Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 23, 1864, Image 3

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..-,-r "-XZ -. 'J- ....' '.''.'' !!. ' - - -- - - 1 f .-------
n mini ' I.; - - ii rtniMmuaam
W I' ' I r7Tr. .... .J M III l l
UhMc JCbc night.
i h AMfctrt It remember Wow in times
. j , often the Copperhead press have
l..i. that bed 1 'resident when Gen
r,... ?
,l!lan k In front tf IticlpiptidrJt
in i(ic troops from the vfciully or
Wuhirclim tie imltonni cnpnoi wowu
. ivi m 11ft ilnttcrr. ami tlint (lie best
Lrt, hnkftnil Washington wail M rrtmtj
P!.i-. I rjrani. irtlh nrrlrW tWrrol
HITLUI'"'"" -, 1 i ..-..
m'""! Mclriellan uu, nns iiecq mnmin
,t tie back door or lUclmwird for
"mtHji montli. Hat notwithstanding Uiti
(Trib1r hAtnc drmonstratwn, xxr, aided
ttUlflrmiilable entrenchments, I able to
,ri a column tif over loriy llioarond men
AinwnnoiMtieo to Washington, to ob
rtli(tlicr Copperhead logic had Imd
iJrtfrrd tBiCt in uncovering vt asninptnn.
1 bs learned to hi) sorrow mat Uop
,J lock has btit very little cfTrct nn
1W1I mssses of ttio North. Support
'Pmiiknt had yielded to the x:lnTcr.
iI nwltlT fliieoTcrnl the tiitrrmal!
-ItsLiW'e'e tm-'ill body Tjf-rhro, -aided'
iiWrAtvfnls and rinvnibk could have
LU ilcClttlan t buy, a detached col-
ta5;bt hire taken tbe defenceless
iptti;. tM ear national prestige would
ntbnslNttnil foreign recognition se-
::mlWlbe Confederacy.
Tta IVsiJent felt ard knew the Import
i of swing Washington at nil hatarda
ribwinmnt Ami nn t hi behefhr
U'i, i!tlt recent .rebel raid Into Mary.
si mialrs bit judgment and hotiorg
1 s-'iJrnucnli'rp, Jn fact, we can trl-
iVr lr. bm and where In all iI.k
krlew)bistlMordifliiMillietbv whtrfi
kikes sarroundrd, hat be committed
naroBTKn txaxHjm.f ra
ThftrWayi Dispatch.
'CW ntlt 10jlrlVl.i.r.. l.VII. T.1
irgm (Myj-Oq; Clof frf'AlabjiJoco,b
nWmpoti t5f Artir.,-tBewiy-fiiceror Vit.,
nrt tico., u Sander arc at that nUcc d.
Wnga bao of action Tor the Chicago
CnnTcntion,whicli hll end the warnd
nlrIflmrrof.(hfclJertvrilc party.
Ilionirh rmt tlalmlng to speak for Seceded'
8tatea,Myrt,iey1it)Id m ttrwiVhtipea'
ofccttinR their asentto their propoillloni,
which nro belicvrtl ta Ix at fntlniri. 1 .1.
returner kfl leceded slatei to H.e UnlonJ
Infrlnn. A isArAaiuM.4Kt tV.u .-. L.
nun iimicu iwo nonnii when our nhe w
bora tri. llrecti fa Hn erbul SnbratarAi.
destroyinc; cannon and forcing them to riri
tire They loct lx cam. nrrnnlnnrti
Uttlyoceopiyd-byil cnfrty?brIn5,on
our ndvonw towanU Pctertburg hve beenl
- Portrrw Mowroei8thJa-.08T mfn of hit
u eaptqrej br ttie cn?m lee miiiWtn
Oeorglaj private to Audetnonvlllr. rBRecri
lojSfifcwi. jlldimond Ilnfnr I6th. B'
the following Atlanta J 4ili.2 Y,ttAv Ar
AhViw raVblr? uMiuilt.. rl..li.Likl.: .
- -- -.. iiu iiiv viitttimimilli :
at torrn' bridge niio,mile8 frqm Nerniii 1
t-'.i u.:r im .: 1 :. . v- .
1 inluli U1V1I
jih!alM4r IfiJ Utfi of i)m 8'tik
'6XrrtAi.S'i6CK7iiI'l np In gold coin),
!,ooo,oob !
With the Privilege of Increiunij to
o'o' t
. l . t
w iktiAl'
M.Mitn.DtionofCn.M.r.t.d.hi, M. ' "T u. .I"7',"n,n.0 "T
romltlm, ir rmrr ditU .l-,:'.' " . rig,u.e ' ! uncu and bri.ig
'....--.! . 1 x"r D"rncd: no cbanifc hi itiailon In fmnt. lb
MiTartV .rhZTiBM nVtltl.. ..j.DiVit.. t .
""'j s inn', vvwiuaiiyBcr
Charleston. 15th. Knemv are eracnat
logJohnion1 hland. I( It noiced thai
traw porta aro oulte bu mnrliur.trnnrvt!
cliiffiy to Morrti hlaiid. Uonibardmenl'
of Sumter ttlH trnt nn. v I
MtmnllIll.1fitb.V hM tn.fn(.l.l In ...
,-...- -.. IIIUIU11U U.
officer of Oen. WobbhrieV ttaQ for ih'n1
mancijlatid Ih progrew oMho war, statu
nuo ante, bcllnm as to all others. Tribune
special says or Sonday evening our forrea
were seven miles bevond Strasborr In rrer.
yultf rebels who irerciKaWsiTiipId time
sp the wnahdaV'Va1ley MeTwaYdi Staun.
MAX FllAXClkro.
K. K. 1111,17.
J. tl. TlinUAK -LOU1H
itOS tIKI.l' '
IDFfvn uiti?
MM Kiincm
J. WlltT.NKr.Ja,
Ion. ITearT firitwr heard on the 17tb. at
GrratTalls Jn direction of Edwura Ifrrf r.
Swviosed lo ben collission between rrarod.
tanec and rebel rear. Itfbel low In kflM followloff: On I lie fiih of .Inlr. (lmt
( -. v 1 T -r- w f . 1 , .. - ,'. "J I "V
wooBdcd nrid prhwaert Irilhrir1 emoktr. w ""' r.ircs: of Ilifantry, caval-
tlon ton Wohlncton'drer 2fKW:
N'n Vmlrf lih!rl V-ira.J. -.1
W jr" '- v't57T"t',,Vk "'
iiic icrom, unuer uaie or I lie Jlh, says
the rebels' sh'cllea R. U. FosIct's licadqoar
ters, al Steep Rottorn. for over an hour
on that dT. rirlrnnni 4 iMHia
that the hcadnna'rtrrs bard to foe moved rev-
era! tmea. A number of sheik went
through the GearroVs tent. Ornot was
havliip; an Interview with Foster when the
shtllmjr took place. .
I blcatro, I3th-A rrrort ssts tt rdjcl
force InTading Kentucky t estimated at
I Frw s tirirsle letter written lir I.trut.
Anroid. dated Fori Kiamalh, July
lCkD Hie following Items:
5iKlcnrniltdgta bimelf Indtibtrd to the
ri m me news or his intention to rc--.tbich
te hsd not h-arnrd through any
rssurce. The iDdian Spukan Ike. "I
M.balllvtih."am! Is still able to
"li recnlar allowance of "Canim''
kUttmant sirs he has no knowlrdre
I !h Isring been Injureil -or molrttcd, and
fU Julians about the Fort arc all
, and have been so. They are
I Itan the whites.
D";" eipcditloo. on the 12lh
;u st Ooojc 1-oke. Col. Drew ami
I! were In fine health and good
fa. Escccm al lend the expedition.
. .-rf
iromfjvcto Dfutn thousand. It enterrd
the Slate via I'onnd Use. two davs since.
and is now at Martinsdulo Florida county
Cincinnati telegrams rav their Is ntilhorltr
for contradicting the rrj-ort of the inva
sion or Kentuck'r.
Louisville. IBtb-Tho Jtnirnat Is
vised that on the morning rrt the 14th, a
large rebel force, raid to be commanded
by Forrest, captured a stockade at
Krowmdjoro, on the Memphis and Charles
ton railroad. Most of the rarrlson epan.
ed. The rebels then moved on Ilnrtrrlll.
oitd after a sharp skirnish drove in the
reecrai pichrts.
in ntmiber. and
J ndartillcry to Logmtigc, Tenn.', under
i. virii. vv. af. nmiin. wnii iisiirmii.
Oeiis. .Mowvr and rleron. wlih r-ulrui
lions to pnrsne Forrvsl. bring him to bar.
flL'ht Bl whin htm Th.U A.A..i .... .
n --"', a ..v.. wimi, nhisiii
liurne lilm n n.i'nm!.ii XI..I ui ir
tlu7 did not overtake hint this side or thut
Iioint. A dispatch from Smith In Wn.li.
bnrnr. toi1ur. aara 1 lium m.i T.t t.....
rest and Walker, In Tupelo Couoly, sllss,
and hipped them badly, on two iliOlrent
days. Our low ,bi small compared with
thatf Itte rcbt. hrtn.r l,.A, ...
thng In good order. Scotl, who has Just
cmne Into IMgrange, repeats the enemy's
Ion 2.50(1. and thrir .lofmit nr..J..t-.l-.
it Is alto stated that the rebel Get. Faulk-' I
a.j. rorc,
A. II. UrtlHOAhV,
R.U. Jt'smin .
a. iii:nrv "'
J i irnu.iihtufi
... . . 7VL""""""-,"
vji. Jii.uii.i.
WM. C, RALSTON, Cashier.
Cormwnden,t 'n New Yo'bLKl Jk
WAbbnli, No. 33 fine street.
CorrtjipoMdeots In IOodon IIAN'K OF
A Tli
, .-
Crcr oV Oregonatid' j'ain hfr??i
HAS JV.rcfvc1?!
former larun and
an aiVlitlnii 1 in. k,.
I -i J , I I I T f
' jL . ' I X I A it A .'
. OtiOTnXKTO,,, ,
o Ji.' -i
nrr and Col. l'orini wnrotllUt .n.l 1?...
prfll Pnrrft trnnniltwl Im !. r. 1.
rests horse and equipments were csptarcd,
i. r-...", .. imin mat Ulllllll
Inrt I'Orrral r.wr lAnlnlor M!t. r l'.l
TicvJdr.llipf.Tllifiini.lii lli.) .1... T!..
Iidar nliit Prlilnv ilrlt-Tnr. I,U. I.-I,..-T f
- i "- 1 . " .i.n. nfi. , uiiriii.
a- ,'1 "'rer battles, our 1onc suld to be 300.
while the rtbcbr Ic over 2.009.
Wsllln-tnn. Hid filmrni.ii unnnn.....
O f.wt... MH..((M.. ...tlUMIIlf
on the J 8lh, having nrcvloufly arrived at
Chattnhooehie. that bfs whole army ad
vanced five wiles south of Ueech Tree
ArCfK. 1 llO UnrnllM WW ninl.. tvIll.AM.
resistance, except o slight sklrmWi with
the rrtol rear a they retreated. This nro.
PMnHlv fir .Ti.l.n. Inn (..!.. I .. J.f.
O I" .y " w.i. i. ... i, nun iui: uricitvCS
ur troops are 5,000 at Atlanta, and places the cilv within the
alronglv fortld-d. Tl I ranee of Sherman' cum. Subuiiuriii ii
nOuooa AniXA.-The Grst nombcr
Jnil,a counerhead orpin mil..
r'-.6iBi,and edited by O. II Uellin.
luijatiKtrt received and plae on
WlU The Serbian Intuno.
IrJutlbetSHUior tlie father tUtl I..
I"" lwl of tlie cliltdrn, trveii to
Jpserstion.". nimfullv trnE-1 fo'
Kaajoums':fjr alrrodv fi Ivp.
!-) unmulalable syratoua ofab-
rebel force is estimated at from tight to
ten thomaml. Ilemforccraenls are bIru
l tmt otwuiitni. iir.t(. -
'. Ukm., lf!' twin imbeciles
'sadUaliunore. Our.lmmble
iW fi-ir il.. iki . .
. -- ... mi. vmiiwi) HUlfllDrCv
sent to Fluntsvllle
Farther Pnlnt. IRlli Ri,m. r..
Liverpool 7lh, and Londondery the 8tb,
llSS nrrived. Itnmnrt nnr,.v..I.U
vJrant, used an advance of two or three
Vnr rinit tin fl. r,inrM.I.A tH... .,..
... ... . w....w.llllc .uuii. i ne
Loitdon lima wya Orsnfs wmpalgn Is
now Ifduertl la tlM nnmlnn r.t l-i.l..
" -"- -I-....WM w. .iii.iaii;
nm M.llil.i. v
wi iiwiiiiiitt.
San Francisco 20th Gen. McDowell
Issued cctirral order. iniiirlnn H n.....
and Iheir birr?arr. fur I'.n.mi . i... .t
pronsly searchnl for arms. '
JtMirley Greolhousr, of Chapmen nolo
ririr. has escuiml frim f.iri r .i ... i'..
Caua'da. -,.
JVfvate letrgrams say that Atlanta has
btn r-tfiliird.
nJioMita New 'k-ywerdey, 2.-i2
crOMlni? the ChatloiiifirncliU Ktirrtnati ns.i
r- -" -. HiiiniHlllivvir
rrtrd his troops In tearing up the railroad,
Which WtS of rrrfftt imimrlnnrv. In lha ...1..
tb. The lOlli oik 20lh corps hsre beca
consolidated, forming the 20tb corps, under
1'r.lifaX. 19lh.l?iimnMn ,lt.. ...
the steamer aunminl in Ik far il.- r.r(.
eratcs, has been so'd to Pruwla. Great
Kastern left LraJun nn ilm lniliin,.L
on Atlatilta Cnhlr.
San Francisco 21st. Legal Tenders 40
X I ICh that the abnvo named Ciirpom.
tlon ha Ihimi nralitris1 r.,i- Ik. ....... ..r
--. ..hh .v. ..... iiuiiiiin; ui
e6rjla on the BkhVIng and Kxchango Ilus-
I was, in nil lis lirsuehcs, in this city avIiIi
Hie lntt'rlnr nf llila taf ,!.a ..Mt..i.f..i-
State and Tcrritorliy. tind with Jtexleoi aHo
.mi mo rtiimmc ernes, r.urotie,i;hiniv.and
ili r. i I.. ai... r. .i.i.i .1. ;. " .. !
with atnnlr! fflrllllt... .ml f,. i,;.f....i.
... . ."......-... m.... .,. .villirmiiij
wild the articles of ftwcUllAn will com'
nience oprrttlonn on the filb dnjr or Julv
IlfXt. &t tilt Ilflhktnf- HfMlCM Hnmf ryMimlaJ t...
Iionoboe Italrloii .; Co.,co;er of VVojuIdk
ton ami Mattery streets.
ii nn me riew pi giving to the lHne or
the Cornonmnn nil i)ia j.m.riiMM ..-.....
tltinle of a private banking llrm, together
".... ...I., tuuuui-uiiii rrcninon ot private
buIrlria msllrri met aii.1Iu .I..I.-.I .i.
Immediate management of Ita affair In com
1?".! ""'"lively to D. 0. Mills and Wm.
w. ...i.ivn, Bn i roiuem ana uaimer rrspec
lively, to whom, or either of whom, the
customers of tho Hank wilt 8Miy nn all
business matters. The regnUr mrtttng of
IDO IlrMI-il (if TS-iikln... ...Ill ..L i...
monthly. '
ine umterrignrd deem It advliil.tp.ill
Pirticular attention to thi Joilowlngprcn.
liMltt nriiinir n...nt..iu.. -i.i.iv:
potlilrely Lindlng on all u mrmbem z
tnwrSaKii of Its Capital Stotk can bo
efleettd nnlv nflnr .i -..- T .. . ..
u ii ,. -'. '.v Miiniuivill IIY
atocltboMeni selected tor that s.iecial pur'
i"v, mm ine iriiiterii r ilm i:.ir.wr.,i..n
IB". I H cases, the rl(,tt to becc-mo pur-
w"f, .'
si i .
Crockciyi" Ml,,iiiTili
.in l Ki
itUl at Hednced Prinu
ifl s
Q.VtivriULfI.rl invIirSiSfiS
vor blmwUJi a.c,l,altcoiti.nolr, ,
Ingto shncra.a-nd,llirftpU-ji
uwtosell thein'rt'lirldl-a SoUnV
that none can complain.
i TOUC r'llrl-. l,.r.. ,l.
""Aitna, when so many hem
t CO (lie Mm n..r ,!.- ..I
TiHeTWut.ri... - .i. i
oI!kKmL He will !, InJ.rb.
""-' pccfin ravor.of LU
'-'sawe. ii. rj-UM.,,.
I .r.WBWm,V, l
iiirring speukcri cq tbls
! frum th. lft.i, i -t.i.
'lAogart. This accrfsMs for
wax or a Jr., .t
h4lbotUr day, from
7Z7l ,bb0J'iin tying a
fc hat i n ' si n , .
"'ixaeAsox-Our oM frU,J
Of most Mtxllm. ,,.
"Mhed" Inln r... ... ..
ri.iihooof ,hw WIctaw
-"-aicutivsCaB. b(0 w
DOXE GOMC. All rtranirn nn r..
badlv snnerzed In .Iork,ntivillo nn lwiin
'' Ty MJ U was a durk, thick
skinned, 'sourish, very dry Orange, ond
much decayed. Dad fruit Eannt City
ot to badly snueeu-d after all. Mr.
Jacobs iau ahead of bis ticket and was
only defeated by two nmWll. Since the
election Iwo Democratic Justices of the!
Peace, each having received the same num.
ber of Totes, and rach clatmW n rrriifl.
calpofelectioa, had pleasant (f) contest
before Judge Tollmsu for the Immortal
honor of being esquire. The result showed
that there were Ove Illegal rptcseost none
precinct, every one cf whlcli were tost
against Mr. Jacobs. Such kind of voting
peculiar alooe to modern Pemocracy
might possibly iqaecse " tho oldest man
Chavn of Him M.v.lr .r.7.1 .1 . . .1 . '
LI . i -- "f'IUI''l UI 11IC III.
praitcmrnt, for the benei t of tho rrinnininr.
Stockholders. Xh reMrJctlou Is printed
upon H.eu eertlttonte ot stock.'
Sccomi. Iwins cannot be mode to tock
holders, excent imn vni. -.!.. ,.n.. .1 I
tlielr Shares in tho Capital Mock iif this
TxnxLutooiu t
r r tfifr ... .. . x.
LOUlS,irr,i?XV' ,"'.."
i.-.i iiI,.7.i " -...: """
A. J. Wll-lt
O. K.UIfH.N,
t v ""a'HITNIJVlJa, -pan
lranclco,yuin) 1. ibw. iroVp
Price Iula for.lfcv-
j 1 i 11 u 1 1 .
ittICO ill UxcillUIEft for Unml.
Snuff and Tol5a((ico
I anil 18 Cliaiiif.ijrt, t., tvl y.
(rrmrrly U Chntham strte(Ncw y0rn,
Wolllll rill llin citrAnllnn r,f .1. .1.. I. ..
..i i 1 1 ".". vi uiuiTir in in
nrtlclvs of his maimractare, vl :
.. . 0"OXjrax ISSkXUlXs
iiiy Demlai-o.. .
. III. ..a,i(irv.
fur. Vli.laU,
Arark'iaUnllcm&n. fijte.i..l.
Yollow Sxx-IXIT:
filch tVxutSouttli. Vri llr.r.i, rwl. .i.
lilrtlllsliTvwl, riHbHsglfb,
tr lAiiiJrtoi. '
Attention Ii called to '9 IfirgeVtolicVjii
Friday's Disnutph. s
New i'orki 20lh. Tho- T,iku,,e te.rn.
rrom a cnsHUble source, that Geo. Hunter
demanded to be relieved of the coinmaud
of the Department of West Vlglula, in
consequence of all his available troon t,.
ing beeo ordered to n-porl to tiro. II. 8,
VnpM,'wh6 U Iffchar of a column nnr".
xslog the forces under Kurly, recently en
6get Id tbe Invasion or Maryland. Offi.
cent expKM tbeintelres sjbtGcd that
larfsef portion of JohnMon'a army bas gone
w reiuiurc jjx 10 v irgloia, and Atlantu
wHI Call liria our bands wituost a struggle.
The movement of Johnston's troops to
Virginia Is.thoBgut to havtj began imme.
dlately'after the battle of Kensaw.
""be Tma' special wv): Gen. Hunter
ie conSdeot t4t Gen. Wajhbnrnu l null.
tlog tbe Shenandoah Valley aid retreating
for supplies up the Kanawha Valley.
Potlt't Washington SDeelal un flarV
U7 Feswedeu will Issue proposals lor t,
more extenalTn loan ihn n nninni ir.
.- ..w ... .u.u .yivmviwvi i
H3 tbe'eoafidemie fell by the bankers' 0!
"" xuru iu iue MOverBmeot, was one of
U gratlfyjog Ulatvt of bis visit to that
pkee. TUeJW's mosey article hii: We
learn Stry FenseBdeB' wl wii a loan
9f 100,000 In sbvMi
WU4W.ia; 19ib-Th dsmue to the
Suddkk Dxath. Sam I. Strang, a prJ.
rate soldier. Monglnr to Cv n. nr t? j
Klotnulb. died verr eoddsoly in the street,
60 Thursday afternoon. Honnlng up to-
waros ivettercra jtrewery Tor the purpose,
as he Mid, of overtaking the baleber wsgoo.
pereiiaown, apparently ouder the ioflueocc
oJIqaor, and was retaovrO to the shade,
where be dlvd in Gfteeu niioatoe afterwards.
New ! New ! ! New J 1
llttweed Kew Slato. Saloon and Bradbury
toast Cigar and Tobacco,
pjit-aii Fauiw.j-ra.LTO.
brnfirlcesof rtne-cut chowlng nn.' sSioWi.,
yiniltur, 1TUICU Will I0 lOUIItl Of
arwrtsrswii s
f .. i
f a lupcru r
Totoaoooi .
rijfeci ciiiwuui r"
P. A, L, fcrtrn, R'jli.;
lUitudLb. or .!' - Mr 1.1
ot.i oaiM uruncro.
I ,S!3-' ?.wl.'Jr B fo(l UrfiWkd.vTwktf.
j wrauill, .
N. 11. A circular rr ...(.... .MI 1 V" .
Qliiappllcatlnn. Nov. 28. 3- If
J. ROW'S "
OpK)fIto lAJViii Bilger's, California st.
Jacksonville, Oregon. " '
mulioay GIFTS I
ItAtB o.n Fobt Klamath-Juire T,ln,
J. T, Glenn. W, IL f. ,11yd,, J. D. Fay end
John Steers, started veslerdav for Pnri
Klamath on a rusticating tour.
May the spirit of bi(arlty, u it Stttrfl
. v er rucii Dill ana Ultnn. rat lliAi
iH'Pnrt face aiuonV thiT'lli;u,r lil' .1.-
Mr". Krenrer having purchased tbt. new
iWre one door eoutbVUradbury A WaleV.
rnllu tbe attention of tb publld W b, cW
Chewing tohacco,
pleto stockof smoklo
1ffasCs.il Hiuui rtM lAl.....
xiib to hi. liiHfcZirxmrJTz.
lbnbii.r,. I I, , . V WK'r. !
grarjt Jlavaaa. All
YOU Can )l limii nmnlU .!iu . v. ...i
Cles Iu b s lof km sartf ouy. by ilvlog
hlui q cill. Ueeeuilr is. li;:t.
latllrb to lIlM tnnal fn.
lipoid at, he ot liberal
uhisa.'jsjt A7J JJITjIN US)?.
For further yorilAi'if.Vi'.'ft'.. ' .CL-t.
J, ROJV Informs tho cltlzona of Jucktcn
vllloaud tbe publ Ktnally,lt,bjjv.
Inst ircelved and iiiL-r. fn,-V.1. l,r. r.v.ft;..
stock of
Havana i- imitation '
v TIT '
0AJiH?;,.a ' '"AiTirKH,
StAtioRersr k Sckeol-Xookn
r'sV?l.sv UAIHIK8-,.
HUOAI'8. . 'TOYB,-ALUUilS.-K'rO.
1'rlces to suit tb Iliad. (Jalll ami tl...
yourwojiey, .mtt mmltnm-
-"T'Tal " -
. W.i MI" l operatloS.
tailriVLiI hi. fc lriy t.. j .Ij :. , ,.( xttSTI 7&?.ifrtMl'Xni fW"
',. Im j&XifrWVirti f-WT
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krew ;., :, ",7.: , fcw,w?i5 a" ' "" "- wu,ifc on
l waoiee
Green Fruit
"o "nf-v '" "" nv tt5U' 1 lueir way,
JacVtanilllr Ju'ir iili m ' u.' !
conslautly on tanj.
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Wff. I, IBfN.