Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 16, 1864, Image 2

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    " .' """"ft-' p SSsaaHkP
ir ... T V
"japj'j'wi' ' "
& 1r
! I
: J
Gen. JaoJuorum JnJi
remedy. Obretof Andrew Jackson.! can
toe"! doctrines' prerail? Never. '
1 There " want of Wmooy intbtir
eooncil. The IMical Democracy, bare
t, irWrinh'thi week has boen obw.
TJiaewrYorkvTr,U-. .
Jackiitiuiu July. Mh, 18C4. in jn; lhe chaotic rumor cominj.
TJiror Sfn.-l 1 w(tcJ itne?ffm hc reW, ,ra)(j ,nU) Mifyand. The
mote package lor the P'rf Fund. frf"",namjKr of raldera are varlonly MtlmaJed
Jackson, IjichilmJ rtw hrf,.
i i
;sTi!xnr soikixg, -
JFLY 16,, 1$!. nominated J.n U 1-mr.ont. .J"! Canyon CrrcV(Jopbi
i .. MIVfc .-"- .--
"r "?:?" iwti, ki
inc-tonoiT. omkvv frflm is.orio loO.OOO Mrong. mey
viuin niir j t ouiioi, Of . v..
VKtnsror incir sitruv. p- th( (Uy , lhe c
. ... Kjk Lvivin" nr URii mli iicvt - . i i aa, AUwiiiin. iiniiaitik n urn ririnnr-i mi . .
i i
......... -.-, Pn , .y m uk " -- - firl ma,ie their appcarnnre .u . . lug inni ti I in Inc well U,.
TrSou.hern-lVnfJcrcy-lecnltirn g.. 23. !n coin, of nhich tbe follow ., FOTy. cfl!nB the river H lhflli,M j,ckwfl "J
IV.noen.cr. want Wood or A ai and.gham, a w of n,,,: . , MoW( ,hfy look p.ion ol I nnm ,J1C ,,; , ' j
and arcsi.ring off lie nomination, hoping , Wm CMpfn,t4 25: nFW,4i n tclBy of wIlich ,mIIct. lM'M,'
tMl fon,e Operate .J''J JiJ thcr collcc.cU large number of horc " WAN(5mi Ftb
C e -n. Mo ,Jnl it . o b re , , y ,k. , . p X ttQ 1 ! of IUw,oirll, twn.r mile, dae north of mmilcMfJ , ,; lf j f,
r adiilim ingrtfcer mumiyl .Not ,TS llortt4 SX Sumberof contributor,! ,0wi,vcf jjw ihi
the CilKtrc tic of uusutr ate juBieientiy , fm
' To nir Krnrji r vr mtMANMT or Tom
INinv. x Govr.nvxKXT i.r thi: whole i
lW.r-t.." irciiin.
. . I 1 fu.& . .! MAnfllMlinfV I I.
g5rOllr iO lUlkl IIIIO UiK .-n..ia
that will make them homi?cocoas.aW win up
bixl tlivm tosctlicr i
tirtof corMPcniniiyJ
nAhcMle of coin in San Francico'it m, march on lUUimorc, cutting rail- ;h, al yoi) j,,,,,,,,,,
J . ,.! Knrnlnr firIl(fO. ttC
. . . .- .. ..! I. AnrMntr nWlllll Ut HIV IIMU. muiiim', .."., t
meat. Wf adriM tlirm W mi'crptcaic iwioia. arauu.u ...v... -.--- i. vvl!.. met ami
iun to the limeof my lcnine wr umi ..,. v.r... .. -- - -
... i .-!.. r n iinni"iri ,
h.n.lih.m linker in the future by the ' . jhown by the following icecipui rem uc r '; .":'
" ------ --t
.- 1. DltAw.
i U ?.Stsntr ConxiMto.t,
San KranciKM. June "o, IstVI. )
name lv ratlin? him .uu.
I re puM n ,lu1jr n',,rrciM(. , e )mnof
, n point on . .. '
lhe ratpco railroaJ, ome nine inur
pmlhcast of Fredrick. I.Her account
i rat tlie rebeii are drircn out of l'rolrick.
Tiifi I.hk1 The Xational Unkn Com
mlttec tare hid tliwrt the foltowinc die
ikict platform at the ifne of the forthcom
inj l'rr)ditial contfM :
Oor. Noirrii ox IlFCRttmo Skbtick.
We are Jti!orml that after procwdins ' , ." . --k-ouL- t,. wetipt, from It U a!o rumorrtl that they ans menacing
lea to the c. C. Hnkman, Kq,of SI.07D W. from the norlhtrn deftnee of N ajhington in
On the lain, oar gun
and befan fifinc on the
I f- ft... 1.1.-. Ik nnrtnitl hmrU 01 "- -
1 1 l, ..Ul f,?. tn 1 ntwne.1 at that' V". ,,r?" , ,A" 1.5 " --.. I !wl. t Itmh Mill.
ome fit'y mile on the expedition
niain, Cant. Krftr w? perfmptorily or-cinzro ol .tackwn county, Orrgpn, lor the n$jeRll)Ie rorco,
Sen,, t.ck to F, k,ma,h, by W. Drew j-S ff S? fitSJ! -
j, ... ..,.. tbe .e of ,ni, b!inm.r connty ;
at tne lVt. he opendl llr.RT t Hru
trarirg ealeil nrdtr
T!IH rvrnvniTIOVAL MAlN.'rt. Onarrmnc
TKN'AXCKOF THK UNION. TIIH1 hi order, and f.mnd injtructlfln far him (
.SUrr.KMACV OF TH2 TO N'STITU-' to proceed immediatriy to Portland on re-
TION. AN'DTHK COMPI.KTB SUP- eroding ftrvice, wnn fpeciai ornerj mi n
VltKSSION OF THK KKKKLuON. aume cemmana w rori tviamiio
PrfVt of L. S. San. Comm'.'sion.
San FrancUco, June 25, 164.
1 htrtlir acknowlcilie the rcortpt,
llnniir wm looked for cverr day. His
. ......... -- .
; progrrM haJ been rclanietl by the destruc
tion of rallroadj and brMgr. Hunter,
SiLel. Wallace ami Conch, wiih their com-
bined command, hate, no donbt, by thi
' Companr C i ore of the largett compa- thmnsh the Unl of C C. Htfkman, K'c , tmff jMf nr,l thec bold adeenturer. that hat of Tonf ,Mr (MT (
f'nfc In the regiment, and ihcre tow t f SMC, from clilnfl 'J''Iilioach ilie road to lUItimnrc may nl , ;,itnntll.!lC, m lhi
mabiiboioNoOterlnii. i J";, ' 'JCi l" be quite euy, the return I, fo'lofmre tllC pIo!are tn
We learn from ounide lonree that a ln ti, Kb(ral fom 0 s Pn hi
ti'rtnvi! tvtnv rnwrvTtnV nlrr diffieulty fprai? up between Col. Hrew MorrhavamUdf,onhi home and lKrl.
.ijiiM.-n. ....u. '-"-'" ..-.... jnJ Kdlv.anta whe'her tlrfKJam-' S.J fare the cmatry anJ the faerea
TOP. I'ltfe'inK.NT. atb Ukc ln.llan are pa.lty cr iowwat of caue of Liberty .
ii i T . 1. naftWpatlor la the attack ewi ItWwrd ., . ,. g c . Cointnlloa. fat
i.IJIlIlclIll XjIIICUlll.MII.mrir. It UfaW that anwnc a nom-l in
or TKXiJ"K.
For Presidential Electon,
JA5. F. UAZLKWvf.Pjug county,
i;K0RO'K I- W
0r N IWliODf IHai vuiiftj lire crura.
two were recogacd hy clttaea a burlog
en earaznl ia the fcht wartHvfr
TH- Captaia Wd to we the India
1 c. ,MTip.r Covl10X. I
San Fraadfco. Juae 2.. 1SG. J
The paper contain full acconnt of tlic
dntruction of the Alabama. Scmme after
king notified by the French authorise
Cherbourg to leave that port, in order
make the bt of what he evidently con-
jlJercd to be a bad job. ent a note to Cap-
. Vinloir of the Aerxirge,
watching the Alabama ft
m cynntv.
l-c-f Waco conn
Our Standard llcnrcr.
I .It- I herebr aekaowWpe tle receipt (in
,:. ea.re-r).'tlWHi?h C. C. P,kun, K-,.. lo had been
mnt if S2I0. from ciliwa of Seottfbarg, On- ,ome day, be?
el de- - tU. nolitf jfift of eicWeen wking . intrndtd to C
fired to proceed with tbe Mped'"0. od . riefc in faith and In diariiv. May , lc,!n pf a ,1(ur tril t,
efanwl that the lap'aln l otU-reuiOi pm't U. rf. San. Commwion. down many of her crew.
give evidence of jonr cor.51,
teem. I hiill duly cher'uhit'
"I incero!y regret thai I ea
fonally present oih! act ai tAM
I . . " Bl
I he l prvjcntiti to hii (lod iH tl
, .1 - II I! . ..-i'"l
llic iiimv i.iiiiunncv oi lUblUQ
my friend Samuel Siritrt
have the gmxlncM to repmoj.
proxy, on thi wlcmn ocata J
to rcqnet thai you and jwt.1
present this, my mpeM, tole
wards I than intrust raj ftp,
U dmr boy to yonr rat-i&-
(bit 1 tl
hnuM be houoreil with a virtwj
him and hi father at tde lir
can only -fTcr up my diilr rm-
"1 inclose herewith lhe giMfl
r.anif Jake that I have ltniJ
other It bear the Impretf ef
of hi Country, dip'ayed eo "r
ner and os the child trtmt
in wifdom I hare to deprrd im
Tie Uoioo men of the Uaited State
hare aaatd lhir Haadard bearerf.
are nen capable, faithful ami hor.et.
are sonlnatton 6t to h- made in the na-' t,r 5j wlH farW oar readen with wlt
tion'i awfal reilmption Itour. Tbry ere ' evtr fiCt rav oeme to laad.
trae and tried n n. not the Inexpficnced j
f)rluie huaitrj nf w-day, to befergolten
ii tbe rath ami whirl of trtft'i on tb
invfa'. Tby hare ritien their nanr
hvl'Iibly oi lb darlrM pan of their forih- fupport of Abraham liacelnacd
Wggin? mm no; in ucpjri o- .,,, , , .. ,,. ... . ,
l.l .l. I .L..u .1.. l'lJ .U. . ..... ..:. ,t ......... ...-'. ... i.i, ..r-l. .1. I-... . If... .r. I ' ' ' '
pgn.rwi .. . ..r. .w v.-v, : -; ime wh cm .-i r'F'" - ". inienooi in u;i u.i: n.wij... .... -lpn,fa,l.pr. il.at when he if rim k
iweniv minuin inei
the wave, laking
Capt. Stmmi wa
Portland. TWi teare OI. Drew Ibe only e, . urr. I lure rtc-lred pJeked up by Ilritiih Yacht l)ur Ilvuml,
i&eer with the jcpdlticr. from .Lhlaad S60 50 in coin, ami $0 in Ian 1 ihu made Lit escape.
Saeh i the ftaienwit of the fieti In the ,. ffnm pnrM, jjfnv. Pissoin' Wc bare no late newi from Orant. At
..-......-, . -
They cav. a we received tbew. We are anx- cft,n. fr'ein g. J). Yandyke 310 la currency, latest accoanti he l.ad fettled the battrrie
They i io know the trath of thli wbo-'e mat- ( BlyJ ff0a A,boBW Jophiou county, 87T I of the riU-li at IVtmburg, and had his
I in cwn. Thii will tocrufe the rcceipU .f , gnus traioeu lor tne uemucuon ci ne etiy.
Jackon counlv 10 In coin, ami STO Advices trcm Mexico slate that r.egolia-
in currency, which addel to the pitrhws thts have been opened betwetn the coi.flic-
if true,
I . , ... ..... ,. in currency, which aiiJeil to tue pitrnws u.'u u3tc wen riicu UVI-H1.UIIWU
liiR&RXTiMEt Theiteka CMMNJub-- ' , . r . . , ,!, J. .i,i, -t... , ,? n
i . ., , , .. , ,. .i rec-it.i currency vulue will probably ting power wiiu a riew to peace. It
Hate over the fuppoil death of the ftrv- , , ' ,. , lt ,ti. . i.., ;. ,, ,i .,,
m,t IlatbewHI firnl that It will hcJ 31.M0, collected at the polk thenar .f the Liberali , no tU ,.,
C. C. nr.KMr.
Trcs'r Rao. Com. Jack ton County.
. ,. . ... !.. I. .! . 1...JI .1 1.'
ooisiryi ui-iery mr union, icr noriv, , .mir .MionMn. I'mo. nary unie; ii
aoJ fr tbe uabrokea iate-gritr of Frtt ha bat hook itlf frm iu Imhbtedne, ' The Ai.ahau
dam"n bnad domain. ami hreathe with Hfe trrtr ami mire rig-' at lenrih gmie to the
Abraham Lincoln ii tbe nble; work nrooi than ever. It wiH Mill keep itcp to' She left tbe harbor of Cberburg on the
of (ii1, an hnet man
Hon. A. M. Ikrry nturneil on tail
Wednefdar. from a trip to the Halle na
of manhood he will alwan le h
taining the Ivagle of hh Coof
io'iill, or grafp, of a fomp tt :
till I more Jiingerotu cntaj. U
Traitor tr.'io may eiigajr n hi
itStmt of tntringour c7crKvr-
xthtch iltptniU lhe ptrptftaixttft
pu Gorernmtnl. vhich U'llilti
at our (onfftUrrJtJ lytltm Utioil
rer. liHlill in His wim lid it i
fwn mu't It prttntJ. V',
Im of hi dear tnteni I trui. fell
will be early IraprtMcJ, wiihuuB
tue. on his nvnd.
I U-g you to kl.M the dear hn I
and prwent him with my U-
prayers will be cooMantly t-itd J
ITjis noted pirate ! tlte Hwgue Hirer and John Days Wagun
! bottom Ol Ok! Ocean. It.,l U. ,rruirti nn excellrnt rnati. nil
of Cberburg on the tte wsr tlroo-h, nquirin- but little labor ,,,m ,Lat ,,e may lave a Ion: 3t
He ba been ac- the maic of tbe Union, ami sapport tbe ltu of June, to attack the U. S. gunboat ,0 complete it. . ,,,al ,,c roaJ' l,e a "i,,c ,,u'
.. i ... - .. . . ..
coeu by a rtckles Copparliead pee of a Admlnutratinn in Us iflurts to erart oct Kranagc. 1m B:ht toofc p'ace ten mlks, Heiaksof his rcneonntcr with the
w ao: or (ircif ea of parpoe. ami vr irwi tht wanton and unholy rebeinoi!. l oa from more, ami ibe hearrage, alter as -,
&tuiatn ei obaratter; bat ao one lu yet
iarcd to qaflhDo hi boaetr. or to dear
bin pabHr virtue With an hvs-j:, tried
digircrs" as rather a "erjuully" adventure,
which he cares not toon to repeat. Wt
tkinl we have reeo the Squire among the
Indian bullet before acd knuw bim to be
a brick."
need not imbibe tnore than a gallon of hour anJ a half, tent tbe pirate to her long
Confederate wbUky, .Ue. nien, over the hone. The Alabama bad nice killed and
death of the Sr.Mixix. Yocr rmieien1 wrmmled. and slxtr-eight of lr crew wr
nad faithful mm at the beJoi. we 4t oen-' are bafl on tbe tapp") fact thata'tored. There were note killed, am but
Idccl!? exea( ta oalrWt the atwm, aad Unfen paper i dead. We th:ht roa ' three wcundn! on board the Kvaxage. '
Wy rwch our cililsliwl aaeoriag ' elalrrJ to beUnteti? I fthli paper f houM ' Smlsis is reported to be ellgbtty wounded, ' Ascmtv JxrKmx. Wepub!iib,ln this
a jib. 'die. the ftrrKng Usioo mtn of Houthero1 bat mad his escape on board a Ilritlfh ' iftue. a letter writtto by the stern oil hero
Abraham IJnoote ami Asdy Johnson Oregon woald foon supply It plate with ' yacht, which was no doubt conveniently of New OrleatH. Ji has no anti coercion
wee lwa wttboat wealth and w I bout po-! aaetber. ' nlgb for that parpw; Thtre is a day com-' In i's patriotic annunciation. It has tlie
Mltoa. bat both have ftro;gki up by the
PaKAciiiNn. Hev. P. M. :
nreach in the M K. Clarta ii
lt(USrvfVFf tt Mw nTw.1 M.mmmU ' Sn Un t4.tAll M.tvIlrttttAfa wltl U i ttinA tinx nl anuMit lltir... tn ti I Vlltc. Oil IfimOrrOa &t l-tB
iC HV -'.'.- trvn rtmi HVVMr "j a MpMtui uhiwmhvh SI) W atMT ttuO i,V 1lUIWIUbl IK !! "
frce ef their own characters, ami by lie ! arly on a o)W bail, we ak Union men to' meted oat by the American people to per.' Read It, ye Copperhead, and compjre it
enaqaerinj energies of Icneilect, to Iwoome cam to its fupport. Krery Uolon man ' fid'was Y.r. gland. with the driveling aonuueiations of modern
lhe standard bearrrs of the determined and in Du:k. Jovpalne ami .Ijckmi coon- r,r "KiLTr.niu7ljihtrp.siri .?t ' Iinocrary.
I..-I m ks lla.A1 M W A -m-. I -att- it . Ia . i-t.. ll . . Tf "
i rwMii-Hi v a ara. iisikh. iirfK3"u; io H4e iar piwr. 11 II DOl frt1 .r,'- ,, A. .
aw t,aaa)t a vtuvi a ta it
their declining years, atd a lurr;
tallly. With my ir.eere pf)
and vour dear ho.bar.d i r fit:
pinefK here and hen after. 3 I
amlabla family,
lam, very rMpectfonyjwf
Mrs. Jackox of lhe CiijerV
'Hill is bis last dUcourw iaJc
before leaving for CoufcrctoMB
I at Salem.
years ago a
Andy Johafoa. at ibe List Presidential expected to make Its oabllcatlea DroStable. m... It w..i .,.. ':. ,,J mu Joi-mai l.at has become ol
tlectloa. voted for Breckinridge awl Laae.' bat It ought to be made a self-paylng and j Uie ,10,, of Lieutenant while con-' h,.a V? LaVe DOt iX ' C0,,jr "f bU
batas5oanas he saw ihal l.e wai in the soJf f uMainiog Iwtltutlon. Iyt ai lar necteJ with the nrror oa thi coaat jij, ,U-,I,D? Ln'on Plr forl wrek- Send
uap of trea.on and diiuatoo, Lt retrawd from you by way of soUerlptlons end aJ. ' Mlttl0 Petersburg, a hort tlnc'floee. ,l B,00ibJ
.,.. .. c r.r lWU arcy or bU , ren.semen.f. w CM of ,be ,, Jtr, fu of fce
aoacdocaiiM.le lured the Uoki wore' 1""""r A.niwu-Capt. Keliy.j w'.aml Lad Be btn properly supported arrangement, we are compelled tubioeajtoibvwfieof JouvMcCir "
Wo learn from lb A&t
that the flag was stolen (roa w
at Scio on lhe night oMbefc I
u,a rAa.oi ,.av,g per.ected our r ) ..;,, ,a Sa.urd.j
l. . r r .. . br Inrintrr waqI.1 Kar t.n .n..f..l ftf tl,.t nni.t u.. .n .... .t.t. ..
arhnLlM- r.t i v.i Dl -mpaJ v. wregoo v.avairy. arriveo . . '. " " ""' '"""-' ..-...., fc fcau b iuiuS jmuio
artnower.ytt Mt ' '....., ' .... Hit late raid In tie rear r.f ttirhmr.n.1 nnd .,.., .t
in 11. mi uii ."iuijuit tirniDj, sccbmpacieui 7 .-...-..-.,- v "
utnos. May it never trail the dutt.
thia tlavt-j A
irtJaing ta ncnir- preperty oa the ah
tar of bis eawotry - j-h, Union meu. are
oar stamkrd bar Tbey repment a
Irlcclple, t reiitimeat, dear to cs all.
The platform on whkb tbey mod embod-.
ti maxims which mcjt triciopb voenitl
ta'Jwal freedom is forever gooe. Unity
aad Urmacy pervade oor omocI. t-d id
we bat rememlr that -eternal vigilec re,
.TrT.",",!,tt17L the last ball giver at Dardanells. amJ then "3 ' mi--.. m .ppm ate the fine,-
JJathowivtw1thi! socalled Jcc ukc notice ,ut lU Mme ,Bibfe oU(, homughf.ro UenUrPm,n2Un,on Road, The rectipl, of W lmtn Ifcilroad
racy, bunding on a platfono oppowd to Mr g. ASeollt ,, goJng ,0 . J J' " I,,, . Company, from pa,senSer alone, on June
ooerc-on.anddeny.ng He r.ght of tbegt,, oyUf of tUtm k,Bj , j ' I r,,0fnea -hi Wren ,ia.ng over Mh, amounted to 5J0.000.
eral (iovernment to maintain iu Integrity. ,. 0,1 ,Ti,. ' , J. 1'Tft '' rMjtoa?b ue CanywLand wi.h-
and to assert the wpremacj of the LVmU- "' 3 . 1 'ug to recount some ol the exploiu of ihelr 1 "'" Hurrah for the infantry!
i. 11. f i.vr.. c? . r.... .... .in Danrilie and ttrUen railrnt.l wm fm
Ax. t..-. t-i .......,., nent r laeceufnl n, far t t, iil JliC ,"J' ''uiir 0' J"' Cfb comes to
pected.as all aanposed 1 was .lib 1,1a! of the road wa, wncerned. but attended bJ e formidable propor.lnn,; a
1 j.v-..: wllhnalte a losi cf men. twiJr- Mnnnn mammotn oouuie swet containing 5C col
vviuiuaiKj uh iw p.iuv. ii c .ruiurc niii " ' w --
log la pronoonciog the Captain one of tbe acJ bli ,'D .
tnrat faitbfal acJ cororxtett ofCcers in tie
tbe regiment.
Titr. CAxrox.-Tbofewhoafewytarsajo. f-apt. Kflly rrqutats us to contradict
labored from fire to twelve dav t'o thread' tbe 'W th,t Col. Iloi, or any other
the labryninth of tbe Umpqua Canyon with m"' u ,,aDi' ln trc7 bJ b oUier nt '
ktl.Kn In JntflAlnC t!jl
... ..v....... ... ... , . -
ilay.tliu IUlli lint., to ui"i
1 wouoyii, a fon.
-To the wife of K. V. nci-al
tbe Itiiti. a ilauahicr.
In Tnl.ta Ij.lr nrfelnet. oa Tsi
lllb, lo Ibu wife of Tllxai'CJ
tntioajjmj the laws made In purranceiLe. Yabo St: r. PniSTna'a Stick axp
of, they boldly dtclure that a State Lai a Awu-Mear. R. H. Haine. H, Denllm
right to judge of llr infraction, of the Fed', grr ami II. Judge tarted up Itgue River.
ere 1 compact
a real cr s
illustrious sires, will point far litlow lrr.ru ' UVJ are coming rather Abraham."
the wb-rllng coach ami exclaim, -my fatb- "wJr consult another column.
er once went thro.il, that place." , Tnr .. lBr ,. T.-,rT ..
....VA. ,, , , nom me ex
ct. em that nnllifieation for, on WeJnrfcUy morning. pa a bunting ami' Hon. J. W.Xeamith has or thanks for 'evlleot aiticle on this tubiett oll ,uw
,-,- -t,..d 11 i.x riguuui uiumj riraiiwo. i .i.T3ao;c UK 01 late pTlVIIC roeumtntf. ,'aWC Of tUlt Paper.
Corner of Washington &U
Sir's, Kan Fraae
THIS bank I open for lb ;1
a General Hanking h".
CflTeilnnntlii. attend tO I"
lir ...! Jnv i.tehaniKbT'!
othenve,on New VorV.ll
etc., etc.. ou the moit favorav
I.0. JIILI.S. WM.C.11
SanFrancbco, July 6,-HCJ-