-0
waventlwswlllleatl to Peace. uteent
sbt SensatM was to bare a new rtiU.t I.
.oussttadtcted. Ibe Ihtiiv AW. ... f.um.
rV? rt4 lW Hocaeiiofs of tbe
CWGgocoiv!oji.h coiBiaxftHlBIifBir.
iS iTKM ,0"' ''"c"d sES
PLf",-I ""I n rebel loan lately aq.
noucedis bogus He, E02ii -.
or VUm H-tmiag hiHk, the vlc tfa. ,,M7j
bJ ."" s highly probable. ' "
New lork,27tb. -Cincinnati CnHte aaya
moud, it will cause a mutiny ; con
scripts also declare tie rebels are making
prvpirstlous which look very much like an
evacuation ; several government workshop
have closed aud the machinery removed fur
ther south. Same tpeclal says Hooker bas
been appointed to an Important eommsud.
Washington, S9th A dispaltb from
Grant, gives a telegram eontatned In tbe
Richmond Wh'g dated Chester which says.
Union cavalry entered Staunton oo tbeSCth
d o'clock a, x. Union forces also at Way.
No direct communication been bad with
Sheridan fur several days. Couriers to and
from blm are known to have been captured
by guerrillas larVstlng tbe country In his
Despatches date 9;t0 last night from Sber
man at Atlanta, says no movements at tbat
point. Front Natbtille our dispatches are
to 9:10 last night. Enemy did oot attack
Pulaikl, but took ibe pike lo Fayetteatllle
pursued about 9 miles by our clry, Uos.
aeau Is returning with bis Infantry to Nasb-
vme, movements are to be made by the
enemy to force Sbcrmau- from Atlanta by
destroying his communications. Ti,e jraf,
is progressing ijuletly la the Slates.
San Frauclseo, 90th. Gold la New York
yasiifnay i;ve to 2:09. Legal tender to-j
day 62.
The sits is often obscured by clouds, the
mooo requeetly becomes eclipsed, and the
stars cease lo twinkle before the resplen
dance or the tan-, but Max Muller way !.
ways be found at his old stand, prrptti
t perpenraw Mrgalns, on ciery ooe;whp4
ay five bl a tall. See Li, adlTr'nscV'j
lUCOl. ' 'If-iH
Sll .
All are nsectfully
u can.
nvltrd to give si
Jacksonv'lle, Oct. I, 6I, i etltf
$aclis Brns
ox'e Ttiouwo if? Of sijrfam
AVhlck will be Sola at a Qrtti
ftHcrmcc. SACHS IilifJS.
3Di8solstioa ft otfeo. "
NOl I CE li hescby given thai Ibe co psrj
oersbip heretofore existing betweeo If.
Judire aud J. F. Zimmerman, in tbe H''
nm and saddle making business, is Ibis i1
dllSOlved IlV mnln.l ,..! T I." Zffl-
snernsn will receive all I1,m Aon ibe li'.d
iirui, ana also tbe debls due Uerir JuJe.
rbsnkiug our friends for Ibe liberal pairoU'
ogc vmiowirv, wi seDfCtlue PUfrtin
11e vorfcM'aBtd would ) noUff i
puollc tbat he will slili eoBihvie la do eas
iness ut Ihe old taud,nd solicit ctllD-
umice Vjiifinier palronitcrt"
JcktonIIIc, Oclii.t'Ot.
-?iWalyi ,