Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 10, 1864, Image 1

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rrrm ym mm mtf fri iw wi
' !
je teg0tt
V .
w.swrw i vptMft l ww
-"" T I "
' Jt7alH &&5BZZ. fc-Jtjy.m a
.TIIIJ OIlKtlOX suntim:!,,
listen KTMtr -munuJiY sjou.nimi.
B. T. POWEXX, Prop'r.
ScnecntiTioN "'or One year. In advance,
Four Dollars II paid within thn llrst ilx
jnontlii or Ha' i-ur, live dollar ; ir not iwld
-mill (lie expiration uf thv year, six dollar.
AiirtfiaisiMi Duo square, (Ill lines or
u), first lu-erliuii, Tlireu ntlnrs : ench
itih-rqiiciit tun-rllon. Due Dollar. A dlv
count of itDy t r will will Iw nmdu to tliutu
who advertise by lliojear.
f Iak Trwttri rw.-lrl t tamal tutu.
1, 0. (). I. JltClOOIIVllll) I.OllgU
' -, .NIK t')lM4l-.ltK:fnUrii-t-
jaTJSLi-. In liKUjr .f Hi llr.
tvT lil8'V ' l ''' niMilli. mul on
't(5viViL'J ltt4y if-wli Inlrrvnilnf
SrJf S-lrt-SS-' "li.t UnJlMonlf llall.M
T'cUke a. Ilrolhrttln tnl UnJInritrplntllnl
I.. tun J. . SII.AH J. IlAV, X. II.
J ltt.U"m.l-i, II. fre'f.
Tnuew-s Jw. l. Sutton, Wm. liny nJ JIIm
) .
Warren Lodgo No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
HUM) their regular communl-
-vSjf-cstloii Hit- Wrdin-nUy Krcnliicnn
ror pririillng the full uioon, In aux-
H. Itl.nnM. Stc'ii,
K. ', lit'SAXI.!..
-NO. 34
nKioiiTKu excM'iivki.y roit tiic scxtinku
Baturdny'a Dispatch,.
Nov York, 27th. Tho Post says Hie
destruction of the Weltlon rullroul $1111
contlnurs. OfTlulnl from tho rro)t report!
all quid except n slight sklrmUlt. 1mV
Torre InSi evidently been reduced during
the past low days. Kcw position gained
on thu Weldon railroad ha evidently ren
dered Grant army more confident thuu
ut any time flnce the campaign opened.
Ile-adq-inrtcrs, Army Potomac, 24th.
All quiet to il.iy, except umiuI cannonading.
Our left been extended six ur royen mile
to hold circle from Weldon road to Ilea ins
Hltttlon, a disjnuce of seven nilles. No
rebel to be recti on our left front. 1'ntlrc
lo.ssr tho filli corps, up In lha fllM. I
f.000. The corps taught splendid')', The
tallowing Is oQlciul, front the tltl urn)' carps.
On the -ltli, about 3:30 p. m. wo were lit-
lacked on the center by Vllco?, probably
Intctidcil In be simultaneous. Heath on the
t. i ,.. .1 . i. ..i
iinnnc . nneari i icneniynim lorinrii in uie noour, iiiul-iii
UllUVJUa. Ufa I VU IkJ L.&k.
ATl'tfU.Vi:VS AND fOrXrillLOUS I "' artillery In piwlllpn. and opened u heavy
Jaikwxvii.i.k, Onxcoy.
Ontrc niMlle the Cotivl Home.
All bu'lnei" coiiiinltlwl to tlwlr cniv will
V tirnntptly nlfcuidul lo. July 2. 'i.
D. FrboWELl,
T1 urnelkv In 0'thOrt'irw Tilnl
JuiHelal DIMrH, llifc-(pfiin'(-"irlOn.'-on.
unci In Yrcti, Cl. IV'w Xt ttxt'l
It rollifiM "j'rj-"-
'" " i, C ASTON,
riMtv tuJ a iii.i'nO
luUI.lU!iiloiiyWtu jjtlxllun
et: Jitn to. twa 40
thf i,4nlmf nl.)
yoTAitY panne
ron jackson countv.
OnVewllli II. J. UnwfH.Bij. (
j. s. mowa'iio,"
fiUUVKYOU. am. KNOHtf";'!.1
JaiCwnvu.k OuMoy.
tr IJfnco uec io Koiilh cn JC Orrpnt
iffrt. jAnuiiryJ! Ui'it
IMiotoi-)liic Art Jt,
I prriinrol lo UUo ptciiirw In every 1.t1
of llmurt, lllill tt. Utft ImprowmeiK..
Jf l'louireK do not pl MlUUctlon. no
tfbri:ri-wlll U'wule. Call t lil nw
Irry, ou llm hill, xamliw IA picture, ud
It for .ivwir llkenoii.
1)U. 0,J.GATKS
HAS uornitnently t,wat-l lu JmcUmiii
rill, mul ulTor hUurvlcU)ull tli
hi nwl rtltlciul Iwth. 'Jentylim Itrlli
Cllnl with pure il, In 0i lt maiinrr
JVrwit" neiilliiK work In hl llif. will liml
(l lo their tulvuU: lo give him a. co.ll.
OBice One Joar CMt of iladaine du Hm
Utm'i Ueftnurmit. "I1l"t!t .
Kothlng rccclyed from Mro,nt, Sbarmnn ill occupying the toru, ntid continuing the
or Sheridan
Signed, STASiTov,
WxltlDglon, l. SherliUa'a fnrpM
are ut (Jlinrleiton. Xo operation taken
place ilncu my last Iplegrain from IVtcrg
bttrt. Ktavto.
New York, intlt.r-I)!fpulcliifi ffitm
Grunt Indlcuti llntt f,i-o has ceuttd Strug.
gllri for the W'eldon road, which Ih coin
plctcly in our poj-etloii. No fifjlitlng oc
cur led jnierihiy or tltN nioruliig befnre
I'elemliurK or lltjller's front, hurlys
force U it full rctnit up the A'ulley. our
eavulry closely pt)N;iln the rinr of the
relre,nin;, column, capturing iii.iny slrvg-
pursuit four miles to.vrnrda Winchester.
Watliingtoit, 2d. IjSjrrogut, lo liUqffl
oial report, says he believes tho rebels, at
Fort Morgan spiked tho guns, destroyed
llio carriage, etc., after they ro.lsed the
wlillu II tir. The crtinrrjtndunt of Fort
speciul fay their Is groat rejoicing this
mornlig nvcr the capture of Atlantu. It
nppeacs that while the rebel cavalry were
operating In Sherman's rcur, that officer
prosecuted Ms movements itcewrnlly, and
at 11 p'clock this morning intircd Atlon
tu, and, (ound that his combinatiotm had
leruiii, but was otiligel In tturrender uncon
llllionully. The (ullnwlng U llio olose of
Ills report: The whole conduct of the of
llcers of Forts (j nines und Morgan, pvscoti
n itrlkiui; coiUlrast of moral principle. I
cannot fall to remark upon It. Ool, An
dersmt, cnmmaiidinir tha former;. Iludiiig
lilnclfln ur. uult'tmble position. Incumber
.Morgan .tried lo ubtuin tporc f,uvornbie j compelled, Us evacuation by Hood. The
transmission of this intelligence otcr the
wires, vldch had been cut for Mvcrnl tlajs
previous, had the effect of dislodging the
cavalry expedition, under AVhecler, For
rest and, organ, und has driven them fron;
the road. Capture o( Atlanta fecurcs the
pos'(-slon of the Stnto or Ucorpla, und
renders tliu conii(luii of the rebels more
desperate than before. It was by one of
lliwjo ntustcrly movements, lor which alter-
pd ivllti a mipflrtltioiisiiuiiiberurpotiscripts.
Ne York. Mt. Outit. I'lillon. of the i many uf whom were mere boy, determined,
ffiitiliout Moiiticclln. ivlillii off WiliiiEnifliiti. Uu surrendiT tho fort whteh he could not ' mail has been bo npteil, that he has been
.... . ., r . .1 lit- .1 .. t t ...............I .....I.I...1 i.. ..l.t...... l.t. I..IIII...., ...jut, lla
n-en 9 steunitr sluuiliiig lor stioru miner ii,i-,'", ' ueicniniiuiiuii m r.(inmin.n v"--4-u ,u ""-' "iii -
full lieail or steam. AfUT pliullenglng her j ll l tljc iiUlwr save one. l-rotq llc tno nuvy well knovyi) that Jloiid uililetl materl
iwln,. uml rm.li-l,if mi nnswer. ilireeieil n ! itlt'ilt llie u!d Hag wui hoisted, lie scritpu-1 ally to Ills strength by the concent I utloit of
shot lo be sent altar her, which was replied . iotijly reported everything In dial, and In j numbers of boys, und old men, who were
to wjti a shell of large caliber. J'lillun jiotol) cnil'ii'toii ueiiveivu ilium. nnsi i ueuiiiu uic wo.rics. renucrcii very gnoo bl-i
opened villi n .'lO-nogiuIer, wlitch was re I I'agu fini hi onkcrs.ln cbihlisli splte.de-1 vice, liut ojit Hile 1 the work iiietr very
cmttioiMiliug, which liiitcil 15 minute.'
They then iisAullnl 1111m' force. lie re
s!Utl tenaciously, but they broke bis kit.
Some of Gibbon's troops hurried over to
repair llio damage. Meantime the enemy
gullied root-hold und uttempKv) lo turn our
led, and drove Olbboui' dlvliJii from Ids
line. IN nifii were m'tclt wivltruol by
iiHiruhing r,er to Mik-s' omIiIuiicv, und
byck during llio rr pea teil nsiaullf, lJt he
wceilol in reforming his line und check
ing tho rmuiy wljh dUinouuted cavalry
imier O'rfgg. Mile also regained the bwl
uf bl c'tlniich-upiiti. The enemy made
no (Urthur hJvuiicc, mid mutt have luff.rnl
rcvrrely. .My low, Including civulry. I
1.2W or IJdV). This 1 acknowledged
In be one of the most jJiuperutc und deter-
j iiilml fights nf the war. re-emblitig Hpolt-
nyUiuilu. Ihougli tliu nuiiilivni cngugeil ghv
it Iim loipiirliiin.-e. A few mnro goiKl
iroovi riM huve gIm-d us u victory ol
ntijili1i-rMe iitipurlJtiav
(aiitil. IIamwk.
cund iCinM.-Stb. .B-ifeuininl left on
the $:li, ntiiainul llu-ro 'il daylight, ami
at tl.t lUie llw WK-my til dimippennil
k-uvlng ttelr dmi An llio tetd uuburkil.
This shows Iww Kwwely thcyy wif e puiii-h-cd.
Doubtliss ho w uwuro nf the orriv
ul of riiuforwui' ut, und feu ml llio n-iull
to Jay. Sigmil Mkaiik.
The al-guurd rxferid to report that
the eiirniy rellud ill the direction of IV
l-rxtitirtr. Tlmy ubatidoncil their wounded.
The guaid coiiWm-.! willi ii rebel oflicvr.
who hihI tlu-ir los was greater than ever
before dnrinx iImi war. Uiurd wiy lliey
eru ner ll.o liild und I. U corned with
enemy 'n dmd m.d wounded.
sigmil. Mkajik.
Xw Yiuk, 27lh. Tribuufi V'ahlng
ion epiclal sums up tho remit of the fight
ou tho Weld'in rallnuMl: F"'1. lliv enemy,
after ri-pttwl (uipeUinus uAauiU5,iiiKll
id our uljuniluiiiiijT -"Ii- rulliaii! below
llwitn SjCillnif, ftcuud, iillhougli tucking
in vully superior tmtitbir. ricviviaj u
bloody aP'i)Uu hi kKucttfilve lutuiicij tilled,
pliid to villi grape, striking the piast und islroyrd liu guns which they mid Ihey
tigirlng, Miiiitlcellu theu oueiu-d with would defend lo the last, but which have
3-liwli mul ill) pound ikell. The steamer ( mil Ihimi ifended at utl; threw nwuy or
thru ilisi-piteiirid, At dbre! next i broko thu weupnii whlcli they had not th,t
moriiliiii thu TulhihuMeu wot kct lying miudlnej to - ngainu mi enemy, ort
uihIt llw guns of Fort Fisher.
iithyille, ilUt Hlie'iii'iu has );rnken
up hi communication!, and moved south,
either to tnuivl lol tu umvu m,t nud
light, or ntund u sice wllhoiil pnij-1'ion;,
Sheriiiiin cull subjLjl his unity off ul thu
country, TJe Iom pfllood wugmis, du
ring McCouk's ruid. luimberlug Wl, nud
K'Veriug Ills ruilroud comuiuuiculions, bus
lift litni with but but few days ration, so
iiiuMcih will noon be brought lo u crisis,
ftuir-ville, ifd (Jen. Iwimr, conimaml
lug I lie wiiiImu di'l'lct of Ky., n.viveil a
teleg;am froUi tliu front, uliuiiiitici'jg thul
Sheniuii's ndirtucu Atiiered Allaniu ut 'J
o'clock this vtorning. Xo further prllc-uUrj.
Kontlaj,,8 Dispatch.
ti'cii(-th V,'fuld prpyo their weakni-s, und
cuufe iprrlblu lots uf powder una proven
tr, '('he purpo'c ol Sliermau, In the
inovotrtent which begun thu liglit of An
gnit 2Qlh, wus tq deceive the rebel cum
Morgan never fired n gun niter t!c pom- j nwiicr in rigurd (n hjs strength.
niriicvinaiit or tliu bnmburdittent qpd the. gi,lCagn, .Id. Nashville dispatches or
advance of our army picket. A, bthire j. j,t omj -.,-, luy Wheeler I niaklng
sliiteil, lite surrmikr look pluca nl 2 p. m. deninnstrutlou op tho railroad between
Thu miijo nflernoon the gurrlsuu were sent jil)rfrm,nro mid Xaslivllllc, und lias been
to Xev Orleans, in the L S. Steamers , ,,,,,,1 ,y qtfl . touwcaij.wlio telegraph
TeniicMcunnd liietiville, where Ihey arrived j , j;u,,vt ( ,uo aie-pniiin of Hip
safely. .Slgiied. FAntiAUUT, u , llt. )mJ n(,t tk. (nem- rour ,w
Xew yotk, 'lA.Ilerald't Mobile eorrcj
poudeiil uyH the ri-sults ul the victory ut
Mobile may bv summed up qs fu!lowi: 'e
eomiellcd thu i-vueuatioii uf Fort l'otvel),
lhe-nirrr);der nf Fort tiuli'e, mid uiiip)!
porlli pf Uvcrgnctlitnfieriiioi. Sklrin
Idling was lively and pontlminij. Wo nre
driyli)g Ike enemy njowly lovurdi Iivcrg-lie.
Xcw York, 3d. The fiaA. rditonally.
the alarm bells were, wrung, nod every
preparation, made o render assistance.
Besides tlioae found dead, a number are
supposed lo bo drovfned, ns the -asboe
carefnrd over tnd senV her stern mler;
water. A large number of those rho m;c.
sllghlly wounded, yet nbte to walk, or rKe,
have conic ashora nnd been taken to hn
rooms of tho lhnrnrd Assodatiory
Among tho killed U F.ilhrr Cnllen, o'
Forrest Hill. In the present confusion
Is ImposjBlblo to learn the names of the so
fercrs. Tlie badly Injured arc still on boail,
the At'lc'oiw. which Is aground " n ty,1".
ut the foot or 11 sjrcpl. Iitcs nceoaiit
report the explosion tq havo tuVtn place
at ten o'clock, nt n poiut just abuvo tha
ling's Hack, ubont t.cp raliea above ,.io
About 20 pcrr.nns nro killed nrd, 3J
woimdcd, or whom 30 will die. 0,nly two
wotueq escaped Injury, the most of, llicn
being In, the loiter saloqit nft, and rctlrrd,
for the night. The crcty are reported or
the wreck uninjured,.
Tn,e X,:tr Atlantic Cadlk. A, recen
tek-grnnt liuvln? stated that 'hu Orea((
Fistero had sailed u, tnl;e on lnurd the;
new Atlantic cable, tlC, ubjolned cljpping
from thv 5.iii, .InKi.itnii lias 1)01.
Intcwt ;
livery poMibV' enro am" rjltcntiofj is lrj.
stowed upon the inaiiufiic!ire uf tl(e 4,'ul,',t
tic cublo co n to rainier its success,, if p.ri'P,
crly laid, a continued certainly. The core
consists of n strand of sevep copper wlrcj
eucli covered with hull mi Inch ol gn'ta
percha oomposlllqn. as an Ipsiilatlng inedi;
urn. The tulvgriiphlc corq is tlierj strengllj
cicd by wrapping nroiind t ten solid wlfcs,
for pud of Messrs Webster IIorrull's
homngenoiis Iron capable of bearing a struln
olt'iiillrsiir lis lenglh. The whole js,
d-strniil und coniK'llul thu surrender f complains of the Chicago ili)form. ubd ' uficrwnrdK surrounded wltli yurn.sa(iirule.
Fort .Miiruuii, bi-roiofuro cojiiluriil one of Ui)yie McClellait lo kick il lo iilepr.
strongc! 'orllflt-ullous in the United Slu'vi,' V.'uihliigloii, fid. SecreUry vt W'ur
taken 1.3AO prlnonet, 100 ph-ci-s of can- unnounpes tlnit nnvnl und olli.cr credits of
lion, mul 11 vast quantity pf small urn).
rVwIsvlile, lt. A libel lorce, frilctn niut munitions or wurj ijlp, ptovlsious
UjJt ten inouiaud. with 12 pieces or ur-1 enough to l.it the gurrion ve shall place
.lllery, isas )7 ntlle from Xajhyilli. ' j Uhti six inuiillis. Wu cnptuni) und have
tire Murriwbori) pike.ul daylight. J,l.iu- nlreudy Invested thu reliel rum Tennessee,
euu, with u body of cavalry unj 'ufuiitry. ,. wrongest war ve-wl allnit; ul'o, stiver-
went out vtud.iy mid met tk enemy's n other .vur iiel, und haw bu;ned three j and gunrd lines of comiipiiilciitiuui.
nicn vlll nmmiiit lo 200,(1110, thps reducing
1 1 10 utintber of men required tiuder thu-if-
cent cull to nnq.oflp. Il snys 1 00.000
pien, proinptly furilflil, Is nil tlmt (Jrnnl I
usks Tor the capture of liichitiouil. I he
remainder pill be u,icd tu garrison furls
udeance. lurly this niorub u rharp KuulUli blockade runner. All this cost
klruii'li occurred with vurj-g succcm. OI)f ((tvd--iid ten woujided In t)ie army,
At lust account they had driven the reb- IL. ov of tlie Tecumseb with a uorliotunl
els three miles towurdj Mv7fCcsburo. .r K(Ky:t and a very few casualties ou au-
A messenger from tho advaucu -reports ' ii,rr bl--.
Wlievlrr's whole .force bclwuii ub villi1 1 rj.'ues4uy'i pUpatch.
and Murfrix-boro. oniiderublu rorcoorl Xew york, 2d-The IJrlstol (Yu.) fu
rebel ulo ul Ibunwi. J'rixinert mid iay Thu 1'iilou cavalry which
wouuduHici.il sent frcm the rrottt. I'm eluirgrd (nto JJnj;e;s,vllh-. cipinred J. II,
sengers irinii Xuhvllk n-iy VVheelerV uyd j lli-yfklll..C'.ul. Vilker Lleitl. Illcvb-s, ihu
Forri-si's r-irn- ure lively cugsunl In jl'mvusl Murfksl, l,9gether with Q pri
teuiliig up the truck (' t,lv Omit NuHeru ,,vute. Thnu priyaJes mid three prisoners
rallirvd bciweeii Xu-Kvlllo und tint Tut ' Vvw shut .douu l;i .sold blood ly a rebel
nrstM' river. Tlw Xa-hville .Uniny iijri Oi-scrler. rntitiwe .urtillery hud been
llmioMv iiuik inuti JiiiHitIoii of lils-forciii fmt frnm ri-jiixvilti) to tho vicing of
there that the ulcl,c,uioi Injure I lie oad Hull's Oap. wldlo heuvy force of cavalry
UmuuK-mi hu gone lo gUu Ihent buttle I dvuiiciil lu th,nt .dlrijcllon on tic sJUd, and
Xcw fork, 2d. idV,curtcpoudtt utiucked the rebels, who rlnoiiil tg
of the Army of the "'otuiimc. ha the (ul-' lulmsboro. ?e learn that .the -Yuul'Cf
liipUig: The cial In Dutch lap ,'!! ndvunml In withlu tvcwllisof 'flngiiport,
.on(i .Ve ready Ut awj. A mysterious look- ftiztite ulw ti't liitclli,'ice Irom )wk
Wuililuglnii, 4lli. Tlie Xuvy Depart.
ment have received diqmtclies amioiiucing
the burning of the U. S. Frigate, llrundy.
wine, nt If'orfolk wilj; ol stores j no pa;.
The fullniwlng Iclepratn from Grunt )f
been received : Cliy j'oint, ild. 1 liuyc
Utclimntid paper of to day, which have ru
mors or n bailie at Atlanta 11 ml sas that
the W'ur pt-pt. have no official luroriuutlun,
und Ihey dare not form any opliduu from
rumors. I bavo no uuuui tiuivcver, uui
with a chemical coinpoiud which, by It;
pok-npon qualities, will prevent Its dej;
truclion by marlpi) Infects, shell fldi, elf.
Tlie pew cablejl most perfect tlirougliopl,
nud doijble thestreiiglh nf the former ppj
'llie superior fltmlliy nf the roiidpcllrg .
wires nnd the greater thickness will a-jinl.
nf an uverngc of i-lgl.t words per mlnutq
being ttunsmillrd, aculnat n fourth of thq
mnnbrr under the arrangements of the k
cilble. '
An iNRiiiKM-or the Cot.n Illipon Hat:"
ti.k. Somelimcn the sadness .hi;h gemr;
nly prcvull among tho vq-)ipleil nni) dying,
is lianlslitd by a ludicrous inoi-len'. An
Irlshiniin wiio bad been fatally wounded
was advised by the surgeon to give his eft
i-cls to a person near by. I Jo pulled uut
his rarur. und usked comically, "If bo
would t-end that home to thn ould woman.'.'
Yes," wild Iho delegule. Xi'jt .come 011
that Khernmu bus gali.e.1 mtrcul success, ! l''s glas.n-s.wid Uurn S17 C5 of which one
Kor fnnther piwliculrjs.cakl nt KohVor 5
Stow- aiGcw tin Maehlue lmiowUju.
lcU.rWfaC:ia,. lor ale.
J. -NWW.U, Xpwl.
Jsctwtvrn.e.iv-no Utl. A-Xs1. m
" awr-tsver
WirtclimnUcr and Jeweler!
On Oregon r-lrett. Ilrt door north of
Drcuuuo's JaelktoitMlIc, Ogu.
I 111. tr lino! mivs .dabk ours, and w liud
V;ST AND l:'T JX :Sli. j fuy BOJimpliM.iwf object Itf J.-slroy-
lag Vi will T lk m at )cu atu
llim,(id hu.UWd to abandon Uic o
silliiB. "iVe kt rbul (fmir mlies or roud.
Ittcl.ltmixl paH-rs, of Ihu 2tilli. admit n
loss of G 00(1 in tin' attack at Ileams' Stu
lion, and u Iom of five ihnusand in pi lion
ers. Another attuck Is Mpectfd, Lee hav
ing recalled lrHips from Shenandoah for
that purpose. ludications are that a heavy
lug, vcd apparently foriuiilablu r,it.
luus intn .dlsciiro-vjd lying In one oi" .t,e
envies emptying InlO nfiiiges river, (I v
pcor-itu te wailing for some of ihe .loul-lo-viio
pas up Iho rier, when she will
ron nut and cut off the rctreut. The rank
und die or Ihe rebel army seem to bo 1111
Air before Ihe ill'palch was received lust
night a-iuquiicinx ihu ncccpationo; Atlan
ta, tho fya jus koawii 1,9 jur picket. The
rcb told ,our men t.ut iiheiiusn hud
whlpin-d 'Iced, who lost 40 0U0 und that
uur l,voq sycrc iu Atlanta. All quiet
(Sinned.! Cham.
duller was silver. All these lldnes he
wpulrd sent. Hut when the dehvalq
went o luke them ho asked Mm to "Wubi
n bit. These doctors nrc not always right.
Yesc lxllhcr Ira nfthcr seeing ,wbe'ls.'f
I'm going to die or not."
'Jfcmictvcc rerwe,iU lha condition of our
pecpto iu .thai cnyntry as becoming more
disireMiug. Tio .l'dtrsburg lixpres suys
Iho tiinkei-s routd !' rebels ut Johnsbo
ro, and .destroyed the railroad iKirlh and
south of thu tuwii. They intend lo hold
the poillinu ut Johusburn, so as to com
der llieimprwloii that If they drtert Iht-y'iH-ll Hood to fall back. The lmikee j-radui;lly g'.lcg ground, ','hey 10a le sev
will be placed In our Itonl rantts. urmii rurcu u wlliuatcil nt 1.200. uucksoiisi -;u'(ViJor(a '0 fljnk Ug but hiilit). Wv dnw
A good old ludy who hud tw9 .cjilldren
sick with Ihe measles, wrote lo a (rjend for
Xutv York Jlanldi .correspondent will ii,. bi-si rpinnlv. Tho friend had just re-
'..-. . -. ----- -
Sheridan 1st. suv of Wednesday's fi'hl
near Marliusbitrgj wo nttueked enemy's
outposts lo make him show bis hund, which
he did 1 then we deployed iu line uf battle.
Heavy skirmlthlpgcusued, the enemy push
ing forward n heavy celutttn, our forces
has Issuid an order that those volunteering cavalry uttn-keu tin in, uud '.he fight it -ml
10 coma Into our Hoes, have transportation graV- .-a,
lionte, If within our lines, or In -.); : ....,. Rt".I.oul.. 20iIi The Sioux City ..'
Xorlh tley may clw'c, rnc order will
IV;iiiaE)fauiifttcturer and ripdur ol
aiiorisof Watches, Chronometers, Clcck
Mutleul mid nllwr Innrumenif. etc.
Also. JKWKLUV tiiaiiufaclurnl nnd
repaired, after llw inot upprnvul tik' in"
(In art. siul warrontul (uruueycur. I'rlcts
nccordiug to lime.
Chropouiclca nnd jyaVJliiMl-V
Jsektniivill,-. Jimo 2-V UWi .tin
30 ?E3 uSL 333 3F8. &
3)17 Goods ml iSroccslcs,
TstksonvlUe Aug- M "'''
(1 prepsrctl to wanufucluro to .ordcr.1
WpifriWd W'ISncKs,
Aa.-lli,9wlfltenil lo pspv hwiglgitp.
,5!wJog s,cJulne reiiuHV ?nd If1
battle will be fought mar Atlanta, on lliel"-. circulated Iu Ihe enemy 1 camps.
rebels 3 miles "lout Murilusburg. vhere
there was a lull; our falling baejc wus In
uccordancc with Slidaui orders.
hltr, ofi tho 27lh, says Kill, of tho vti'iur. lluui;cr n Yu., pd.-Averlll'-i,divlIon
:-?, "twr-j iir ciw 91 tnr pic
termafiir's Depurlmeiit, has jul arrived
rtfnJ rminlnr nnflltlnn
' WiHrTto yp fci" 9 flu '?
Mont liberal tunas, for oh. or other ready
pr. A. C. ALHEIIT8.
Jscktonvlllc, April. 30, ') ap!30ra3
Ctil wnk.
Xashville, -lOih.-It Is rumored thai
Wheeler's cavalry, numbeiing six In eight
thousand, with ten r 12 gun, Is advanc
ing on Xailiville. They ore near McMlnn
IpHvIlle, BilvAqcing toward Murfrtoboro-
iireoit c.citeAtH,nt prevails, but .nojipprc
lienilons need bo felt. 0 reports from
Hl-euiiin. Uisiiutches from Lebanon, to
half pail eight lids morning, say , (J en. Mul
lg.yi is in Wheeler bond.
Louisville, -20th. It I reported that
Wheeler, witli hi enlire force, hss appear
ed bevond the rOumberlund rUr, ihree
miles below Gall,itin. caplitred a .company
ef Federal. uid ,w-re ultempllng tp crews
the river this ttorniug ror au adyance on
vWushlngloitj Jst. War Dcpsrlenpnthss
received Gen. CunbyU Official regattas
fulinws t
New Orleans, 24tb. Fort Morgan sur
rendered unconditionally at 2 o'clock -yes
terdoy aflornoon, with -200 prisoners, 60
nieces artillery, and u Uirgo quantity njale-
rlul. In 12 hours prececding tho surrender,
-2M) shell w,ere throyp Into the roil,. The
.citidul aud )wrra.eki ,ere entirely destroy.
cd. The ioin ge,nej-.ally are niyicb Injured.
J'sny gAD were fpiked and ,Ute ,cs,vkigs
bywtd. Mu,cb ammunition .was destroyed
hy ihe rebels. Our loss, o&e killed und
wjven wounded.
Washington, 2J. Lelcit In'urmallon from Fort .Union. Jlo rejiorls that n bat
from Ihe Army or Ihu l'utnmao says ull ',-, qeenrcd U-lwe-eti Geo. Sudley's com
was quiet yesterday, A number of hel!s ugd and ..000 Indians, car Ijlulfo rlyer,
have btvu trhowii inlo lMersburej from 11 ,m iho !3llt. The InUr.r were defeatee,!
inqujiter llS-Ul'Ji inejr,ti;r, tg, deter Ihe rebels
rr9m .fring 09 our pickets. ,Il scviiHite)
Imy.c hud the desired iffect.
Xew Yotk.-V.I Tko )f (raid's sx;c!al
wllh 0 loss of l0. Ourlu was tj flllvU
and 20 or ,30 wounded.
I UHfa,:. -2d. Steamer Wcela froitj Liv
erpool 2W. ha urrlved. JJifllculties bc-
says the 18lh Illinois cvidry have Jusi ,r.c- tween lha F.gypilun Government and the
turned from a s,cout lo ,Uperville, Asfc- Untied Sqitei have been neyuteu. Ajniisn
by nnd Snicker's jUap, and liud order Jo custom utilhorllle liavu lued orders tlmt
urrest all ahlc-bp-Jteil men bolween 18 nu.ij 1 0 ship of war of cither Anicrlcau belllg
nn. 'I'hlrtv-two .iem brou-'ht in. IncluJ- L..m da aTlowe-d to enter any 1'ncllsli
port, for Ibe .purpose or beltjg.UUmanlieg stennier, AVostioe, on 1110 way irum
or coaling. F.roncivn to Sucrojpento, exploded her
XnhvTle,,'2il. SberinevpV! advance eu- boiler, tX hair-past nipe o'clock last night,
tered Athipti this mmplng, at l o'clock, wbeu nt 4lw head of Stfa.nVoat Bluub.
of cuvalj attacked the enemy this mor
ning a Ibo; disittocejunlh uf Murtiuiburg,
and Is rapidly rollowlng them tip; ho bus
captured 2 battle flags, many prisoners,
nearly a whole- Iruin uf wugons, u herd of
cuttle, un-! by -1 In the ul lernooncame upon'
u divjsiQli of rebel infuutry und engaged It
Wo ure within hulf a inilo or tVinclicstcr.
Kngagenicnt not ended yet.
j San J'ranclico, 5ll;i. 1'rlvate dispatch
I i,(Sat'trday, quoted gold ut 230 to 21?.
I Sacramento, Otb, (5 A- M.Opposltion
o-)!ved 11 note from another lady, eiiqulrlng
the way to make pickles. In tho ronm
slon, the lady who enquired about pickles
received ihe remedy lor the measles, omj
Iho tvisini" mntlier or Ijie strk children
read yllli horror tho rollowlng : "ScaliJ
thew Jhre-c or fo limes In very hot vines
gor. and sprinkle , them witli salt, mid lo n
few davs they wJll-bj) cured.-'
, -
Jeff Davis, says tho Frovidenee Jovrna':
has quite as much trouble with the .Gover
nors or Xnrth Curollna and lie.orgia as .n,r.
Lincoln .does with the Governor oT M?
York. Tho Governor or Xorlh Carolina
I charged with nnrhen sjmpathle, ns
Tj3 Kxcellcncyofljei york Uwltb south
ern. Would it no; fee a ood ldea,t9,mkp
nn rxclnxngo.
We hajre no ilouVt He. Guv. .fll XeTf
York wnuid ucquieyc, readily iu u,cU n-
lu' a lew ol Mosby's men. Tlw party dt
slroyed 7,000 pounds of .wool, canlnri-d
1.000 pounds nf cotlnn yarn, and t-eeured
Q6 horses, soma of which belonged toMcs
by men. Ooyjdn't gel flytt out of Mv-
by, although i;e Is reportetl lo havo sj,x
kyndred men, and six pieces of urllllw.
fitxahl'i correspondent, with Averill'a
cavalry, pnder Jalo or tha Jjit, says It was
Ubode's dlvlfioo or infantry and Vungbu's
cavalry Ihatnliacked Averlll's division nt
Martiiuburg. yesterdoy. Tiey apparently
tried to sgrprisa Averill, out railed. l?-irly
wus nt Winchester last night, making a
hasty retread JJhole's dlvtsiop this men
ing ludlctiita llia.t Ilia JW-W luvve (ropv4
nnt .reaspps ,(v.r loo.vbig ,up thet valley
The rebels lost .both time aud men by this
last operation. This morning tbe enemy
were again atlaaJted by Averill wllh cav
airy and driven out .of.MartlMburg, Aver.
The whole.urmy entered to-dav,
Wudilngton, 2i. Tno fallowing iUle
grum frqm Slocutp ust received; At
lanta. Bdrfif Sherman ias taken Atlanln.
12 lli corns occupied the city. I be inolp
nrmy Is qn the Marion road, neortEast
Folnt, sa miles in.artvance. A nanie na?
been roug-aLneartbat point jp which Shec
inao wnsjenccessful. tFarticuJprsniikqQ;n.
.SlRpeiJ.l Som.
Unofficial .reports slat that u battle was
fought near l'"ust Point, between Sherman
And Hood, lkbel army cut in two, wilb
heavy loss. Hardee was killed. Our loss
is unknown.
fdiened.l Stantos.
Lkarnhp. Thu Allowing U,a sjieclrnf.n
or Ihe geographical uowled0,or l,le Lqn.
don Timev
Many p.'rs.ons Inpuire what's Ihc.rtieon
Ing of the wqrd Kearsarge, the .name q(
ihe .vessel tlmt sunk the Alaban!81 eor
sargejs n titer In the squqrn rart of
Xor'h America, falling ,inlo the Uy c
Yera Cruz.''
,Qun -Xavv. Tho Sacramento lfce says
about forty miles below Sucrcpento. She
lujd 00 tqard 150 passengers-$ lurge.nnm
ber belpgctnales only nbout ten nl whqin
j are saved. .Uaptnln eVeorge . . lUlnllu lw j. oft)0 Uo,c(j S(nlw D0W con.
most onpo oilier oncers WO pniwriiiw. 1 uf of ,,, VCftf,a 0f nlcM1Wf oUwb.cii.l
The bout "' Wi-r IP" P"re complete
jv'recic. F'flm passenger F. G. Smith, or
jljjis etty,-! learn Ihero were nbout 200 per
sons on board, tbe majorily of whom are
either killed or wounded. Tha California
8team Xayigatlon Co. steamer, Chrys
sopltolls, was a long ways nhead, und knew
nothing or tbe disaster, t ue nmctope Do
ing behind, came up und took off tbe
wounded, n large number of dead, nnd
brought tbe flrst.news of tbe sad ulTiir to
Xw Xork, 3a.-lUralJ't Washington ' tbU city. On ber nrrlva), t half-past five,
132 nro steamers nnd 74 lion clods and t
rams. Tbe rams and iron clod carry 325
guns of tho largest caliber, and have .u
cup.icity or 80.470 tuns. In March, 1861.
the Xovy consisted of 47 vessels In eo-
mission, nil told.
,.-,, 1 ... v. r
Ono or tho members of.tbeirebelfleisU
ttiro or Missouri is oowaitjkder ln,tl,
Fremont niovemenl. He cbanfeMrtba I,,-,
struments with wblchibe wprks.-bat keeps
the same cad steadily In view.
I ISigued, Vv
' ' r
4 , T
' Tfilli IJIIMIIMI IT 1- I S) . . LVJbJjkw . "