mi I, ,n, r ' -ktk- "'-" -fi" w"awyajpJj iji" j- ' i i i l mmi immn ' urn i i iniaum i iwwintjitV.L umuS ' -' ' '" ' " " I f r- - fwmiii"?. V L ISlflf'1 M ' J ' mm lJjtW t-j i lPR ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY JULY S3, 1SG4. r VOL. 1X.-N0. 27. ... , '-! I ? rMm mi M ! YWJ4VK99 mm -m? u. -i 1 : OREGON SnNTlISXU jJtS lit"! MTWIMI MUlli Lf. OWJBlXt Trop'r. ..Fvr Ooayrar. In advance. , if Mil wllhln ttra Cm ix fctfUe trtr, he dollar ; If nut paid jerrpfrii"n oi inrjrar "uuuiuu lcnau-"ie iiuare I in lint or t,; 4tuon. iiutt miliar ; cacn t lartiuon, una isuuar. J iuip- . , r.t;i nm be nuue io mwe .Vtt'V'TtriVir LjArtUtn rwoiiH ttmmnt.tt. jfl V.JBPUrnviiip tenure " l trtkiJ.IIHllBl. ..." ,'... HtlWMH '. rtyt in rimy r u Brtt ik I ct month. a4 ca I MtmlYcrvh lntnnlnr wtk. at ttta MaaxUr Matt, u 111 tC"nJttmdfUi,UcMbttttW rf MUS J DAT. x a 1 S.UNSU7. B. if. 3. a tv.ua, ii a. mj um hm i lata No. 10. A. F. & A. Iff. K01P U.lr rtirumr enmmunt rsUtlttt ttediihy Kvcnlnfrm K ff- V tbe fa" nsnoa, 'n aacx- wri Ai.EX MARTIN. W. )!.. Euw fr r .H.VU c f iiroacix. itCOBS, . RUSSELL, .W ANI UOUNSl'.LORS JJ.T XjVXTir, bSOUdlTUIM IN UHANOKRY. Ji-wnv'r On-innx, (jfMlt Hit lourf ttniu. 1 -r-n i'cJ to t!nr wrr will tt .!. il if July 2K 'Si. B, F. DOWELL. ruIiVEY AT LiATV. "icwv , Or.ireof. InWhsl ta CiurU of th Third i..u&fcl,i. ipirnu Luiiilof.Or t Treii, 'al. WaricnpnrMnmt- uuiK J. QASTON, UR.NLY AT LAW. :.. jr ()noo.v. iu!i:tnt.J c v i In eol!cllou J" T . t3. 10 CftfftitmL KWQE D. DORRIS, WARY PUBLIC IS JACKSON i:OCNTV. if & V J iur.il Er. 1. S.HOWARD, to:: i civil. i:su inter. JruornL'j! 0ni'y. ihu U cjo . end of Ottcon J u.inr - 1(U PETER BRITT. ;nipiiic Artll, t bfei pc ill lrTrrTtfle! pikiAiu up mi imnnivrnitnu Kt eivc atl'MdioH no lKSIBk Cfcll nt hi ntw CM. rll inrino ti iiUl'irr. wxl M&ON--DENTISTH! WS-( J. GATES I tnmrrtT l.-nlij In JcVon- a4-. trviei to til tlir "r l i tu t miiuer .:. li.h Hi. will And ""af. io jut dim a call. tiui of Ihdirat.de Ht- ipntr BY CALIFORNIA AND TELEGRAPH. 0SEQ0N fiih Tiir unsTlsrx. Udllimore, lllb. Xtfro.WaJiin-. ton exciting. Sklnnlibing on Iht 'Itucti. j villa road cummfncnl rer)jr Wa mornln?, nod (u fcllant) by uti advance of the tth cU to a point about four mllra wwtnfTtn litoan. Tliflr pumat 'on ihnl rod tit) InppnI. and ihtj dttappmrtiV ,tu tome other i1!rfcion. SuUquctufj, m hear thfiptkirmuhlnp on.Md nrnund iheSer. emh trct' lornUifrnMr Clafyll'i fatro and th rvaUa.oF. P. Jllmr. It re- Colcatillo to Dcltarillrk Batly went to jrard Wiublngtonon the wenth fittoidj It U nndertood Ulll Maithnl JowanU Wai lntoo on n Una went or Early. Severn), rebel omceri tlifnk It ra'nt tho Intention to take Wathtnglpa. tut to dUtraet tlie attention of Grant from Richmond, John Ion bad reren plreea of artillery. John KtunN and Kttrlr'a dlritioni fired Inlo roeb other br rnlrtakr near CJoletTllfe. F. 1'. nici'r"! rrtidenee wax the Vebtl'a he4qar ten Wl Io that -rlelnltr: Nothtoj n-a dbtaiko); olnj lo'lh farmer frienalj' rW UlktaaslMtwtw rVccV4wrM ko1 TUlk: The roidence of )Iont(omcry DlalYVlth II Its coulrnU, mi bnrned. Katly 7etc day mornhicltlieTTncli frit back 'from their ported to-day that the rebel baraed Hlalri Ifflwjilwi norlh ft the 9TtllCAtloni,at TVrn- Ujlonn, (o UockTJjJcoloKly, rmriu0 bjr onr caralry. We engaged the enemy duri jlni; tho .diy. wth -TarylnR tvttcen. Rock jvillc xrn In our pnrjlno half a doaen ftmff, bat Ihe enemy would bo reinforced nd occupy tt-unltl oor lime came apUn. Neither parly puliird any decided advantage I'lillailelphlA, Nth A pcIM frnm7ab jn;tfnltili mftrnlrrp.'faVc The eiieroy'bi can thtr retreat iroii,,lfcV Polftmac'ar ua'ulenee. Tbteer tm 600 tafanlry ten camrnil at-lUickvllla Iwt night. IinUoJcif (ommanik the catalry tiorr liuoglnp nrouiid the lortiflcdtlonf. Iliit force la not iuQi dent to Ttadetlat anV cjrloui attack on tbe forliCcaliotK ul Vu)i!ngtnn,acd it i not their ioientiun io io do. The attny iovadin Marjlaod, rnaicUil down tie va ley 45,nOO atroec.Jocludins 8.IW0 carnlry Ai-r..-i..-.i i? . n-..i.. ' rMlaht. They hid "heM nocWrrHeTiWo hi i ' i . i.t i i ! "! t'nm 'bo rbtornao; a a 'bo.' TJil vlllo Tueiday hut with add.l.orwl forcr to tnMluir ollp MlftB. ,. . M . , (. . oln'the army Of Invasion. The purpM of, m ,r0 .uMMic.nctrcea aa well aula. thb um; i to atfmpt to capture Waali-1 p WJ cit j,nf. , . iuftoo by aurjeie. The vVirginia Central t liAUm'jr, Utlu-The report that Annap. railroad has been re pjirrtl, and ta ni.w hi 'niu ,ncplurfd liy the p:b?l launfonnd- ruonior; onlcr fromJchmondtuHtminliui e.1 Tttf Mcprapti ta nrkln to that plaoo In Uii light at Aid, Muaeby captured 81 'nil r'ltbt The ubuU left Zi wounded at of our caTalrj". killed twenty, tud uiptund i $ irtek a 2D pounder OetJ pltc'KliicUIIj iu win. N"W X6,)t' i3A "ri,(,7 fiml"' ani5 ',,,, bar arrlvnl at Kortrcn Jlntiroe. Sulll- vjin'j esrAlry ricfpWd Mrtlnliurs.wlth mand of one company is opern'.mj in nvio liy Fairfax Court IIpuf, 'and (war Occo iiuan. liater diapatcli uti: daring mnnp irg there Uai been no ctnera! cnrJKn.eV but cavalry ikirmJahln; hu'beeu (joTup on" out oppmltten. and rertorrd railroad enm raonkntton In wheeling. Howe awnracd MCfimnunt at Harn-rV Fvrry. '! in. ii. .v .i.it. till. t..r......it. i.... at intcrralj. 1 kmn; hai m.l nude M. j r ml,WwUneT Md, nl ;,rhw ftt rml. nppeerancc anywhere lll.'n un-eof.iur,..,, i) moved from the Retar TI....e to ?i:n aud to Lr, ha.!ioD on dbipuailon j At,aapoll foe tbn. relief of Wa.hli!(rtin. to do M. NBwVwlf..l2to The ruidrtaftijti'itoftp. wiih Ue ratrrar.' frnra Ntvr have ilrtlrovf.l all line of TilvfMlib bo.'Oilcani.n hold tho eiy. It U tboiiRbt twrvn I'Mlauelplita and UJliimorr. -HdrlJ ptlaU followioj prlvute leilct.- IjcjIusIW July 12lh. TMlerihy wc marched frmu refflmasd werti near Lewburj Tuwdar hifbt, rath rMer'kadinrjr7orct8nd drlvinj; before them many brad of cattle. When bat beard from they were making for Anbury' Gap. Abother portion of tho tame comwaaa wa at Cheat' Gap Wcdeciday Boon. Harry Gilnwre'a caralry were tail wen croMlng the Totomac a little above Ed ward' Ferry. After cromlajr. a tmatl fereo was detached and tent toward Suicb wtUk. -tbe Wj body moved dlreeily tewartl Aibbsry Qafi. Sharpaheoteri and teea( report the rebel re-croifag the Totomac nearly np poalte Pecleavllle, driving belorc them 2000 bead of cattle, which ibry bad stolen in Alary land. A. dipatch received by Gcaeral Ualleck from IUtkport aayat Retreating rebel jiaased tbrosgh that place thla morning, moving to the direction of Ed wariV Ferry. The rebel near liladcrubBrg moved off thla morniag. lakifift.the road wettwardly, car rl'0JSfj ?'.ITW number of borae and cattle, ifefenja-f neigliborhood. rJercral Hjaadtof ,rtbel priaoner have been broeht inftisday. Our kHJed mh! woumlrd y eelcrdjy wa 200. ilattlmore 13ih. Firing wan beard in (lie dircation of Wunlng'.un toduv. All the. information received here to-day (a to the cflect tlwt the enemy will retreat. Tbtre wa fighting Monday and Tueaday to enable the enemy In gel tufcly acron the 1'olomac with Uiolr plunder. Railroad mmuinnlcatiou bctwetn IJaltlmore and AYaahiiigton. which bat been auaprnaYd for IB bouu. uu roamed lhi nltrrnnon. The Waihtnton ChromtU bva lli" folluir. log Item from Wathirgton: Our cavalry, nhiler ifojur Fry, ilubburnlt couteatrd the advance of the cm my, only retrcullr.g when nniflmked byinptrior uumbert. Huoduy'i fight ljtci,from three p. in. to nine, driv. Miijway, bipg quickeuid in our ad,ii.CT by tiro wound nf &)! gum rngaged with Me Cntuluod wlu ttold the phicv. Tliry ilrfml(d it with Kf'ot (ilnilnury, Imtnln bridsea playing on hllla m we came up'witl, !ik? the enrinv bjck lliri lu'ilra. Mundav thr ralrU rill nut ixtumpl to taki. U.butl,. , . u ., ,., ,, nr ,htM t!5rnr the railroad and try to rvinatrlai ,, , . , . ,,., ,, . , . UW. Ferry".' Iml. from Iculylnwn. The lVe.ident Blallimore. tnth.-No Indication, tl.J00,1 &tcr- of Wnr U,,"& l,,f,enl "" mwai2 of any, rebel furee wltUIu tvnty c"ura'' h 'pi. About two p.m. mil's. I tlit enemy advanced lowatdi Ft. Stevrnr, SVw Vur. 13th Gov. IlradfurdV call rirc m" "um lue c,tJ' heir aliarpahonb In M'l wm rpondHl tn by liiuumnd. Ilittiimiin. 15th -Nrv from W uihlnstiin JM L-. . !ir gut witbiu lliiity or forty yard of.llic i ! fort, wbeu the 25lh New Votk cavvlry dit- MI; biahwlwcker Trwo be t.nd evny Iw. , .i.u-nmniln my they am all dulnj wrll. n.ountrd und drote them out of the boum-a Thw wai nudoew mi Ihtir jxir-, as wr had Yrawnhy ttiln-v were -iloflmy. great d-al ad fortincatlon prolectiug them, and then in-uien tkttn iKfure b-ia. Jmnril iy U ui. j um-AiineM among cllln. ConB.lww now ' uurd tic bouu-, o they oUlructrd tLc (Molt aud Jtorrill. of rumw .we am now I rlur d. Anxieiynow felt let tl.umemy ' ruin. of l(ie gUM 0lbr reglmrpt then able tn whip theoi a-jiiu; It reeni l.ew. I my .wpe lUf State without aerlum pun- lu,rivej nBj jr0TC ,j,c tnen,.. i ua( , MeCumland wai wultiry for H-eil-Mv J M't'l. Drttlnalion of tbU Urse reb-;! j mik Toward ix p. m. veteraui nf llie who-had twodlalcbnIwi'.liWi .l.vi.mn , lonw not known. Seceb eoy tb.y will I .. a,,tanFr,x Bm, (lrm.H ,lh ,.nmtH movtouToInt Lookout aad r.leawJO.Wui .. . ... ,....., .' , ....j, ...lUil .1. II. I,. Afr.. (III. ......I.... UIJU WIIIIIU H, &,Mlk,IIIUI& ,! HH'IIHUg. from Ijtv'i army, Iu dfivj! u lick ox at Iroit bold u bctwern there awl ltidimuml ur I,yoehbiirg whichever wrtrikefnr. It w fuppoaeil, the plan is tn put the Imiki-n ZlZl ' c yctcrday by rvrt m , .-,by the rvbel jirimmerf ctuQmd tUttt, Ttniflnt'fi ftlcnnli. WaihiiH-to.i. Julv Mil .AJllitiDB.il Chicago. lltb.-Ntw to the Ctb from alatm m oceailowol Pl llw Vlijjlula idd4 SLereian. tatw tliat on the nwbt of tbo it Ajxrotr ilitTiiiiil JeirclurJ ''': .td.xirnrlhof 1 -l .VII ,Ofin. JOH.V F. IIOUCIv," '-'-"Urer aid rcplrcriiof VCl.f JtfnHArMIIM .M.iLtf Vr IiMnwin. tic. tLltY fTlif if i1itri atari - ----- 41'V.IU-tll "UM - lw twrtt upprojvd i5h- of 'ru urcirt-jwr rtico JOJIV F UO('K. '" tr and Vutchmnker. ""JI JWI am COHTMJLCT. S iv raind tr pn north, and tfcffe tl jtj.i. t.r ii.ii iiii i!.m. 'Wt tlly, Oil., tu,iHWal- -7." iwi. vikrKIiOBiJ(J W! 'Ittt. ' . lotrrU 1I.GA8QUET. -tUjorCntceatCityA" Hti tftgelber with a dnnioo ul LteV eiernrtf, anil tli-n give m anntber I rail 'for the lul It-y. This morniug we uVtioed Virj-inla Military Jrulitdte. To morrr we m6ve at daylight; but we have no ideu in "hat direct Inn. Our tlluAlton b prriO ulid critical, acd If Le U nut fully employed by Grant he cau uii du.wu.trooiHtuousb ru I.yoclibjrg raiUoad to uvefMUlin u, but if Gnui will bold all.of Ie'r force at Iticbmuod, Ihia volomn will wake ihe reVJ I cupuai niucnuuiD in lew 3 un-,11; vuillug oil the but main artery a( sunplmi. H (.Cliicuso I3lii. An 1 fiat (row Bher JlWebeUaucrunulug Uaia ou tho IU.M '",, 8l1' TO,P Mi Ihe eullto line of rood to .Manama. Tbia Is not t vcri- "" w"u ,no r1 ol n.j inorea B.d. but It I. not tbou:ht Imnoulule. I, to the right on fLuikiog expedition. Uhattahnuch.-. had laid pnnUiuin uiroi Ihe fher each ae nf IJaiue. und on iiuu ilay Intt gniiKd the oppoile u-iak; cauiiag ( H.trnbtU'to-rKtrrol toward Atlanta. From Ihbi pflii,t to Alfuirta, ihi cauntry I rcMF tute 0? ualurul productions be.iig a barrcp iifiln. jJulUmorc, iJin. .Wiuuiofitna uronicie loUajriaj:. From what can bo Ierriil, lh! rebel force on the north !do of the I'd-' oaoae coaaiftti juftUdhiMtoajl2irl-'rf'aoil' llll'iUdiriWtiTlMTeBw Into Maryland' fcvaily'ill'aftot.feot'ar-j'iiBW Hfwiyrdl atiusjedwiAiotHMteti' tofrk'the jwj -Yreca U lbuj;ht Ihedptljjn of the rebel la to com mand the Gap and ojxn comniuiiicatluu between Gordnriivillc and the Valley. Tlw Star Extra sat : The rebel ra'd cr. numberiu four or tire hundred, puued through Ltltlc Waibinglon and Sptuwville Tlmitday nTplit 011 their way toward Mnd itnn and Uurdaikivillc. They hud 200 lir(- and 21) prwooer wlu were mouiiltd j on liiires Id by rcl-els. 'i'ly paucU UreiLvravillc abojt B o'clock, aud half an the south ba&kcfniBai John- ton, by some meant, leanied of the move ment the tame eight, and abandoned the noiki sround Kensaw, and fell back three miles outb of Marietta. Early oexl morn- lug the 3J divikion entered Marietta, close ly following the rebel. The balunce of fbe army marching different directions to wards Atlaiilu. Jk-fure leaving, JohustouV army plucdereU the place, and destroyed tl railroad, leuviog nothing ol value. Ou themornliig ff the 41b, ue advnucrd liuor afurwards a rmall force of Uu.oti a mile B U"',m1 llew "P bt,, . - . . . l r .Ty; "r T' , ! .TnL"CV Uvulrr ,,...te It. annearanco -a Ita - "" w plainly se,-n in uyep WT.U ... -.uvMuy .arunr. ,a.u ,, "l' ,M1i, n,. ,...,' the OpiK,.te Iwkl bull a mile .'ff. A HcIt -avo out that they -nereon tlelr way (o W"nW' lire kept up for some lime. Linei UonI.iullk. iliri.ee to Ru.-hmc.Hl. TL,-r w" Cuuui.y auvanceu upon uw eotmy, Kmed to be in a hurry. I.avlog Informa- lawPiUs lue r,,in bUxat mvi . plnrlng 1 tlnn that Sheridan was between them and "" ati' ,n '" "--P''-. Ip pWn k "' Richmond with a larire cavalry force. Uh nM """' I1orin8 lht --y ! These rebel are donbtfrs part of the force ' ,B,tiI 3'?00 !" ' mowing of the Wlr nneratlni- In Marvin,..!. u,n we ,Mlr"' ",0 cocn,Jr ,mu "S10 "' K.rtionfi... of IW.ltmnro ... that tbe!,,,U b"- ,0 Ubuttabocblc, kte reeei.1 InvMion W0 cnlr a rfror,oUhLi.. i wtn WN'"" nd M. . .. . 7 .: v -: 1 uu iimi mj wiu ricetve large niiiloico- thcre inentt and return .wilb.LteJn command, . fl'hitauVphUVJBly.yJiu .Tlte HourrV pedi! ay: Ab'o8f"l00 ofMotbV Naibvllk', July 14th Tbe Chattanooga Gazette, of .tiatuiduy. o)s onr force uc eeet(ullr crossed the jChatl-thoocblr. liar, die' (rebel) eorp were Csokei) cod forced to im for-their lixea. We captsrnl from 2,0l0 too,000 prlwKirrnr The whole of Jnhnitdn s army I in the -woods north nf Atlanta. Chicago, ,1u'y 14lh. Tte ,Na.hril!c Union say further advicrsfally confirm tbe crossing of the Chattahoochla by tbr Union troops and securing thTlodgernenl of our force on stream. T-Mwjlav'a Dianitah Washington, 1-lth. The reports from the ormy of the I'ut(W-itat6''that'th rebel have maocuveied tlr!r trov-s In rt manner which avems to indicate an attack on our rear. At lat -icevuntn. Hill's corn. was marchlnt; uroutid onr Irff. wittj the in tentlon, military men say, ol f-etlnyla onr" rear. On the 12th, they rnle kakmori-. stration on tbe Jerusalem road, afparrtttty for tbe parpoec of attacking our troop, bat being confronted by au a.uiplc', force, chadr-cd iliflr mind. New Yik lfijh. The latest Tcttrtw burg oewa. lain the I5tb. Heayy sks-mlfh-Ing Is going 011. The rebel GenerafJotwi rrports that, on tbe 14th of July, tbeFrd era Is were rrpulied near QharlestOBwitM loaa or 000 mm. Mid confirm the cap ture or the iron rebel cunbpat. Wushlngtoii 1". Further partolt ot n bet raLlrr ba bn-n abaodomt,;! they will probably succeed In' reaching" Chan-bvriburg- with their plunder in nafety, unless intcrrupuu between b'taonton and Lyuctiburg. rroiis rrrlding near'tb. gap, any their train was rnmpond of all torts of vrhiclm. filled with a variety of plunder. Over 7000 brad of cattle, horsci', mnlrtt and large drote of sheep ariji hog1 were sent thtough the gnp by nbel prt vinai to retreat, and poHirtd In rueadowa ulong the river until withdrawal oPmalu. " liixly or the cumnotriil. which was early on Tuetihy morning. Hcrrral hundrrd wouv ded In currlapes nnd nmbulancrt ' acm brought llinMifih tbe pip. aiming thrui were one Htlg Gen ond aeVrrul ,.0lnnrk besides a niimber of ofUcet, mnt of them bad been wounded in battle. Goverament has l-rtn put In purriou of the ctreegtli of invasion force of .Maryland. They cnmprlKd in'aU'vbbat 13.000 men, IMfft'fiflkTrt eiknowlnlee-'tb-lrlrH at Miinocacy oxer 1.01)0 kijbil jiAdnwiu-Kb.'d, ninst of them from cb'arct by brigade of Clb enrju. Colour! of'itb juiaiana and 12ib Grnurlu weri- Irllfed in this charge. Wrinlii'igtoii, lBtli -Frwident isne,l rt proclamation, cslliug into service fiOO.OOO men. It U futlbrr ordered tbst after the &1I1 d.iy of S pjeniber, 18C4, bring SOtbyi fiom dste of proclnmatinn draft for troop to serve fur one yrar shall be held In ever nwnbip nnd w'anl of th city, prvcinctl ol election dulncif, or county nut suthli.' rldcd, tn fill its mintn, which rtay be DlUd by voluot.-eriug by that dor. The Kan Frunclm flitir underatombi that the Central 1'aciCc Railroad Com iiany lue nnleri-d, nnd ru the way, thrre buriilred milrs of Icltcraph wire and ma leriala Io conttrurt that portion of thcV telegraph line (mm Sun FraiioUcn through Suerainrnio to Virginia City, and the nec ory hide lutes and branches to the iuW 1 lor towns. TliU givw promise of a lieullby comielltInn in Ibr telegraph boil nos, a consummation much to lie deolrtd. . , & UNorrt tub t'AM'rv." "If there h anybody under the rutinUter ol leovro that I have an utter excreence,M said Mr. Partington, "It 1 a lale-bearrr and Un derer, going about like u vile boa constric tor, circulating In calomel about Jioneet folks. I always know ui by 111 phisma liogany It htuii as If Uelsibob bad staropeil bim with hit private igyal,, anil erervtbmg be looka at apptur to tutu yalle'r." ' ' 'Hie Snake Indians have receotly-nuule a ruid ou lbei;tlr of AntUopeyalb-, CS inili-fl iroum the Dalle, driving OU all the stock Iu tbe valley Iltabup Cluik saya the Advocalt, will pnniilf at ihe M. K. Conference to be held at Ssli-m on the 18th of Augunt. THE OANK OF CALIFORNIA. Coriir of Wwhlngton and Rattery StrV, Sau Francisco. rpillS bank It oien for the transartlpn of J. a Ucuerul IWUKlUg ouinef. "i.r , celved'xwlt', attend to tbo Collection of Vaper. aud draw exchange by Ti.teoairw 0; oth-rwle, on Now York, London,- Dubllu, etc.. etc.. oa tlie moat favoraUif terirvi. ' D.O.M1LI.R, WM.O. RALSTON, l'rceldcut. Cakbler. Sa-f FrJtrs'JW, July 5, 1661. jy! A I 1 I? ! 5 i J umaaaSMll gmttmttimmimiliKM