V if If h . i I '3 I !. t ; TUB fllEfiON SENTIiVEL-jGLOCES, JUselaCieni ef the Unlet. 'a tlaal CoHTcatloB- JTOOrTtB AT BALTWOItt, JCKI 8. 1S64- 1, Kernred, That it Is the hlgbwl dot? ef every American eitiwn to maintain cgainst all tbeir enemies, the intn;rity of the Union and the paramount sotbor'ty or the Constitution and laws of the loited Statesand that, laying wide all diOereoees tul nntillral n-iininns. w tlledceOUrSelveS, a Uoion men, animated by a common ob- jret, rodo everything in oar power to am , mm w"- "") ....- -rf - ,, the Government In quelling by force ot arm the rebellion now raging ngnnai i authority ; ami in bringing to the punish; , ment dae to tbeir crime tie rebels and trat-. tors armed against it. 2. JiuolrtJ, That we approve the deter mination of the Government or the United State not to compromise with rebel, or to offer any terms of peace except such ai way be ba.eil upon an unconditional sur render of their hostility and a retam to tbeir jut allechnte of the Constitution and laws of the United Slates; and that we call upon the Government to maintain this po sition, and to prosecute the war with the utmost pouible vigor to the complete sap pnresion of the rebellion, in the full reliance cpoo tbe serf sacrificing patriotum, heroic valor, and the undying devotion of the American people to tbeir couutry nod to iu lire itmitcnons. j ler quartz. 3. Ruclrtd, That a slavery wai the ', i nddltlon to the above, may be fotrad cause, and now eonstitntes the strength uf j at his store the best qtmliti ol tbU rebellion.and as it must be.ulways and , TABLK ANt, POCKET CCTI.ERT, everywhere, hostile to tbe principles i re-. . . . , . publican government, iait.i awl the na- j And, in slwrt. a general variety or Dsticnal safety d-mand its utter asd com- Nlck-Nnclta k. Fnncy Articles plete extirpation from the soil of tbe Repab- . 0 wlikb will be sold at Lowrnicts lie. And that while we uphold and nuio- nm wnrmatml. tain the acts aod rroeUmattoiis by whicb i REPAIRING. Clocks. 'Watches and the Government. In iu own ck-ltnsc, has Jtnttj rehired with promptness, aud iu aimed a death blow at Ibis gigantic evil. a mnnwr in giiiirantro satislaetlon. we are in favor, lortbermore, of sach an MAl'FACTL'REP to order, nnynrtl amendment to the Corstltutlon. to be made c)e n( Jewelry, with neatness and dispatch, by the people, io conformity wiih Its pro- jg, u am see his new tnck. at hi visions, ss shall terminate and forever pro- mir nore. on California street, next door hlbll the existaoee ol slavery within the to Sach ITro., Jacksonville. Urrgou. limits or jurisdiction of the United Slates, i Jarhsmrille, )-c. IT. 181.'.'. tf 4. Rttvltrd, Hist tbe thanks nf the American people are dot to the suMwrs , and sailers or the army and navy, who have periled their lives in dtfense of iheir cnantrysnd in vindication of tbe &4g; that the ration owes to them sttme perms-' nent recognition of tbeir valor, and ' ample and permanent provMoiM for those of tbeir survivors who have received , disabling std honorable wounds in tbe sr vice of the country ; and tint tn memo ri of thK who have fallen In its .Vrfrnv. sball be held in grateful and everlisilog lememuerabce. 5. I!ao!cd, That we approvt and ap ! piaua me practical wisdom, tbe ubmIB-Ii patriotum, ana tbe uniwervwe Bdeliiv tn the Coostitutiou and tbe prineiplea of "..,. - . " American noeriy niio Kluch Abraham i Dneoln has discharged, under circuewtan- j cea of unparalleled difficulty, tbe crrat du-; ties and responslhilitirt of the Preiidnitial . oeic ; tliat we approve and endorse, as d niaodtd by tbe emergency and rtwnlisl to the preservation of the nation, aad as with in tbe provisions of tbe Constitution, the I measures and acts which he bat adopted to debod tbe nation apainst lis open and te- cret fuea ; that we approve epcwlly the Troclaniatlon of Emanclpalioo, and the employment of Union soldiers m nien kite- i lofen held in slavery j and tlmt a have fall MtnnrlMIr In lit .4, mm. ....a. ,. .. -. uviuuiiiMlwq IU SUf I ry on Ihrte and all oiber Cowt latMtut neainret essential to the salvaiicc of the coontry wiih full and complele tCVet 6. J!r$olitd. That we dm It etseolisl to the general welfare that lurraony should prevail in the Natimal councils, and we regard as worthy of official trust tbo nn ly who cordially endorse the principles pro. eiainvd in thei resolutiow, and which should ciiaracterixa tbs adajioiiiMticn of ' - tr?0,!Dt i. Raaltid, That tbe Government owes to all men employed in its armies, without rrprd to dutinctiou of color, the foil pro-1 tectioo of the laws of war. and that anv vi elation of these law,, or the Maers of civl I Iid nations in time of war. by the rebels now in amis, should be made the subject of ' prompt and full redress. ! 8. Wrsr, That foreign emotion. I within I be past has addtd much to tbe i wealth, development of mooters and in- crease w power to tuts nation, the asvlum oi ine oppressed or all cattem, sbeutd be fostered aod encouraged by a Jibetul aiid JJ4t policy. 9. Rttotetd. That we are tn favor of the speedy coostrucilun of a tauroad to the I 4CIBC. , 10. Ltnlttd, That the natloiul faith pteJi-cl for 'the redemption or U publw I kbl must be kept wvioUie, aud rr ibis ' porpcoe we recommeDil eeftoonrr aad rcid rrfi.uiiiy in the public ej.peud.turV. VtfT !BdMl -''""" '.xanoo; lUtttln m Mi, mm.l - .. .1 lu Ti "'"" "UU j-viaoie tut um of , I mt uauouoi currency. ii. j.rorw, inat we approve the p , rS!ebiViiC.Tww"nl ,1)4t be people, of the United tiuiec4rt cever re- sard will, mdifcrwc8 tbe atlempt of anv European pontr to overthrow by lor ce and "r-. "j "-u, .KiMtitutiCM or any Republican Government on tbe Western inucem, ana wm y ,llh trme lfr "?""& ,L P-J d lode, pendenc ot Iheir own country, the fforu or any aucB poer to obtain new footholds frn"Xrrr:U,b, I the Uuiied Bta'tei: w V'""' ' A 1JM ttr4"WkA&.f 4SS1SV mm,mMwumm..wsmmeUce, "VTOT1CE is hereby gnt0 that letters of 11 adaiinutratioB. on tLe eatau of Isaac jjiu.wieiHJscKseo county. Oregon, de-, Masad. have bo granted to tbe nodersJB. I M. All HtttOB having !.!. . , I tasd wute, a resuted to present tbe tbe ftoftt voisesiers, to thenodersi. ed.athU reaidesce, sear Ashland Milk svtOila six moetka from this date, and ali MftOM isdebted to Mid estate are reques ted to make imeat paysseat to the BBdeoijfLtd. PATRICK DUNN, AAVr, ABgBt27. IBS. au27w4 Teaaker'B Jietice. PKBSOXS wishing to receive oertiff sale to tsstab la the Public Sckeels, ecu saet me k JasAsosvilt. Satareky, Seft,3d.lM4. M. A. WILLIAMS, aug30w2 gop't Cod. Schools. JackseavUle, 19, IBM.. WATCHES, JEWELRY, - xxv- FANCY ARTICLES -AT- NEW STORE! Next Devor to Sh Bros. T SETUnt has stocked his new stor l- w in iiarffCB U . with a large and tamable esorimeni o. utntstvles .n( natterns nf opmyh AND WEIGHT CLOCKS. SILVER "WATCHES. DIAMOND JEWELRY. PEARL. EMEP-ALD, CAMEO SETS Together with a splendid lot of other Breast-Fins, Hrooches, Kar-Rln-s. Finger Ring. Lockets, Huskies. UiaspJ. Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Necklace. Watcb-Chains. Cbalclains nnd Seals; Also, complele sets of Incomparable Qvtxx-ta: JTo'veolry, nunnfaeturnl from the rlclH-st nnd molt beautiful swcimcos of Gold Hill aud Fow. WHAT KILLED HIM? Dr. Iliu. In Ms Journal of Health," fpeaktng of the death ol WaMnptnn Irving ak tbe tUe turstlon, and add: "He mlcht well Ware remained with u for year to win, bnd it not b fur ntlvle klndlj iutendvd. ii dwilil, but givini in thuugbt irn and rwkirti IgnuraMe. UK HAD A COLD! which. Iv mi iiajndlclon rrr-crlpllnB, had Imn eonvertrd Inln un n-lbmt. W Wlm enre Wl -. IITTWIli 1 ! "- ! Iksat nauv I niuin l tavkdf ll tttasl ttt frill. .Mr world may never kuaw." Lvtmesar to Dr. Hall, that that prwcriptiou' was not WewelPs P,lmmrnir t'isr A UlIllOIl iiVr 75 I 'lip, fur that ! an article that dKs nnt engender hrart dlte nur is it prudnetlve of any A'"imic nftVetinn. Or. the eonirary, ft wJ" oure xuti 1l0f -"- w COUGHS AND COLDS. ' tbe world never aw a better remedy, and never will, until Nalnre prent snme new liipT'd.-iit out or w tiitrii u irjrr It. Oon'i m adaUl to use it frwly. Rvrry ortiele Iu It Is frutu Nature's own Laboa.lorv tbe tame today as levy went a thnmaml year aso all vMleulatcd to soothe, bra) aud Urcn;tbc. Thvre Is no Belter Family Medicine ! KwP " ''' ,he boa,' UM! " frw'y. FiTe " to your children upon the sll;ht ludiea- l'" "r c",(1' and 7nu " ,nll,k -u& 'lrtk of it ava all do ibat bare Uoome aequatutcd wllh " """'" WSIMNGTOX i CO.. Sole Arents. il9 a0.d '8 K,0"1 tXn1- San Frmucisco, "y bnUu- l"",?ft T H E WIRES NOT DOWN ' MORRIS MENSOR'S Store T 3PIXOSUTX OQ-ZW. MORRIS MENSOR has lost estnMUli el and ontned a new store, with a fioe-ai ine-as-1 sorit-d seitctioo ot goods suiUDie to tbe wauls of the people at Phocniz. He will sell cheaper than ever sold before lsiB OiilSl FARMERS and the PEOPLE T f .Aftratly . IMHMtl I. aa! mwA A&.tnA wv.,.j,Mth , llM. BI.U IU ait HI1U VAnillllK uw stock 01 new t:oas, cuustautly arriving IroLi San Francisco. JC0 q,,tIoo but he will sell goods cheap- er for cash than they were ever .old before io ll same markeL No trouble to show goods. Call and examine. pi Piioaiix. September 3. 18C4. Final Settlement. ITNlbeConnty Court, Jackson Connly, 0rf80D. August Term, 1864. ' In the mattti of the estate of George Fish- er, Vxcv-iea. Ordered br the Court, that Vocdsv. the 2th day of September uet, bo set apart for inn nuai seiiiemuni or nam ettale. witb Henry Lankeuan, the adaWUtrslor tharaof. liy order vf the Court. WM. HOFFMAN, Clerk. Auxust fi, 1634. wtigC MTetice t Steckkelslsrs. "MOTICEU hereby given to tbestoek 1 holders of the Sucker Creek Valley Irrigation and Milliog Company, (a the cosety of JosepbiBe, feute of Orrgeu, that there will be a meeting held at the rteb a 0r A. H. Plattir, on Mondav, the 19th dsy of Sept., ISti, at 1 o'clock"?.., for tbe purpose or electing three Trosltw, Bd oik-r ewcers for tbe eBsuitg year. By order of tbe Board., A. II PLATTER, Eec'y. J. ROW'S Oisr-3r Stoaro ! Opposite Love Bilger'a, California si, Jacksonvillo, Oregon. TOTS! TOTS!! TOYS! HOLIDAY GIFTS I J. KOW inform the cttttons of Jackson ville and tbe pubic generally tliat he h Jot tecelved aud oflors for sale bis topertor stock of HAVANA & IMITATION CHEWING AND SMOKING ZKjajA.D2&9 , CARDS. MATCHES, CUTLERY. PIPES. Stationary &. School-Books FJGS. RAISINS, SIw. t6nS"' ALHUMS. ETC. Prices to suit tbe times. Call and rave your money. Choico Green lYuit anntnnllv nti K&nil. Dec.l9.lbC3. J. ROW. New ! Now ! ! New ! ! KREUZER'S IsTE'W7' STOKE, Ildwevn N't State Salon ard Bradbury V Wtde'e, Jackrauvllle, IS STOCKED COMIT.ETELV WITH Host Cigars .ad Tobacco, FRESH CANDIES AND NUTS, NEW TOYS & NOTIONS FRESH FRUITS, ETC., ETC. Mr. Krfiirer havlnc paferml Ibe new star, one ilixir outb of lirodhurr A n'adeV, calls thr nttvntVou uf the public to hl mm plde stuck of r raokliie and cbcwlnc toltaeeo, Alo to ItU various hrund of clears, from th common lilPManlU to the mwt fm grant llavana. All sold at tbe niot liberal prices. Von can bo bwt rnpplird with any nrtl eles In bis line, and save monrv. by trlvltig him a call. Drcrmlier IS. 1M-H. WHY WILL YOU BE SICK! It Is tlrnnse that k mnr rrvns will uQVr foryrars with dissiuv, wheu tbvy can be to rradlly cured. DR. A. BALL has been established In Sin Francisco for Ih years, and. du'ln that )-rlo! has not tailed in ctft-el a eun la u Hugie ocut- that be ba HBdertukun. Dr. IUix. after a Mitdr of fnrty yrnn. has tnedd in oniupoundlnF a medicine vf n-HMt.r tsultabu: n.KriuTie. that will cure the worst vase GoHsrhcc. Gleet. Stric ture. SrphllU. Inijioleney. skm ciwv.,. and all complaiuls ansiug Irora immoral prac tices Iu Ins time than by any otlivr known pn-o. wmincT :irsv tu tiik m, Dr. Diu.V uwm KUKr. for tbt mdtcal cure of Weukuvis o:m! Irrejularltlen, to whicb so many Ikdl-s nf tbe I'uciQc const are ulject.umni; principaly to the peculiarities of tbe climate, is the best nrrpratliiii yrl discovered by tbe Medical (acuity, as thou sands that have un-d It can brar talrniony. Dr Uxu. is o QrjirK ; bo Is a rt-cuUrly tdueattd physician ot forty years alatidiu;. and ba a diploma whlcbbo would bo plcustd to show to ibos-1 who my ih to s It. IVrtona living at m certain diitanee, and sending a description of tbeir complaint, oan bare their medicine put up in it package aud aeut by mail or express, in sueb a man ner as not only to secure rufety lu transitu, but to thai no person would suipect what arc tbe content. Reference eut by mall to those who may n-iib to li-qutrv as to tbe Doctor' ability before plactug Ibemsulvcs in bis charge. pir Address A. IUtx. M. D., SIS Mont gomery slreci, au Frsucltcu. ySB' Consultations, either personal or by Imi Pits-M Jy36m3 MOTHERS MOTHERS MOTHERS D05T hit to fincatt MIUS. WJ.NSLOirS tOOTII I.NO EVEUP fcr CltlLDHCV TEKTUIXO. This TtluUs fttpaniMn U tb prewrtytk ef on of tbo Ut fjnule pbtlUux sal nnrw la ths Vnl UJ8uisodUu U.o bm1 Ir thlrtj-vcsrtwltli tnr fiJllne uUtj tad taceeo bylulllktx of bioOi- rs sad cwldten, from the fcttil Intuit vt on wsk cli tu th sdult. It sat cnlj rclicTM th child from pUn, tmt lartc0'' Um tt Hootch sad Un,el, eurrseu seilltv, ud fitcs Iom sod cotter Ij Us wb4l sjitsm. It nUI slatoit laiUntlj ntina Csiriio IX tsi Oownu. akb r Couc. W. Ull ll Um c.i ud torot Rtmtij la th trorid, la all um of DVitNTEKV od PUR EIIOUJ. IS CIULDIUSX, wbrtUrlt uUt. Um Ucttt Ids or (ma taj oilier cam. Fall direction, foe Mia; will oaomnioj Kh txxtl,. oo 0nulD hoUm ih bemu of Cl'RTli! t l't:llKI.Nc,Jr York U oo Ik outwl mrii. BoMby all slcdidM Daln( lrlntljl jok,U tj olrsct Xtw Votk. J'nci Out Curt m Itonix. liEDLNOTON CO, 4X9 sad M Trmt U. Soa rnnclwo, otm JtM t CI.Sni. DUGAN it. "WAIsC, rilWAlMIC ill C6MKUSWI MERCHANTS, BrUJt BaUiHna:, C. Vrout Oi Kltcu. CRESCENT CITY, CAL. TTiHLL attend to the Receiving .aad For- warding of all Goods CMrnsted to tbeir care, wish prosnptnesa and dtamtcb. ConslgnaseaUaftlicited. Merchandise re ceived on storage. . f-Xo goodsdkliverci nntll the freight ' fc-- - j- - a. n CHEAP FOR GASH MAX MULLER, AT TUB BRICK STORE, Comer of Oregon nnd Main StrteU, Jacksonville, HAS Jnit received an addition to hit former large and ell selected Stock of FANOY. STAPLE fa SUMMER DRY GOODS cii otzhno, boots and shoes, Groceries, Liquors, CkJtlory, Crockery, Mining Tool?, All at Reduced Prices. ONT. and ALL are tnvlt-d to fa tor him vrllb a call. It cnu nulli Uig to sbnw rood, and It is a plrac nre to sell thrni at trices o low that none can compViin. ! Highest Price Paid for Pro- i ' duce in Exchange Tor Goods. H. Bloom's STORE ; Removei! j -TO- RYAN'S NEW BRICK, Xext to Judge f lmmermun JSctwcrn tbe , SKNTINKL OFFICE A U.S. HOTEL. Tlie rent of my new More Is so much Ie Ihsu 1 had to par at my old stand, that I can and wilt nil goods to my ouMoruers at considerably reduced rates. Glti- m a call. II. ULOOM. Jaeksnnvllle March a. lust. HsTsX-tS.er-sl- ( CIRCUIT Couit.orthe Stale of Ore J gon, lor the rouniy uf JoepbiDc, Oc tober Turn, IBM. ' Lucmda Ellnwur'.li, Plaintiff, rs. Francis ElUworth. Drlcudaut. In Ecjnll) suit fur Dleore. Tn Francis KlUwortli, Dcfiudunt: Vou are btreby summunctl, Io appear io the Citiuit Court, or tbe State ot Ore gou, for the county uf Josephine, ut the term thereof to be lit Id on tbe Foonb Munday. beiug the 31st day ol October, A. U. lbOi. ui auswrr tle rouipuint in thw caase tiled, wbeirio tbv p!ulutiffpruS lor .a diaolutiou of tbe bauds or timtriiuo oy now existing belwicc you, uud unniit tur to ber muiden came. And you will take notice that unless you apiiear and answer, as herein summon td, tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for tbe relief ikcuaiidrd iu her raid complaint Hy order of Hon. P. P. J'rltn. Circuit Jude. JAMKS I). FAY, biic20w6 Sol'r for Plaintiff. WATT'S NERVOUS The greatest medicine ever yet discovered (or the cure of all diseases arising from u derangement or the Ncrruus System, is "Watt's Nervous Autidete. It will cure tbe most cases or Rruaiulltai, Xevralf ., Pp;U1 or M.nul Dtlility, Imbeciliiy.lmpoleiicy, J'sby, Pkursy.or Tic Dolorsaz, la a rj tWt tiuc For sale, wholesale, by CRANE 4 BIUHAM, cornel of Front 4 Clay Si's, San Francisco, and by responsible Drug gists everywhere. San Francisco. 15. '64. aug20m3 DisEolutioa Notice. THE partnership heretofore ezisling be tweeii Pishtr, Uro. k Morris Meuser U Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. All person who are in debt to said firm, will pay Ibeir indebtedness to Fisher k Bro., at their store. In Jacksonville. All debts owed by said firm, will be paid by Fisher k Drc who will remain at tbeir old stand, io JscLssuville, In tbe mercantile busicis. A. FISHER, N.FISHER, , . M.MENSER. Jarksonvlllf. Aug. 20. 1664. nug20w4 JFiMtU Settlement. In tbe (utter of tbe estate of Wjuxsm T. BeaM, deceased. Isaac Blngkasa, the ndrrinlstrator or raid estate, having Bled bis ezblbit for ftnal set tlement, notice la hereby jtltea to all per sons Interested, that Xonday, the 5th , of September. A. D. 1W4, baa been Jt apart for the final settlement of said estate, with the said adalnUtrater. By order of Hon. M. B. Gregory, County Judge. GEO.LDfcAN, ' ft" County Ocrk MAKE ROOM FOR THE PLOREKCE! It makes foMrHitlncttltcI fecrts the work cither ways sews thlB and heavy goods withoHt change ortcH- Iob, will gather and new on at the same . time. IT MAKES A STITCH ALIKE ON ROTH SIDES OF THE FABRIC, HAS NO Sl'RlNOSTO OETOUTOFOR HER, AND IS Till-! MOST RAP ID SEWER IN THE WORLD. EV ERY MACHINE FULLY WAR RANTED. We, the undersigned, have each purchas ed a i uii.kmk slwi.no iucuiNK,aud bate them now in use. We have thoroughly tested tbeui on work of ull grade heavy, medium and llpbt and our n.ilnlsh Is that the Klorrncu Is du rable, will uol easily get out of order, is stiongutid simple In construction, and lis use is vastly learned by jtie most inexperi enced. It will do n greater rango of work with less trouble aud cbauge, aud wu consider It allogitbcr better tbau any olbur Family Sew lug Machine wc bare ever swu. Mis Dr. Clme, 31 Turk st., S F .Mra D IJ Cvfio, 0 CIjv sl S F Mrs J II Woostcr. G2 Ft.lsoru st., 3 F Mrs S D liilmurc, Ma do do do Mrs DjIiIiI Dunn. 41 J do do do Mrs J Spiuoni, 228 Rich m.. S V Mrs Alfred Wliccttr. U47 Mission st.,S F Mrs Henry Miller. 8M Htiwaid si, do Mrs Kmdy llidwell, 749 Muiket do di Mrs Sarah Litiders, "04 do do do Mrs K II Ohm, 211 Oerry do do 1 Mrs (J A Curnes, Juikui Place do I Mrs liratich. 1'uc.tieur Li'V wottli do do Mrs W II llaoara. 508 Kearney do do Mrs K llurper, Sactamruto west of Lvvcnwurtb do do Mis Harriet Cuslilm:. 31 6 Ut do do I W II RuMiuMi, cot. Mod I iSocdo do Mrs I'rurtt, CIC I'alf-Tttis do do I Mrs M S Mnrlim C32 Sutter do do Mrs li'ilnn. CI 7 Fine do do ! Mis Ann Hradley, C12 California do do MrsiiroH Purkrr.2SJ.Slev. do do ' Mrs John C Ccrbet, Miion Dolores i Miss Annie Mcllnyle. El Dorado i Miss Mangie McD.-yir. El Dorado diss S I'nblr. Sacrunv-nto Louis Sti-cmsti, Sutita Clara Mrs A M Dunham, OaVbiuJ i Mrs Orrie Wondill da Mrs D U Smith d- JWHoug do Mrs Mary E Rnrrkhallcr, Dutch Flat MrsC J Oliver. Nupa Mrs Smuel T Tung, Clarksville El Dora do niunty Win RedJil-k, Fourth Crossing Calaveras county Mrs V K ComMnek, Np City Mrs Joseph Kcefcr, CUrkitillcEl Dorado county Mrs Jnlm O'NIel Jamestown, Tuolume co. R II Fatnuliar counlv vlerkS'cvHduCiiy EWHm.low do N W Knowlinn pruc'l maeb'st tk C M Hates, M D. do John Hi-rzuigcr do II Mnokie, do rDrunmitrr. Grass VaKey I O (J Sliorry, Si-attic, W T I) llorlon. di do I llriiry Juckion, Watsourlllr, Santa Cruz 1 county , Mis Albert Bsder, San Andreas - Mis Ntwton Damon, dressmaker and tall' orrss, Sevrnlh st., between llryant mid : JJtuunuo, S F ' Prevous to purcbaslnu tbe Florecee, I i owned the lltisrelicwlog Machine. g MIS J CAAWrOADv Coppercpolls, Calaveras co. I UH-d the fih.at Rllntle Machine six mnnlbi previous to purchasing the Flor ence,. Jlrs Mast UatrtT. Drestmaker, 1C Postal., gnu Fraudieo. We. whore names follow, owned and UH-d tbe Graver &. Daker Sewing Maeblua pre tlous to pjircbaslng tbe Florence. Mrs Mary A Merchant, drettunkrr, 810, Sticktoa st,San Fraucbco. Mrs D .Waller, Dressmaker, 4C4 Dupont sL, San .Franei'co, Mrs Cbas Uznay 419 llryant ft.. 8 . E.A Io e. Angel's, Calaveras eounly. MrMJ ItoUrts, Ht6 Howard t.,Ssu Francisco. Mrs L II Bayley, PerUmouth House, ?au Francisco. Mrs Julia Lyons, Target si., near Tehamai oan rntncifto. Mrs Harriet Howes, CzS Fust st., 8 F. VTe. whose names follow, owned and used ibe Wheeler k Vili Sewlug Machine pre vlnua to uarchailbg the Florence: Mr J J) BUIn. Hubbard tt.. near How. I ard, Sau Francl.co." i Mrs. DS Ituggles, 414 Folsoa st.,8n I yrancueo. Mrs M Young, 211 Stockton tt., San rranciKO. A M Flint, C L Flint, Ban Juan Uonlery county. , Mr.Cl'JatksoJn Dorado, El Dorada county. JIisC L Taylor, oil Dupont tSF. Mrs Sarah K Miller, Saerameuto. Mrs A Nash, corucr Stevens k 3J st S F Mrs Tbomu Mltcbell, Mok. Hill Calave ras county The following nauutl persons owned and used tbe Singer Sewing machines previous to puichai-liig the Florence: J" A iT?7"r- "' ' s ' oelee, SftH 0Uri,. 611 Vm .U .1 do MU Adu PoiWjr, lliuli t Ulow f twfcton 8 1 swias KruD, 131 utlwisl Un yrsncbeo jr Dibrb,C7S)au.ioo da Mm Una 1- Vfck, drewmskcr sad souutrrst 10 eticu ( aa Irsoclwo. I believe I can fully and conscientiously Indorse deb oualiflcatlon claimed for tbe rlorence fiwiiiv raa.iiin. r .A t.- ,jugbly tested it oa work of all grades, aud itsih f-Irtl t.. .... t .a . -, ;"" " "" eu croiueniiy satisiaetory. It takes bold cf a delicate fabric delicately, and of a strong one witb strength. To me , .?.?" Bw ,Dan ahlne an almost nlelllgtnt, willing helper. Iu use Is easily learned, aud Its cowtruetloa Is ccrUluly simple. I buow sosaclbing of the other Erst class machine, having Teamed to oper i?eIlreU ThI u ke only sewisgka chine I have found reliable. Xr ls:w!T G. Trrr, San Andreas, Calareras co. I bavauted the Wheeler Jc Wilson about t0 VcUfS. th Tsocvstrt JsV C.. ... ,....- tbSloat llptlc about the same length of time. lh U'llllm. s- (.t. , .. , ... , -"-" vr,,w unriT two year, aud have dealt In several of (be small mmiiTTnTssTiiii wri mi t,t machines, until thoroughly disgusted with every mschlnq that -wa with only oat! thread, lnte tlorenre Is tlic ly rauthloe that has come under my notice that given perfect nud entire liiIction en alf hindf f work. . No one wr esJlitrrte Its alefe mtftl Cnf bote ued and fated1 it, srs I have uvbv. hn deed, for thlu rsr) il Is lnvsluable GirciiOE Orr.r.rS, CArscn Cn, N.'l. I have urr! it 1'Wrnr Setting JiadhlcV for two yrars; I bfoj!rt I! atvoits rtjt Hln Ithasncrrr yet ten est ef orAr". and r can truly say it excel" JI efier SkiSlftri" that I have ever used. 1 rsnt a Welcter six months a Wltetlcf A Wllmir eight months; and used a Crete A BsVef, alternately wllh Sloal's Tor two 7tr. I am familiar wllh tbe Howe, and tiitt al of tbe smalt machines, but I nerer vttit one that would do all kinds of work lu equal the Florence. 1 do not think It caa be too highly recommcmlid. Mrs. Isssc Ellis, Marysvllle. After baring a Florence machine In use nearly a yesr. I feel Ihst 1 can truly recom mend ll as bring all that Is clatimd fur il. I have used Singer's, Grover A UakerV.and tbe Wberb-r 4 M'IImiii micbltie, aud coutld tr tbe Florcuce superior to any Mpi Jknms A Kiux, Wllmlogton, Im Angles county Ca). We could refer to man; !hm who are using tbe Flurcncr, If It were necessary ti do so, to convince the public that these iu chines are what If claluud, the DliST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IN TIIK WORLD Otci Seven Irttwlrcl FIjORENCI: MACIIISia hare Wn sold on this rua't In the short time the Agency bat been i-stablbbed lure, aud we msse tblt strong BMertinn, as convincing proof of tbeir worth, tbat us perron can be found whu lm a Klorrnoo tlmt would exchange It lor a family rcwiug machiue vt auy kther manufacture. A i KXTH Ytu tlit tale ef the FlorrflfcFcrallr Stir In; jlachlnr. George A Randall Nevada City George Vincent Stockton J L 1'olbemus ...190 J t Sacramento U Uiidy Yrekis MrsSE Urcombe Virginia. NT 1. 1 Veoen.... rorlbitid Oregoit Ii C Sessions Jsckronvllle Oregon M Wollhem. . . ,4 Guy mas Mexico L 1' Collins Traveling Agent Jbs R Cleaves Trawring Agrut Thornton VVvslly ;. .".Traveling Agent Mnchines will be supplied by all local agent at an l'rauclreo prices, wllh addi tluu of freight. SAMUEL HIIIj, 1 ncneral AgtMt ter t'allfbrnl aiilt tit IVrine fo.t 111 MONTGOMERY STRJ'.ET, S.vi Fraudieo. Sept. 9, 13C4. irptlOmi $100 reward:: BROKE jail, In Roteburg, Doughs coun ty, Ogn., on tht uluhl ef the zSth ult., a Chluamau, alwut twenty years old, rath er below tbe median sloe, n sallow, sickly complexion, thought to have a small mole on one cheek, any a small sear oa Ibn other, wears a cue. and speaks broken Englltb. It Is almost certain It I be wmtsaulb. He Is well known ut Canynnvflle In this couu'y, and nn Apptrgsr t'm-k lu Ja-k-son county, where It is said his father and is bintber reside. Tbe above reward wilt be paid for his ar ml and return le tbe hanrfs ot the under signid, within six month frem ills dale. J.JAYCKAWCtmi). SbetlflrorDmiRlasCo. Hoseburg, Ogn-, Sept. I, tti. & LANDIS" EXPRESS JOSEPH A. LANDI3 Ltavet Jacksonville every Monday Si. Tlmrsilay 3Ierulns7, Arriving at KKRBVVHEtbeiamedsy, aud rvturus ca Wednesdays &. Satartlaye. Tbns msklug twe trips per week frons JsekouvilIe to Kirbyvllle. All orders, collections, etc., ob his Use will be promptly sltrnded U. Through passengers will be famished with good saddle horses, al Sailor Diggings, for Cretceui City. JackMmvllle. Spt. 8. '64. aptlOtf Siiumioiis. IN the Circuit Curl, or the Stale of Oregon, for the county of Josephine. John S. Love and John S. Drum, 1'lalutlffs, r. Johu II. Reid, Ferry Boweii, Tbomu McAidrewsJameBarnes,llrrmauUlooa and JameaT. Glenn, Defendants. BUI la Chsocery to Tcrttln two Uultult' lira. To tbe above named DefetJanls: You are bcrtby tumiuonid aod required to appear lu said court, on Ibe first day of Ibe next term (hereof, to be brgss aud held at the town of Kirbyvllle, tn said couuly. oo the 4th Monday iu October, 18S4, it be ing me .Mill day or said aoulb, and there Miuwer the complaint of Ibe .said plaintiffs, filed against you la said court, or the same will be taken for confessed, aud the plalut iff will take judgment against lbs said de fendants, Ueed aud Boweu, for lb sum of four hundred and forly-teven dollars, with lutereat Ibereon, from the 3d day of Sep tember. loC3, uulil paid, and tbe costs and disbursement or this suit; and the pJaiptlir, John S. Drum, will lake judgment against Ibe said defendants, Reed aud Bloom, for tbe sum of oue buodrtd aud eleven and twenty-five one-hundredlbs dollars, with In terest ibereoo. from tbe 6'tu day of Msy, 18.3, until paid, and tbe soils aud.dUburK mcuu of tUe suit; and the plaintiff will euforje two loecbanlc's liens oulhewsttr ditch of Reed aud Bowen, situated su Gs lice Creek, Josephine eatioty. Ogn.. sod tbe said ditch will be (old to pay the same, aud the equities of fedettpllon of Ibe dc fcudauu will be foreclosed, except as on ex ecu lion at law. r By order of the Coprt. B.F.DOWRLL, "PHcwC Ati'y for 1'lalaritT. FLOUR AND PRODUCE take ia chee for Merchandise, at July 19 27 MAX MUJ.LER-S.