Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 27, 1864, Image 2

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t-iit-" - .
P.i.,.1- iviomrwmf! JmM
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TUB OIIWN SlfflffiL-
J, M. SJtiTTII.V, ICilllor.
Arliltritry Arros'lrf
crr nilimte t.x tctlny h bullet lu whistle
byJi or through us, out to our surprise,
Ilolh Ike KaiLe.il and Coppcrhcml Dc- om j ww n)J ,Iobli 1C rcit.f 1(f sonic,
n tub jhuaut jtsr rsmtuxiacv or Torn
; iMiii-K:snr.:." nWu'iiytori.
.ALicso.N'viM.i:, ounco.v.
.U'fi. )7, Ml.
Lll of Agents for the Orkimiv Pkvtinki..
K. V. Itussell, general agent for Oregon,
niul Iililio Tirrltury.
t.. 1. Fisher.. San Francisco Cal.
.1 J. Knott llnu,V Co In do
Tlmtiw D.tvis, pllento. Ogn.
T. It. Mil 'Wilier il-J
1'. 0. Illrdspye lioU Point ijn
Thomas Crouton Crottnnt IHtfsHns ilii
Win. Splcer, luinp-Oil-Jo do
(Juv. tSllih I'n.lliixl i!n
I). M. Thompson Albany do
,M. Kvnns llhiune tin
Tliniim (,'iirr iln it
Tltniii.iF.I'lii)il Kirbvrllkt do
H. V. .Sawyer : . . iln do
J). 1'. Audi-rum PIihmiIx do
A. Ireland Myi lb-Creek ilo
(!i'u..l. Dusu, liilcnhur iln
Tlicodriu Canii-roil .Union Town do
moerncy seem to bo terribly cxoicised up
on the suibjrct of ntbltrnry urrests. They
seem to lave n prcncntmnit that n condign
I punlnlinjint will tilllmaU'ry overtake lliclrj
diiyally, and tlicy tire laboring to lore
ttnll piililic opinlun, o as to avert the con
sequence. M no look t thh itihjett n moment,
and see whether theec arrests rc"aibtira-ry"-or
not: 1st, There It no more fitness
fn applying tho trrm uibitrnry" to these
arrests, thnti there li In applying the term
to tliu srrcsl of uny other vlolutcr of the
law. The tklcf is arrested because he has
violated the law In Hk; tilting mid convert
ing to his own nso the pcrsonnl properly
all we found nt home mm one sqimw, (whom
no immtil, In mtrry mood", Madamo Hum
tits) ohil u child about two yens old. Wo
had some Indiana along, nnd they tunic
charge of htr. She e-scupul In two or
three ilny. Wo also (nund and krpt four
horse. Wc now rtnrlid ont to find Cupt.
Curry, but soon found it wn n good deal
like going to n larpr dry to hunt Vp some
Indiviilitul, when yon neither Itnow the
trcet he lives on nor tho houso hv bounU
ut. Jlarney Iiko Viiilev U about 130
miles In clrciimrercnefyocd fit) in diameter
It U turniuiided on the north nml tint by
a low range of mountaliij.nnd onthusonlh
east h a high uugc of mountaliM that nrc
Tiu.KHR.i'nrh to McKmiyvit.t.K K.tpnKwt.v
rim rir. iKNTi.ski..
of another. The Copperhead Is ..rrlrd comi(I whi (k, nonof tk, jcar; ()
ucu,.,, .. nuinu, .,.. '" C wrt , (1W ril.
nave u lemicney to overtnrn me very ...nn- ,
Tiik liisi'K The National Cnlon Com
mltteo h iro laid ilwn tho following ill
tinet plitform n tho lime of the rirtiieonc
lug I'rrnidi'ntiiil conlwt :
.vatiox.il rjios rtwvExntt xci'nnns.
u of hill.", running
Thent are two
jkw, vir.: Ilurney Jiko, llmt U tirnckUli
ns cu water, mid what liy fnmo Is callcil
'I'ullc Like. This U UnU wnter, but unlit
for life except In caw of rxtrcmc iienwN
ty, nil t lie wall r, owing in the gmit num
ber of uevre mid oilier wild fowl llmt live1
' hero, lit what might aptly bo Icimitl the
tincture of guano. The country uhing the
' north and rant of the bau of mountain Is
jgtncrully good, nn.ill Mrcuuvi coming In
i frnm I lit liutiiiilntn iinil ttnltliHr In I tit hliir.
... ,, .... i . .. Igu of tliu vnlley, hero llwrc good foil,
a.M, Mtrry btati! and government mutt . e . .' . ," . ,
' , . i . i i. t. and consequently good griie Hie whole
pnew the power to nmlntiiin i:n existence , . , ,,,.,, ,
, , .,., .I, In er or of I ils great va oy t ono vast
and prefcrve public ordtr. litis Is done e ' ,
, ,' ,i.i., I, . -1 w'C tleser f fit for nothing but it Htntkc In-
f ii tvtu wny: llmt. by the pimishuu'iit of ,7 ,, , ,, ,
,,..., ,, i i .i 'dliinlollve In. Our cotirra was tirnimd
actual viululltiiM uf law; sccuml, by the ar ,. .. ...,, t
. ii i I i too northratl of thl vulli'V, and over to
rest nndctiiiipollid ncMignlxaiicuor persoiH I ., , .... . . .
,, , , , i ... i ii .i I tliu tatera of the .Mulhetir iikd Owyhee,
thrwUiiiiigit liirarii of the law?. Ilolh . . , . , . . ,, , ,. . '
, r in . ,i in i i kfcnlng u lookout for Cupt. Curry coin
motif hiv fjtn ar o hi- pub e. A nun i , ' . ,'
uunti, inn inn mini mo Jitu ui june tint
we Itud tiny truce of him, when wc nnex
pecliilly i-unie to wheiu ho hud camped nn
the -I'd. uw.iy on the mist UU uf the miow
ditliopi of MiHtty nml goTrrnmenl, and be
ciiiTi his IriMsonabto practlct-s become iVin-geiout-to
tlm wbliu tranquility and seca
rity. Tho notion llmt it. thief, who appro
priates to his own nso the 'paltry snm of
live dollar , tun be arrested nnddeprltal
of hit liberty, while thu Coppcrhend, wlo
It scheming to rprrad di-soUllon and ruin
over n large Ftvllou of country, cannot bo
rraclml until the sttotd is drnwn nml the
tortli applied, Is too ridiculous forurgu
Abraham Lincoln.
For Prcjitloatial Elector?,
JAH. F. (iA.I.KV, or Douglas county.
II. N.OKOItdK, or I.inn county.
OKOIKIK I,. WOODS, or V,iro county
gfg" W""ywwMi H m i wn w iiit
The News.
Our columns nro crowded wltli news
from the UuM, up (o the 2'.M iuM.,sliicr
which tlma thu Uhgrcph line luilnin
iIomii, and the ocraior out rrp.iltiiig.
The rebels coutiiiutd to timrt forufver
nl days that (icu. Oraul ttjs riituig iU
xlegu before Fvieiburg; but our hut offl.
ciul accounts tliow llmt Ihli nus a grand
miitukc, and that Orant Is Hill thundering
nwayst l'olcrtburg and IIIcIiiiioihI. Af
ter a ilctrarato Hrupglc, our ftiii wri. tin.
tier (.in. Warren, mecwikd in mptming
nml ikilroyiiig tliu UielimwM simI Weldon
railroad iruU;, eoulliof I'tlmbnrg. (im.
Wurrin'suirMttlll hoM this rtn.4. ()r
lrrn In klllul nml houimIhI in thU alluck
is cillutaUtl at y.000 lLat atUtwewy
is unknoivii.
Our forces have advanced up Jarwa iv
cr to Deep Hotlom, and ut thw point they
ore coiiilruclliig a canal to turn the rltcr,
umt cotnjicl tbecuctny to ciliud hlsliaw
sls.or seven miles.
Urn. Hulltr has also advanced to Mai
vein Hill, on thenurllt side of the river.
This point is uoted for the great battle, en
tho lit of July, I8C2, Ulwuti lite otM
.McUIclIan, in which the former was tenuis
til eeverul HiiHH with great tlaughleri but
Oet.ernl McCIvllan was finally lohurd
pretsedbytho ovcittheluuilng numbers or
the enemy, that ho wa compellid to fall
back to Ilarrfcou'a Ijuding.and seek pro.
tcction under tlicgULs or lLo guuboats on
the Jumea Itivrr,
'J'lio taking or Iheso points givrs our
forces great udvantage, und cro lun-the
U Ihfed An.l C? fetK-. ...fit
.... mm ijuiHa wm onw mora wave tri
umphantly over tho ancient capital (1f thc
uiuiuominion inn (lie last capital ut tho
The news froui Mobile and Atlanta is
clictring, also, detailed occnunls or w Licit
will U found In our telegraphic columns.
The k'dians have been very IkmiIIo near
Fortiltraadc. Tho overland iiages huve
toppciI ruuuiig on the south sUIqoI Platlo
river, and arc now running on tho north
ldc.tto avoid tho depredations or Ihe In
dianf. We publish a long letter from Lieut.
McO'all, who Is well ijno,,,, to jnany of
curriadtis,ghirgan account or he on
mtioiw, of u portion or Col. MauryVom
mind on Crooked IHver. We have no
late news fiom Col. Drew's command. At
last accounts he w,os 0n I he head wate.-ji
or Ihe Owjlietj river. We Itarn that lie
has been ordered to return to Fort Klamath.
llimttens Ihe lift! oT anotlier, he is urrrsled
Mini cuMtUI(d fo find b.til for his good be- i
luiviur fnilinx. Ihi gotit tojull. Can tills j
proceeding, in uny jul kikki, xi e.tllnl uu
arbitrary hh-J Fnciwly ut u similar
clMructvr, mid with like object, ore titer.
tnllliiiry urrwls made. The ohjtct Is to
pnivrvu public ouler, and to secure the
euci fid mpu limey or law. In lite first
t-MM.-. tliu ouVndcr thrnitcm but one iudi
ridiml; In tbo -cim1, ilw rfliinleroounselii
ittwlunau to mw, oikI wihiuI Inongtirnlu ii
mrnlvul of blow). Mutt the (Invcrnmeiit
be k pwivc fjHL-tutor until the elements of
insuricction nul mUcilieHi arc combined,
and Ilw c.xcltttl ntab ubout to striku Willi
tiro ami sword 1 No sane man will rn con
tend. Jtiithe duty or the Oovcrnmeul
In nip trroi'ii In the bud, and Ihlsilslrivcy
tn do by llttwu nrrels. which Imvo been so
llcrccly dewuueed by Copperheads us or
bit raiy.
It may bo pouihlo thai pcrcnni aro
somctlmrs nrongfully arreitid, but t!il
proves nothing. It U tijnully true of alt
utrvitf. Would you let tliu guilty go Tree
bcuuuso the Innpeint may, through the im
(icrreatlun of hunun nature and human
laws, (ometimM suffer? Ilo must bo u
bold man who would atttmpt the nuln
talnntiev of sticlt n prnmillon.
Hut why ull this symktlhy Tor mrii who
couiikI itsistaive to Ik' Ijws of Iheir
country? Thu naturul impulse or every
uyl man is to advlne subordination to
giivcimmnt. nml obeilientv to thu inwH.
Is It it virtue to rtmiil or to counsel resist
uoe to law ? Is It true Democracy ? Or
der is only iituiiitulurtl by llie.' Hiiccfiil su
pnmaey or law. Our pcrcoiml and our
(rt-ofH-riy rights i!cmik1 un thaiimiuiiiliiuuev
or public Older, lie- who counsel resist
auco hi n iwmy to the public, and ought
to be pluceil under Ilw li.iu of law.
There Is n rnmor that tiio Indians nro
becoming hostile near tho Santlam mince,
eoulh'cast or Salem, Oregon.
Good 1'be'.IIon.i proprietor or this cs
tablitbmeot, leaves for Salem tho first cr
utxt.wctk, to ottcutl the-Supremo Court
From Coininuiy "1).
The following Inlcrcsllng letter wasud
drtwsed to Hie Hon. Jacob Wagner, and
by his politely, we nrc jicrtiillled to pub
llsh the sjim : .
Cami- flimei, Crooketl Illvcr, I
Aug.-1, 18W. f
Jlmt.Jatcb 11'ngntr, Dmr Uni While
we sic resting ui.d recruiting our slock, I
rail inj-M-irof Ik opportunity touddrcss
yon n few linei.
Since I last wrote you, we have been
scemtlng over n large disttict or country,
and h:vo mada our mark In very many
places that while man never did before.
In tho first ploec. wo left camp iaury on
tho 7th or June, for tho Ilurncy lake
country, in nccord.trco with (lie orders or
lfrlg. Uen. Alvoril, to jgin tho command
ot Lapi. Lurry, ut the northeast end or
Hsruey UUt. Wo reached Harney Lake
Valley on the 11th or Juue, and encamped
at what is known its Jlullieur Springs,
nbcut sixty mlley Irom our depot. On hc
roud. and about sixteen mllca front camp
Maury, the Itngue Wvcr Valley road In
tersects ours; mid here we met tho Ash
land people, consisting or Mr, Wells ami
Co. thirty-two in all with n large
amount or slock. F.uoch Walker hud
tpassed n few daj-a before, going to Canvon
PH.. U'.. ..,...- ..i.i .. .. ' .
w,v. ( iing jjiau iu mtci uiem, unci
Iheywcreglnd to meet its. This road wo
found full of emigrant, ood entirely ex
po?l to tho Indians;. I have uo doubt
but for Qttr presence many pr thcui would
have tost their llvcs.-os well as tleir pro-,
ptrty. On the day wo encamped jstSloV,
heur Springs, a cump of loilin wasdij
covered, nnd company "D," Capt. Drake,
We-al. Woymf.-cund ntysejf, were detached
to attack It. After malting a detour of
roice four or frvo miles, wo camo to the
pljco. A trail of sotuo flfleeij or lweny
had been followed to the place, and Ihe
supposition was ihat tbey were all encamp
mouiituin nf which 1 spoke pruviou-ly.
Ilu was going towards Harney Like, uml
wnf, no tloiibt, liunliii fur us, but iiwlonf
the circhi wu hud made. An cxpren wus
imiuediutt'ly slurtril after him, and the
eonmmnd of Cup). Drake, followtd loinne
ly iiuklug gHl cHinps. On the 1st n
July wc tin uleil n Junction ut ltuttlt-snuhc
Camp, on Ihu north sida of the ulley.
After it p'eaimnt reunion for two duys, we
took up ihu line or m.uch ng.iln in it north
crnly direction, lowutds Canyon City.
Traveled IhreM tluya and encamptd fur
three more. Sent n jMrly to the ciiy, and
then struck out south for camp .Maury, or
Capt, Drake's depot, crossing the head wa
ters ol the South Folk or D.ty's river,
meeting it party of Indians, who surprised
mid killed one of our ludiuii scout'. Cupl.
Urrry, with 100 tncit. folloned Ihein lliicc
tUvr. Tliey went towards Hartley Kike,
and llcirylc'Jud I hero was no probability
of overtaking iliim. Wo rcaclttil our de
pot on ll.o 18th or July. On tin. 2It,
with '.'3 men, I was ordered to Join Capt.
Curry, who with 100 men In ull, nmdun
scout or len days, to tho Canyon City
roud. We found everything quiet and
nn sign or Indian. Wu got buck on the
.'list nil. Cupl. Curry left hero on the 2d
inst,, for his depot, 160 inlle-s distant, on
the cutt side of Ihe mow mnuniuin. This
morning, dipt. Small, with thirty men,
mid 1.1 days nil Inn, left for it rontit in Ihe
mountains north. To-morrow, Cupt.
Drake, with -10 men, uml l.'i day rallom,
will leave for Ihe country tost of here. I
will be, const qui ntly, left in eoinmaial nf
lliu depot until lUir ivlurn. Our Mock is
much wnnii some tire very thin. The
griiSH It becoming dry, and bifure the lime
we tiro ordeittl lo be in. will bo entirely
dried up.
I have thus endeavored lo give you n
brief ntitlluo of nur travels, but I urn ttfraid
I have not made It very intelligent. You
will see, however, Ihat tho expeditions have
been active, and sconte-d uml marched over
n vast extent of country, of which but lit
tle hus hitherto been known. Wo huve
hern within 80 ml!e ot Kfllso river, uml
within CO or 70 or the road leading from
Virginia City In Ihe Owyhee. Wo round
tho country full nf emigrants men, women
and childien, Willi their herds and house
holds. I Ihlnk the Igislalnro should make an
appropriation for n monument for Lieut.
Watson, who.o remains nre now littered at
Fort Vancouver, nnd I would be jjhnl ir
yon wouui make nn effort lo have it done,
Liitit. J. MoC.u.;.. O. C. V.
"Tlmnus Jellcrson was tho chief npos
Ilo of (lie democracy ihe l'cter, ir wo uuy
bo allowed thu expression. On linn ihe
democrats built their church. Jack.on and
Denton wero tho Paul uml Appoint
Douglas was ihelr St. Joint, and JtfT Da
vis their Judas." AW Gastllt,
Which one of (lies leaders do Ihe demo
crats orOregon follow ? Will Ihelr organs
please uuswer ? Statesman,
You should not put such hard questions
Mr. Slatumaih until they have time to con
sult copperhead dictators nt headquarters.
StuiMJ Of tbent hnvo already inuda u rldi-
.cttlo.es ,'bull." vby Indorsing littlo Mac.
wituqui aumorlty,rroni,hIer managers.
WATKruiKLo.M.v.Mw.tis, Robert VrWey
and Chaunccy Nyehnvq remembered un
gjorjously in the melon inu this week.
Ulessed ore theywho remember tho prin
ter. ' k
Ooo nyTj.,Onslnu', ckj., quondan ed
Fcuwrc. we expected warm work. The Ifor of this paW,left rur Le Wjllaniotle
nurtv ,ll.i.i.ll ,..,... ...aI. t......... t ;.' .. ..." "i"iiine
' , '"" " H)T..-v.i .ivui vii jweruny. ay i s" ues"fa In nlc
two side. Wo -went upon thejcllarg'e not Places" " T"BpK
"Wcdncsda-y'a Dispatch.
lt'Htnu, 2lllh. Seuutor Wilson pulf
llshctl it note denying the report lo the ef
fect, llmt he Is not ml.vd up with nny n'r-son-t
or proposition- for urmUlicf. lie
odd : Thnl no public man coietiilers the
Administration favors armistice. I know
personally, Ibe I'resident nnd Cabinet huve
uiiljountK d Ulllt in nur iirinle' complete
triumph of nor rause. With this denial,
Ihry will porsu? vigorous measure to raise
men and iniMipy In curry on tho war.
WVhlngtnn, 2tlllt. Prices nt which
slnniied envelopes furnished tho Post
Office Department under rewnt contract
being largely In execs of Ihosu herctorore
nnule. Thu Department has ImikiI n cir
cular anuoimelng it corresponding advance
hi tlm rules ut which Ihey will be fitrnlOied
to the public. Increase or loiter ) is
about IT per coot. ' Surgeon (Jen. Hunt-
moiid was tried by u court martini nt
Wnshluglun, in Jnuimry last charged wltli
defrauding lite Uovcrninenl of large
iimouiils In Ihe way of medicines and Hup
plies. The court m.irtbi! decided llmt I lam
mond lw tlismiiiseil Horn service, as ili-qtiul-I
lied from holding uny office ul honor under
Ihe (Snvcrnmvnt. Presidcnl has approved
of tho sentence.
Xew York, 20th. Nn news Irom Ornnt.
N'uw movement north of .lutnj.t River pro
gressing favorably, uml gratifying result
tire confidently nnticiMleil. Reports from
Slieridau Intimate Unit he Is watching llie
rrliclt, and Is prepnnd lo meet I hem ill
nny time. Tho Jlernhl's llurM.-r's Ferry
corrispondeMit, or I'iu l'JIh, suys three de
serters arrlw-d heru Irom the front lo day.
Somo of litem belong to lyingtlreet'
rnrp. neverul liinnlreil horses nnd iMtllo
from ihu valley arrived today. Thu uriny
it so dlspoHed ns lo cover Ihe forth of Ihe
tipper Potomac, and Ihe approaches to
Harper's Ferry ,Snlckvrr, Ashby's and .Man
assus (Iiip by our ll.tnk moveine-nt.
City Point, Itlth. Warren's corps
mined tn uml ciosd tliu Weldon railroad,
one mile south of Ihe wurks, and met
nothing but the enemy picket) cnrp; then
moved Inwards l'eleuluirg. .Mel Ihe ene
my and had it cutisitUmble lyht, with
slight loss lo either.
Thelfllh Xuw York artillery purlieu
lurly illstingtiisheil itself. Its comuiiiuder
was severely wouudiil. The iiiuvtni-iii
was it complete surprise. Rebel pickets
linrdiy hud time to esean'. A iiumber of
prisoners weru tnkcu,umc ul whom were
woundiil. Otcr n mile ol truck was torn
up. Our troops held the position ntdnik
lo-nlght. Tn morrow I hey urlll eoinplelcly
destroy the ties mid mils, unless thu rebels
come in loo great force.
Dallimorc, 20lh. N'olhlng ikfinllc fiom
I ho upper Potomac. We understand a
small force of rebels occupy Murllmtburg.
It is not proper to state definitely nur po
sition now, but liopa to mioii. Slicrl
din probably more than u umtclt fur the
rebel strategist.
City Point lOlh. I.lllleor no fighting
In-tluy i-oiilh of Petersburg or iitiith of
Jumes river. Warren reports considerable
number of em my 's de-utl round lit Ids fiont,
tiuburiiil. Hirney lulegiuphtd lo Ilmltr
us rollnw: lleudouiirlers. loth eun.
Knviny ulliicked my luu wiih uhetivv force',
lust night, uml was repuUtd with git-ul
lat. 62 dead fuuud In rronl nf n columl
reghlicnt. Colored Iron jut beliaveil bund
souiely, nnd arc in lino spirits. Hue-myV
tronpi.nt least 10,000 slruiig. Wo hnve
hud a great deal of rain about Petersburg
litis week.
Headquarters, Army Potomac 18lh
Tills morning at 4 o'clock, the fitlt corjis
on nn expedition lo cut the Weldon rull
road, nt Reomi station, tuklng 4 days ra
tions. This corpi was withdrawn from
Texas n few days ugo, and has been in re
serve suiev. At 7 o'clock, 1st division, In
advance, hud a skirmish with Ihu euemy
stulloued to protect the railroad. They
fell back rapidly loss on cither tide small,
After phi-lug troops iu line to meet nllack.
work of tearing up Iraek proceeded vigor
ously fur Nvcr.ll hour. About noon they
weru interrupted by tho upriciiance or the
enemy odvaueing along rullroud from
I etersburg In lino of buttle. They proved
to lie A. P. Hill's corps, which bad been
In reserve for llie Inst few days. They ad
vanced at doublo quick oon M they be
came awnro of our intention, Ihey made a
delcrmiixd atUik. Our troops met it
IliiniMnmelo ..k.I .1....... .1 i . ...
" "" "iinu uiem reii-K wiin
heavy low. After un hours hard fighting,
Ihey fell back some distance, keeping up a
fire ull the uftenioon.
" Salem 2-iih. Some Snake Indians en
leretl Quarlzvllle, Suutiam mines, Monday
night nnd run tlu miners ull out, tbey ure
nil coming Into town.
Farther Point X. F. 20lh.-Tho Steam.
slilp Peruvian from Liverpool llih. via.
Londondery 12th, pawed this point nt S
this afternoon, willi 6 ,US' ,vr ,aw.
three men wefo tried In Llverp.wl for en
listing men for the Confederate nUmmer
lUppubartnock nnd Baed 150,)omidster.
ling, and waroed not in repeat the offence,'
they were then liberated,
Thursday's Dispatch.
New Urk,22d.-World's Ma-el.il ...
of Ihe Army of the Potomac: The bril
liant flank movement of thc Sih enrm v
lenhy was it complete success. Tho m,..
my's forces had nearly all been withdrawn
to the other da or tho James river, to
nice; lie altuck or the 2d ond lOih corns.
leaving only n slronir plekel line tn
the roud. which rplrettlptl. Our men delib
erately di-stroye-d tne Irntk. The Tribune
My Wiirre I tnticucluil and reinforced,
and intend to thoroughly destroy the Wel
don railroad. Tlvaclly half or oil the rcb-
eh In Viriiinju and Sliemindnnh valley nrr
t Jt llnnge that ro many persons w
. nuYerrorjiar with iTisen-w, when they cu
Iju A'ltilily cured.
hat liren r"!-5'n'i1 In San Fmncticn trt
evitlllng Sheridan, and llie oilier Imir linltl I ten yi-nr. nml. rlnp kl period list not
the Hop front Petersburg In Richmond.
Letter nf Aug. 11 III, frnm I hn rear of
Fort Morgnn, tale that (Jntngcr had re.
eel vi d heavy reinforcement from IVnsuco
la. Fort Morgan It now hesctevd by Ihe
hind bitlrrli1, nnd the fleet wnt tn bom
bard It nn Ihe 1 1 111 . Tlm rebel burned
nil hotpltnl bullillnc nn Iho nntsidp of the
fort, and Iho gunbnnt Onlne. Monitors
Onldn nnd Mnnlmtlnn threw shell Intn Ihe
fort nnd ditmountcd one gnu More our
force landed.
Headquarters, nrmy Potnmnr, 21st.
Our rwf nn the Weldon railroad larger
limn reported. RebcN look five hundred
prisoner. Our Iroopt were surprised,
many botng in trult In escape Ihe rain.
I'ebi-ls (Irst npppared nbnnt noon in fiont
nt the 2d division orthefilhcnrp. About
.'I p. in, they charged In heavy force be
tween the filh nnd fith corps, turned the
Hank of llip former, nnd rnplnrcd n Inrm
number nf prisoners. This line whs fb-tcd
back rntnu tlltlance. when Ihe Olh eorp
trlilch was relieved the night previous
ojK'ned firr, checking the ndvuiiee mid tak
ing some prisoner. A henvy column nl
Ihe same lime churucil our left, Ihu line
wi-it r.r Ihe riillroail, held by ihe second
division or (Jen. Ayer. which Ihey broke
nnd took six hundred prisoner, or n reg
nl.tr brigade commanded by (lin. Hatrl.
Tiio enemy s ulF-n d much, hit men lying
thick over tho field. Iteforo dark our mm
were reformed, nnd Mug relnforcid.n ties-pt-rutu
chiiri'o was iniidt! tn recover lost
ground, which was iieeoniididictl. At
night we held the line taken fiom u In the
iillrrnoon. t'ol. Cliurle llawthnriie. Is rp-
Mirteti it priMiix-r. lien. I raw foul was
shot ilirougli ihe l)Trat. nod narrowly es
capeil cHpliiml. I.letil. Clarke, of his stuff,
wu shot in llie iirnw Cupt. Smith, of
Crawford HliiiT. hail Ihreo hoyes shot
while rallying Iho men of vnrious com
mands, nml was token prisoner Inn i-scnpid.
Co. WheeliM-k's brigado of the 3d dlvl
ion was II inked, wlnrn Ihry were fore d
to tho rear with it loss of several pri-oni r.
failed lo eltl'ct a nre fc rliiglc case lliat
lie lots tiiiilerlnnen,
Jlr. lltl.t- nller nrtmljrt ftijnifr,h
4iicceeileil In coinpmniiJiiv; n Miclnr nf
i-niKi.v VKtarrAiu.k: i-iu(7utio.. IUi will
cure) Iho worst ie (toitrtbitn. GV-rl.Stile-luru,
Syphilis. Impoteney.Sliln tli.-tv,r4
all ciiniilalnls itriilng from IbsbotrI pr
llccs In let time than by nny bthvr kiirmn
inv.-s. WirilOIT IN'JCItV to tiik kvktkm.
Dr. IIvi.i.'m uhim iiM.tstK, fonUi rmlitnl
cure or Weakm-M anil Irrcgiilnritieii, li
which so many bulles of Hit- I'ncltlecMi.t Rrp
tliijeci, owing pn.iclpaly lo llie p-ctilisrillr
of thu climate. I thu best tirepnrnllnn jst
dlscovrrt-d by lh Meillcal Fnctilty, n tk..
sand' tlm' have used It ran bear testlmoni.
Dr. Hai.i. w no tje.ut; : he la n regulnriv
educated physician ofl'iirly yenm stsndlnj.
ami has n iliiilomt which be would be pleated
lo rhovr lo those who limy wlrh tn Ptr, ,
Persons living it u eertnln dUtnuce, nml
scndlui; a deicrliillon oT iWr compUinl,
cnlt hnre Ihelr meibclne pot tip In a puckn(e
nnd sent by mull or express, in such n nun.
tier n not only In reetire safety In Irnndtii,
but so Ihat no perron would su-pect whtt
nn tlm ontenls.
Itefereiicc sent by mall In those whnmsy
wlh in Inquire nt lo Ihu Doctor's abllliy
n.-iuru iineiiiK iiicinreiTe-s III III cnnrgf.
,TJT AddreiM A. IUi.1. M. t)., 617, Cow.
merelul rtreei, upimdte I'. S. llrsuch Mini,
Sun Fruucbco Cl.
pV Cnnultritliin, ellher personal orbr
IfU'-r. VM'Al Jy:i(lm3
Snuff and Tobacco
10 nnd IS Cltnmlsvni St., N. V.
(l-'nrinerly-l'J Clmllmm street, New York.)
Would cull Ihe attention nr d.sltrs to the
nrlicluK of Ids muiiulacture, vis:
X3i:o"ei7-ju. Sxx-txlTs
M4lr Ih-niljtr,
lliu- ll-n. I'un- VlrtlnU.
ell- ltMN .NMbllKlil-V
Amrrlran Slrnttrnitii, lVnhfi,
"STollotTcr &xxixtXt
Soil'll. II-HH-JT liw SVtcll,
lllirh T.n.l rV..trli, lrrb llwt lw-w Smtfk.
lil.lilll-iliTiM.I. Krr.UHo.lfl..
- l.w.;(l.
Atttlllli.il Ik eall-d lo the large rrductlnn
in iiriiH-n in iiue-eiu clii-wing nml miuklng
I'hc enllro number tr prisoners taken is I "'" ',fl'o', which will l found ofutuiirriur
.. i fiii.iiiit-
'1 4
"In rinp lnc la .'i riiui x.. vi...,i..t.i,i..
today. Ilolh parties Intrenching, ll.it
tie looked Tor nny moment. Knemy iei-iii
iletcriului'd In gnln possestion of the rull
rond. '.'1st. p. in., considerable nr I illcry
llrlng occurrd on llie left since fiuiruVlock.
Fnrln-s Monroe, 21sl. Steamer frnm
City Point states Hint heavy llrinj.' began
Saturday n'ght on our rill -men, lu front of
the fitli corps, whlcli continued until four
o'clock this morning. F ghtlng d.-scribed
ns of thc most splendid character.
Carlo, 21st. Thc New Orleans Era, or
the lOlh, says Acting Master Dillingham,
captured off Sublne Pass, n few days ngn,
arrived In this oily. Ho was pi ruled by
Uen. Miigrmler lo ifTect his own exchange
of It. 1-, I-owlcr. lie report the rebel
authorities anxious to exchange. The
crow were murchul from Camp Foul ncm-s
to Shrcve-sport, fiOO mile, uml puroKil for
exchange; they were siibstqiienlly icnt
back to Cump Fonl, ns Ihe Federal uu'hoi-
ilios wiitild not reeelvo tlit-m. Theiu ure
2.(100 prisoners ut Camp Fun!, which is In
it crowded nnd nuliiiillhy slate. Oetier-1
Piiync, with it Mirliou ut his exieiIiiIon,
which went ngaiutt Jiihuson's guerrillas,
reltiined to Paditclm yi-siirilay til noon,
with n largo number of catllp, conshhra.
blc salt and other snpplle,recuptuiiJIrom
the steamer ut Subino pnu.
The Indians and guerrillas California
secessionitls In Surprise Valley, neur
OiMwe bike are hostile. The settlers uml
Iiidluns have hnd n brldj lltllo fight, in
which twelve or thirteen Indians weie kill
id, and one while man's arm broken.
in-iaTTwrnm w mm mwmh
Administrator's 2"otico.
VTOTIOK Is hereby given Hint Idlers of
Xy admiiiistriiiion, nn tho cslnloor Isaac
Mill, lalu ol Jackson County, Oregon, th
teased, have been grujiled lo Ihe undersign
Ml. All persons ImvirV; ehilms iii-aiiml
said estate, ure nquecteil lo present them
with the projwr v.mehers, tn iheiinderrilgn.
ed, nt Ii s resitlenci', mar Ashland Mills,
within six mouths ftom this dale, uml ull
persons iiidebltd lo sqld estate are reque.
letl lo in.iko Immediate paymout to the
Aiigml 2". I8C4. ane27wl
SEAI.ni) Proposals Tor the Iraiwporlntlou
ol (23) twenty-live Ioim. moru or less,
or tioyeriunciit stoics from Jackonville to
lorl Maiiiath. Oregon, will l received by
the iimleislgned until 12 o'clock M. AugmTt
Mil, lnlil, .Salil Horc In lui ,l..li.-..r.i i
good order ut Fort Klniuatb, on or beforeH
ion mi nay in uciotx-r, IBIi-t.
PniiMuds rtiall b In duplicate, dcslgnnto
he pric i per pouud, and the names and ics
lilenoiif two responsible sicurltlec
1'itywgiit to k- uutlu upon coinplctlon of
It'0i!:,'!"JI,c.l,ln,,l'of"n'1 ft'mWiid byiUo
UiiUe,l States for public dbbuisetnoiiu or
sssssr ,huy wajr bu vU& &
ifiriantH,i,U w"l ,'w opene-d August "filh,
J..cuoviii ; amrXrtZPZ
IruiutMir ut on" Bnii..r..i .... . ;..? .."'". "r
Tin, i.i.i.t , -- "ii iuu eiivuiuiM',
Ft. KUuuili, Oa.i jy 10,'SiV jjwa j
Tobnooo t
sviKU'ii ri.tMii riitmsm stoutst
i.n, r. . Im nr rhin, t.j(.
"!. (iirii.lMi,iK'SMl, fnl.h.
'A Srr.Srrntl l)n.iis Cnltr.
.N.-. I 1 3 mltnl, Tlu full Ut.i.lUU, Tulkt.li
tlniiiul.ilv.l, ,
N. II. A circular uf price will I mt
on uppllcnllon. S'nv. ?k. '.1--tI
C1IRCUIT Couit.ortbe Slole of Ore.
J gun, lor ihe eouuiy or Jewcpblur, Oc
loher Term, lBfit.
Luciuda Hllsworth. I'lalntlff. rs. Francis
Kllsworih, Defendant.
In llijiilly Mult furUlrurrf.
To Francis Kllsworih, Defendant:
Vou ure hereby summoned lo sppesr
in the Circuit Court, of the Slate ol Ore
gon, for the en u nly of .low phlne, nl tl
let m thereof In bu held on the Fourth
Miuiduy. 1 lug ihu II Ut day ot October,
a. ii, looi, nun answer llie complaint lu
litis euHke IHetl, wlie.ein the plaintiff pr)s
for n diiuoiuiiuu of Ihu bunds nf matrimo
ny now existing belwet-u you, and I remit
lur lo her nulden name.
And you will lake notice that unless
you appe-ur and answer, us herein summon-
til, Ihu plalntilfwlll apply to the Court (or
the relief th nmml, d iu her fuld reunplsiiit.
Dy older or Hon. I'. P. Prim, Circuit
Judge. JA.MKSD. FAY,
!?2lC Soljr U,j Julntirn
Teacher's Notico.
PlUtSONS wishing to receive cerllfi
cates to leucli in the Public Schools,
can meet me iu Jucluonvllie, Saturdsy,
Sept. ad, 1801.
nug20w2 Sup'l Com. Schools.
Jucks(iiivllk 19. 1H1J4.
Dissolution ZVotlce.
fpilH piirlnersldn hereloforc existing be
X tcun Fisher, Ilro, fc Morris Menscr is
Hits day el solved by mutual consent. All
iersnu who ure in debt lo said Grin, will
puy their indebiediiou lo Fislier ,t Hro.,
ul Iheir store, iu Jueksoiirille. All debts
oteiil by raid linn, will bo puld by Fisher
& Ilro., who will reinuin nl their old stand,
lu ilacls3iiville, iu the mercantile bulr.css.
M. MtiNSI.lt.
Jaeksonville. Aug. 20, 18C4. nug204
j&JSTirx 230TDE3.
The greatest medlelna ever yet discovered
for the cure of all tlistun-s iirlsing frnm
deiungeiueul of Ihe Nervous System, is
AVntt's Nervous Antidote.
It will euro the most eases of
Imbecility, Iinpott-iicy, I'uly, Plcursy.or
Tic Ouluruux, In a ttr) ihurl Hint.
For sale, wholesale, by CRANK k
IHU II AM. corner of Front 4 C'ly Sl,
Sun Fruni.seo. nnd bv resnuuiible Drug
gists cverywliere.
5nu FruncUco. 15, "C-J. noeSOmir
Wotico to Stockholders..
NOTIOti Is herebv given lo Ihe stock
holder of tho Luck?!- Occrk Vullef
Irrlgaibig and Milling Company, In lb
county of Josephine, Htule of Oregon, llmt
there will bo n meet mi held nt the rrsl
l'n nrA. H. PhniVr.on Monday, til
jaili thy of Sept.. lOGt. nt 1 o'clock "
for the purpiwv of eleullng three Tnwiets,
uml other officer lor the ensuing year.
Dv order of the Hoard.
A. II. I'hA'ITKR.8Pc.
July 1 3.-27 M AX M CLLKR'S.