' vA i1 111 CM I SI s uf UsM K un it o. W ... IS rtfd &0 rrsH ') II ' II 1 sniiiu k.Ur. us nm To Our Suftscrlbom. t$titl compelled to lsue Ibc Skx- Thomas II. PsARHm Tbto Gcntlenwn addressed a rwfectable sirtdicnoe In this place, on Monday evening loM, in favor of Abraham Lincoln end Andy Johnson The inecch was a nlaln. able nd loclcat . i.tt.i.i. not having vet re-! analysis of the platform adopted at the " ib Bcccwrv material, frnm Snn i It.tltimore Convention. Its logic iwi, that volotrJirgf It. We osk our sub' Lincoln ami Johnson were representative krtta P BlonP w'"' " ""nil liort ' exponents of tlio principles embodied In ( ' ' .- . 1.- .... f- ntiAlit In Kit 1,i.ln.l ltnitntlu. lliA rtrlnnin?Aa yrtwhll cniicaor 10 mane roti""h ""'- " - -i -i ttnmcr wcrc '?',, ,ul 'r Frame d'd not t0P .here; hi speech ably covered othergronnd. r, Ilwtin HteuntTinti Prom n I nn.i .,. pr,rnlv llrl,i n(i1Pr ri.n,0n trhr ttkttf. ""fn by"'W-I',cri the nominees n( the Union party should UuA at K' Kwmain, .'u.y -i.i,c cf0lOl, Mr. Pcarnc spoke ot the tin jj, extract lc following: , ni,crn,,e determination ol the loyal North t imimn mo """' , Cmh ont this wicked n-Mllon. nnd to -br front (V Drew's cnmp.nt Hit- . .. fjnl,,llintl ..! tTnnn nr .,. U.'ttc Jra Ni"l'". one Luiulrrcl ; r-tiIC. x com,iron,ue could or would jui '! w'1 "' N'" I"11' ,,ve7' bendopted Inconslstnnt wiih the notional rt.l?onewtii.iicyimwi.g.mium.- ,ii?nlly and honor, nnd the complete rca wM P '" """ """ v""""-' torntion of the rightl ., W sent ont his Indians and induced t mXma nortmmaU t.ifito ciimc in ntul nave n mix. f-t. ...11- 1- .!.!. I Vj tre q. ""'?, '"" "":" M hnmillutlnn. nnd concessions to nrmed aWtieirway in. .,..,, wu, cvm., auw, fc Mf . Vf Wlotrrd ! Indians after they had .. ... ... m.M . . ' M . lMtilUrr.w.v1aycdnnd fired on , comnrom,,4 In .,,. ,.,... .,, nnllW - T ImluM hud no nrms, but,. , ., , . , .. fl Ilt t'v. - BntHi. ttl llm li-fti lint In llm nitrttvun I . . .t k.in.t fHinin In Hii.lrriMt.fiA. . I ' J' ""'' . , -I "' Wcly in the Copperhend. sigulfi No. J. W. Kmirnf hfttVour thinks for valuable public documents, firwarded to, the,SiormtL,Bnd also to the, iropklorof n lato date. - QHKAP FOB OA'SH 3VXo.i-riocl. In Jacksonville, on th" Kith lnt.. by l SiIIaTiln. Bii., Mh. Knenntcx IjOVM to Mtri(Nnsin;o. NEW TO-DAY. A CARD FOR THE summer & pall Clothing Trade OP SAX FRAXCI.5C0. TUB DANK OP PAL1F0MIA, Incorporated under the Lavu of the State. CAPITAL STOCK Uld up In pold coin), JJJJJf MULLER da,ooo,ooo i With tho Privilcgo of Increiuing to ! H.f9ooo,ooo: AT THK fi8'I'C3CXCTTOIjX3I3IX. WAV lltAM'lNCOl BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon and Main StrtcK n.o. MIMA WM.I'.IUWWV, U (. rilKT7. J. II. THOMAS, lriK.Mrl.VNf. ASAT I.AWTON, WM. K. IIAUUO.N, TMII1 nni.u Tiiiif'ri? .e- i.iviirvT?rnfirn m" -km11- .&ivinftjiL v littiiu.iii AjitiijLiii) t n?i. miuiii. I torotion of the rightful nutlioriry of the Nos. 411, 413 and 415 Bat'ary St., Cor. trrclmnt, fan KrniiitUot, (J.MniTNK,J, v, I.UIIl j., A. J. I-OPH IIKKMAN MICIIKI-. xtr.mmiCK iiim.i.m). IIKOnilKII, IIUV.Mtl. ll.K.TReCIIIUIAKKII, A, IIAYWAIIII. mosm m.i.iN A. H.JIrrtllKARV, n. MJiiyn'r. yAMI'KI. KMltllT, A.1IHNIIV. .t. c.vu.Mi:i;iiiN(i. The Copperhead Tlnnni.,.c nll(l VImlicnll l idea of compromise, which Implies nation- .. , t J Xj VJU lii XI O . WM. ALVOIIP. l'OUTI.VM), lltl-.(.OM JACOll KAMt. tlitcUfuiivillc, HAS Jut rectjlvd nn mldlUon lo in" former large mid u-ll rclecivtl Sti l of FANOY. STAPLE JU. SUMMER DEYGOOBS OliOTHING-. D.O.MILLS, Prostdont.i WM. C. RALSTON Cashier.' Q 0 0 T S Entire New nnd Fresh Stock. Correspondents in New York LKItS & We would call the attention of CottUtrv WAI.I.lill, No. :t3 Pine street. McrchanU to our nnu-iwlly larje rfWk ; Corrfimndcnts In I)ndin-HAXK OP or ttooiR Our slock coninriM.'s enry nrll- OVDOV do lu lli- " " ' , CLOTHING & PUUNIStllNCf LINK. ' I l . lin -M Alll.t .Utttt Sit 1... .! tl.A Ia a.t I ;, Tim-' mm .or iwir mn-, . ,,n V crea twt rnrlp v ,.f """' rpiIK INDKILSinNKn RIVK NO-1 -iii that Mnt a year nco they lost . Cxnioi.tr Ciitnnt In acconlsnce witli cvSriLMPKI- ND WOOI II ITS I-- 'I'11'' H"11 '''e above nnme.1 cnrjorii. i .IJtM or three how. and Ihe President's Proclamation, prayers will ol'n'ny h'niiM In FnVrnciHo. ml our prl- ite AihriELv??! tiTi V"'?...!"!...'!!! ttUt no was n ,,e , l)C oflVr.xl p Thumlay next. We are all .l' .131 Z,7J7 "J ! MVKMZf with .,m TU,m ono of .helrm.mlW.'ren,e,l lo pray that 0,M. Hirough M ?bf.nX .1 l..iui IK. , .iimm A f"il ii.am i.m.ii tu I '.A. .1.1. ...... ,.. .iiiu .!... - u'umwmu'i ii-(i)n'itPiutm ttnii hmv". i- CJ ft ."til ' ii"i-r,n-. , .... i'(ii Ni.-ti-v is lUQlrU IIIUV Ut'llViT IIIC II UI 1 SUMMER AND AND SHOES, Groceries, Liquor?. Cutlery, Crockery, Mining Tool?, All at Heducod Prices. SUMMKU PALL ooons .(rMiltal llimc were lliflr hnnix ilhm frnm rinnuiit nml tmtvmllivr .!!. ml I fa... ,. .b. Indians that had'l.hat prr.perlly. peace ami bn-therly IoW !l:,?;i.rj?.h.,,!.!i: Iks tint, Dn-w inteiHlrcl leavin his nwy spldy rolsn throughout the land, ally lo - prkws- IssiasiTOf two. rm Snrprlte Vulley,MuM ui 0 o'clock A. M. ! LcSS than , cost of Imrjortatlon ! litcb pU fce !' inlormatlnn that Uhv. P thrij Iluxnirr. Pastor. W nlo keep lb iHaeiT.nanr of tikrntr mrn inliiln. - - I Btnnla Aiininn ' 1 m r .. M '. .- - . i r llr. rtvt In Onrl..... I)ru. Kw HVRMION. unpi. .lolin t , Lamt). , n I he Drv (iwodl lie. wb eh f.'o(Ml. wi have .. ris Hut thfre is cnnsidfmble trouble ' Mi- nt U-okvtlFr. Ind writes ton relative. I'urehaMiU In this market ukdrr tbolminmer, JjItuJe of n private It. ..., t. ,.,..- ..... ... In tl.l. i,L.. ili I,. Im. Idntl n ,.,."" wc u.wniiB iuw ai.ew i uik cu.t, iu, that ciifidt-nllal jru in-m jkr,, ,,,,111 nonn, iiihi lie. -' " - -" - - ami les. l..i.tn. ii.all.-r. .n Pn...lv .tln.l. II.. i ... .Tiiiafcsriliyi lo escort some land- ,lri,""nl '"' rrrronns the functions of We puldWi this card Inorder that tiemay ; Iniinwllale tnan.icemerit of lis affair l com-, ,nH,,e1 iUUrtoallwt risid, surveyor UompaM anil chain, and !: '"""" wuuiu.iHjve. nn. imiuce uou milled exclusively to P. O. Mills nmnvm. - - u'lneer's level. It Is n simple as Ihe prer.lCB u u ,n neoiir loik uiitasioii.M riwweniiiiia wrtierrwiec. P ., , i i. i i-- I v..-u.v ..i. viimiii vinc'll'H i -L.OW ITICC. cusioinirs iii me jianit win oppiy on an LgiHt l,ttir, nli.cli It wrms has (rue. or airline dUtance. over anv kind of Ar. H,. ..,. i,..i -....... .u I lmsluo. nwlter. The reciilnr mMllna of .. - :...! 1 -.. I . . ' --......,,.... ......,.,.......-.....,,...-..,,. , n-.... '...Ml ...I. ..I... 'luiiKiimin mi'pinnu cuunu'iice: i Irreculnr urouiid. wlio i.urcliaws lou-Ilayaln. .Mircliaulsho " i"wi n.u u. ..k; '. .I.f...u t. ... I. .11 -ij .' . ...ija. - w. n cvu.'iuoii ii, i. i with the Atlantic cities, Europe. Chin, and llttt ttn.t lrnlt! Inr uI.Il-Ii thetf ar, nrovttli .1 with ample facilities and fn conformity with the articles of association will com-1 mrnoe oprnill'Mis on the Sth dsy of Ji.l nei. nt the liiklo; houie now oeenplcil by Donohne Itabtim ,t Co.,coruer of Viihlug Ion and Datiery streets. ltli Ihe view of giving lo tho buMhew of Mrpomlion all Hie eluolviicy ami irotnr aiikln tlriu, tOKellit-r H-clii'lon of private if ermsunytii Wrsi l'.iiiit,.Iun litli. ; PiiOTOOBAenio. Atno place in town. -.Jl-Wsadc' vi-nil Ihe nrutiun. In ' can vou rotor voumirn wrll fnr nn l.nnr KWiKtw KtoumU in favor f the : P .' nj . ..,. .,.. ,,, ItUtipfoiisppM-ciiMon. oimI went ,, , , " ... ,u.",l""r. u(rinbis ikn und udiociiey llnom- Hundreds of familiar law crwt inLnAi'nir I!et llntler would IhJJoh nn every shV, and moke you feel ut '" wn.pe never lo hear niroln of! home. Mr. Drill has just received from :,,,-V:,:.T,,.TJ,T. "Sn VnnaKobnmmtHtnm Riv. - ...i.,i n,),, ,c g irtsiuviii v, , . i - . ijsiifr cilice they may want eumll-, lnp n '" "unlwr i uue views, irom cv i KTpBt for Aecordinff lo hi- I cry partof the world.' pirtd rriulmenu he belong lo - -tB party ! Gnxi: NonTii. K. P. Ilnssell started r jiip tmoiatioii Is supposed to . north. WYducsdoy last, on a professional nertu irom the original timnu-Mour. lie takes with him a large amount 1 1 C u above, by the compositor: i of note nnd accounts, from merchants of I ' mm loved a irt-e nr flower. ! tliii place for collection In the upper coun 6.ttMiUn.ed thmc was sure to die." I.. ir. i. i ... :.. i . k-, ,. " ., 1"J- "v " u''" "uuuirira 10 nci listener. p. van say. jit, ii,v,tu, irM nf.m r the SexTise receive and re-1 -ask iL.'.l . . .1 . . ii 'v'ihmu rin'i: inn iirinmninr. i . . . - -- ... v......h.,vm . wjpi ior money uue the same. i Jp Comenlion. i . Fui'iT. During the last we'k our mark ct has been veil supplied with peaches, plums, oml apples. For line, delicious fruit, the Hoard of Truitces will liiir fit iu iftn infklfit i. tnt tirM.lt I t.n.l a...ll moniJMT lo their cii.iomur at a low j'surv.' V re-, ri,,u undf rslgned deem It advisable to call , main, roiivelfiillr ' larllciiur attention to the following pecu-, Vour oWlenl servant.. , IfariilsNs cf tbelr organization, which are ltinnuii u r.ivin.'viii.MfM-n poIiIvelv blndlns on all Its mrml-rs: ..... ... .w ..... .... ,..i, . wi.l., L'.lT nt... nf 11. Pnnll.l Clrw.1 ..... 1. " vivc tn whi'IIhi t.vrwft vu a iruiH-mcnl i.y (tvcial pur-1 ONT. and ALL are InvliM to In vor him wltlinoall.asiico.lsiiotb. liiK to show irixxls, nnd It Is u plio i in; i (i n'll tin in nt prlee so liv tlialuuuo cau compUlti. Price I'alrt lor Pro duce in Exclinugc for t.MiiK. J. ROW'S Oisstr Store 2 Wlwhtale Clothing and Hut Warehouse, ,-ft "oif, r iV, .1ubP.m ! v.. in ui i ii n . '.eutcuii only aner due apiiraii os. 411. 41.1 nml 4Ifl I itlery s rev . stoek.'ioldcr.seleclcl for thit n ban I-ruucico.J.ily'J4,'0.. jy.'l(m3 ry,. ,lDa ,!,,, Truilee of tho C HTiTo-tipo. SKAI.KI) proposals to furnish the troops ot Port Klamath. Oregon, with Preh (fctosa- ) au ..iruct frnm tho pw, kidi ii Iteglnlng lo lcome ijcpjir It auong our Democratic j.Tockion county will rival that of the far- ' rimiil T.ini.tjfut A f.tl. .! h1 f f- !.. nmo.v inr -The New York wr,i, ' r '-l.l . X.,. ,1.. ... O-- .. . --.. .IH.V IHV wm' i Irf.i. . . -.' rniiu lilt UCI1 '""Hly.anilwMiamefolljrou. i'lA'TOMC-On the night of the 23d '"tin I u"i lUcieir. i lust., the good peoplo of San Francisco 'iSraet between llm Itoillt.nl n.i were entertained with another earllniutiVe. uJf 90l,f,'MfuJ Drmocwey Wc would recommend iho use of quinine ns M"WfitKn ir,,rVr . ,u '""Inn antidote It's a dead shot on the ""'iinKa world , Is q fad put tot 'UBUra nre hi wregun. "VJw, Lincoln Is ao old for Im- F,KC KT Sa" We '" ttom the f,fc.., .. C" . fLf.l.S Cfnla.r. ll..t . .l..i...ull... A- -rymiBg union splitting joker. """"""" l"B irUBino or.- '4'ri7 Southern brethren North-1 ""'n' " yu,fm 00 ,Be 23J "". destroy. log tlie .Mansion Uouve. and all the build- logs adjoining. Ics estimated at 37,800. lltef, during Ihe next tbcal year, ending June SO. IMS. nlll bo rroelinl by llio mi derrlgned, until twelve o'clock !., Auguit ISih. IbCI. The Utef to Imi of a pood, marketable finality, In ctjual proportions of fore aud hind quarters, neck, skunk and kidney, tal low to be excluded aud breast trimmed down. To be dell vein) In luch quantities a may from time to time bo required, and on tich day as h bo deilguaU'd by the commanding officer. l'aymcut lu be made monthly for the quumiir 01 oee i aoeepieu, in me lutuM rur nlrhed by the I'nlltd SiatM for public ills uursciiii-iii, r ns soon received Opposite l.ovo & llllger's, CftlUornm n Jackrouvllle, Oivgon. TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS! HOLIDAY GIFTS I pose; nnd tb'i Truitees or tbo Corporation hae. in all case. Ihe rlcht to become nur chasr of the t.:k apraled at the hh "- nralsiu'ient, for Ihe benilit of the remaining Stockholder. This restriction U printed J. HOW Informs the olt'ons of J.icl.oii upou (neb cerlltlcato ot stock. ' tlllo nnd the publo gentrnlly tlml U ImM Si.conii. I.oaus cannot lj made to stock, just lecelied und utlsrs for lulu bit iU-ror holder-, except Uxu collaterals other lliau ttoek of meir dit&rt lu tue capital block or in is li&nk. Truatoooi n. o. w i lu. w. a it a mtox, I)UIHMoU.NK, J H.TIIOMAf, IVM. MlltlilS. TIKIMAH IIKI.L, Jllll.SO. KlIIU A.J. IHJI IICIIJIAN JIK-KKtA O. K.tllmN. JAMMUIIITNKV.Jt, 8au FranelAco, June 16. leOI. Im2p UNTo-tico HAY ANA & IMITATION CHHWINU AND SMOKINt; OAltDS. PIPHS, MATt;m', CUTLKItY. amr as mnas may w vi..i.cii i roposais 10 mrnisn ivw; iiirec es .f nnnrtr At Sclinn1.inrr.stlr! for thai iiurnoae, KJ huudred cords of cood invrchantiible : 7.T . ' "w 'w 'ropoials to be tnide In duplicate, and plnowood, at Fori Klamath, Oregon, will 1 l, IIAISIaS impauiid by duplicate bond", duly exe- l received by the undersigned, until twelve UA.Mii . .NUIS, d in the iienal uim of FIVE TIIOC o'clock M.. August 15. IbOI. Tho wimkI lo .SL'dAIlS. TOYS. Im! dellveretl at such place or plice nt the AI.ilU.MH, ICTt). fort as Hie commanding officer shall direct. Prices to mil ihe times. Call tod 'tie unu uuniiriu coras io i delivered ny the your moury. .in.:... --"-" "":" r-aiaromiipMrt...ri.i 'CrHtUixI, bsm which conducts ihe Daily !U fd it. . ' - w ue peoole or nnnn i. .jirSh.li .. ' C " -m -' " merits th ZMf for it Oregon, OUOOX TiTKiV.v U'. !... K first number of this paper, 'upshmbedon.ije. 20th Inst, il eJtosto comment on the ability Metalic grains of iron have been found In straw berries, and one twelfth part of the weight of dried oak wood is said to consist of this mettle. The blood cootains much Iron, to which it owes its color. lit day of October. 1801: tho balance, on or More the l.'ilb of N'or mber, IbOI. The proposals shall bq in duplicate, des ignate the price per r ord. and names and residence ol two res.rv)nilblo K-curllle. I'aymsnl to be nvle, on ihe delivery and acceptance of th', wood. In the fuuds furn- I kilt. I I.U lsi I'a.il&.l l'AKj a,..!.!.. .11 1 Tu Vj iuv rfllVVU DiUiCI 1UI IJUWIIV UIV 1 - f s. r 11. fl I ,1 burK-mtuts, or M .oou ufur as they may be f!",H'J' ,r"l,";B, toT 'he ransjfr.r-t.i.n t.. a ... T I I J rif t'lrn tt&tsntv.flt.' fnrtii inrtisi m bti '' " V -"-"-J ."-. ..sw ... .--, Ohoico Crcch Truit constantly on l-aud. Dec. 19. 1663. J.J10W. 2Nrotice- umB ilwi3.r-v i,,.. .. WBspblet form, two abb- Ipti.r. i P f 8ile.if.r r i...t.. - Jrtlr?:,0 tresis of the Pac.Gc Z H" UeU ,,' ' Inn " KS'wl manner. Tieso.Ieiters ! Doroli.- ... L. . -. -..j ujr UUB wno l'. ti),i.n frfn ,Iia rv..lA !..,.. I ,1. rough the weekly. ' . ,..,, . . . Ijk, . i i ' uuiHiajr iiiuruuig ueineeu t ana o 1 support lu 0vock. JohoKclch, on estimatible citizen of that place, committed suicide while un der a 111 of temporary Insanity, KS"!?,'iU,jB,wVi KUtlMejUc. I ' " Skai.ru PuorosAut. We call altentlou tills week to the odvertlsements of Lliut. D. C. Underwpod, A. A. Q. M.. for M-aled proposals to furuUli transportation, wood, beef And potatoes for Fori KluinJth. ' - - - . - J MriFeariie'nildrriaM'tt large: audience. jut I'liUiilx, 0:i Tutadaj fven'ri' accom cute SANU DOLUfMS. with two rerponilble -. curltle. dlreoleil to I.leut. 0, C. Underwood, A. C. S., Fort Klamaih. Oregon. and etidors rd "I'ropoiali to Fuiuhdi Fresh Ueer1 on the envelope. Illdswlllbe opene.1 August IS, 16S1. at four o'clock 1. il. JJIdlers are luvlled lo be priM.-ut. Tho right Is reject any or all bid Is here- uj ictvrii-u. D.C. L'SDKItWOOI). 1.1 Llf ut. Cu. 0 l.t Cr. 0. V. A 11 P. Ft. Klamath. Uim.. Julr ''2. 'ill. lv:o-3 m.tv.l f h ..... ' r ' i of lift) twenty r. - -- --- .-,-.w c w.. n. (. B ilia, iu liurvs V .. . 1 . I.. .." S.Idh;ds will be opened August ISth, "' ";)" irom jiagaMJiiviu ii. ISTOtlOG. il8m.nl three o'clock' P. M. Hidden, arc ort ,va inalli. preHi. will be r.v.lv.H uy ,.,,,,,... , , , , . . ,, I Inviinl to be nreieut tlw undersigned unlit 12 o clook M. A ij.t OKALLDproxnIslofurnlili.SlxThou. jwls to b J reeled to Ileut I) O M,Ml. Said stores lo bo ikliuiMi m p -and IMHI.H of good. Marketaolo po- j onXffi ? 1 rff 7o t Kl. .mil 'vTu K.'H "! ? KUmalh, on or oe.oro V"r,w.'Ms"l?,Jiieksonvllle. Oreaon. aud -I'ro .o-als lo tu?l "? "?" o'eoek"f AuValW iwr ,wtlie Purul.h Wood" endomd on the eareloiw. rKCTri .. ft.'? ?.- .u, .. . :' right lo reicct any or all of tho bid. . i ";.. " .T Tn C i:. .; J?. r.v".'v"u "." u ucrvoy rewrved. u. wv.u.b ...v iviu ui.; ui orpieiuuvr IICXl. The balance ou or before Ihe 1st dav of Oc-1 ... i lobcr. IbGi1. Ki. U'l.ii,iili r,r',i JmIu in l. I'oyuKOl to be male e.pon the dellrery and acceptance of thu potatoes, In the funds furnished by tba Unllid Slate for nubile ' dlsbursj-meut. or a soon after n. funds may , yx ,e County Court of Curry county, be received for that purpoe. 1 Julv Term 18Ct " Proposals to te made in duplicate, accom-, , ,, '" " , ' , , paulcd by dupllctttu bonds, duly executed lD ,ue niattcr of the estate of Lewellyn lu the penal sum of ONE TIIOb'dANJ) Olivkii, deceased. D0I.LA1W. With tWOresOOnklbluMCIintlvs. I J. A. Kalncs. ailmlnlllrninr nt ..1,1 pu. and directed to I.U-ul. D. C. Underwood, A.C.j tate, having filed bU exhibit for liual settle- uieui, nonce is ncreuy given to all percona Interested, tbHt Monday, the Olh day of Kej tember A. I). 1864. bus been set apart for the liual aettleuieut of said estate, wllb the iuu ouuaiui.iraiQr, aud I). C. UNDKItWOOD. 1.1 1.'.ul. Co. C, 1.1 C. O. V, A A. U- M. Ft. Klumath. 0K..Jiily It). 'tit Jy'Jw3 rinul Hcttlcmeiir. &, Fort Klamath. Oregon, with tbeendon' ment, "Proposals to burnish Potatoes,'' ou the envelope, Bids will be opened August 15th, lfGs, at lour o'clock r. M. IJldders are luvlU-U to be prest-nt. The right lo reject any or all bids Is hereby, reserved, D. C. UNDER IV00O. l.t Li.ul.Co. C lttCaV.O.Y- A.XXt. Ft. Klaaatb, Ogo., July U, '. jySflwJ Hy order of Hon. M, B. Gregory. Coupty UE.U11UC J.. UKAfi, Judge, jyrsw County Cltrk. PIIOTOUKAI'II ALHUMHat UAINB8'U110,'S IKu-l. I'roiwaU shall be In dunllcate. le-ii:na,i- the prlco xr pound, and Ihe name w.u re. Idenceof two responsible si curltlos. Payment to be made upon ooniplelloo i f the contract, in tho funds fumblied liy Kin Unilol Hutcs for publlo dl.biirMijieot. t,i as soon after as thty may be received tor that purpose. riafd bids will bo opened AugM.t Hm 1861, at threu o'clock P. M. Ulddeu um Invited to be prcbeut. Propoials lo bo dlrecUd to I.t 1). V. Understood, A. A. IJ. M-, Port Klmn.illi, vii Jacksonville, Orego", und I'lupo.nls fur TruiuporUlion" endorsed on the eimlojrt'. The right to reject any or alt of tie bids Is hereby rewrved. I). 0. UNMIIIWOOI). .l Usui. Co. -l',H l.t'Car 0. V, A. A. i y Ft. Klamath, Ogn.. July liif 'ii. JyAt't Q.W.ORECR, PHYSICIAN AND SUHOUON. Jacksonville, Orcgou, Office U-twcen Expsrs'Haloeitaod Kjuu, Morgan A Co.'s iilort-." V. gzmmmmam