IT t r :l '4 'iyiK coiUKTjraRsiiii TE rusting between Rngene Kelly, or the cltj f ew York, and Jorpb A. lonohie. Wm. ; Italitnn, and Ralph 8. Fret, of Ssn Aaneiscn, ondjx the Jinn nwc of Ecwaaic -TKIf V CTNrwVYork. wto,lHilom 4JjL,tn OeJAaa Francli'nl cntc'od the' first day of July, IBM. Kugcne Kelly uu Juseph A. Ddapboe lrbdrawing from he copartnership, " The bu!new will be settled tn ,N?w Yrk rfj MwiK3ly, and InJiauJ'rnnebco 'by m!0. RaW Vod U.S. Fretz. Depositor are requested to hand la their xMik.JprjrilUincat at the jakl,nghouse fM"i5moe,"Ual'lon i."Co7 KCUK.NR Kau.r, ll'cr J A. IJppoBOe. Attorney 3onJ A Doxouo. Wu 0. IUijttun, It, 3' Fiiaris. . .-n Francisco, June 13,'lbs't. rllK UNDNRSIUNKD. CALLING 1 .attention lo lite ane caul, fire notice nit (Vti'nnd after the first tly ol Jnly neat, hf will continue the busint of tbe (bore uparUcnbip wihoak, iaierrnption. at the .kf 'Otaalfug House T Deauncr, Kaleton A 0- in this city, nnder tltc Grin name ol !RKTZ RALSTON, and in .New Ynrfc hrooeh ibe ngwey nf Mcsr. LUES A VALLRR, No. 33 Tine atreet s and that c aid after tbe bih dsy ol Jnlr next, they SpetKeV with 1) O. MIIU. J, U. Tnoroea, 4ui McLeoe. Aa T I.twinn. Wm K llarron. Thnmna Hell, Jim. Q Kurt, Wm Norris. J.,Whtlney. jr., O. F ItilBn. A, J 'up, llcmao Michel. Frederick Hillings. Jeorct II. Howard. 1I F Teschrmaker, . llaywrtod, MrwesKili. A 11. McCrra ry, R.M. Jriip, Samoel Kpigb'. A. U :'leor, J. C.Wilmmlin;; anil Wm Al unl of ban Pranc-aco. and Jacob Kon. Portland, Orrgun, j.aring brccmc.for lMt,iKirpoe rfily Incorporated .'iimlrrtfcV 67 this Stair, will carry on the Inui mm of banking in all i'l rarinol hranche. it ihe rame place and through the saror rncy, and upon the basis of a (5 old and silver Currency under the name of THE EASE OF CALIFORNIA. : 0. MILLS and WM. .RALSTON tll be charp-il with Ike management of hf ta.liim of the Corporal in, WM. a RALSTON. R.S. KUKI-. n VrnnrUcn. Jnne 15 IBM -je25Til DA'RDANELLS HOTEL! 5.' A. Scott,Xroprictor '1'"K"ldr,!C,w,I h,Jeard the J !)nlilU;(KrnT)ll) llottl, Mti It (n'Aif ctsnrtlt'on. ahd onen- l it for tbe aaaoraswduiuii of ib pubt. M.faiiw'W1a'vfTdin'Wkv thoaccCm Kxtattoaa for all who faror him with tlcir nlron3!t mat-atrcaU and pleaant, ' The Hotel 1a' raoi plr.antly and airtrc OilyjiituatMlon the Unuka of Kouo Wver. ,i,n all iirowarj- oultnfiUlop qonrcnlfnt ,ih) in good repair tte proprietor bopta to receive a fjiir ..ic Ptrootr t 8 A. BCOTT, .'HntanelK l''h. 5G, IBM r" t-wfc-Dealer and Boolt-Selltw, Bsad and JLemtmbcr. J, .STRAM AIV, Uolusalc JICTfa-Dcalwy .Mk and forward all &l "'! G"(l klj Newipera,ilaamw,cc toll'thjconutry. will) Crral UiuUb. 1 SELL "AT PRICES ', That Dofjr Ceaapctitionl ! Kery Kcw Norel btaoa f ' aj taVIbcU. l II V4 jelal arrangement wlthaJt uflrimit tjMii)Vbers taUi;ct, etc, jMid nBibiijiTV-Mlo wilh ' " j J5ooks, wStationeEy, , lR9b Books, DlualCH 1 ou.niATTB. ruisrs. mkuals. .Btelaisotypcs, etc. ' 4Fi?-? x Iff' ' " i ' !iac unMualed fadiiriic-, and guarantee pr-tenrfforaiifjeeli;,'glre ns a. tr.aL -rOI-IN STRAOUvTAN. BAN l'UAM;idOJ. American .JElags! 'iU, full complement of SUrl prlnlro on Alulm oVj.LaluelwUUia qjyt.nj;, it Kifcit Color &lUe a,f. Xfoorrr:... .." ?rC6 p-irtloeen MR, tffHi i JJWMMO. iiws, 5 feet . . . "9 Oft per tJosStu. ""eHH ' iyrnsni "BTHFE&IGc FLAGS. Of 14 k Ittn a JJ cent lo ' Mn.MiftTrf.taO;. r t OUm BADGES AHQ PINS, lM jUrt VU. ' ' .n cTitAirrox. .. . , .rr. ":vJm , ' Kmpire Kawa Dajiot, ugrtbeait conn'Si w l4ilil jft rrieW r JeTJkf, XX lirtoT Anerlcana4 Foreitn lVrlodl- cnK for which I rrct-ivc rulrcripliona. 1'erreanent nrrangempntf haet -been made by the Unilwl 'Slalrt' Goternmeal for the carrying of the alath from tbe AtUntlc Klatca be Meamcf three time a month, 1 am cualdrd to receive anlxrlntlnoa al a much Jpweiytc.tbSi (Diraicfly., Tk aamq care ami attention will be paid lo the icr warding of all package, fqr wbUh..U)irc tablirhmenl ti" gained mch an rariable repalatioa throughotjl the rcifi (J.ot. Atlantic I'crioilicaln. 1'kh Tiun. Uarper'a Monthly Maaalns. -. ,JMr.$3.50 Glilej'al.iuly'a UhoV 3 5D Atlantic Jlonmijr, ., J ou Lrlie f nmil; Magazine S JO Kniokcrbot'krr Maxaslne 3150 CantlneuUI Montblr 3-50 3.00 I'elermn'a Ldlen' ila;azine.... Arlhur'a Home Uagaxine Indies Kcpcwitory Taler theDay. . 3 U0 3, SO 350 S 00 Jlnr.lhly Norcllutle. Kclcctlc Magazine 0 00 Huot'it Mrrchaiit'a Magnziae Itankcr'a Magaslne 0 00 C 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 : oo , : so 250 3 W t SO 2 50 2 50 3 00 3 50 3 SO 3'30 3 50 3 30 3 .SI) R S3 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 SO 3 50 3 00 3 SO 3sn Le lion Ton .... lJrownon a Itevlew . llnulhnito Itetropct ' Turf Kegu.ler (.yearly) lUIIou'a Mnjar.ine Yankee Jv.itiouwirale) ,. (.ralira Iludgel ol Fun (comic) . Nic N.t (comio) . . , . , Comic Monthly I'bunnyrtillow (Comic) New o:k IVetkly IliTald .. lVllcc GaioUfi 1 Clipper " . llomn Journal Weekly Tribune .... u KutldjyA'iUt " Tlm , I)Ppilcb " ersury. . . - ' Courier Weekly Timee World Journal of Commerce. Iulepradent leader ' Ledger Lete'al'iclorial '.'.".! llarper'i Weekly. Illiwlrair,! Si-r a ta 3. SO i I flic's attccgtCtrmau). 3 SO J I'emoU-at . .. 3iU uriraioai 6ieiun.. .. . . . jju Family Itlatter 3J0 - Vanity Fair 3 30 " IrlAAmcrican 3 30 " iiclentillo Amiricun 3 SO Wllkra' Spirit or tbeTliaca 3 SO " Tablet 3 SO 11 Conat-y Ueullwaaa. 3 SO W.vkly 3 3U " Werwry 3 SO llrralil ur l'rucreaa 3 40 " 8:ottlih America Jourcal. S 00 Alb'on 0 00 ' Kcoiniallu(ItaUn) 8,00 Lt Crnnlra (SjanUh) ...JS 00 BsMou Wr Wj Journal 3S0 ling of our Union 3S0 41 1'Ilu: 30 Watcrly MugazlLe 3 SO Ihnprror LlgU 30 " Tmel'lag 3,30 " Iirvet.jfslor 3 20 Literary Compaclon 3 SO L.ttrlt'i Uvins Ace 7.03 Fblladflphia I'orney'a War I'xtra. ... 3 30 .I 1.11. 1L . - HalVir Nuvpaper. ,. , Satiirdiy Kvcninj lot ,.3 00 3. CO Callnrrr XVI-uySuu 3 SO ,.ot.iv.!r VTcC'O Jnurn-1 .. 30 Cuicinuai YiVUIj Ccrontrcitvl 3 00 ak LoauJIrpubUcan. .. .. 3 30 Fu.-rlf: PtrioOicaU. t,9Ddan UliM.'vled. Ncwa with k?- .-pieman: SliiOO VFoikly Upotcb XS'OO '- Illutu-aUit Neva of tue W.m-Iu U 00 lllj?lrA(-d Timu 12 00 Wcr-ll &tac. . . 10 00 " Ilelle' UK 13 00 " Atbjiupuw r- l " I ltuoefi B.0B Onee uWttU , . CO Lifcrpopl tfliati;Bn)WV'HtriniM.. XJ.OO Uublitt Nation . 13 00 Cprubdl JlspasiLe .' 6 00 TcmpleJUr Magazine...,. ........ COP rit. JamM Magtslue I 00 Losdua Lancet. . . . ..,,...,.. t.00 - iaafoxMyal.1oa i. B'09 Chtroben' Journal , .1.05 All the YfW,lMuaA.Dicl.eae -. 6G0 Loadon Art Junroal 12 00 Ulackriod Mngane , tfi$ n eaiini'tr yianeriy uevicw j v Nonb DriluOi - " . Sfl? Bdiiucburg' " " . .. 3 0? .-,ndou " -30 Vtbt four Jlfxieua and -Utaefcwood 13 00 Tdubcriptlona receleed for all the 5u l'r&ccico dttilieJ.tU'fuilHther't pneea. Any Jf ewf papwy M jgazbe or Keeltw, not ms'iiwiuifJUi lip sbovu litt uJliw forniab" ed to order'. 'OnJerafpr Uookju Mtuis Fan cy Artlcltptd, filial prnpUy,oi, thy Jow- tt inari;ei rauf. fja!U-ipfioTiijmo iavnrialilrJodj(M.' niy21tf New Agent. San Frnneitco. SisselntioB If etice. mllBundtinisiirdtinrclblzdcr lurchaaed JL, tbu ijjU-tw -v' Mr. U, Kumj Jlr m late Him M-Ktxx ilcvaU &rCu..'untlii cniitiuulbtJ'MtiucNi under tbe, Briifc Ai pcrjijnvybvjcjJoUaajalaBCCuatiiBre nai iJur,T-Kiytrc toLeep XMt'ailit mm w 'vy&KWf9 if;jiQRaANliH ., Ml. 1.1. Iil 4UI ,!., W-' amjmawmr Spring & Summer OOOODO- TtisrtZLoiTrrca: AKD NOW OPKNINU. AT SACHS BROS Cheap Cash Store! A MOST Complete and Attractive Stck or FshiouabIc Sumaer GtOtfa Oor ftwortment of the new tlurrrabelln, Kmpmvi nod Coquet Stvln ol Ladiee. Jlmsea, Ukiidrrn and litrantu atraw HATS. ali UONNLIU IUIUSONii and FLOWKIUS, iathe mnM cciaplcte to be found I his utile of ban 1 ranci'm. Onrnuorlmrnlor DHES.S GOODS la extrniirr, aad of tbe latent HyKin colon. and uratgtu. Oux alwek f Printa. Iwtx, Ulrarbrd and brown Mnnlinn. 'Table and Sliirliog Lloec. Caasitarrry, IWery. Silk annt;ilf. Cic, F.ic, Klc If not rzcellfti by aay Louj ia (maatily or'qu'aliljr. in UK.vrs- t.iAM iii.i ana ru;i' Nl.SlllNd GOOD, HOOTS. bMOia. UARI'KrS and OIL CIAITHS. c Late n Inrger alert tliau no ever oQVrcd tn lbi market. In fact, we ki-rp tvrrethiiif appertaining to ujiitttni PfT fiooja and Clotbioc Hto(i!llnni n. All are Invited to call and inn.Trct oor Gntnli, which will be auld at lucb pricca that none c.n cump!.. SAcns imoH I". S.r-Constan')y chi hund, a full atcck or GROCERIES, LIQUORS SEGAKS AND TOBACCO JrLmr lie. Jan n.l6Ct. 3m Express Saloon, John Elolaad Proprietor. TQ my Friend and tbe Pc-hHcflar-lag neve permAT.uitly located in JrcJou- Title, aad utlui up t&oi popular reori, THE EXPRESS SALOON, I pladje m;fclf to fcup a rTRKT-CEASS SiLXOOIff And give the beat of .LIQUORS WINK". CIOAUS aad 1.AOKR UEBR, al ONE-SIT A GLASS. Call tied ace me at any rale. JOHN NOLANI). April. 3M IBM aplMir . Sheriff's SSalo. ."VTOTICBIa hereby given, that, by Tirtuo J. 1 pi a iiecrc' or toreciiwure. in tiie caie of II. G n ArtiimMwjnKandl'yjai V. SUnnz, au cicatuni !imt th.relu, 1 bavt levied upon nad uill proceed to wll In tbe b'gbNl bidlsr. for ca-b in liana", at tho courvl.omc daor In Carry county. Ogn., UnSaluidsy. Iht 23J ifey of July. 18Ci. lwlveen the boars of nine o'clock a ra and four o'clock p m. of aald day all tbe rlgbt. tltle.mid lutcrrM of Mid rlefcmUiita lu mid to tbe follow ne dmr.bcd premuMn. to-wit All'of that piece ned pirccl of land known az tbe " hau'Uf I.anJrr donation claim.' to gether v. .Ill IhenppurlenanetKbt-rtunlotw wiping, NotiQcatiun I0IT known m claim N,.37 in tovviib.p 36.8 U U W cootaln InslJCO -J2-109 RcrMi-commeaelos at tbe norlb'Kat corner pf (be JoullirM quarter or.artiion ?v, lurnce eat so eiutin and 70 Uflkn: tbanou 1C cbalna V&'liuka to cor ner ouiiougb; Ibitneo eoutbwtrt along tbe fc!pugh40chSini7CJmU to curaer on fbe kl&nab; thenceivrat IB cbaloa nod 13 Uoka Jufwutr in .tectien 33; thence north 42 chibu 81 diak4 ' earner Ju aecllon lj Ibettcc etui 1C tba,tc and IS links to tbe place of beginning Togetlitr wllb ihe leu' rmrpbt, bersdiUsitnU. and aurtenanera titnruuto bejpnglng. To be aofd tOMtl.fy " It reNUROABT. .j eber.(T of Curry Cotiuly, On Juno 28. W jw G. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND.SUJtOEON, s ' JacksoTjIle, jOregon. Oasbetween .Meft SUVoen aad Brsa, ciierjaaACratHere. 'r? STOBE Ilemovcd TO- RYAN'S HEW BEICK, Next U JudajpfrA. Zismc Bel ween tbe- J SKKT1NEL OFFICE frU.S. HOTKL. Tk. tnt nf m n.M alnro tto mneh lem than I had to par at my old eland, that I can and wilteell goodi lo raj customers at coociderably itduccd.ral- Glee me a call. Jacksonville. March R 18C4 LOYE&BILGER Dtnforaa Stmt,.. JlMTiIfcr DEALERS- ANOWOflKCRS IN TIN. SHEET IRON. C0PPER: LEAD ANF WIASS, HA Joat reeeSe from tbe Atlantic State and San Franclicn, a complete stock of cvcrvlhlngln. their line, aad will keep constantly on band an amerimentof tbe heat Tin, Sbert-imit and Ccpperware. Oram Wpea, Hydraulic Nozzle. Force Tump. Chains. IwaWI I'lpe, Hoe. IIARDWARB, CH,TLKRV NAiSS of all Uen Uar, 1'late and asaorted Iroa ; 1'alnta. Oils, Sizes and Glaoar Ail qoallUea of lewder ; Shut of all number t Cradie of every rariery, etc., ete. Stoves. , Also, always on band a larire lot oratovea of aawrted aizna lloek'4 I'atent Cooking Stove." and. the " New U orld Stove." the two very bet and approved patterns In Ihe world Parlor, O.TSce and Cabin Stoves, fancy and plain, cnnstroelrtl on latest fuel-i-vicg plant. Jtoilcrs, Keiths, 1'oU, Fans, antf everything connected with tboseatosca, warranted miruoit aim perirct. ' All arUclai ld by liens or .maeiuftte lured. WAUKANTED. Their work ia made i f the best material and of choicest patters. S.a-OrJer atteuded to witB dlrpstcb, and" niltd according lo dlrvauons. in ewn-y-ihinc. tbeir atock Is tbe larneet and best ever broagbt to Jickannvllle. and they are deterralnfltV to sell at unr nurus ron cxui Call aad examine tbeir tnck before par cbaslng elsewhere. Jnne 23. lKCa-23. Agenlt for Hallldey 4 Co's Wire Hope. WHAT KILLED HIM? ! ITatx. In his Joornal of ireallb." speaking uf tbe death ol Washington Irving tk lb above question, and adds: "lie might well have rcmalnrd Willi us for years to come, bad it not bent fur advice kindly iulendi-d, no- doubt. 1m. gieeo-ia-lboall-liatuesa and rtklea igaaiuccc. nC HAD A COI.DI which, by some unjudidotu pretcriptu'n,bad b-en ioto an wrtimn. Who gave that prescription, or what It was, tbe out side world may rrvrr know " Lermeaay to Dr. Hall, ibst that frrscrlptloa' was not NewelPs Pulmonary Syrup,; for that la an art'Ie that doe not engesder heart dieeae. por W It productive vt any ustkroeiie alTrctioor. Or. b conlrar), t will cure sutb uncclHo; and for COUGHS AND COLDS, tbe world never saw a belter rroicdy, aad n.ii-pnlll until tlitum nreu-nta Mima new ltijri-dient otU of vrbkU to prepare It. Doo't ue airaiu to sw it irveiy. itj . tt I. fntn T.ttir.'. nurti l.1i,itDreth6 wroo te-dy as Ibey were a Ibouiand year aco-nll calculated to aootke. beat uJ tUengtbtn. Tliau ia no Better Faniilr Medlclxc! Keep It la tbe bouee, uto It freely, give It to your children upon the liBle,t liidlca- tlnn nt mill unit YOU will tktiik and MTkk of it im all do tbat'bave become acquainted with IU meriia. RKULNUTON CO,, Sole Agwti. A(l and .tIR Front street Sao Francisco, and Jor f nle by all Drujtglm. JuuetS ! Valley ."ililjlHg tud Irrigatiue CouiHaur. STATKOF OUEOON. 1,. COUNTY' OF JOSKFHINE. f ' KOTICKu, Uerehv eiven tbalstneellni! rt k lna Cfimoanv will be held at I heir omce nnterprwu ijuanz ami on woaos. Ui.i'tih it,, nt Jim. M. S leelr r. tt.. fur lb eleiivii of,TAMta-iH-(.B ejfr year. . i a. u"Vf y- wm mmm PANC3T ARTI0L!5 JV3EIT ST ORE A rcxt Deer to acha Rt T NRUBFJt ba HnaVt M. . I J r with a large, and raleablefceerlwl antrxu ANDWRiunr CLtH'Rrh S1I.VKR WATUMHL DIAMOND JKWEUT . .v..... ...... . r.iriiUMl IO 61 fjM urease iites uronenn, loRlog Fincrr Rlsgs, Locket. Ilacklcn. isM, Uracclrls.SlMVtltaiMa, eekUees. Waleb-CWss, ZM a. u ,, ? K'tmJT9wtm vt wiprHafsee Ovs-rvz-tstv iToxxrotrY. manularturtd fiom Ike rietnt w . Deaoiuui specimen oi UoW niUaadFi ... , ... . . -. n ht quati In addition lo Ibe abeve. at. U j Bt hit store Ibe brat rraalttir el TADLK AXI POCKKT CUTim, AntT, In shorn, general varietv f Niek-Nrtck A. Fhuct Arrlrln All ol which will be eold t us row aod warraolrtl. RF.I'AIR!NG.-Clnck W.M- .a Jewelry rrpalred with prprpjilanMdn a maiwirr tn gnarsnlro latislsetta. MUPAUTUllKU lo oraVr ittHl cl ol Jewelry, with oealom jrcWA IA- Ooll Btuli are bis new aferk tfm- new ainre, on v..i.iornia sircei. ftrtt Ut to asrhs llrf.Jccknn!le, 0n, .larks-mrilif. l.-c IT 18K. lIYERYAi'VDSALESTABLR Corner of Csllfornla and Forth '. CLUUACK 1l DRUM, Preml Jfjk Tiller. STAIiUIi v JrWl centrally located and fw- rfa I M'M'TMilenlto the L'nloa lb J!l tel. Hone and male will be Up'. yvM uar or wcxk. hi im&rrbc wrp Tne pfipneior nsve a runner " ""t iti:i:niK.s axi fiAKniAOfA Vnr iim or lo i-cnies. IA 1ft ou mitnil i.rm Jlln. rood ladillehunes and D.vl which tbey will let to go te aey pan ci a Mftunlaw ai IvrartTialilrl imni. '"''" r-r.r. ,,;.i i llorae oroce to mo ssuok w ium. Anlaab Ecutrht ixd Soli. TV. i.n,l.lnn nlMI tlSSSlVCS IT "v :.""." .. r; "L i..l i aaiiicncuon to an to m ' - -i acalL jaBKaoilVHl. ugn. "g '' ' , I DL'dAN k WALL, IDEW1EDISG iP COJIiBil MERCHANTS, CRE3CKNT CITT. CAL "WILL attend- te Ibe neeeivig wanliog of ail ioa "'" 1 tbeir car, with prompter ano jj-. j r- ! llmil! erleetl oa storage. trcfcentutr. April luitw. , , aaj N. llNo.gooisd.llveri u?7 ul cDargunre i.u HEIMSTREET'9 Iaimitable Hair Ketorat:Tt. it in K'HV A DYL . .. .,..- a. ,.iioj'4 Cut rlorr gray oair i v, , rr:... ...ii ,ii ,.nnicrtBUwiiii vj ruppijiMK ,w ,v-i"; -" j.! ural wsienance, impairs ", -t-zm eae. All tuiuuunmi j" - 'J.V.H taiity of tbe balr. and aCOfd J i..i uSHtpinv ntr a -j ai n cUrMBg. jieinawrCT.- -- orwz not only rotor Half 1'7, color V an easy process, bat J" tTlew"' prowote. II gronth JHJf!Z . -.11.1.. id dandruff W1 bsiltb awl t)iraantneMtopJjC4 ,. .tood tbe o YrsiMS na ocoiorme, " '- k"."..ii s Hi favor. Ud WZ& Ules, ItIoldbyllre1'':tbl' or can be procured by ybeBliP w w" 9'".' S. " ..'i.ilncf lr SMrriiftjjsv't.j" - -- K-tate at tonntjMT arn. l terebr cl tU.t "", U .. :rr. ." ."lj- ..:w sno'inud wj:i ficeev -,- :.' 'i .h. rtM or lied as Aetniniirir . - - .A Margaret jnft W $ eouuty. Oregoa, All pcrwM lte .,..: i. .oai MiAi nrr in"- r .. indKwept. to. mo. .? . 'TT.f awtt i'boenU. within six ibouiu- r &,, ulrf wilhin urn, J' (.""J , ,f Kfli'a.ldiul-"? ...ffttjt- ftir.Jw",r-, .ail Jjjakson co, Ujo., ww " '- ru'wwi"'