Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 20, 1864, Image 2

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    JU if li . Juau li " J '
n twi-
" VlliPJ!P"IIJljwUll;"Wl'lll'yi'"J1' V J'"
i ijh rmmiiM i huwi
Why Do flii'j KU
.1. M. HCTTON, Krtltor.
nirourKii :xH.isi(kiVi son ritB si vriM.r
lien. Curtis, Trom Fort Lratenwnrlli.
wjH the Indian war Is temporarily iin'M-
i nr
Indions for the most extensive ,wur yi'i
known. Ills supposed that rebel rmlMi
riw ore dlstrlbntim pold unions tliettt. in-
cIIIhr tliim it ttiir.uiii) telliiu: them
.Snulh will protect Ihrm. The World says
In the Shenandoah vullry, nn tlio 1'Jtli.
the rebels were continuing tliclr retreat.
It U sntiioed thev urc miintr In I he dlrcc
As tin1 Copperhendi nrc ever iifnuriilug
over tin) President'! nsscrted vlokitlom of
tlio eoiillltlon, It may be well, (tecusion
tillv, to mil attention to pome nf Ihypro-
vlnionl nf that Mcrctl Instrument, to ire ,Ul pr0j,arn,,rf nro being nude by
tvheluer tnerc n any mini 111 me "iihb mm
cry" rnlf-id by these self-constituted mutt,
tutlnnnl expounders, nnd to osret tnln who
tlic prrsons arc tli.it either vinlaly or y'n
p.tthlze with the vlotatirsol tl.t-piovlslons
nf that nobto Instrument. Tlio following:
I tl c language "I miUllvIslon:
IM, of article Ulh, of tliu Constitution,
Ncws-Dctileri and liook'Sollers, Read
nutl Remember.
it niK ttrstuicr An reimxtwer or rorn
U.itov, a Govkbxxkxt ton the whom: is
tMinnsxmnt.E.'' WmklnglNi
j.itKNONVir.r.i:, oiucuo.v.
-.- -- - --rm
XATI'ltDAV MORMXC, Al'C. :0, Ml.
List of Agents for tlic OitEflox SmiMtf.
i:. 1'. ItiiMi'll, general agent for Oregon,
mod IJ.1I10 Territory.
IL. T. Fluher Sin l'ranelfCo Cal.
J J. Kiiowllon .tCo do lo.
Thomas Dime tpnlcpilc. Ugn.
T. It. lllll W'llWr do
V. 0. Itlrdscye Itock Point do
Tlioinni Croxton, ....Cruttons Dliri'lnsdn
Win. Siilccr, lui.ip-OlMu do
Oor. (tllilK l'erlUml do
D. M. Thompson Ulwny do
W. M. Kvans Allliouii! do
'I Imtn 11 C.irr do do
Thntnm V. Floyd Kerby t Mo do
S. V. .S.twver do do
I). P. Anderson Plinenlx do
A. Ireland Mvi lie Creek do
rtvu. I.. Dent t:llenb.irr do
Tlicodrlc Cameron,.
. ..l.'ulotiTown do
Tim lsi'K.-The National Union Com
mltteo have laid down tlio following dls
tlnct platform as tlic tame of the forthcom
ing Presidential contwt :
with tiii: uausktiikiikuf. nv
ThN CnnMltutloii, and the luwg of tliej t,rr Htraiitburp nr Kronl Itoynl. It If
United .States wliieli slinll be made In par
dunnw thereof, nnd nil Irentlcj mad, nf
which rhiill bo made, under the utilhurlty
of the Unltcil Htnle", lmll be the utipretne
law of the land; nnd the judgei In crcry
Stale hall be bound thereby, anything In
lnten;elv hut, but the men urn in excelli nt
marching nrdifr. .Movrnicntv ns rupid ni
rpovsllile. The enemy bus the stnrt of '
nnd If he continues to retreat, tlio pnrsuii
U likely to be n long rjnr.nnd n battle some
diivs disliiiit. It Lo probubly liutly'n policy
the Constitution or l.iw.o nf nny Hlnte ttr trtrnil no fur 110 poMiblv bclot itlvhy
the contrary notwithstanding." buttle. The Micngtli of Id loree huoul-
Nothing li more manlfent llinn that lliio' rN,y hern cnleiilutul lor vmergi lime,
annihilate the Cepperhead doctrine of Stale cw Orlcnu.o papers' iiurc purllfulars ol
sorcrelinly, nnd make lac t.'nMtlinttnn Knrracnts Mntuiicnti: The lluttfoid,
nnd the lawo of ('nmjrrti the inprnw yth the Adinlrul on txmrd.'iittoined up to diiy.
nur (!ini lirtnlefiHio ilmvf ilii-innwiiy Tin
eorrcipoiiilitil broru Pi-iirfimrir. ltllh,
ray ? IMtfN Inneiru-.id u mw Inrt IikIiIc
the wplKle1l orw. Tiny i.jieiied yeMinhiy
with Whltworili tfiins M'ry few iau:dti
nccn'rrvi). The ieblii thiew wveml Iuiii
.11 .l.,,ll .liirliir. 1I1,. niiv. The limti'
WiihlnKloii ipvclal soy : Hherldun hu. purls ot the wiiuiiy. will CiihI lii-ii.Uoti
punhtd hit nilvaiiiH.' from Ulnehwur tn. j gLL AT PRICES
Hlrnolmnr. Iftirly l rrttwiilw from ihl . . ,,:!
Nil i.,,.r.lrt H.K Wil. ll is believed ll. "- " vv-uyu...... .
Wholesale .cvs--9cnlcr,
Pscks iiml Wrininlo nil Ihn Imily nnd
Wn lilf Ni'WoiiliiT. Mnirii'livs. rlr . to nil
)m Hherldiiiw inteiilion to bend nil Ivirlv,
and to vtnlllli himself betwwii two
forces, but ir it lo necertnlncil tint Itc hni
urntutlniH 2(1.000 1 mil In reinlorce tin
ciilnnm In the .Shenandoah rnlley, there
will ptiibabh ht n stout coiilcst for tin
poi(snn of that rhliv A telornm rr
evlvnl from Slirridnn. ilntwl CVdnr Creek
1 lib. Mates Ihen; Is nn emmy this side ol
lllue ridge, except Mushy nnd WhlteV
(fiierrlllns. The ;roc- (Jity Point cor
M-opntiih'iit, M1I1. snyo; Hut little flrlnp
oecurrrd for 11 week paol until yistcrdiiy.
iilmnt six ., ., when heiivy uuno wen
hrnrd In the dinctlon nf Deep lloltnm
Fierew nnnnnsilinr was kept 1111 nil tin
liiidoii '
Tllierour fb'lli'W'
mid lllncXMOi.nl
13 v
i:cry Kew Norol rwi'liml n- som
n piilillrhtd.
I II WRfprcliil nrnuigunmlo with nil tin
llitVt-fiil p'tlill-hiTo. tutloner. He., nnd
Mrulili the Trade wills
Books, Stationery,
IllanU HooliR, Mitstn,
RTolainotypp.Sy etc.
I have nnripmli'd fiicllllli,r nnd pinrnntrc
ili-itli'itlii' uliicl nlti'iilloii.
jfifSi'iid lorn prlee isl,niid five iih n trial, r
CWSiilferlptlmio twlwd fur all
tinii Pruiiel-eo dnllle, nt Publiiher'. pricn
Any Ncwipnpcr. MBKnxInr I'rllftlcw.h,,,
inciillnii'il In tin iilKive lift will l; riirnUb
ed to onliT. Oith rs lur Ilonk. .Mumc I'm,.
cy Artlclf. fle-lllled prtunplly nt the In,
vl nurki'l rnt'i". bulKriiitkiui nn.ij.
I liivmliil'lv lu iidvuiiee.
mv'.'lir N"iv Airi-iit. Sun KrMiieico.
j Clothing Trade
Nos.411, 41l!sd415 Battery St.,
Cut Irit.U'ovtitf Hum l'aMiclyu,
Impartoi nnd Whalcsnle
Kntxrc Xciv antl rrcs Sfoct.
Inwnr Ihc'land. The oWlpntlom wldeh 1 i-Vrt Moruii and deliverid u jiccelon pnmd to Is; nn iitteinpl in dWodpe w j A -ByipwJQ-n TTloO'S T Merchants I" mr nniwinliV I.w7"t,ii
It Impose nrc imrjmnnnt In Hlnte Constl-1 0f i)nMdiilc, wJildi clS.ctn.illy flli'iieul nlll inln rornplu parties nf ours, whom they I.IXA11C1 IXdZl M. &ClQi3 lti MM, ()nr snek aniiiirifei every mi-
ThiMitlnek enmmenreil by theeni'inv
tnllnnoond Stale Inws, the Hiiprtme Uns In the ulivl water Imtlerks. The , wciiied In have Jtnldlfiivend. The but-
Court lino ever held. Iltit tfie Conllltitlon 1 monitors t the Mine tlic,eugiipi,il the' tcrlis wire nimble ln srconiplili ll. One
lonntr.nly supremo orer Stale laws nnd 1 rtf,t ram 'JVumvire. The hitler lundeseV (nr two nf their ram diopnd ilnwn the
Stale Conotltullons. but It hao ftmic fur vt nllenipl.i In run d'mti our WrseN. ; river fnr 110 , nnd mhhd their lire i the
llirr, nml established n peaceful tnmle by
uhleh that siiprenncy Is to beasrrlii?und
maintained, nnd that mode Is bythenii.
thnrltirc mandates of the national tribunal,
csuhllshed by that Constitution. Its Inn
gui(ra .'. "The Jiidlrlul poner slinll r.v
lend to ai! eaurc lu law or foully, nrisiiis
under this ConM.'utlon nnd lhehiwsnrjrulr.il. Only tin nflercriw nre known
the United Slati. link roiwd. One htll lAphoUd nn the
Nnwletusnsk lhot roppcrhcniN, JIn )(dhr, nmldins Sll) men.
Finally one of the wlorltors closed with iifCiIr was nn urlllllery enpiueinent nt Ion;
Our loss iucoiuidvni'
her nnd tried to run her ilmvu. The Halt ..range throughout.
foul iilsn HllunpKd In vlnsc with hir, when ,',c,
the (tiinliout Metoeontt. mi the Mtwj er Wuolilnlnn. )filh. Sverftnry Hlnulnn
rand, rolldul with her. 'IheTemiwtc run j,nys liirrrnmetit bus nculrrd from (leu.
nut the whilu Hi?; rUf uns mil miiehdiini
upiil. It Is Ihnuht Iho 'IicuihmIi rsin In
...... ... ..-.. . .1 1 .... ' rli Ill lh
M Mi liill e.im iniiiMii 111 niii!i iniiuu mi - ,.... fVrt t.-pril-vntSflTVi- nn.
Mn-liiid" Mine. Ihillutlnn nl JluulluK.'LrjHIIINn.l T-ritHriTMrm
lu l'..t Color ut the , V '" ,,"!r ."" ":",Vf "" lml"1 "" ht"1
. 'nnd jtri'iiti1 viirlcly or
SI?..., 1 Innl SI nil rr ilo.en. nny liiiiin-in r-'nn Kmiio'reii. mid nurpri.
jolx-, 2 reel -i iVlp rdii.uii. tl. Tor tlnw jtoodl- ore h llmu lliu
Sire. :iIih. U nn h r ilnxeii. Mnv honi'. 11-un rvevtt llieiu direct fmw
rflz , Ai IiicIil. In ti'l per ilo.en. ihi iiiiiiiiiniutiirvr'sunii'lpimeiit. Our.iwt
Ciinbv, nn nfSe'iil report or the surrender Or nil !.. Iroui siMy eeuu lo
of foil tluiiHH. mid the nlMMlnnmriit nl . "" M"'
Inrt Pnnell. Port Onines snrresideii'il tin-1
eondltluiinlly, with fiti nilleer', tiH nieiti
exprelid lo live. I.iint. CimiMnek. com.
mainline the tebil jtnnlxmt Sihiire. was
hilltd. ns wtll no nenrlv nil her crew. Iws
lluclinnan is not . '.' ,,,,,, um urovinlnno fur twelve month.
Thef.'iiirli'on nl Port Powell crfiixil.
Indlniiiipolis, Killi. Ileitis under Col.
Iiiblionu, isllnuilld ut 1A.IIIIII lrnlitr,rn.
Inriil lluif sieiunerr, nt Shawiieliiwu, Ill
inois, mi Hnliinliiy.
ririTi.n. Mr. Illruin Abbott prrscn-
this court (he only Irlb nal compelvnt
lo paw nuihorilallvely on i.' e nsierltd
violations of the ConslllittiVn- -ever de
clared any of the acts and measH'c if this j on ,u Hurlfurd, I'll kllhd and -Wi woiimltd
Admiiilnlrtitlon uuconttltuttoikil? 1. 'J or ()nr total ho was 'J-IH killed mid unmiilrtl.
whtiu? Tins writ of Meat corriw 1. tpnrt Pnwt.ll wus lilcwed up nn the nljilii
been luspendul, and leading CopperheuiN, ,f the lOlh. All ur ll.nt Is hmidv the
have been locked up, because I lie Adinlnlii 1 rei 'I ublructliui. t
tralimi litlieved thrm lobe damtrrrmo to , vtv Voik, Iftth. Admiral PnrrnsulV
the public trampilllty arid seeiirily. IIhvo I K-ttCt lo Cinniinjdoie Puliiier.nl New Or
llisyever nppealtdln tlw Unilul Slules nn'. r' wrly m the morning of llie
courts! If Ihew acts of llie Admlni'lm- .llh. nur jK'Mailud Im nnd two, snllnl
lion were so clearly, Kilubly ncd nianllesl- tutu Ihu pnoj., e'Hc uiuhr llie Jinno ol Pint
ly unconstitutional, why have not tin sc . .Murnu. llrfi'jr iiifndrldu ufur bioaiUidv
suffirtni; Copperheads ttlablbheil the fuel idt (,'iiie and earn ter.ililvln"lhe(;uiiiiers
and vlndlcatiil their ritflils In llie courts of J from their phieis.ni. ' l.'ivlnjr nur issils
the United Snitis? Tiny were not poor jexposul only in Ihe lire .'rem J"srls Powell
men, nnd hence unable lu feu lawyers nml mid dallies. At the ajnc I'oie, (JiMriil
boar theiAprnrcnr llllentlon. They were (IrMiierV land ballerlis ii.tllt'td Purls
n.it without dleiid', for they were ninong (luliioi nml Powell, caudal lhce lUiillon
Ihe lendersnf the Copperhenil parly. Thiyjund blowing up of the InlUr. In iMlng.
cnold have nonlijiclhui In llie eoiirls. fur ihu coiiorl of I he 'IciiiiimIi ncbii'-il u
most of Ihe jmlit who imide Iho "Dredjshnl which (cinoiorlly dimblid her mu
Sent" decision ore still there. They ccr I chlner.v, but was solely Umvd through ll.
has been neciud, rorifirmlrg Iho capture 1 ,a'n'" "cte "ol w'l,l0"t mollies, for Ihelrillre. The Tccuiiwli unk uliuusl liiiimill-
aitiy. ejirytug nowii nni men, uiciuoinj;
Cunt. Ciuen. The gunboats liuviii(, pass.
of that city Is no DP '"p'c nnconslllutlonul nets nf llm Ail-iid nut of lenrh of t lie forte, were nihitl
I. IiiaHral-clic'mln'"m""n' l'v,'r) ptiuelde ul honor, oy tlw liirmidabJo lelicl lum TeiuieSMf,
hiihmI In lin serrrfH-et and prhh1 n ehirHCter, pointed ' Ihrcv iiuinebids iiiiiiinlhiirl.ijHiluelttil her,
in HmI direction. Awl still this iiwderii nul linuib.iiiltil nr o iffieluullv ilxil sIk-i nr In tier nwinvn o.ime.
Cliii." Im-aI iiIkuI i Infrnellou nr hi' wusnliliftul In Mirnmler in a kw miiiuli
In lilrul VniltfJ .
M'ljnr Plrst Unlirnvnlu Artillery.
Ik pdi'licillarly iillriii'tive, mid tint Klentfis.
tnre to list entiiiliy meruiiiillln Is lliu unuig.
ally low prices
Less than the coot or Importation I
We ul-o Ui Ji llie
tn tin llrv (nodi line, wli eh (mihiiI. wmIm
I piimlinied In lhl" ii'tiKi"! in.tT she Inunm,
Kmplre News Depot, imrlheii.l ennnr or "" "re ollwsliii; Jhein. ut Now tfmk eK
WVhiiuttin Hint : Suii'uiiie streets, San Krnii-1 '""' ''''",, .,,, ,, ...
!,,. We pulith ttUornrd In mViirlliiit eiij
llnliiclinii III I'rirfj la Snlitcrilirm.
A TTIINTION Is cnllers In the follow Ins
list of American mid PorelL'ti Period!
, 1 ,. 1. . 1.1 a . r enl". lor w 1 inn 1 rew vo iin-minimi".
led 1.0 ll.li w,ek with 11 hue sselu.en nf ,Vrmmin, nirmiiwniwils. I.uv. Ise.i im..!-
bv Ihu Llilleil rilnlii (iiittriimeill for Ihe
Abrnhain 3incoln.
or TKX.Nf.JUM!.
For Presidential Electors,
J AS. V. CAX.LKV, of Douglas county.
II. N. (Ji:OIl(Ji:. or I.iimcouuiy.
(1K0U0I-: I.. WOOD.S.of Wasco enmity
Ncun Siisiisiiiiry.
OfficuUewj of tha nlluck on Mobile 1
of Port Oaltic and the ribil ram VnMs.lcl,,Vj,rltf'cl,,B """' lwv n woundid
see. Sherman Is Hill pilnj; his rcsntcl ' not ft ll,l,c' ',,,r w,,.v ''' ""7 l10' '"w
toAllsnln. The fall
longer u matter nl doubt
oiol of iew, Alloriii. Is
porlnna' to mi uthrr pkiv nhiub uur
untiles Iiuvo Invested. Ills new tlic l-co-
graphical center of reliekloo, ainl Imo fimr 'Htlmiliiniil t ililx. Why dnen lie not 1m iuih ll(shily Injuiul.
drird elk nitni from (Ik tipjier Itofiie ltiv
er country. In two dnjs hi't wiek he
kilhil six elk nml eljshl Isrse deer, nil In
sphudid eniiilliluii. This is the bvst shoot
in; nfihrseuroii.
Nj":V TO-f)AY.
"JIGS s A lev.
CtlUCUir Couil.nrih. Siule of Ore.
noli, lor the cotiniy or Junphiue, Oc
luinr Turn, 180 1,
Luclndu Kllswnrlh, P.'ulntiir. rs. Praiicls
PINwnrih, Dtleuihiiil.
In nijully Hull fur Illvuitti
To I'mncis Kllriworlh, Difiiidiiiii:
Von ure hereby (iliiiiiiuiied to up'Hiir'
'1 llie Ciienll CnUrl.iil Ihe .Sink nl Ore
, 1, inrliie enuiily of losephine, nt Ihu
1c1.1i Ihrreof to l held nu the Pourib
.Mondiiv. bciu Ihe 'llt day ol Oulnber,
A. Ji. JHiii, unit iiDHWir llie eoiiiiiluiiit in
'enrrvliiK of Ihu Alulto trom the Atlaulie
Hlnles bv steanivr. threii linies n moiilli. I
11111 eiuifibd lo receive Milxerlytlons nt 11
iiiueli lower rule tliim formerly. Tim nitni
unre nml iilteiillun will Ih im d to ilie for.
rvpiitiitlou ilirniii;liuui
make new nriiniilutitiioii. .iinli Induce Ih
wlio huve not lieretnlon 'irellii-eil ir it tw
eull niiiVt'Mitiiine our i-tnuk.
(iorU Aitlclivrt. Lsmv Prirrs
Are the iil ludiieenietneiitsweiill'erloill
u ho pin eliu-e in pellutijiiiii. ,M reliant W
hoy of 11-uiiu mak' 11 pmil prolll, nmlirll
lo tludr eii'toiiieri at 11 lltw limine. Wen
main, rerHuilully,
Vlilir ItleMllelil HTVIllll..
HADOKIt .t UNDKNIIi:i((Ji:it.
erni iMimii nirineriy. iiimmiiim, MAIKlKIt .t MNDKNHKIUi'lil
a tenllnn will Is M. i Hi Hie lor-. w , Clo.h.iis .1 Inl Warel
ol nl wckiijreo. Inr wVeh llsff e- v ... ,.., . ,,, "
nil bus imiiw! siwh ... nit sublv ' .i lUA,Ul " "'' ,f' ' " "r-V "
in lhr.iUKl.uiit the Pmlfc foa.t. Hnn iruiulmi..liily SI. (.1. J
llarper'i Monthly Majri.Inc. . .
(JiMley'n l.iwlvV llonk
Atlantic Monthly
I.ille's I'liiillly .MiiHii.lne
Knlckerbouker Miiuji.lne
Coiitlueiilal Mniithly
Petiirnn's l.adlei' .Mitn.lne. .
Arlhur's Home .MiiKii.lue
Ladles Kepodlnry
Tale, of llie Day
Monthly Nuvellellu ,
luilectlo Mrtfiozliii' :
lluul'o Mereliaul's Mica.Ino. .
Ilaukvr's Maaxlnc
Pint r 1:111.
il., ....... II. l ..!,...,. . it I..I....1V ..LCII'III 1011
uiwuinruiMii. niniuii it.v imi III) III1H .... . .. ,, .
1 11.1... .... ..I- .1... 1 1.1 .., ',.... Ilronnnjir lleilew
lor 11 ilhMnliiliOii ul' the luudo nf cmlriiuo.
Ilraitlmiille l.!irop ul.
ny now twi'tlriK ietivii you, nml uuiiil..rllrr Ke-M.i vi-mtt
me lu her nwideii ...imc. Il.illnsi'ss Mumizhie. . . ' ! ! !'.' V.V
And )uu will lake i.nlhv Unit iiiiIh Yuukeu Kiitiuie-(i'ihiiIdi
yon nppiMr nml answer, r lureiu i-uiiiiiinii-1 l.eu-N Itin'lei ot Pun (uomiw)..
til, llie philmill will uppiy In llie Court lor -Me .tax (Domic).
of the principal rullromls In IW Stwlhein wm ui beJIowlnps. ami nmrt his tishts l.kut. Pn-ulisvuf tins .Mnnj,'jheln, lost tin relitl 1h111ai1d.il In r.v'r mid eouidiiinl. ICumle Mmilhly j ;,u ri.NIHiOI.I-.ltd. wl)h two 11
Stain centering iNtn It. In tlw lorin (tubll.kril by He Owlilu. both Itrs. Cant. .Multmy. f the Onuh. Uyunler or Ho... P. P. Prim. Cut-nit ' Plmnnv Ullow vtiul. t n curlilns. tlW.. to Ueut-D. "
,. o""h" 11J 1 , , 1 . ' .Itiduf. JAMI'I) PAY New oik Weekly emb I IHI A. C. .. boil M11111.11I . Osi:oii
Oneol ilsrmost extemive Indian out. ,0"? o unsners. why ! 'Hie rtMMiu lost niinriu. I i,??Mfi i. l r'r Ph.11.t1lT " P"H(..zeli,. ftu .il"lfV.pn. lo lurnbh In
breaki on record, 1 now threatcnbiK Ihe "nn"",'"s "e wasrlhtrirlly imprlKUHMl. Port lnvenworth. 13 The Jletnm , "-- ' ; -' " Clippr n flu tld'jiivelope,
5:t .VI I CKAI.KD prnpusnls lofiiriiUi Iheliwp
:t .'ill! I ' nt Post IClunmlli, Oret'iui. ultli I-'irl
:t fill Inei. during Hie iie.xt tt-r-.t iur, eiWr
:t ,Vl June IHI. Irill.7. nllC Tw rer.elf'd l.y iIhii
;i nil il'T-ijrm il. tis 1 til twelve n'olocL .M.', Mpt,
.'I All l.'ilh, IMUI.
!l (III 1 Thu beef lo' Ih) of a1 pind, mnrkeljU'
.'I III) jipiitllly, In iipiiil irniortliiii i.r fuiesid
;i flp hind (puirten. iieuk. ntiik nod kliliiey.lt.
Ilflllllnw lu be i-.ihuhd mid breii.t lriiiitn-4
:t (id I down. To be dell tend lu sucli iimuliiln
II litl'asma.t rmm tlnjeln Hun Im nipnrid. aui
li III) ) on Miell days n shall ileMuliulnl liy tlw
ll no , eoiiinmmlliin otlloer.
:t til) I'liymeiit lo lj miidn inniithly fnr tie)
,t li(i ipialillly nf lx-ir necepliil. In llie 'liiiel-rm-tl
(Ml iiisluil by Ihe t'lillid Siiites Inr public d"
.' ihi I liiirtini-nt. or n- "oon nfkr ua lundt uuy U
'i flu rtMjelv.il fiii tlmt purpoe,
t flu Piosi.iiI to l iiiiuli In d'liilleale, sn-
.1 nil inecniuihiiilid bv diipllcnti ImiiiiI.. duly rr-
All '! il lu ll'e ixliitl miis of IIVi; TIIDl'
..Ita. wiili two eopuii. Ililr "
. I tiilemnMl.
. OsKoiv,uileiiil'r-
nrsh lll"ii
whole American frontier, wit of tin " lnnivs it, ami liln conduct ennftwes his (Mo), Pnr. Iws news fi.un l.iltlo lllue
IteckyMounlaln. Anindiwlmlnatemus. '"'""enl. Could he, ennVI the Copper- Unit llm Indians, on Sunday Issl. vnmimne
sacre has already comim-nred. A larnc Ie'd fucilon hateesinbllsluil the uneiiiti. etl an fmlUeriminule nuirdtror ihu whites
number ol Killers luve ltn killed. The tutlunalliT of these ucis, lltey would liwjf j in tjml H-ellon of the lnKe sonic, ami stu
Overland stase I1.110 Hopped runnlnsr. tncc have done ll. Hut well they know ' tioii-ktrtier nnd settlers urn nil lenviutr.
Measures have been lakrn by (iovernmem ''" conlrollipjr iiulhoiily and i Diet of 11 'and Ihe Overland couches have stopped run. '
nuthorilles to cruth Ihe revoli. It is said ideeWon nf Iho Supremo Court of the nine- Indian uuimgM conllnue In North
that the Indians are led by rebel einnibsa-' 'n'l(1' Siatrs. It is the Court nl Last cm Knprni. Many people h:tvo buniuur-1
f ky. I resort, onrt its mandato must bo nbeyetl. derul. crop deslrnyid. mid stock driven off,
Heports from rebel sourer suv that ' "l0 Ptesident rrcnanhes llsaulhority,und Uvidenet lsncqumulatliiir. that all, nrnvar
Orsnt Is ruli"nj; the tiego Ufure Peters-
, burrjf.
Tlic Sentinel.
Wc reel confident that every Union mi ' '"B ' "T J,"MIb""7-'
in Souther. Oreson. fell nu Inlere.t in ""'' "''t numbrr rf this new
ibeiucccMof the 8uiTn, and would "'" I"' !) 'or raid favor, and find llionnd
willluglyuso his lulluenco In Its behalf,'0""0 ,,' In faTOr ot n T,l,rou Pf
II they knew what a great advantage 1 7' .n f ."" ,War' ,nm! - n.lnt.liianc
combined effort would be to the support of i"f ",p riKI,,ful """'ority of Ihe general
paper. We dull soonh.r, on eollrelTV ""?,.. Tl '" '"
drersofnew type for the &,,,,,.. a 'nri"S "f ', II1' oro thoelec
l.ettvMr.sn.!l,nniw.n..1 ' . ,,on of Abraham Lincoln mid Andrew
-M.T. n "JZ". ",UJ'J,U" Johnson. of course.
which will warrant the outlay.
has rxprewly refernl tn It Ihe rpuxlnn ol'ly all Iho tilbt of Iho plains ure banded
tlio constitutionality of his emancipation1 tt;ellnr for war. U111. D'nnt has Iwueil
proclamation. 1 an order tlmt nn anno nr ammunition bv so'd
to them, and noliUes ull officers in aiithorily
over ludluno. nol tn nlhnv them to leave
the rtwrvatluu. lie says such actions
will bo taken as proof of Inutility, urn!
treated accordingly.
Washington, lath. Tbo Mall boat from
Oily Point to-day, reports that on the nl.
ternoou of the 11th, a boipj'.of our troops
embarked 00 transports from Ciiy Point,
and moved up ihe river. During the night
under tlw cover of theJlrool tho gunboats,
they oflVcled a landing near Dutch (lap.
Object of this movement, staled to be the
dWoilgcnicnt nf a considerable force of the
May II iM'anrye-fore
U'nn..t....,,h....' ,..,.., I l0,lie '-opperheads In the Columbia re-
.. ..v rw,,utI, Wu ,m . ... ,
n,vui - . i'.uvvu 1. vii uur vAvoangc
an llll.J.t tl. ilia mnllu . . ... -
name each, To udd to oar subscription list, !
nuttowlll promise lo store llian eompen- Tun Cnors. The grain crops in this cmy, who had entrenclicd theinlves on
sale them by iuiprovemtiHs in Iho Sknti-! valey this season ore not qulterqual to that ,lie "ver,ui)il,alo,n reonnokanco In as
mil Tor bo BMurtJ, thai iuhall keep ' or last year. Pewer acres were sown last certain what Iroops Ixe'l.ao before llich
paee with whatever ioercosc of patronage Fall than usual, but owing to the odvanc-1 1"001'' ,",, ir l,e ,lu' " ending any con-
" J rwlvc; ' l'f'co that all kinds or cerlah command- MfMe reinrorcements to Karly. Heavy
3)irriiuu.-.'llili lerribre disease s1MlJ Worelmrreit, Ihe ci op has been mnro 1 fl,,n S0'1 " wl,fn U'Ct left bolls
mtdelu appearance In this v.l!,. .,inSnttMy CTl ' Ma""' '"" in former cMuowtllng and mu.ketry,
.-.,-.. . VAtM Tl.tt l.n .A I. .. H.I.. V... t'.l. li-.l. ll. ll-l.
.I-... ivuii iuui -iic n arm special
of the 15th, says : Plenty of rumors are in
circulation ,io-.dav, restardine the ninve-
this se.son. So, far it has to a consider- i yWS' Tbe U'y Qrop U J ,,,,,!
able extent balked, the skill of the Physi- IlioHnltaile u number ol families
iL sh t 1 Ti C,BU Wil" ,mve K0W fr0,u Gaih8 nd vicinity to
those that sleep their last sleep,
IUu'ltNltD. On Friday last rn tr.l 1 ' " In''"in c0un,'7 ,0 Pnd the hot and
ly passed through tils pl.c?, enroute for
Fort Klsmslh. to assume command iher...
He Is as gallant nd bravo a son of Krin
s ever drew a sword to- maintain the uul. I
tsly ef his country's lasts. '
is a
and obouuds In all kinds of
gtino. May
Teacher's XCfoticc.
I)HRSONS wishlnj: to ncelto terlifi '
wit li Uueli in the Piilihe Sehook;
can meet mi in Jucl.rtiiivllle, Saluiday. '
Ollll. .10, IdlM.
nng'.'Uit'J Sup't Cum. hehools.
l..ekouvil. I!. 1 hi! I.
.Dissolution Xffohco.
1 'I'MIU partnership heretofore o.tMtiig be-
X tween 1'isher, Urn. & MoriU Meiitcr )
tins day iliooltul ly minmil cm.-nt. All
Hrsons tvlni nre lu ih bl to suid linn, will
pay their liid.bltihieos tn Fuller & llio.,
ut their lloie. lu .lueki-ouvilli. All 1UI1U
owed liy smd (inn. will bo puld by 1'Vln-r
Sr lire., who will riinuiii ut thvir iiidstuiid.
111 JuekaSiitille, in Ihe meicunlih bnli;i.-.
n. pisiiku.
m. mi:nsi:.
Jaekniivllh. A117. "JO. IKIVI. iiino(ltt.l
The grentest medicine ever yet'dbenteretl
lor Ihe cure of till diseases uriouu; frum a
deruiigeinent ol ihe Nervous SysU-ni, is
AVntt'n Netvoiit Antidote.
It will cure the most cnfi nf "
nhuni.ttUiiT, SdinlgU, 1'JjjmI Jnlt n.l.itlt j,
Imbecility, linpnieney. PuUy, PJcursy, or
Tic IMIoum, lnur lvil llyit.
Fnr 'sale. wlmleale. In- OHAN'V. X-
! IllOIIAM. corner of Front ic Cluv Sfs,
I San Fruutisrv, nnd by responsible 'Drug-
! U'iilS evervtvluT...
Sun Francisco. l.i. 'C4. nii320ui3
If otice to Stockholders, i
rs and Heet, most of "VTOTIOK is twin, nln i n, .i..i.
1 which undoubtedly ore without foundation. I ll holders of the "Lucher Creek Vallev '
irrigating nml .Milliiu; Company, in Ihe
vvmiijr 1 uuscpinne, otntenr Uregou, that
tVidra lulll tn .. ..! 1 t ."..
llniue.liiuriuil. .
Weekly Trlhune
Situluy , 1 Int.
II D!.Kileti
' ('niirlt-i
WVek't- Tinuw...;
Journal id Ooinnieiee
I lnrwr U'whly . '.
lllu-lniud Neite
l.wlleV Zleliing (Iri-rinnu)
('tlii)lunl iutiiiig
Family llluiirr
Yiiiiltjr Pulr
IrUli AiiUfi-lcmi
SilenlllUi Aiuvrlcun
vt HKes- fcpim ol tlw Times a flu.
Oouiilry Ueullviiiiiu m
.vueKiy 3 ,i
Meiciiry ;i ,10
Ileiiddor Ptouruwi :t flu
n All KM' will lei np.nl Anuift 1.1. Wrfi.si
.'! rtu 1 Tour i.'ulimU l. ., ll.d.lti uru Intiuxlft'
tl flU ') pI'HHlt.
:t flu ' 'I h' right l'i tej'Cl nny or nil bid 1 heri-
a mi "v iwHirtm.
D.r. rxminwoni).
, ) Unl. ('.. r t.l Cut 0. ..t.l'.S.
fChllilvli. llK.i..July'i.'l 'lit Jjf.0(liiJ
xzz:, Zo::'7Z:Tr!lrmkiaT'Tiot
" 8collUhAiianciiiiJiiurii.il. fl no
l.aCmnli (Spanish)...,
Dotton Wifkly Ju11r11.il
Plug or our U11 on......
" Pilot
' Wnverly Miianzlue
' lluunei nf Liglil
' True Flag
' Invvrtlgalor
Literary CnmiMiiiuii
LlltulPs I.lvlni; Ajro....
Phlladelpliln I'nin.-y'n i'r Prvso.
" Dollar Nfvi.iM-r
" Saturday Kt enlng Pott . .
rtaltlmnro Weekly fcun ,
l.oiibvillo Weekly Journal "
Oliiclnnall Weekly Cn-flweiui!. .'. .
St. Louis HepubHuHui . . '
S All
it flu ,
:t An
3 All
a ah '
n aii
.1 All
11 nu i
M All
:t flu
:t aii
U All
il All
:t aii
:t flu
Mate vuu) Hwii l fiiitli-eiv. coinplef
!i siv'tocK oretcrvtlifiiu In rheir Hue. met will
- -" 1 . -. . . - .
Ketrp constantly nn lmr.4 t.11 itfsnrliaratot
1 r.u nesi 1111, r-m-il-lnHi nml tiippernsre.
Unis 1'ijtuio. llydruulre NozkU-h, Puree
I'limps, uiintmi. Im npc, nne.
I'allfoniia Strctl, Jnciisoiitillr,
TTAVK Just n-ceWed fnns. Ihe Atlantic
n uti , or nil rir.e:
8 till
P.' lit)
.1 flu '
:i An
it All
a An
:i flo
:t AU
:t ah
:t AO
ry day, ;f AU :,;D;i SeP .; ; Kt"" ,0 h ,u,,e-JouU ,hal imir
Rlatearror .cl springs, flae sccnerv "A Cl" '? .W g0'"t'' m BWOnf rebel
w 1 irt-ii iviiipii rw tvi ran .. ..
.V.V( iivi w vwtirou iffuok wMfvv currvv
IMltb anil Ua(TpItc5 o their portion
ponding movement on lliejhwl of the
Union armies, which Will ok& wise time
jet to ikrclop,
I flu IDl'V Tit la VlaTijll frtlU 1atnJ tn
"" l"VIV. Iltlll SJVilHIB IU Sill . t . .
J'4uoMu-Mr. llenr, L. Piltoek. ! come into market In considerable obnn- ot p'n mpw the construction of
tIOronwji,Hute Primes, called onoldancc. Uur Wlllamttte Wends msy feast "". ,'.? p . - - . "M bw","'w',
' I ne Tli.tl. ! .lr i ...
on their opplcs and pears, but tve will lake Vvy ' ,","',;l ww m ",0 vwmJ-
crapes for our portion. Southern Oregon V ,cn1d"?' ' ""' M'"l' '" ! to
ror every variety or fruits hi few equals, ,'wl ,,,e,r '",w '" The
and no supetlbrs. 1 ,",1 a," WV"V "1 by gh le w"u,
1 . I which Is to bo fourteen huudml yards
1 Tihiatokk. Tills healthful and delicious lour, is k-vcii mllw or water in Jumi
".lUuinH.arihed iu lunu liy ilusu, nu lut , fruit is tery ubundanlln the Jueksomille river- This piornlug the men thai engaged
ivtni"S- j "rktl the work, were shelkd by icbel tarns but
no Lilt TiKvJay, Ifo U cmliW way to San
Prancltco 19 ixtrehasa maletial for poN!e
JljsTiKatuiiKii Atmv.ti. Itev. Dr.
IWIIottj, President of Ihe Bunilary Com-
mere win be h iii.-eting held nt the resl
dene or A .11. Platter, on Monday, the
lath day of Sept.. 1B0, nl 1 o-cloek'r. x..
lor tins purpo-e of electins ihrec Trusiew.
ami oilier oilleerH fr lbe,tun!-i yi.nr,
Dy order or the Uoard. "
AJJ PLArrKlt.Sep'y.
Foreign Posji.xxUeiils.
London HIiMratcd Nettb. tltii mi-
plemeuls $j
Vtetkly Di.iinlcli
' llluirutvd News ur thu
" Jlliuti-itlvd Tunes
' Weekly Tlmi
:: iwi&ufr
" Allieiuvuni
" Pnucb ' '
ri !' . Once a Week '
Liverpool Wlliuer A Smlt . Thu,.
Duldln Nation '
I GotiibiU Mnpnuliw.
liar. Plate arid assorted Iron ;
rami, tins, nis.i nml (ilass:
All rpialilles or Pouder ;
flint ol ull iiiiinln-r :
llnulies or every VHrlely.ctc, ets.
Alsn.nlttnyson linud. n larae Inl nSiis
ol iuortod sixes. lluek's Pnteul Cmiirnf
Slote." and Iho "New World Stove," tU
two- very tnt nnd nnnroved notlerus la ll
il AO 1 world. Parlor, Oftlcu and C11U0 Slote,
I 011 inncy unu plain, cnnitrucli-a on Hifi ""''
a AO living plans. Holler, Kelll.-s, Itils. P".
;. AI) j ind every Ihlnie conuecU-it rlil these stu'e'r
a AO ' warranted diiriihli and scrfvet.
3 ill) ! All articled sold bjr Ihun or rasnufse-
a 50 . tured. WAItlt ANTED. Ttielr work Is md
r tint IKijtl mntrrlnl ami nr.f!inlMt fUtllOJi--
t--0rdcrH nttenditi to tt llh dispatch, sad1
filled accordion, t dUnvtlon. In every
thing, their stock Is the liiruest nud U"
over brought to Jacksonville, nnd Ihoysrc
00 1
( ) I -if ',l,,ri41" "'" Phccnix nnd j Temple Uar Mazli'o!
- -......-...,, , VMV ., i,iii. .-iiiuiiiii.rir.. t. uuiiiL-N jian
ny person fitiilliirr ' London lancet
Btni rn
miii wwiie. WUL-Ise lilierully rewarded, by . " W'otld of Kathluu
leavlna it at my residence, two miles fiuTt h.': Jnn '.'.
or Jacksonville, nr at the SkminkmiIDci ," V,u c,r ll"1,l"I Dickens
or by rurnlshiiiK Inroruutluu where it j.isv . uu'nn Ali ,,,i"'"1
!,. r..ni,.l " "V,B "J") ' lllackwood'a .Mil,-,. In..
Wvntlmer Oiiiu-tei-le li....i...V
1 J uu 1 determined to cell nt ww rmtiM soK-ewit'
11 1 Cull and examine tbclr tock In-rore P"'-
' u" r-haslnir olsowtP. r Jjin !l. lKr.0v2'l.
Kenls for Jlnltkisy i Co.'. Wire Hope
Cosncr of Wushlngton and Duttery
illrV, Sun Francisco.
r"PIIlS U,nk I nM. for iho transaction '
o uvni-pii 1 1,1 11 kiih; piine'. o '
celvedi pelt, attend to tbo Collections'
Paper, and draw r.ebanuii by Tumuli tru"
QtlienvlM, on New Yolk. London. iiiD
etc.. ole.. on Ihu inot fvnrrtble tertns.
President. Cttthltr.
1'. 00 I
10 00!
13 00
li on
K uu
15 00
la nu
u on
u uu
1: uu
11 no
l 00
1 nu
1: 00
l 01)
t 00
;i un
;i uo
Nonh Urlll.h ..
San FiaucUeo, July j IBOL JylCwl