I " 0'l''m '' Summons. IN the Circuit Court of the 8lalp of Or legon, for tho county of Josephine. kYV. Sswyrr, riftlnlKT, r. E. J. Nortbeutl, 8. 1). Northcutt. AW. W.Northcntt.part nors. doing business under Uie name and llylcor liJ.Nortbcutt AJtrotliers, Am gostiu Taylor ami George It. Morris, De fendant. Illll lnClmnery l' Fnrrelow JInrlgnRr. To the nljovo named defendant: You arc hereby summoned nnd required lo np near In nld Court, on tho flnt Aw of the next term, tlicrrnf, to bo licgun and held nt the (own of Kerbyvlllo. In wM county, on tho lib Monday In October, 1864,11 being the "J Mi, day nr will month, nml tliero an swer tho complaint of tho l'lalnllff, nitd ngalust you In mM Court, or tboMim-w lie takt ti Tor contested, and lha IMnliitlirwIll InkoJudgment against you for tho sum of P1.2W5, Villi iniercn men-uu uum .. , jy 0r , IB- until paid, and thn cols .....i .i!.i...MflH.i.iiit nf lliU mil! and tho premises mortgaged by tho said 8. D North (ill I. and V. W. Northcult, to tho Plaintiff. will Ihi fold to pay llio Mm?, ami csccuiion will Issue therefor, ns nt law, oml tho equi ties of redemption, of llio said defendant, will lw foreclosed, except ns nn execution nt law. II F. DOWI.I.L, iy7(j Alt'y for Plaintiff. TN the County Court, of Jnckson counly, J. Oregon, April icrm, iooi. In lha mailer or tho cstato or CbarlM Du- liulllc, dreensd. Aili1lrnlou toll Ilit Uilnlt. NOTJCB la hereby given, that 12. 12. Cure, Administrator or tald clalc, his dial bis petition, praying for an order In mil Ihu real estate, belonging to llio sa d Charles Dumallle, nt tho tlmo of his death. It li therefore ordered by tho ennrt, that nil persons Interested In said estate, appear on tho 7(h day cf Juno nwt, and show Miie. 1 A8 Ibey bare, why an order should not bo made lo tell said Ileal estate, topiy lha lihu, charges nml allowances ng.ilnsl told Uto. Jyerdrof UnCoiirl. WM. HOFFMAN, Clerk. April 3J. IBfil. npl0w0 IMuto of Murgnret JLoiir, DecM Notleo la kereby Un that the under signed his fccoil duly nppsliiled and quali fied a Administrate of llm (Mnlo or Mr. Margaret I.oiig, lately decoatod, or Jackjon oiinly, Oregon. All pcrwiu having clalim ngihut llio tald wlnto aro mpiwttd lo pro cent thru, wlUi tbclr ttiw vmicUcri, for JiicUmtJit, to mo, t my retldenco near I'JioenlT, wlUiln tlx inoniU,inl If not pru tiiiled within ono year from da(o of thlk" no llco, they will lw lorevcr barn-d ; alw, nil piTroni ludcblcd lo aald crtalo are requtctl mid notlile,! to pay up ImomlUkly. KMItllSUN 15. (SOUK, Adoi'r. Jackron cuM Ogn., March 19, iHUI. lit $50 RWAIID ! Ilrayed from my ranch, on Coltonnooil Croek, California, In April, 18(11, five haul of hurxi Iba Utt heard of them u at Mr. Orlffllni, four mllea from JuckMiivllle, Oregon. Onn llglit bay liarra tevcu or clglit year old, with collar inarkn plain, ery heavy inano and tall, U n lllllu thy ubout tho bead to itraiigcm; ono bay mare, uren or eight yeara old, with raddlu marki. ixie uU" furo uud off hlud foot ubllo, aoitll white tool u i nearforo fool, nhllo (rlio down the faeo, bad on, ulm liU wn, n cut bell with nothing Imla wlru Tor it clap, pri ono Uty borao coll, Uirco vtim old; with A croM In tho loTcliead sndhli right fool wlillo up to IiU putor Joint, nud whiiu on tin no.1t: wio brown or Uty borso colt, ono year old. with foro whTio feet nml a while t trIH in tho face; ono light bay or Kirrwl homo colt, duo yeur old. The aboro reward wilt bo paid lo any nuo lint will ecud to mo at Hcnly.KUMyon Co , Cultfurula. S. SiimvcK. llnily.SUklyon Co. Cal.. Mny 1'Jlb. lUfil HEIMSTREET'S Inlmitablo Ilair Restorntive. IT IS NUT A DYi:, lint rcilorca gray lmlr to Hi original color, by tiipplylng the capillary tube with nut ur.il kutlcuanco, Impalml by ago or dl cik'. All ituLmtantoiii tlyu nra coinpom.-) of Juiwr Aiuyir.Uaitroyliig tho vitality oikI lieauty or lbs hair, ami afford of themlvea no tlrviklng. Uuluitlrcol'a Inimitable col orlug uot gnly icfeUovibalr toll natural color by au taiy procoulnit jjlvca the hair n 3Uxxac.xxxivixt Uonuty, promotcN Ita growth, provent Ita railing off, eradicate tho daudruir. and linpurt health nud plcaunlnivii lo tho head. It ban ool tho Utt ol time, being tho original balr-colorlng, and U comlaiitly Incrc.uing In favor. Uml by both gentlemen mid In Uir. It Ill-old by all ropi-cUblc dealers, or can bo procured by them or D, S. IUiimjs, l'roprlctor, Now Yoik. Two tlxcK, 50c. and $1. cow24y Smitii A IUvu, or Portland, Agent. Ailiululitruter'a Notice. NOTlCi: li hereby given to. all whom It may concern, that letter or admin. Mratlw lmvo been (rranlcd, by tU) County Court or Jabkiun county, at UiajJwrnary Term thereof, to Kmeraoii II. Gore, lo au miuUlcr upon tho cstato or John lleoxon, (leceatcd, lataof cUounty, All pertood having claim agaloat wld iUte, aro re quested to prctent tbcm, wltU their proper voucher!, for judgment, lo mo, at my resi dence, near 1'iKEolx. witlduilKuiontli; ami if not presented within one year fiom data .of tbU notice, they will bo forever barred; ibto, all pertoua ludcblcd to raid citato aro ireqocetod and.ootlttod to tiay i luumxli. lately. UMKltSON li GOItK, - 1'uUIc AjlaloJlMJor. January, 7, 18C4. Jauinl TN TI1K OIUCU1T COUJIT OP TUB 1 Btalo of Oregon for tho coauly or Jcxepblnc. Augustus TAnrt, Plaintiff, ognltvt .TnmM Abbot, Jlenjamln Howe, Prank Colver, John .Slrort, .Teremlnli Ynrnell, K. Puller. William Springer, Mm. ,T. Alnlhew. Wm. lylmomhon, 8. II. llenilerahott, K. J. Xorlkul, K. 9. McLIn, William Nnrtlicut, 0. P. Hprogue, 8. D. Nnrlhcnt, P. M. Chnnnian, John Uonlcomb, William Hlionily, H, Murphy, Tlmmas Knox, 11. II. Morford, Jfilwllnli Page nml D.8. Ilolton, .Simon Puge, Dffnlilillilt. (who were doing biiflntMMiui nnclnllon or company In I ho conlructlon nf, nml tin ider Ihonatnonnd flylo of "Ihu Joscplilnc Wagon Hoad uompuny t" Arllon nt l,mr o lUeorer Slanrrt Tn tnld ilcfcnilnntn nlnvfl nanicil : You I aro hereby required lo nppcnr In tnld Court On the 2 IM day vf Uctohtr, 18G I, and nnwcr complaint on fllo In tho nbnvo enlllliil cauro. You nro htrcby nnllried that ir yon Tall to answer tald complaint, n nbove reipilreil. tho tnld plaintiff will tnko judgment iigahiit you, for tho want or nn nnrwer. for llio mm or foven hundred nml forly-nlnoilollariiind fifty ccnlt, nnd Inter (it thereon nt the rate of (en per cent, per Annum from Ihu Slut day or June, 1801, and tho cot nnd ilUlwrtcmcntanf llio mil. Ily order of tho lion. V. V. Trim, Judge of tald court. J. OASTON. AprJUH.rtl. 8w Alt'y for I'lalntlir. Suiiiinmiit. A CARD FOR THE SPRING & SUMMER Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. IIADGEIt & MMIEMERGER, No. 411, 413 and 415 Battery St., for- Mrrclmiit, Mum Frnnelo, Importers and Wholesale DEALERS. Entire New ami Fresh Stock. We would cnll tho nltunllnn of Country Morchants to our unuually forgo itncic i,r Good'. Our Hock comprlws ovcry nrll- OLOTUING A FUUNISHINO LINK. W'c have cnnilonlly on hand the largeit nnd grentrcl variety of ViAHHtMKiiH AN'l) WOOL HATS of nny liouw In Pan Fronclcco. nnd our pri ce for IIivko giioih nru leM than thoo or any bouu, ns we receive mem uinci irum tho nianuractiirer'a consignment. Ountock SIMUNO AND 8UMMKR 0001)8 In particularly attractive, nnd tho grcntfen luro to Ihu counlry mcrcbont Is tho uuusu ally low prices Less than tho cost of Importation I Wo almi keep the Stn-islo Artiolos In tho Dry Goml lliie.wlilch Goods we lmvo N TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OP TIIHpurchaftd In Ibis market iii.der tho linmmcr, nun nro oiieriug iucm in nvn ii "! nnd h'ft. Wo publish this card In order lhat wo mny mako new ncqiiolntance, nnd Induce Uiohj who lmvo not heretofore purchoied of us to call und cxnniino our ilock. Goo it Articled c Low lrlcp Aro llio great Indnecmcincnts wo offer lo nil who purcliaso lo tell again. Merchnnls who buy of us can mako n good prolll, nnd tell lo Ihelr cttMome r nt n low llgiiru. Wo re nuln, rc-pi-cirully, Your olwdlent tervnnls. 11ADOKR A LINDKNHKRGKR, Wliolemile Clollilng nnd lint Wnrehousc, No. -Ill, 413 uml 41C H.itltry slnvl. 8an Pmncisco. Mnrcli 11. 'fil. mhifimn J Slntn of Oregon, for tho County of Jncl.9on. Wimjah KiiKiTtKn, PlalnllfT, w. John Ia iiackkii, Defendant. Illll In Clmiirrrv fur Korfclnnrc of .1lnrlgnK. To John Iibackcr: You nro hereby re nulnil lo appear In said Court, on llio l.llh day of Juno IHfil. In nnswer ncomtilalnton tile In the nbovv cntllb'd cnuto; and you nro hereby nntllled that ir you rail to nnwt r tald complaint, ns nbou reipilreil, llio tald plnlnllir will lake Judgment agaliiftyon. for llio wnnl of on oiiMver, for tho turn of $100 nnd Interest thereon from Jan. Ill, 1KC3 and nlio nsk for tin foreclo'tiro or n certain mortgage, made by you In tho plaintiff, on n certain lot of lam) In Jack onvlllu. described In tald complaint. , lly onlr of tald Court. J. GASTON, Alfy for ria'ff. February 2.1, li! I. frl2Tw8 Kiiiuiuons. FT tho County Court or Iho Hlatc or Ore gou for tho county or Joxphlnc. Calvin llalno, lMalntlff. w. Ilarr, Defendant. To the nbovo named defendant: You nrc (Summon. TN Hie Circuit Court, of tho 8lnloof Or- t r n?nn. for llio Countv ol Jackson. Daniel Hopkins. PhiinlllT. u.T. 3. Harris, Defendant. Arllnn nl I.mv lo llrrnrrrMnnr)'. To T. 8. Harris. DiTendant nrurrmlili You aro hereby required toiipivar In told Court, nn the l.lth day or June, A, 1). IHiit, lo nnswer a complaint on llio In tho nlmve .... .I1I.-I MMM. Vaii .... Ii.mIi. nnllltiMl hcruby tuintnoned nml nyulre.1 lo aptiear ' lm, ,f ...... flli, ... ..,,.. mM nmnbilnt. Inlla tald uoiirt. on 1110 111111 nyor Jiiiy.i ,K f,,,,,), l0 wt,i nialntlff will mat- tho llr t Monday being on I 0 fourth , A(, JwpmU n(J'Mn,t ,oll for want eff n. .lay, or .July, DCI-lo bo fo-gun and held at ! ,n of jul iVlu0 wlh . U.o town of Kerbyvl le, In tald county, ami . , , , ,)f , , ,,,, nmriit'Bumi"" """'"."""""" fnmi llm 171b tloy or 5 foy, 8(1 , and tlw niedagnlustyoulntald court, or ifio plain-f ,,r r,frl rollaf. wllli Interval tiff will Ukojudgmeu aRaln.t vim ' "'H .ilcrf(l t thu rntoV Uo kt cent, jr of nn innvwcr, In tho turn or Mfty dollars. f M( ,iy nf 'iwmir, A. with Inlereit Ib-reon. ftom ho llr.1 ay of ) ,8 , n)J ,,,, ,. June. 1K.1U. until nald. tOKClher with coil ..,.. ' ....1 ............ r ,1.1. ...n ,,. 1.. I llllllli: IUIH Ull,l v.lin..iava vi uia sun u m and dliburacmcnt.1 of thitrtult to li Uxetl. u. r.i)uwi:i.i,. myTwf. Alt'y for I'laiiillff. I Humu.MHis. N tho Circuit Court of Iho filnto or Ore gon, for to county or Josephine. 8. W Sawyer. I'lalntlrf. r. Peter Colean, Francis Colean. M. I. L. Crook", John lloleoinb and Wm. lilinun. ou.Dcrcndnnts. mil In Cliaiweir to I'orclm JliirlgK. To llio nbovo nmnol defendant, Peter Coleao. Francis Colean, M. 1) L. Crooks, John HolcoBibaud V.'ui. IJlmuiiri'ii: You aro her by mm- monetl nnd required lo appear in M'dLouri lined. lly order of Hon. P. P. l'rlirr. Judge or aid Court. JACOltS A UUSSl.l.I.. Attorneys lor Plaintiff. April tid. ibc I. pia:uii Final Settlement. IV Iho County Court or Curry county, December Term, 181.3. In the mutter of tho mtnlo of Hccjamin IlllATTAIN, DeCfUMll. F. n. Prnlt. Iho ailmliilslrnlor of tald es Into, having tiled his exhibit for final settle ment, notice Is hereby given to nil pertou interested, lhat Monday, the lib day nl April, A.D. IKul.has iicen set apart lor cua.a wuu iuo 011 the lint day ol the next term .thereof. I (, nnl settlement or said ei lo lw liegun and held at Iho lown or J criiy- ti, odminlslrator. iioiiiiny in 1 jiy orijcr or Hon. Jl. II. tircgory.conr.iy iy or mild 1 Judge. J. L. P.VAN8, Co. Clerk, vllle, in t.ikl county, on tho -4 Its Mom! October. lBrtt. it belli llm 2Hh dav or month, and there nuwer tho complaint or tlioMld plainitil, lilvd ugaiuu you 111 ait court, or tho tame wilt bo lafccu for con fetsedt and Iho nl.ilntlffwlll lake judgment against the tald defendant for the turn of 3355 52-100, wilti interest llim-on nt the rate or Ion per cent per month, from the .'Jth day or December, lfe'fil, until paid; nnd or Iho co'Unml disbursements ol Ihls Milt; and tho Donation I.uinl Claim, o lly N. Stkiiiicnmn, Deputy. i'eiiruary i.i, miii. f.b27w Ailinlnistrator'it Notice. TVTOTIUJ'. Is hereby tfUtn lo nil whom It may concern, that tellers nf nilnilnU liatiou Iiavo liccn cmnted. by Iho County Court or Juckrou county, nt tho January Term thereof, to I.'merson K. (Joro. lo ad- In sections nlna and sixteen, lowmhlp No. , minister iikii Iho eilato or Michael J.rliy, .. -. .. m I .........I l.ilik il isbl iiiiiiIii All lumiinl 38 koutlt 01 range seven, lormeriy Known as mwohwi, " vw""j. i"...i Un claim or JowMi II. Dickinson, situate,! having claims ngalust tnid eslato mo ro In Jo-cphlnocouBly.liitlioS'uloorOregon.Uiuesteil In present them to me.nt my refl nn.1 Mortgnge.1 1 llio said delendanl, Peter deuce, near J'htonlx. with tho proper vouch Colean, to Jtreinlah Yarnall, will bo foro- ers, for Judgment, within six months from closed, and execotlon will Issue thereon ss 'laM r this notice; nnd ir nol presented nt law, ami tho equities or redemption, or wtlhln nnoymr, theywlll bo forever barred; Iho said deremlsnts Kill bo foreelosed c , nUo, all iier)ii iiidclwlil to tald vslato nro cept ns nn exewtlon nt U. mpicited and 110illl.1l to p.iy up Imniedl- ily oixleror tho Court. UteJy. WIBHSON li QOIIU, (I. F. DOWIJf.L, my7wfi Alt'y for I'lalntlir. January, B. ififll (I. F. DOWIJf.L, 1'ubllo AUmlnistrnlor. jaiivnri 8TATK OF ORKGON, 1 8e Couuty of Jackson. f In Jutlico's Court. TO 1JRVKRIA" RATTS Yon aro hercliy uollflid that n writ of at tachment has Iicen Issued lunlnst you. nud your property attached, to tnllsfy Iho de-j uisnd or T. UANKiiav, umuuBtluj; to fifteen uoiiars ami 111 iy cents, .mw, unless you shall appear before M. D. Etugls.n Justice of the Peace In nnd for tald county, nt bis oflloe, on tbo 21st day or May, ISfil. Judg ment will bo rendered ngalnit you nnd your property told to pay the debt. Dated Ibis lilthdayof MarcJj.lBGl. ajch2tiirt T, OAMKliOX. Flual Settlement. IK tho mailer of tho citato of James Tir rell, deceased: Notlco li hereby Riven tii till persons Intvresttil In said estate, that Tuesdoy, the 6th day of July, IbT.I, has been 11 apart for the linnl settlement ortuld estate, with Thomas Croxtou, tho wlinlnis tnitor tbercf. lly order or Hon. DenJ. llolsclaw, County Judge. GUSTAF WILSON. Clerk or Josephine Co., Ogn. N. 11. The estate or Jerome Dyer, with .Thomas Croxtou, Admlnlitrator, will bo settled ai the tamo lime. GUSTAF WILSON, CJrVk. II. Bloom's STORE JteiiioTetl TO- RYAN'S NEW BRICK, Next to Jmlgc & Zimmerman He I ween tho SKNTINKL OFFICK k U.S. rtOTKI The rent or my new store Is to much less than I line! tn pny nt my old stnml, that I enn nnd will tell goods 10 my customers nt considerably reduced rules. Olve inn n cnll. ' II. HLOOM. Jacksonville. March (i. lPfil. LOVE & BILGER California Slrfcl, Jnckioinillc, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN TIN. SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, PI AYR Just received rrom tho Atlantic . Blntcs nnd San Fronolscn, n complete stock of everything In their lino, r.nu win keen constantly on lnud nn nstortmcnlor the bOTt Tin, ShecMron nnd Copperwnre. Ilrass Pipes, llydrnulle Koxxlcs, Force Pumps, Chains, Lend I'lpe, Hose. IIARlAVARi; UirrLRRYj NAILS of oil sixes! Uar, Pinto nnd nortrd Iron Paints. Oils, Hl-s nnd Olnin: All qualllles or Powder ) Shot or nil numbcr s Urusbes or every variety, etc., ote. Stoves. t Alio, tilwitysou iimid.n lame lul of stoves or asmirleil slws. " Duck's Patent Cooking Stove," nnd tho " New World Stove." Hie two very tiotnnd npproved mtlernsln the world. Pnrlor, Odlco and CnUn Stoves, fnncy nnd plain, constructed oil latest fool living plans. Holler. Ketilis, I'uts, Pans, and ovcry thing connected with Iheso stoves, wnrrnnled ilnmblo nml perfect. All articles sold liy them or mnnufac- tured. WAltltANTlID. Their work Isinndo f tin' liest nmtorlnl and or choicest put terns. Vi,Ordnrs nttcmled to with dispatch, nnd II Ikil according tn directions. In every thlnu. their stock Is tho lnmest nnd liest ever brongbt to Jnoksonvlllo.and they nre determined to tell nt miw niiL-KS kok cash. Call nnd examine tbolr stock licfore pur chasing elsewhere Juno 2.'t. IHno.-M. Agents for Jialllilay A i;o's wire liopo. DARDANELLS HOTEL! S. A. Scott, Fropriotor. Till! undersigned has leased thcif 1....1 II '!... ....111.. II. ,1.1 I!) a. inruniiiii int,i,,i.' ...,,, , nut It In con1 condition, nml open., il It for Iho nccummodntlmi 01 lira PUIjIIc The public eon lely upon Iho promise lhat no pains will lio spared In nmko Iho accom modations for an wuo rarnr mm wuu tuuir putronngo moil ngreeablu nnd pleasnnt. Tho Hotul Is most tilensanlly and ngreo- nbly situated nn tbo bunks or Itoguo Hlver, nnd nil necessary outbuildings convenient nud In good repair. TI10 proprietor nopes in reoeive n inir living piilninneo. 8. A. RCOTT. Danlnnolls. Feb. Sfi. 18CI. fob27v,4 In the Circuit Court nf thn State nl Ore eon. for the County of Jackson. PRN1NA C. imOWN.ComploIuant,) t. JACK 11. RROWN, Defcmlunt. ) JHIt for Divorce. rOJAOIC 11. RROWN You nro hereby summoned to anpear In said court on tbo 13lb day or June, IHO I, In nnswer n complaint on tllo ngalust you In tho nbnvo entitled cause; nud you nro hero, by uolllled that If you full to answer tald complaint, as above required, tbo plalnllrf will apply In tbo Court lor n decree dliolt lug tho bonds or mnrringo existing bulweeu tnid parties; for the custody and care or the child, llio ikiuo or tald marriage; nud for n restoration or her maiden nninc; nnd for costs and expenses or this cult. liy nniur or itou. r. v. rrim, jiuigo 01 tald court. J. GASTON. April 0, 'C 1.-7 vr Alt'y for Plnlntin. Atlniinistrntor's Notice. NOTIUK Is hereby given In nil whom it may concern, that letters uf admin istration hnvo been grauti-d lo I'.mcrsnu K. Gore, by tho County Court of Jackson county, ut the February Term thereof, lo ad minister upon tho estnto of J. J. llolman, deceased, Into or sold county. All persons having claims ugalnst said estate, aro re- 3ucited tp present Ibem to me, nt my rest euco, near l'luontx, with the proper vouch ers, for Judgment, within six months rrom llm data or tills notice; and ir not presented within one year, they will bo forever barred: nlo, all persons Indebted to tald estate are requeitoa aud no tilled tu iMiy up linmvdl atoly. EMF.ltSON K. GOKK, ruuuc Auminiiirator. Fsbruory S, 18CL woiwl CLOCKS, WA1 JE"WELU -JiKn- FANCY ART1C -AT - iwTB'waBaEn, NEW STOMl Next Door to Sacliii T NKUIlF.n has stnckcl fc, , J with n large nnd valuable tn latest styles nnd patterns nr SPRING ANI WKIUI1T CLOCKS. SILVKR WATCHES. IHAMOVR JKWEmhI FHARL. KMKRALI), tMMtvl rogoincr wuu n rioenum lot of J TTJiiJBiJJDJll-j Urcnst-Plns, Hroocbes, J-Iar-Rlnga, Finger Rlnirs. lockcts, Ruckles, UkuM Rrncclels, Sleeve HotKc J iievhiaren, 1 Wntch-CkJ tti Also, comptrte rets of Inenmronlnl QuivxrtsB iroxvol monuructurcd-frnin the t ichrtt ui Ixnitllfnl specimens or UolJ JM) Icr (uarlz. In addition tn llio nViTf.tajt, nt uissiorc 111c ueni ipiiiiuiii 01 TAIILK AND POCKCT ClTf. And, In short, n central tirim Nick-NticltR A. Tnncy irin All of which will bo sold it tnrl nnd wnrninlnL RKPA1RING. riocki. Vilfr Jewelry rvpairril with promptiM,, n mnnner In prmriinlrr tatisliioi MAUPACTURKIItooricrs- do of Jewelry, with nrnlntejiisldf Cfi- Cull nud Hy his nen ill new slore, nn imiirnrnin slrrfl Mr lo Sarin Urns., .Tiicl.snnvllle, I Jacksonville, lire. 17. 18(52. -cjx?x x:w rnipnv 1 vii c 11 ticni jiiij-iiti ivitifo.iijrjoi.nl Comer of California and FoartuJ CLUGAUK A- DRUJI.rrt;! TIIESI-: STAllI.ra in r.mlrnlty located, ami c' .vonlcnt In the I'nlun lis-. let. Horses and mule willleknil hiv nr week, nt niorfrrnle chirm. I The prirprlelor hnvo n nesiVrdl JfUUMIi'.S A.MI l.'AV.UWl For nno or two horses, to lrt1 terms. AIo. BOtHltaiVlloIioMiisil which they will let lo go lo n; ; coiintrv. on rraonabjo Icrmi. J lows broke to thosaddloorlt- Anlmals Sought and Soli TIic proprietors pledge IIimskIth saliflacllon to nil wuo rrmy laieru n call. Jacksonville. Ozn. Ant i Is In Iho Circuit Court of thc.Htsterft for tho County nf Jitisf. ARTIIUU ImVNUULI Cumiil A. B. 8TROUP, Hefenilant. Kill in Climiccrr. TO A.R.8TROUP You are hereby summonru la if said Court on tho Hltb lUy of Js lo answer complaint llltd spUM Iho ulKivecntllted cause: and yoa in notified that If you 111 lo annrrs plaint, ns ubovo rtipilrrd, the wllf wilt apply to me court lor nn. or nn account or the suini or morl said nlulntlir. on rt judcmenl h Mid plnlnllir nnd ngnlml isM rendered nt tho February Ton ' Court, and fur thn nmouul duel& on n judgment rendered In ssklw vnr or tn 11 neiem nut nnu ir" nlabitlirnnd Jnlin Itlotians. awl tt jixigments bo caiicvlled, 10 fr u &: utrut iimi psy men outer, llr order nf tho tho lies. I' T Juilrrn nf until cnrirl. J fi.l5T05. . n .. .. .... in... April tt. Itll,4.w7 Ally mr 1 STATU OF OKKUOS, County of Jacktoo, In Juntlse' Cauil. rrn Tt..t. e.nnu.1.i Vnn al I tilled that a writ or utlnclnnenlluWJ sued ngnlust you, fcnd your prerSI,. tuelieil to tatitry me iiemsou im Cuudle. for the sum of sllty iM lnl.rTL. Irnm llio K'.th of Mltti. Iho rato of tv,o nvr cent per uiwti- costs nnd p.xpensen of tuftio : anoenr beforo Chauuci'y Nye, Ihu I'cuco lu Table llock l'rtcitft 14lh or May, 18C1, nnd anisff 1 plaint or mo piaiiitir, your prupv hiiM In ,,nv llm ilt.l.L LYMAN COODI.B.ri' Dated April 2.1 Wi I Estate of Rov. John F. Orel, NOTICB Is hereby given tliilti slgued has been duly PPJ nunllfliMl H, AilnillllBtrfltnr ur IS44 Uev. John V (5rey, lately dtceudMi'l. ton county, vrugon, ah r"""l claims agnlnst the tnid eilato ",rf to preseut them, vltkJhlrproJ' for Judgroent, to mo, ot my ".tl I'uwtiix, wlUiln six luomni. '"! sentcd within one year fromiwl notice, thev will lw forever UuMI pvrsvns, InrlebM to sold c)ale W cd nud nbtlfled 10 pay up l"JSJ7. April 10, 18C4. lifted 10 pay up l"i""lT'. 1UIKIISON K.C01IE.!