...a5sg 9fgffSgfi TnT" y i I i i I . .. MIh Major Paulino Cuiluunn. Amony the women of America who have made themselves famous ilnce the opening of tbo rebellion, few have coffered more or rendered moro to tlio Federal cause Ihnn Milt Major Paulino Cushman, the female tcout and spy. At the commencement of boitlllttei the resided In Cleveland, Ohio, and was tjulto well known as an actress. .From Cleveland sho went to Louisville. where she had an engagement In Wood's Theater. Here by her Intimacy with cer tain rebel officers' sho Incurcd the suspicion of being a rebel, aod was arrested by the Federal authorities She Indignantly do nlcd that aha was n rubcl, although born nt the South, and hnvlog n brother in n rebel Mississippi regiment. In order to test her love for the old flap, she was asked If sho would tnter Into secret service of tlio Government. She readily consented, and was nt onco employed to carry letters between Louisville and Nash ville. 8he was snbscqnently emplojed by '(Jen Rosccraos, nnd was for many months with tho Army of the Cumberland. She visited the rebel lines time after time, and was thoroughly acquainted with all the country In Tennessee, Northern Georgia, Alabama and .Mississippi, in which section sbo rendered our smiles Invaluable service. : She was twice suipcctcd of being a spy, and taken prisoner, but managed to escape. At last however sho was not so fortunate. After our forces had captured Nashville, Major Cuihman Miss Cushman was com THE Mil (IF CALIFORNIA, Incorporated under the Laws of the State. CAPITAL STOCK (paid up In gold coin), S2,ooo,ooo ! With tho Privilege of Increasing to 9,000,000 Z aTOciaioLDEns. MAN PIlA.tCllCUl P.O. MI MS, WM. C. HAliTON', n. s. vnmi. J. II. THOMAS, LOUIS MCI.ANB, ASAT. LAW TON, WM. K. IIAIIKO.V, TI10S IIKM. JOII.VO. HAM, nil. xonuis, J. wiiit.nkv.Js, o. r.iiirriiN, A.J. POPi:, HEnMANNIICllKW, V11KI1IM11CK lltl.LINOS, UKORUUII. HOWAIlp, II. K. TKSCIIirMAKKH, A. IIAYWAKD, MOSKH HUM, A. I). McCIIKAhV. 11, M..IMSIT. HAMUKI.KMOIIT, A. IIH.MIV, J.C. WII.MKIIP1NU. WM. AI.YOIU). I'OIITI.AM), OltKCIO.Vl JACOD KAMM. D. O. MILLS, President. WM.C. RALSTON, Cashier. Correspondents In New York -LEES .t WALLER, Nn.. 13 Pine ctr.fl. ('nrnsmndcnlsin Imdon 1JANK OF LONDON. Iiii k undersigned give no . TICK that lliia nbnvc named corpora tlon has liecn organized for the purpoo of corvine on the llitiikliiB and Evchniizc llu- Incss, In nil Its branches, In thin city with CHEAP FOIl CASH MAX MULLEE, AT THIS BRICK STORE, Comer of Oregon and Main Streets, Jacksonville, HAS just received an addition to his former Urge and well selected Stock uf FANOY, STAPLE &. SUMMER DEYQ-OODS OXjOTIiEXJNro-, BOOTS AND SHOES, Liquors, i i i m t. u .i ....! 1..1 iv,.i,.. I Iho Interior of Ihln Bute, the neighboring missioned Mnjor by tho President for r J g,,,,, nm, Tewlm mj ,, jiexlcnin.o nraveryami great services rrouerru met with llm Atlantic citlc, t.urnpc, China, nmi Government. Ed. Skm.J made n scout to wards Shelbyvillo to obtain Information of the strength of the enemy and while re I turning to Nashville was captured on the ' 'Hardin Plko eleven miles fiom the Litter, city. She was placed on a horse, and In ' Ihu Kn't Indies; Ir which they nru provided wills nmnle fudllllr. and lit conformity with the articles nf uswclulioti will com mencv op rations on tin- Ath day nf July ne.it. nt tlm banking hnuciinw occupied by 1onohoe l(nllnii .V Co., comer of Washing ton uiul Rattery streets. Willi tho view of plvlnir to the limine" of charge cf two scouts was beinir lul;cti lo the corpor.tlIr.ri nil llio (itlclcnoy nmlpromp " 1 llln.lk mI1 ..Hld.,ia l...l.l.... ilLb. a . a I. . Spring IIIII, the headquarters ol Forrest. Whllo on the way to this place, flic pre tended sickness and said she-wld not trav el any further without falling from her horse. Her cantors stopped at n bouse on lively. In whom the roadside, when It was accerlalned that f'"'.0"1 ''" -"m.I'I8 imniirpr uiuiiMr n Federal scouting party had passed the house on hour before. Knowing that her guards had important papers fur Cm .Jlragg tho iuicl-witinl spy seized the fact and schemed to me it to her advantage Btclng on old negro, who appeared to pity her unfortunate plight she watched ner opportunity and placed ten dollars in Tennessee money in his hand, saying. "Run up the road, Uncle, and come back In n few minutes, telling us, that four hundred Federals arc coming down the street." Tho faithful negro obeyed the order liter- lily, and soon camo back In the creates! ex citement, telling- tho story. The rebels told him he lied. The old colored mn got down on his knees, saying, "Masia, dry's cunjln sure nuff ; dc Lord help us, dey is cumin'." The scouts at this bel'evrd thestery.and mounting their horses skedaddled for the woods. MIis Cusliman selzil a pistol be longing to a wounded soldier In the home, also mounted hrr horse and fled to Frank lln. Sho traveled through the rain, and jfter nightfall lost her way. Soon camo the challengo of n picket. "Who civs there?" Thinking sbo had reached the rebel lines, she said: "A friend r.f Jiff Davis." "All right," was the reply; "ad. vnnce and give the countersign." Hhe pre sented tha countersign in the shspo of a canteen of whiskey. In this way she nasi. ed five; lint the sixth nnd last was obdu rate. She pleaded that sho was going lo see n sick un6lo In Franklin, but the sentry couldn't sec It. Sick and disheartened she turned back. Seeing n light nt a farm, house, she sought shelter, An old man re ceived her kindly, showed her to a room, and said' lie would nwako her at an early boor In the morning and show ber tho road to Franklin. A loud knock awoke her in the morning from her Leathean slumbers, and upon arousing she found her horse aud saddlo with the two guards from whom she es capedtbe prevlons afternoon. She was tsken to lb- headquarters of Forrest, and he sent her after a critical examination to Uen. Dfacgi Nothing could be found airafnst her until a secesh woman stole her gaiters, lin.lfelfe ftjt j & A t & A f l f uuutr me u-c oi wnicn was lournt mpor lam oooumenw wutcn clearly proved her to be a. spy, 8be-was trled.ond oondemued to be exc- cuteaaR.spy, bat being sick, her execu lion was postponed, She finally after for titude of n nrlvntn liankiitu firm, lusellii-r with that conlldenllal kcIiiIoii of prlvnlo burlnrss matters so generally ilHml, the Immediate management of ll ufTiIrs l enm milted exclusively to I). 0. .Mills nnd Win. ('. Haliton, ns l'rvililent nnd Cmliler rvtprc- or eiuier or wnom, tno Dank will npply on nil The regular iiu-ellug of Groceries, Cutlery, Crocker), Mining Tools, All at Roducod Prices. i llio Ilo.inl of Trustees will taku place ninilhly. Tliu undrrsin deem It adrltnMc tocall i pulleular ntten.''1'! lo Ihu IoIIowIiil' pecu liarities of th-lr irganU.illon. wblcli aro Klllvely bliullui(OI. nil Its members l i'lKHT Salf. of lii Capital Block can be efTt-ctcil only after due ifpralr-ement by ritivklioliKr- selccteil fur tin.' special pur pose; nnd tho Trustee nf the C'lrporallon lave, in all cases. Iho right to be..,-c pur chafer of Iho tek anpruirdat Ihb "D- pralM-ment. for the bemllt of Ihu rcmalnluj, SI'HiklioMers. This restriction Is printed upon each crrllllcate nl stock. Si.coxn. I.onu caiinnt Im mado to stoek-bnldi-rs, except upon collaterals other than their Shares lu Iho Capital Stock of this IJjiik. Trtlistoo s D.n.Miii., wc. HAurrox, I.0IJIS MtLAXC, J. 11. THOMAS. SM. NOIIIIIS. TIIOM H IIKLL. JOIINU.KAHI. A. J. I'Ol'K. llhllMA.N MICIIRLS. O I'.diri'J.V. JAMKS WIIIT.NUY.JlL, nan IranciA'ii. Junn in. I Mil. Im2p ONKand AM. are Invited In fit vnr him with n call, as It col notli. lug In show unodf. and It Is a pimp unt to roll ttii-m at prices to Inw that none can complain. Highest I'rlco 1'ulil for Pro since lu KxolmiiKC for Onoils. J. ROW'S Olsctr Store ! Oppoille Love .t nilger's. California it., Juckaonvlllc, Oregon. TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS! HOLIDAY GIFTS ! WHY WILL YOU BE SICKl It Is strange that so many 'persons '1H suffer foryeam with disease, wheu Ibey emi le so rvmilly cured. DB. A. BALL has bcn rstabllnhed In Ran rnuiclco for ti'ii years, and, dirlng that perloil h nut failed lo effrct n cure In it single case Itmt lie has undertaken. Dr. Hall, nftcr n study of forty yrnr, 1ms succeeded In compounding n medicine of rTHKI.r TKUKTADI.K PIIII'SHSTIOX. that will euro Itiu wort cnxen Guiorhici, Olci't. Stric ture, Syphilis. Impotunsy, Skin illsniw.", mid nil compiainia nning irons imtnonii pmc Decs In lets lime tlmn liv nny nlhcr known proees,winiofr iMinr to tiik hYktkm. Dr. IIaix'b uihui huii:i'. for thi: rndlcnl cure of Weaklier and lrregiilurlties. lu which so many Indies ulthe I'iiclllccontnre subjecl, owing principal! lo the peciillurltlci orthe cllmnle. Is llio bst prcpurntlon yet discovered by tho Mnllcil luculty, us tbou sands that hnve iis-d ll (an bear tctlmimr Dr. IUM. l.s No Ui'ACM "e Is n reuulaily educated nhvilclan of frrtv yearn Mnnditiir. anil nas n uinioma wnicu do wniini ijc plened to show to those wlio may wish In mn It. l'crroiis living ot n cettnln dtstnncc. and sending n description ef tliclr coinphliil. can nave ineir medicines (ml up in n p.ickitge and sent by mall or vxprts', In such u mnn ner as not only to secure lately lu tmmllii, but so that no person wolld ru-pixt what are tho contents. Itefereiiccs sent by mall In lhoo svhn may wish to Inquire ns to the Doctor'.s ability before placing thvmsehcs In his charge. pir Addrc's A. IIaUmM. I)., CI7. Com mercial street, oppoiitu L'.H. ltrnuch Mint, && Knmcl'co t'ul. Jitr Cniiltattons, ellhir persnnnl or by letter. V. .' JyJIOnri ESTABLISHED 1766". PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco NeWJ-Dcalers and Itook-Sellors, Bead and Romembor .1. STRATJ!lAVf Wliolcsnlc NcwsDcalcr, I'scks nnd forwards nil Ihe Pally nnd Wevkly Newpnpcrs, Magar.lnes. etc. to nil parts ot the cuuutry. with (Ireat Dl-pntch. I SELL AT "PRICES That Defy Compotition.Tr Every New Novel reecHed ns aoou as puiui'iiiu. 1 IIAVHrpeclul nrrnngements nllh nl) At dlircrent pnlillsherK. stntloiicrs, etc., and furnish tho Trade with Books, Stationery, TUrmU Iiookn, ItlimiC; I PORTIUITS. PRINTS. MEtMM, ! Molainotypcs, otc. IS IIIIKAT VABIKTY. I bnve nnequnled facilities, nnd Ktiarnnlec dealers thcclot-M nlteutliin. pDSi'tid fnrn price list, nnd give me n trial. JOHN STRATIAN. 8AN FltA.NCISCO. nilngbiirg " 3 oo Lnmliin " " 3 qo Tthc four Ucvlcw and lllackwuod. . 13 (m OrSuli-crlpllons rveelred for all the Snu FrnncNco dullic, nt Publisher's prices. Any Nwsprrr. Magazine or Review, nut mculioui'd In lh- nbove list will he fiirnUh. cd to ont.-r. Orders fw Hooks, Music Fan. cy Article, rlc, llllei) promptly at Ihe low. et mnrki't toi'K tferlptlofis payable urvarlnM)- Ii advifRec. Addre-v J. STRATMAN. invZlrf Ni'w Agi-nl, Snn Francisco. A CARD FOR TILE SUMMER & FALL Clothing Tradk OF SAN FRANCISCO. American Flags! With full complement of Stars! printed nu MiMIn du I.itlne, Imitation ot Hunting, In Fast Colors nt tho POLLOWINQ LOW PRIOE81 Slxi', t foot 81 00 pr dozen. Klzii, '1 fi-ot 2 50 ivrdnzun. Size, 1 3 lect .-. . . . 0 00 p.-r ilur.cn. Size, 42 Inches It) 00 per ilur.cn. BUNTING FLAGS, Of nil slz, Irom sixty cents to 0110 dollar per loot. BADGER & MXDEXBERGER, Nos,411, 413 and 415 Buttery Sr.r Cor. Mi reliant, CiautWtu, Imporfcre nHd liolcsnb ' DISAI.ISTtS. Eiiflrc Xcw mill Fi!ili Stock. T nt. nrm rr nyan A Morgan Is hereby UlSSOlVrU bV nillllL.ll rnn..nl L- ci log In her prison three months, sent for Geo.' Mor8n "H'log. ' . BfSff. and asked blra If he had 00 mercy. uusinTivcu mini mm iue comlorling as- eu'rance that be should bang her aj soon . Rot well enough to be bung. decently. While In this state of suspense the army -v. uwumi vwiuiutaeeu iu lorward move- iSTORE IteiiioTecl TO- RYAN'S NEW BRICK, Sext to J ml so & Zimmerman Ilitwcen the SHNTINIX OFFICK U.S. lIOTKr Tin' rent of my new store Is so much less than 1 had to pay at my old stand, that I can nod will sell goods to my cmlomcM at considerably redueVd rates, ftlve mo a call. II. JILOO.M. jacKsonvuie. March a. 1861. Final SuttlciiiMit. TNi 'J10 '"""? Co"rt cf Uu"y county, I July Term, Ibfia ' " In the mailer or Ihe estate of William T, Uinoiiaw, deceased. Isaao lllngbam, the adrrlnlilrator'of raid estate, having flle.1 his exhibit for final set tlemenl, notice Is hereby plren to all per sons Interested, that Jlonday, the fitb day of September. A. I. 1601, baa.been set 'WM.01' "il fl1ttl,lfnent of sad estate, lly order of Hon. Jl. It. Gregory. County Judge. CEO. LfDlfAN, JlBwl County Clerk. Dissolution OTotico. J. KOW Inform' the eltlzons of JseWon. vl'le uml the pubic grnrrallr that bn bus Jut. )cclvcd mid ulleri Tur tale lilt superior stock rf HAVANA & IMITATION OIIKWINO AND SMOKINU CARDS. MATOHKS, 1'II'KS, OUT. ERV, Stntionory &. School-"Oooks FI08. ilAJb'Nd, UANDV. sow. tJUUAns. TOYS. Ai.11rj.Ms, i-rro. Prices to suit tha times. Call and atr your money. Ohoico GreoH Fruit constantly on l-and. Dec. 10. 18B3. .1. ROW. New ! New ! I New ! ! KREUZER'S NMV STOKE, Delween New State Saloon and Uradbury & Wade's, Jacksonville, IS BTOCKKD COMPLKI'KliY WITH Boat Cigars and Tobacco, FRKSII CANDIES AND NUTS, NEW TOYS & NOTIONS JLsaowea'-, FRESH FRUITS, ETC., KTO. MA N UFACT t 'RE R, 10 uml 18 Clmmlicrs St., IV. V. (Formerly i Chatham slrttt.Neiv York) Would call, thi' nlli'iilinti nf ibulera to tie articles of his iintnuliicliirc, six: nx'OTTsyaa. SxxvlXTs )lrljo.T, Urmlrr-, riiivllsrpre. I'un- MroInK 0ift IUm-. .NulillK-hx. Amtliii llrnllrnun, l'-il.pm YolloTsr &xx.ix.SXt rVolrli. Ilonf iw hwlrt, lllih Tni Sniirh, lrr-li lli rw .",-cltk Irl.h IHkIi T.vut, lrr.li Nlcli, or l.umijrwl, Attention In ciill.il In tlio lun-n r.-.l,ill,i In prtces of Miie-ciit cliwiig uml rmukliiij Tobaccos, which slll li found of 11 tupcrlol iunu ToTsaoooi SXftIldl riNEt'T rtlktrlu, svAVff: . Lnnr. . P. A. I-, ftr plain. a. J,v ii. I, CAiriKll.li.vriiiiFrl, Cp.iul.li, "S,. . l-l'rriilIOiHii (ViiMlrr. SM.I3nilt Till SVII (iivniJIili, Tuikl.h (Irtouhiol. N. II. A circular of prlcex will lie m-iiI on application. Nov. 2H. Hit - v I 3?aJ so JLil pIRCUIT Comi.nrtlio Slat., of Ore J gon, lor llio vuutny uf .Wiihine, Oc tober Term, 18tM. Lucinda Ellsworth, I'lulnllfT. n. Francis Ellsworth, lrelunriuiit. In KiiullyNiili forUlturtr. To Fruncis Ellsworth, Dtllndanl: You are hereby summoned in uppenr In the Citcult Court, or Hie Stiiic o Ori Km, for the cnuniy of .losrphlhe, nt the term thereof to bo held on llic i'.inrtli Monduv, being the .'list d.iy nl October, .. 11. loo-s. mm nuswi-r nie euiiipMint in Ihla cause fltetl, whciein Hie pluiniiffpruys for a dis'oliition of tlio bunds nf mmrimo- 'y now casting between ;ou, und jtrimll Im' to her m.iiden name. . od yuu will take notice that anle.M yon t.ipenr and answer, a herelii summon nl, the ;ilnlntitr will npply to the Cuurt for the rc.iei Uemuinirii lu iter suid complnlnt. Ily order of Hon. I'. l IVim, Circuit Jude. JAMES 1). FAY, ttiitfOwfi Sol fuc I'luiiitiT, UNION BADGES ANO PINS, III Urrnt Vllrlj-. J. 8TRATT0N. .Major Hut Cullforiiln Artillery. Empire Kewx Oi'pot, iiorihi-nt cnrni-r or Wiiliiiiion mid ijuiifoitio tri-utH, Snu Fran Uco. Itnliictloii lii Prices la Subscribers. A TTKNTION Is called to the fnllmvlnc Zx. list of Amcrlcun and Foreliin lVrlodH ivil-, lor which I receive subscriptions. I'ermniiput nrningcmcnts hnvu liven made by the United dtnten' Government for the cnrryliiK of the Mlls from the Atlanllo ntutes liv steamer, tVreu tlau's n mniitli, I nm ciiiiblitl to rrceho siiWrlptlinis n t n miicli lower rule than fnriuvrly. Tim same cure nod nllvntlon will be paid tn the fur wiirdlii or nil pnrkaire, fur which IIJm rs tiibllshmcnt has onliicd tucli 1111 ruvlable n-piilntlou throughout tliu Tactile Coait. Atlantic Periodicals. I'i;it vn.ui. :t so 1 :t flo ... Au .... :t .10 .... a 50 .... :i 00 .... 3 00 .... s no .... 3 ao :t uu ..... 1; on (1 uu . . . . 00 .... n 00 3 uu Harper's Monthly Mnazlno. . . Gndey'a l.ndy V llook Atbinltc Monthly I.eslle'ii lumllv .MhituxIiiu KnlckerUickiT Mairnzlui- C'oiillncntill .Mnnlliiy rclt-rron' Lndlen' Mituiizlno.. H'e siniild call Iho nltvntlnn of nnnnlnr Merchants to our uiiumially lnr-c Mock nr Giunl. Our stock comprises every arti cle In CI.OTIIINO & FURNISHING LINK. We have constantly ou baud (be lurgrtt and irrentp! vnrlelv nf CASSIMEItE AND WOOL HATS ot nny house In Han Fraiietsetx. and our pri ces fur these Romls lire lewt than thoe of nny limi'c, n we receive tlctn direct from the n)iiiiuf!ictiip.VbCMilf:iimuiit. Our slock. SU.MMI.-R AND FALL GOODS Is particularly attractive, ana tb- Krent fm lure to the country merchant U the unusu ally low prices Less than tht cost of Importatloa t W'v also ki-"p ihu 3trlo Vx-tlolons In Iho llrv GihmN line, mIiU-Ii GoihIs we llavq purelinteil In (bin market in.iler the hnmmi-rr and urn oiruilni; tliem nt New. Vuik cost, and lei". Wo piililllijl card In ord' lharsve may make new iictiiiiiiilnne, nnd liidiioe tlm.o ulm huvu lint lieri-liilnri' purobiueduf us to call nod e.xnmliii' nur slnuk. G001I AitlclcH & Loir I'ricc Am tin) prent liidiiei-meiiieiits wenDer lo nil who purchiK-o In mliiMKnln. Mrnlmnts wins buy nf in ciin iiiuku a good irotlt, and srll In their ciMnin. rs at u bi llguiu. We re main, re)'x-ellullv, Yimr a'udlont servants. IJADOER & I.INDKNKEIUJER. Wholesale C'hiililiij; nnd Hut Warrhnuse,. No'. 411. -JI3 uml 41.pi lUttery stitvt Hun 1'ruinlsio. .!; 2. '(14; J3()i ailinX 3NTotico. ToacLor's Ztloticc. PERSONS within to n-celse rerllil calea to teach iU the I'ublir Svhoils, eun meet ma in J..:ksouvillc, Sutuidiy. oqu. oil, 100-i, M. A. WILLIAMS, aug20w2 Sn.Vt Com. 8ehnoli. Jiicksonvllle, la. 18b . An bur's llomu Mngiixluu i.uiiies Kvpoxltory rnlei of thuDiiy Bmithly Novelletto jelectic Mniiuzliie liint's MeiclmiitV MiiKiizIue. ninicer h .Munzinc lii Ron Tou ll-m..tlaS.t'a ll.tl...u ...... ,,w.. o H..IVM ,, il UU IJalthwftllo ltetrop-t 3 nu Tlrf Itec,lter (yearly) 2 on ; iiupu-i jinjiniine 2 r,n 2 AU 3 (Hi 2 .10 2 3D 2 AO 3 (10 .1 All 3 AO 3 30 :t so 2 3l) a. aii :tflo a .10 'A 311 JftO 3 30 a ad Yjnkeo Notions tannic) ',' I.Stlles llii(l"Lt nr Pun fe,mtii Ni) Na.x (comic j ",'. Ciiilo .Monthly. , rismny Follow (coiiilo) ','. .Sqv V ork Weekly Herald Police Gazette " Clipper ' Home Journal " Weekly Tribune " Sunday Alias " Tlineif K Dispatch '. " Mercury " ' Courier " Weekly Time " World. ' . Journal of Commvicc. P. J. Ryan wllPoontlnue the business as heretofore, at the old stand. Will collect ait the qeits, aod pay alii the liabilities 0r UV U,UJ R.S. Morgan returns tls-tlbotro thanks to the patrons of tbo firm., .eot,.nd onefioeUayrebe,, k S.MOlioAN. '.be was Imprtsonedwa. surprised and n ! VwT'WWl&IWm tqred, and the heroine ofthU talo WM' 0 j W TATES berirrtnv 1.....-1 ' -.. ,, en . . TSV MTIP 1. . w W I lrfC. Tlip Un ted Slates Mei. for tbeconntlea or Jackson and Joplilne, bavlnz-be-come duo amt payaWe, notlco It hereby Ble en that tbe Collector will U in attendance Jacksonville, Friday aniSaturday, the 2th aiii J7th of AuRutt. JlJrbjTllle, Tuesday, Aug.SOlh. Waldo. Wednesday, Auk. 3tlt. 1801, to re ceive lie ame and Issue License. Tax.lajeW w nollco the following ex tract from-the Kxchw Laws "All persons who shall neglect lo pay (be unties una" Jn. eto.. as aforesaid aeii(t JJS ..tb,eui"0 he Collector witbln Ihe time Iu.1 ,,,thMI u "oWe ' W o,Prcut. aaaitlonal upon ibo umouni thereor." ir c n ,. . L- w COr'- 11. 11 t.CS),clor for ,bc M0 of 0n uy Jt. B. PAitimt, Depgiv. auglatd DUGAN & WAXL, .TORWABDIHC AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Brttfs Bull.iing, Cr. Front fePtimu. ORESCENT OITV, CAL. tlXriLL attend to tbe Receiving and For 1 y warding of all Goods entrusted to their care, with promptoesa and dispatch. Coosignswuts solicited. Merc.'iandlse re- eel red oa storage. Crescent City. April 11, 1863. 13 N. B.-Nq goods delivered until the freight sl ebarges are paid. I). & i. Mr. hretuer having purchased tbo new storo one door south of Uradbury & Wade's, calls tbe attention or tbe publlo lo his coin P'1,:,0'ok or iinokliigaodcbewlng tobacco. Alio to Ms various brands or cigars, from tho common balf-spaiilsh to tbe most fta. grant Havana. All sold at tbe moil liberal prices. .i..UMn.'obft't.",pl"e,! wllh "lyartl eles In b s Hue, aud tn money, hy alvlne bllnclj; Deeemlr 1S.I863. Dissolution Wotico. THE partnership heretofore twislimr bt tween Fisher, Hro. & Morris .Mener s this day diwolved by mutual coiisent. A1 persow who nre in debt to said linn, wit pay their indcbiedneM to Fisher .t Wro, at their store. In Jacksonville. All dobii owed by said Arm, will be paid by Fisher I: Dro who will remain nt Iheir oldsitmf. In Jacksonville, In ibe mercantile lmlucj, A. FISHER, N.FJ8HER, M. MKWSKIt. Jacksonville. Aug. 20, 1861. nuB20w4 independent 350 'Wder sao Lvdger 3 no Isle's Plotorial 3 50 inrpera nccKly 3 3(1 llu.lrntrd News 3 30 Leslies 5lelung(Giruiau). 3 flu Demokrnt 350 Criminal Zletung 3 flU Fmnlly JJIattcr 3 3u nnlly Fnlr 3 50 Irish American 3 30 'fnllllo American , 3 an 11 iiae-aniru or ttie Times 3 SO QEALED proprHuls lnfurnli.li llietnwir . in i-nii miiiiniiii, tiri-nii, wiin l-riYli Href, diirlnir Ihu n.-xt ll.onl rnr. eiidlnc Jllliu HO. IbrU. will .(. n-oelvil by Hie un deilgind, until twelve o'clock M., August lilli, 18UI. Tlio beif lo bo of 11 poo4, iiinrkcinbtr ipiallly, In ifiiiil pruporllonx i.r lure audi hind itinrlrr. tuck, slmnk nuil kldm-y. tal low to bo e.vliiikd- nnd bri-at irinumiM down. To lie ilellircd In iti rj tin nt 11 1 an may Irom llnnttP.llme l rrejiilrt tl. stitsSJ on sinIi ilayii as shall Vi designated by tin, cumniaiidlng otllcer. Payment lo l made monthly for the finnnlllv of beer accepted, In Iho funds fur-nii-hed by Ihe I'iiIImI Siutes lor public ib liuroimviit, or ns soon id'ter as funds insy li it-ci-lreil fur that purpc, PrniHitnls to bo nmitu In diiiilleHtc. mi.i. ilCCiillipunll d by (llllillcnto lunula. .!.il ... cult-si 111 Ibo penal sum of FIVE TIIo'l SANI) ROLLi.ltS. wltb two r.-i,.n.,l,l,. ... eiirllles. dlrecte.1 In Lieut. I, 0. Underwood, A. C S., Fort lClnm.itb Oregon, and indur id"Propomls to FnrnU-ii Kiv.b Reef" on Ihu enselniie. Rid- will Im opened. Angimt IS, 18Bt. at four u clock P. M. Ridden ure iuviud in lie pn strut. The right ti reject nny or all bids Is bea oy leseried. D. C. UNDRUWOOD. Ill IJ,lf. Pa f la, P.. A . . c iKJttjsiwUioj.,,.. Jy 'tisC jyium 3. 3.30 3. SO 3- 3u 3 SO 3 50 3 (10 WATT'S NERVOUS The greatest medlctno ever yet discovered for the cure uf all disease nrising from a derangement of tbe Nervousliystem, U Watt's Nervous Antidote. T..I.I..I """v Country Ucnileiunu r.j Mercury " Herald of Progress,!.. . '' KcotlUb Amerlcuii Jonrn.i . ll.t . V iy;"ii , c 00 ,'.' ' (Jlulhn) '. 8 01) Ro,,onWel?j3otola(.Spn0!S,,)-- g " Waverly Mnenzlne '. '. a 30 " Banner of LlgM s 60 " True Flag..... Tl " Investigator ..'.'.' '"' 350 " J,W"V Compuiilon., 3 60 jmcira iiviii)- Agt... miiBueipuin roiney'e War Pres 7 00 3 AD i LOVE & BILGER California Street, Jochoavlllr, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN II LEAD AND BRASS, HAVE Jiut received from tbo Atlantic hlntea nnd Snu l-'Mncitco. a completo Mock of everyibbig In tSeir line, and will kecpcorwtnntly u hand an mwirlment of tbo beet Till, (ibvi-t-lnm and Copperware. Rraripe, llydmulto Noxlos. Force 1'iiniP", Chains. Ij-mI IMne. Un.. nAKWVABH; CRTLERVr NAII3- of all slzen: Rr, Plato and wwortcd Ise-n : , Paints, Olh, aizV Rml CJaan: All quallrten of Powder i Phot or all numbcM i Blushes pr every Tariey,eto., etc Also, always on band, n laro lot ofatovea or MHorlvd alxeii. ' linek'a Patent CooWng Store," nnd tho "New WM Ste."lb two very liust and approved patterns In the world. Parlor, Ottlco and Cabin Stove. 3MTc"tloo. SK,r' foP0'' far Ibe transportation or (23) twenty-ave ws, More or less, or Government storm frora.Jaokwnvllleto roil Klamath, Oregon, willihe received by i' ,',DjI;,r',",;?,lu,,ll l2 o,otbok.iI..AuKuit 8tj Wfil. Said storts to be delivered In good order at Fort Klamaibj on or before tbe 1st dav of OctoW. Irksj Proposals shall be lu dupHoale, dtslgnate the price per pound, ami Ibe names aud re lileno of two responsible swarlii. !r .??Ltf-m lba fllB' famished by tbe United StaiM for public dJskarwts, " KjiM I.M. ..Ill k. . .... I m, at tbre J&sV VTm. fiZL ? b "M be Invited to be present. Proposala to be directed to Lieut. D. C Jacksonville, Oregon, and "Proposals for Transportation" lofse4 on S!HenvloSe! Tbo right to reject any ot all of the bids la hereby reervad. " 1... .,. 1-0. UNDERWOOD. J.I Unit. Ca .yr nt ct. a v, a. A. q. m. Ft. Ilauith,0j3l.,July 1G,'6. JyJw3 It will cure tlie most cases of nbraauttMo, .V.urelgU, l'Uy.tl r MenUl D.WIIty, Imbecility, Impotenoy, Palsy, 1'Jeursy, or Tic &lorui, ia a Tfry short tlm.. ni.Tn.?.'' wbo,ei'n'e- h7 CRANE Jk utUH AM, corner of Front & Clay tit's, ounl-rancisco.imd by responsible Drus. gists everywhere. San Francisco. 15, '61. ouc20m3 Mfetice to atocklioldem. holders of tbe Lucber ftwk Vallev .1. JT iii T"iu7. oiato 0-1 urK0a. Uut there will be mKl(lg Mti at the JS. te,0f A.-ll """w. on MoodavX ....... ..,.i , electing inrro Truteui ml other oOlcera for the emuiing year. ' By order of tbe Uoard. J iLHCTS: Sw jU)Vn AND PRODUqE taken lo -X ehange for .Mwchandiso: t July 19.-27 MAXMULLER'S. II sV ' "" ... u ilU I """ MIHT, b VrL'l v:?TT;;-" 3 00 ranf oni P''o. constructed on latest fuel- iir 1.1 c 8 a oO I ving plans. IlllllHtAHA lir 11. .. ft .V .. mi : ,.'' ?un a au .....,, ci-Kiy journal gn Cpclnnall Weekly Commercial. ... 3 00 St Louis Republica 3 il Foreign Periodicals. Lipdon Illustrated News with sup- piemen t au on " Weekly Dispatch. .''.'' 13 oa " wllluilrulea New, of the world 1 1 ftf j; lllutraUilTlme8....;:;;:i2 00 Rclle'aLlfe jj 00 rt 00 , 8 00 8 00 1ft 00 1:1 00 6 00 u 00 t uo G 00 r. to KOO 0- Wl n m 4 60 Oil 3 00 'a Times. Atbenamm ""ri::- RLt'.V'11 Smith ItaUIll Nation. CajutlH llD.,inJ sTrM-s-ini.":::::::::: 1 ,T." 8e.. r.x. ". y1"! or Fashion! CBan1be Jouruaj. u,u" fLn r 'H0d. Dleke'oV.V.'.V.' Loilfln Arl Jnnm.l ... BlMhwoad'a Mag,lDe....;; ' " IinllPra KaMI a,. IL.i, n-. nua everything connected with thesa atovos. wnrrnnted durubli aud perfect. All articles sold bv them nr m.,,.,r j titred. WARRANTED. Tbelr workde mailo r uie Oest material and of choice! putleru. Jffia-Ordera attendwl to wltUdtsitch, an filled according tu dircotlos. In every thing, their stock Is tbe largest and U.C evor brought to Jaoksoiivllle, nnd tbey "re determined to sell nt uiw rmew von wm. Call nnd oxnmlne-loclr stock beforo pur chasing elsewhere. June 23. lfi(!0.-23. Agents for llollldhy & C6a Wire Rryw. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA.- Coruer of WnshlegtOB. aod Buttery atr, Sun FraooUco. THIS bank.la open for tbo Irensaetlon of si-General BfliiWng buslaMr, Will re ceive di-x)slis, nltend- to iU Collection of Pnpen and draw exchange by Tkuoraiti or otherwise, om Nuw VorB, Lendbm Rublli etc;, rlr on M10 rooiit fuvorablu terms. 1- O, MILLS, WM. CV R.LSTON. Piesltk-ul. CakDUe. Sari Fruncbco, July 5 iC-t. jyl$w