Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 23, 1864, Image 2

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    w ' ? w'laawajaajijjjjjjfraflaaiaiaiaajjjjai
.' (
i- ,L
m mm tmm,:
J. K. M.TTON, Bailor.
intemta ni any jwaniar set o
laborT It is le advance,!
Unitj andcotutltulinnal
M To me xniticT am muuMscrr or roca
Haw. 4 CoXK3UWXT vomits WU01JI u
t.Miuhc-oAmx '- VTtMvrtcn.
XuifJbssu. The National Union Com
tniyf (m h'ul rliwn I ha following dis
tinct pJalWra m Hie ire of tl forlhcom-in-PrriJc-Uial
contc' :
vTiruruz causbtherbof. uy
Abraham Lincoln.
' Of TruKK.
Je Presidential Electors,
J AS. if. UAKLKY. of Rougtss county.
II. Ki OHpROK f I.mn county.
ukoruk, ij. vfoong. of vo county
J3w,THV pw Stf dowthse to nil
Union men. It U nat Iho organofA.. I'
or Cvbul-Jf the party. Ijjs nolHo bdM
Wp ijjj. refjtalleVer toT tbfr Ihrpelijlwl
riMwjiiiini we
3d, The telcjraphlc despatches, costing
tt least fortjr dollar frr monlh, are faith
fully given in I he column of thla paper.
Are they not worlb four dollar, per year to
yorj? It la the only paper Id Southern
OtegM which take and pnblirhe these
dispatches. We Rive the bad and the pood
newe ; wo ire willing to know tbe whole
trulh and to abide by it,
4tb. Thi paper, as heretofore, will labor
for the development of the resource and
Iot tbe advancement of the material inter
eit of Southern Oregon. This it an ob
J'ct common to all, therefore If l, all give ui
a helping baud.
fnatl Soalhrrn Oregon baa a market
wlthoot It she Ua none.
L . Thas ASfw-J
hopejhftrarmm, salller iifi bta(-
nm mm nTiriiiT, Tailor wW cawirW net)
Now hiiimmary.
Ko .caclil dupatckr Lire Urn rcctired
th mtek. The raid iolo Maryland a-wma
to li-'V,tad of forlorn Lope to draw Grant
rffj aadibreafc op bit at rage tic plana on
Itic&meuJ. Tiie r alJiti operated on a rem
icirj!f cwusiencinf: at Ocaqaan ome 15
mitf 4Iy,:i 0 V"bio(5,or). mo? inp via
I'oatt vi lUcla, Harper Ferry. Frederick
eityaad-Ucekryavnie to lUllirnare. Tbey
mcewtd to linvicg ou,t a ccuiderable
ntnoufltcf !ui.k, but failed to affect Grant,
Tbe rtbel lua m tbia raid U Mid to DC
or 2.080'Cito.
A pcrtica of Sliermau'a force, seder
Wailitirci;, um met and defeated Fount.
.b9Jiift;nllrujplinp a raul into Jxen
iceiy, aad'eaptunx C.000 pruonen. At
UutarUrf., u report to bare been cap
mm!, lut l!)i rrpurl wanU cooCrmation.
Oo!jr;Y4Ui"vnjBiur bue been beard from
(trant Ciulwtrlj. Tbe alow progrcsi of a
"XeTldoTi product tbe exciting ewa
rxtliJIfi'jr.tLc people. It u reported that
the iVwudtntlua tatuvd a call for 500,000
nuntan. Kewa from Cbirlcaton atatea
:but tho'boabardmeot of Sumter atill con
tmuij It Menu, from tbe diapalcLt, that
tie tJd,Biatr ar taakin gan effort to
tM bcaad is tbe Chicago Contention. Ad-
vieeji frpm Buropealate that the Eoglith
V Uiilqr baa been broken up, by m rsajuri-
ly et niae voIct in the Hewre of Lordi.
To Uhion Mcu.
V praoaie to c!T.-rafaw, arrfonj the
masy rjiM whicb ralgbt be giren, to
how wby Union men especially ought to
(upport. tbia.paper.
Ut, It the oran of tlie, party, and will
..i-rlt,- a' . .L !- ? .
fatthfolly rtflec. the Union acotimcat In
riootbern Oregon. All ngbl-mlcdcd Union
men will, willienta memeat'a argument,
concede the necetaity of an organ. Tbe
power pf tho, prerf ought nut to be under
rated. The dimmlnatioo of our.prlneiplw
and the refutation of Copperhead landers'! Valley,
it, or ooght tobr, drtirl by every Union laating.
man. This can only be done sqeccaalaliy ' discovered, Je
Interesting Letter from the Korth.
Too followlsg Intemting letter, from an
old and nteemed citixen of thi county,
waa written to Mr. Jacob and banded lo
us for publication :
IIlck Mi'CfcTitifu. between John )
Uy and nialbenr Kircri,
July 3d. lBG-t. )
DiurSib: Knowing that yon take a
deep interrat in everything pertaining to
the welfare and pnwperity of Southern
Oregon, I have written the enclosed Half
ment of my trip to th'm place. I arriTrd
nt Canym City on the 3d of Jone, In com
pany with Bnocb Walker. We came by
way of the Vreka trail. Tbie route li a
rtry pood me to drive cattle oo, with the
exception of fifty mile of di rt, en which
no water haa a ret been found. Thla trail
over tome of the rnagbeat roontry I ever
aw and my obacrvationa are ripened by
croaeing the plaim, and I think I know
what rough road are. A wagon aecom
panted u, dtawn by eight (rood berae.
The load waa twenty-Ovc hundred They
pot through, nnd that U all joo ran ray.
I do not think that Iho owner will repent
the experiment. I kept n journal of the
trip; the dwtance to thl place, by the
route we came, i fully four bnsJrrd mile.
Canyon Ci'y h abunt 230 mile from
Jacksonville, and I learn that the llcgne
River wagon road la already completed to
the rsmaiit of tlie Cascade Mountain.
There I a good graded nagno road liom
the Dalle to Canyon City; the Rflr
Rirer wagon road will Intersect thu abimt
p0 mile from Canyon City. So you ton
ee at a glance that yoe haro hot a fborl
'diitance of road to complete aod then you
nave a gooo graueu roau to uanyon uuy
And once there, yon are within 80 mile of
Aubcrn, I'owder River, about 140 mile
from Rjnnoek, and 125 mile from the
Owyhee. There b a road now being con
itructed from Canyon City lo the Owyhee,
on the low puas between tbe John Day and
Malheur River. It will coat about 81000
per mile. It la nearly all done- It I an
imlividoal enterprwe a gentleman by the
came of Ilnwe being the proprietor or
corporator. I have been working on thl
road and bare informed myaelf a well a I
could abont tbe wagon ways iuto Ihb
country. Mr. Howe Informs me that he
would like to visit our valley, and if oar
road would be any benefit lo bl road,
that if we needed any aniatsnee lie would
be clad to aid o In putting It tbron-h.
Send blm aloig we have only twelve
tulle to build, and It Is a doubtful que
tlon whether we can raise the funds to
build that There Is pltnty of piiAr en-
Itrprnt here, but it U of the latmt kind.
Bo. Bkk.1 Tbe completion of onr road
would very much Incrcsre the tolls on his
road. Mr. Howe is making bis an excel
lent road, and it passes tbrocgb a country
we,ll watered arid aboondlng in grass.
With road from Jacksonville to Canyon
City tlie farmers of Rogue River vaHey
will fomtsb tbe Canyon City mines with
all their Soar and bacoo, or.In other words,
the rotoers of Canyon City will furnlst)
IhemselvM with those staples from oar
These mioea are extensive and
New mine are constantly being
of them of labuloo
the above 'ir!l oVM?. Awii& Tjj
It not patent lo every man Iht (hi valley
eunnot flourib unlrw there imore avail
able outlet for the anrpln flmir and bacon
produced here T Will we lie anplnety still
and suffcr-the superior enlrrpriso of other
places to cut off our market and to make
m an Inland Goshen T "Wealth and pro
perlty ore something of emr own creation,
It is oot the gift of God or tho creation of
Inw. A spirit of public enterprise anil an
exhibition of mnnly energy nre Ihc only
mean to compare the deiirsble, end Gml
does wonder now and then, but He lias
never been known to cut nnd grade a
wagon rend through tbe mountains. If we
ret still, with the expectation tlrnt a stream
nf light will soon gleam through the Cos
cade Mountains, over the woll-gradtd track
of a wagou road we might as well make
our will and depart for liie poor nana
Occidental New Items.
im 1- -v i"- - -- Mttsk ! ojisvwat
i iirrr us avi i -nri iw m rfrn i t iiiiil uiusuuia bbiii wan. nna ssaskr . -I'liak s
ia.lsteil'rissMlVlland. V f Wd n,i7S ,VV nn ' J"
kind c)ril.ratl.el3tku5t. j$im ""gnt b
From Ivlaxnntb.
Weare permlllttl to make lhe following
extract from a letter written by W. V, .
Foler. Esq :
Fnrrr Kuhatii. July 16th,18G4.
Dr.xn Hib : I srrived here on the 14th
in!., over the long-poken-of p Iron the
Rogue river, and find It an excellent ronte
for a road. There are not 500 yard o(
rocky road or mora thn 700 ynrd of
grading in the whole distance between tbe
Rogue River road and Fort Klsmath.
There I about. 22 mile nf road lo make,
which will probably coat 530 per mile, but
by means ol fire this amount may be ma
terially lessened. It la not more
thaa 30 miles from lhe Rngue river to thla
place. Water and grata Is not quite so!
plenty on this route ss on the old one, but
I think teams can make the trip on the
new route frcm txo to three, days sooner
than by lhe old one. The In
dian trouble arc all river, and there is co
fears of any more, as the K breath Indiana
art afraid of the Snakes, which (eeling Is
cordially reciprocated by the Rnskes.
W. W. Fowlex.
Another proof of the practicability of
the Rogue River route. Oner in the
Klamath bniin and all dfttctilly b nver.
Mr. Fowler says that the road can hi com
pleted for leas than 830 per mile. He who
aka for more evidence would not believe
though one rose from tbe dead and urged
hi faith by ghnatly argument.
Dntxir and IfsTWAno. The people of
Jarksomlllc were again favnrrd by one of
lhoe matchless concert given by Dodge
and Hayward, on the I5lh inat.
Tlie moat elevated emotions of tbe hu
man mind, each a those produced when
viewing a Cue picture or other elegnnt
through tbe column nf a newipaper richness.
Then, Union men. a you love tbe prin.
ciples on which our parly li founded, as
you boeor tlie pairM dead who fell In de
lenea of those nrincinlt on the battle fields
of the revolution, we aal: jrou ,o ccntribnte.
of yoar .abyoduiCL to sutsia an. organlgood wga road can 'be built stralgh-l
Tbese miners artst be fed, and
tlie question is, shall we suffer tbe people
of tlie Willamette to reap all tbe benefit
foe tbe want ol a little enterprise on our
part, Tbe gentlemen who came through
with Mr. Bloom's pack" train say that a
works.of art, or while contemplating the
grand, the beautiful, or tbe sublime, cannot
I conimonicated by the owj ol language.
So it b with Hedge and Hayward a ting
ing; to be appreciated, it mail be heard.
Dodgo in bis satirical delinlatlons of bu
msn follies, is certainly the most mirth-pro-vjiklng
tinger of hb day One would lup-
poae that be poasesjcd an extra set of mos-
cles, so rspid Is hb transition from the
affected yonng maiden, to the decreipe'd and
wrinkled old cottager, or from tbe pugna.
clous city youtn to tbe (ceble old ruitic
matron. In short, he needs bat to wink to
excite the risibilities of bis andicnee.
Hayward, as a ballad singer, muii be
ranked with the b.st. The melody of
bis voice always commands a deathless
silence and makes an audience feci the spirit
of bbdiitioctly-tp'jktn wordt.
Notwithstanding the multitude of en
roniums lavished upon these gentlemen by
tbe preen from Ssn Francwco to Portland,
and tbe many attempts to deicribe in de
tail their performance, yet every one hear
ing tbem for the first time b ready to ex
claim, with the Queen of Rbebo ; - Behold,
tbe balf has not been told niM"
CnrTt. IirakeVertmmaroi, on the rxprili
tlon into the Indian country, number one
hundred meu. k
I. S. Knight haa resigned Ilia office of
Stale unrarinn, anil I . i. iina nua urcn
appointed to fill the vacancy
J. W.Marshall, tho diaenverer ol .gold
in California, still lives nl Comma, a poor
but respectable cilisen.
A train nrwaeons IromYnwa. which rr.
1 ccntly arrlvnl at Austin, Nevada Terrtiory,
have started noma again.
The export of Calllornia, exclusive of
trraiure, average Ihu far tbiyear31,IuD,-
000 per month. ojc. re.
Judge lloire, In the contclrd eleetlnn
case, has deciilrd in (avor of Mr. Nixon,
for Trcaurer, against Riggs.
A son of Jacob Corner, nf Marlon
County, was thrown from n wagmi last
Wednesday, and severely rat abont the
head and face.
Tlie Flarerville mPkmn have railed to
six bits a qnsrt, In eonscqu-nc of lhe lnw
water In Hnna'tnwn Creek, am) all the ba
bies are sqiialliag.
Old John, the great chief of the Ttogoer
River Indiana, and as brava a warrior a
ever sjieil ball or arrow, Istrly died alForl
Yamhill. Eugene Cltf ftcvitw.
They have In Orecon a tort of craln
they caff 'copperhead oats." We advise
owners not tn feed their hnrac with iucb
oats, antes they wiah lo poiion them. iJer
Captain Olney1 camrmny were musterrd
Into (he acrviee nf the United 9rntrs at tbe
Dalle cm the 14tb and were In fear next
day for lhe active performance of their
summer's duly. Ortgonim,
The Urrron banltnry i-air whtctt was
to hsve been held in I'urtlund, during tbe
coming Fall, baa been trnnferrrd lo Salem,
and will commence on the 27lb of Septem
ber next.
The eniplnvres nf lhe Gold Carry,
Tueaday, cart a brick the largeal rwr
mad in I lie Territory, 1SS pounds valunl
at 84.300. a their contribution to tbe
Ssnltsry Fund.
To determine the price af"greenbsckt,"
divide the um of 10,000 by the price nf
enkl. For exampK If the price of gold b
250; 10)00 divided by 250 is 40, the val
ue iu cents, of one dollar in "greenback."
Tna I. O. nf O. V. In Vireinln
City have purchaard tho old Court House
bnlldine on It street, and have aiUcrti-d
pronoMals for adding another story to tbe
building roe a ball and ouice tor tceir own
Durinc (be first six months nf the yesr.
371 JC2 hide wrrcf hipped Irom ll.isSlsle.
asainat la.i.iiOl lor lhe same lice last year.
The inereate b niulnly due to the hide crop
rraprd tiom tattle that have died irnm
starvation owing to the drouth. Sir. lltt.
Stock Whitly, the lieod chief of the Nt-z
I'rrcea Indians, died from lhe wound re
ceived in lhe Isle fight against tlie Snakr.
In which Dent. Walton, formerly of Jack
son county, wa killed. Whllly fought
bravely as an ally of the soldiers to the lost.
The Ctirsnn Valley Enlrrprnt, pf June
; -- -5
jiijftibf Umber fro-,,
l Fatal Accidrxt -JnknMtrj,
! Commlnlnnrre nf Jo-nM,,. '
I Friday of (nut week came tnti,
llw 'following mannrr 1ti,
learn Into lib barn with a kw
commenced tn nnlnnd i.u,
lib horses beenms frishtened aa.) r
in nruer in nii.p thrm h iRj
lonil nr hay and was esatU I
hay-rack and port and Twti
Mr. McOriely was an old at) i
citieen of Jmrphlne county f).
wiw anil srvcrnl chlldrea to i
timely death.
Those receiving circular fmnvJ
illuming uirra in an as tfrHkl
SKKTiaw.j win please M as tm J
earliest, convtnirwa whsnW sr ,!
will accept. The name of aQi
wllline-to act will be plaerf'4 j
nmnslor relerencr.
In Jacksonville, nn IlielltbbrU
jvunfrn ton 01 rtier sn At
ga two mouibi anil lntuijmt
Ob lhe Clt. nl., at Sains, tf t
chill. Dr. lloyie, '
He was an old frlecd of m, ui,
!tlnraiile clllxen.
The lt of July Jhsi year find Mnllno
nuh county Jail wihout,an inmate, Ex.
Away oot here in Jackson County,
aateog lhe mnartalns and mines, we hsve
not.liad an Inmate la our eonniy jail for
tbe last hrec months; nor bwe we bad an
Inawto ball tbe timc.fyr tle btl twnyuurv.
erTbe' bJevieif that the Cleave
bad Cramlifwt -is "itbwa rtaraljl &'
QBAI.EI) IVopoMl tofamMrr;k
kj nuourra euros nr rsod
nine wood, at Fort Kltaulh. I
be rtceivrd by IhnunrtcnljntitiCh
VIV. l A ....,., I( llJl v...
lie delivered at aueb lilac or tUw i
Fort as Ihc cnmmaudlns oXetr AHL
One bumlrrd cord to bt d(llT0ri
tut day nf October, 1RM; ta ailu
or ueroro me isinoi rtovetaatr.jfH.
Tlie crouoraU iball be la itiWa
Ignate tbe price per cunl.SMl sua
residence or two rcponilb!t natlu
I'armont to be miK oa lie Mirl
acceptance oi inewooa, la IM ijuah
iibcd by the Uultcd titl ( i
hursementa, orasaooo afurstUeyi
recclvrtl for that nnrnore.
Said bid will lie uptirit htrX.2
IBGt.at three o'clock T XI Ulml
Invited to b nreMat
I'rnpoiala tn bo dlrettx! tt llni.',
Underwood, A. A. g, U., FettKi
Jackionvllle, Oiesou, sad "I't
KuruUh Wood" euJurtcJ oo tM i
Tbe right to rrbel say rU sf Ik-J
is bvreuy Testrvru. I
!( uut. 00.-C- lubf.a T.i.1
I-1. Klamsih. Ogn.Jaly K.tl
bleb t?wtaItlbos-piucp'ts,. ihrough.wllb very liulc cost. Will HiVjJ IbecxH 'cp-i.Sd.r.. J.,8jb;,(
12th. sayss The bowlixvr llrat from the
tjould & Curry camp tn recently gave ut
terance In loud-lnnguHl joy at lhe nomin
ation of Honest Old Abe, once followed in
Fremont' train, but was by him aban
doned tn our mountains.
Tbe San Jose Mtrcuri) says t A million
dollar mortgage was recorded In the office
of the recorder for lln county, on tbe At
mnilen quicksilver mine, oo Tuesday, June
zrtili, in Mvnr oi iieitrgc U llouson and
Wm. T. Dnnrnn, of New York, bearing
Interrat at seven per cent, per annum.
A foreign letter, rays tho Bit, bearing
the follwinr aiiperrcrintinn was rtceivrd at
the Silm; -Mountain FosVOSce, en I be
M , Donglas Conotv, Nevada
Territory, Carya Mills, Ssn Fiaucbco,
Silver Moonlain, Cttllfornia."
George Laird, of New A louden, bss
discovered a substitute for - blasting pow
der, less dsagerona sad. tnaafe cheaper,
which caa b rondo by aar uiatr, at a east
nf but two dnlhirs and a half per keg, Mr.
Laird lays that it b a chemical compound,
mixed with taw-dual; that a man can
make twenty-five kin a day la a enmraeo
ttove boiler ; and add that be is now using
it with great aucce in the Near Almadcn
The remain nf an Indian fisa lately been
foond Imbcded four fret below the (ariaee,
In the roek alt &lds some sixty miles from
Virginia City. 'J'lic body was in a slate
of complete preservation, apd from all ap
pearance had lain In the same pcmilion for
many years, perhaps for ages. Tlie Beth
was perfectly dry like that nf a mummy,
and It was evident that ll Kid heart perfect
ly saluratad Willi urino wulcft prcveatad
its dewy,
Urefpaian of .15 lb. My KIward Tiefcaor
was twtanr4 iir..tU Unittd aHSte DMWat
.Court yastarilar.Jn aaMr4aac..itb!lbe
vwdict.o 'a Ws, (n..wHlMC lejjvtas.ifowwii
OEALnD I'mnoesbferbtt
. .r .rtk , i fl.A .m. i
of Government More fromJulri
Fort i:iamlh. Orrsno. will bo I
lhe undersigned nulll llo'slocx )Ls
Htb. lhT.4. Said stores to U tore
good order at Fort Kismalh,ea cr
the lit day of Uclolwr, Jnu.
I'ropotala abnll be In dupllal,f
lb Dficc ner aouud. and IMata
Ideiiosnf tworeipootlblswasrii
Taynwut to be made upa tsaaM
tho contract, in lb fund forwW I
Unllid BUlea fsr public di4rwJ
a toon after as tby lnsy U "" m
that purpoe. . ,
U.(. ,,I. ulll Iv, nnmti i '
IRM.dtbrte o'clock J' !. swfcel
Invlledlo be prrxuL .
lrn..mlI tn hi HllVfilfd (0 lS
Undarwooil. A. A, Q, U.. ForlRU
Jtciuonvllle, Oregon, ana -nr
Tfca right lt reject aoy or D ? i
Ut Uaut. Do. -C," U Car-& ,
Ft. KUiualb, Oku. JulyU.'i.
Fiual SetleetH.
TN tbe County Coon of Ctrrj
1 July Term, 18C4,
In.iL ntiir nf thu estate of
OuTva, dearsttd.
V 1 rr.Tn.. ailniSnlatntOr of
tale, Uvlng Died hb exhibit for
mul, notice l nereor gi -inleteated,
that Moaday. tt Mo
i.l a i. ises. bas been
the Baal aeltlcsient of aid ssisK,
It- !, nf Uon. U. B. G
T...I-. r.wuGl&U
lrM CW1?.
TiV tbe eounly Court of Carry '
I.. I- T-.. U.
v. ,i.u .... r ik Mtsle of "
T. DixoiiAH.deetsJsA
t r....w ,. ulr-lnlrirsw
iieiawi, iioi.w i. u wv -
tea llntareatva, 'rr7 tM I
.. . . U..- Jl II IBOT. "- .
apart.lwr tbe ttna! KtlbaMSt bi
wrwi we Mia ssiHwr""'"
... J.i r if,. i II. ur
BISIBII m u '- t l
. ,- - c:rli.
iaev. i3iuM I