-V rtm twnityw , ajki zzzmmumzmsm 1 m SK it THE ORBGOK SIMM J. 91. MTTH.V, nilllor. lIUIlWieRlQNlRIMHMnMnPWMBaMM ullar. uml to lick I he Ijaml which ha to often, mill o repeatedly smote tbcm ? Once more we ask, 'who If to be diratctl T i A conglomerate mass oPmco. whose prin , clplcs arc diametrically opposed to each oth er ore expected. to elect McClciluu. Coma into the Democratic fold, is the cryh no matter what your principles arc. Come Abolitionist, come Wur Democrat come Copperhead, come traitor we huvccitcnd cd our platform with our candidate to that It U broad enough for oil. IVwlivc princi ples were once tl.c fouo Jatlon upon which Democracy securely rested. A negative con glomerate is the basis now. A oil yet we tec men tcady lo swear that this mixture uf clay, and mud oral gravel is the fame Legislative ProcccillrsfiS- i old firm rock, upon which Andrew Jack- Tj tub miner xn rrmuNSMr or torn UM0V.A0urBB.NMK.NT SUll TUX WHOM! IS , MooJ( unJ, uuluIereJ ,lj UnathCHa. iMiMKVMni.K.' WaAtnston, acainst trcu.oi and disunion. Tn rnnn I na tnti Is na ntl In nil fiiii?nr JAfif Miivxti.ff.t2 iiTttnnv I " -" "r - .. v..w., .. ....jr.... - ......, .-. U. .-... . , SlTliRDlY MMtMM,, can nn honest man nfllliute with this mob SEPT. 1 1. I'6I, of conllicitng opinions? Arc his principles - iiui '-. t0 l(edoE.d mid donned nt the mere beck I.M of Agents for the OitxooN SavriNH- and nod of a conclave of political dema i"it"i. !rT '" snl "0ttS' pogurs! Can he have any confidence in I.. P. Fisher San Francleeo Cal. , " mr ,,,r,iu? '."'I'"W of u political J..T. Kiionttou &Co do do chameleon t who was fur war. sharp Xh?,Mn!T" 'Mitt""1' ."-! Wowlr, desolating war last month, and who T. U. Hill W liber ib I ' " ' F. 0. IllnlHrc IUwk Point do " it peace now ? hat will bo lib shape next month 7 '. bo can tell T And wlio Thomas Croxtoa, . . . .CroxloM DIjniiiM do Mm. Snleer, Jump-Utwo ilo Gov. Glbl Portland do D. M. Thompson, Albany do W. M. Ethm Althouic dn 1 homai Ourr Thomm F. I'loyd.. .S. W. Sawyer I). I. Anderson.... A. Ireland Geo. t. Peon Theodric Cameron. James W. Watson . . ,.il do Ktrorvllle ib do ilo PJiwnlx do ..Myrtle Creek do . .Klltntxire do . . . . rnlon Town do .Ilc-Mhtinc ih will be the Ictims of a misplaced cullJencc. A rVcw Court House. Uf Salt Hivhii. Sept. Oth, 1864. i.V. Stiitmii: An impiKuitm has got., out and is generally believed that the world moves. Cinepteutly, Jocphine must have a Court House. Yes,u Ouirt Home. Dinger Hatson. . .KoMMiig ';Aixlthead.y hangs a late. Our lute excel Herman, of ConyonrilU, pmral . , ,.,,,, . x ,..,,,..,.,. lent, faithful uml utiterfibVil County Trrtis iirer tillid on hh final settlement tn show what bad become of a mull sum of the County funds ; something like four thou shim! dolkirs, I believe, nud also, fulled to show himself mi the final day. And as such tutting lliinjrs might injure the prrs tMge of the great Democratic party, umie- Age nt fur DnupUn t'ouiily. Tun iMtic-'llie National Union Cent-, mlttec have laid down tlie following d-1 tlnct platform us tbe Iwne of the forlbeum Ing rresldentkil oontst : "THB UXCONIHTION'AI. MAIN'-. TP-VAVIiKOM TIIH tT'tnV TIIK I SUI'UKMAt'V 01' Til.-! CONSTITU- """ mM lM',l0" rr,u''-,lr h'i. TION.AN'DTIIK COMIM.BTK SU!'. ' "wurtl "ere nil itamwh Hue bliws, rnHssiu.v of i hk iskiiklmon'. I a,ui' of cuurK, m,1l l,,lH,,, u"1 '" m" WITH TIIK CAU5KTI1KI:K0K, 1IY wV-anJ In wlut better way, than to buy VIGOKOUri WAIIAM) ALL Al'l'i' Voatt ilww' A novel way, perhaps, A.VDKKFlCir.N-TMKAXri.-' j but a winning way, to n teriainty. Mr. Mnii.im lmjmjii Short, tS'OOkvr, kft hisdwvlliiig, (be coulj no i pack ii very wen.j ami ll wits fuiJilni. ly diicovercd thut the county must liave n Court House, nnd, atruuge, nobody hud thought of It before, not even Mr. rilmrt. What u splendid Court Home Mr. Short's dwelling would makcj what a rplrcdld Court House n little one stury, necn by nine, miners cabin, rickety, out of the way X.ITI0.Y1L 1'MO.V tO.WEXTIU.X M))I!.EDi. i-'oit riiKsinnxT, Abraham Lincoln. VOW VICB rilliSIDENT, ANDEEW JOHNSON, Or TKX.fMSNK. Por Presidential Electors, JAS. !'. OAZLKV, of Douglas county. II. X. GKOnCB. of Linn county. (JKOItUB I WOODS, of Wasco county lYi.ni th Itallr lalnuun.J Jlosiur, Sepf. 12. jiiTnn.Noox Hr-vtox. ROUSn. -Sir. Moorcs, from Committee on Credentials reported names of members entitled to teatH. On inotloa . Ms. Moorcs, the Secretary of State wa tuvlteil to-iulailnlslrr the oata to members elect. Secretary Mnr crnuc In nni adndnUtcrrd the oath, after which each member nb?cri- bed ta the lame. On motion of Mr. Underwood, tho Ilouc prvtvcdtd to the election of permauaut olll cets. tflcilt publibeij ctewlerf.7 Judge J. (i. WINin nilmlulilcrcd oath of office to odlcers elect. Mr. Kay oSercd a resolution prmtillng for a committee to Inform the Governor of tbe urunnlznliMt of the House, nluch was loot. Mr. Thornton nfli'min rootntlon Inviting rriilent mlnllrr of Sulem to open each dav's eIon of the Iloic llh prayer, Vc., which wa cilojilnl. Mr 1'i.derwiowl nRerril n renilutlon lo In form the Govi'riinr of the organization of Leslilutlve Auembly. The resolution a adopteit. The luenilx-rs thn drew fur fel by lot, delegates from counties being permitted lo sit together. On motion of .Mr. Underwood, It wns re solved ih.it tiich iiiemlier tony have 'during the telon live n"pur, publbhrd In the Statu, ut the expense of the State Treasury. TI'mhihv. Sept. IX The pwilon wm begun by prayer by J. It. IV. Selluood. Mr Lnwuoti, nf Ynmlilll, olTerrd n resnlu tlnn directing the Secretary of State to fur-nl-h memberx wllli n copy of the iitiflutthcd ciHle nwl rnHon lans buck to 18M, nhleh wns ndnpteil. Mr. I'mlerHooil ollvrid n resolnllou, Invi ting reporter for thi )rsii within the bar nf the Home, which nusunaittmeivdy adep Inl. Mr. Glngles, nf Ileuton. olTerrd n joint rrfulittbin firovldlng for a joint convention tor the purim of electing u U. S. Senator, l at ! r.JI. of I'rlday next. i On motion of Mr. I.awxin, the retolutlan j was nmendeil, ro as to postpone tLe oonven- i tlon to Monday and thou It was adopted. ting reporters Tor theprem wlthla the lr of the Senate. Adopted. A few other motions usually made il the opening or the switonvcro elTertd and ills pneilofln the usual way, and tho Senate niljonrncil to two 1 f. AlTKRXoovThe rresident announced1 the following standing eomm'lteei of the- Annie: Jittttittnt.'llarr, I'ylc Palmer. h'mjt and .Vmiu. 1'almer, ITlrrvljile, Grim. lUtrinmi Ponnell. Cnrl. 1Vatnn. aii--ltallril. Caldwell, Kddy. C7mii Pylc, Fraxer, Mallard. (XimUtt Crnntlon, Ijbly. Pyle, v Jlfflkiry Affairi Cornelius, Palmer, Cran stou. Qmiinerct Cildy. Hovey, Ponnell. X'wfffr anJ IkjUteoyt Greenwood, Chris mart, IIIndnle. J'Mk luit Grim. Watson, Cornelius. Murahvu rrar.cr. Hovey, C,rnnton. HxgrutnJ fttlt'ngMT, Curl, G,etl wood. A bill la relation to sent of government. and a bill In relation lo appraisement of ptoperly sold upon execution pn-d nt lnt sesi!nn, were returned with Governor's vote. Tbe several vote by which they were parsed were reconsidered, and the bllbwcrc lost. Two or three unlmiKirlant committees i Antrs DEPARTMENT. "Ttthtrd to r If jtnwtfrnnntnf U!I Arrr In rlllne, W InJii'lRln. lit! llitt, or tlie two, It- JjihJxrMH lbr tiltntn Tn lire fur wtlnic. Itmti mltt i-ne m-ttt. 8.n fvw In tbt, Nt nuraln err lu tlil'l Trn eviuur wroug fr uiie ilo -HtMull." Ij. How Folk Court. "Seeing In your last Issue, that Jott have tendered to the ladies n liberal spues In your per, I nvnil myself of your gencr iwity lu contribute a few thoughts for our colump. 1 find It very dilficnlt to decide between the many themes that prmnt themelvcs totnymind; therefore, yon must excuse me, if you find my essay somewhat scatter ing. Of course, Iodic, Mc mitiittcr, must tmt write on political iiss. Xcitbcr mut they ehooso obtii lulvnl or men tlGc subject ; but neexading to rstalilUW'il runveiitioiiaritini, they uiuM dip. tielr pn in only that which binders on the swiiti tneutnl, or soars, in lovesick strains "Soft m the strain when sephyr gently lihm. And Itie'miiinlli stream In siaiutber num bers Hows." Kill unrortuiutcly, I am. not glDttl with n stutinieirtul tnrn of uilud ; to I have come to the conclusion that nonsense is my N35AV TO OAT. Howard Private MEB1CAL INSTITtJTB BiM'4, 'frnmrrelil llm( nil JfAXlOllBOO. Consultation by Xittrr or orjivnmsK, mzk. wero nppoliiti d and the Senate aillouriicd r . ,1 , , , , . , to 9 A. if. to-morrow. r'1,c-n,,J. bV Cl,Ht.n " M,c,.,n nccor- u.inco wiiii mat conclusion, to wit t -lioiv FsJks Court." Iloth Houses provided for joint cnuvrn lion to-morrow nl 10 A. M. to reecho Ihu Goicruur's mesingc. Occidentnl New Items. The p'XlnnleV at Diitkecvllte and Oro Finu, In Idaho Territory have been dircou llnuid. A rumnr Is In circulation In Yirgluln City In the I'll'pct that QiiRHtrvll the liiiliirlou's MIouri guerrilla and robber, Is in that city. On tho Slut nf August there were .'79 path-tils In the Jmaiiu Asrlum nt Stockton. Cnllfornla. Frank Kenynn, rdllnr and prnprl'tnr ir Ihc Celilni Jy, has hreo nppoininl by Got. Lyon Ceiuus Marshal lu Idaho. 1U AVnw. A terrible thnndcnlxrm rrernlly visited )rtlon or Ijuie county. The telegiupli polea In Sluselaw wen irotrali-il uud that tend for the space of half a mile. A cornxpnnili-nt wrlllne from Idaho City Mr. Otey oSR-rd a resolution directing i ' hl ' mlilnluht or th SNih .iigmt. Seeratnry tJ Stale to furnish eard memlwr ' ",hn,C"rRy1 f.TT ?hh u'"1, ll',cl"lll" . , , , , . i was shut uml killed bv uno Jainus Fltzg l- with H.taKe stamps, or envelope. r.ol to , H, ttuo ftu, nrrMll j. b THIS AFTERNOON A meeting of concern would make It it about m fit fur a Conrt House, ns the China woih linusi opposite. Jiut In the eyes nf our honest cammisfiontri, It U the only house In town at all ailipted to the purpose. A home ami lot, that If pat on at miction would r.ot tell "" ' for one huudted dollars, lint tho County j must Imve a Court house, so eommU- sianera made the purchase. Tliey gut it ut I a barguio only little loiMittddnHuit , cfcap for a County nirlus, but what of iimit inu ll nut relieve the teeuriti! Of Will le hsld at IhcCniMiT Itril'.S1 .i i.. , o'clock P. M for tbe purio of forwiag a twtt ,lw u,l,!""w "' cherished. Lincoln ami JohuionCluU U. JaeoU, I,u I W,mt wre liy ',lCl1 " Abolition- will address tb meollns. A gvniral al-1 4t 'iaTt' ,0 Iu7 I'8 tst. Some few jieo lenoiuc IssoIIcIUd. UilON Crf MEM. AYko Is to be Cheated ! McCIellan has accepted the nomination teudertd to him by the Chicago Cnvn tioo. He has thereby lost the only oppor tunity that be will ewr tare lo reader his name illuitrious and immerlal. He has siulliiiul biukelf before tbe country, uud the civilized world,. No sophistry, w in genuity eun bamoni his preseut dmor aliieit and debated position with tbe noble pre woum, pwuaps, can mat iiaying a pre mium on stealing, but the uuterrllkd call it buying n Court If outc. Mural TLe County i rapidly getting out or ikbt, under tbe wbw uud honest ud miiiUlrnlioii of tlie Democratic jwrl.v, and Couuty scrip will soon odvaniv lo ten wuu on ilic dollar in greenbacks. iuui Aboutkwut. Their OituiT If their organ is ae ejponeut of the De mocruey of this county, they are truly in a and patriotic one occupied by him on ibe j ul"or',l,,e condition. Out of the many 15 lb of June last. Then be was sjakin I"i"ter wlm w"nt ""P'fynicnt on tlie In honor of tins nobk?, the manyrtd dvad", I '0J't ut"1 ""'wilbilauding tbe oft repvut who bad fallen in the struggle for Xuliou-1 "J "0,iwi iwiJu n'-J outside, of the al unity, and Constitutional guvernnwnt. U"''U,'IIS'I $r' Ht we would bo glad Son be is scbemiog tut oOce, lor power ,0 m"PuV 0IW ur tWu b'l pHulers," no and for personal uggraodiwmrnt. Tie ' one wn l"5 'lillutll, t0 cuibark in so duubt nun has been swallowed up in the dema-1 fu' a PCU'''1I0'' that of running the gogue and principle noble, enduring aud ' '0PPfnrul1 macbiue of Jackson counly. 4uvir iiiuuiu nt-cv, ioo, nas oi laic become ureaiuuliy duorganifcd. Duriug the last few weeks, he ho been laboring under a severe attack of inebriation, truly latnenta- ejaevd two dollars to racb. Tbe rerolutiun wa, !ot, by ayes 18 nnyes 19. Mr. Lawtun, or Yamldlt, gave notice nf n bill lo nbulbb all dlitlnutious in claiscs of cvMenee In courts of lav. Mr. Carlwrlght, of Marlon, gave notice of n bill lo make inuiiwy due on inolracls payable lu meb kind of currency as may be spvcllWd Ihvruin. erol other memliers gave uotlte of bills uf minor public Importance. On mutiuii uf Mr. Underwood, nlUoers of the Houe were allowed tbe tatnu imuiUr of ' uewipapers as members Xr.w- Hki.i The lr!rnd of the Frrby tcrinn church, in Cnrvullis. have raised uud forwarded n mm sulTickiit to purrliuse u One U'll fur thut church. Daily Sintcman. Aiiijkht np A MrnnKRKC IHU Smith, who killed Mnjor Illyllie and a man iinmed Ynn. iiImiiiI a month since, near tagi-nuilr, ftakir ronnly. lias lnim nrrcsted. and Is at Auburn lu charge of uu olllcer. i';(in. A Goon HniMi FrM." Mers. I) dgf and llaymird Inform lb eilltor ol Urn Snn l-'ninol-eo 4r llmt they have averaged !.. IKHi a wk. Ine their crfurmaiioe In thut city six inoutlM ago. Kitmt or "PiiCT." Tucker, the r rnMlxia, I will not presume to enter Into this SJib 5'tt lu detail, leal llfhimU beOctmed per sonal. Neither do I expect to olarily ull the modes iursiied in this hnurduui buid ness, in one short letter, but luesoly touch on some of the general print! pi w. The riH-BM generally nliid uu by the yowig lords lo allure nuriex la wlfelKMkl. may U' elusilRed necordmg lo tlmir Mp piwd poleury as follows : lJirstk wnni'v j seonu.l, gnu! looks; llilnl, Intvlllgenre; fourlli,liire. Th rxperiener of &ak bare provtn tl.W ordir. ns a geiitnd rul to be nearly eorrevl. Uu v eun oonnuud the first, though dflktiwit in ull tlie 1141, is in deed foituiiulrt, uud ulwuys pursues his Milt with mure coiifl leuw than iiuy oilier dxf. , uud with much better success, from the ESTAHLt?HEr for the cure ofdlrturi of a prhali- nature. Such a Uonurt rhea. Syphilis. Spermentorbi-a. Mm-nrlal Complaints, Gleet, Stricture, Seminal Weak mi., linKiteiice. Ilbenmatlsm, Fever aiiil Ague bkin (IImuk-s, Seminal Knuslors, snj ull dli-enscs brought on by ludulgeucci or by accident. THE HOWARD IXSTITiTfi N under Ibe lmmedlnlr charge of OK. Ik HOWAltl). who hn Ix-coiui1 jusllt eHebra ted by bis successful treatuteut of disoat of the above natutr, IVillto'vt tlie ixs ef HcitHif m moyfotpu. In r-;crdn lUsnld and pnjutlas ImtU lute once iiuirc tit. tU- pi-eple of lbs ISclrio Const, tbe luster In puH'iunt list unit by nib'lse lo nff..til ruMyliiuiriitlW-aCJ.eUiL but to SUPPUU-tf til'AUKiaiV.wblcb hn. iiflnts-no b-ddlviwid inuilvulU.ciMn ! fore Uu; pnbtc. Thry clnlia, lo have certfU I ciUs of rrmuiknble cutiT, or some Iwloro- unheard of ditnn.tliiiifk.(I foreign tetlmn I ,iy, or Ijirorieuii lUiteialnn.aud, i:nniK? 'MnciUis; thus inlslioikiig iVu ntll.cllnL . whonirnsl awnBeurtlie ultet ulesues 1 r fnrvlgu reuiidies and pruitlc. whi'i sp. I plbil lo dlm-n-rs lb lbi tiiHhI.1l- v.!mt. I (if tuiidi ttri'lcnib rs the Duckor warm tlmm. stfllnjriiKibDj rrllef In. In-ware, fur the s-ik hut itt uVxelxo jfcu and. tuiu ioux heulth. To bis old patittii' and the piihllo In gtn. vrnl Ibe Doctor oiM ,- Tlii'r nan rut. I mi lit" kJinuii kill and luliigrilyhahrrrU. mill, wiui every n-Minince ul a speedy wij pi'rinuiiviit our.-, lu nil poMlilt aasnm, Thv Dutliir's charges anu moderate, andj fuitid lu the lacuu of the p.iiieiiL THET HOWARD INSTITUTE ring, books aLd other costly nueriiig of tbe wrulthy wooer orhieves una- eootpitsls than tbe combined ilLrUuf wit uud wis dom. Next in order of weeess, comes the band some Lulgbii not having money, he Is bless rtl with the next most potent commodity. He dare not deal in tbe cxIruvugnncicH of his neulihy rival, Iwst he inlflit contort those line features. musi" those beautiful curls or disarrange thut faiviv turneil tnus- Mr. Lawson, Offvretl a reiollltlon calllnu known lwtr In ..', eMMtJ. r.n.i ." i tacbe; I enee. In ii.tmtlt-lKu.ll.. ..,n r .. . . . i , " " ur,,.--, ,iti-u n ' "- "J --v v., vi upon uu -i-oiie bomminiotn lornu winy n lew days suieo. i.taMiitirs Jin.OOO. A ' U'ing n nlee, ouiic. uud farinntlii" fellow ... ... ,..!.. . ,1 . I .1 I It'ltr VtMir llf.. lu. Una unil.Lh.1 n V .1 n iiu ui tuvir prtfowuiugswuica was fiiu.. , .V ,, , u ' Tu till otasM Tell- I loorUi A In the center o tim elly.andla nit i-d uj with every ewxrnJidiee Die tbn oomfitrt itf the Hftbcliil. TW HiUlent will urn-mm rYi'r.tlliHUJ III Ills lli, niliLcau simple reaaon, 1 bleidi lo oan it, tlwt oar mtmImn. j j sex bus a peculiar wiiiknsiiti uinm-y mat- IVrmns rt-lillng In lln Inti rlnc. wh msye lers. The .xtravnganoiea of the w,n,,hy J Z ami wNI dretn.'U mrk ure,ulasl loo ofleu er sjlh n Hatenwnt of Hie b-slh ofillmo rillrclrtl on the rateim oil be ladies' eyes, us i i'V 'ltt," '"'''" "''' d. eun Imee their mu gem, of sparklin, wit. Tbe buggy rides, i Stt X geiui-rwuu mil ntiii t.ipii.ii iUretlouss ns lu enable llx m to- Uin hUmii a sprrjy nml innntnrtit cure, xllhuil eiiUUng up outueiulbi iiecvarltyi of billing tbe city All lctterVKliottlittcs.ihlrcss Vil. Dr. P. Hotuud. Howard InsllluleK'i. MM, Uoniiturdal Street, Sau Franel-co, California. The- Oeelnr hlmsrlf oftn and answrra ull tellers, nud coripuuiK'iits eau rely uu tbu stslelrst sec ri ey. Cuuultatluu by klkr w otbciwlie, frit. wealthiest mm In California. beings, usually m!bt ft.ps. 'rl0,e who mmi tho uqnisites, fiwl wuirling In tins I murder in thr se.il .U.r. or,w' ""ewieil Willi imiell less imbarrus- 1 CflHUlTTMn Tl.o nmrtlerer nf Joseph L Diiuly, brolln-r nl .Indge Ilmdy, wus oonricis-ii 01 ,lw':!i;,',r!Lk,t::;,:',cJ, to the babies: Wlinn a Fi nl Is lu trouble, of w hater, or iiator-. or MlUoti'd with a d!srae micIi as wiakiirs. of the back and lialx. pains in Kl Dorado rminljr, Cul. ou tbe l&th ol . ninil than .my other, ns very lilile talking l .l.Hd. diinue". of MghU. of mul Augut-.Sa;s.ii. I In mpiirwl. The priuuipal ingredients ure n , "I""" ier. palpltutlvu f ts.c Uhui, rf. iinmorlal have bu sacrificed lu the vain hope of receiving Presidential Leoors. AVhat a fall is there my countrymen! Two clas.es of men ore cxpiciid to sun port this military demaguuge. Thwo who uu, '" every well wisher. are known as Yar Democrats, nod those I We Prwume 'u' 'o b- tHed in his who believe with old IJuclanan, that the ! tffo,u PJ ,0 tarl ta cliljr paper, to giu Government posiesse no pow,r to coerce a ' ''' P-ho Ibe catenations of a perverted sovereign Slate. Tbu Utur cbs Las bein ! hTttln- He l"w coucfudid (ogUcibim a uppoxa to lue warfrum its lucvpiioo, down ' Ua,v "hlbiiion ofn jwrvetled uppelite. If tolbeprent njomeuf,at,d are in favor of I ,ure ,,,0,c wuo "M lauie us lor adopleil The Speaker presented a message (row tbe Secretary of State, truit-miulng tbe ve to of Ike Governor nt it bill to create a Uoird of auditors for Marlon countr. Tliaa .Vrutif um niinuiin.. l S i. f. ,lt . . I. ..... I .. -,,..., uul,u.uv iviiunis uui- . ... i. .:... . " " i.i.nii. .:....-.. " .'".".'.. milters: THR Copperl.eaa County Convention tal i tasteful lieeb-tlc. u grnceful litru or the ,,7 Vr.'-r .1 ' " ,T, .. l 7. M , .VMcrs. Inland, GU and ,&. Xa ' "V" T " ""' ' 'fS longer. whlflh wnp wus pirirlr ilow t t ""- Many nf our stsurewoiHtlaiid nn " ' "T OLeasw j rullar in r.-iab-. IVy ll'-i and iltam Cult. VdU!l!.l. nnl. ' avoid burtlni: Ibe fet-llnm of smwlrv ..,.. ' bv this older of cnuriliif. ul... ,, l,i i. """"'I S" nl oiiei-. r write, lo Dr. How - ' ,.., . .. . - ...... ....... . - ,., -h" up. Hill At 1.' tr.M1Tn1 1...II I., ..... I. , , . " ,V ' ...,vm, ., ,,-, j.ct III! IK1Q comphsUd ' dfl'eocy pnnut ynu. but apply fmnvdlatr. ly. mill are yourM-lffroiuixnuluUumriug, this evIiS-no will occiinv ..t.. ,.r ..i-Li1 'I"? ",sn"!erisiiiemnorintelHCenrf. days. An i-tlorl wa. made to l.nvi' the -' Having l.ellher wiullh iir grace, his suit .., :?. " rM"; .':y... r:,er.r .'. ' ' ' w nmwiir. ne & "'-" v " "- ,,,. wtii, I,,,. ii,ii.,.,n i by. t-Axatun. Thornton, Quick. Hacker. wnviry.-.ULdiraood, Thorutou, Cart wrlgnl.Fay. fsi.-ti. JJuwlhy. Chaplin, Parker. JliMnry A fair i. Va9erman, Gillette, ltradlng of evnloiieo In th c.in of Powli-r ' much, v. .ticNay, n- coullnmd. Jleadlni' nf occupy set mi or olgbl Lafollett JioaJt ami JHylinvyx Holman, Gingles, Turner. ;yran( BilU. Talc, Fibcr, Iine. I'nnllitl ll,IU Wade Warren. Perkins. ladum Affaut. llorlaud, Calllnun, Cox. J'rmtuy. lotwaon, Murphy. McCartney. Urjwuluuii. Corlwrlgbt, Powell, A'blp ley. C5irree.-GIIIelle. Wakefield, Hacker. OmiSu. Otey, MeCurmack, Ueall. Tbe Uone adjourned "until 2 r. m. arreu.Nuo nsiox. HoiiiK Mr. Warren presented resolution Kmmiiiunth Tlie first ox learn from llm plains nrrltml lu fc'alcm this inurnlng. 1 b-v aro Irtim fima mid MImuiuI. Tln-y reiKis't good lnullh nn Ibe road, and thrlr nnluml are In ciHlent crder con.hb'rlng lh- long joii'iipy- Ibey baiottceompllihid. Stataumu of tht VIA. Nt w Phut OrneKM is Iiuuo. pot Oltl ees l-avejuit becu established by thu Depart inenl at ' f ' fVnliTvlllc, IMcoiintr ; IT-mirt-bls, Altura counly : Idaho City, Hobe county j Hiiliy City, Owyhee couuty. Wul.'u WulUi wimwMfb aud iirvmnliire denlh. The Doctor's ofllee U n arran)cd that be cau be coOfultid without fear of dbcuu-sy, jseuce ujion any terms, uo matter Low dis honorable. Tbcy arc Ibe life and soul of what J called the Democratic party, thus noticing the Jultllismttr uud its ..11. lor, we would refer them to the lacts that at a formal meeting of the Dcmocniev of Now nothing is more evrlaiu than that ! Juck0(. llL paper, with the same editor one of these chutes in supporting MoUIul-1 wj0se 04WC D0W appears at its head, was lau will be ileceived shamefully deceived eniJo'1 UJ iLcm; aud that Ibe party thus and sold by tba readt of tbe election. "PfwoHeJ, nt tbe last diction, was lu the rberecan be no pernune.it union between i n,aJori,Jr ' 'Lu counly, nud that the or lbe two chesses, Like tho cilcmnttd ad mixture of nil and water, it must aud will result in a failure. One will riw to tbe surface, and the other will be wbmrg ed. Which shall that bet .Vnolstobe cheated 7 We have been accustomed lo look upon War-Jfct&ocrats as menofprin. Ciple. Can tbey bo such and support gan of a parly in the majority, can not safely bo treated with silnit contempt. Tbekf! ore the consideration which induced us to p.'u the above. Talk about "flat things," read the follow' lug from tbe rinbrio dally t Lois f hie of the rtrongwt Lie kind of Ulu Ibis) Abe' men, iteclaro ror Me blc V'efige'll. McCIelJanT How can ibey act I Ml": r.LW'i"" H2ZS5Z f " win men wuosa Leasts are with rebels whs" ore acciuliimeil to bmrah for Jcfiiuon javu, anu rrjoice over rebel viciorivs T The Copperheads Lave repeatedly denouue d wen - as the woraluud meanest kind of AbliliouIslj." Are thev low readv in i.,.. wen as Jtek.on Plo anil ne btate Is re- teemed. SiHiitd. Aegrology. Tbe rt In braeket, It Is claimed, was ilven orally to the compulsitor, when Ibe manuMrlpt was read tohim,but Ihrougb his negbet It was left out. A Jlini Jnxi-Over In WashiKi a paCtr providing, hat the Hou.e shall meet at V ' a' ndr.' ZZZ"""!!!: . '" a: v. nud 2 r. M., of each dar adunteil. ' Bins. Finally Ihv ...i,t , i... " r. . . . . . , , -,-' -,-".w.', , l,,l ,,t, j)l air. i.ihoii gave notice amend present mury law so parlies to contract In writing of Interest. A member who uas tired of doing nolb. Ing nnd drawing lay for it, inoied lo ad- journ, but tbe vote failed. ine message of too .Secretary. tranralt- of a bill to,?J,,"'"nM l snl'lt Iiii me alone. as lo permit ' il,?""1,;.1 w J,,C.) "r,-r- "m nmer. as io permit . , 1,'JIeve Pd steal : lut Ule amt fat jihT ; for any rate gunttu Ua DoHOcratyw 14 f' Tf AritAtrtl.AM it - ITr. . ...at a A tan,,., .i,,,,, .;. , ...,.. """-i.t me union niceiing, ui iwo woljte their pr.ne.plei. on the l'..mrLcud ( o'clock, this evening. U.g the Governor's veto of bill creating appwrs a- sprlghtly'n, Xr kitten? lAAiui ui auuuor. taken up ; On motion of Boulby, the vote by wbleh the bill passed was rcconsplend, and the bill was then laid on the table. Thornton. Underwood, and others, gave notice of several bills, which will Uo July noticed as they shall bo Introduced. Thu House adjourned. Ti-'Ksuar, Sept. 13. SEX.tTE,-TLe &natc wasppem-d with prayer by lUv. D. llle.$ On tuollou of Jr. Do er, bo A-crctar. of Slate was directed lo furnl.h Senators wltUjtopIt4 of laws and Journals of Lui . slon. Jfr-Pyle oflVred a reioluttou to futnti, Senators with six copies or newspaiters, which was amended, br strlklmr out .J, and Inierllng -three," whin the resolution was passu. Jr Fratee otTered a reiolnitnn l,,rhi mluUters to open each day's tesslon ofn- . mm pmyer wjiicu was adopted. Mr. D. P. Glltncr Kngroaslng Clerk for Ibe Senate, Mr Palmer presented a resolution Invl. nut with but little cotiO Ii-iism In the powers of his head, for his ex(wrlenee lesU him llml he is wonting In the two Important suxilu rics a heavy purse and handsome feature. Liku some forlorn hope, he oics tho means nthandt and treats the object of hhmfTee tionj with some logical, metaphysical or scientific discourse, w hleli wou'il' do him noimr iHlnre un assemblage of s.-tgeg. He i usually wins rwpvci, but seldom love. Hut I fear I hate ulreudy made my let ter too long. I shall have to postpone the poor fellows, who are reduced to tho ex tremity of courilug for love sake, until my next rotiiiiiuntculton. Tl.ey being oeeus toiiitd to suspense can nil the easier bear the delay. .Vwiiii Naiuw. Dr. Howard's Female Tills ' .ire univorx-illy acknowledged to I llm only compound in lie dep-i.d-d upon f..r tbe remiitul of ull mmi of suppusi or lr- " j."i " vo"iriiciinnii hi wimlctrr uutiir am of however long Mauillng, Lad e baviiis reason to believe Ibey are pregnant, should be carelul to avoid iilot them, u they would surely cause a mlar. rlage. 1 bev will U. rnrwarded to any li.rl of Hie Paeitle Cual, upon the receipt of fa per box. COXfiULTATION IIY LirrTPJl.OU OTDURWISK. KUEK. All Mler loii-l I addned tn Tiff P. HQWARlJ, Howard liMilutr; M.W.',UiiiiiiMl oliect.fcaii rrnnclseo, A FnBAK or hjtTViiK.-Says the Calavi ras Utroiuttt. We were shown a few days n2o at the ranch of Mr. Thorpe, In this township. a kitten Ibrce dam nl.l u-iii,. tun ji..i..'. I heads uion one body, ll has two well de- mien iniiiiins, lour ey.s anil two c-ar. J appears a eprlchtW as other kltiMti r,r n. for Marlou counly wa e. An effort will be made lo raite II. Col, Maury sent a detachment of 25 cav alry ar.d an eoual nnmUr of Infantry, on Tuesday U-l. in coinmaml of Lieut. IloUirt In tort Hull, with onl.m in VM, il. a..,. 'fi ''.' "," dlrt'c,lotul from that place, forbos lll iudiant Tbe exfiedillon Is composed of I mb. inuillio wen WCUKjulppulwhO Will do Kood sertle lr tbey bave god uccicjuu. Idaho ilatamon, i'rpl. 7fj5, Those apnoliited lo make surveys and re dotnpon the practicability of Introducing natrrs or the Payette rlt er into Ibe Hoist the ll!n,reH.rtlhatnolluccau b Jouiui on which a ditch or tho contemplated slh (twcnty.ll ve bundrtd inches) can lie con structed with le limn an Mpendllure or Tv"'.& ?? '.'-,.. The i-V li :' ;.rZ'".v?..mttVttam not itrKS. The TuritorMfiJ, oy ine coueti or llm nrnri-l m tlila city inn.- iiiiiiuiea jiasi rC,i.i . .J'i!cr",w,!M brought rruin that place to thf, city in Iwcnlyne bou and nine mluutes. Tbe lime from Sacra menu, to ibis city wa, ihirlcin Lours and U.e mi,,ut. Had il pi been for Ibe win. which rviidind the roads ery bud, the drb vers say ih,-y could bate mode much bellev Tub Litilk Jukkk. The Copperhead Democracy are playing a game ol thimble rigging on no extensive .eale. A war man on u peace platform Is the "little Joker." Uct your money on whichever you chooie aud you are sure to be victimized. Pelutu mu Arui. immi, m----..,,i ,1. ,1 mmm nn NEW TO-DAY. " I I II I I - , ,. Cabforula. seplTmJ Citation. IK the County Court, of tho State or Ore pen. for llm couuty or Jackson, Septem ber Term, 180 1. ' In the mutter or the estate or John F. Oray, Dcceasul. To llobert A. Gray and Daniel Y. Gray, In Irs or said John F. Gray, deceased and Mil other iMsriKiii Interval d in said iMiale: i bereas. Lineooii 1J. Cnre.Adininlntra lor or said eitute, ba (Ibd his iiutitlou In raid Coun. praying ror an order for the sale - ' r " i"hvv """"kiur lotaiiir. ;Ui.-rZ,"vs Je.lo-jlj Douatlon Land Claim No.js. I lu lowmblp D7 8. II, ' coutaiuiug 101 61 iiJrrie.onLe2Slb.M!'lT::r.'.".,7"",e 'u"u ""' Pwtlllou. California Line TWiXt ',"'' 'r"2"Be. W'M.M be-.w Is uu. yesterday ,,,-, I. "' j"i,A, JTTr l. W"" .?"!. " ' nine o'clock, coniea of uT. ilr" "",,' ",w V.Br'?' l.rat. luTerested i, 7mmZ talTSK III said CourL on V...l,.L..i .1 " PPJ! whh1'' iMtrt how eauw granted.1''" ,Le,i",Ion iuouM n"1 By Older of Hon. J 0. Tolmnn, Counly JUS; , ,- )VS! HOFl'MA.N.CIerk T Heptcrabcr 17lb, 160t. tejiUwi Orricu or Csxrnv Itotu Cottrsxr, lluseburg. Sept, 4, 18C4. j" BY virtue of Ibe authority visted lu me by the laws or the Canton Jlo. Com pany. I am miulrid to sell tbu shures of stiH,k or all members thereof lo pay assess. lUenU on tuo aine, lr said sf,,iyenls ure not paid to Ibe Tmujirer, according to Iho order or thn Hoard of Directors making llm same. Under sblch aulborily, and iu ac cordance with tbe riiiilreineul. of tbe law or Miid company, I wdl pioceod to sell for U. a. gold ooiu, ut pu(.lo auction, at thn oftlce or 8. F, Chadttlek. Secretary or said company, lloeburg, Douglas ewinty. Ore. eon. on Ilia lut dar uf Oct. A 11 IK-.J .( 10 A. M ol that day, to the hlghe.t bidder, tbe shares of the following named Members, to pay thn ascniiirnU still remaining un. paid on their re.peollto shares to stock, 10-wil; Geo. B Ilrlggs. 25 sbaress-dae ) Mtb ol June, 1m,j, $ftj. I. D. llaiuiv.a .burv.-4ao Jbo Mlb or June, IbCt, SOU, . , JOHN KELLY, sepuiu rn'i o. It. Ciinp npsny. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA. Corue of Washington nod Hutlerj Sir's, San I''rnncico rriHS bank Is open ror h .yitilAn tlV X a Geiitral Hanking Wio. Will re ceive deposits, atteud lis Mo CoHetUoo of Paper, aud draw e.xcjftujje-. Tsu-kojuw or,. otbenrUc. ou New Vk. Idg. Oabllo, etc., etc., oa tho sum! favoraUfc W. D. O. .Mlia WM. 0, KAIJiifOiK; PreslOeut. C.bierv Sau KraucUco, July 5, J5Ct. jylCwt 1 4 V,i