y gjgt i-l"LL"-'." Li"--"- 'i"- -i-g-" 1' g'qjJrSa-Ui i.nl-iiyJ.,!.,;!i!j!i,,L,1M,u,,,mi,JMI,,MJU,,, . ,.,. .., ll,mmumM Hli !!! MHI !! Il"- - '' 1 -Til fTI iVmIIMM !"! M j lUJ , , , . .i. , . , inmipwnnjnMuiM.i uuAim'wwma SST MMJtH etrttwel '' '" W 04 mi AX-NTM, IN ADVANCE. THi: OUEGON SKOTIXCL. tir.o m-icr sinntur mintmmi. J. r. DOWEJQL, Prop'r. S.-Kninrtux For One year. In advance, xfi I 'ii'jw , If mid wiihln the He I i c.. ii of Jiw "r. hc dollars ; if nt paid I ut A ' xnirallon or Ihv year, six ilwt. i A i . i'x.r-' mt Himirr (in iiiwi or .. f 5 inxTtlon. Three IMInm ; euch hJf : J I irlion. Unr Dollar. A die- ; c n ypriii wiiiiwrnutu-loirnwc I'V III" Vear. , ,tT . i--Hi-t at nmni rate.. f.0. 0. 1'. .Inrltumivlllc Loclst; j ' filJpN r- !" ? "- " s-n v r rf.. 1 . . .. . nw Wlffll ibi .rBinf wr , i Jin mil itw. i -lr BcviTr l w tH m tnrttnl i.f.. iimi j. n.ir. n. 11. 1 1 ..i . -J. M. ?i.iv. ttia. JUy an4 Ptlrw Wmn Lodcc No, 10. A. F. & A. M. a HUl.U thflr rvtitlnr eomnmitt-, r.ittioiM the U'eilnelAr Krvniitfi nn 'NA j j'trcliop the full 'nxroti, In jxkk- ai.EX. MAKTIX. W. M. n n . v'i. l . 1 M. K. r. BlWW.1- JACOBS. L RUSSELL. 1TUNKVS AMI ('OCNdliLOr.SttltehMesiHrlarw.enlitii jOJT t.atw, 1 hut by rejr MPtita. i5psi1.K'mIJS l CIIANTKHY.; Anther rftbe IhraU; Ji.kUr lStk .1 . jK'Ntlt.t.r. Uammx. , Mv aaother mmnit km bamiMwlr! e- Mrr o)MMltr thr t'oiivt IZHU.r. 1 .a. : e'ininiilitl lo Ihrlr ear- will I- -ii ' ' ailnd'il ii. Jnlv VK '62. n r nnvvri '" .' ATTOllXF.Y AT 'LAW, r ri-t ia all the Cnwte of W TW ' i t l 'K-t Ibe Shbtw Ohwi of Oe-. ( t ..' u 1 rcka, Cal. . -.!. ! U'd . .... War jcrip prnirf icl. l J. GASTON, ATTOBNKY AT LAW. Ja- kminviu.k. OaRnost. Dpnciai attonlion lrn to eidU-otivM nt. Jnw 10. Iwt. GEORGE B. DORRIS, KOTAKY Pl'DLl C FOK JACKSON' P0LVTY. 0 .- w.tl. 11 F I..wl. K,. J. S. H O W A R D, '' SUtVKY'i: X tlAMI. U.VtMN'KKH JjnlxkVTItU: OBK4IMN, neSice iirt-t. the South end of Or-ewi ! r..UM. iui . PEtTriliiRfrK I'lintnrniiltic Arlict, .'lirari w.th all Hie latr- Improvement. 1' l':".ar-i do not pile rallitaatloa. ho . w.i, t made. Cill at hr. new Gb .. AT; ft. II .ramlfii. hu .1U.f1.fe. .&.! I ' - -.-..m "- ,-..., . K.M n- J IK-. SURGEON-DENTIST!!.' im. O. J. GATES II i rtTMn-ntly loentnl la Jm1imm- . am! offer MfHtrricwtoaUttHM- tw. artlftcial twth. Ixenylas twti I -! w ir ,iirc pold in thr brat maimer. ' . a. nv,lt.ir work In hi lloo. will But . . tt-u- ad.anu.ge to Ble him a call. , Oj.e door eat of Madame dc lb-, :: I'inrant anl'f ' HEW ENGLAND ffllLISEmUU(!IIIiE! 3E.iriST AM) UK!' IN Tall M ri:liir pHitleiiUni. call t Jonberr lire l r-thr MnehiiH- In oKratin. I..,.iui. band lr al. J NKl'i:i:. Apent. If'"- - .!. June tib. let. Jin ITatcInuukiT and Jeweler t jrn HrM. ("i ilimr nnrtb of L .auo i Jack.onvilU, On. joh.n f. norcic, ,r , . , . rtUMr Fawn tnt rantaml o Dhrual llanufaelnrrr aBd n-patrer of . . -...- -r Wa'chv. Chromiiu'lvr. Clovkf i MklmiJ Afi.1 IIm. llMl.Ulfltff1lL MIR. Aitn, JKWKLRY inarinfjutorfil ami "Ttil afur lite iiiou nppruvl iybj of V art. ami warranttd fur uneyenr. I'riw "Wolulg to tllllrt. JOHN' F. IIOL'CIC. Chroumnotrr ami Wutehmukrr. .fMkitamHr.Jntie S3. lftiJI 3m SACHS BROS WHOLESALE and RETAIL t E5 l ILm ES 3F2. Xrr ry t'owls and Grocesles. ioiaillAir 6. '6-L nosif U.. . . -, 1 rnred to rtannfacture to oruer, alt liieairoyiu iou imic. rwt . Il-lltffir 1lh Two tr.t nri x,. : 'tttll Cht'J5 Xt-IlLSl - - w-m , - - j j Hour and (train Sacks, dI trill attend lo paper hanging etc CWlnif tn.iAl.ln ...! a.l n,l ..... In IXd fmTnl ' .- r ' ' H ' ... 7 "1ME KUinJIllOI.. J 1. 7""iliWimiHUIi, J ' - I Ore nr iwa. .l... 1.1. ..i j a. .i.'k..a.. r......i...i .. r.,ti,,...nrj t.wt.tr!f..a.f1t tUmt II t w": Jhlliuy. Hiv, wi .11 ( v unci., ,.,m. ,.. -.. .. ... .,.. mahi.u . ---. ,.,!,., )ui -i,w a5i nwij ,iirmiv ini'w-r,v" .,... -- c-vi, or jllitrr ready , -ayistlie ejircu l.e.uep.riinnni ui.,1 wrpr ", A. tiiJnKKTt5. .LCSKrau.enjX.uld bu.rifp8fi-.lt twyljf 'tckionrine, April, ' IT A I l!KIFTrf womiumnni BY CALIFORNIA AND OREGON TELEGRAPH. (KKrOltTBII KXnXMVM.Y HR TUB SJtiKTINKL. w York. 14th. Draft om commenced in the l'Jlb been ordered urn 13th DL triet. Washington drpateh of the 12lh. SV the draft bus been ordered to com- mencc in Ohm and nlber States where two- ... i,.- , , ,., ....,.. . .nrc. M.rrn. till lire 191H. j AtKriHto Mr. l.tih We hue carried lk S-atc hy Utni nwjorlty ever knnwnj Wc hare nil CVultwjkimI ilkiruu. lu- nm 'c hare nil UnBfsN)iral dktriol by mv. men.e nwjoritiw; aad fire lxth of bath bninthw f the I-Mature. (Sipwd J. a. Ih-uu, Ctwlrman Uhm CenUal OHinmlllre.' t'atk Itrtjiinili) ilW in lW city !at tdht ageil &6 Tint. New Vwk 14tk ;rW (Ureb frmn the SlirtmMinuh Anthy wpeewiit the em my has imrtJ l.hi Nm to tk left or I fwfcw. BHrl b nwmr towartl the I'otmmr , lortW. which are at tml fmrumibh: on ,iMmt of rwmtit rain. 'I'roojw what not imp ly my tevHH t a b Mlrhaf. A raril! m I rtm' mmt """ruiraiM are iwk we HI )mM aMitfcer Garb, m AverUI Imm "" !? TT??"' ,fc atmT l'wr: Jt MHttr of ow line HfeMlr. bot hatre nmmh- . w 00 jrmeml atlaofc nt any p.i!nt. Grant m Wmm( m oroVr that ull BiriluuM within ottr line In froot of IVtrraborx. who ifaw to late tW oath at :thic. tha'l be Mat throne the enemy hu.-. Aio. twuhibki the aatr of twovuiaa to uny Mh ct ilMt- Thc dtnft kM born unhanwl f lkwr & 1 .MarrlMid on Monday next, f WatbiTiplMn, )4h. .S'o tnrtltrr newt Iibih the army uf in J'otnmao. Woih of I the eemy i our left and front hatrp brw twlUVd rewutty. llrrirni my llwtV atmy m tHir-theMd by retnfmotnwwa frnw to- 4 riii polfm, undby mrjje uatJibern of eon- MrrlMt who armrur to lure (urge, dwortiag prnrltlef. Grant tnk.erai4 Cm CUt Pint lb. ! that U ofht to hare the wVoJt tmmber of . -- - - j men muni for by the i'rttidetit, In the ! . Wb-m tioniUe limt for the prorojit SUlaf "V m u" """' " f ' il ,u 'T roore tSeOl o the enemy than a victory. - (w mefe ia IioUow tlwt ihoro U mh) a , airotaf irly l Ibo Xorlh in bear of 1 uhiu. Ilul "- ' ' tlVif liuA an. woe.. ittm :. Ibmtrtoni dally tell ws their man an not- MMtN limJ of vrmr: laal list rrtUna tfuuU . . l.., .1 w.- - - - - ..,. -. .. ....... lno wm no nefotmiui attor ifteMctHm. The MtorortMiM nf (the dealt an tin Mlmg ,, , , mmm wttl at tbeiUaWnc of ,4 lo 8il iw(B, mimU nai!' II4iuarlr, NikLHH and MurfrnUro ruilnwi, Mb. l'vootylvaala oarslry, J) men. MtCfritd and rmtl 1Mb lk' briraila, I.WOO ftlr..ut Kaudrvtile lyeaMrday. kill.ug and wwtdbi; muuy 'and eupinrli-j; :a priMNwr. IP-day the lruad j lorn u at I3ll llue.te. but 1 the dinias uu4 trtHInp. Thu Iridg nt t9twart' Urwk. wbiob Wat tb ontjr.OM lu- Jnnd by Wbeolor, i robnilt. Tbo railroad ii In good order from )JnrfroelHro to Chat taaowfa. Tiawt Ult hi mwbiaf; with malla fur Atlanta. Jtvbel r ratroaliug W-Bld HcMihUarine. SlRMdl Va ClTiMf.. Urij, Gru. Ualtltnore. 131b. Jfo cbaufe la m'l'.ury j iluatlon at Marfr' Kerry. Working pax ttvt reeommeiHMd work on Italtiwur and Ohio ralltyod lbt inorniug. II kt OMfrtaUd 1 to be in rHOHtne mder abotit Friday. The .'..., .,.' .'.,,. .J.' a.m ' AVathlHRlun llth, y no droiVhw bat yot j Ucn arrived at In regard to ibe propullio for a bnadred lhoMaud inMI.ua Iimu, made by Knropean cupttalbta. It may Ml be under advUanient until aet'.un of Cuaajre ! taken upon it. though wtlhont any apjior cut can. Numtxr of bhU for (be tnirty- ,uiie million loan, contain rrqit4 to , the Sretary that If not Beerp.a they ihotild k applkd to the reren-thirttiM. ' Kew York. Ilth. i-lWhlnjtwi tW. or the 101b, oyi Greet bai agnln enturcd Into eorrvpondeace with Si1m, ntKirit him tl.at comnibidour will lit qutekly ttl lo I KIchmoRd to negotiate ttrmi of iaee. with out I'reldenl'i conditlsu. If Clay and j Uolcomb dulre It. Wathlugtou. llth. Knglbh llloekade- running teomer. Advance aud KWIii with 00 bole of cotton each, have been oaptur. j , a hll etplodlnjr In the LTle'hoW, Ililtfax. Ulh. Two Mockadrunncrf l.nrr srrlw.d wllh nottua ll liV IritirtMt on thcC'onfedrrate loan. Jt U rtporled that tho Tulla!mtc U about itarllog on a plun dering expedition. New York. 131b. I.'ehmond iMjuirtri'ot the 8tb, ha a marked editorial, In which il! loi!u fur rieaee a liMliiir uiid tivrraauentT .-.,--- .. B . - 1W ihmpi'I.M , wwi....m.. ,.... - . m j ai.M aw. .a... .l a. ...in .p. inn... .... ...ar ...... JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24, 7Wr' tt nMilnptmi special say Co). Dana, of Ibe lllli t'eMNylranla. has Jurt re turned from midrr fir nl Cliarlelon. He report Hint fort Sumter Is rapidly settling, and lu n very short time it I Iwileved the water will enter the lower tier at euibrn- I'ortlaml. (lie.) litb Fifty-one towns, gve 7.177 mwjorlly ngolnst r.,.l3 laLjear gain BW. I'oMlnHil. 13th Nhiety-firc town parr a Uubm coiiRrrlonal majority of 9.1CK. Thk vote luclndn liitte orer fnnr tftntb of the Slat. Coflgf taunt total. tthMtatn twenty thvuMud L'nloii iiiijerltr. The oetiHtla all uadautrrnlly llepuLllcan. Sen ntar, aaonty oj&eer nml Hprcenttlvn 4nm1 abmit the rame m last ytar-UI UnhHi t 36 0ipa4Uiu. The amendment t the MWIatrun, tLftniUlna toMtvr to rM, will be Mrd Mnio-t unaalnmuHy. SHl'incle.lth.-!,rivtttadl.lehc. ttf It 1Mb, it fold nt 2;!U; on the llth. at SASahU; rm Hhb 13lh. nt 1:19. Greetibaeli Arm at -47. Strainer CuMeu o arritwi am oeioek a. m wltu , rabw oen to 17 DimfBt. Senate li and aMifer t the Id. from New York, j unanbrnHMrly Union. Kwy ciUy In the Carfoaco. iath.-Tb tnt cWtnwllregw( , enrrltd by the Cnlwi party. r that tVKt oocarml in Cnlro took 4a.j Albany. lth. Horatio Seymoar w yeftetday uwrnlnR. d.-trojrlac tKurly two, nominated for Goromor, ami l).lt.n.d kCBdr -d thottMOd dollare' worth of proper ty, on ebjblh Mrort and Cowitterobd arenut. A lor mwibrr of famillet bar boat) r d!td homeimi. Unlavilto. Ulh.-Lward tram from BnraVtoorn tbU mnrnllC wit aalurol by iMotn Kmnrilbti, Hn4r Jlnarudar, who aVaMrojrtd Mm lucunialleo. Umnd one ear and rubbed toe poaMnfOfi. iiew York. Hlh. CbMiiinwaf ipeetal Mjra Our. Amtevw uf Mawocbu'etti. wbo km arrived bore, baa given lit hi ndhetonee lo IJnouIn wilbont nay roNrtaibm. tne of Grant' tat iitlanri. who kna Jut arrived, rport that tb ooodtUon ul lat army i ImnrorinK vaetly. I.ve eanttot attaok with any oHbet ualli Karly arrive, and 8berlda buhl him Mt abHly tbat kt tall hawk wiibuwt a sraat diiattor. Kichmni.d Kmmmr. of the 9th. ay I Grant ha mard a erent iwuuy tttHto im lb rnltnod auuth of IVtorabnrs. ami wllkln the kMt Mi da; ko nlttd kt loft a quarter of a mibr wet of the rallrouil. lie wlU, at un early ilo. make a praad bnrtt and ley to reach liar mth ld uf the ralhnxd, st tame point near the town. TW la to be bl nrxl icraad wovrmtint. Tar TtJmht ayt Infuemation, deemad re liable, ba bfwn ree-ivl to the anVot that Frvmuul ba daotd u letter uf withdrawal ia the hand of hi friend, who will nuke il MibU la tirtiiKr Umc, sad that boforr knjf. iMLborg. lS'.h EGororMr WilKom lliel'-r ho brea nooilaat-d far Coattrooi by ibi l'-mocrat ..f Ch-arfkM oonniy. Wm. . Ktrbn. of V:ikbartz. wui nomlnaWd fur C'inrti. by the Takta parly in tbv IStTn Di'triet. GallUh A. Qrvw barwgde ellod. The foliowinjc toiVfram b bn reeolv ed from Sberman: Allaulx l3h I rm cM to brar ln draft wltl br vufuraed lot. breauM- w oaril man; Sd, tby eon aaytrl valo to til up oM and tried lv;lmaut, with eiB'rlwd uowrt' tdrvody ua bund; W. ta-eaUM Ibe euluromt of the law will mnntnal a pwvr In onr Governntant wtual 10 the oeoMloa. Oi.r Gorcruiaeul, though .. mm. .-...A ... .. ,.. . K I , ,'"""" "-" 7 '"" "' ".-.-- - j- rifBOa. BHBKW1K. WoMiiarion. Hid. Draft ordered la corn- In a.H lb State ami dlMrWu nbr Ike ijnola bo trot Leon OMrd by volunteerf. An Monday. Ibe tt.b of Ibb mclb. Siilc Miiuir wilt be re4til ami ortdilcd to at j tale a (rtmd a' potbVt. (8limd. Swok. A 'bittrr from Slteridan, near WerryrUte. Ike IBIti. ty: W- made n rteoiibfaaee in fotee. otomhic Summit and Wlaobtr road. or OffH'fuoo creek. A rklrroMi en hmI, In whmh we captured Hi men of the UtU GamlnM. nnd a Nllle-Cat; obo 111 wen of Gordon' dlvMttn. Our luw rligbt. Otke. Itllh TbeCbaritetau J.'ovwryayi fcrvlja-i, riUt nffiavauonh. who will not oroantee for the defence of the oily, will be tent to Atlanta. Vuuo majority, for Governor of North Oaroltwi. over 11 ilniaii, pae candidate, I i mllin-ttd al AMy thourni d. The total vote tt (Mliwalcdat foveniy-Uru IhouMiid. The Rovvrament powder work at An puHa btew np on the 3d, with over 20,000 mhiui1 of powder, killing nine pwoni. Maaoit, ltd. The Yankm-a have comjdete- dertroyrd the railroad butwten Joueboro and Bol I'olnt. lu their retreut they burnt every lie and liroke every rail. Our pick et estond tlx lullrt U-youd Joueebora. Jlacuii, loth. Hood nceived a flag of truce from Sburtnau yolrrday. Sbrrman (tales tlial he had ordi-rnl Allatila clcartd of ull whlto iuliubilant. Tliow taking the oath will be tent north; thoe relurlogwlll K.ul Htfull An -.m,!,..!, of lcn d(lv wo propoud to carry out order. Hood accepted the urmhtlce, but denouicid the order a larbaroun. Albany, ttlh. Large attendance at the Democratic titate Convention. Jlrnry II ar- hal Chaplain wo elvcled temporary Chair man. J-.nttanco of lurnacdo oxl Julo tuecoarenllou ejeiud much comment Calru. .1 1 tb' Kt-w Orlt-arn i'rcayinr y the eluctluu of Ibd titb, wtU the muss order ly ever held in l?Ut city.. Fire'thoorarid ,, . . . ,-.. -; " . J?,"!??, -T., ,fV , cxcluilvriof nud licond v was ntVnitiiI by 4 000 majority, only SW votes b4ng cnt ngnliwt It. Anpiir-ta, Mo., Uth. 15H town give Croiey I.1P0 nxJHtr. Union vote In the rrnwhulrr of the State I In hout lh fame (noportleu. Coiter'4 majority will reach JfUiflrj. Hertford, Cnn., IJtli. The Democratic . gtnie Convention has ti lull atluodaaee nud I rntt)Ut!ttc for MeCIellan. San Franelfco. lTth l'rlratc telegram" qiitfp..M im the lth. I:?aJS7; on lltr llth, tM; ob the lftlh. IAS. l'rernM .laflml here 1 not kiror 11 to hare reeeired otjlrTf to Mnunenec drafting a yet. Legal Tenders. 4111!. AugtMta, Iftlh.-Omrinl rrtnrm frnin27& eltie and Iottih tbowliij: total rote W.WJ. J Majority fur Cawr. 1 i.:tlr,, Total vote to . tw beard from it al.oui SS.060. and will In- ereaw CuHrt'i majorlly to nearly 18,000. Total rate nf the Stale nearly 16,000 Irw linn tat yaar. Kctarni from 1 IE rrjircscut atlU'V dl'trlelt. rhew the eleetion of 19t Jane for l.loat. Governor, by aolamatlon. New York. Ifth. 1'MldKMlbm of Ihe AVir AjM trill be Mopped by an Injmnc tlon, ioMiidby JiMeSakebind. Iti lend or today mmaaimd it abaodaaaient of F re moat. New York, iCIbe The Srtm Court lajbtnellon na Ibe AW JVonin rWWrrd on ly to nn Intknotlon prlutod by Gen. Ottrr ott. The ropolar joper gore lo ptwr t- aurfat. Tbr d:theuliy n HilVrred from enoy of the Hlppre-1 ket, ream to have been an ntteupt by Clnaen-tt to tarn the paper over t the Mtpport of a iteraou who ha not apfrtd prommfni.y n a potaible candhlate tor the 1'iiwtdtoey. Huhlmore. 1 lib. Special to the Haiti more Atmnmi aayi Averill reoeeuiiled IMortlnaburg. Furtlea engaged In repair Ing low Iwlllmere uud Ohio railroad have , roruuwd work. Now York. 14th.-Tlh ;rfW. MoUle llay ortrreepoMlent, uf the Uh.Htjr. t'ver. thin;; I unlet Iwra. No probability of an limindlale moienicnt un Mobile, sunken iM Irun Haitian itlll cCVctuatty blockadm the ninlii ebaanel aeru4 Day Ulver Unr, but Ibe WluuaUi-jo, a doHMvlurreled uiooltor, ba found a pam.ge tblougb the nbetruo ttou to a poU.1 nmrly opjioalie Mobile, and can drop It d li-iueh h4li into the city at will. Tb Metatouet, SILago, auil Kcur hec butt alto reaebinl the rftiue plaee, and are lu Hue of battle, ready to rindl the otty al a ritual from FnrragHt. Mobil It en tirely at our mercy. The vom-U rurntMned abiHvaieaboot tttrcckaUiullwfriHn MotdW. and I heir largest r'.H -d guus ean throw felt tutu Ike rcmoket ruborb of the oily. Rebel rata aul BUkboat are la plalu right, but wake uw htatilr diiuoftntralloix. Tbey remoiu above tlte city, lu the mouth of lite Alabama, jutl la range. The punboat.J. f. Juetruii Im rueoeedtd In eopturing the targoot one of three launebu been homing around MUkM.'p with the oUJ-at of atutkhig. oh board a buwllxer and other evhleaee of a VMriikoeimnieler. Graag-r Iroopt bate ,uontruet'd phmdld fortiooat luu at Codar 1'uiot uad ritlK-r dav. If Iluvd' uhulr army thuobl rutufuru Mttlle and attack our porilluH, It eoukl rntity bo held with the Mltaue of the gupboaU. Chicago, l&lh. Cairo ioIal iny mi longer much doubt of a formidable inva I en of Mbvouri. ubder Dobbin, Magrudvr. I'rioe and Skt-Iby. 1'btladelphm, 17tfa. -Special to thed.. Um, frein Oallliaore, Grunt Imi left for Harjwr' Ferry, fur what urto.e will be made known In a few (ley. A Wafhlnglon rjieektl ray over 3.000 rebel deterlrr have orrirtd from 'he army of the 1'otomae. One man left a wife and Ix obtldreu nt Itrfamdud. and My bit Umiwirllir ba U-n cnrrlplrd. New Y'ork, 17lh. Waiblngton ricU ay anthvrillea cuutlnne to forward targe bjdie of troop to the Army of the 1'oto mae 16 0u0 left je.terday. San Frnncbco, 17lh. Legal Tender, fjuolable at Unli. - Dorlon. litb. Union Sttc Convention met lute to-day. Nearly 10S dtlrgalc prctent. Cor. Andrew and the re-t of the State ticket renominated by scclaumtlon. Fortret Monroe, Ulh Gen. Dutk-r bin arrived from the front. He com.- fur the benefit of bU health, which term lo have been much Impaired of Ule, Flag of Iroo poll of the Bret precinct. The eiHtllulJon '-WtTkllS!??5 Uiat arrlvtd It lit an article on Sheru.an' Older at-Atlan-i to, uud call him eblvf otnoug ravage; rj I . I laiu among pirate; leader among blgbway. I men, nnd brother .l .. ,.......'- r 10 an lormer mam pi Sberman ha. given Ihe the world. Sary Sherman ho glv war a new feature, end call upon every oue to thck to It ttandaid iid light till death, a it It more honorable to "die thu than have peace with tucb barbarian If the I'ntidcut want nt, let him call. If thl i the kind of warfare we are to re.I.t, we will trip fur It. The latt man and the lait boy omit tak-s bl arm t'oocrr than iicrmlt ucb outrage us thote at Atlanta. Macon. Oth. A prltont-r. copluredyelitr'. day, ay Sherman will now reinforce prani auu,iaae..icun.onu. iieauo aiaiei mai a great portion ufntbe Midler go Out of !er- tnawtd atDauUv W'jjtvler orcq. ie. viuo uia ,juvniu,. juu. eunpy are 'Uiiniiy UlliPikBX'bHaJBVM 1SC4. iiint wii !.! itfiiitiiiM.mt,tWj..ijJ iiiiuiiijwii dtHMtd near Tullahema, by Qaji. Stwd- man. l'.Ur.V)rjr. 9lh.-f;raat'Mi11 Ma, b ...,,... , . , , IlnotlweMon railroad, pushing low. ly toardi went road. Lonkrilte. Hth.Jturual ay the Agree- menl IwHreen Sherman nad llaod for n ten dar. treer w liecn emclnded. IIihhI. in a letter to Sin-man ..f the 8th. Nf! Fcr- m;twrtoy.yWrriKdi.H!Mreoe-tK in MiidrM. inamion cruelly, an km ever een by hw la the dark bluory of war. In the name of Gjd and hutaanliy, I protect. Yon are cxpellia; from Ibelr home friend, wlrts nml children of a Unre i-yila. A letter from Sbtnnan to llootl ooatalo ed the following: Alt ettlMfli are reott ed lo tearc Atlanta, aiwl nrocaed eltber North or South. Gerernment will fnrnih j lraiMirtlloa m far Sotilh ai 1 xtth nnd Heady ; North, to Cballaimnga. Cit!-n .,., 1.1.. ...r,u. ,.i. Tn... i. tioa will Im furalihvd for mareahto. Ne proe, who wbh to do m. may po with their tnvterr. All women nud ehltdren mint lie fHil enwid'1 ol the line. Sbermau't order eoivmencid ai fidlowr Atiautn U-lng oc eupled czcladrety by the army, the olty will at once I vacated by all e.ee,u arm : of the U ?.. ntd inch clrlllan and etn piuyre a may be retatnrd by permit of thr Department ar Gflvermnent order. New York. 17lh. 0mmrHr Helal ays the rvbelt are Fontnnl Mnnlly rnelUn' m.- ii-. i-.l ' City 1 olnt to Ikr Groat' new railroad from I left wing, bot have done no damage. Grant ba problUuJ Millet foui relliug lUinor hi the army. Dunrtar from Lee' army, lo Jay. fully foaJrtJiiiwvbjMniUttteoaomyUiiig;0 1-niercrour, m imrea hi wcuiih-i ol , . a ; largely reinroreM by eontcripu. 1 . . , M . .. . , .. lae imnuui vmmeynmKui w ioc jaw, fj yaeti-rday Geo. llimey oponed nil hb btttevle on the work nod elty of l'eleri- Uatw 1l OeaJ a norfVoI rata of .lmt nan shell for two bmn j Into tn. im which othcrwitc would Itave' ' WreWacton. ltih-An oOorr on GraatV ' ". ,he fl,TMile' I)untin--pn- i01 Ci,,I-rV,ri8f1W0,''' Unu rn.ln-iy " bright and cbeorteir. Every day we ly dM!uU, ,lf ,.u,lUeU ol traaporta,llon and Itete we are weakening the mhjmy more r rntureomniiinicatlnn ; but II nn-d, Imncra. Unr. Their trun are deeer ling luto our ' ti rely uJ a n-Tr id. There nrr ,wilhii lhe in droves, while wc are rxoritlog large l'c uWviifusl arrryt of the Willa'meftc " ueoetsioui. " ulh-v. betwetu the Coast ninc and Can- v v i i-.i. v-ir ..iTe " cooV Mountains, nnd Columbia river ' and rr. rehnuT'krrv U4llap.Ka tnoanluins.ln roun-1 number a tokU-l2vcr,CXi fcc5nTe2 millloM of Bcreiof land. 'Or ll.fi; A 4ti. and are prHlrlait to cvaoaale ? l"t two million of ocrw i ore goodnia I', tertburp. nwl rttilrng wltblu the deft- hie land. cuble of prtxluolns more than ai lt:obmoud. -arer;c crops of wheat, tut, barley. ota. I SauFreeio. lllh. Cold la Nw Ywk toe,ffni ollnr rrxi, flax, lump, tobacco, on tb loth wa JtS!; oh ibe 17ih, Sal. jwc The nmaimbr; or one million' id !l j arr t. are pitod hill laudf, well udoptrdto . . .tlctisitzc of the Coventor. )ih'rr hubaidry eial other tjrtnlnjf. .., j it Ittttlinuted that due I bird of this sor. i-rfrotr aiiztnt y mt senate ami J iouttc lltpifrtutiMt 1 In obedimot to tbeootnmand of t!i Con MMuttoa, It ba again become my duly to fire to the IjegWwtlve AHmbly lofiemi thin toothing the robdiihui of the Slate. and to rtcooniriKj micb nwoKirts utMl ywtce " to be cxp.-divnt. Hut 0rt, owl abuicotl. ourtLanbi ore due to Almighty Uud Air thu numerwu bbxingft btow ujwn the Mop!e uf lbi L?....L. ,l.u u.lLi.a.i ........ nf II... I .. I ... BMWiuciuiimimicuiui IM l-l jr.' lutlvo Aeuibly an uuu.u4t dsrv tdl health ba Iwtii cojjycd. Tite uarth has yielded her fruit ubuwhiully, and lu biuu tilully reworded the toll of the hotbaird inau. MtiK-rul wealth lu breu dtswrend wilhin our UmL-rt and ului'Mi at our dor, the development or which bid fair to klar ll the mint tunguiiK) uud cobvihoc iIh iiKvt iitcritluluu. Onr great aluphra com mand high r;ow; uud -jur inalmwclurirg. uiluerul, UDii ineciialiiual wcti)u;i'inS rbure iarpely lu the gef-eral prcepvriir. UUr tJtaiC M OUI Ol OKI. Will) UKWMIHU III too iroatwrv. awl Hie lvw nil llhr ... . 1 eh rmnt of muleruU win lb in rich ubun- vivttrl nc'" t nit u ilkinflie VklOT witi it i',uv, that Uve"7j T i h' Ti n chract;rpf the o.umry prinUijUvor,. . , Ji-. - ....!.. .1 J. i- . I . " o" ----- - nl louml - "- "."""""""".iiiii! twcnnwiBiic- arvl luciiillf tor run- .i '"". litetsi our vimaaf and prau'iuL' Rlnla. in tun.- - . .... .,. ... .-..i. 1 . i ,,t i,.,i ,r ,1., ; moil colour uciioii wnu rnry prone ami uaaucfiUau loeorn. u III' bat btwwed it in thue rut.' i i : r '...i I......V. i.n ., . ., a I a I wm (' I1 UU fW III lllitJI tli;i no d.iHe- Hut the best of ull U. that, while ( lttU valiwtWHi of 810.000 000. nnd sufflcif0 thea- lye been duT.-rtnort of oimhIoii ou . cnt , bo,,, nor ,hu rK. Mcl ,,,; . i, lhuprrBtrjutleni...f the day. that grrnt ,u .....wj w roaj ,.., f eat of nOuurjce, on war, bat uot brou ,. ,.,.., u f ' i' ,...t i. r.ntii.t... . .n OOOccre. ol riehlaod. U,X f;,-1 wutrr nud ttrubir, surround us it w with ciaek.mn nnhb. Inclndlu- Im-k siul ca beds ol iiiin. copjtyr. t! ver nnd ijuld. is o ,,,,,, B, 0 (;il wmU , f b the gurdco u well a the calkel of ll , ,B,tc a wl 0, J utt W00-Oft0t ,0 ,ffr. 1 noille cast. ,ir .i... ,.,P. ,,i ,i, ,; ,.ti.t.. -i -n The curly development or live agricollor who modocif. tho woUare and occun Uisd bw 1" nU ha bri I '"If taSrMW1 ! . of loiuwit, Id have uro- the diawirucuou cud urgltci . - r - -. . tluit, properly utu-mled, wou jn.iV..iin.". n..i....,.J. 1...1... n"."f """ s1'"0"'"" "",,u '"""" I da ,Le n.,ic ,0 'uc fortunate few. "i et ' 3. n?" KKX t, . ... - . sti ft SarJ-StrJar . - -v -- ... . i - ,.,m if X'L i . i' i .7 , to market tquaU or i-Atxtds the market, the reuK-r. the loour, ur.d oil llinr nltrnd , ant pursuit, of induslry. and rueful labor, , :, rrzx" r:".'" ..Tii,,-,a"w f coi. imuvm, to ul Ifin r.l.iriinritit ntwl nitiu-itl niiiiirrtia "' ". i ii-.' u .-e.oiriii mi m, acknnwe.iWmenl:! above tno utuie t.ro,rlly ol tl.c bin c of ijre ,dflnd ,e rJvef i,",,,-: e ,0 e . (tooiimi iiMwta lonnep iimi Wtiitw -iji,., nlHi to Corvallii fr tlx Sir .... u "P.",W w ii. bom ...jubop iurefto Kupene Oeid that be Wltlun and uiion ill raMvrnt .1. ... .. . V " . . I... l. i,:k .. iMr7...i::r.r'"M'vuiu nireo or iour trip habit.,;,. .'. .,; Taiiey;,,h7m;3'n:;;.he i "tt'z ZtiziLfi luwyer, the doctor, the merchant, and la,., t jfrd tlr. yff. !hc ySt'hc wui leiHl. IH inilliri, auw lauur UI1U I (,., f . l . I.....I ,.. I. il r i i e .1 ' . i . " aim-lie alley ii no' )u cuded lo operute be nchaostd for lU miner. U.anly. the, .B!D$t te f.nlerpiif (but ome mlprljilrl" ' pick, the shove), the ouarl mill. a.i uras- Q. h road ,,. f.nirt lot,and'td'thcw " tra; abd houiandi o. dlwppoloud u-o.gaeromenlorriir the Wlllarrttlle A'lley"0 who might be ueefijtzf'i.i.M t,' MHriwd -ould be one: link in 1ht rou'ifc.oeno woriuie. lviOOJ,niui oiiucltu ai0,i oi me -oeiL.Taiier on me i:ac cu 004.1 . m .a .. t Ti. I !afT fit' - 1. ZlTY-l:a.Y .V .. Hi r VW'j.rfT1, , be i use!rtPor.-JWrducle aiuo ftrij Iwastc. ' m ri) bj T , 1 .5Siifaa.iej- t TJlJ"JrtSkrW VOL. IXiNCK 30 xwue.wanmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm To rihtnic nil this In this vUcy will not iii)nr$;XQ will In-mHt 'every other i00",?"!' Hi?!5 " Inr or mimop, In every other wcllon of mt Siatr. Wo cn donble tlw p.'PIo'T , 0f d,c WUUnwttc Vulky or Incniue it In any othvr ratio nnd yet not dimlnih the imiibU'W who will ock homrs In oilier por '"" 0.rrfon '' xh n,lnL"? iH-pDlalJon wl" wi lnetvuft " " . , lwllP? lw(w ,,!r m',.,,,! of nil kln.K n..! 1 ,nt!r lMtiH5t nur 7SiXP3 lit liicfSinTil, , manl, sopHrioff tu with what ve may call a Itome imiiMt, in which no other pmoace can Micceejfiilly comjvelP. Tbo qnrttion of umrket fur onr pron'nrd ' has been thought to be a ililTkiill one It ; bus Ih nobed s ' Wlwt nre-wt) tti do with ' our brradtlnir if wi t xrrcd home and1 ml. ntafi eotwimiilbtn "I dlUk-tilly iinl be ppnrrlii'tHk'd on thin ei'rc. Xo ninX wheat or oilier creli n.w be ralM than '' wrwiHt 01 tue rn.iriti b ivquirc uihrr nrtl tlwn bri-adjiiilT can nnd will be prodHced. that will fim! or make n nrnfila- ; b'c UMtket. Our Iaiu1 wilt prow the bct ' of flax, of Iieoip ol tuliarro ; oar ahivii D will pivc u ubundanot ol Uio best wool ' '' wc have inexhnruiliblc forest of limlxT :-- ' eon Mlo iK'nli uf ratlic; nnJ In the ways ' of all these proditctioni wrcan bars ltancn" J tiunaforlorh-. and nulls, rupc-walks, wool-',, hi niab). tobacco factories, taw-mill, la'n-" i j nericf, foamlfr'e. and tnachinesliop, biiI . toe couqiith rareuiuui uu niuiirinou ami . . euttriM-ifiiijr iropalnUon, prowtiig out if " tlie true d.-ruorinent of the nrrtcsTturul rrin'urra ol one ' ll,e a0il a,llui nu"' ftriihsvaJhryaol this contmant. , -a ,n k . ,,.,.. ,.i.,n .. on,,,- c wMch wRI follow lncnv-J t intelligence, morality, wrn'lb, IwhovdV'nl ' ioiitulio:f, education, and iti i-tiort nil ilnit- forvot Ufnuke o iwt on or a Slale grw.t-.T 1. tMM-irvi .Hii.n uin. li.l. V.IIIII1UUIV1I r'H. Where natuie hat not fun.l.Iinl great high. wjy of navtab!e water, ahmje who a. ' martin all is life uud aotiviy. inmi luit by; art.flcial chabuel, by caiiaw, tttrnpiki-, , and railroad., inluirtl new life nnd vli?n'r' verti land, one miHiouor aerte.yln;r im ritbtr d- of ibe cxiitiul line of the va vallrr, nnd W-i 'US a strip of lund 130 mile Ioiil . north amTmth, with n width or 12 mile ' eur4cndui.il, k worth today at leasts ' dJUur-r acre, or 88,000,000. The re-'. : iruioii g (Ki0,O(K) t.crra at htut two dub lari per m-n'. $1,010,000. Kttlmtto toMr'a " property at hnst S3.000.000. nnd w! Lsvo a total ol realeoioto or SI5.000 000. ' It ki'Mitnuii-U :lut a railroud will cost . $40000 or rtiei SiO.000 kt niiK tboroufbly oottiucfrl and ("ipiil, ibruuifb the t .lldtnette alley, wurre lie i . J - ... I ,L. 'i, l A.U K u, i n imi l.l Irl.m -. p.ubJ lft it.,,,,,- ciu- e li. vl.Mt.Tiir ii be loektlt. c.hI built, uot cxm-dhii; 115 ih'Iw'Iii Irot'li. which, ut the lartfer'" tKic. WOtUU. to lie sure. nnvant lo r.1.- 750.000. Willi f-tu-Ji o. road built weehouM o haveut h-ait 1 jOO.OOO rr& or land lyW,,. i oooilauoiu n tho line, urn! wiih live to fix , in;le nf Mullein, worth at leuit tw'roty dollar ier core, which is 820.000.000. 2,- ' 000,000 of nciff wniibl nl eusl avctogeS.'i.- . per ncre. which i 81 0.000 0IKI more. And , ., town properly wou'd nniloiibipmyjiilrnucc. I uny per c or. or to $1 jiOO.WH) ; innKini; a ,,Jai ... .i,..!,.,. ,j 11i,i., ;.r,,n '!! of SSl.OOO.OtKJ ; t an increoK' of real C-.. JinnAiinnn .k.l ...mi;' ""J '"V 'e iwi ivfliix ft llliMOi '"' 1 !! IrnntfUarttltinn uri.I irtllvj Hnal lltawi.. i fwnr f,.r im.- :., l.u ...-I ,.,. I ,,, f, . 0 lnc,.inin ;il ai. of bo-t. , Hlif'lll I Itrx-h , '" "I (u li-ni fur months"! 4','i Clly. rarely '", aunuoli illy.- " id i will ov ;iavjg. charac- . whfebit" ." "" T, , "TV! ?"",""""? T"' " 1.J '? . ' !'f d P'r '"Prorem nt w hlch" may Jure b en inad.'. are obc'i of too prml thog. ' ..u.i r... -!. -.. '.r'.."j 4"1'. .b lUUIH """"'" "uf -"'i'a"j io ciicounier.: ami ftnv Mmn.ii. I ibould even mCcrtfu aacood sUck-wuternavic-atlon" 'n Tollu .. ..'..! I .1 - 1 ..". 1 . .U. ,ji - 1J jt Ufll ex.rMirely.e u. V 'NhVtlNHtl, IVUlIUril, , HlfJ- 1MJU1H DhM -n- taiirrmil nml iumi .1 ..... .!tl. fa ? &&&&sesf ""proifinrni, very oeirai nwl TCry'lm n.i.,,1 i '..'n .. '. AnA 'Vi ' rxutuut. but shoul I be regarded no havir'g mauniCecul water tpwer. - . .fir,, Jo ll(ir iqu- lyftUniii for ,Im) WiH. .i i.i v, .......i.-.r u .,Ai,i,.i r,..v !,,-.-.- Alc.Jnuagrv nmyuot of. Coi.prmiopl U iqsxa '" ' J'"f rr" " if lviniiJVlMi inanmi .1 :.. .7.,.i ,.r . . r- 1 .u 1. ,$;. -v ,' ,.M; . ..i''. w , T--"zJ - are;"rc' .owv ivwu- Con"fua(id on Sdp-jo) " '', i ' -t: ( i 1 t Ol Zh mil- -immm&M : '-1