Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 20, 1864, Image 1

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mjwmiwwM vi'"g5J!g?;!!!?BKWaWlf VVL.LX W
. . ,H1
if k .nrai , U
mmiywtiiw nlm s-rnuna-aw
VOL. IX. NO.. SI s
until r.Tnv HuviiiiAr niuimmi. ,
jj. r. DOWsisi, Prop'r. ,
etncirrios Kr One year. In advance.
roorl'olUr5 uH wIIMii Hut tlrst lx
njnlh or the )er, livedolUr- ; II' nut paid
uolil tin.' MplrttMi f h year. lx ilulinrr.
.Innunnivj One Hiiwre (In Hum or)
ci), flTt lawitimt. Three I .llnrr j each
unfiit InnHt'tit. Ono Dollar. A ill-
cmisl ft" I'rty t"r 'ni "" " ",U-U '" l'l05tf '
vhwwliHliythe.vwr. I
jlrd Vr-lf fl-t ' fnwnt fl. i
n n l IncUnoiivllli! I.o.lsi-
' - . . V.l till. ..I I. ............ a.
- ..- ..-'. u.iikii'"! mm"
Lr m ttl'Ur of Iho flrl
1 S Unr -X in mrit iiHHiui, nici on
7TM7W- J f.Mtl.v..f -rl, Inl.tfrnlliK i
rjj vjHTi- o1-.,-! K.r .M-UH.I,ir IIKII,nl '
tV.Wk r. . Iln-Hirr In til ln,ll',-;.tr In.lfnl
I..II.M SILAS J. DAV, N.ll. ,
J.n MrLiwiw. Jt. So,', i
Tra.l-o-'. ' )l, ulln, Hn. lUr til Slliw
Wsrrcn Lodso No, 10. A. F. & A. M.
n ItOf.l) their rerrulnr rnmmunl- j
Jw-rstloti ""' Wi-diu-ml.ty KviMiliitcnn
VW preceding thu full moon, In jack
Al.l.X. MAHTIN. V. M.
H. lti.nov. S'n'u.
OjimiK. V.. V. Kl'SSKM..
v.!- XJ..A.-OC.
jxnsoi.iciroiw in chanci'iiy,1
(IIBrr aillr III" Court IIiiiim-. I
Alll-n-lnr-.s coiiitnlll.il tn iMr run' "III j
Vprompll,' nlli-wlnl In. .lull '."J, 'Hi.
lAl'k'tONVII.I.K, Ullftl.
ITU trnct.ee In nil Hie Oturt--f lie Ttilnl .
JJi:ll Hblrlct.tl.o.Sipn-in.jlioirt-ireirc. ,
ng.ua in lruku.lul. ur.Vf(ilirMi)l
Ifciitlrrlrd, lel. IM.
. ...
K-pecUl uttciitlun iilvcii In rollecllou
Jiiii in. Ihi:i. ji
lljr I'HulUirnl.)
"men with IU.'flurU.K-4.
8UUVI"YO!l & UlVlf. KNJ1VV.KH.
Jt'.Wtnc liejr the Sou Hi end of Oregon
irwt. Jaaiiiry. i. IKI
I'liotottniphic Strtl(,
J,rrfr,r""" '',',1 pletun-n In every 1vIm ;
wflli-nrl. mIHihII tl:.'ile Inproveiui'iilri.
5f I'lctiire do not -j:le tallfrtCtUiii. no
hri!M Mill l innRr. l.;JX nl lit" new .n.
Vr,iin tin hlll.'vauuiiin. liU plcturen, ud
nil fur yroir IIKene,
"i r- . .uric?
HAS ptiiusneiitlv loesteil In Jnckmii-
tillf. mtd.iirriitK W sioicrf nil lli""
tinted nrtllfclil leelli. Dwiylug Irclli ;
cilnl uiili miM void Iii the In t uuiiiier.
FrtM.n. iieeillng work In IiIk line, will Hud
to .heir advntnxetoghUlilmucitl.
OlBco Onodoor eal of Madame du lie-
W llr.tniirnnt. mllfilf
rormribcrp.rllciiUrr.Mll l Notlber's ' 1 S" """,id ,,w l ,1l,0'n'ttC
Store nnd rev Ihti Mnclllnc III opeiatiuil. VioKl' 'uhiugton special sjyi I he Imp
Xblue on hand, tor ' "I". ' piest remits have ulready follownl tlui (
JKV.nville. Jut t.h. I "il. ' 3,n , polnlnif.it or .Sheridan lo Hi, onn.iuud of
- i the Mtddlu Ueparliiniit. Uonlldencu and
... Kran w" , , I truiKiulllly uppears In lo restored through.
11 ntClimttkCr ailll JOWCICr! out MaryUil nnd lVuimylvauiu. The
On Oregon Mreet. Ilrot door north of ' Tirna' cirresonJ'iit. wrlllnjf from Hber.
Hreutano's Jackiuvllle, Ogu. Bfmy ,Joivar ,,,1,, 0 g, kliy;
firykQ JOIIX lMIOlX'K, j l he troops arc mostly In rucil Iwsith.
gA 3m ""' lu;u'," "r '',0 !"'' cn'l,', 'ltt'' '"'P'"''
yjgpMr,yte4iirfr and repairer of ,ffaly ,iCJ g lralreinw,u from the
rUorVatflbw,arwvwelcrs. Clocks f ,wjnu , ,t Uqiirlniriil.
"S! $SJ$1S&U The 14.1. corps issald to have arrimUml
ulted, alter llw most aipo.ul Avli irieyry uyuHablc nun has been ordered lo
ik ait, and warAnttI for uc;v;r. il'riecs ' iLUiCusuHsanJ.
wuftifll; lo times ,,,. ', WiuuicBton,. Ottii-X City I'oinl let-
JtelooiiTlHe.Jiinori, 1804. 3in
WUUWSA.l'K ""l low All.
X) 3E3 uSl L 3E3 DFL 0 .
Dry Goods and Uroccslcs.
floonvlp Aug. fi. ;Cvt. .i'gtf
tr. . . , , , i . .ii Inraut train, ami muroVjIojf cinlgatuls,
&$" l n 0Miw'MX were unable to defend thluv, that
' there has bten no nttjwlc on mall .coaches,
$Imv tutd lirulii tettoh
-And also will Attend to ppor ihanglug elo, .atock uMlnjj.bfinciurIil olTfroDi somoof
k.-i .. 1 ,. .. .i ,lhntAioi,buHl)n;jJ ore being Jlilribu.
bwoWgiiilWftu. iirftoWijfiBlMii..
''Wwk svlU " W't"4riu on Ihe1 Waililiiglou August lllli. To Udieral
JIM tlU;rt i3i ws, tor 'hor ,0 i,J'l2J,,y
Jick-onvlllc. Aptll. 50, "C:i, ,...i:toni.i
r' I
Vltliout tlio Chtlilroii.
O, Hie weary. leiim tllnnco
(IT n liounc wltliout the ohlldrvn,
0, HmHlrniiKe. opprcnlvc rllvncr,
Where the clilldrcn coma no mom !
All I I In- IoiikIiik of thu fleeplc
For tlio poft nrrru of (lip clilldrcn,
All 1 the longing for the Inci',
J'ccplnj; tli rnu kIi I he opening door
Knees roiic forever moro I
Plrnnup It In In nko nt mtdnlht
And not lienr tlio children lircnthltitf,
NollitiiR but the old clock licking,
Ticking, ticking liy tlio door.
Hlranno lo roe tlio little drccft
llnnglng up thno nil Hie morning;
And Hie traltcro nli t their patter,
We will hvur It nerc r moro
On our mlrtli forinken Hoar.
Wlml In homo wlllinul the children !
'Tli the crlli wlthmtl Itf rr nlurc.
And Hie tky wtthout ItK mtuhliic;
I.lfi" lMltlicivd tn the coral
h'o we'll Iriu'i' Ihlmlrrnr dfjcrt,
And wu'll I nl low Hie goiM Shepherd
To the greenir pn.turw vcrnul.
Whew Hk lnml) hnve "gone ln-foie"
With thu KlicpUid ovrniotu!
0. Hie wvnrj ndemn fllffce
Of ii Iioiimi wllhout the children.
(), the ilnuigt, opprcvlve rtlllrii'fr.
Where tlm children come no mnrul
Aht the longing of Hie IrfpU'.n
Kor the Mill nruiK of the children ;
Ah I Hie longing for the fnen
IVepIng Ihmugli Hieoienltig djor
Knee gone fnrcver inori!
in:roiiTKit Kxci.tivi:i.v ma nil: Ki-vri.sKi-
Saturday's Dispatch.
New Yoik. llllh.-TIa- Mcl'MInn meet
Ing tonight U tin; Urgist ever lalilln
this nlucc. Tho audience in rmthly wli
IIMlw ul co.000. Ureal wtlliuiUiui pre
:ii.:!nimll, Ulh. Uen. Ciirritigton, nt
liidluiuHiii, ncvivul Iiifurinulli'U thai
(!ol. Adsiii .Inliiidin Wis nt .Morgnnvillc,
Ky., llirtutenliig to attack Ml. Ytrcnn.
linliiiiM. Aiiollicr force of 'I.'i.IIOO In f cut'
leml thjsisghisit the mljuliiliig rotlities.
preparing oorHrutc willi .lahiiviu.
The rlvvr l orry low nml citi be eunll;
forded. Ylic gunboats vuiiuot ojMrrule.
C'nrrlngtoii Um onlereil thu whole north
eru Hue of 4ai river to lio plekKul, and
lias made . -rKiuut on (iov. Mivrlnn fur
J."),(l()(l nut), tetter rib patch kivs -C.'iO reb
ilnniimki'Ui'.' H'h Kviiiiicky rigiuu'iit.j
ut Kiileiii. onf. wri' m vtiely repuUil. j
New Ywrk.llili. The I'otl'i UallliuoreJ
i r.irrii'iHinJit'iit suy; I'uivrs contain n cull.
written by II. V. H.ivI-. for a Union
Convention In ttivt nt lluahi. nnd make
I'roldenllal iioblmilloii. IU strong.
nrraigix w AilKlul'ImiMU for alleged
. . -1M(i.lK ..,.,l r, kcuhv it a.ide
""rl r""li''' """ ' Ml lln;'"
I" prevent anireiijf uml relK-lllon. I he
Cvmmrftinl't pec.l fiiys Hccrelurv Sinn
',,.. w,telMl,,w WM vnutttn Jt Irnil.
'Tin- rfirliil reigiulioii ol riewurd, lllalr
'nml Wetleri is williout fnuudilllon. Tin
., . , frm ,.. ui...1I!in.i,1.i1
Ynllej lo thu tlTix-t lli.it Sheridan wns pur.
suing thu forces of Kirly, with u prospect
ol overtaking him and forcing battle,
(j'old madii n rllglit udvuucc today, ow
ilug to pfiiMtinn ruinois ihut I he lebels had
M,of tbo W.IUms se..uut of lb.
Ufloslon of but loadeil with um.nnni.
WllwUiu teoU scatteml in every dircc-
.tlon. The new depot bulldinj,' Is u nmis
Itf taint. Whole csiualtlci, 50 klllwl uud
,.,n.,.,..P ',,, flrin
ohig on this mom
log at thu front.
Denver City. (O.T.) Aug. IOlh.-To
correct probable misapprehension in re
gard to the safety or travel overland, it Is
proper to say that ullhough the Judlsju
have been very troublesome, uttacmugec.
in.ills have been ordered to bo utoapul ut
' Atchison, iKttiiwii, todi.y. Ijy 'tho .buper
,iintudiit nl tho 'ovw'uud line, wvlujj lo
Dix J No further inlelllg'ence from Mob,!;. !
,ecept Irom dwellers who report Ihu cupl .
I lire nl the cliy. XiiIIiIdroIHuIuI hii ticen re
Icvlvul Irom HliiTiiuin.lt is reporteil ull in
well with lilni; lie is Knocking
plea-H with 4a Inch ihclN.
iVllmiln tn
Xo move-
nient Ims bit-ii innda )y our force lieforc
IVtersburg. Bhcrhlun Ims been heard from
toduy. Hlg.ml. Hlnnlnn.
Kew York lVitli. Cnrrrspondcncc from
SlierldniH nrmy lllli, myn lie Is mi inarch
'nvurili 'lnchetcri Imbodcns cnvnlry ure
kirmUliIng willi hi' advance; he cxpcctii u
initio ut Upiitou (.'reek live injirii thlsnlih
Wlnclieiiter, nllicrwine the cneuiy mint re
tent up tlio Valley. Murtliubtne; is occu
plnl by our troops.
Uarliluglnn lllli. UNputclies from
"" "" "
"1X '"
l'urragiit nro hourly exin-etitl. I
active military nH'rnliniui now miters on
Hlirrktun force, who hare brilliantly In. I
nugurntril the runipnlgii which gih' on
mnt ciwournglngly
", "7: 7 'I1
sty, have rearon lo believe there l a ball e,
, , , . . ,,., , ,
lieing Imight near Inchesler. belwiTii
,.,,., ... , . , . . 1
hhrrhlsiM forces, nnd the iimln body of t he'
X...M. X'...l. 1111. At"--1. 1. ........ ...A.I.... !
reliels under lviilyj very heavy Ciinuimud
ing heard In that direction, ut Ilar.'rn
V Jrl. i.ii,. in ii 1 in "in. nun .1 1 luinnii
I lull our force are eloin 1111011 tin-hIhIm.
I."...... ..i....l... r. 1 I. 1. 1 -..
IMertiuig illspntch of the Ulh. reports '
. ... . . . ' . 1
11 greui I'ouii.igrniinn on inerigni tuppoel
tn bchoiiren cnnipoilng the rebels coiiii.iIm
ry drpol. Itfrjiilt unkuowu.
C.'ulro l.ih. Ilebel covnlry allscked
Kiilliui. on the (.'umberlniHl river Holiday
evwilng. lliey were rrpulml. One TIiout!
nnd jxiuTrilUs nre reporliil nt Union (,'lly
tr ....!. f..l .t..l....n.. uL.l,K
1 ' l. n.n r .il r
'" "" 1 rvr.u.v... .,
. . c. I l..t,... I ....I.-.. .l.Mi
"'" v..-r,i.R..lu.. ..R..V
. , .. .
lo clean tlirm out.
.. ., ,.,,, , ,
Xt ll,li.f.. I. l,IIilli.i i.iitlL,.flla ti.,1.1.
1., ,, ... .. ..m.i
nn fxpeiilllon up Uruiul Lake on tin1 .flth. 1
1 . 1 1 1 .,.!.,.
distrnyiil 11 large tiuniber of .Uttnmt. just
' "
complelitl by rebel; ntso .lexlniynl two
sawmills nnd tiipturiil 11 lot il vuluabV
liimbiT. Six trunxporls arrived nt New
Orlmns Irom llrnzos, probably loaded witli
iriHtpH withdrawing from Tcxa,
U'uiihliigtou, l.ili, IMter from nrmy
of tin- t'otomnu represents nil cpilet. (Junr
nnlliie, New Ywl. A reliel plriilo Is re
porle Oil mlk soiiili from Buii.ly Hook.
.She cspluretl n 11II0I boat ycslerdny.
New York, l-.ih.-The New Orlmns
Ttne I Mlii fiiys Ilrauregaid Ims gone to
Ail.nta wllh .0.0U0 men. He will ruuk
1 1 ooil In command there.
t'n'jnii'tr says: the enrmy command l'e
lerrburg willi fiOII gunn which rniisncep
1 he eliy through und through; heniv, it
iMpinrc by (ir.uit would not uiiumul toiiiiy
thing. h'an Kransirco I'.'lh. 1'rhale advices
ipioie (iold on Ihu Ulh, nt '.,:.V'i( -:.'iT.
Uurreney Hills 1;0. t'oln 31. iJ-gulTi'ii-
piers, weak nl .'J '-" T. (J. rJuliborn
recently tx heavy utock broker. Iltul w(1l tr.u 1
111 iuMiitrui-i, upi.-iia iiuiiiiiiki iiHiuiiiintu,
a.i..ii ' 1
.f !...! .1.1 II. I. Ml. I. .A.I
Washington, 1211.. Unvu
rimwit official
lispnlelies, Irom Dauphin's
11... 1 ......
I.liillil, is-ij ,
everything ut .Mobile Is progresniug favor-
lilt ufllli Alr.ru nn. .,..... .iT .luw-lu m.,,1
I I I j
hrll liiiit .ueeead. 111.- iinon.l .,r...i..'...r-!
suecrss. Ulchtnoiiil l.xiimiuer
.- Port Morgan slill holds on., but Hut I
Port Unb.es Is occupied by Frik-r.il Irnops. !
Fnrragut lost one moniloraiidone gunboat
in llie act ion,
New York. 1,'llh. Tho Cmmtrtil'i
correspond, nt reports Hint Urnnl Isremov.
Ing hls-giins from Iho Iront of Pelerxburg.
preparatory In ralslnir the sU-l-j of Hint
The Pm's niirrnimndent so is Kiel.
inoilil DnlH-rx slulo that iho order fori, 1,1
1 I
dingHla.o g.'nls lo recruil wlll.lo Ik
lines of Ihe nrmy of Ihe Po.onmc h.sbeen .
meldiM. Tlieneivs .ron, Sherman's de '
narlmentlspneouMglng. Sheridan I. ,I-
n i. ' ... ..
'" '" "."-w ............ .u,r
New York itulliorKIra ore getting up a
York authorities ore getting up a i
a,... postpone lira drad.in order ' m
.e el.ymore lime to fill lu nt. I
Is n probaUlll.y of a compromise be I
...... ..... . . - . .
glvo III
I lierc Is n prol)llHllllJ or n eomprom
tnpcn printers nml employees being rflV-cted
lo-dny. The i'oil's Wiishliij-uwi K'aial re
porls that the rebel ofllcers eteha.ige.1 at
(Jhnrlestoii were never placed under fire
by (if n. Foster. Isirgo number ofl'fijfr
nl ofllcers have been placed under fire ut
by stringency of tho money market nnd
tho high price of provisions, procured n
pistol and took Iho rod. ileetlug a trav
cltr, hoiloppci dbu -willi "Yer money,
or your llfet" 6efk f ut was -green, he
said "I'll tell you -what I'll do-; I'll glvo
you all my money for Ihut pistol,
"Agreed." t'at received the money and
handed over Iho pistol. -"Is'ow," cold
Iho trnve'er, "hand bocU tlist money, or I'll
blow your 'brains outl" "llhiso awny, my
heariy.T,ldlPti''mev.a,Ubropor.pow..anilrrajVttj a wfc-gusnl ifrora Uin.'Wc,;
lli.r ll.rSlfIn.tl , ,. . ......... ... -' 1 .1?;
tlicr thwiisiln.lt."
Tlwt-vftMim 'I)imoornt,')).iillel SDltk
tHsoo, In a tocrut -sppreh.-sam that in the
wur cf 18T12, Mr. Jludisoa msdd ten mis
Ukes where Mr. Lincoln has mado one,
yet the Democratio party sunn
iluiurd the I - 'x -
tcutjvo then, and nnt'o tbolr fortunes as a
patty by their julriotlc course,
Tlio Ucpot't or Cotton.
Tlio IIo.lorfW71rr. furnishes
"',0 fo"ow'ni lalcrestlng facts In relation
fit- i i . .i t . I i .t
to tnu nmnunt w Americnn cotton received
I.. l.'..1... I I., tor.l ..K I in...) r ...
in I'.nglanil iii 1802 nnd J8IJ, of cotton
1 1 i . . i . , ',
which we cnii proper y nsstiina tube Aincr-
len. R. ..... l.m..i.P., .,....( 1.a ,.....!.. t.,r
col I on rnUcd in the Wei Indies, but thin
will be more than bulancal by shipments
lr llnl.rit ...i.l liu vnjM.lntM ..t Vami m1.
from llin',iiiu nnd .Mnla morns
hii .,
'I he cotton
from Mexico c.iiinot pcrhuns bu rnll
lliien nlurlllllrll livililmt lln. Itlnnbmln 1i.il
Ihc high prico 'occasioned by the Bnmn..,
mrntmlrletlam upon purchases In Ihir "7, , ,7.7 , , ? ,,
lionlliwrst InucdUfil II..; cotton to be car-
I rled from the ro.ton llehW nfTc.xns lo the
III.) (Irninle. The lalile U ns follows, giv
ing Hie receipts in I'nglnod for two years :
i I'rimi Krruru p"rw wltliout llm .ile .liter
'rnntnii, in lTrt'J, .:IX7- vwts; HermudiiH.
...). I, llahn.nas,.i:)...ll; llurbadoes, l-IIIj
,,,, ,,-mi. u...i .. u. . m .n
(:ubu, -1. 181; houtliuin Hlnti-, 'tO.-Jfil:
,. , . ,,., T 1 1 .1 1 1 1
Mexico, ..yfl(;.Tamiii:m nnd other Islnnds,
, . , . ,,.,
...Ilf-O I lllill, IUI.,...
Ill ier..1. Mrditcrrunlnn.l 11.(1.11; llcrmii
dn. r,n.07; llahiunnx.'JO'J.OIlO; llnrb.iilnes.
. .,.,.
' .. '
Cnhri. Ill.'JL'n; Southern Stales,
Mexico, l".,12n; .Tamncht nnd
., , , ,
nlber Islands
iSfl: Novn Hoot la nnd
!V llrelon. LPflH. Tnlnl. f.2l.nt7.
At.lcwi.io Hm bale in 1(102, 1CSAA
bales, hi 1 8G.1. 1 IIO.'.'CL'.
ll will be nl.scrvrd Hint while tlio illrerl
receipts from Southern pnrls have fnllcn nff
InrHy, thote from ths llnlmmns nnd Her
inii.l.ia Init'A riinniiriiiilM Im.rAniin.l tliiti
' "V """
Islmwlni: llm route which lira trndo follows.
I.....,.., ,. ,,.,..,. n I.. .1... ll.l.l.l.
" VM """ .... ..i-..
. . ,...,.,,,
i.'iii.ii .1.11 .11.- ,. in i. 1.1. iipTioiniiv.it.
I, , ' , , . ,. . ' . .
Uirui' sliMmers nre lor.Ud In hugmiul lor
1 iw ir 11 m, 11.11. .oi'ir iM .ii.iim; ..i.ui''
...... ,
with the sninllblneknde runners. Inrorrnn,
, ., ,
II. 111 rriin I, in.liinil .l.iiiv. Ilinl mm lull. ,ir
.!.... 1.1 1. -...1 .1 ...!.-.... ...MA...
each cargo Is lor th" owner". Hint Inlclv
not bring iillnweil. Iimvevrr, tn shiivnnvl
supplies not iilnolulely iieed.il in carrying
on Ilia wnr. So funis the snl.s of prime
coilnn slnnv. il does nppear that llm block-,
nde runners nre Inlercfpicd In moro limn
ono trip in six.
It nppears then. Hint In 1801, 110.000
bales of coilnn wereiivnlliibtc In Hnglund
' f.tm ll.it. f VinP.jlav.ilfi I AcAvtitit fits I tm ill I
km .... wu.i.no... . .....i v
Mipporlers, for Iho purclinso of supplies or
iniiniUoiisofwiir. This collon wns soldi
ror gold, ut n rule not less limn two nun
dred dollars jier bnle. producing nt least,
82C.0IIO.0flO. Tim t.'.ivernr.ient, Willi Us'
share, doubtless paid Hie Interest upon lu
hniid. nml reeriilled lis credit so fur us In
ninl,olheS:MIOO.iinilifiiul In double Its
nmiuiiit in purchasing urms uml supplies.
Usrd In this el"i ctlvo manner the collon
wns pnfllelent to arm, clothe und set in tho
Held mi itriny of -100,000 men. .luMitam
III- llliiril.-.
Uk.nti.kiian. Ile la
. ....
above n mean thing. Ileeanuot sloop lo ,
...... ' . '
' ,nw" 'r' ' lnv""1' "" ec'i'tsin'
keeping or unoiiur. lie nciruys no seareiui
,,,.,.. ,. ... ,. ,
1 (Vt'iiiii'vti ii ni i"ii hmjiiii i ihihj 1
nelrt.h ndvuiiiag.! of no nian's mistukc. '
.1 ., ,.,. t,n,,tl,.. ., riiifinj In en.ilrov'f.ptiv
i 1111 Iiniolili. uennoni lo eootriH'criiv
' , . . ... . '
l hM.v "v..
' " ,,,,w '","" ,,r " ",rK' m r,"""""
..l ..f iiiKunilnrki llu Id nut iiii.i HiIiiis In ii
"' '", ",ut V" , " ' , , , h,"
accident he cenics luln pojc'um of his
neighbor's eogu.cl.-, )m pusics upon them
iuilalit oblivion. He bears seald pack
nut without tnixriig willi tlio wax.
Pupers not meant lor Ins e..e. whtlher they
' " "" " """ "v "' ""
fliitii- tn t it.rt tti..ljiiA' i.p li. nnAii Itofiirit
I.l... I.. iii.nrili .1 . .m.nr,. in r. .nprr,! In
in ... ... j,u,i.... v..,-.-...,s, . ..-.... ...
,,m' P"" " lWy or o Urn.
""J'"'" J W ""W. Holts an. bars
,of,k" "lf n1 l',elw,B' UouU
n,u "'U'"'. ,,(?'IcM ? P?""' att
'none of llicm for.liim
Ho may be trusted
nrstt ilm llifnnfxt
...... . .,,,, ., ,i. ,t,
i'""". "" "' '. , """
? " . . occasion n.r .11.uru.11.5n1. tuiae,,, ......
J-"ton' m- J, '"' n0 cn,'Htis made no part of the duly of tho
l,eM ' T' mi ir m,? ! "jU"""' a,ft,H Iilitnr' nulhoritles. and
"'.uM !Xbt 'l". f W' Ir.'Bl"1 " ' fe U nM ,bo !n,en,on nnr ,,,c
litem through llitliunor. Ho Will eat lion- .I..MI .,1,1, ln Interfere In ni.vv.-nv wlml
litem through UWiunor. llu will eat lion-
est bread. Ile tramples on mi sensitive
feeling. He liiiulls no man. II be lias a
rebuke lor another, ha Is straightforward
open and manly, Ho cannot descend to
fcurrilily. Illlliugrgnte don't lio in his
truck. From all profane and wanton'
words his lips arc chastened. Of women
and to her he speaks with decency and to
rpect. In short, whatever lio. judges Jjqu
orablo bo practices towards every jniu..
Tho daughtPB of (Jen. atobart I'-Lee,
says tbo Notches Couritr, in within .curl
Hues, lu Ueu. Sutler's .Uopsriment. buo is
stopping ut Ihe liouso -of a relative, an old
gentleman named -ilill-Ourter; -whoso placo
is on tho bauka of tho James rlverr just
opposite our landing ot.Uermudaillundred.
I. uP ',u. .. verv nttenttvo
10 our,
L w01I,,di durbw -tho iPeolosula canwalin,
Ulellso. J";yr4 u .mllliaiy guanl .poB
! thttiplontetioii ilu iprevtnt .cowfliuulcatlon
with the rebels, "Mr. Carter Is uow left lu
undisturbed possession of his citato by
Uen. Unlltr, nnd his young relative tnjoys
Biin,ilMi rnnnHl frw.lom.
, . - ...,-...
Tho booje of nature w ul.J
but It Rets short of leaves in the fall.
I IniiiaV Stiiatkuv. The following Inter"
i"""8 .,U'.m ,l,k T. h.n. eo""Poud'
cnctioi i lie .ew inui iitivni:
One of tlio Koiirtcenili New York Ar-
lll.... UH. 1...1I I I.. .If .. i
i iiiicr.- u oemieu lliiliun, j ui'lieve. irom
,, .,, . . , .. c . ,' .
the estern part of tic S ute uiulcrtook
'. , .. ... ",UUB
I "" u "uBr "' '" '" '" " rL"1' "'P"'OOl
, er, who was perched on n tree In Iront ol
i our line, conslderubly In tnlvnncc of liin
Ills nuinncr of ticrnnipIUliIui tlii
tvna ii. Iiiir.iiitniia na .iifinajhil ntol Im..I
..M.TMT .out....... -. m-- ih..rri.ii. mi. i .i.nir
., , ... , ...,,., . ,
iiib ncYiury iii nnj in me i.euiuersincillip
rciKKiiH. procuring n c uauiiiy 01 Dim
liAl.l.l.. tin IIMHiil.IH.il l.tm...lr I.. .1...... f.
""", , . ', ,
",m" """ "u ,"n L"B,"W.' " ' "'
Ik" ' . " '"".nlc.). ' .., ..disl n-
giunimuiu 10 .lie cusuai ooscrvcr irom llie
surrnuuillug follnp, nml resembled it tree
as closely us It was possible for Ids really
! iirll.lln . fl'iida In r.inlrt. lilni Tlina hia.
pnred, nml with mui.ket in ntitul. he stole,
wllh iilmnst Imperceptible luoveuienU, to
bcne.ilh lliu tmi wliero the sharpihooter
wns lodiftil. Ileri) ho imllenlly wnllril tin
III his prey hud emptied his piece, nt one
of our men, when ho suddenly brought his
niiiket to brnr upon the "reb." giving him
no time In reload. The shiirpshootcr was
tnken nt it illsailriinliigc. To tlio com-
. inn ml tn come down he rrndlly nMrnteil'
' w,irn ""' ,n,H"" trliimpliwilljr marclml Mm
j ,nl w,mP nl"' w" "10 Pr.
'aii. The following ls""n list of the
wnrs which nro being c.irrie.1 on ut the
prn-ent time, which shuw that we nre not
..I...... I II
,11101m in our irniinii-rl
1, Wnr in I'oliiiul between tliu Totes
...1 .......... .....
uiiii uie hiimiiiiib.
I , ...,.. ..... ., ...,..
1. iiuriu jiuiy iiciwecu uie uprising
I'ieilinnnlrsp and Nenpnlllnii pntrinU
II. War In .liipnn between the diipnnese
nml llie Kugliuli,
I, War In Chlun between I tic Imperial
Ists inui llm Insurgents.
fi. Wnr In ('Mini between the Chinese,
I'feuch ...id l-'nglish.
1 fi( nr nfinmnn nd Java between
, Mnlnvs und the Dulch.
-( WV in lllinloslun between Ihc ling
,. -ml ihe Indians.
8 s,Vnr In IVrsIn between Ihc lVrsluns
.,,,,1 11,,, APl'liiiin.
.. .
u.wur in i:ncinn uiinn, uciwron tne
An'nniiities nnd Hie Krcnch.
m. Wnr in A Igi-riu between the Arnli.j
nml llm I'rrneh.
n, wr In . Morocco between the Moors
nnd Hie Kpniilnrds.
12. War In Mnd.igniiir belwecn llie
liidlgeii.-MMind Ihe 1'rfi.uh.
l.'l, Wur in I'ulfrurla between Ihe Kaf
llrs nnd (lie KnglMi.
1-1, War In Ihe United Htnles l.otwmi
Ihe North mid llmKonlh.
1.1, Wnr In Miwleo bclwurii tho MpsI
c.iih and the j'reneh.
1(1. War In St. Uoinlngo bc'.in lhp
x. ..i ,t.e. ..n.
Nroroes mid thefipmiUi
1 11..11 I., .1... 11..J.11. ,.f e.il,
,w' v,ar "' "" i,"u"1' " ,;
10. U'11Pn Aii.lrallnnnd Ncwyalund
-- -- -
between Ihc I-.ngliili nnd the Jlnnrls.
. . ."."".. . .
In connection with the arrest or t . u
1 Weller. Ucnerul McDowell has issued Ihe
following order, whlflh tsplulns Il.elf and
tho objeat of the military nulhoritles:
"IIr.muji'autkiis Dkp't Paoikip, I
Sun Frnncisco. July 25, 1801. f
1. Tho nrrcst of a prominent cll'rn on
the charge of endeavoriiw nniongniiiPr
I . .. . t. lI.. ta.
l"s'ynl .racilcvs-I0 pjiCl.o cer.an. c...
fifM ,u nrBle( nrgamuiuin ngniiui uir
. . . . .. .. .1..
(ivernment of the United States, on the
I ,,,,, ,,,, ief Rre ,0 ,,e prerenlwi h,
the Unlleil Stales mllilnry forces rrom px
Urclslntr their right lo vole at the coming
J ivsldent.nl election, Is deemed a sultuble
i i . . t..e. t n .AH.....1 iTk
. , ....
I occasion mr iniornnng an conccrncu in...
..uhicit wish to Interfere In nnv way what
jever t0 inuenep, much less lo control or
restrain any ono In tho full nnd free excr
else of his right to vote for wbomwevcr he
2, Ko armed organ'fjitlon will bo suffer
ed In the Department, s.ivo those sanction
ed by competent, constiloted authority.
Uy command of 'Major-Gen. 'McDowell
It. 0. Dhi-m, Ass't Adj. Geo.
TiibTU-mami Shootkrs On the 2d of
Muv lust, tho Yankee tlough-faeo Ilrown,
,10 oem0(rat,( pmf, published the fob
i QWn direat: "Thero are some forty
thousand Democrats In this Slate, soy one
or whom eon hit-lln htad of a bustard at
nnc hiuxtrcdnjanh. WAtn the ihorting !
g(;iJ (itifwtlmuLe(htmhatl:." Now,
wn.linli1 IlL-n In Jmuiiv ,whut has beCOHIO
of theeo iiccomnlUiud mnrksmeu. It is
bjgh timo that hey should come forward
ji'mi ..,,-,, t,eniselvrd felt" Lincoln's
Minions" have wickedly seized aud"inear
ccrnvvu me pqiriouo cnainuuu ui iuo itm
nerolta SI.iIh Central (Mmmltteo and aflO
ekie cuUor of the Pieii. Where ore tho
"buezard woolers?" .V. ', Flog.
What do wo often drop, yet per stoop
to pick up ? A hint.
I'kanki.ix and His PAvrn. Soon aftrr
his establishment In Philadelphia, Frank.
J lln was offered n plrco for publication In,
his newspaper. Doing very bnsy, he beg.
' grd Ihc grnllemsa would leave it for con
, slderation. The next duy the author came
! and uskeit his opinion on It. "Why sir,'
I replied Frnnklln, "I am sorry to. say I think
I It highly scurrilous ami defamatory. Hut
I being at a loss, on account of ruy poverty.,
nhelher tn reject It or not, I thought t
would put it to Ihts lue nt utght, when
my work wns .lone, I bought two-penny
loaf on which I supped heartily, nod then
wrapping myself In my ircat coat, slept
very soundly on the door until morning,
when rnioflicr Irmr nnd muff of water f-.
forded me a pleasant iirenkfasl now, sir,
since I can live very pomfrvrlably In this
manner, why should I proslllutc my press
to personal hntied or passion far amors
luxurious llvlno ?"
Ono cannot renil this nnnrcdote of our
American sage, without thinking of Boers,
les' reply to kntg Arohclani, who hid
pres'cd him to give up preaching In tlio
dirty streets of Athens, nnd oomo and live
with him in his splendid uourt, "Meal,
please your mnjesly, Is a half renny a peck
ut Alliens, and wnlcr I can get ibrnolh
Ing.'' Amtr. l'rttb.
Two Sidrs ok nir Qckstion. A court,!
or soldiers wcro round lighting and arm
led, one having given the oilier a terrible
boating. Jlrgnvc as his excuse that his
opponent hud abused "Abe Lincoln," and
uk(d the.TuMlcc of llie I'racc before whom
he was brought whether ''a fellow who
heard the President called names wns not a
I ml 1 or If he did not 'pilch Into' the uttcrtr
orthokcnllincnli.'" Tho Judge was rather
iiii.ipl.iKed, but the luw must hnvclts way
niniiiii'iitlv. In iL'foiilt of trn dollars fine,
llie l'rcrldcnt's partisan wun committed for
two iluys, 011 ujilch heatrcrrid that If that
was Just lir u innn might us well flxht for
.1. IT Davis ufur litis, nnd Hut lie only wish
ed some one would mention ihc ouse to old
br, who would orriulnly interfere,
Is Shi: av 1'miiiiio Piutk I The San
F.iiinelseu Yog, wltleli ha ulwnss nn ssr
gus fie upon nny object possibly iuimlct.'
lo ihe Union, tuyj;
At the north able of (he wharf, at Ilia
foot ol ,'M vtni-l, lira a topi-all schooner
iljg.il ctri.iii pro.r, ujilch It may be
well In thc.u duyj of piracy aud war for
thu authorities to wuUli closely. She Is .
plercv.1 for sis guns, nnd Is being fitted up
with itf.cci' )iiurlj-rs. luwpitul rooms, and
nn ppuriineiit lonru.nl fur the men and
t-rcw. Her ingbu! uml boilers arc in, and
nn name of the maker mild bo found ou
either. Kim Isjiearly touiplcli'd, nnd those
iiiphiycd ubout her glvo x-onilieting ac
cuuiitb of her destination, -character, etc.
.Mtaki-. A lad hi n prlutlng offico
e.uiie upon tlus nasic of Hecate, occurring
lu a line like Hits;
"Shall reign tin. Hecate of the deepest Hell."
The boy thli&liig he hod discovered ou er
ror, run to tho waster printer and Inquired
oiirerb whether thero was an r in cut.
"Why, no, von blockhead," was the replv.
Awuy wcjit die boy nnd extracted thu ob
Jecllomiblu teller. IJjt fuiicy the horror
or bom iioet und publb-ter when the poem
uppeared willi the Hue:
'Slinll iidgn Ihe (lu Cut or Iho deepest Hull'
The only attempt at poetry to bo ound
in tho rebel papersiu Texas Is the following,,-
'(Jeiie ral Frederick Kttelo .comes stealing
Struliiig our hogs and stealing our corn,
Stealing nur sheepaitid sleuling our cows,
And stealing our steel from off our plows.
Steal on. Ueuerul Steele ; ere loogyou may
Tho bllghjlng fHfctanf-vOry.coM steel.
Domkstio Itkis. Home The place
where children have their own way, 'and
married mas resort wheu they 'have nowhoro
elso to go.
Wife The woman who Is psiieoted -to
purchoto without means, aud sew ou 'but
tons before 'they come off, '
lldby A tiling on account of which Its
mother should never go to a placo of
Amusement, consequently need ucTfr 'have
a new binnet.
Meals Something which aro always ex
peeled to le lu exaet ra-diocss, without
any exciitP.
A JDvsum,B spurte r.'belonglng to a psj
mary school in'Mar.cheatcr, New Hamsblra
he would by-aod-by become tbo fortunate
possessor of an important artlcloetyoutbful
asplratiou. "ily tiibfr -Lh gooo to the
vof," saya'be, "ami If he gets killed I am
going to have his fUhIlne.
A soldier in hospltnl in Itesncn, Ueorgla,
writes lo a Western paper ; "I see ny
name reported In (be list of deaths at this
hospital. I knew it was a lie as snoo as I
saw It. Hereafter, when yon liear of 'my
death, wrlto me nod Gnd out If it 'Is to before
publishing It." '!
"Mother, this book tells about iho sogry.
waves of Ibe ocean. Now what makes tho
oceon get angry ?"
"Because It has been so often crested,,
.:" '1
f 1
I .
mn '.&';.
WVffiZM ZZ7k :m
i. '.,
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