Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 06, 1864, Image 2

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1 '
J. t. MTTO.V, Killtm.
1 mnttd.wii nude the supremo cmmnat.Hr I p-rlodi. Hcsayanf lVurno: " In nrlnci-! Iron l llnj.wort. objiuihiuily difluMil, NrwC'imit Mivb m ."Ti
nf the Northern jyilmj. The orJJr o7 the Ipi. hfnmN but nn opportunity, itodcvci-tnn.l nf mure inlriniio value Hum any oilier cnulinimo t.pcnni on iH, iT I
rteuXrli (M antT -'-T- AlB! --'. " " "-.lilrrua In plan,,. and ...nr, si.l8nf .he SlMuJffcl
Wwl, nnd Imh rl 1 1-Sonllifr.inUlljoi). t.on weahouhl rrgsr.l n .1 urrotcahijH In miimils. It lilheihicr mum.- or color I'tnt Ancrlra and the Cafeuk,,, J
Willrtiiilirtliiim'. Iiiiupo,. riiitilit tttti npl.i. 'Tin' ili.ll ilmrfti ti.pr.fr, ,1 .tntfiitml .1lp.i III iiirtlil nil. I tlifi.i4 . unil i.rpii ruin uitil A i.u.1 nn.. . ... - m
C DAllY M-nt in fiirlltrrtllif IllWelie II.' I',,irn. frnm whirl.. In itniw ffhn alum. iiow mi. ..Mum fir friini It. Il ! nl.l . HIM. li I. .l...... i ... . . nn- I
hula culili-n-nii wilh some Ittiilinir nii'i. ............ i. ,i..., .. . ...-.I.- t . r . n -. i -,.,- .f..n '"""lit,,
Mirlhrn,... ..Ii-r It arrival from (hnmU l"" " "V . "V 577 " ?" " m '"" ;. n.., ...-. nrn..yK,. ciui.n." M, it1
und nrningnl tho xinhlblinrciil i'f .lmn cuminnnilon or piety nml wniilw llml ' the art uml acinicr wnuiii dwindle thin In ml iil.niit 4 u-i ,1.
We la-,, J
ilir-.it.nltn.il !..( Tp-..I Ul.il. 'It... iutM.ua Is IP Instill nitf lit Ifrslsi .!. Ir.lt Ltiittvii Ml it imilllf- tirf iitv.I IVlf l-.t liiiii Manlr lu.m.iiin aninn iT i I.m. ..-I . .
it'M'Hi, HUilt HIV H'J. ill ' 111 I i-i. I II v inilir- '"', i . it. - im ij nim.iii I" il i -" wiiiv.i mi i I iiim.ii"I irv lit si' il-l' r-'iin- ii I IK' 1.1 1!) I, Olltl It lAolt
o nil !..rtc wlin VNlitil l.lm nMlir Clifton cVrfsniwi) nf ll.o M. K. Clinriti. mi.) nil. ' riijnillj: wlrngiwiw. NwliriilmtnnilHijr bally Urtzo.imit "
MniM nn- Umn in il U.trfnninij. , llf ,w ,.,,,, . ,ult 1(. . ' ,),,. MII,M vnvme f ,, nnl; f,w ..f' ., '
nninn? lliimiKsilHiiMinriir II. II. IS-vil.i ... , ,., , , , , . ,, . .1 CoIijIkmtku Tin- ..!. j .'
I'mlii K I'mnl'iiiiiii. I'ngli, of Oliln. Kile """ mhi li lufii fur ynr,u camlliiiilc IK comiMimlinni enn lm proninbtb' wiirkwl ' . . ,,,e wn' w bfa.
hi. i.i Ml I,. .It tiinmv nii.1 Mcrrl.d.-. . t (r llip V. K. fVn.iliv" ' fur miiniriii'' I lie molnl. .lncU.mi i-niinlv I Wnl ' "K mw ilril b.ili,.
h 7Jt iirici ; ami rrnv knl TiRB
U1itv. a (iivnnMNvr ok tiiu wiipijc in
infW!iiif "- llkAW..
.i.i:mi.nvii.i.k, oukihi.n.
x-iTjiKyy aoK.mc, .i:ii. c, hi.
mn viiKsinnvr.
Abraham Liincoln.
ion vtcr l'lirsmKNT.
Por Presidential Electors.
.1 A?. V. CAU.KY. of Dims)... rutiniv.
II. N. CHOIK.T.. of I.tnn -iny
IKOlKiK T.. WOODS, of V.( enHntT
I n ..-.-... . , . K ...j
( .'ciir.i nn- imiIiIUIihI. Tin' nsnlx of lln 1!. ..... ..!.,....,. l.l.l. I-. ... i '..I..,,.,. w.l...... t. .,...hll ... .1... ....li. ,.r, ' rl n" I'Hliiy, III.) Jmi ..
,,. --- ..ill...., .imiHV "il .. ." .-nun in i.Tnii', n miiiiiui in d'U iiiiit.uiui . "lf
COilltmiO! nrv well l(tlO.ll to lllC boVllll- . ,, -i..,,,...,!.. 1M,L, ,ltf I,,,,,,,,.,., runl.ilnl.nr ll... rlrl.r.1 In.., .....m.l,.ln .m . ft"l,,m ,me ,,,p "lmcl, Mful Um.
""rhViinnwtail.lrrrwllinf ll nnl-r k Wlmm : j Uhi l'..cil!c emit. It I- lowlr.1 ubonl S'T!,.!r,',!lm.1 ,k..Wn,k ,aklS
mini In lv prtMhlcmlily orcr Srm.000. 1'.O- Mr. IVnrneW nn 1'm Aimm litWrlh, twi'lvo mllin norlli of .l.icU.nvlllp, un.l """SJ'tfn dinltimuH
linu i T whnin lite nrnitil. Tl.c orilce In nml n komnltr l.y luuftvlnii." , iiImhiI nnr uml n linlr inlln nnrtli frntii tin ' li B. Mi.ra.in. nrTlw l.i.r ",
Nun- l.'rhi.re tnlinl McCkl'nii mlnn'c .n.. i.. ..! l.t t I r..t i.. n... ... ,.r , !..- .... J n... ,. " "f " &
mn.iimlnn-HWr 'Jllll.OilO. Thlr (Jrnr-I "."'"". ..........- ..g.. rr. ,.,. . ..rpn ,.., ,, on Wdwi
(n.trnt.l.r H Owirln I.. Hunt, lirtihun " i """" hutch wwryin wrigin vriii.nf in iiiii iiriuiiiiiii m hi rurprni , ri.riiiiii.l.
, t( II. I.mpm. ntia v.tt fur nmtiy jioit llol In fopiwrlitiiil clrclw. In; riclniv. It Is lulil, by tliune tvlm lime -ri.
L'fun n.nnl bjrt'. A lnc Iwi of namr nr( (l.iv. (jllib. he hth " l n in.in wIiot luuU'.vlcnco in imcli niitltM, IiiIk.mi.uiii
tnriinm-inuiii-mH .-...lira, incrinrr unn ,,i.. ,, . lirn ., ... , u, v,. . 4w.ilrr ,i..., ... .1... .t..lr..il I,....
rM" Now Sir. .irrmi, ttr ilemniul nl yim , Mui"ilulii of .Mlwourl. nml will prolmbly -- OA.XXI3,
.! I . .. . . fl ..iit... . . i. . it! 1
n tor Tiinmiiiry niuirncy oi inv tiiimn i ywiii ptr win. oi cruuii in.ii. ii toiiiu ; imirnit Siivtinm! rhmn. ib.
....1 I.. I!..!. .. I.. ' .. .1 1 ! -...I 1.1 ... ll.f VIII. r l,n.ir I ...!. .. . .P "
lji., in- in.iru ..ipiicii. inn or. inn. "iv. ii iihu lira ",- ii.ciui tuuiii uu pro-1 ' -i- "-.' " npir tllr
ly do nut mmn to my ttmt llnr. (Illilw in.ilucnl finin inch u mlm ehenper lliuu iri-rifj,,!,. ,,,,,. "'LT""" laJ
'IThti k nn imlllUil nlnm in nwlltno In It " IIIImImIL" lir tlllil l.f frr llhil I.) Hliuin lllll bp fbililifll llfff. '11 it'll Iriill drill urt' I In ll.lU' lmli wrlll. '. 1... n. .... ." I
M wmilli or u ('iippilrt.l. it nnmlim- "' cmiimtn kibor? If tv. itoir k n liin.w , IihiihI in tinny oilier IncuUlhy lit till cmtn I "JJ1, '"' '"',' ",u """f '" rui...i r ,,
ttwtiwi nr mlwfsfiMtJiin. I If plnnU wlib tlw worst. ,ty. In niwkitiK qti.mtltl4. Wu wi.ul.l ,' f mw um uniZ'"' malii' t"ixi
hill IntminHiiim rsniiillnit llio tnriv, i In
ifcf I an U or tlw tin' Ii trills ui Wiflnug.
Inn, nl.wh wilt prolkibly I pnbliilirJ,
jVmalfjamation- Mlicrgonatiou.
1 plir.
a h'ltM itrin over ttw mttiillln ileecplkiii. Km nil the. irtmit nktti nml Mui-oVr, , cu nn.' uiikiiiihii oi rupii.iiwin, ami piui. ' ennruw inu with jfii ilBj,l
nwl Htnntlr acenv nlher of anlll. wlilki hhcJ on .Mr. I'torm nml l!ov. (Iibly. tiwl men In tin irnn of iluiknon cininiy.
llW IiKhnI M)ti nr-on lit own parmontii. Tnt but n mcic play nf llic bruin, to brlnj: ' .SI 1.1 wc .irev.l In rtting u milriMil. I piil.llo.ni
i rwliiicKn nl tlf. ir r.uv L7.
m nl... clmriiil with lw. .r jB...
aL........ .. " " "WU
irrillllf.n ..wm .. i.. .
' . 1. 1 .. 1. it . .. . . kL I.U. 1. I - -.. 1...I-. II'iiil 1.. ...!.. ... ..1.1. u ... l. 1 .. 1 1 ll.o Imllllnil nil...... .. .if l
n ll MTC III irH.H I.Hi WH lllTeiirTXTll .m i.nv 1.1 unii ug iimgr il I.IMIII mill i innn.iiiin in ui... rMi.i ri.iiiv.rin 01111 , , i-ii-.i i mttW4tl
In Hitio. l.iltniiMif tlw tmltle nrlncl- r-leHltiir rlwrct. Hcmw: IVttmi.l. our Iron whiiMIhmi nuiims of ', ,,(,,, 1 1...1.1 ...'"!". "re"ui H
uLd uiLlJ. ..l.!...-....! !- t I .1-. .... TlinlM wtr n imw ad.t. ijI.u lJHi,Lt.,l. . n.i I.J.I u.tll. 'I.. 1 1...... .. I..1.T.... .. (.. . 111 1 1..I l..b.f 1.1 LI . . . " 1 1 '
JMfP rTIITTn nnilimini IHW ITITHnniUC imriY " - n m tnj intrnun nrfi irriiii.iip int nruiui, I U lliure 111111 III IIMW nl m 11 1 l4lMl f g J,
in the dap rtf ll.tm nml .lack.Hi. hihI i J .Tr ii, p .. . imZ .1 ' '!M,e ,,w vmI"- of ir,,h nrw ,r,,,M "',' c"un
mtHlint; In lW lirrMtjf (nipil of jwlii. Hlly olhor Abolition eaiulMnlr. v l n . 'y. wt will u'M.lly liirnMi pcclinvii. nr
hviii of lWrniK'ni'lf ntlU--ilfiilii. nml nr ,i!tvo mir iiifi.riMiillii.i In imr iumh.
r I........ "
Nnws Siiniinarj.
ii itu. 4liiu. ...i iij. i titbin. tin tiMHlrrn .IVtuocmt of ike I'lirn.fr
" ' 1 in9ttl Mt I L - ! H-. n nun ..r l.l...
Im Ittii KMWwt .-.Tr.i:. t. Hr ,-4l " r. ltM' I" - lil mm , WeHVt) M,m.4..l..lilBll.Hi.r hlr. !
n ClwtUnowi nn tl ' Til., uwl .lmnr- ,0, '"'l''n il to hrwk I W ilMcniec , hi in cnnrliw ih tlml ! ii nnl n fliltliliw
don Aliaolo jwMu imi.v KkirMWin IjiI. by n hyMcritlnl Ortttwrti
wry day le iil nf thnammniii culleHr. tlm.ilti ennilnm. iimv nri. Unit wfll
On tint 'iO.li. liv reW wrt Miji otttliIr lonO. tiiKm by tl Jlnr- wnh Air. llllm i srriit brlp In II... mr-
r AllanU. nwl n rrml ImIIIv Mirtl al itplntfil by .luinw Iltu4ntwn.lniw ' now Mljii.llyiilillkwlilm. IV.I
"'"'"' nmi " "t"! imiiiv riHwii. ii , Iiprr lit glMiHrii ir un elvelluii nr bimhI.
n-fiUSi PMnltfil in .iH.lnMM rppnke of " hj amlfniHulir uml niUctjieiiit. j H,i hU,, n,e r,N,t...t , tv otur.u urwii
Mw iMfiny. nlihh Joy.ort.orH) biw.b2-IhI "" V"'.'" " f"1"1'"' I'l'l"'! ". "' nriy
..... ..... . il. iriiii.. hi. lull. I ij.i i..p ui ....
Ullll rrTUII.. III imp I..... ,
tlnn. I v.l-1. ;.. , a pi i ,ui.-j,
vim-r.H.l.r. urvu ..li.m ni.Mu.
mi. iiti'riiiii tits
r.iM r.i !. u.-
In Jiiini.irr lut. 1 1. m..l n n. .'. J
Tlrt followini; k mi i-.ir.iat liom a Iftlcr J',llt' "I""' Thnum I'lmtnrr VirVtj
........ . i i ii-nwii inn iiinr.. i i.ii. p .1 oM ..... j
... .. .... .n hmiv.ii ir.ini . I ' Wu. ...... M...i..ai. .. .--- . . .1 .. ui.- i.-it.
lor ' ,n "", !"".' " iinniinm 1101 pn noirn oi - ... I'uriiJiiiiii
nn rtHMiii..ntio ii.i inxjnriiyor iin itarir. in nrcw o.xiKniiiKiii on me t'lniiK. Ilii'i
m r.. u.--wu. i li... rorlhi" KHvflt of llmui l.nr.rljmi.li "' """" .'". """. ",r " ' "v'"i. ""I
" -""' -' """ n.nmr ii-, -- -ii i.re.Mirlly In miiiiviil. Mai tlif
lie otrurrtii on the .Bin, in lh- same i- Kwor hsirfwlly cxncl) upon tlwM''r)-rl lor It rvrlvcd.
.nliy, which ag-ikiMttlloriMo! uf bat-1 ''J"4-" r complW tlie followliij; ', A it irtlliinil .trulplt. tlio Attna
tie larctly mi Saor r Sbi mm. IUIk-I uWp ,,m xi Democratic ccnini nieiillmi. ! tvuuld Imve nl.onn omv merit, bad It Uvu
h 6j)P0 aRnt u U oi hn thai) '2MV ' "' ouw- v K,TC "'0 number or mnlat. mble In rxwult tins plmw nirely laid,
on oorsuiu. The fnH of Atlanta U now llw,' "' ""J "TC, In well Soutlwrn1 Hut jonnj; nml oiiluon. It lu erv far
Irtlrr WiWilulwl SnrprUe Vnllry, duly 1.1,1,
IHfil :
.So f.ir ve Imve Im.l a floe rmlnrul road.
Wu li.itc bud flfln'ii lujilnl wupoiv in our
iiwii imin. iim nl tliein rurryiiij; live nml
l lli.Hi.aii.l hiuihU of Hour, wlileb In.ll-
rtiily ti qrs4tion of time. Jlowvr. n tw s,u'c.
iltntim at rell 6mdnuirtM ban dreW Kontnckf
.. .t-r it i.. i t... I-nilttar-.,
.-. ..v...- .., . .... ..rr m... ... Mur,,aK)l.jt
ii iirxmjiiTii iii i'!-!raev, usu nuriiy JibWuVllpHl.,,...
-uwhUlr refuird to tutor coiiiitihih) of tho AliMOuri
Vtl.ata force. N''"b Uarolin
nntUprofrrcifl-wii. l-,t Mrely. SLf""a' " "
no VeUnhtrg lie lxti HCrded in etT.ct IVo... ".!".".,!..'
Ihj . ilint moremenl, wl.ieli p!-o n por-'' Virginia
. on or his fore id a ciition to tntnaee "B
.lwdu-ne I lie Ibio. (.'.ml.l it Litre inccevil
!"W .til In nnnlvioi.' a coat of L'oniK'tliniil tllin-
ou Judsi.' Willinnif, ili nbJTCt would bavv
Iktii wholr atrnrnpiklitd. I' plan wa
to iilenlily Iihu m u Iraltor by o kind of
lupuu ImRuft ilyle ttidomlux bim oj f by
accl.lrnt. liopinr llut union men would
apply the old odagt, 'lllrilj of a frttllicr"
Tlie whole Ihiu reniln.li tu of an old
Ik ltll Wtul "! 1 I I.'
i.v.iii.i ii. ii. i ..ii. i v., fin". ".I.", r.lklllT ' In ll,,r.l,...,n i ...... . 1
... ......-,..,,.. ,, , irttp
.., ..iv ,,i.i(.i-riv ,-l 'II.II.T ! ir-wJ
lh" liur. ..ml lh- j.nrn,. ., kriJ
cotnmciieil. Oivnrr lUukn, i, &
inn ii.r iiiviiiiii-i ainl $lm iimi
"IBiini ii null m.ni hl.imn lMtbJ
i (if I t unit niiioli mm. 0nn . t
-ll.ly (or tlio purpuK of tnj.i'in. I
moid in uhi inilj-- liiiMirr. LMnl
injuring nr Willi- I, n.i.nai a. J
eatra tbo .Mime of the road. TI.U valley i Xn a'' Zi "!. '1, '! i
i ilMliint uuly fifteen niilea from Uoon or.' iijioii llic Inivillux commnnltihl
Ijimc. nml oooiiplftl fur i"tnck wncliw br i lm": ln ""'"im.r.cu r b &
.on,e fortv or (Hiv men. 'llio wav nl.m.l ' T.,.".;..!".,-Mr . H,'"T ". H
i M"tlMll IIIV PlaWaJ. VtktCil dtihiaa
Uiibniood and at tbe fcime tine to oper. ' K '."Jj 'j (leliool-boyi trick, which boi, nn doabt. oil.
a e with wore tCict on I'cteriburt;. On v intuitu" .,'f',.,urn been played In llio common Khooli" of
Marlon County.
a t wiiti more (Uict on rclrriburp
tin". 20tb. Grant l)!tw up a rabel furt
, A.uImiiu
l'.ter!iurg, by mean? of t mined.,; under IT01"' 610,3J.1
tiiufnrt. which wan followed up by tpnixl' Whole number of colored r0M In
W-intc at the 9th corp. capturlngtlie 2d i Honllieru Kiatw ubout 4.000,000. l'roni
Itocofworlui which, howeicr, they Mib- DJAO to I860, the Incituie of mulattoea
'qaeoily. bad to abandon. lover the per cent, of former jenra we
J1i rebel ait? atill auroylnp the ptople ' nearly 2' per cent . .bowing ctxicluihely
of rcuwjfUuuin and Murylaiu). by tLeir ' I'131 the lirmoancy hare been at work,
itroiaactibf tatnUlucn. Oa the 30lh.Si0O' At the increared ratio of per cent. Haled
id tboc denparadoe?, usder MoCauiliOib j above. il woold only hate Ukniiotnu forty
we know noUiintr or toI, Our l.ninlicrii . illll nnother hmhc of LJ, 7i,'
L.,L. I. .... I .n.-,t..i . ..t.inin.. alllltlllisiilf the IntrH from tlm mi-l
, , ... ... ' , ,driviiB away ilieaiurt.kn bit uii.iV-I
nr li.f.riint tpuf.id n mtitft m.u l..w.. I . . . . 1
f- - - v hit itiwiT to nuy mat MM, Nl I 1u1
nt .cnt 1 .10 men. 1.U00 benilol attlle, 2S0 !" iMy linn In prr .... k.
... ..... i.- .-.I t. .... i i ll'l I taki'll llio tMltk; lifrriivl'
in ftvv Hi'iRTi .....I l.i.lirs. mU I.UIPC U...I IIA ....... !.... ...... .., , . I
' , . . ' . iipitr liavc rvulcj tbo Hinytir 'l
I.W.... 1 .....A.. I I.. Il I. ..1 I.. LJ... ..I.... I . .11. . .1 . I.... . . I
..iiu. v..v, u ww iii (7i'iv.uiT, : mm int. nun KUICU 1 lutUIIOC r.".
and wllll L'ivtf you audi llemi as I can. All c-MH,'lnc, vk; ttmt b im uvi i
' I I. . -.ii ...t i.... ""f "oiantaso nnm uu rva i
, ""- '"v , iir or rout.
" " """ - - iNon. in nriler to aroU a livoil
DKrAirrrnK-Aller nearly four year hbu, I nui enmH!ln in lurult rvl
io ourn in JueUmel le. In connection will. . "' ",".",u """., f'MM".1
ll.e Pr.NTi.sri llnry Drill in; jr, on lat
Mondav k-fl for San I'liuicl.ci. to trv bit
A hungry urchin, jplla ! fof ,,.,.. IMl,r n...i 0f..loT. Mr.'t)..,,.
on hU neijjhbor'jnppte, emwins him to nut , RW tM witi (ir,v y,-,w ,u vain
i tat I
ue rouietlilnjj rur my Utior
Ibtnlanell. 2J. 18(1.
It uway, arul thereby procuring It for him
Tltc- Mlunrnl Wvulth of South
itu Ore-Ron.
'riMleavora to freo the Hi:vrisKi, from lit
'load of debt, which had accumulated
I ou it before It cnimi into bin baud, llut
A bl. pen on l.ol.llnji hew uJ
XX I h. Kiolte Lair are mrlMKI
I'nJer Hilt head, wo pmoc, from time
to lime, to (fie our nadera abort deicrip
live aketchu of the minerul detMain wl.irb
vivkeJacd burred Cl-ambenburg, 1'eun or fifty decade to have bleached out tho ,,.vo been, and may bereofier be, dbcov.
: ,. r9 nt i... hiiptimi. .r .hit i..u. ...Aiwniv,. nun n iimiiv HipAt...ifM,t lh. .... .
. k.HVM V. MV l .M trt ...M. IU11I,,117 "MW. ... ......M, IIIIUHIIinil lV V-
itswrilml aj tbe most lirnrt-rcndlirtT. W't- tire South, every eighth colored person U
;nrnaod children the nek, the old and a mulatto ! The native Abolitlooliu, what-Jecrrrfc-d
were turned pennilesniHit of doom, J ever may be their other alnr, cau uot be
iiJ'ttitir bociet corujintd by tbe vaadalV cbargeil with the production of thetemu.
rjei. Chambenbnrg Is aituatcd rn the ' lattrn-) ; for they wero not allowed to live
.'ooecoclwagae cmk, nt tie juHCtion ofibitl'C South, KtllbrT can you chargo
ts Combcrlacd Volley and Fraaltlin Roll ' the llrpablicaM with any agency lu thU
oid, fWty .five mile outL-wt of llairit-l blracliipg proce, Who then arc rwpooil.
bjfg. Uco-lulned u population of tuxlbk; Tbe locality Icdicalea the reuponalbil.
ity. Htivhanan awept tbe South like wild
fire j and Democracy alwaya triumphed
there, until Democracy went into rebellion
agaitut the Government. In that laud of
pure Democracy, nearly thirty alx per
il...id inhabilanU. It it the County
itrwt of FruoMio county. The dwellings
wtreuiottly buck atd twx. It had a See
(Joart Houkf. a baaL, u Jargeaeadeoj, a
f-mila aewinory, tight churchra ot.d five
a-iwipaptc cCitca. it bad manufactories i cnl- ol ,uc colored popoiation aro rauiai-
)f cotton, wnot, floor end iron tvcji aLj qudrooru. No wonder that
AverlU came up and drove the rebeli J Korlbcm limpallifzera are terribly exercised
rem Cbambeuburg, jurt iu the fiaaics had ' oter the purity ol ibe Caucasian cuticle.
Jettroycd the (aau. " "
A great-coaspiraey hu been discovered ' sBaaaurajaaj.WM.i4
w JJ' v'f"' t0lJ"urcy ' Under thia head, the Ortgon'Anna trka
I A rVHiaWillfUt rtrt til tit. nAiiin ru. I
er Is known u the order ol American
rvulnkU. llwreal obloct estbraccs an tf-
fott to thwart the Gavcrameot in the coo.
duct of the war; to overthrow Ibe Govern,
tnpt., lite proffttHriM of pnrpoaea are di(
'ert In dilcrsHt tata. It proelaitM the
We plrsw b l'oMsylvaula. Xew York'
and net Jeraey am oMter Kwtern Rtalea.
while in the. Watt (t. hi for pce. Tee or
Msaucsfer. VaHaadigbaa while la JMeS
its utw.fledgtd peu, and astooUhes ita
frieeda with lu wonderful precocity. Af
ter only two wevka of ita exUtance, It U
able to launch forth In tbe uae of Copper
head Invective, with all Ike grace and flu
eecy of an plJ expert. Tbla la bo doubt
owiof to tbe extrawdteary teiliil afford
ed by the " eoAtn&o aabeola of Marlon
eoHflly, for oblatnlaff ' book,, larning,' "
" Jfi-'dfat'attki PeartM, ,ajB Urbba to
UM'Z..k .u.,....' .tldUnbu.Ut
rTn nnrvn pnikKvn, mmu mwy ivuvmui
eml in the Month Countier.
Vew, ttta in our midst, are awnre of
Ibe vaat mineral bcila which lay buried be
oeath our hill. Gold, silver platiim, cojh
per, lead, antimony, clnnelmr and many
other mclalt of lesi nolo, ure fonud In
greater or leas qunntitfei throughout Jack
sou, Joiephiue and Curry countlew. And
what la true of these countler, is no lets
true of fiuklyou and Del Korto counties,
of California. Tina ledgca of tnorbte,
sandttone, granite, and other building
stone, are found in almost every mountain.
Also vecs of lignite coal, of more or Ivm
lajporUncf, bote been discavtred in vari
ous parts of the country.
It linnoeccs-ary form nt present tot
treat pt our gold raioes, their ficlintin Is
known by all. Indeed, the name of Houib-
I ern Oregon bat almost became a ayuonym
for rich gold mines, having produced some
of the richest lodes pf gold bearlog quart
and placer aloes on the coast.
Tbe object or tbeae sketches king more
particnlarly to call attention to ficls, which
a yet have not became generally known,
we first shall speak or our iron deposits.'
Although Iron does not, like lis glittering
rival, drive men wild with excitement, and.
allure them fortfi from bowc and friend
Willi the fulbmln; hU2i
Clungiug their pliioe ol la-Ion n
klu.lll.1 In II..!. Ii..nu. tl.O .
hoot last had to succumb to the prfwiire, I ,,,, ,M,rtw 0 j 11)t uartUt
t .1.. I- -If. 1 I..... .!..- I ...I...I.'.. l lS' ..I.L.Alku
nun iiiq ar..iriMi. omcr jiawvii iniu ouicr i puiiiihihui rini.-iH.p win-
band,. UlllffSS:
frieu.lt, even among IiU MilitIiiil opMueiitn, tlio cl.nuot so imitbi In tier tictV
We regret hi but in this County, nnd ear ' entered mi their llcenjatVirit
neatly wish him belter . in whatever ' iVlu'lX
enierprisc lie may iierrnm-r emiiark. u. a. Aimoh'm rirnrt.i
. . 1'oitUuuL Utn.,Julnl,'il
fiiKMvi.NU ArniAV On l.ut Tiiewlay an .
affray occurred Ulweeit Henry llilleiibrnok,!
nnd John Ucliliiger. oi, Hear Creek, 11 vu mile. '
from town. It appeared fram Ilia teitiino-1
ny taken before Juilpa Tolrunn, that Dcblir!
ger had frrtjuenlly tbreateuk-d tbe llftt of T T5 ,. "JT a
iiiiientirooki tiiat on nils occasion, Ii. attack
etl blin wllb tbv butt of a borrO-wblp, tvbre.
upon II, draw a revolver, mid flrvd four
bou; three of tbvm taking cffccl. ono In '
each arm, mid out grazing hi ueck.
Debluger was arrested 4iud after a trifal of)
two days, bo iru flued Wo and cuU for tin ;
atpault, and bound over to keep the peace 1 1 -
a. v
Dry Gooils ad firs
Jacksonville AC 5. 'CU
FIuhI Sottlcw-1-
tbe County Couil, Jt
Oreiroo. Aususl Term, lt-
" .- . . .c
lu the raattct or Ibe estaie w
er, DtfteasttL
i .. . . . . . ....., ,(
Dady Orrgonion.tbai C-pt. Drake has re-. .. " "J rmUrnt
. ...i.l ii. i . it i.. ." ".r . .a . . ..m
lurneu witn nu eoimnanu, iruiu nut laieiitia mm seillrBient di "'"
lu tbe sum of MOO
We learn from, a correspondent of Iho
lo rUk haalth, and eren life Itself, vet It I,
of M,yM:ijmrjatmto Jhe woiwrcial
cxedition on tbe plains. He nrrlved at
Camp Maury, on tbo 1 1 tit pf ut month.
HnUKKKD. 11. llloom lelurrlcd this
week boat a visit lo the Norlbertt mints.
Ho repreaeots tbe mines good, but water
scry scarce. Thow who have water, he
says, ore for tbe moat part ddbig well.
Afi-itorauT..r-Tbo jjajdocratjo Na
tionul Convention meets at (Jbiaxgo on Ike
Mtbdayof AttWUp Thatilajf UAsftold'a
bkrhjltly. Very uperfrri4e tte tec Ike
I convocation ol atedera 'BeVWraey!'
Henry Lankenan.lba admluUrV!
Aiimi't H. 1BCI.
Final 6ettiei
TV IK. flaunt .('oBft. J
1 Oreitou, Auausi Ttna.
i.. .j':. ..r. ..if Hu, !Ut
niaan, I)aos.
OnJaredbytke Court,
atb.day of yr
t4w Iriwl satlt