Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 24, 1864, Image 3

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ppvmi vi' i
Mill hi 1.1
nrd whub the. best intcrrstaoroiir common ' tachcd, 1o core the covict. Such bolld-
J. country, the nrwrwntv of onr Stale, nnd
the welfare of onr limitations require, so
..... r.niKMinr lloniJ M ",e J'rl system continue or
.MrsMEC of the eninr. tlirutinS out onr devolcd and experienced
tfochers, and supplying tbeir place Willi
thoc who will work clwap.
' The law provides tliat a dUlrict shall
not be entitled to public funds', onle
through it clerk, an animal report is made
I to the county sutM-rintendent. In iw in
stances, lu 19G3, districts loot tlieir throe
i : t. th r xnc"c of a ronil throngh
. MOiVu Inn l "C" and northern Cl
J, it dxsntn that if "t i poiWe tn
jj fl ni'n 01 m an
ings woulil. In mv judgment, cost flic or
six thouiand dollars, and would probably
be occupied at least a year and a half, dur
Ing which time the convicts could be mak
in; brick un the main ba Ming. Thereaf
ter these temporary buildings would not be
of mnch value to the State, though they
might be so contracted as to be of some
service for worksbi p.
The expense for Lnard. clothing and
prevision daring the time such work wa
ami oi cnarncier
.. A iMn.t.rlkjl llui Mitf
tlU00 .. ,1 , ... V.lt. ...I
n .. .. i.. ..J,..!. rl uiil.in mir f fl,m' for want ol such n ports, nnd no i Uinc aecompllhrJ, conlderio2 tin- proba
,, oat nrcanwd with 'ft""" r,,,l' be '""' To provide a reme- I ble Increase of the number ol convicts,
". V t ,.r th-e nidi. .if dollar AS BBI ' ' Prpe of gathering stalls- ' mishl be wtim-ited at S12.000 per nnnum,
i" , , ninrtcHtc bntwls to an i N1' biformatioii. through the county sup and should it take two years to bnild the-
P un' and or canent rate, with 'fltfwJn'. in .lanuary last. I prepared a j penotentiaiy. would amount to S21.000.
r ,C1 .. .i ,..if.wiitiiuiinrL circular letter, lwd them printed and dis ' an J br addius the ot of temporary balld-
-m nn uusu nr-iBiiii mt.-p. ... . t. . a -. . t . . ...
i i----- ,j .uu nanii..! riouii u iiieinrecuirs ol school Uistrict inv-s tuW amount to S30 000 Tins
in the varitm c.wntles, calling etuotioii
& P i"1 P'"""" ,H '"" "("""
a . .. ..!... tn LfttulJ ltlt
" , ,r.l,e hni of rilro.i. or s?Wk ,0.,.,! ljw. " "'"5 complimnee there-
SrrtitKn '' P8'1 n",cnl ,(" x,krn ,n ! tL
d UU l l ) " ,H " VFf!lllW,
bTm le Vitl,r Murk IV ".? B't Mmlayof April
in " ..i .....j .i.nUL.ir i., dent of imblic itHtrnetion. of the enndltl
u.l .t..tik(J 4iHL-iiUllr hi
nt If l' CnP'1"' l Bnt ,n 1h"
I,i'. e f ' cmhi hatilly berxrl
u " a ' If" should lw W than
i-rsf'i-'i iiicp'i.in to anmrrifiMm;
1 1 more tiwn otte hhmisi
law alo provide the county snncr
Inlerhlriiis hf common cIkhiIs for ouch coun
itnbitc itMtntetmn. or the ciimllllon
of Ike common sekrmls In li county.
A but few rrMir: were rewlved in 1SC3
smna of which were informi! himI unsutisfae
tnry. early in February. I8t. I prepared
if lite i n oirrniar lener, bihi ouiaimti oianic torms
nt ,i mi d tie ca'ted for Bnnualfy. I here
-rafh in-ttlnllii tftute HbnMtaMly
it It l !''' lf 'h,",' f ,w nu,f " ''' I
Mt and ''"V c-vUin'y know men of cap (
i.riK'c i ' ,,rtJ C,,B,M """" i , v.
jt tj V ctiTrpruc that iroml to j w
fur reprt, oihI sent them to the
cony MifwrlntetKlnnts of each county.
'I be snperinteiMlants of the rkiu conn
tic. cxc ptlnc Wujco. Tlllumofik and Cur
ry, promptly responded tiy filling up ih
M k thus IvrnMtml. In some cauHtio
rrmrls wvrc itiiprlect. as it was tbc
first time anvthin.- of the kinJ had li.-en
I requited, ami the districts were ut ns
in nniirttn to th
vJ ff Cone"' ton rand from
. .... L .- i. Jl..l.l- .
r, j win.- s.m.rn ,. . - , . .
. I . ...a. BaLuL.a iaua.aH mt --- - -. .....
miWTI IIITK"! ..n-ra. - ....,. .. -.,.. L. .
nkl W-nBaSH-iHUtnac i r" ', '"'",, ..' '".'"'"' "
i...a.j ri.Uii.iulir ,)w,n- I,r " Wp"r, It appear
.wt i m e' I narilC'tMie n inrennim
rv-Ttr ' a i w.m'rl b- upaWy Hnwhte
r i a' e a'e wil mc m Hi mat
f h ir me Hi""' ln pr to aid:
rr did -if ih-hwl mrse!vi
,v- u .ft it fim tsw max to the
it w.
ii c ir ar.ee of nleTnrf tlfcit dr
mgs wi uhl amount to 5.(0 000 J Ins sum
would have to be drawn from the State
l'lcwsury as nothing otberwUc could be
rnrtH-d by the convicts in the meaiitime.
And thai snm, in mv indgement, woM be
the Inter pari of tmildins a good tiemHo
twry. In wt of removal, il may be well
to cii der what can be done with the old
baiWir; Some nf the iron work oouhl be
mured to il ww one; bat as the proper
ty is imiw situateil the tmlhnce or it wontd
lie nearly a total lor lo the State. '11 ic
brkfc camMit be taken dnwn and uiil t-lre-where
to any advuntage, ami 1 have tn
deuvorrd to obtain Itmt persons mint like
ly to Imy. a propostlkja to purchu'o tl.c
building, but timie arc lippwl to iurvt.
(Concluded next week.)
To CosiiKJii-pKtir.Mn.-" Iytter from
-Volonteer," tfccivid too late for this !
soc ; will appear nest wetk. Xettic .Null
or, assn cams to lit".
We Imve also rtctivnl nn rxcdlrnt Id
tir from a correspondent, commi-nciog,
Oh bow it poor Dixie recovir
The States ! Iis l"t Ih the war."
WbMb we woakl be glud to publish, but
it it riitirclv too lone for oar cokttnn.
dml id sry nine cliildren in the Stutc
brtwtt-n the aso ol four, and iwenly
linndrvd and twenit-
tbrrr school dwtnets : three handled ami
fort! one school bonsei ; that the total vul
e t( the soIkivI Ikw is ninety six thoa
(arid s4x bandfvd and eighty two dollars ;
thai there ure twvitiy-iHieaeudiifl! in tlw
u'l ihivvi tsas itvtifufvj simj vi' iri.r.i .t i
UuMdod dollars: loiul avware alted.iir l V "-a umay. oa e- soori. W, lne
I The Uuioa imt4in-.' loit Saturday was
mixt rstsjouragdn; to TjbJoii men. Net
I willKtaadiNs; tbecbanelK of the time from
Cigtor Store !
Orpolle Iive t rtllger's, rallfornla St.,
Jacksonville, Oregon.
J. ROW Inform" the olt'ions of JMkfi
vllle and the pnblc genernlly that liit bun
jul coeivtd i.d ufltrs for uvie bis superior
stoek of
I'll'KS, CUTt.KItV,
Stationory & School-Books
rriccs to suit the times. Call and lave
your uisury.
Choico Groon Fruit
constantly on I and.
i)ec.i'j.itfi. j. now.
New ! New ! ! New ! 1
jsnirw stojre,
IJtwccn New State Saloon and Bradbury
& WadeV, Jaskrouvitlc,
r.H!te!rrio"nTvrOren; ul tvI.m.W.'twHve butted a.l fire; atlwd.ne w.s very pmi. Sxyws! jj sfc Cigars and TobaCCO,
, e "7t. ,7 tli Uh i wbu,e ttum0er ,r lr"efc, "ffl l v were mbribl to the Uniea Olub Mr. b '
,rt i f-. L'kmat 82 OOO'WW three., SllkUr' lU,T Uw,t4 nbd MJ".V ,w?- - Jacobs' adrvst was mm of fab most kapfy I l'RE3II CANDIES AND NCTS.
1 , . t .- . .i, rage wg td wale leuebvrs, fort flvr . " i
,.;.' TnVl-t BbSTi:yZS!i new toys & notions
V If- e tlian 'hat dened from lllC , " ."'.... .r .,. fi.i .j...... rnwir-J fr.m Ike TnLua.! r,r.ll,.f n,rk. I ff a-a M l3iViT5r m
l ittr iwiivmiHu ?i iiic ihti oiuitv , ---- -.---. --- -.-.... ..- .--... ,
gt auti iiKwty llwuiuod acres nf 1ik1 to age, cntatfliig the New York llerokl, the
mi. &iut tor the cwiowHient or the ( Agrt New Yofk Trib-ne. Frank Lesslle, Ilar
cultwat College, was daly urcepted oy tin- '. . . ,, , . , ,,
i.stI.lvevWmWyis,,-,'-v.dwhI..liriyt":k,fI' I",n, '? ''l?nf.
tm own given to the S cretur .d the In J NaT. Mwrynatn. and otlwr Cowlot.
tirior. At Ih Same seikHHi live cummin j . . . . . ,
uMinff .MM.U l. alinr eirunfi A Iral i . f five tmierant wagon, and
i" Bif lirancU SMiieuwi ln i ,!.. w muitmI to iimL wilbin the loo'C slock, froiH the " State. 'liaeurti-
ac h v vh t))!. Ikr UaesM-T. i HrSt s uMmtba. at (Wvalii. reewve prop l ed In thle Valley. rt 5Brj)riHi Valley add
. . fork of II WlOuinHSA It Mltl(MMif UIN icie C.k-ge. D.ie notice , Fort KhimaUi. on the trail wide by Col
.I'' ?r7r.aJ:,'. W" e.'! . PlDr. evribn. Tbey re,Kt a good
- --saws- .. -..... ..v.r. ..-" HtMm uv IliIa. CM llsf HIMP fM Dlrtnill"-.
Ut xxtuM be ol ub . iiu Bl'lll(, xmt apu.iml. Uivrt wu nut
fi,Miiiiii itrtnt. uiul mi tLp mw n-fiulTMl
.n Ilm .lrM. t.v- t.natMA '. . ...
siex'j p'ri-nage of the pwUic.
. ' t ne Cinfl wrn a iereii
rei ra ! ti W lUnwH VnrVy rail-'-n.
lie in rexitdin 1 ciwo'-et with
ir t in be roiMfiteS'ni f tw
irr' rre thai ewiUPr'iMf nb
j a Crti'ra' I'ocisV r ike
n ' m Tlli,
U arf o all.
V cv -e can
f ! c -it nr, to forwanl Ibis ert
tryu thould r revive early attention.
rj' atio.n.
JLitKieec'ith -ciio first, ol tlie Con
s' it e , 'he Uovernor stwll be
us,-1 . i.k-i ; ol puM intructlir, nwl
Ki Asrs and dmiw in that eupueitv
Hi ut W-'i a' may tie yriterlosd liv taw .
h s'er "i l"rm of fif years from the
lfr(i,t fur Igwlatuv AsmUij to pro-
m- w ' r tie rfcrismi o a swp-em-'
n' V de foe In emp' oil.
m: "w - (Htiveis and tint ea." I ve
" ' i rUpnl since the Bd'ip'Mtn
v i j .! Two year inurv will
'V U r a Sop. riitli-SMkiRt nf MSblw
. .Id' he exUirtl by Ibe ifric
V,o Mie guard lr rpuUliejn hhiiih
4i a pn'a, imeiisrtier aiimng the e-
i rmd, good emu and water.
3VXn.x-l"i ocL
that a Huwrny iWotild oincur in the
lion of a Ml', ii.i kieaiion was niuiU. i
As will mure lul'y upjiear hrn-afier tliere
i is girut dilBtfolty hi Sliding lauds subj ci .
1. 1 Ltllnn in lUfASlali. f Imve (ViimiaI red
, il ,. .u..,..unnl i.n..1.- H. fii.t I.hM 1 G IV, f Corrulll
: . . . .... . f ItrueuMi-v.
mh lor tiie tiettm 01 comnMia msmhks.
FIIESII fruits, inu. Era
Mr. KrrHS'r liar'n; rmrobaed Iho new
store on dwr Miuth nf llrmllwry A nila'e.
eallt IU att-iit.ii nf Use iiublie to uls ainn
1 jdetc stork ut smoking ana chewing tevacoe.
I ArVtiAl urisl lnd Of dears, front
the eowwiHMi bK-paiibh to Ike mo.t fra
grant Havana. All sold at the rootl liberal
j Vtm ran U let supplied with any aril
Hiles In bhi Istsv, and rate inoti.y. by c'vlag
It tnnkes four distinct itltclics
feeds the MorU cither tvny,
sew s thin nml henry gooils
tithoitt change or ten
sion, will gather nnd
sew un at the same
i machine until tlmsongaly ditguMtd wllli
etery micblne that ksi with only one
tlinnd. Tbc riorencv' I tbc o,nly machlno
i tiiatlinscrtme nudrr my notice that give
pt-rli-ct nuU CQliru lauaiasuuu on an nuui
jf wotk.
Na one oan wtlmale lis valnc nntll they
luve ud and tested it,ivI b-ivedorav. Iu
deed, fer thlu wotk It is Invaluable , ,
Gkoxpr Gar.M.. '
Carbon City, N:TW
1 bne ttfwl a rierence Sewing SlafcWor
fer two yeotn; I brought It nerwslho iurnt
It hn never jit lcn out or nrdsrHiHT'1
oitH truly say it cxeols all niter michlnfo
that 1 have" ever ued. I ran a lau'd .t
Webster Mx monllis; n Wheilrr fi WIImhi
rlcbt tnoatki; aad uni! n (5 rover & llaker,
alternntely with Sloat lor two years. , ,
I am familiar with, lie Rune, and tcrcr
at of the small maeblne. bat I never "ed
owe thit would do nil Muds of vvwty
equal the Florence. I do not think R c-'u
be loo highly rrcommrmlul.
.1. ic-w.mui-.wmfc ,
Mrs. Isaac Et-t-ts, Mixrysvllle,
the ImihL
KwMwb of tl.at class has tst )l been
found to uuke up the amount to ubssh the j
State ts entitled : tbvreearr. im lends Inve
U ThurMay Hi. Hiht ln-l . at the rtl- I
leiMM of Ifui..a.niriie llumiihre r. of Iiae i
oiuily. 1 U. J. II Ii. liendemm, Ii. i ,.,..,.-.,., . m,- M,, lll
ralll-. iu MhM iiMIW ' L' -'""" '"..'. V. ." .' '...' ::"
HHr IrvAM Willi uisvaw, nuea lury eon
be aw reoJity oared.
The follewi? is theibjacriHliin. forMk
.. .-..., w, ... ..,.- .......... btaie iscntttleu; tlTeerr. iw mmjs wk lLr T ui I'u.I.nrBi.1 of itook wkieiii
... Id. luLl.tiiu .Iijui.iI. rlARMk ... .. ikU tuMCI I.MHla lllU I 1? I KTlMftkltll llV! . . .- ft ft 1..J 1... ft
We, the nnderstgoed, have eb ptiroliM
ilaimnou hwij.0 )jniist, and bavi
Ibein uew in use.
U e have thoroughly ttsled them on work
of all gena beuvy, ineiliwiu and llchl
and oar lyinluh l tkat Ik Plomice U du
rable, wilt i.ot nutty get out of order, U
strong nad slrjiple In wiutruetVoH.atKl lis
urc It cosily learuid by the loost Inexperi-
It will do a crenlcr ranee of work with
loss trouUo and cbansfe. nad we etMithl-r .
It altogether iMttit tkaa any other Family
Sewing Machine we have cvtr sera.
Mis Dr. Chase, 31 Tmktl.,S F
Mrs D II IVfiUi, '.'O Clay it., S F
Mrs J II Wo..Hrr. C25 Folssm st . S F
MrtS DGilmmv.518 dj do do
Mr Daniel Dann. -il t do do do
Mrs J S.mnnm. 228 Ricb s' S F
Mrs A fitd U Utatr. 047 Muwteo t.,S F
Mts Henry Miller. SnO Howatd it..
Mrs Emdy Uidacll, 740 Matk- do
Mrs Sarah Linders, 701 t'0 d
Mrs EH Ohm, 211 Gerry rio
Mu G A Caracs, Jackson Pltoi
Mis Ilrareh. Pac. near Lev'wtjrthdo
Mrs W II Rartara. 308 Kearney do
Mrs E Hurper. Sacramento wrtt
of Ivmortli dn
Mi Harriet Oaskir-f. 31C 1st do
W II RaUifsnn. cor. Mont k Sacdo
MrsPrutti C1C Ceitornsa do
Mrs M S Morton 02 Sutttr do
Mrs lloh-n. C17 P.i ilo
Mis Ann R.ndk-r. 012 Calif, rota do
Mrs Geo II Parker. SAO Sler. do
.Mrs John 0 CerM. Mission IMorM
Alias Aniite MrRnyte Jtl Dora4o
Miss Margie MrUnysr, Rt Darado
Okas S Pit We, Sacramsnto
Laais Sitmo. .Santa CI urn
Mrs A M ltt.bani, Oakkiod
Mrs Otic WdiM ilo
.Mis D G Smith do
J W Hoac do
Mrs Mary E Rarrkbaltrr, Dutch Flat
Mrs C J Ohvcr. Napa
Mr S.muid T Towj;, ClarkuWc El Dora-
do oooiity
Win Ibthlick, Forlb Crossing Calavenu.
.Mm C E ComtPck, Nai OHy
Mrs Jo-epb Kttfer, GfarksvlHe Hi Dorado
Mrs Jt4m O'Niel Jameslewn. Tnolume eo
R II J'arrpilinr cooaty clsrk Nevada Olty
E W II nsiw do
N W Kttealton prac'l oweii'st do
After Uvlnp a KlorenM msfMnc Initio
aerl n year. I fa I that I can truly rvcorii'
menU it as brine all that Is cUlintU'for It!
i I have ased Singer's, Grover A IWI.er'iJ.anil
I be brekr A iltoa inacWHu, anil comliti
r the nureoee superior to any A
jinc Jkxmk AKinx,
Wilmington," I.ih Angles county Cat,
We coukl refer In many other whonrjj
nlntr the Hoi-roc. If It were nrorswry fli
Oyrr ScVcn llutidred r
FLOnXKCK MACI1INKS have len sold on
ikt. ooat in tb short time the Asettcy hat
tfteen ttablishd bite, ami w inane this
strong nserrtton, ns convincing proof ofi
their worth, that no perron enn be fouml,
wko ha n 1'lorence that would wxehonce It
1 tar a fsinfly scwiag machine of any other)
irtatuiactut. t
A a K . T si ' "
I'w the wlr of the FsiffWf rnmilj- Seivb,
In; UcrMntt.
Getrce A Randall NersdaOIr'
ueorte v moeui.
J L relktmsw
R Illltady
Vra S K Uioorobs
ECSesstosM. . ..
LP Ooll.M
JasK Cleaves
TkurnkM 'o.tl..
Maeklnes will bo supplied
Mr at San Pninetou
10 J it SioraHtthto
... I'sriUiii UrvgrHt
Jacksivllls Qrcwxi,
....Ghtuim MeMpu,
Trarellnj .TfTnT.
. . Travillng Agent,
....TrnviUng .gt;it
by all ll
ICrnirnl Jk;ti.t for t'ntlMrnla
l'arlflr I'unst
1 T il
nil thai
San r'rabcbcu.
Sept. 0.1 SCI.
$100 KEWARD !'
. .
i tHi veniM. sad 4'ni2 Ikat l-riwl baa not ' ii ii.-.ii.- r.M V.tUv
'Hiey taiW io et a eaire iu a ! ca! that 0 v SUo 'y, -uv y f
-.-..ij. i j'-jl 'I k ts.li iL-.-' m ww urtHicm inw i m uitwwii ui
inunwii vTrrj;v !.. , wtv
mm iu itkiik Lu wroaM T uLI Art If lud.al.S dar.sxr lb SSMMtm r.
i.. I....I ....i. i ... . . i.. .i . i. - ..i I In has undertaken,
WI,") "- "ip- ' , as sappsHeu w uuua? w iwv ierv I)r n.,, wr a tdv f lottT T.rs. baa
.Wrs by the rspsr. uf the C.,mie.. . Yrfc-:- JYfZ3& a Wti. of
fl.ft. .r iitare. tiidiatemaaland braiHi rVUHS-r VMMlilMS. rHHesHATSOk. that will
" . II... i. -.... I k..a LaiaftBjLkft hi W
C M IUe. M D.
Jul Ilningtr
II l-k.
ess of Ike sebooS loud, herewith trooaoul
trd The amuont fif the schiMil fund ss tM-tt-en
tk4MiMii.d and tlnrtv-mx skdMKS ai.d
seventy ax eeMtS. 0( winch five Ihmsmud
ece buudrtil and M-ven dullaia and Ivr
cw.is U in the treaury 'IIm aHMWHt of
,1J ik th bw wiik Uih. O t: akod I "" " . 0Mtrirl litit.Sitn
,M " ,b Wtt "'r1 m w'r' u-l" WHJ ure. S u'.-lla. Imm.ietiev.Skin down. awl
aM tttooHil. There wS witb Iter. Me grey ; , e b,uIbIu arinine from lmtaoral itrac
two-reer old ktvee e)t. Also one vending ' In .s time than l.y any oiner kuvwa
iftni u. uiniiirr ivate totiIC iirrTtsI
1 awn tut iHiiiure wkich exienj. ,,. r,. tu r.,..A i. j-li .Uftu.1 ,..! ! bay kw eolt-b-Mh suppoW to 1 onus . h . . tlw rad.aal
wm taitaaod elirnJ llic .ml iu wed . nirM, wijn didlan ami sXtyiiw ernt. of the sikl gwy nur: one bay inare. oure of Wrakweaa aiwlirreguUriliea. lo
utmi of wkiek fiinr bandred and .evo dollurs and b le star la f.irthfcsd. bind feet w hue atd bU so man) 1JU oflbe PaaiOc ooaH are
i- -- to the cem,. of IB50. tUstr J K.wb,y.,,e cU is on Iu. J. b-.oded Ike k ft I..,, with kUrr .TWZS'Z
i irxr v ha f a inuh-.n uf ike sle
' p r . a i isj f tlie reioltril S'otea.
".r y years of age. whocoiikl iriibe
t e 'lifte number ofieprtl vtiT
r I'd H'a'e. who ore in llw same
-. ,-
sioa ma
v fc" (
, ibere arc tl diiuu of trta
ullreras ou.
Js h ate snnerintenlent of public
li? scwio! lun.t, it. rtveti ironi rscurais i, ),, ,t
M three Uiuii'uikI nnd seventy dollars niel ( ' .
Miy-fiiur cents, or winch, three huwlred I uruuuu
on liawl. The fund not on IwivU lwv I
Ivrn luun-d motlv by proembng ooinm u
ceut per
Tlie sdiool laws n-el reviling. The
aiaie Tmchert' AMtiHn, at its lat
mccung. appoiuted a cuinpelam commitlie
shod all
l. e.u.1 ore in - i.iw htn iuun m,)r hj proewling C
of "ff"'-. " P-'v , Miners, ami setwrej by m-irigotTes
iWliy br wbieb a I .el m,m nl fruUJ ,ea t8 Bfutn f)r ,
hero lime an- mi ami ,
lU:afl ilrfttluarea a ismp Mnnrsl Its Ivest
-,He..anisj-.i,(iiw4w. w. ,
r i i lb irittrvnt of ikw 6iAt,
! P7Jf f'T lire wrrkva A cotn
' cur win. will drttitc hit tiHtfc uiul
i Ifl Atf.Ttll9 l.M jllSt - lit lll.ll
4 --
ivtiivr ihinlj be a nrnfisalim as nor
t41 it is lioorable mid uful ; to
" uti tins fjiect. a Ijicrlicr rate of ma
&., ue (.aid in thy SjaJ. . Tko rale r on tiluck No. 107. und covering sixty
sia avid teuibcni in public schonbi. i Tc-trt of ground bflwcen tbe two bkk
taiy 6v to sixty Gte dulluis per nlnch w nurkid on the tikils ol the city as
b is Lili school from Ciy to one a public street Tlie street, however, bo '
"wipe a ui' h Wht inm cuo.li.el ; nrvrr bet-u gradi-d or oru ned in the nnuie-'
!llvf bu,iii would t-uirul it to a I .liui- eiciuiir or the ni-nilenliarv. nor do
fct wurih from twenty live to Gllv i the initmdiaie wants of the city in that
" per Bjoub t Vet nuny such ' locality apier lu demand that the iilnet
IW.r rbiUrcti lo Ti-uclicrs who are ahuuul be opened at pres-ui. The location
W 4 .tui As long ns the same (J a rtry mproier one, Tliere should be
rti. earr d atuiitlmi demand a ttt least five acres wf good laud conueocl
ta-MvipmaiMq ln oilier occupation with a vnileuttary. and it should lie snp
'tAt iH teaeWs oiuke that bustnru a nhrd with an abundance of lure water
neither ol which can bcoblniivd where the
inotltution is now ailiMlrd. U"n Ibis
poml a own ttee appointed by the Legjs
Unite of 1BC0 reported that. "All the land
in the vicinity ol the Pennenllary bebng
mg to the Stwle. is so broken and rough
tli.it the amount rerjulred to eel and pre
jjare the ground for nnprovi inenis und oc
caoanev is itnuil to the cxm-ieol erect
ing and coinpletm new buildings in almost
aajtc,iiel juia, so ticoaoaa.ini to o-, lore 'se tbwn. Hie likiks h-retorore re
aTMnwr ultnitiun lo tin: dutM-S 01 . r.rnl lo. Iive l.en furnuhnl at mv nwa
r rjr i i ery lunch, m many ways cxneHfe 'Hie l.w niwht lo allow llic su I
" iK fttamUfd if kieuiUik iu lbk ', p.-rintendiit of iihWht insimctkHi to procure
' t pr.pur. IU n,,u gehesotiou . rwrctxary blanks at the expwue of the I
I "trm fii'o'i whekts besusr ibem Stale. j
Here follows Ibe Governor' remirk iu i
rtfrrtnee to the Iioane Asylum, wbiob fur
want of room we urc cuinpelW to lenvc
out. Eo. Sr.x
Tle penitentiary is louutnl io tlie city
of J'prllaiJ. tHirtly oo block Nn. 10G,
whlrli belmii.'a to Stephen Coffin, und part'
dbwnvcrrd k tk Med-eftl Faculty, as tkou
sanda Ika' bare nwd il uan bear tertunonr.
lr IIvm M So QiArctkelsn regularly
rdweati'd )!irtlan of rty yaara atandlHg
and kai a diptoma wkich he woold be pleated
t bow to tnoii) wno loay wmi io see u.
i Pna living at m certain distaaee aid
Hwdlne a deseripllvu of their coroptabit,
can bate their MwdieiBea put op in a package
aod nmt by mail or aapreM. tu sb a tuun
! ner as not only tu sevuie rofety in trau.liu,
i but so Ikat tvn pvrtou wuubl tu'peet nhut
are the ouHleHU.
1ii.f.weiie wot br lnalt to tka wko msr
1 witi lo Inquire ns to Ike lMcwr'a ability
MANUFACTURER, Uafure ldg tbetuKrhr. lu bU charge.
10 nnd IS Chamber St., N. Y., AdJre A.lUu. M. I.,3!6 Moat-
jVUI 1J vt ss -.
i p0- Coj.nlUt,uu, rilwrr ptrfnni or uy
Snuff and Tobacco
(Form ny U Chatham street, New York.)
leUrr. HtKK.
tf iue to lowellimg Uttrr.
ew Vork CQitfty superiutendeut cr
li " Is it true tliat the education of
Wr& m reallr of U u vuluc than
tbeclur i.ljeta ami jniruita in
IUl m-n are engaged in J One Hung
wna n i.i (,4 ir . arc. paid to wur
qiii8d and raiiblnl te-Xcliers of did
Tlloa lo laborers of tU same qtulitira
-M acv oitkr calllni'. ink-, ul lite
'"t-iae. it cannm be denied that the any ntlier l.Taniy "
ii of oar biaie arc doing nmre to ' Eventually, tlw Penitentiary will bare
B ai4 duett the habiu of tbzht. nud I to be moied lo sonw tbsible locality, and
UI tV .4... . .. i .i A.i ,.r I HftiW il... M.n.iiiuilfin if It ia moved from
- .,nni. nniiu im i". ' " .-..- .- -
" 11:1 tr.... .. Ii .. ... f.....1. ll tt.ll li.va In lb. Ildtr-1 el Hie
nr-. . "aiwio iiinu an oilier iin'iw ii"" p.n.i ,,
ST c.iet combined It is trjie. Capitul. That is a wise provi.ion, b all
Zf n's are mul ilmi u-.mi.i ra do nut Slate institutional oueht lo be located where
?""y Uom vis pr.'piriv for 1 1 per 'their working and maniitreinent ran be
J"" of tlir hyb awl jvspoiuiblr , r-ddy iren by the State uffiwrs aud mem-
wl Hi complaint is iiut in nun . bcr ol the Legislature.
07.' ''"Iltsupially irue.lhal more At what hum such a remmul should
,7 ?ll of onr beat nualiR.il i.-.(-btT are ' take dIjcb ii a nuwiinu tlul jltiiunds carp
r'S starved oui ol tlie lircto-mn n-it fill cunsideratiop. To renuve it i(jimttli-
l llu. . a. . . t a. -1 - t t ... !.. ll..ft ftr..rtetalai
(w,-"" I'reKT some oilier, but because amy wuu a ricw oi nmins w v....v..
. "lllV COlntwI. II.. ft. a .1.1 M.l A ftl.. L.I.lra frtr ll.i Iw.llilif ... flll.l US'
. 7 . ' " ."iu iu u io aniiieiuiOK iiww iw wmi.. ivi . " - , -
list io putiuj them np would require tne
temporary cooslructions of ibe buildings
of wood, witb more or le iron work at
J' ' eotnpe's tbein lo five lo soinethlng
ltd I. j M n oar scnoois be eievo
' " n't.Uiocd at, thai high stand
Wonh! call tlie attention of dialers to the
articles of bitViaMufaelure, vie:
Srovexx StxxtxtTi
ManViXr. .lieoiUo.
luRnrCOV Jlue irrlnU,
Ostm liV. Miiib.
Auhmui lMittRMa, Uii.lftKeeu.
ToUoiv 39zxxxTs
ctt. llMwjr iht llMrtrh.
llfcab Tut Scavea. 1 hhIi Hwi-y Dew JctuIi.
lrt.b llifc Trf, .r.U Kvlrii.
vt Laa4Sl
Alt.mlU.il if ealkd to the Inrce reduction
in prUta of fine-out chewing aud smoking i a 0,iW jhummii iuUrm.-d la taid itato;
TolaMMis, wkieb will be found of a superior i Whiri-as. Kinersou K. Gore. Adininialra
Tobftooo t
xouia. ruMtT euaeua i svaaisei
lig, l'L iM. ' J.
... 1. OfU, m nt, tfioUb,
. eMirt-iill Otauoti, Catr.
.S. 1 1 1 nlanl. Tip IftilU.i.L.dl.li, Turki.li
N. U A wrcular of prices will be smt
on application. Nov. 28, 'bS yl
! T.N the, Count) Court, of the State of Orf.
f X guu. for the eouuly of Jukou, beptnn-
In ibe mutler pf tbc estate of Jobo F.
Cray, Deceased.
To Robert A. Gray and Daniel Y. Gray.
belra of sua! John F. Gray, deceiutd aud
1) Murtoo. du do
Ilittry Jaksi, WutsontiliV, Saata CrozJ
Mis Albert Radar. San Ahdwni
Mis Newtsits Damno. dresHnaker asxl Ul)
orets. Sevtsttli st., betnevu Rryaut aod
llranneu, S F
I'reik-ws to tvuralMiisi; tU Florensc, I
owned the Howe Sewiaz Jlaeblae.
Mr J CRAwrosin.
Cppsruli, Calavrra. eo.
I used the Sloat Rllptk Macklne six
Kbf previous lo MjrcklMg the Fkir
uc Mrs Wiav Cintr.
RresiMkr, 1C l'ot ai., Sau Frauclteo.
nilOKn lall. In ItoviMirr. Uons'as conn-
U ly Ojii., on the ni.-tit or the SSIh ull.,
a CUfiaiwan, about twenty ytaraohl, rallir;j
r below the medium slzi. a salluw. tMM
osHfl'iUm. tlHsMbt to Imve a imaluioliy
a oe ekeek, and a small scsr on Ibe oilier. '
star a aue iik ejienka broken ISfiglltb.' ''
ltUjalmt certain that be went soul h..
Hals well kaonu at Cauyonvllki In thtai
couri y and on Appkgale Cmk InJark.r.
koo eiiuuty wkerc Ills said hi father amlfo
bri I tier n-eide. .4
The ahote reward will lo paid for bis nrinj
rl and retara lit the badla of tbn iimler
alnnd, witblu six months from 0il dale.
SkeHtTof ).HiglM Co, . "
nosebarg. Ogn., Sept. 1, le6t. ' ""
. 'ie
Inimitablo Hair Ecbtoratire.
Dut restores gray hair to ila original color
bysupjilyliig the capillary tubes with imt
urnl sustenance. Impaired by age or dis-i-aM-.
All iitaVM&nMous !y are composed
of Unar eauitie deatioylne thr vitality aad
beanly of the hair, and aflind of Ihcnwlree
no dreacing. IIciniln.-ct'a Inimitable col
oring not only rcstcres l.a'.r to its uutural
color by on easy proco-s, but gica the
hair a
31aus.xxxi.A.xi.t I3oi.xi.tye
promotes i$ grpwlli. prt-vmils its falliug
olT, eraylicftte the dandruO. and imparls
health and plniulnea to the bvud. It baa
stood the Utl ol lime, bding Ibo original
halr-culurinz, and is cooslaully Incrvaalug
iu favor. Uf.d by both gentleinvn and la
dies. It l sold by all rcap-clablo dealers,
or can be procured by them ori), b. Sajimw,
Proprietor, New York.
Two sires, 60c- and 1. cow?4y
Siiirii A Davis, of Portland, AjcnK.
Ur or raid viuie, tu Ui.d bis p.imoa m
aid Court, pray leg fur au order fur iKo sale
ul the real proniy Uiungiug to ald es
tate, lo-w it: liuuatlon Laud Ola. m No. 71
in towmhlp 37 8. 1! f conta'.iiug 161 CI
acre; and KlUnjj forth in uid ptliliou.
that the rnildence ol thf laid bells la uii
kuown. Notice is therrfore cnuu to tbe
ta.d ItuUrt A. Gray a .id Daulel Y. Grav.tf
ubteut hair', iu wtll u to all other peraoua
iotcrertt-d In said estate, lu U; audappir
in said Court, ou Wtilne.duy, ibe Slit da)
of Novcrabyr, A. I). lt51, aud sbbw cau
w by the pray cr of tbe pelitluo thould not be
lie order of Hon. J C.Tolrnan, Couuly
Jode. WM. HOFFMAN. Clerk.
tieptcmlKT ITtb. 1CL sepllwt
a.ilistrater's Wotice.
TOrJCE is hereby jglveo Ibat lellerf ol
l fidmlnUlralioo. on the tain of fsaae
Uill, late ul Jaiksoa County. Oregon, do I
cenw.d. lue been grunleil to I lie uuoersign.
ed All persons baling claims aitfinl
suidestulf, urenquiated lo prrseut them
lib the proper vouclvers, to tlie undersign,
id, pi bis nWiiice, near Aildairfi Mills,
wilbin fix moot la front this dale, pnd all
persoiM indtbtid to said relate are reques
ted lo make Immcdiutu payaieut to tbc
Augusts", ISCi. ous'iTwl
We. wbo Mates follow, owned and ud
theCrvrertt Raker fjewiug Maaklne pre
vious to purehaJn; the Florenoa.
Mrs Mary A MrrehaHt. dresasuaker, SIS
Stoektaa at., Eavu Kraaeiaeo.
Mrali Wetbr, Dieasmaksr, t9C Duvut
st. can Franetw.
Mrs Chat Czaay 419 Ilryant it S P.
K A Ixe. Augel's.UaUreras aouMy.
Mr M J RobsrU, Cit Houaid lU. Sao
M L II Cayley, Porlsmoutb Houc, fan
lr Jul.a Lyons, Target it . uar "j'tbaaa
San Frwtwoco.
Mrs Harriet Rent. & Pwi U S V.
We. whose name ffllon-, oar.il and nifd
Ibe WbenJar A Wll'-on rfewio Machine pr
loiw to nirclwi.ur ike Florrcew
Mr J lll'dn, lluLbard st, uear How
ard. San Krn.t,(o.
Mra.R8 lldgales, tH rolsom st.,8au
Aire M Young, 211 Slocklyn tt, Ean
I raiici'x-o.
A 'A t-liot, C L Filul, Sa:i Jusu Monfvry
Mrs C V Jacksoa, El Dorado, El Doradit
lru l. Itsior. on uuponl st.. S r.
Mm Sarah K Miller, Brauiciito.
Mr A Nab, coruer Stvreiis &. 5-1 rt.. S F
MmThuuiksMUcbsll, Muk. HillCalato
raa coliuty
The following nam d erson owned aud
used lite Singer oii.g uuebliwa. previous
to puicbaMiig the Florence;
lira A J Taruee, tH Cult t IVkikwo.
Mia 11 II 0lrur, eiS foll .1 da
allw AuaUi V)lj luub at UaV ull.i t
Aiuwiu Univ. sM Sailaa at S!aa laaabau
Ml, VlkUrl.tjSWu-k
Mi, wat t krk, dreMUtaaer ai4 MauuUoa V
Cutcaai&ui IraitMW.
PUTT M I ivmn Ulls.ttjaif.Oir-ii.eoUTIIss
TW. rate ereaMu U iIm (vt'yiw i fu
u Um U.I fecial ytgnMim aa4 wwh In tli VuU
u-l auiM, awl hsa tM Bfi l Oiiiljr rsn "W
tutt tMt k(M wJ hf mttaw r Blll
tn aW mnv, tntu tw WW kiCuit f vU t
ul4Mll.f addll. ' ' ' '' '
Ii i(Marr.iMiV.irUreoi r-. t"t loil-wi'J
alaa Hi Huwl M.I Ui, iwt KcWIi. ainl
tii tMft al nwir tv ilw v1ul ijilin, Il eill
I aI lw4Hjr llts iVnews
aatsue uisus Bsvsiu, as Wira Oatie. i
VU4seit lUs Unit ami Jjuiwl Itnartfyin tl
WurU lu ail cum r HVtKMilBV 4 UUH-a)
i iatiXAiCiillJji:Ui,t4i,iritui.(iwiij.fc-
mh k fcwi Mf ete "" 1 ' v
Full au v Meaa tic vMif win wwuiuvir ntufjmn
j.t Uiiaata aniM Um i.Iwt. J CWTI8
CtlHKIIli, Nw VmIUmi iWlaUvt IT?"',
M4 sy t SUaWM iHilu riUH OCk., '
Iwjr esl Mew TiiK . I .
lues Usira Curs rt nru. ,
liLUlAunift a V"
410 a&d 111 nwitJM, UJ'iUluiJ
Aa.nl. fie pilliyrala.
I licllete I cap fully nud eaniclentlou'ly
indonecich qdabfieatlon claimed for tbv
Florence SewtiiK maaliioe. 1 have tbor
oughly basted It on wotk of all grades, aod
each trial boa been eminently sntlractory
It lakes bold or a delicate fabric delicately
aod of a Uroue one with alrrngib To mv
IN tbe Circuit Cvurl.of tie b'lale..ori'
Oregon, for Ibe county of Joseplilue,.
JohnS. Loteond John H. Dniin, Plalutlfls,
r. John II. Keid. IVrryJIowvu.lboiuaai
McAi.drwf,Jarut iUne,lli rinaa liloow ;
and JamjuT, Glvnu, IMiudputa, i
BUI la CbaiirMT In fviMla w )lkaultfs UfBb t
To the abort, named pcfei.d4iits. 1
You ire hereby igir.ioojuil nud rsoulrild
to jppt-ar In ra.d bout t, on the llrt day of;,,
the not b tin ihurvof, to bv begun ay' bfd
at the town of ICIrbyIU-, i i Mid Cfluiily:,,
on Ibe 4th Monday in tktotr, IgCI.Jt bjc-,,
IngtheSilb dsy of wid mouth, ad thre
aniwirlhaoomplalnlo the said plafutltrs',"
filed aguliut you lu suid court, or tbe same)'"
will ) lakiu for cooraHd,and the plaint
itli will lake JudanMit againt tlbe auld de I
fad.iuis, Itt'il sul liiwu, for Iba bum of
liMir huudriJ an4,forl)-HU dulttrs, ultb ,J
inttruf t lWii, from ibo M dsy of y (
UmUr 1B0A, until u d. and the cyttj vwl,,,
dUburrcmsiita ut this rn.lt; atul the )lilhtfff. j ,
xwni .
Jubn S. Drum, will take Judmndil i
the said d. Ui.-lauts, ICetd aud lHo'inifur
the mm of one hundred and eleri-il uiia
twcqiy lire put hundrvdlbs dollar, wlib fo-'I,
tintt tu.nou, I ruin tbe bill day cf May, I
lbi.3. until uakl. aod tbe coiKai.Udibui.J
ll stems wore Iban a iiiaabiue -an almost I muil uf tl,i tuilj nud lite pbullUa,)i,
lottlllgvnt, willing htlpir. Its uee Istaly urcr.e Iwo u.ccbanic.'a Ikus u Ibejvatcr
barntd, and JU conttructiou Is certainly ditch of Hm-d and HoiSin. fipja(ed9iGa
simple, I kno.v somsthiog of the otbir
first tlas macbu'cs, ba l" liro 'V P' "
ato-aeural. TUs I (lie ouly swiug;ua
cbinclbapfouud reliable.
San Atidrtiu, Calsuras co.
..... r.-.. I. l.....ln. .....lilW fl.lll ul.d
ivo v'v w?v'ui" wvuu., va-"y eit7a
me riuiiaiiica win uo iwiu iu yj u .,
uud tbe eouitles of rcdnni.llou'of therdW
I fcodauta will be forelo-d. except as ou ex-"""
icution ai.Uiv. ';
llv order of the Court.
., JJ.F.WWiajUHls2V
reptlBaC Airy WJ-jAtuiigj awsr
t !.... ...i ii.a AVI. i. 1u- X- AVH.OH about
time, the n'illt.ns & Orvis nearly W 1 change for Jicrchandirf, at
.... .ui i.m. tii ti. M.ralof thesinall ' '"1927 Ma'
-i ajtMSSfl&Jt J-J JM..ttetar.ajajMit.aflJestalasttselMs7Js