.si . -rjT'-f' I. -re jfcj i ' luBHs ijiTsflStffiBaf ?yyygygwttg ft T7" rux v. - p?W MyMM lillw Mai )"! up wtmwiiMiniwiiwBBMaaMBMBMIWIIMBiifcBg'aJi JSwyTrii n !i "SL'S'rT . ,l ? .LJLLglL '. il;SU JUU u tiw. " TiJiiSGKTINEL. Lgttont to tho Sanitary Fund. Immlnir I "" ol conirimi U5(niHint given annexed to the iik contributors. At Jackson- j(ftcrl oilier Precincts (lie name flrcrt no' recorded, consequently -.ia Mmnniit run lip nlvMl uiffm;i"- ....... j n to '" fricl",, of "ie cauf 'l'0'' b1i tliO projpecis ui we ouuiuirjr more Ihttorlng In Southern . . -i tUn tirrannt. Tim lllfnlf IflfT iiat r" - o ,cf ike community arc gaminR con- , h tVe Sanltnry Commission, tttnl Lflook on It as n ptrly measure, ijtoesrry wit tho scllHli ends or a lo mIh employment thereby. I.Vilioml Institution, worthy lis? rf every American citizen on mi of mercy and humanity fur out- ujtlilog of tltc kind In tlio whole rfcttiooi. ,ltill l'rcctnct, 8-10 13 In coin i.iMin Irirul lender notes : F.lllih i(10OOO.nil C. C. Ilcekman 81 00. Wto l'rcclnct Mrs. (J. Hunter ..IVt'ttSI. (! A. Friend Till cents. f,i?2 Aineri iiiian ihic. tiiiini j ,a,Y.Uif Lyon 8.1. U 0 ICnlitlit riisVr.i8t..r CUyi.U0o.US t V P w UlcJinnl'on fi()e, Peter .jr. John iimiimif one. .mines Z,rt J2.lt II lt-Hr) 1. C Hclulirj Uiticc8.1. Waller CrnxionS'J. HrwMc, K lllmfck 82 flu. S II . l4V8nillli31. Thn Croslon ItiCpWI S-V (! Mnurnilcr 82 80. rf.$J. Henry Custer 81. A . ., ij-i...inr.ii.. r.n ...... 1. i 1- ycl hlJ K'VIIIVIIII .n. whip. 41 I ,IUt.llll A IIUIIltT HOC. ,M ,t) Jul nlww one. 1 ntnl (i-i i.. AtlJtA lulll III leitill tender. lfdnoWMtcrr .14. Fntfm Precinct T Cnmeron 820, IteijW, Itowo 8.1, iImiiih U JlllllrukeOlO, PAmrsSfl, urfl John Cheatham H.'l. John safilVm Cameron 85, H I. Cam- CJl M 1) KturRls 82 mi. I.vman tfl-W r linstock 82 flO, Ham'l ill 0 It MnUonl 85. Henry rt SO. A nonmmi 82 (10; K ;!; Wai t'ondra 82 fill. A W ? II H Anntlronp 8'i fin. ; K r.. Total, 8;J7 coin nml CG7 ynbtr of contributor 23. kwtt l'rrelnct J A Wllion 8X, IAifi. (; K.ircwld 85, UUl Urn lAHJIIencdietSfl. J A Wotli I MM) tnil 0. Six coiilrlUitor. iUk L'reclne t 13 SOonillB 00. tat ef contributor furnished but i iTkocnli) IVrclncI r2 fiO. nni 1'rKinct-l) MalUe 1,T O 10, 1 ol unncendyko 2 .10. Knu. tmncrl.FM Hmllli 1, .1 V (Inr !J0.JoluiW'rlttlii2 00. (Seo Ynn- ACUmKlelnhnninifr 2 00. Wm ! M. Ilhamtr ltnynold 2 00. 'Witx J. 10. K H Alltrer .Ciiit !!. J J Corlwll 2 00. (Imtnv m! 50, Wm Htnlh 2 00. John Vbn CornnlM 0 00. W W t im iri IU)w.lebuli 1 00. .Mnhnln 'Pnncw Klolnlinmmer 1 13, 'tWI2 80, Harriet ltow.ltbii-li T)til52 13. Number of contrlh. 'nijmgt-W IS ond 2. hiA8indl7. IWrillXK COU.TTV. I'Wa! 20, Bam'l HarkneM 20. PH 5. II W 'IVlhwon 5, H ntiHtlrr Hi.r-L- A 1.? I l.il,.r,l lUchinj 2 00, Wm. Hiilccr "'t au. iumur or con fkt I-Wm I'erncll 4. 8 Dra llfcwton2. John Paynol.J fti John '2 00, Jno Johni 'ribin "J SO. Jacob Uox 1. lJ Nine contribulon. ,,;y-.'m A (llbion 10, ',W 2 SO, Kvln Taylor 2 00, fjW.()iner J VnnnoyS, Wm ViilJ 7 fl. .!..... ..i. 'i n...i yNVnnny2flO,I)avMJ)em. 'i'jM'Tuir. 5. Mnrarct TuQTj MhaT."" U'"W"U- Harriet '? jw. Hirjcarel Jano Tuffo 0 00. '1TbT. nun r.. ii,;-; "i uaiiira i iiuuiaa TleoJoro drub 0 00. Kvullno ?M',i'JncVonnnyl, Ulroin 'i Total 38 00 and 6. Con- , k-WmMOrowlO.aloyal r!4 TV " rrwi - OU. u t' '.' 0 Adam 5. Choi Sanders S.JYttWSO. Total Wmtora and only 13 Totes Lnirrnnco Icnord 2 00. Total C8 30 and 40, 2G contributor. nouaMfl couxTV. Scollsbtirj; (Jvrus Hedden 20, A K Own 10. W W hrtlned 10. Job HatneM 10, Fred Simon 10. I) W Frarcv 0. J Merrick fi, Clm W linker 0, J fl Holler 0. W W Well 0. H I) lllnndnlc 20. Oh 20. Piifb 20, O H llurtjc 10, It Ilultcr 0, K irilnrclmnl A, John Sawyer fi, Snml Strickland 0, D J Lyonx 0. Tutu! 210 ; l'J contributors and only 22 voter. Scottsburg, fo (ur ui reported, I the Manner l'rcclnct. C. Hetldcn, collector Tor tho Fund In that l'rcclnct, ay, In a letter accompanying the binds : " The re sult I creditable, when you consider that all of the tmhscrlbcra earned the money by tho Hvvcnt of the brow, and all aru sound on tho Union. May tho Union ratine nnd the Sanitary Fund And n Ilka cordial support throughout Orefton." Hrtopltltliillnii. Com. .. 7'. A'. JAPKdOS COU.NTV. Klljali (Jlniiiy 8 8100 00 O. O. Ileeknmn 100 00 Jarcpli Land In 0 00 Jacknonvlllu l'rcclnct.. 00 13 188 00 I'crkhisvlllc CD 00 0 20 Unlnntotvn Anplesnlo 20 00 Trtbloltnck 13 00 Ivlvn 02 Oil Sterllncvllle 02 13 Willow Spring 13 70 lbmlaucllri 8 00 12!) 00 0 00 10 00 V, Total JCIUKNII.NK rOUNTV. IHand ( Wllllami-biirp Vannny' Ferry Oiillce Creek Hrltfg.' .8271 01 85C0 20 f.7 00 20 00 :ih on M 00 71 00 0 00 40 00 Total 82C3 00 Scottuburt', Douglas Co. 8-10 (10 210 00 Whole nm't reported. 8037 01 8821 20 This amount I will take In San Fran cIco, nnd el I (he coin for leital currency, nnd turu It nil over direct to Itev. Dr. Uellows, 1'rcsldcnt of tho Commission. Yours, rwpectfiilly, O. C. IIkkkuan, Ical Agent. frtie-Tlios F Floyd 0, Wm JnHr Johnson 3, For the iu; -i "mii u, ivic.nnutrr &.vhlle4. 1'elerOaniurd Pi-iV ' '" "insoornez, Hurry JUcl)tlll.Jas Holland 0, Win i ' bimon A Kmerion 1, Oicar AK'T !1 , - ivii .i, iiyiumis uiaru CT'r5'UerKe.Malhewion 10, It It Middlcswoftb 6, Natlmiul Uiilnu Platform. Mr, Ilaymond, from (ho Committee on Itefolutloni, reportrd Ihufollowlng : !liolil, Tbat'lt Is Iho higliest duly of every American citizen to maintain against all their enemies the Intrgrlty of the Union nnd tho paramount authority of the Consti tution ofllio United Slates ; and that lay ing aside nil dinVrcncvs of political opinions, we pledgo ourselves as Union men, anima ted by a common sentiment, nnd aiming at n common object, to do everything In our power to aid the Government in quelling by farce the armed rebellion. Rtiolvol, 'Flint wo npprovo tho determi nation of tho United States not to com promise with the rebels, or to offer any terms of peace except such a may bo based upon an unconditional surrender, and ces sation ol their bojtllltles.and return to their jut allegiance to tho Constitution and laws of tho United States ; and that we call up' on tho OoTcrnment to maintain this posi tion, and to prosecuto the war with tho uL most possible vigor, to tho complete sup. presslon of Iho rebellion, in full reliance up on the self-sacrifices, patriotism, heroic val or and undying devotion of tho American people to their country and Its free Institu tions. lUtolvcd, That as slavery was the cause and now constitutes tho strength of the re bellion, and most bo always and everywhere hostile to the principles of n republican gov ernment, jastica and national safety demand Its complete extirpation from theltepublic; that we uphold and maintain tho acts and proclamations by which tho Government, In Its own defence, has aimed u death blow at this glgantlo evil. Wo nro in favor, furthermore, of such amendments to tho Constitution. to bo mode by the people, In conformity with its provisions as shall terminate and forever prohibit tho existence of slavery within tho limits or Jurisdiction of tho United Slates. The next resolution thanks soldiers and sailors of tho army and navy for their gal Isnt and berole achievements In tho defence of tho country. Tho following resolution approves the practical wisdom nod unselfish patriotism of Abraham Lincoln Indorses as esentlal to the preservation ot tho nation and tho Constitution, the measures and acts by wblcb be has defended tho nation against open or secret foes j approves especially of the Emancipation Proclamation, cud the employment as Union soldiers of rueo here tofore held in slavery. Itaolvtd, That tbo Government owes to all men employed In the army, without re gard to color, the full protection of the laws of war, and that any violations of those laws by the rebels should bo mado the sub ject of full nnd prompt redress. Tho next resolution favors filtering nnd encouraging n foreign Immigration, Itcwkttl, That we nro In favor of a spee dy construction of n railroad to tho Pacific. Jltwlvtd, That the National faith, pledged for tho redemption of the public debt, must be kept Inviolate, and for this purpose rec ommend economy and rigid rcsponlblllty In public expenditure, n vigorous but Just system of taxation ; nnd that It Is the duty of every loyal Stato to sustain the credit and promote the uso of the National curren cy. lUsolval, That wo approvo of the posi tion taken by tho Government, that the people ol tho United States can never re gard with Imlidl'tcnco tho attempt of any Huropenn power la overthrow by forco or supplant by fraud the institutions of any re publican government on tho western conti nent j nnd that they will view wllhcxlrcmo Jealousy, as menacing to the pence and Inde pendence of their own country, tho efforts of any such power to obtain n foothold for monurchtal government, sustained by for eign military force, In near proximity to the United Stales. The reading of tho resolutions was fre quently intcrupted by applause. On motion tho resolutions were adopted by acclamation. Honor to tho Bravo Boys of Co. "C." a cori'RniiKAn iiissku out or caw. Foiit Klamath, Oregon, I June lllb, met. I J'J. Stnlintl : Having seen no commu nications in your paper from this place for some time, I thought that Iho relation of n few things that liuvc transpired here within the last few days might bo of interest to the readers of tljO Skntinxl. Tho election p.isscd olT quietly, ami out of ninety votes- there was but one Seccsh vote cast, and that was by Col. J. K. Hoss, who was hero In Government employ us guide and Interpreter. Tho boys did not mind bis voting as ho did, but when the news of the Copperhead triumph In your county reached here, hu exhibited Ills Joy by bursting Into n loud and boisterous hur rah, tho company determined Hint, If there was any regard for their feelings, tho nui sance to them should bonbated by removal. Accordingly, within an hour, Col. Drew was banded n petition, signed by the whole company, requesting thu Immediate dismis sal of Boss from Government employ. This was n stunner to both Colonels Diew and Boss. Col. Drew tried to argue the boys out of It, and said Iho expedition would hao to stop If Boss was discharged, but tho boys were firm, mid the portly sat clllo must take his departure. He no doubt will find sympathy among his coppery friends In Jacksonville. Times nro qulto lively hero now. Wo were paid off n fcw days since, and Green backs nro circulating freely. 'J'lyj steam saw-mill lias commenced operations, and the sound of the mechanic's hammer, min gled with tho notes of tho bugle, tho clang of sabres, and tho tramp of horses, gives things an ulr of thrift and life, after onr long and monotonous winter, Tho weather Is quite cool, and overcoats aro comforta ble. Miwamtta. Pkmokau O. C. Keek ma n, Esq., left on Tuesday morning last for San Francisco, carrying with him something over 81,000 for the Sanitary Commlsslou, which be I will deliver In person to Dr. Bellows, r Mrs. Tcnbrook, wifo ol Mr. A. Tenbrook, left on Thursday morning for Bannock City, I. 'I'., where sho will Join her husband, who has valuable mining claims up there. We wish her a safe and pleusant trip. J. ROW'S Oistr Storei Oppostto Love t Dllgcr's, California St., Jacksonville, Oregon. TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS! HOLIDAY GIFTS I J. HOW Informs tho cltlznns of Jackson ville and the publo generally that lie hn Juxt tecuived and oilers for salo his superior stock of HAVANA ,t IMITATION CHEWING AND SMOKING cn?XMi:.imjc;sCjijtf9 OABDS. MATCHES. I'll'KS, OUTLKItY, Stationary & School-Books FIOS. BA1SINS, CANDY. NUTS, SUGAItP. TOYS, ALDU.MS, KTO. Prices to suit the times. Call nnd save your money. Ohoico Croon Fruit cnii'laully on la ml. Dec. 10, 1803. J. BOW. Now ! Now ! ! New ! ! KREUZER'S 3STE"W STOKE, Ilctwccn New State Saloon and Uradbury .t Wade's, Jacksonville, IS STOOKKD COMPLKTIJLY WITH Host Cigars and Tobacco, FBKSH CANDIKS AND NUTS, NEW TOYS & NOTIONS ll3.-rjL3i.i3L-2SV-, FBESII FBUITS, KTO., CTO. Mr. Kreuzer having purchased tho new store nno door south of llrndlmry &. Wade's, calls thu attention of tho tuibllo to his cum plctu stock or smoking ami chewing tolmceo. AImi to hi various brands of cigars, from thu common hall-siianlrli to tho most fru- gmut Havana, All sold at the most liberal prices. You can lie best sunnllcd with anv art! eles lu his line, uud suvo money, by giving mm a cm. uecemncr ih, iua. W. K. J. KEiWEY, GOLD-PEN MAKER And dealer la DIAMONDS, PK A BLS, OAMEOS, COBALS, etc., From I,. DEVUE, Naples. Information in respect to detecting Irid ium will be given on application to me. "s- tlfpBiry ir- sm sus w - Sm as W. B- J, KENNEY Is tho only Ten-Maker In the United States umi warrants gom pen tor a year, uy (.eieuraieu NEW DIAMOND POINTED California Gold-7ons Will bo changed to suit the band. For twelve months, second and third quality Iridosmln points are as good-s (lie uvafc iuijiurtvu iciib, iiuuntiiuvv lytAi'MCvS Wholesale and retail. I have been a practical manaflxcturcr slnco 1837, la the cities or New Yorkjlaltlinore und San Francisco. f Firo-Froof Brick-Store. DEALERS IN Groceries, IjiQL"ULo:rs, HARDWARE, CLOTH I3STCS-, HjITS CAPS, DruRsi c AlocUoluoa, DRY & FANCY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, And a General market. Stock suitable to this Wo Ilnvo vu. EXPEKIENCK1) J1UYEK Holding lu Sail l-'rauclieu. J'.E,?r?. Fonnanontly Established in this Valley, ana It Is our dolermlunliun lit Merit the patronage nud coiilldcnec of the public. Our Worms aro CASH Or short time to I'ltOMl'T-tiaylng Customers. ' THE HIGHEST PllICE PATD, Wo shall soon lie recnlrlnir NVu- nml fi-.l. Spring Goods. itYAiVMOKGAir & CO. CHEAP FOR CASPI MAX MTJLLER, AT THE 3VI.i-xioca. In Crescent City, Oil, Juno Ilth, by Itev. J. J. Cleveland, Mr. W. C, IUnsou. of Jack son county, Oregon, to Mrs. E. M. Nicklk. TO STOCK RAISX2XJC. PKItSONS owning no shares, who may desire tu breed to tho Thoroufjh-bred Morgan Stallion Vermont, can wake ar raugeuieiits with tho uudersigned to do so, u be Is tbo owner of a few more shares than be has mares to breed. Tho horse stands In Jacksonville, and the undcrilgued can always be found at his stable. 11. S. UKLKNA1". Jacksonville, April 22, 'CI. pl23w4 Factory & Saleroom, Armory Hall, Corner of Montgomery and Sacramento Streets (up stairs) San Francisco. April lG-3w BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon ond Matn 8trvcts, Jacksonville, HAS Just received an addition to Ids former large and well selected Stock of FANOY, STAPLE & SUMMER DBYaOODS oaEsOTXxxaNrca-, BOOTS'AND SHOES, 'Grocfees, Liquors, - " Cutlery, - Crockery, Mining Tools, if Pistol Lost 810 Howard. All -at' Reduced Frices. :m " fc. . -.-A H-.-. '' S " "" ON the evening of the 2d Inst,, the sub scriber lost a pistol between Jackson ville and Hamlin's ranch. The pistol Is a very fine Navy-sized Colt's Revolver ivory stock. I will pay ten dollars for Its recov ery. The pistol can bo left at the Sentinel On' febCwl J. A. ABOHKr 1'hocnU, Feb. 4, 18M. ' ONE ar vor h Ing' u i imrr NMsMtt SMRHSsI