Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 03, 1864, Image 1

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imiiiwpu ,wuw
U MfVtiM
''vim oitnooN si:ntinj:l.
tiW'KIl KVMIV HtTt'llliAV MllllMMI.
U. P. LDOWE&L, rrop'r.
HnnniiiTHix Kor One year, tu advance.
J'onr DulliiMj lr paid wlililu lliu III H lv
month r I lu' jeur, live dollar ; lr lint paid
tinlll lliu rilnttliin uf I lie year, six doliur.
Aiiv:iitiini Ou niinri! (1(1 line, or
.), llrat lima lion, Three Dollar j each
ri)r-tiiic-nt I irirllnn. One Dollar. A illa
(uiinl uf HI ly pi recnt tlll lo tiimlo lo thorn
wlni ndtrrlhVliy lliu -ac.
Mi' la-Mi Ti-twlrr. twin! at rnrtrnl Mtaa.
1, O. l .IucUroiivIIIc Ijoilge
., f II I...I I. I... ..I.... ..
-i 1Ui l' lll.l l.Vlllll. IHTTI"
wi.. u '" m.uir i.i mr nt-i
LTfiCTT Va.'"3 !'trlV f wwll liilrnrnlnjc
Z&WvLtrr wrafc. Hi llm .Maamiki Hull. at
r 3 H4 TW VH-fc III 1tl"ll IllOfllll. HIK1 11
T.fltkr. M. Ilrv.tlicr. hi,""l .lanOlin-Mr lullliM
laallaii.l. MI.A J, HAY, N. II.
Jam Mi (.union, H, VrT.
Tru.trn. Ja. l, ut.a,,' Win, r,y mut Fllas
Warren Lodtro No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
AHOLD their reirular rommttul
cnlltut Ihi' Vnliir1 ty Kvctitiiirnu
or pim-dlint tin- full moMti, In iaix-
H. Hr.ooM, Srt'ii.
i. JArniu. v.. r. trKU..
.) Mi.-cuxvitJ.i:, OiiK.iini.'.
(Wire ii'illi' Hip C'iiiiiI Hint!-.
All liii-li"" ciiinin!lll Ui their pare Mill
1h iirompll' n1lfiiii iti. July '.'!. Mi.
,!.U'K!lMl-f.K, OlltktuV.
iVIII practice lit nil the CoitrfK "Ttlic Third
Jiiillcltl District, the 8uuiviiiT..itrt of Or
vmi. mill in Ytcku.Cnl. War &flp prompt
ly c.ill-rh-1. i.'?i-JjL
(HihTt'r l l-l Ha)
.1 M-KMlMIIJ.K, OltKitOtf,
pcolnl ntlOlllloil slvi'll l rolli-Clloil
Jinn' iii, ir'i.i. ii
Onicc flili II. V. HiwrfK Ki.
j. s." ho Ward
jACk-HiNTiix: OiaoiiN'.
.IImMciico ucir llio Sxlli cm! of Owgnn
.tri-rt. Jitnntiiv. i li!l
IMintocriiitlilc Artlit,
It wp.uit1 In Inko (iletttreH In every MyV
of tin' art, lilt all the 11" Improvement.
If lMelitn do not ehe iillrcllon nn
!liarpr will ! liiadi. Cull at III in-w (ial
dry. nu the hilt, enuintuo hU plctnnv, uml
ll'fur your HVoneaii.
1)11. 0. J. GATES '
HAS permanently lttli In Jwiknif
tllle, nml'iin'iT" hrwumlcenliialt'lliiw
irhoneed wrllhulatt Irelli. 'UreiiyliiK IitIIi
cillttl with nuru 'gdlll In lliuUrt Hiiner.
JVrnoiii ueeillutf'WnrV'lii hi line, will llml
t to llulr ttdviurtttu'sUo lo hlmii'iitrtl.
Onice Ono door vtfi xtf SiaUueo Jo lie-j
ImamV IteMmirant. apllBtf
'Kr fiir!V.orTirlkiilnrii.'call t Neuber'5
Store tA we llio Jlnclilno lii'iipemlion.
iJicliIuv oil bund, lor rate.
J. NKUIIKU, Agent.
Jnckwntlllc. Jinw lib. IftBl. 3tn
WiilclimnKcr and Jeweler!
On Orepon airret. Iltat door tuirlli of
IJreiiluno'B Jnckronvllle, Ogu.
ou; jp. HOU.CJC,
jstVt. . ,CTM..,.,r.ii.ii.ii- ntA rpnalriT li
wiiilforlaol WutchediClirdnometerii.ClwM
Mutieal nml other liuUrmiiHiiii. elc.
AUo. JJVV.LUV uianufactutd nnt?
repaired. uHer the iiwut upprovi-d riyle nf
rtlie art, awl wurttntu! for otieeur. i'rlcet"
recording to tim-i'.
Chrnmtuielrr wwl Wntcbniialcrr.
Jnekvmit llle. Hnuo W. !8il I. :tin
Z 353 J&. X- S3 ;E3L SJ
J)ry Goods nml Groecslcs.
Jackunnvliro Aug 3,'C!. "!!"!L-
It prepared lo .manufacture to wkr, all
klmU of
Matressesf Tents,
Hounmdtiralu aSacKs,
Mil q wljl Ucn. lo jwner iinaluBte
Sowlug otactiloea nialrcd Aivi pu lit
gooi i-uulup:or.!)lUC. .
mwtlllwraiU-irnWaltK cutli. or other ready
py. A. 0. AlillKUTS.
Jackwnvllle, Aplll, ao, '03. apl3Uiu3
tionllml Pln.!l!i lirr ct r)ili'n,
AMItcr lirnMiil hulr o fmtf and linmu I
I licr ttll rm ili4 tmn.lnnfl,
TlmVlrn.l rr I liin ii liMl,iy,
Wlllii I,.k tlioinh lowly nnil nifl k tu In ,
ll'7nin rmiJ n u ijuW tnljtlu be,
lI'Dilltiil Sin villi lir.lrmt iluwii,
Aii'l lif Jrvrt-lr.1 nrril ml lirmxtl; pmn,
Sltlliitiil.iiii' In lirr lu.trMn IIkIiI,
Ttm ftrl f-u-B I lnroM.n lo-nltlill
t . Il'l.tlll a. tlin Iniulo iliili,
lWi.illfi', nil lull Ilia llraaliitlmJl.
f lif w nlfrom mir vIIIhei- jrrun tgo,
V"t out y cnir klnlrnl tu Witr l r wt
Ali'l alia hew me .1111 In lliocmwitwl .lntt
t kimn Imilut Kitnlll mitt,
A'i'JiQI.tkt nmlil, III lur tor rrwii,
Milit Imtt y ytii with her ryt rait il.iwii,
Tlif nill.lo a'rlli nn. I )w mn.lc fall.
.Vint a-n) liimn.l mm nlimj(tlia wallt,
Il'il I nnljrtlnki KiilFlr.ali(t
Klllnl liy IlirJi.iauif n ilaimliler l.-l,
Anil a mi'tlirrwllli I0.1 nun alhrtnt luwl,
I... wrl ' fK ihujIlUr Wolac llian ilt'nj.
A li' I xli.il.rurcl fnliilil. hmut within
That f.nin.T InnUil lirr lfa tnaliil
I w I1I111 ihr rnwllti unnll ll.wnljia 1 f rmriaVi,
Ji'jrmu, nniuiillnl, 1I11511I 11 nn.l villi rilnU,
It mi nn Hi all uiltdat the W"iip
7lio i 1 M ll Ju.lf, ihI It Jn.lfi Hi au.
TW I1111.I1 twtll., l.f tmi.k' folM
Anl lla ImI ln-lr alt tli lid; walla.
Hcaillfiil flu. Ida liuv lopiliinic,
Ouln.t ef A.Vwi,,k'i,f tlm fMan!
Mliiiiii Vh'fgmr r will M
T,i Inti ,la JimiI i lir I. imi J vl .lid
Appeal from SwrcUry Fcsamflm.
'KMtw lfei'V, .Tnly 23. 1CG4.
Tn llii)(u-ti)le of tlio Unllnl Slulu: IJy
on Act f CimrcM, njiptnviil Jinc 3(1,
IW, llii5icriiury if tlio Tmimiry l hu
ilioru.cil tiitr3c an ruir.iiit nut ctociilin
twu )iuii!M iMllllicm (T ihlliirs lu trwmry
nutrrt. Ijvarlt Itilint t (i rati! iwl vs.
ittJIii' f i."vn mii tlinv tcctliA per cititum
I rediiTimbleuler three jr front date, oml
In i-whanpa vhs amu (or lawlul tuoiicy.
The Kevrvtary Ki furllier tutlhorlxiil (n cun"
veil (lie air.etito bomU, bearing lulcrivl
at unite not ixccciIIuk ilx xr cuiluiii.
paykiilc in coin linrtuiucx' nftlicuit
llraritytliwcoifenil. I urn oiler tn Iho;
piile or tlio Uilled Stale Irentury noit
tletcrlUxl In uy udvirtlnewvnt, July 25,
The clrcumMntcni under tlilelt tliln loan
It orkul fur, and yur aid inv(.kul, thouli
rnVrlnp widely fruit tho i-jslntmjj alnteof
nfTairs three year tgo, nru nidi ns udord
ecu tl enconrogrmett and wir.ly. Time,
wlillo proving llutt ImiiriiKgle lir Nation.
nl unity tn excenl In ditr.tliut ami fv-
Verily our wont tntt'elptlloiit, lua teteil
Iho National ttrengtk nml devtJopcd tbts
iNntlnnal reource toon extent dike
expeelril nml rrtnatkible, rxelllig sl
uitoiiWinu'tit tit home iihI ubrond. Tlmv (
yearc nf war have Inrdened yon will
lilit wlilclt, but thiw years iliiee. wnaH
laveffitiieil beyond yotr ability Ii imel.
Yet the ucvuiiiulttlnl, wcillli and lrodtte
n'tvo iT.ergic of the natloi Intve prnted lo
W ro'vuit Hint It hat Vone tvllb cotmara-
Ikeeaic, und a peaceful fttore would lard-1
lr feel lis weight. An n Hrlco ull fir '
"Nallonal exlilaace uf.d t.e preiervaon I
ol free Inaiilullons, It dn sot denKi4i
noiacnf conilderntien.
Tims far the war Las lieet: fupportid
ami carrWl ixnaa il only could luve but,
liyn-tieople r(wltil,t wlnlever (stf
blmxl nod Ireamre, lo truni-mluiiluiiuliel
10 tKiiterlly IliefystemoffreeUoveriiimnt
befiucathed to them by the great men wlio
framiHl It. This deliberate und patriotic
rcole has developed a power surprising
even to themselves. It has shown that lu
less tluitt a century a nation bas ariien un-
aurpatsul In vigor ond cxhauitlcis Itrre-
sources, uble to conduct Ibraugit n mles
finJlng llself uJaw ceur Itsloseobuoit ofl-
Iwpalrod In ail the material clointnts f
er. Il hu at Uic prised tnotnentgrcaiimi tn una cuuui, now ueneu m u
Ies In the field. fuU J) enfaynt?ar. 'neirut hatvj will largely enhance their
(tnilv aptiroadtlng n perlci d ullcr rslvaiis-
lon. but still atrugglius with ft force '.be
greater and euro despewte as it tee, w
bociuse It Feet, the near opproiwh of fin
al and fatal co .umtnallou. Such, in my
deliberate judgment, i3thcprcent eondl
lion of the great conUit lor civil liberty
lu wbieb you axe now uigaged.
JJp lo thu present moment you lmve read
ilv und elieiilully ufforded the means necrn-
sury to support your Oovernment In tliU
nrntrnclei t rtiL'L' e. 11 is your war. !'
.-,,, ... . --- ,- .
italneil il
nroclahn it. and YOU have FU
against traitors everywhere with a patriot
lo devotion uuwrpasl lu the worjd'a bis
tory. The securities ofJVred we audi as ?ould
command your ready fiQnfldenee. Much
tffojt has been made to tjbake public faith
in our Nutlmul credit, bath at lioico und
abroad. A" ye' we "ai'e 8,;vU u0 wreigu
aid. Cabn aud self-relUnt, our own weapi
i,.,vp unwed adectuste U our wants. They
. .
arc jet naiple lo meet tiiose cf the prejeut
jml the luture. Jt.sillUcmalns fvr u pa-
iriotlc ioplo Xo XuroUli Ihe utedfal sypfvy.
The bxaye oeu .who sre fighting our bat
tles liy land ond sea must be fed and chilli
id. munitions of war ol all kinds muii oe
lfurulsbi-d, or tde wur must end; lu dcleat
ami ilisr"et'' 'tM I" ""l ,'"' ,il,,IJ ',r ""'
lover of Ills country I" Itupiiro uA tn llio
I ulntu of tlio nioni'V nwrliot, or nl whctlivr
Ik qui 110 Invent lili surplus cuplliil us tn
yield him u larger return. Nn return nml
nn profit cull li ilnlrnble II fulloyuil by
Nntioiml dlntolntioii nr Notional iligrucc.
1'n.icnt profit tlniR iinpilrnl In hut t lie prt
enwrr of fuliiro mill pmly ilittuclloti,
Nn Invmiiiu'iil nui be to nircly prolltuli!u
11 t Ihi t wlilclt IciiJi to liinire the Nntioiml
1 11111 cnciMirnjritl In tlio Ittlicf tlml liy
llic recent. IcffMallnn uf Cungii'". Iliniiices
mny noon lie phiceil upon n toiitulrr nml
more uliiblo fimtliip. Tin priirnl ileranj,'uil
coiiilltliiti of our uoiiutry in iinptltublo, In n
urciit iKtiv, In iliatuilhiuern nrlnlnj; from
llic wllliilnuvul oriiiTOary clucks, ofirn
IncvtUiblo In llmo of wry, win n f.xpiiulu.
Iitrcit mill I lurly rxcovtl any poiUilu nip
ply of coin. Tin oporliinltleH tliiH prevn
tnl to ilciptirc "iiiIiKmi wealth have Inl tu
vicIlUM an'Clllilllon, 0 COIUCtpH'llt liicnf'i'
of price urn! violin t lluctimtiun. Tint run
cly hi to be fiMiml only hi cntilrollifit; Hie
nvcenilly wliloli hcK'tli llio evil, llllliirln
wii have fell llio uicil of mnru extciKlve
ami vIkhIoiih luxation. Severe cunum-nt
hii Iiitii iniulo upon what ccinnl lu many
an iiiiiIiiu IliuMily or lariline of ncllon.
in the part of CoiiKrifK, in thU roaril,
I ill-cm it hut jutt tu tuiy Ihal very Krviti
nilimpprihciuluj hat CXiMnl, nml perhapa
lllloxltl, iiputt U1I1 palm. I'ilalor.
like nil othern. have much to loam in n new
conillllim ol iiffilr. An ciilltrly new v
lent wa tn lia iK-vl'ii!. ami tll ytnt
nitim iiecw.arlly lis the giowllt of time nml
esprrlcuco. It U not mania' tint the llml
t Ifiirt-fliDitM have- pmviil Imperfi-ct nml
InaJtiiuale. Tn lay henvy luirilini on n
pri-.it nml palrlolic people In rnch 11 man
... ., , , . ,t,,Mt on,i M t ncc.tilon lite
liuit amount of mflrrinif am! uniinynuee,
requlreA tlnu and caution nml van labor ;
nml, with all thwe, cxN.'rleiien U ncidful to
tiiit tho value ol tlw yti-ni nml mrucl III"
crrom. Hiuh Ima lievit the work which
(,, - , WM caM nim to pitfurm
I tint
J inl,iy l() My ,atLilIy riulla are prnvliip
)l(, rra iWnm Acl In r.xcml in tffl
jciency the moat ranpitlne expectation ol
' ,10 tmrtrl, i,c ,notl, nrJiinp. lSRII
' ( TP,fl( about fmir ami oiu half uillllont
nfdnllam, while the corresponding nmntli
(vrtMiTrr returned aboitl flfleen million
under the futiw law. Under the new law.
I wltteli wenj Into nierntlou on the Oral day
,0f K) tirm-nt month, the Imwiry not un-
fricnlly rerolvei ono million in n iwy.
A time and experience- enable the officeri
ixupWyul in collecting the revenue to en
iarce l!ic ttriiiKcnt provisions of Ibu new
,IW, nod iu udnilnlilrutlon, nt a greater
amount of niCiTary InlormalJoiiUuecpiinil.
'rite pnHT lourci of revenue, nml the
mot iirclivo iiuhIi of nblalnliig it, are
lt Mat tUvelotietl ki the cteculUn of ;
j8ti,g law.
4n, J mM ci1 ineawres to be lul
ilutul whiek v, U la believed, eiwblu
cMtitrs to improve uud tulurgo the
a vat em as, wlieo Inlaw In wwneclliw with
ihe reveimc Imhi eultm uisd other dotncti1.
tn ufird 011 maple n4 cecora baaU for
ll NiilWwal rcdrt. Only on focti u bn
aV, und in a. 'Hearty ami vigorous relrulnl
mnnurNMey,'iit n remedy bo found for
ex'ifihigivil fiuclt realraint cunonly.be
esirclreil when llio (lovermncnt U furnbli
til willt meant tn provide for Its necwl
ties. Hut without tuo um 01 11 p.imnni.
jpeople any government li powerless for
ibis nr uny other deiirnble need,
The denominations oftlio notes jvroposul
t) Jbe IwiWed, place Ihoso fr-irltles wilhin
nc rei-A iA all who arc dUpoml loold
llelr enualry, lor (IkSlc rcdnpllao tne
fu'Ut and honor ond profxiiy of itiatcnuii
lrjurenleninty pteilgetl A weersiful Is-
valu to iLe (widen and reuco onco re
sloJ, nil burdens can ba lightly borne.
lie hu selfishly withholds bis it'd lu the
hnic of turning bis available means to
grcattr Innneillale profit, Is 'peculating up
on hlseoiinlry's misfortunes, and may find
that w'lut seems to bo present guin lead
only It future loss. I appeal, therefore,
withcoilldiiico to a loyal und pjtflotU?
people, i ml Invoke the (ffotla of all sko
love ther country, and deslro for It agio
rlout fojire. lo old their Oovernwejit bi
I sustnltalffft Its credit and placing ibatcrcd
it upon a liable foundation.
W. ('. Fkssknuek, Sec 'y of Trefisy,
TiiuMAaiixKRYAr tiik Human 15pjv.
Very few mechanics are aworo how
mud machinery there Is, In constant ac
tion, m ibelr own bodies. Kot only arc
I . . . ..!
, thero Wages and joints in wones, imi irc
I in (do ivelns, o &rco pamp In Hie heart, and
, curlnslllrs In other parts of tie body
equally striking. One of the wusclcs form
an ncittal pully. The bones which support
ibe bmly aro udo precisely lu Idat form
whlcb'bas been arcerlaloed, by calculations
und experiments, to bo (be strongest for
nillars and r'unnorttns columns lhat of
hollow cylinders.
arttiwrfW w iiiwafw h i-WS
iMr i tq&l k&AuteMaMiiM a.i
A Half Cocked I'lstol.
rmn..ol.ller man. A larKo nbtc bcxl-1
Icil lioltlarouii noldicr boy. I'm in the Ar-1
my a pud of tha Urn ml Army. It ii
nlirli tutlii llircfl awcBt vnirs alnco I mllltnl '
ol.l brimlle cow and Icincil my Arabella ,
slnrledtn follow' n m ilrtitn way
iiiul slnrk'il to rollow n Im.ao ilrtitn way
down in the land of bn'oiirr, where gentrr-
uN clmiie their lute ortener tlutn wo una
.1.. ... .1.1.1. ..i ...1.. ....1. ...1.. .11..1.
111 inn ami ip, nun niivni iiijuuuns aiivi.
inn n-lhitr longer limn ilu grecimckn
Why don't you able-bodied pets enmu and
i'.xllnj.Miiidi yimrfdr? Ii'h fun. .Wo Imviv
utit nine in 110. e (o 10 pnnies inav
f?,'we tillcml a Iwll onco In 11 while. And
e are nui profane etcn proficient In '"'
-wurd cxi-reisc ! Allwoilo i, t m3'6''
Inrlli (nun Ihi fourth of out) Varcll 10 nn-
mliiT, We runk na i""1' fellows, Vi'
HbIiI more In illvlaM l "1 inultlplleif
Hon, In lm. e dont initlliply inttchl I
Innl- nt llm nfliccrft ns they go pmiicing by
on Ihvlr iquinnxlal strciU. I p-itc into llm
p.it of till brothetly qulriiiUli nml won-
ilcr when 1 too will be cut lit two und
onVtiil up by Abraham 011 ttm alter of
Hum'". Then I pier into the lulitio even
an 11 awcel $t with red garter peer tin
ilcr the bul in fenr lilt umiclnjutlnui chop
bo thereunder coucrulrd. tn nppeiir ttltcr
nhe U In tho armt of Murphy! Then 1'
flog.' Did you ever hear me iiinkc inelo-
die lit my henct T I could liiiK Hku n Ma-1
jor before I wm n miner in tho Coal j
mliiM. (IoimIiicm In uumle, but I nm 011 it. !
I nm nt terrible ut no nrmy with plctorl-,
alt, cotloii-lioiika, nml proclamation!, when
I slug. And the nweel roup tiro of my
iwii i'oniKiiiuit. wiM w urn) 01 my lime
luiioeenl "Mirrolii 1"
I would lhai I were hnmn ntraln,
Ami apatklnu llie cir! eiich nlj.'lit.
For nit euimenu-ui Ihcre you tec
would Ihi lurltcr than In hell-piille nil nvrr
llilileieruliil toil, lovkiiis lor u chance
10 ne'ht :
Tlio tilllnialn lino intty lie like thU war
itllilletmi long fur 11 good Ihlng-bnt ,
like LUieoiti, . cniiuin 1 (ion 11 loouer umt
have my frletida n;u.e acme out of II,
I Inn here It another vene, luiproniplue but
not linpiidint
I'd like tn ben ijpncral
With nothing fur tndnj
I'd like to bo u grntral
'1'uipiirt my brum und blur,
I'd read Iho papers, drink good wluc,
And play ilruw poktr. too I
If had u fight I'd stay behind
A most nf general do !
Mow it that tuition of rilhcm in uni
form of the poetical iffuilou of n blind' boy
who lias no option ! Hut thin I nln't a
general. Too smart for that Nor n col
onel, nor a major, unr u explain, simply u
almple high-private, slamllnjr tic fmt In uiy
uaiurul itiwkbigs. And I inn always it
hlxli-private when I can get the first charge
nu u iMiiUeu rll of corn-cider. You bet J
O, I uUh ( Kn the I'lTilJtut
OfJliiH' iJ'iwiuliiil Suim!
I'd snul Hunk nml Horace iff to wsr,
Ur iwe ihoie pretty uiei!
I'd yliool.) Oram n million mm,
Ami pop IliU criiMilj Ibrmiuh 4
Or luck In Spiiuglleld ntu iigii'm
And that's what I wouU do !
BevMiloet) inlnnlei since, Uy Iho sin. I
wua inauVs lmny as a (irccraiker Hut
won't go off. by receiving n leO'r Irotr. my
Ambellar. DM you know Umt I had an
Antbellur? Well, I hnve. And tht U
juit old ungelielim for n girl nf her ng-
eel lorly.(ine with n prwpeet. bhojsw
hnnd'onio n rnw can't stiii.d stHI Ul k'jc
is milking her j And she Is good Mange'
Willi n rqntnt lo i.v eye,
And a liuk lr lar bulr
Which U suootii as butter und elegantly
fiho Ik sweet n n ieacli,
And jutt In my riaeh
The llelle of Li Crosse Is my Arabdlar.
I'revkled her fife l,
Dumpy her whin Is
Her cliiek ure 10 fat, 60 frecliK'J ancmcl
ler. Numerous her clmrm,
l.'ke vices her arms
0 Lord ! it bliss when sle queea bcr
Ilerfvllerlsnie! Ain't I In luck? In
deiily I Is ! Well, as I remarked, a titer
from her has just reached me. Von Inow
witting in tbe Army always like letters.
And this Is the soul-elevating stylo my
own fair picture of health Indicted loniei
pE.ui Uiiic:-a-i's (Arwn for otlss!):iTdli brigade bwght wild them ) prison
on't enmo dome till 'this cruel w.srUler, aud a stand of colors, besides taking
over.' 1 want you to stay till the nbole
cf n piece la declared, and como Jtivercd
wild glory. You know you. sro my pet.
Hov oft i have liheed you in my dieaqw
and thanked of you in my wafctr momenta
It la s9 lonely now idat yoji .are away,
bravo, clierisberflf my earthly dert, that
I hate tha blues until my pqor neryous
soullsasbluou ypjjr coat .wd buttons.
But now ( feel better. John Hmry WII-
Hap) Joyal Is bete lo ec jue every qthcr
night. We walk out In thoAv pasture
ne chase the ptgs.ii plgshsaroiud llujjjiljl
ponl we tramp up and domi Ide creek
wo- play wild mother's .calves wo liold
each other by tho band, and as his curly
lead llcslow In mylap.ljklaarbim for.bls
moldets joke andjn memory of,you I He
" '"w yo,l"K mi,l- n'"i wouiiiienijit. but
l,c '" l5 nlti'l tvtll I An I I1MJJ00....0
,,,u, ,WK n,,rr """ nm, i'aro n" "'"17
plrlt In hN lilccdlnp but
tirojnerons cbunWfitCA U Viniba
"7 ' 1,lU ""e l,p comM
, do ifuful ike. mv
. ,, ... ,. 1 . , , 1 j ii. 1 wi
",lr,,nff ''""ck. who isd iwnny wiuitur-uoy
"Kvcr yottrly, AnAiiF.t.VAK."
Yts I we tlntr bnvs In Iho Army rihhfcr
"K0 ",0 ?" lm " ",l "" "'"""Cfr
horn tonndu fur mv return, nml I'll fix llml
... ... . . .. ...
, .
lwr Inv.lM who lit not l.le to light, but
1. II. . . 1 .11. I ....I Ilu . M. I1U1 n..nr
lit able to talk wt nml mub Id tocaovct
tho ntnncs wl'-i my Arubellar.
lli nlci' '' rcnil Iho pum'rs nil,
.... AJht.... Hit..... ..I t......n m.m ..aIh..
l. aii in... iiiihuh in iii'iiiu mi; fr;i'iii, .,
When our jtlrlt tire nt fitch rout ntnl'balK?
Attctillona to you rellown fliowlii 1
You trc this Ictjrr la lomewhat ilcmnrnl
Iwd. . Pn nm I. I hnve been tradlni the
tcleroplt, ntnl If Hint don't demoralize 1
man, may I live to be n manikin without
kith or kin tn tiny man, Ami Imtidni the
telegraph newi, we drew pay yesterday,
nml wo drew enrka taut night. And we
drew lieadiichoi tliU morning, till we nreim
ho re oil account of our Iioiim nt n lot of
Druid. If you don't like lhi letter, pub
littt It. I wro'.o for the Sanitary I'litd.
When I die, It will bn fur the .Suiiltnty
1'uml. DiiirK l'ouxnnv,
BY CaLiroili:7A" AiNl) OEEGOIf
llUi'OIITMl i:riAlatVMI.V nut Tilt! vuntiniu.
Saturday's Dispatch.
Ifetiil (Junrlirn Army Potomac 2I11I.1
llitalili corre.tpnndent, elves the followlnjr
partlculitrn of rebel Orncral I'aycnoilV
treachery In I he battle of the 1!. ltclicb
found IlieiiiH-lvcs iniilrr 11 qiitiilruplo force
of nrtlllery nml iuukelry which ciuwul
tlirni to throw down their plrcvii and pile
tliclr iltni'l which win coii'ilered nt n lir
render, Urn. Cutler rent Cupt, Daley of
hU italT to acciire them nt prinouer; ur
men having ciited firing, dipt. Daley tdd
l'aygood bo bad been ent to riculvullin
umUlU brigade n prltnncrii Biil.nut my
: ln a wonJ iUJV00lj ,n'w l.la revnlveruiid
j.,,, niWfi J 0 Hveil half nn hour linger
, .,... l0 iwi,a ,i,i.,inU.nu.,,t. I'umoul fid-
lowed up the shooting of Ditey by filling
011 his men to pick up their iirms mil full
back, which nr.kr they ntttliiptril tooliey.
Our men again openii' on tlii-ui, whai they
threw down their units ngaln. Ihh. time
they gavo themwlves up ns prlioutrs, the
lecond volley nddtil lurgly to Iho niiinber
ol killed. Among the nunibsr is I'nygood
who wassliot ilMrniigb lliehrad. I 'i boner
number betnren IIOO mid -100. Some cor
respondents my rebels if port (Jen Hood
wa klllid fit Unit day.
Tiitin ijellal Winhkagtoti 'M, rays In
ntlack maJi) SiiihIhv on our lifi by Out.
A l'a HHI. In) was knoeked fron lib honm
by u pU-ew of shell mid hmlly wnnislcd nml
lien, J'itshiigli r'i toa uf the ubel chief
tun, killed.
llaltlmore 2llh lluporln revived vlu
Northern Central 11. li say Ihe rebel have
crosAil Potomuc. XulhUig Jlrcct from
llie Upier I'otomac.
New Yort 23J. OuiinereJara siK'cInl
lays Warren's corps' wltunee a n gruml
success. nutiUay tuu rcueis uiiaciau, uu
tier orders from Jte tdatave must be drhtii
from Welduo railroad ul whatever wicrificc
llelwls were allowed to ui through n
gap left iu our lines, and suffered severely,
while their purpose uas entirely defeated.
Gen. A. 1'. Hill received n mortal wound.
Heath and Iw, ton ef 11. K. I ro prls
oners und woumUd. Our loss is 150. Wc
took several Itaudsol colors, three of wjtlclt
ure entirely new. Iu ilia fiadt on Friday,
our los In pin-oners is be)Jeyed to bo lar
er than daetofore rcnorlwl. jJtd J'w
ylvuula Iwtmoro thpn hal their number,
ui wus the owe in fact wills nil mo rpgi
mints of tlut brigade. Hid 'cw York
Ofllllery Iw.eyery officer' on the fnld, and
can musterbat few men for umy. nau
tlwybcld tiwlr pniltlon or charged front,
they coutiUcojIy nil havo saved themselves,
mid given the enemy n te-vere tbriuliing.
Delng told tliey were Hanked, they started
for rear, snd fell in tho arms of the rebels.
Col. Wbetlftda's twu brigades, Ud division.
changeil front towards the rear, forming a
lino with skirmlJbers thrown ogt, pd ud
vanccd to where the enuiiy were, nod
reached our 2d l!;io wigiout loosing oau
many of our cien who were JWS "
awov with tho rebels
Wwhhigtou; i3d. Authentic inrorma
tlon from Atlanta shows that Klllpatrick
has returned from bis rail on the Matlon
railroad without serious loss. He Tect
iinlly deatroyid two or tlirco miles of the
.track iu seyeral places.
A letter from Haggerstown, Md., 2?d,
says detachment of tlw Pd Vn. cavalry
entered Marllusburg yealerday and droyo
tho rebels cut. Ut .accounts say thu
pfaco still holds out. Aurlll holds tllP
river ford, and is watching the movemcuts
nf tlm rebels. Tho excitement occasioned
by the antlcjpated invasion has soratrwhal
New Orleans, ICtb. Iand forcesuuder
YOT IX. N(S aa
Unuiger, vro within 30Jurtli ( yUrt
A(organ. A general nsmuild will bo mnde
lu a'few davH Elef: fully nrepurtiL Tha
jSBfWu.. 0c first to seut n, shot
ffltn tue TMt7
jLDUMvillr, 23.1
Col. Johasoa. ol tho.
2,j(Ky' overtook rebel Jolinsonls force nt
(atitoiu, Ky ymterday, while ateniptlnfj
to crust tlio river, and killed thirteen
wounded n larcc ntiber, and aip.ta.rc4 10U
men. Adam Johnson Is u prisoner ond
wounded kcverely. Cuerrlllfts ciojaetj
iVi . ..
OIiIq county tn Duller Ky Sunday. They
were met und defeated by Qrnyjon's lioma ,
Haltlmorc. 23d.-T-Intclllgencc from the '
UpK-r I'otomac tnys oun forces occupy
n strong position. The rebels occupy tha ,
country In .the direction nf MnrtlimburgW'
and huvo not crnsed the 1'otoinacl V
New York. 2-llh.-Thc Hernl.rs dbr,
respondent says our forces withdrew front.
Deep llottom, on the night nf (lie QOIh,, ,
A Hunter's Ferry disputed, 11 qi, m. on. '
the 22d, says tticru was n cklrmlth on tho '
right, which extended tilling thq whole line,
Tim rebels made, several charges, vhlcl
drove unr men In. Wc were rapidly driv
en through and out on the Harper's Fer
ry pike, the rebels following very close,
Our ivhnle nrmy Is now In strong position
nn the flights In the rear nf tills place,
Ifueniy clnso upon ut, but seeing us strong
ly posted may not rlk nn engagement.
Cincinnati, 2Ild.--The Ohntfnnoogn cor-1,
respouiieni ol the liaxetlu says neither- u
(Jen. Htftidtnnu nor Col. Straight wcru In- T
jured nt Dnlloit.
Memphis, 21st. Memphis was attacked.
nt l n'rluek Ihlt morning by (Jen. Forrrst,
with threo brigades nf cavalry, ;i,(IOQ
ilrnng. They left Smlilis front, at Ox-
ford, on the 18th, ntnl made forced marches
to this city, They drove Id the plckelsf
and went direct lo Wqsliburn's licuiluuar-
tcrs, who inndo n narrow escape. They
went tn Dockland's hcudquurlcr's, but ho;
itlsn cscnpi'd. Our troops soon inmlcrrd
and drove them from the city, killing 30
und wounding 1 00. ,
Hcadrtuartars Army Votomao 2.1d
Several deserters came In, snme whom
think that tlio end of tho strnggV Is at
hand, and relcrsburg nlmnst In our grasp,
nml wllf be In ourposscsston nt un early
day. i
San Francisco 2"lh. l'rlvotc diipntrd
(uotes Gojd In New Yorl;. 23d, 2ZSCQ2157
Sterling exchange 1 :08fn 1:10
Ur.iinitAi.t: Simmmv. Wo have just
lenrm'il that the painful and dungerous op
eration In which General George 8,
Orit-ne, 12th orn, Ima recently been sub';,
jected.ls likely to be entirely successful,
It will be ftvtfllccted ibst Ueneral (reeno,
was wounded in the Wuuliutxlilc fight durj ,
itiir a niplit ntlack, some time lust Novem
ber. Tho wound wus terrific A mlnla
ball parsed quite throtigli his face, shutterr
ing the bones pf the upper jaw, ami cub
ting tho salivary glnnd rendering speech,
and nutrition for a long time omaUy Im
possible,. The wounj ibtrlng tho winter
has partially healed, thu (Jenerul's fiue
health nml fJhristlnn habits .coiubaling
I .u ,s favof. The Injuries, liowovvr,
to tho tallvury duels httfe cevipcd for soma
time beyond relief, and it was lliought uii
vlsabdj to consult Dr. Ynn Unrtji.of New,
York, who recommended and has perform-"
ed in Ihe presence jof and with the assist
njice of seven oilier physicians -the opera.
tlon through which the JfJcocrul has jy4
Jt would bo difficult In o few lines to de
scribe this exploit of furglcul skill aud
science. Sufticu It to say that nn Inch or
so of flesh has been cul from the cheek,
pieces of lead xcmovul lyhlch had been,
lodged thero In the original wound, tde
now wound cevcrrd tvlth a ilup cut from
above nnd secured lu Its place Uy silver
rlvel, the whole being n tedious and
shockingly painful affair. 'JTio iGeoernl is,
however, doing well, though do Ilea wltb
his head fast fixed ns though lo daguerrl-
an vice, his jaws tightly closed, ond with
out the possibility of receiving food, except
beef ten nnd stimulants Inserted through
Ids clenched teeth.
The numerous friends of the General hang.
Ing in painful suspense ou the resalt of this
erallon. must be highly gratified to fcnov
that so far all Is well, and that e Have
good hopes that o uraluable u life will be
preserved for future usefulness and brilliant
exploits in the seree of our country, and
for the good cause which so many gftci
meu (re doing and enduring.
"Youliavo lieenrcly tried," said .a
sympathizing nebjlibor to old JoeCrawdon,
weeping ever be cotTin of his third .wife.
"Yes," resppnded'lhe bereaved ooe.'-Ilmvo
always bad tde dreadfullest luclt with wo
men!" '"
A young widow was asked wdy she was
going to wed so soon after tlio death of her
first husband : "Oh," sold she, "I do'll to
prevent fretting myself to death on account
pf dear Tom J" .'
V l
t i