iftffliainuiuiinilllBilll -- ., . -Tf mm I l I V TUB OREGON' fflRHKBL .1. st. Ntrrrox, iwtior. O TUB XntCACr ANPrKBWlSKNCr Of TOCK Union-, a (Jdvkrn) est ron tiik whom is ianiri(.viM.:."- IfiisMiw'on. JAL'KMOWlI.I.K, OUf.HO.V. sATi'itiiAY jmnsixo," sett, w, isci- I.lst or Agents for the Okkiiov Skntixki. K. F. Itiiscll. general agent for Oregon, nnu lu.nuo -territory, I.. P. Klthcr.. ,. San Francisco Cul. lo lo ,..Apilegale. Ogn. J J. Knowlton&Co Tliotim" l)avt, t. 11.11111 F. G. Hlrd'cyc,.. Thomas Cro.xlon, Win. Hptccr,...,, (!nv. (illilu...... II. M. Thompson, -Vllk-r , do llitfiU Point do . ... .Outturn IHgglns do .....Jmnp-OfWo do ....Piirlhmir do Uhany Ho w. .M. l.vnus, Althoivso do Tt.nin4a tlnrr ill Thorn F.Floyd Kcrhyvlfh) do K. IV. Kawver do do )). 1'. Anderson,.. . . . . Phoenix iln Myrtle Creek iln , nilcuhtirg do . . Untnn Town do ..Itoieburc do A. Ireland Geo. I., llean, Throdrlc Cameron,. James W. Witt'on., lllni-F Herman, nf CanvnnTlllc. central A (Will for Douglas Count. Tiik Isauk. The National Union Com tnitlco have laid down the following ills tlnct platform n tlio Issue of the forthcom ing Presidential contest : "Till: UNCONDITIONAL MAIN TKNANOKOF TIIK UNION, tiik HUPHKMAOV OP Til. CONKTJTU TION, AND Till! COMPLKTK SIT- pukssion op Tin-: hkiikli.ion. "WITH TIIKC'AUSKTIIKKKOI', 11V VI00H0U8 WAIt AND ALL AIT AND KFFIOIKNT .MI-JANS." XATI0.W CMOS rOSVCMWX MSIXEK. FOK PUKSIDIJNT, Abraham Lincoln. POIl VIOK PIU-JSIDKNT, ANiDBKW JOHNSON, 01- TKNNKSSKK, Tor Presidential Electors, JAS. P. OAHLKV, or Doughs county. H. N. GF.OHGK. or Llnn county. GKOIIOK L. WOODS, or Watco county IVcwrt Stiinmury. Tlio news from tlio .State tl.t week Is not only of Iho highest Importance. but cinlnmt y cheering to every Inynl mm. The end r l'il monstrous and bloody rorolt begin lo draw nliih. On tlio !Sd, Tort Morgan surrendered with nil Its garrison, artillery and military stores to that fnilomllable old sallrAdmlrul Farrngul. On tlio Void, Ovn. Sherman's forcoaenlercd Atlanta. Not on I; lias Sherman capluicd Iho Uy lo the ex tremo Sontliern States, Imt be lias bsdly beaten Hood' nll army. That daring marauder, John Morgan has bren killed and Ids starr captured. Tlio rebel Cm. Wheeler has Bona to settle bit at account, and Iho rtbel raid, with which ho was connveUd. on Naihvlllc,has proven a raott ciagnlQrcnt fizzle. On tbo Mllf. Gen. Sibley had a flgbt nllh a largo body of Sioux Indians and defeated them. There lias been sonio Hjvtru kir inlibes between tho forces of Sheridan and Karly, and u ff ncral engagement Is liable to be preclpllalid any inou-menl. Crooks has been flolne good work In tbo Sbenan ah Valley, Grant has been mocking at the calamities or the rebels In Georgia. The President has appolnlid Sunday next as a day of ikankglvlng for the suece of our arms. The Mwtcans seem lo bo getting doan lo their work, and have recently shown them wires to be terrible In earnest. An ac count of the explosion of tho boilers of the steamer Washoe Is given In our telegraphic sew. To no two Using men can we wore proudly and earnestly girc our support than lo UxonuK V. .McCmiaN and Gko. II. 1'axpi.tto.v. It bus Un said of Hit former that he is n war man. In the feme of bctojr lor lint war, this h in no wU rue. Wo Uliere he regards this war as '.oo for abolition a war tlltgal in itself .iod wholly wibversiTe ol Uw and order in Us results. The hero of Anile .am, Is now lo bo the hero of n campaign graodcr by far ok) wore glorious in, its re sulu Ihao any inasjorattd since the dark days of '70'. iWtf. My dear sir, did you' not boon that the tattlo of Antietam naj ouc of the battlea of-Mm war ! or knowing it, an" vou trying to bold up littlo Moo lo ridicule uy show log that ke was the" millions who lugbt tbttabolitioa battle f " Oh' cootiateney I thou art a juwcl." Maj. Strulman has remembered ui again with a Sua budget of monthljA and pictori al. Those curious to Luow how the Ma jor MB affrrd ta'dispeuse liU favom so free ly.Biwl ll iiteratore to cheap, will And a solution lo tbo problem In the fuel llut he is the uiot cxttfiihe jjcwj ilenlcr ou the coast. Tlio Coiijicrliciul Illuildlo. Tha shirts nd expediences to which the Copperheads have rootled In their rain en dcnors to unite the discordant elements or their parly, have brought their nflalts Into a beautiful muddle. As n list dcjperale ef fort, llicy hare nominated n war man, nnd erected n pence platform for him to stand on, nnd those who cannot vote for Iho man, can role for tho platform, nnd rite tirt-u The Chicago Convention selected a com mittee of their most pcaceablo men to Ih up a peaco platform, which was donoaccord lug to order. Mr. Lon or Ohio, seeing n deficiency, noted to adopt tho first Ken lucky rcpolutlon or 1789, which was adopt ed with but fow dlMcnllny votes. The following Is tho resolution referred to: I. 'itootcol That Ihc several states com posing the United Sliitcs or America ore notiiiiltiil mi lliu prlnelpttf or unlimited nibmlMlon In llmlr peiientl gfivernmeiit; but that, by compiiet, iinib-r tlio style nnd title or a contltilllon for the United Htato. uml or amendments (hereto, thfy cniitltuted n general government for special putpoc, delegated to Ihut gocrilineiil cvrtfllii dell tilto powers', reserving, each stnto to IK-lf, tin re? binary maor right In their own self-government; nnd that, whensoever the general gou-riiment assumes undelcgiiti-d powert. Irs nets, are iiiiaulhorltallvc. void and of no force; that In tills cimptict each Inteaccidiil ns n state, and Ik mi Integml party; that this govenilnont. cmitnl by tlil conip-icl, was not tmido Hie nxclii'lve or Dn tiljudg. ir Iho extent of the powers del" gnlrd to Itselr. since that would luive made lis discretion, nnd not the ciinitlttllloii, Hie nirasiiro of ll pmwri"; but Ihnt, hs In nil other wi' or cnniiact; nmong rtrtles. hav ing no common Jmrirr. mcli Mrly li. nn iipiat tlulil M jlidgi' for lln'ir n well or In fiiietlous as of the modc-niid m?uiirc or re drcM. Now ir this resatiillbtviiPitii nnythlng In llils'conneclloii, It menus to Justtfy llm pi pic or tho South In Ihvlr present wicked re volt; for It cannoff mpposed for n mo ment, Hint u dignified lidy of Anwrleitn clllwas would tpnt the llra-i or their country' darkest peril, n time when 1 1 nerd the encoirmgeriTent or every fnynl clll.in. lo pss rciliitloTHwhleli Iheytllirimt think nppllenblo lo exN'.Ing froublen. Ifeiwe, we are forred In tliecouelmlon, that tlie-so-onll-el National Democratic Convention lHt en dorscd the cause ir tho relwl. and declare that lhy have it rfgfit lo wage war ngnlmt their omnlry, a it mvnn or nilrcs. Iecniife or their de'enl In Iho last PreslifcuUil cum palgn. Allhougfi they declare tlinl the South has n right to wage n wiir of fnlress, they are clearly and strongly for peace on tho jnrt or the Govenrment. The twain wills which they virtually propose to liring nliont Hits jK-ncu are. first, to get down on their knees In the dust, clothed In sack cloth and nhes, ond lieg of these nrlilncnits lo grncloiilly condw-cend to forego their sncn.il rights or carrying on a war, wlildi 1 blight- Lirtg the.prospecls or the nation, nnd come Into the Union, nnd If tho noble patriots oTimiot be nulled In plly In this way, llwlr second nnd only plan ln. Is to acknowledge their iiidvpcudeucu and lieg their protection. No other coiwliiiion can be drawn from their platform, for while ll boldly proclaim a desire for peace, It tnuke lin provisions for the very evident emergency of tho Southern friends refuting to ooiue back. Hut how Is It with the nominee? If he accepts the platform, what l to be donewllh til I West Point oration! If he should ubaudoii I the grounds taken in that oration for the ! mike or. the nomination, how do they know but he will ubaudou them nheu au oppor tunity offers. Take the spirit or Iho platform and the spirit or his oration, uml they have no more uflliilty than water uud oil, the nnu may float on lop; but they will ucu-r mix. The following extracts taken I torn that great oration wvrocllpped flout the Xulmiul lijjlytnnr of June JSd : lUbclllon ngalmt n government like ours, which contain, lliu iiiimiis ol K'lt-uijiilineut mid n pacitlo rviutdy lor uvllr, should uetcr be couluuudcd wliu a revolution ugalust deiollo power, which rtluts r redrew or wrongs. Such nvbvlliou 'vanuiit be Jmll lied ut'ii cthlcl'. ground, uud the ouly ul lernattvus for our choice are Its suppression or tliu delruction of our nalloualiiy. At such n time as this, and In such u struggle, political iartiranlilp should be uurgeU In it true mm urne pairiuiitin, hiiicii iuiiih ouly of the good of tint whole couulry. U lias in this caute ami with lUese luotlvtm that so many of our comrades have glteii their lives, uud to this no nru all persoually pledgt-d In all honor ami lldeliiy. bhall uch delation as that of our dead comrades be of uouvmU Shall itboinid in alter ugvt that wo lacked tho vigor lo complete the work thuk U-gun 1 That after nil iucmi no ble lues freely given no beoUiUilund full ed lo keep straight on until our laud was saved t i or bid it heaven 1 and give us firm er, truer hearts than that. 0 spirits of the valluut dead, kiiiU of our slain heroes, leud uiyour own idomnlluble will, and If it bo permitted you lo coiummiu with tuoto still Chained by the tiammels of mortality, hov er arouud us In llw mid't or danger and tribulation, cheer Iho llrni. strcueiiieu Iho j weak, thai noiiu may doubt the sanation of iuu itrpuuiiv, uuu iuu inuuipu ui our guuu oldtlagt . II Uuot given to our weak Intellects to understand Iho steps ol Provideuco us Ihey oce.ir; we coiupreheud them ouly as we lok Uick UOii Iheui In the rar distant past; so It H now. Wo cannot untavel tho seeming ly tangK-d tkeln ot the purpotcsor the Cie ator they uro too bigti uud far-reucbiiig for our limited uiuds. Hut alt hlsiury and Disown tuvealed word leach m that His nays, although iuicrutable, are over right eous. lt us, then, lonelily od manfully play our part, seek to uudrrUml nud per form our whole duty, and (nut unwavering ly In the U-iiiUeeiico of God, who kit our uucesturs uerus-i tho sea.aud sustained them allerward amid daugers more, appalling even thau thora encountered by His owu chosen people In their great exodus. Ho did not bilug us Were In vain, nor ha be supported us thua fur naught. If we do e-ur duty nud trust In lliin. lie will not Ousert u' lu our iMtd. V'irin In our faith that God wll.' fcavo our country, we uow dedicate this site J the uwmury of braie ukii.Io loyalty, paulov;."o, uod bouer. No wonder the jseao tycoyfe arc so- e,tr elsed over lht noiiitnntlon of.JIcOlellan.iiot Ipmany partiC'dar objection to tho man omirom llio act luni iuey unit n itinu whoai tbsyhavo to defend against clubs prepared by themiclvc. limy havo called him an abolitionist, and they have now to explain It nwny; they havo called him a fnltldesi dcmtiBORUe( which they mint now show'to be n mistake on Iho ptenol having mistaken the meaning of his Wet Point oration, or by whalovcr plan their most In genuous politicians may contrive. Coiiftlfttcucy. The following extracts In reference to McClcllan, nfc clipped from the Kugcne flmw "now" nml "then," will servo lo show some of the cxccntrlcltcs or Copper head consistency. Then : , , "Wo have no misgivings ns to tiro char acter of Iho platform or the comllilnttf. Tho 1'cnco element is nlmost Inerltnbly certain lo prevail, nnd this Is what the De mocracy will care most In know. They will not support n war platform nrxl war candidates, nnd this is now lliomnihly known In tho Slates ocrow thu niounlnliw." Now : "On the third day nf llm Convention Oeorgo 11. McClclhin was Koininntcd for President." Then : "Wunnliclpntonn Introduction or Mc Clellitnism into tlio Convention, nud nre condilent Unit some true, (allhltil. noble chaniplnn. sueli n Tims. II. Heymnur, nf Conntcllcnt, Ux-I'mMont Pierce, or lI Vullandlglmm, will lie put forwnnl n our stnndard bearers with u thorough Pitiee plalforni ns the basis for the campaign." Now : "However much we may be illappolnlnl In the nomination for Presid-nt, wo wniitd ny lo tho Puiee men of our parly, thm the pint form ok.W to nukenll things even." Then ', "lruve ymrr nnvll nrllllery rendy, fellow Democrats, to respond In thundering. Joy ous tone to the glad tidings which limy reucli us during tho eomiujr wcvS from tin Clileago Couvi-ntloiu" Xow : "Wo Imvc hioorriT with nil mrr might In liehnlf of pence, nnd favored only the nomi nation of u Pmro cmiiliihle on tin" Pence platHirrm Hut we subscrll lothe Demo cratlc motto of "ptineiplei, not men," nnd therefore yield our support to Geo. II. Me OlcHan,bvfnmo he now standi sipinn-ly and nnresetvcdly upon u Pi-uce plutform." Then J "Accnrdimy to his own c.ipressed senll iix nis ho U-iongs lo Mr. Lincoln's parly." Now : "As to Ihe man himcl we had noobjvc; lion ; but we believed bins to bu in favor of further pruMcnlion of the war, uud lo tills wo are unalterably oppostd, nn mailer what motive may by usslgiied to it. We prefcred others who had been named in connection with tho Presidency, siinp'y because llx-y had been mid urc udvocau-s of Peace." Then t "Wo hope never In henr ngnln of Gen. I .McCictlan's name lieing "ml by Deiiiocruls in connecllon Willi Iho Presldeney, or uny oilier nfilco they may want candidate or occupants for." Now : "We hoist the names of the Chicago nominees to the bend or our columns, uml shall pr octiil to give the ticket, the plat form, an tho anise, thu best support limn this time until the day of the election that it is within our ublliiy to oiler. Thu sue ccis will crown the lubois." Ills luit consolation Pendleton ami the platform. Monnax County Ituxon. The Kgypllon county of Morgan, in Southern Illinois, is charged with being "Copperhead" to the core, and yel wo see by tbo Kaiern papers that one of her citizen, Jacob Hlruwn, gave lili check for the round sum of810,000 on his own behalf, nnd tho other citizens nf that thinly populated county gave 811,- 000 more In the courso qf the following nine days. Oilier people may howl louder oi tiieir patriotism, but II "Ilia proorot the pudding Is in Iho tullng thereof," the Mor gunltet have demonstrated that they huvt their hearts in the right place, mid that their county is a "good enough Morgau" fur ull pructlrut purposes. Alth llelng a native of Morgan county, wo feci disposed to correct soruo of the state men I s of the Jlta It contain un area or .130 square miles. It is situattd in Middle Illinois, unj not in Kgypt, uud. Is one of the richest and mot thickly Killed counties in the Slate. It coutains 22,112 Iiihabilunte. ll was the former residence of Stephon A. Doug las, Gen. John J Ilordin, Uen Igou and n bait of other bright uud loyul lights, unci wu predict (hat this fall it will go for the Hail-Splitter of Sangamou, its adjoining county. Fhisho.it vs. FjiBjiosr. Tlio following should bo noticed : Tho properly, real and petsonal, of nil persons in the State of . Missouri who shall luko up arms ogalnat the United Stulw, or who shall bo directly proven to have token active part wlih their enemies in the field, la declared to be confiscated to Ihe .public b ; od their alavw, If they have any, are hrby declared free mm-FitmoM' Puts laiiurtion, lfgsf,18Cl. I do not believe (but confiscation, exten d.ed to Ihe properly of rebels, is practica ble j and if it were so, 1 do net think it a measure of soood policy, It I a rsuesllon belonging to tho people Ihetswclves to de cide, and it is a proper occasion for the ex. crease of their original nod sovereign au thotlly. Ltittr Aatplmg the CUtthiid Nomnatioii, BY UAiaj;uivxMiv nan u.u nBronrw)' xxcu-tircM ron tub skntinki- Wnsh!n9ton Otli. Iltcltmonrl papers soy Hint In1 the bnflio near Allanln, Ihc Union ttoops were ot first tepnlsed, but finally drove the rebels buck with heavy lo, Including Gens. Audcr.'on.Patton nnd Ilnrdee. Kverythlng rjulct nt retcrsfiurg up to yeslctilny nwirnlnp Tlie rebels nre creeling strong works opposite onr posi tion on the left. The work on Dutch Gap Cnnnl is proRtrssIng to completion. The steamer Cnhnwbn, from Xew Orlrnni the 'J8lh. brings as passengers Gen. Ilnllrjr nnd staff. Gen. Heron hnd just returned from nn expedition 17 miles from Union Rouge, where he hnd n fight wills Ihe rebels. The enemy Imt 150. Wu lost lit) killed mid wouiidcJ. but destroyed u large amount or stores. Alniut one hundred prisoners were exchanged nt Datnli Kongo reevnlly. Wvii Granger bos Issued nn order ncknowKilpiiu.' Iliclr imrt in tlie Inking ami reduction ol Pott Morgan. In the lt ottuck not it man wns lost. The nrmy worm Is making grrnt hiivtc in tlie coltoa, near Datoii Hniige. New York, Cili. JWr Unnkcr IIIII cnrirspi'tideiil, iiinh-r date of the 4lh, mjf Crook wus attacked lust night, bnt reput ed the enemy, Inking n hundred prisoners. llenild correspondent with A refill, nndrr rtiiuu dale, writes: Yesterday operation mi Klieridan's right, in the direction of Winchester, eminently snccwlnl. jMmhiI ll):.'IO n. in. Lniignx-'s brlgiiilc of reliul car ulry. rcinforeed to live brlgmlrs, ntlnckrd our line n mile north of Diirkstillr, on Ihe Winehintir pike. Tho nltuek was iimih with giilhintry. bill us gallantly repulsed iillliimgh wi; Imi only n p'irlio.-t or nur coiuiiiiind ingiiged. The opiioxlng parly hud lline lo onr one in Hip ncllnn. We look, for tlie short time ineiilloneil, the de frnslvf, in order to iillow the enemy to de velnie hi strength, then took tlie olTiiuslvc uud drove the whole division, nt u rapid riile,ovir tlie field. ThrtMigh tlie wnk pst rllU'-pits mid breiistworks Imve In-vn I construclid for u disliiucc of five mile. Al this ponlt the em-my uttemplid lo muke nsliind, iiK-mil artillery uml mussed wholel euviilry force to prevint us Prrtos. crossing Mile crul;. The engagement was ol short duration uud unusually spirited. We eluM-gid the ein my nnd would hue tuken Ills urtlllery, hud our men liven nblu lu cross tha cru-k in tlie nuiiiner ,luii'iiild. The i m my partly rsmptd capture by no-ciih-utly hnving conic upon their nmtii force. Wi- skiinillird the test of the day wlille prrparing lor other mori-nii iiIa Jtemlil City Point cornspoiiilent, of the -tlli.sujs Itirhmoiid papers tfllct lo rldieulu the Ideu n5 n sihglo line rnllnnid being vilul lo their oerupulien of Peters burg nud ltlchmuiid, but the general de spoiideney shuns Itself in the same isuie. Tlio mime correspondent, wrillug of the battle pilned at lU-nins Dlutlou, m-veru! days uher llie wilhilriiwul of onr Iroop'. sjieuk Mirrowfiilly of the ttmriuigli deslruv lion of nine imltvs uf nillrnHil by llun ciak V corp, ii ml pninouiici-a lis n-poiaen slim by (he rebels- hoeledy iinposibl. Tribuvr't sjn-cial says IToiitir was- re lleved id the command of the District of Western Va., nt IiIs-iimh niium!. It it-iK'lu-vril Crooks will be usriguidi lo Ihe commaiiiL Washington, litis No truth inlhepub lislied report lluit nn invoy cxtriinrdiiiury. from Muxiinilliuii. had' urrivtil ui Wusli Inglnn. Iluss, MiuUn-r plenipoteiitiiiry frnin Va-nizuclu, won formully prwnttd to Ihc Prisideiil lo.dny, by Hie acting Hie rvtury or Slate. The usual assurance uf frlemlilisp wero rxchnnged. According lo tifhViul slutemenlS',- the amount of national nirrcmy in cirrulntion is 82t.Onu.O0O. Kubscripiliuis to thc7;.10 loan ore reported by thu Treasury Depart in.ntnt 6I1.-.U0 0()0. - Advices fiom Panama slate that Chilli nn OhamU-r or Depulles resolved llmi ihe Mexican Kmplro might not to lie re cognized. The coast traffic of Chilli is opened to oil nations. A motion bus been passed In favor of oil ofiVnsUe nnd defens ive alliance between; (he South American UepublicH. New York, (lib. Commtwal publishes tho following official dbpnieh, rice I nil early I his evening from Kno.wille. Hull's Gap, 4:b. To Gen, Tilloson, luioxvllle: I surprised, defeolcd and killed John Morgan, ut Greenville this morning. The killed nre renttrnd forn mile, uml not yet counted. They will prububly number from .10 lo 100. I havo ubout 2A prison ers, urnnng whom ura Morgans stuff officers, I also took one piece of urtlllery and cas sion. Knemy's force outnumbered mine, but llm surprise was complete. Stoned. Gim.k.y. San Frnnelseo, 7lb. Gobi In New York on the -Kb. 242(fc2-rJi; on ihe nth, 241, Steamer nrrivetTwith mails nnd pas sengers. Sr-ONTANitot-s Kxi-tosr..Tlie Marys villc Jppttil, of August 20lh,has the annex ed s An empty ale cask nlwwllng exposed to the wo lo the mtr of P. FlatbwmmVa sa loon, on Mai4w Xbbo, near the eorntr of Third street, explodeil yrstetday. waking a report eo.ua! to n 0-pounder, and tearing oat Iho head, scattering Iho peices some distance. 8omc suppow-d it was Iho boll er in tho machine l:op n lmir block below, nod others believed it Ibeiboiler nl lira Water Works, A large crowd of peo nle ran In ibo itlriw-ilnn r ii.n ni.. i... finding thn renl cause, nnd that no nn i, ' hurt, the crowd dispersed. ' . .Ari-. r-r nDvnnH NJOYV TO-DAY. $100 BEWAIfcD ll BUOKEJalLln Ifo-eburg, Dong'n corRi ly, Ogn., on fhc nlglit or the 2Sth tilt., n Chinaman, nbout twenty yenrs old, rath er below the medium shtf. n sallow, sickly complexion, thought to Imvc n small mole on one check, mirf fivnill scar on Iho other, wenr a cue nnrf speak limkcn Unglish. lllnlni(it certain that he, went south. Dels well known nl Cnnyonvllle In thl connlv. mid on Apptegnto Creek InJnek snn connly. whcrclt Is said1 Ms rather and brotlier rv'hlc. The nliovo rewnrd will b pnld for Ms ar ret and return to the hand ol the nnder lenee), within six month fretn Ibis date. J.,tAYOItAWKOni), SheriirofDonglMCo. Kotefturg, Ogn., Sept. 1, M4. g LA3KDIS' figr EXPRESS JOSEPH A. LANDIS Leave Jacksouvlllo every Mouiluy AiThursilar Morning, Arriving nllCmitlYVIinthetsmo day, uud ruturus on Wednesdays &. Saturdays. i Thn milking two trips per week from Jack-oiiillle to Klrliyvlllu. All order, eolliciloii", etc, on bis line will be promptly nllinded to. Through po'sengers will lc rm!hid wllli gnnd snildlc horses, nl bailer Mggings, lor Cri'eeiitUlty. JiieUMinvllli.. Spt. 8. 'C4. iitltl Bu mm on i. IN the Circuit Court, id the Stale of Oregon, fur the county of Josephine. John S. Lote nud .lohn S. Dium, Plalutinv, iv. John 11. Heed. Persy lluweti, Thonm ile Andrew i.Jiiimi llnriii-". Hi imuii Jilooni uud James T. Glenn, DufuiiiliinlK. IIIII hi (.TMimrjr lu fit-Vi Iwi, 3frlinnfc's Urrn. To Ihe nbiivo uiiineil llerei.ilants: ' You nre hereby Minimum d nnd rrmilred to nppenr In mid court, on the llr.t day ol lliu next term tlieri-iif. tri lie licgiin sud held at Ihe lown or Klrby villi. In raid county, on lite -lib Moiiila)- lu OctiuVr. M, It liv ing the 24lh day or said mouth, mid Ihele mi.wer the complaint nt the Niid pbtliilin. Ilkd ngnlust you lu said court, or III same will bu lukeii for courei-rvd, nnd tlie plaint IDs will lake judgment nguni.l Ihe said tk r.ndiinls. Iteiil uud lloiicn, lor the sum i.f four hiiiiilnd mid foriy-seieii dollar, with iiili.-tel Ibi-reiiu, Iroiii the lid day uf rt. p ti'iulwr. liiiiii, iiuttl paid, mid Ihe cost nnd di.li.ir'eiiieiil.ur tiiisriilt; uud thcplaiiitllV. John Si. Drum, will take jiidgmi-ut unlii-t the Mild ililenAints, Held and Hlooiu, for Iln-Mini or H.ii' hiiiulrid nnd eleven uud lwiiily-tlvi ouu-huiidriilths dollar, wlili lu tererl lliert-nii, tiiim lliu Ct It day ,f May, Ihb.t, until paid, uud Ike eii.tsuiiddl.buire mem or Ihe suit; uud the plaiutiirs will enforce tno ini-chniile'H lieu on Ihe wuter dilsli or Heid uud Howell, sllualnl on Ga lice l'reik. Jicphliiu euiiiily, Ogu., mid lliu sold dlleh will be mid to pay Ihe smile, uml the tiuillic uf rub nipllou of thu di renduuls will bo fmeslond, oxeept us dii ex ecution ut law, lly older ut the Co-.rt. ' t. L- itnu-m t II. I . "" ,m.. leptlOwfi Atl'y tor Plmutirr. MAKE ROOM FOR THE. B ?L..OUUKCJi'.. It jnafecs fonr distinct tlfcJtcsr Uivdn the work uitlicr way, kcVH thin uud hcuvygouds v.-Jthout CltKllgV ortcu- siou, will gHtltur ami IM!V on ut tliu KUU1U tlHlCV IT MARKS A STITOII ALIRKON HOT1I S1DK8 OPTIIKPADHIO, HAS KO SPmNGSTOOk,TOUTOPOU. W.U, AND IS TIIK MOST KAP. ID tjlJWKU IX TIIK WOULD. KV- KUY ilAUIHXK FULLY WAR- RANTKD. We, the nndcrslgned, buve each purclnw edu lUJUKNCfa Kt.wi.su jiauiixk, uud haie llieni now In iik'. We have thoioughly tested them on work of all grades heavy, medium and light and our ooinloli Is that Ihe btureiico is du table, will i.ot easily -,tt out of order, is strong nnd simple lu cuustruetlui,iuid lu unj Is easily learned by the must luexpert euued. It will do-a greater range or work with leu I rouble unci- change, nod wu cuusidtir It altogether better thuii uny other lamlly dewing ile.nlilno we have tier Ken, Mis Dr. Chase, 31 Turk St., S F Mrs D D Collin, 20 Clay st., S P Mrs J 1) Wuosier. G25 Pulsoiu st., S P Mrs S D Uilinoig, &1U do du do Mra Daniel (Dunn, 414 do du do Mrs J Spinoni, 228 Rich at., 8 P Mrs Allied Wluvler. 047 Mission st.,S F Mrs Henry Miller, b'.'il) liowurd St., do Mrs Kmilv Jiulwell, 740 Mmkel do do Mrs Saruli Landers, 7u4 do do do Mrs K II Ohm, 211 Oerry do do Mrs G A Carues, JackKon Placo do Mrs llraiicli, Puc. near Lev'tvurtli do do Mrs W II Hanaro. 508 Kearney do do Mrs Vi Hurpcr, Sucimneiilo west or Levenwortb do. do Mis ilurrlel Ciuliing. 31G 1st do do W II Ruloftfon, cor. Mont & Sac do do Mrs Ptuctt. C1C Uulfornia do do Mrs M S Morton G32 Sutter do do Mrs Uohen. G17 Pine do do .Mrs Ann Hrndley, G12 California do do Mrs Geo II Pnrker, 2A9 Slcv. do do Mrs John 0 Cerbet, MMon Dolures Miss Annie Melloyle. Kt Dorado X Miss Mncgie MclJoyle, P.l Dorado Chas 8 Preble, Sacramento Louis Slepniun. Sanln Clara Mrs A M Dunliiim, Oakland Mrs Orrie Woodill do ' .Mrs D G Smith do J W lloag do Mrs Marv K Ilnrehlmltcr nnlM, Vl Mrs U J Olivers No pa Mrs Samuel T Toog, Clarksvilie lil Dora do county Win Iteddlck, Pourtli Crowing Oalavcras county Mrs 0 K ComMock, Xnpn City Mrs Joseph Kccfcr, GlurksvilleKI Poradn comity Mrs JWin O'NIci Jamestown. Tuolnme co. R IT Fnrquliur county clerk Nevada City K W Digelnw do N y Knowllon prnc'l mach'st do 0 M Dotes, M I). do John HerxliiTcr do II Maekic, do P lrnnstltcr,ffrnss Ynllry O C Shorey, Svattlc, "W T I) liorlon, do do Henry Juckson, tVotsonrillr, Santa Cror county Mrs AlberV Kndcr, San Andrros Mis Ncwinn Dumon, ilninmnki'r and tall- nrrss, Seventh St., betwevu IVyant nnd llrunnnii, S F Ptevlons to pnrrhiMnp tkr riorcaee, 1! owned tUe Ilowu Scwlnc .llorldnr. Mr i OesMi-onn, CopperorH, tiilavem ooi I nnd tho Slont Miotic' MhnUltic six.' monthr previous to Fiiefiiilng Ihe Kiot ence, Mr MAtCai'iltr; Hrcsmnkcr, IE '! nt., Sou Prnncbco;. VvK whre name foltiwr, fnrrrcdlnnd'nsib tlie Grovup .V Ilaker t.VwIng MAohlne pre Vlnii tn nurellnliig the Defence: Mr Mary A .Mtrclmnl. ilfi-siwnker, 8101 Slootiloii st., Sun Vrmid'co. i 1! Well-r, DreTTmuUer, 40G Dupont st. ftin Pninclci. Mr Ch.i famy 419 rtrymirsf.. StY. V. A Love. Angel's, Cahif ra county. Mr.MJ Huberts, C4li Howard St., Sam rriiiiclsco. Mr I. II Ilayley, Porlsmou'h llusw,Fai Frniiclscn. Mr .Julia Lyons, Target St., near Tvhnmn Sail I'raucbcn. .Mm lliiiriet Howe, n:5 Post t.,S F. Wp. wImw iianie ltdlow, ornrd and ner Iho Wln-i-li r k Wll.oii i-wnig .Machine pie i vliuis1 1 purehii'liig lh- Vlifi-iiee: .Hr.i ll Hindi. HiibKitd ft., mar How ard. Am i'rtiiicl.co. Mr. 1)S Hugglts. 4U FoNom St., San Krniiclrco. Mr .M Young, 211 SUxjUIoii it., San Frniiol.ro. A Mint, C L niur, Sou Jou Moutery county. .MrCVJaclon, 2V1 Dorado, 13 Dorad' coiniiy. Mr C 1. Taylor, ffl 1 I)ii)xnt t.. S F. .Mr tfnuh I, Miller. Aicmmeiito. Mr A Nu-li, toriier Siesens & M st S V MioTlioiiwsMitcheU, UuW HiliCaUre ras county Tho following iimn d prrwin- owned anrS ti't-d the Singer Sewing machines pa-vious-to pmcliii'lng the l'lnieiiei-: Jlr. A J TUnrr-iUi l&nln .1, li.111 'rnnr.co. Mr. II II llfUTiir.iil'.' ,,rl .1 o.i Mi A111.I. II ill.-) , IIk.I, , 1. .,w Mra-kl.m rt K Aii(ii- lln. l: ChiIi.ii.I ban I'taiirlMi, Jlw DxUrflirt3iU. I., ,1., Mr. fiuali I VlU drviiiuk.T mul ,imlf W? tllrieiial t'niRelwu, I iH-lk-vc I enn folly uncnnelentliily indorse en b i)ii'iliu-ittlim elaiiu-il for tlm' l-'lon-uet! Selling imiddie'. I havo thnr mighly twled It on wmk nf nil gnule. mul! curli trial ha U-cn i-unneully snlislaclory It takes hold of ndebeutu tirTa-lc: delicately, and nf a stiuiig one w.tli strength. To me lt firm more limn 11 immhiiw ar almost' Intelligent, ullllng helper. Its u Iseiully lisirnul, mid It coin-lrucllou 1 ci-rluliily Simple. 1 know soinelliiug of llm oilier first cla iiiucbliics, hnving learned looivr iiteseiiml. This I llm only sewing ma chine I haio found reliable. .Mrs I'Kiiiir G. T:t, San Atidnas, Calamus co. I have used Ihe Wheeler A Wll'on ationt , two ymr. the Togunrl A Fnrr six month, the hliml HJIlitlc iibutlt the same b-uglh nf lime, iIhi tt llllum. ,V tirrU nesrly Iwie iiuv, uud have dealt In several of tbermill iii.ieliliu. until Iboruuglily iligulnl wills i-iery Miichtnn that s.-ws with only oue thread. Tlio Florence I the only inanhlmi that lias come iinr my liutlcu that gives e-rleet mid eutifO alutuctVt tut oil kinds jr work. No one enn esllmalo Ir vslrwi niitll thry luiio mm il mid tested ll, n I Imvi-ilsie. In detnV, fus lldii work It I Invulunble. Gkiiiiuk t; M.I.I", Ciismu City, N. T. I Imve ovd1 0 Flon-nsu Sewing Machine for two lenis; I brought It ncroiw the plain.; ll husoeier yel been nut uf erd.-r. and i can truly Miy ll excel. a:i i.lBes a;Hehine Ihat I larve ever iimiI. 1 run a lvrtJ .t UMctersIx niiiuih.; 11 Wliwler A Wiluv elghl month nnd iihiI a Groves ii Jlakir, idlenuitely with HIikiI1 for two years. I hiii familiar with Iko Howe, nud rerrr ul of rhu snii.ll niuctilnc. but 1 jicvcr useil ouu Ikut would do nil kind or work to eipul tlie Florence, I do nut Ibluk it cars bo lew Ulgblv recoimin-iiilrd. itrs. Irtaar Eu.ss, JCasysvllle. After hnving a Florence nmtblnc in use nearly n year. 1 feel Hint I enu truly n-com meml II us lielug nil that Is claim, d for II. I have ued SlngerV, Grover A UaUrV.and the Wlu-eb-r i ti'iUuu loacblur, mid cou.ld er tbu Florence superior lo any Mux Jknjiui A Kuan-, Wilmington, Lu Angles county Csl. We could refer to many oth'ers who are using the I'lurcuce, If It wero necessary to. do so, to convince Ihe public that these mi dlines me what Is claimed, the UKST FAMILY SEWJNO MA CHINK IN TilK WORLD Orcr Seven Huti'lrcd 1'LOItF.NCi: MACHINI-a have been sold on this con. I In ihe shoit time the Agency ha la-en establlshul lie-re, and we nume thl strung ntserllou, ns couvinclng proof of their worth, that 110 person can be found who lui n Florence that would cxchnngH It lorn family sewing machine of nuy olhtr manufacture. AORKTS For lite salt of lite Flarmrc Fainilj &ff ing Jluclilnc. George A Rnni'nll Nevada City George Vincent Stockton J LPnlhemiis lpo J st Sacramento It Hllaiuly , Yrek MrsS B Larcoinbe VlrglnU.NT Is P Veuen Portland Oregon KO Session. . .....Jacksontlllo Oregon M Wollliem...... Goymas Meilco LP Collins Traiellng Agent Jas U Cleave Traveling Ageut ahomton Weslly ....Traveling Agent Machines will lw supplied by all local agents nt tian Fninclico nrlces. wllh addW tlon ot lrelgh. sajmuelTi-iill,, aciicrnt Atjciit for Collfunitu nud She. " I'm I Bo Const 1U MONTGOMKltV ST4lF,BT, Pirn Franciioo, bept.BlfOl icutlGml Kl - w