Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 27, 1864, Image 1

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owitfcuy ! iKiiiwMrjMMruiM inigm-ltt jwwijimwi imwuimm
VOL. 1X.N0, 82
' .
JfrW&yM ,rJk fBlilWfflBmH' bATffiHIIP
A . Is. "bt IM'1MK0 ww jri.-irKvnik
tsjuu KVciir HATiunir jiohnimu.
Si F. SOWZSIX, frop'r.
SuDscniriioM For One year. In odvanco.
four Dollars If paid within tin- llrst six
month of tha year, live dollars ; If mil paid
uutll thu aNplratlon of the year. Mx dollar.
Advkbtisisii One square (10 Hues or
e). Hrtt Insertion, Tlirco Dollars: each
mbvqncnt Insertion. Onu Dollar. A Oln
coant of fifty per cent will ba ntmle to those
ho adrrrllM) liy the year.
dry tnl Tcmltti tltM tnrtm t tstn.
I, O. U. I' JiicUMtitvillo I.otlg.;
jrVJS. Inj. on ItliUy ir iU nrl
! I iktl iitniiili
, and on I
Itr,1vj aiiinuytitn.il intcmnliiit
''W-i wtk,n tut, .iitunK linn, I
jo'dKkH. l)nibniliiFrltiinilin(Ar(ilnritl
MUNOi. fll.AS J. DAY, N. 0.
Jon McLivntuy, ft fn'f,
pTr...I H. -Us, V.,.,. It., na Us
Warren Lodge No, 10. A. F, & a; M.
A HOLD their regular communl-
tVcatlntis tha Wednesday Kvrnlncon
Vor prwdlng the full moon, In ucK-j
R. HrviM. e'v.
0. JACOSK. K. r. lll'SSKI.1..
-a.T riA"-tr,
AxnfOT.iciroits in (miaxckry,
lArKa.NYi-.t.K. UiiKnov.
Omre rjipM(t tlir Court Hollar.
All hii'lncs -ciimmltti.il to their csn' will
I promptly Mtemliil In. July XO. '!'.'.
T3..t)OWELL, "
A'ill practice in all the Courts of the Third
Judicial Dint ic', the Supreme Court of On-
you, ami in Yrcka, Cs.1. War Scrip prompt-
jwll.yM. ct- '"
(hMfauer to IWt A 0.lotil
H.prclaUltcntlon Blvcn to collection
tv.., ' j, p. infix in I
" iysn4uiMtnt. "
NOTARY jvQ I) 13 1 C '
... '.. t-V i. ' ii ' '
Orflce with II. F. Dnwell, Vni, '
i. s- i
J. S. H O W A R D, I
jAr.s.OM.Ru: I)hkoik. . I
HlcsMeace near tho South end of OreKon
UtI. Jcui;il.v.i. IHHI
1'liotsiKrniiliit: Artlvt,
I prrpsreil to tnko pictures In every lyl
of the art, with all the lata Imprcveiicnts.
ff I'lcturrs Ao not gUo mil. faction, no
htrcet wfll Ixitnsie. CiU at his newt, ab
J-ry.-on the bin, csawlns 1jIs plcrures, and
Il for jurr UWenees.
SURGE0NDENTIST1 !)' Rebels past two nights have been feeling
ftTr'A'Prc ' our lines on Hie Irrt. Nothing more than
JJU. O.iJ.CiAllib J picket skirmishing has tuktn place. De
HAS ferraanently locatM In Jackson-1 nertrrs continue In arrive In small squads
vllkamloirershlHSirvlce-'loalllliiil. ,...,.., .....I,.. ,.. .r.-hnfj. Paik
nhnnrcd nrtlflclal teeth. Wcenylm: teeth
tlllol with siaru sold In the lust manner,
t'rrwn ii.MIiik work In Ids line, will Jlud
It tn their uHt-ntiig to gl . e film a call.
Office One4vr east cf HaJamc Oo Uv
Uim'ii rt'stanran. !iifllf
For further tnrtleHlam. call at Heuber's
Store. an4 km the Maobinu liioiralKui.
Msctilnvs on haad, Inr ali'.
J. KKUI1KR, Acmt.
Jscksill, June 4lb, 1..4. 3 in
Walclnmakcr and Jeweler I
On Oregon street, first door north of
llrtntano'a jAekmavillv, Ogu.
SrQ joiFrTr. nouoic,
I i. BsTi""""f"' Rl"1 rfP"'rrr f
sufortsut Watches Cbronometers, Clocks
lluilcsl nnd oilier Instrument, elo.
Also, JKWKLRY inannf.icturrd nnd
'paired, after llxs most approved style of
tar,and warrantuJ for ono year, l'rices
according to tlmei.
Chronometer and Watchmaker.
J"konrHlf. Junw 2-.. IB'I t. am
t 0E3 J- Xj 2Z3 3EFL 3
Dry Goods and (iroccsics.
Jseksonvllle An?, ft. '61. auirlf
n - i ii i
.reiare4 ? waanfaeturo to order, all
Eatresses, Tents,
Vlowr ami Grain Sacks,
Al4 lino will attend In paper hanging to
8tlg HKhlnea repaired
and put In
"""ug couanran.
;""".w rd AtnKRTtT
'acliianTHie, AV'll. M, '3. apt30ra3
Saturday's Dispatch.
Washington, Aug. lGlh. Mult boat
from City Point reports on ofurnoon ol
11th n body of troops embarked on Irani
port nt City Point, nnil movi-d up the riv
er. During tlio night, under cover of gun
hniits,Mhy I fleeted n landing near Dutch
i Gap. Object of this movement Issatd ta be
I the dlalodgrmtnt of a considerable force of
the rnrmv who had entrenched themselves
on the fiver, and also n reconnnlssance to
n. certain what force Ice has before Rich
,,,,, ,, ., ,,
mnnd, and If ho is sending nny considerable
I rcil)forC(.nicnt , Ey. try, Mag
j !" on ",,Bn.l,,1e bn1 lcfl' bo"' Mnn0,,ud
'"P nni1 n,,"kclry
New York A up. lGth. Point of Rocks
correspondents under date of Mth, says
tH..lf..fn. mm.. Ilml.hi.iimniitnwnri.
brilliant schemes wherewith to annoy the
enemy nnd to advance Unlm Interpol.
Plan contemplates construction of n cnnnl
nt n place iiicli has been known n Diitrh
fJap, In irlreet face of the ciiemy. When
done It will compel rebels to extend their
lints n distance ol four milts. Dlstancr
s.iviil by dlpulnj; this canal, which Is to be
MOO yards long, will be seren miles of wn
ter In tho -Tomes river. This morning the
men rntritRrd In this work were .helled by
rebel rums, but our pnnlicwts soon drove
them o(T. Correspondent before Peters
linrir. M'li says rcbrls linxe ircctrd a new
frt Inslik sf exploded one. which openeil
yesterdsy will. Whltworll. puns. Very
I few csiniiiKtlen occurnil. Rebels threw
I several IniiMrod shells during the day.
' .i.,W. Cilr I'.ilnl ri.rfrnnn,l. nt of tllli
..... i,..i.. n.! l.. . t r.
"J ' '" """ "" ( "t ' ,' "
wivk past until yesterday about six o clock
our heavy puns hiard In direction of Peep
Holtom. Steady mid sometimes furious
0l",l""m,",,'J wni '"',l "''' "c' WB'
conunfnec' ''7 '',c '"ovmy.ond proveil to be
wttemtit to dlsloJee with their arlltlery
' . . . . l., ,i..
certain working parties of ours, whom they
Mmfj , liavft jKrt discovered, llatteries
wrrf n(lb9 ,0 ncconipllili It. One or two
of their rams dropped down the river n far
as nrudent. nnd nddeil their Hre. The affair
was an artillery engagement at long range.
Our )ncs considerable. Tho character
and nVljn ol the operation In which werk
Injf parties were engaged cannot be more
tkan tlroded m at prcjcnt. TImo must de
ttlop them farther. .
'I.iMu.n.iMitersormy Potomac, Aug. lfiib.
Kverythlng quiet front of Petersburg
command. 2th -corps. Additional has been
received of tho action of Sunday. Part of
2d and 10th corps engaged with the enemy
in afternoon near Ueep Ihttom. 10th
corps took part of their line of works, four
etgli'-lnelt brns guns, and a number ol
prisoners, with small loss. Eneicy fell
hack in ttroiiL' noellion. 2d division of
2d corns lriwit r hi line of battle and
advanced a mile beyond where lluucock
captured gns two weeks ago.
J.ew York, An2. X7lh f!' speclol
tllpatehes ka ml vires from Deep Ilottom
to 7 a m of the Clh announcing flrnnt's
lines 1iav been advancing nearer lllchmond.
Conslditable (gating occurred darin g tlie
the day. rebels falling back. ComtxtroaV'
special dated nt Deep Notion, this morning
has advices today from Sheridan's depsrt
ment, says rebel smty at Slrasburg Is post,
ed In position well protected ngainst flank
movement. Sheridan close upon him. Noth
ing Important from Atlontn. Hood was
reinforced. Operations settled Into a regu
lar siege. Sherman Is strongly entrenched
and gradually extending bis lines around
the city.
Omaha, Aug. l"lb. Overland Stage
Co. continue to remove their stock to pla
ces of srcurlty against Indians. It Is as
certained by reliable scouts that In last
20 days simultaneous attacks have beer.
I made by combined hordes of Cheyennes,
j Kiowos, Ulahs, Snakes, Comanches and
I Apparahncs, on Fort Kearney, Fort Cot
tonwood, ond all along tho Platte.
Washington, 17th. Tho following of
Belal report bos been received: Head
quarters, beforo Atlanta, 26th. Have the
honor to rennrt the follnwlnsi I moved
the command to a position on the right of
tha 7th corps, which was on the extreme
right of the army In the field. I urlng oar
advance In line of baltle, to gain n more
Jeslrab!e po.Itlon, wo met rebel infantry,
under Ilanlir, ud 8. 1. le'ii corps, who
made a di operate and determined uttack at
11:30 a. in., on the 28th. My Hoes were,
protected only hy logo and rulls, bostlly
thrown In front of tbeni. The fierce onset
was received and checked. Tho batths
lasted until three p. m. During that tlnvo
11 charges were rnaiie aou ganaony re
nnWlwlil, rrrt lrs lo itoeDtmy.' In
tbe evening our lines w,ro assaulted I .la
' with Uttc num. .nosi ot ino ngiiuog vt'
curred on Howard's and Smllh'i front,
which formed tlio center nnd right. The
troops could not have displayed mare cour
age and determination. Ilrig. Urns. Wont)
nnd Harrow's command, of Smith divis
ion nre entitled to iqual credit for their
gallantry In repelling ns. mills. I captured
from 1,500 to 2.000 muskets. fiCS rebels
IiuVii been burin), unit '-.'0 nre supposed to
bu ytt unburkd, Juli.s A.liOAS',
lnulsvlll,I(lJi. Wheeler, with IE.,00
men, demauded tho surrender of Pulton,
Uj., of Col. Slrbalt. A sl'ght skirmish
was going on when the jst train left. Af
ter the train left, den. Steiidmnn was in
formed by telegraph uf the attack, nnd
stnrttd with u large force from Chattnn.
nogii. Ihls raltl wu anticipated uy a her-
man, and preparations made lo meet It nt
Important points. On the 13th. .100 guer
rillas attack. d Kclma, Kingston county.
ICy.. und after n sharp fight were repulsed.
Washington, I7lb.-It Is rvporud that
Imgstrcet, with 31. 000 men, ond Fit
Hugh b-f. with 10.000, jmsstil through
Wiirrinion.oii Sntuiday last, to rclnforc
Early. That is probably un cxaggerallon.
On the 1 .Mb. Sheridan wus In oftes.lon
of Htrasbug. Tho rnemy bad abandoned
their works beyond Ktraiburg, and were
lielievftl to bo on their retreat lo Mount
New York, lHlh. In rclsllon to move
ments at Dicp Ilottom, the 7'iwr'i special
says: (Jregg's cavalty Is reporletl on tho
right of Chailrs City road to protect the
right wing of our forces, whose left Hank
extendi to James River. The front of our
line is six miles from Richmond. Ice, be
ing thus helil, can't (invent us cutting n
canal across Dutch Gap. And If he should
attempt tn muss forces on cither side ol tho
river, exposed points on llie opposite sldo
would bij In great danger. Alter we had
turned his flank yestrrday morning Ihc ar
tillery on both ridis was playing rather
brisk, when the Slh Masincliusetle charg
ed, and broke the rebel lilies, capturing
70 prisoner. Gregg had rlrared the road
lor Hancock nnd he go't th 2d corps la
posllloo, on Ulrney's right, on the New
Murk t road, which leads from the vicinity
of Malvern Hill to Richmond, lllrney
made an assault In his front, capturing n
line of the enemy's woiks, which guarded
the approach tn Richmond in that direction,
and captured six pieces of cannon and sev-
rral mortars. Oranl'a movement on the
1 lib shows that the main works of the en
emy extend along n commanding ridge,
covered with formidable rattliwoiks. In
front of this defensive line is n series of
rlhVpils. Early In Hie morning a portion
ol the Iroop. on tho Irfl, under lllrney,
rushed forward und gallantly drovo the rn
emy from the rifle pits covering the Kings
land road, csptuiing ona hundred prisoners;
the enemy retreated Inlo tlio main entrench
merits. During tho afternoon, we drove
the enemy from their entrenched position
at the Junction of Kingsland and New
Market road . right mllcn from Rlehmoud.
Other troops are advanced on dillereet
rotiils leuding to Richmond. Gregg's env
ulty look Charles City, when-, alter o
sharp engagement, " Uumpton s legion was
driven In confusion in northeruly direc
tion. Early In tlw oftertioon, Harlow,
-villi a portion of his command, charged
uikI lock line of ilflc-plts from Iht-cno
my, who stubbornly resisted, with artillery
und musketry.
Itostoii, 10ih The C'ousulor ogrnt at
Yarmouth slates that six vessels sure de
stroyed by tl plwle Tallahassee. Monday,
six miles from Cupc Cod. TheTullahussee
destroyed 25 veucls off Slaitlixiue, on the
Syracuse, N. Y., 10th. YulIanJlgham
addressed h mass meeting here to-dy. lie
said he expected the nominee of tlio Chica
go convention would bo pledged to sus
pend hostilities.
Monday's Dispatch.
Washington, 13lh. A Letter from the
Army of the Potomac, noon 17th, suys the
2d corps having been unsuccessful In the
attack on tho enemy, the Mth, on tha north
side of James River, fell back lo u safe po
sition which they occupied until yesterday,
when another assault was determined upon
and carried out successfully. The enemy
weie driven from Ihcir works with heavy
loss. Wo captured several buudred pris
oners, and several heavy guns. Our loss
is heavy. We hold ,tho position. Caval
ry, under Gregg, had an engagement with
tho rebels near New Market road, and
drove thvm from their works, but were fi
nally forced back. Gregg wA severely
wounded. It is reported that Hutler
Iroops bad a slight engagement wiUtout
advantoge to either side. News frwsi City
1'oln.t says I be rebels opened a Jurlous fire
on the 7th corps, which lasted two hours,
wben the rebels fell back without attempt
ing an assault. It was rumored at CH;
PointjetlerJuy that a oroog reconnols
nance, sent out by Hancock, rescued Fair
Oaks, five miles from I.kbuiond.
New York, lOlb.-It i reported tbat
. Tullubae awl a U. S. gunboat, bad
an engagement this morning outside tho
New Orleans. 12th. News Iron. Mobile
of tho lit b, suys Farrogut bad prepared
tor uctlon, nnd Issued ord.rs to ultnek Fort
Morgan yesterday morning. It was to r
eclvo n for Ion. enfilading lira from the fleet.
Tho land forces nru raid to hovo In-
Ivealcd every vrhern there Is u fout of ground
o stand upon, ihe nlitu huvo deserted
all liullilliig near the tort, nnd uurneit the
only vesrl lying under Its guns. Every- j
thing Indicates n determination to contest
the battle In tho last. The channel of Day
River l unobstructed. Nuvul and land
forces confident of success. At n late
hour last night we heard Hint Farrogut de
manded tho unconditional surrender of the
fort. Commandant said ha had six months
provisions and would resist to the last mo
ment. Granger' fn.'ces have cut'all com
munications In the rear of tho fort.
Washington, lOtls. Richmond Smtintl
of 17th has tlio following: Mobile, lfilh.
Two monitors nnd fivu gunboats crossed
Day River bar, rainr wllhln two miles of
thu ob4trucltons nnd opened firu three
hours on our butteries: no damage done;
one of our gunboats replied; batteries re
mained silent; enemy withdrew. Firing
heard this morning to tho direction of Fort
New York, 19th, If'or.i.'i special from
Washington, tho l'Jlh. say news from
Shenandoah valley is favorable. Sheridan
Is still pushing I.irly up the valley, com
pelling him to retrcul from point to point.
The report of the reinforcement of Early
by Iongslrret nnd 1 1 Ill's corps Is itonlned.
as llieso corps have bvu. it is believed, lu
front of Grant.
Washington, 18lh. Tho amount of na
tional bank currency In circulation is 821.
000,0011. Ciimmlsslnr.er of G-n, Uiml
Office shows dennnd for settlement of pule
lie land greater than previous in come
quence of which thu receipt, of money
have been largely increased. Hubrcrlp
tlons lo Ihe 7:30 loan reported to umount
Navy Department ordered two vessels
to proceed lo Halifax several days before
official Information bin been rrcelvid that
the Tallahassro entered that port.
The .rmWicn-.i learns that Khcridau.in favor or on nrmislico until oner the
came in collWnn with Etrly's forces. In! election, Is unfounded. The Poit says
Shenandoah Yalley.ncor Slrasburg. yester
day. A sharp fight resulted In life defeat
of Ihe rebels.
At. lames river nflalr. nre progressing
fuvorublv. Another nt tempt lo Invnde
Mil. and Pn. is reported but not credited.
The prisoners explored In Hlicrnlan's fight
yesterday, belonged In Longstreet's corps.
Thev renort that two divisions Joined Etr-
ly, nnd that Lonustreels im-n, eaptuirtl
uear Deep llollom, belonged lo unother dl-
Louisville, 18tli. Ithtcported In front
to-day, that Gen. Hieadman started from ;
Chatlanooea 'I'uesday. und met rebel
force, under Wheeler, near Gniysvlllc, 18
mllca distant. A severe engagement en
sued, in which It is rep-nted that Mead
man wns severely wounded. Col. Ktright,
of the .'th Indiana, wu klllnl. A rebel
force Is reported nt Ukrvrlund. and n brig
ade lias left Chattanooga fur Cleveland
WednCMlay. Rebel cavalry, divided Inlo
small parlies, nre demonstrating on tovrns
in Northern Georgia. Probable Intention
of the rebel l to destiny the bridges be
tween Falling AValers and llridgport
Clarksvllie, l'Jtb. Three Iwndrcd moun-j
led rebels, aimed with navy revolvers, un
der Woodward, attacked llopklnsvlllc this
morning, and vcro repulsed by the garrl-
f . I tl tt. 1
son. A clisrge wus mauc in iincn " i-
ward was mortally wounded nnd coplurdl.
IMiols still hovering In that vlcinliy. An
othjr nt'ncls exp clvd.
Nov York, lOili.-Ynllaiidighim. In
his speech nt Syracuse, sild bo bslleved
reunion of Ihe Slates possible. Tho South
has proposed through Us President, and
through his agents, lo meet Iho United
Slates and see if tlioy could not agree.
They are tired of war und want un armis
tice and Convention. He declared that
with a Republican form of government it
was impoKilblo tu keep tho plates together
by force of urms, uud ho wus for trying
recoucllllation ond compromise. Resolu
Hon was unauiinously udopttd to doelsre
that the country bus beea passing through
a fearful political convulsion, and vloleuce
attempted uoder the mask of patriotism;
to call upon tbo people irrespective of
party to aid In obtaining permanent aus-
pension of bostillliea and tlio perfection of
some mode ol reconstruction, which snau
again unite the country on a lasting basis
ol pe-fe; that it is the duty nt the Cblca
eo convention to give expression to tbls
spirit of peace, and to declare that it is the
uarpoioof the Uemocratio party to cause
Oils desolallne war to cease, by calling a
national Convention, in which ul' tbojclsi r.port of operations at Mobile lias
States shall bo represented in 'Mr tover-1 ben received. It adds nothing totbore
icn capacity, and that to",h!s end an r.l ports already published, Canby says tbe
mlstlce shall bo dvcl'.Y): tbat il Vae ooo.lram Tennessee will bo ready for srvic?,on
I ....
' vtntion iboola ;'4cc a candidate btfow .be
people on a war rJulform, there would bo
no real Issue lo decide; tlmt candidates al
ready nominated represent nil that rling to
war, ond tbat It Is sound policy tn gather
together, under our banner, all who enter
tain opposite scntlmeuls, and are in favor
of restoring the country lo Its former con
dition of prosperity and hnppfnena. whith
Is only to bo obtained by the clrctleo of n
President pledged to a praoe'tWiHey ftat
wo solemnly prolMt rruimtnlie nsarpa-
lions und lawless diipeiHatloM of 'the Ad
ministration, mf warn It to (leftist from en
croachmwlsi.g.lion Ihe right and liberties of
lcltlzfnso 0-r, Stales; ithu'. we will nut
, tolerate jnlMJ'lawvor military Interfcr-
ence with rleellons, or any more arbitrary
arrests of citizens; that to the maintain
anconftthis'we pledge our lives, our for
tunes andfiwi-jsa. ml honors; that the reply
of Ihe Prrsfdent lo Clay ond Holcomb
furnishes unmistakable evidence that the
party now In power havo deluded tho peo
ple Into granting unlimited means for the
preservation of tho Union, which they Imve
u.ed, nnd arc still using, for the overthrow
of State Institutions, and the advancement
of party Interest.
Tuesday's Dispatch.
Fortress, Monroe. 19th Four hundred
wounded havo arrived from Deep Ilottom
from the battle-field of Ihe 10th, belonging
lo tho 2d ond lGtb corps. Everything
comparatively quiet on bnlh sides of the
James river yesterday. The left wing rests
on Ihe north side nnd holds the pmltlon
trained Sunday. Right wing advanced
four miles to Malvern Hill In the direction
of Richmond. Malvern Hill is In our pos
session. Heavy firing heard up the river
this morning, result unknown.
New York, 20lb. Tribwit't corres
pondent, of the 18th, wllh Grant's army,
says Ihu Indications arc that nn Immediate
notion and grand as.ault will bo mn.U
some here along our slrogolle line. Grant
alone can tell where said fight will occur.
Commtrtinl says n thorough lurKCtlon of
thu fortifications nt Washington was made,
ond proved satisfactory. Should mi enemy
come against us, they would find the city
in aniore effective stntc of defense than be
fore. The report that Republican lenders
bad made an Imprrsmnn on the President
Secretary Fcssendcn Intended lo return to
Washington Hits evening. Time of cou
pon deermlneil upon. It Is reported will
be 0:20, uud no bonds more actively In re
quest. Relh-I papers snyt Enemy at Atlanta
nxtulted our center. After u sharp skirm
ish, Ihey were repulsed. A desultory fire
was kept up ull nlu'ht. und tnilayunum
ber of shells were thrown Into the city.
The U'prM'j special suys the mint of Slier
jldsn'a army passed through Winchester
yesterday, and encamped today between
Clifton and Charleston, hiemy t force is
estimated nt 41,000, or which 15,000 are
caralry. Lf'a totul force, as estlmatcil
by our service, is about 70,000. Latest
advice from our forces operating ngainst
Mobile, show that Fort Morgan is Invested
closely. At last accounts an uttack wa
on tlio point of being mule. Tho state
ment that tho fort Is provisioned for six
mouths is deemed to bo nonsense, o intel
ligence from tho Ulackwater proves that
tho Fort has only been receiving supplies
for two weeks at a time. Tho fall of this
! work may be looked for nl an early day,
even If no nttnek bo made, and Iho garb
son simply subjected to the process of star-,
Philadelphia, lOlh.-Nn truth In there
ported accident oo the Camden and Am
bar railroad.
Portland, Md., 19th. It is reported
that.an accident occurred on the lCenebec
and Portland railroad, near seven mile
creek, caused by tho breaking duwn of f
bridge. Twenty or thirty passengers were
badly injured, but none killed.
Hoslon 19th. Tho botk Alexandria,
of Hnverlll, Maine, was captured nnd de
stroyed on the 15th, by the Tallahassee-
A private letter, dated Islandof bt. Johns
N F, Ilth. Stales that tlio storm in
that City, a few nights ago, Injured the
Washington, 19th. Supplies or Hie
new ,:30 notes were sent to me ami
Treasurers at Now York, Uoston and
Philadelphia today.
Philadelphia, 20th, Sec'y Feseeoden
ordered the U. S. Aw't Treasurers to pay
the 10:10 con poos, due Sept. 1st, and the
5;20's, die Nov. 1st.
Halifax, 28lh. Admiral , at noon
to-day, sent to tbo Tallahassee ordc'.s (o
cease coaling, wblch were promptly enforc
ed. It Is impossible, to .0tan news ol
vessels de.troyed. S',,o wiled during tbe.
nlgbt for Nojtb 'y,
Waship'.oo, 20lb. Gen. Caqby's offi
tbe right side, In a fsw days,
BalllnwrfJIlSthi We have reports this
ufiernoori'tHat a.rwTlolslcf tlio 4th corps
was niuikrd hut nlglv!rt,.rmtblDg cos-
R.nmlcir.'hiMfuvn nuil.J: 'irfVsTsJtstl
that' the rebel sure rlMtroylnylwrSCfuv
at -Winchester.' The rctrogade tflovfiSrtJ
o'f'SlieriiiaD'ln tho Ynlley Is not regardeT
MM. retreat, but a maneuver for tn advan
tageous posllloo, commanding all the nve
nhes of approach. A rcconnolssnnce, now
being made, will ikvelope tho position and
strength of the rebels, and enable Sheridan
to movo against them with entire confi
dence. Mrmphl . IRtli. One brigade of infan
try and two of cavalry, belonging to A,
S. Smith, attacked thrco brigades of For
rest's command, who held n partly fortified
position, and after n short fight tbe rebels
were dislodged.
St. Louis. 2d. St. Joseph papers s.y
ITaysvIllc Knuia, was completely sacked
by the Indians last Sunday. '
Origin of Illustrious Men.
The democratic newspapers complain
of Mr. Lincoln and Andrew Johnson for
their Democratic origin. Mr Lincoln was
once n rail splitter, and Mr, Johnson a tall
or. Now for the origin of a few moro of
the eminent and Influential among men i
Columbus was the son of a weaver, and
a weaver h!melf.
Claude Lorraur wns bred a pastry-cook,
Carvcnlcs, wns n oommon soldier,
Homer wns the son of a small farmer,
Molicrcrc, son of u pastry maker.
Domnsthcnesc. son of a cutler,
Terence, wus n Slave.
Oliver Cromwell, was tho son or a brew,
Howard, nn apprentice to a grocer,
Franklin, a Journeyman printer son of
a tallow chandler nnd soap boiler,
Dr. Thnmas, lllshoii uf Worcester, son
of n liner draper.
Daniel Dcfoc, was a boslor, and tbe son
of a butcher,
Whllefield, son of an luu-kcepcr at
Sir Cloudsly Shovel, Rear Admlrnl
of England, was an apprentice to a shoe
muher, und afterwards a cabin-boy,
lllshop Prldeuu, worked lo tbo kitchen
nt Exeter College, Oxford.
Cardinal Wolsey, son of a butcher.
Ferguson, was a shepherd,
Dean Tucker was the son of a small far
mer In Cardiganshire, and performed bis
ourneys to Oxford on foot.
Edmund Hullcy was tbe ton of soap-boiler
ut Sliorrdilch.
Joseph Hall, Illslinp of Norwich, was '
the son of a farmer at Ashby da la Zoucb.
Virgin wus the son of a portej.
Horuvc was the son of a shopkeeper,
Shukrpenre, of a wool stupler.
Milton, of a money-scrivener.
Robrrt Hums was a plowman in Ajro
hire. Confucius was a .carpenter,
Mohammed, culled the prophet, was tbo
driver of osies.
Mehemet All. was a barber.
Madam Hvrnadotte, woserwoman of Par
Nopolcon was the descendant of an nb.
cure family ut Corsica, was Major when
he married Josephine, tho daughter of a
tobacconist Creole of Martinique.
President Hoyer was a mulatto barber.
Gen Esporlero was a vestry clerk.
Klnsr Qhrlstuphu of Hajtl, was m slave
ofSt. KittB.
llollvur wns a druggist.
Yurco do Uatoa was n sailor.
Columbus was a sailor.
Astor, the richest man In the new world,
beforo he came to be proprietor-of tlie As
tor lloiife, uted tn sell apples through tbo
streels of New York.
Catharine, tbe Empress of Uusla, was a
camp grlzettc.
Cinchmatu was plowing bis vineyard
nben tho dictatorship of Rome was offered
to him.
Nkws on PiBATsa Tbe heaviest bat.
lery ever mounted on a manof-war la now
in tbe Mediterranean, on board tbe U. S
sleamfrlgate Niagara. Of 20 guns on W
main deck there Is not ono less than a ll
Inch, or a 100 pound riSej-a fact tbo real
Importance of which can only be understood
by professional men. She is thus provided
with the best short-ranged and ibo most
perfect long-ranged pieces oT ordinance
cxtout. Tbo result of an ea'couoter with
her would, hardly bo utrrieled. In tbe his
tory of uaval flebtlnjf, for no sneb, arrot
mcaV has bxa kviown before. Ier ofilctrs
and m,n aru well Inured to sea service, bav.
ins; been on board for many months. ft
V. T.Hiej.
.. HI " "
A Rkah mule, belonging to a MeiapMs
citizen, wn being hauled oat of tbe -J1bi
the other day when a bayowt thrust reveal -
Ctl the fact that tho caraoasa contaJnl 60,-
000 percussion caps a quantity of'ammanli
tlon.and other contraba,nd arlieks, wttlb
some rebel symps,thlr bad tsksa this
means of smuggling.
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