Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 18, 1864, Image 4

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'19 '"'
M W-
TKt.MiuritKn to JArKMNViu.R Kxrnsast.v
Headquarters, Army of tho Potomac,
Glh. This pirl Ion of our Hum Jim been
materially changed ot many points since
A Richmond dispatch snys tlmt the Con
federate Treasury, for tlie first tlmo fn Its
history, Is without n dqllar topnynnyboily,
nnd that tin re is much prnmbllng' In con
sequence. Tho Kxamlncr thinks that Grant
will ntlempt to tuke Richmond from the
south side of James river, but that ho will
not succeed.
TiIuvIIIa inili Tim ordnance train ' P lno l 'resident i l
from Frankfort wns attacked near Hagdad,
Uidon member of
tho Administration with want of Integrity
and economy, and so do the Copperheads j
the underground railroad party is opprw d
Dcrtali Urnwn and Ids nssoctate s in trca
son. arc bowline for "tin Constitution as
to military nrrests.and so is the opposition I ,t nm, h(, M ,twns Tlicde.
line. Tl.euievciaiMiunnvenln..olo1...mnmlgnYllt)i (.i(, UllIoi) ,.os t Wft,.
1st. f,ivoj tho one-term principle, nnd so 1 1(( n ,, of )0 u ,,.,, ncw Unt0:l
til. il. PMKHA.I.Ainla Mflim tlmt mnnnt .... . ....
- fc-.
NOTION Is hereby miulo thtt iwl
signed hnve ceased to pnbUH
il, n.1. n.nl,.tl il,n f.nni nf ttm Clh nnd I "7 "rnKiiis. ononis, a
'I ' - ,. .,. T l.l.t. I.1M...I 1.. (I,
uiu ivvmuehy jA-i'iiiiuru wus niiieu in ihu
encounter. Rillrond men think the train
Hth corps. Our lines are well fortified, but
ut other polulu subjected to a gulling fire,
against which It is impossible In fortify.
Headquarters, Army or the Potomac,
8th. Under a 111? of truce Inst evening,
the dead and wounded between the two
nppolntr lines were brought In. Very few
wounded seen in some places,' while at
others quite n number were found. A por
tion of the fllli corrn Is reported to have ar
rived ut n point on lho Clilcknhomlny.ncar
llottom's llrldge. Corsldrrablo firing
hearJ in that direction yesterday afternoon.
Xew Vork, 9lh. Tmti special says an
officer from the front reports Leo with
drawn from the sotuhsldv of the Chlcka
hominy. The Commim'nl't Portress Monroe cor
respondent says the indications are that a
portion of llutlcr's corps will toon make a
lorward movement.
Philadelphia, Oth. Reports I in re readi
ed hero of the capture of the U, S. Steam
er Water Witch, In Osslbaw Hound, by
eight armed rebel boats, from Pt. McAllis
ter. Only ono of llw crew escaped. lie
s.iys n dcrpcrnta rtitstairco was made but
overpowered. An expedition was lilting
nut at Port Royal to recapture or destroy
me vessel. The Water Witch carried five
guns and was considered fast.
Xew York, Olb. The steamboat Ilerk
(hire, with IflO passengers, wis destroyed
by (Ire last nlght.fUtccu miles below Hud
son, and I0 persons arc reported lost.
Washington, Dili Tho U. 8. Court
rendered decrees In 14 cases under Hie Con
fiscation Act of 17th July, 18G'.', ordering
sales after advertisement of all right and
title of respective owners during their nat
ural lives, except in cases of personal prop
crly where forfeiture Is absolute. Fx-Oov.
may have returned safely to Prankfort, as
its engine was reversed Immediately after
tlic uttnclt.
Cincinnati, 10th. Gen. llurldee, who
has been following the rebels since they
left Pound Onp, came up with them
yesterday nt Mt. Sterling, and whipped
them hnndsnmly
command entered Lexington nt two o'clock
this morning and burned the central depot,
nnd robbed a number of stores. They left
at ten o'clock In the direction of George
town and Prankfort.
Washington, lifts. Tho President sent
to the Senate tho following cnclocd letter
from tho Secretary of War and Provost
Marshal General, recommending the repeat
of the 8.100 clause.
with the Copperheads when they cannot
secure n second term. The Democrats op-
Inn nf reconstruction,
nnd so do lho nincompoops of the Clove.
land Convention. In their platform we
find thirteen planks the 1st, 3d, -lib, fith
7lh nnd 8th, are heartily endorsed by the
Copperheads. Xei wonder, then, that the
Copperhead press has generally pronounced
for Fremont. Ho may yet lie lho nominee
of the Chicago Convention! II lie should
be, nnd jointly supported by the Impnicll
will he one In which there will be no slaves,
nnd lho Constitution must ba sn nmctuled
as In nITord no recognition or countenance
to that horrlblo system wnleh lins justly
been characterised as "the sum of nil In
iquities." In a speech recently delivered by Miss
Anna 1). Dickinson nt tho Academy of
music In Philadelphia, tho speaker cX-
,prcsed herself ns followsi
I "Two days ngo we completed three years
nf tho wnrfarc. To-day wo count our
came aim of , uyU. " "grflU bottles by score. Wo stand on n
counted would still be classified among the . . ,.,,, ... ,, ,i.. nn.
ar itinrlnrr Tfiniit t tin lfrklnr nrrntlitf I ....
A nonlon of Morgan's : . V .. ... . p . . gathered nliout us n hunilurU thousand
.' . .. . . the pricks." .Miie-icntns oi inc pen tie in i -.,..., .., .....
n nnlAn nf IMAA'AIAAls '
the loyal Hlntes, nnd many thousand in
the disloyal, desire tho re-election of Presi
dent Lincoln nnd there Is only Ono Power
which can prevent Its consummation. The
Impractlcals nnd Copperheads may skir
mish around, nnd nmtiso themselves like
children with Fremont or McClulInn toys,
but the grent loyal mass of the people will
triumph at tho hustings, Lincoln will be
triumphantly rc-eleclcd, tho rebellion put
down, and tho country restored to uulon
Uurblgo Is following
San Francisco, 12lh, 10 p. m. The
steamer Constitution sailed today with
B2.1,000 In treasure and 200 passengers.
Overland lino down near Fort Laramie.
Iluslness dull. Legal Tenders have fallen
to 52.
Radical Dcmocrntio Convention.
Fremont's politico-body-guard assembled
In Convention at Cleveland, Ohio, on the
Hist of May. It was thinly attended, as
Is evident from the coursa pursued by the
Convention In referenco to credentials. To
admit to seats only thoso duly accredited
would havo made tho body Insignificantly
small ; therefore, to avoid such an exposure
or weakness, everybody and anybody was
admitted lo eeats.
Wo supposo that everybody knows lho
animus of this Fremont gathering that it
was composed of tho ofT-slioots ol the Union
Letcher, o( Yo., Trusten Polk, of Mo., ' parly who at first lent n eold sunnort to
. ... ... .... t . . . .
nmiiuson, and other prominent rebels, arc
among the number.
Cincinnati, Olb. The rebel are near
Falmouth, on the Kentucky Central Rail
road and Williamitown, on piko 30 miles
from Cincinnati. A largo force Is reported
12 miles east of Lcxlngtoo, another ap
proachlog from Richmond, and arc also re
ported between Crab Orchard nnd Stafford.
They burned a large warehouse and station
at Cyntblaua yesterday, and now have pos
session of Paris, Ucrmantown, Oynlbiaoa
and Wllllamstotvu.
Xcw York, Olb The Herald's corres
pondent says: Immediately on assuming
command, General Hunter Issued orders
for Instant move. Rigcl had tent out a
parly of 400 X. Y. nnd Pa. cavalry to
overtake McXIcJ's raiding parly, which
they met and dcfealed. Tlie enemy re
turned, reinforced to 1,300, and our men,
after repulsing several charges, finally re
treated to Romney and Springfield, de
stroying all their trains. When Hunter
started, (be rebel attempted (a check his
advunco near Harrisonburg, but weto driv
en nwoy and the plce occupied.
Washington 3ih Tho Hankrupt Dill
was rejected lolay ayes C4, noes C5.
Ualtlaiorc,8lb. A masa meeting held
to night, llw Mayo j presiding. Resolutions
were adopted cordially ratifying lho nomi
nations, and commeudfng them to lho sup
port or all loyal .voters throughout the
Washington, 10th. Rebel dispatches
from Xorth Georgia, to date of Clh, slates
that tho Federal army was still moving to
wards Atlanta. Hookers command was
fortifying (ha bills between Ackworlli nod
AtUnta. Heavy rains for two days had
lnadts the roads almost impassible for the
army, ami considerably retarded their move
ments. Late accounts say that the Fed
eral army crossed tbo Cbattaboochie, Dear
Ackworth. Hooker Is sakl to be five miles
eaitofit.on tboAhoooa road. Johnston's
headquarters are west of Marietta, bis right
unuer naniec, at Lost Mountain.
Rebel dispatches, dated Mobile Ctb,su)
nounce the capture of the steamer Dragon,
while attempting to run the bloekade.
Murouduke's bloekade on the Mississippi,
near Greenville, succeeded In destroying
three steamers and securing two cargoes.
and pence.
Tho Cleveland movement Is so Inslgnlfl'
cant In its conception and promised results
that we arc somewhat surprised nt thu Im
portance the CoppcrhrniH giro It. It Is
only n re-proof of the adage that drowning
men catch nt straws. To us It seems n
very small straw impcrceptlblo lo nny
oilier lhan n Copperhead eye. Desperate,
dark ond hopeless must bo tho cause of
Copperheadlsm, when It can discover sue-:
cor nnd nntlclp.ito relief from such un ephe
meral thing ns the Cleveland Free-love Con
tention. Tho rebels In arms against the
Government, In lho vicinity of Richmond
and Atlanta, also will seize tho Cleveland
straw nnd hug it with tho desperation of
the drowning man. They, loo, liko Iheir
unfortunate confreres In lho Xorlh, will ad
mire and endorse lho Cleveland platform.
Fremont and JefT. Dnvls mako-n splendid
span of ambitious politician', nnd It Is
gratifying to know that JefT will become
Piesldcntof an acknowledged Independent
Confederacy nt Juu thu time when Fremont
tho union of tho Republican and Demo
cratic parties, to mnko one common cause
against tho cuemlcs of our country. The
Convention was nnll-Llncoln, nntl-Admln- mters tho While House at Washington.
Iitratloo, anil-union wllh loyal Democrats, Martmile f;iif.
and nntl-cvcrythlng but nntl-orficodioldlng. Tho following Is their platform :
It wm lho gathering of tho clans discarded hi. That tho Federal Union shall bo
by tho Administration in civil and military preserved.
office, and its Inception dates at the Con- 2d. Tho Constitution nnd taws of Dm
vcntlon which nominated Lincoln, Instead
of Seward or Fremont, in 1HG0. It has
been gathering head, though very slow, dur
ing the last lour eventful years. Rut Fre
mont, by great perseverance end Industry,
has thus managed to assemble what Is
called n National Convention, ond place
himself in nomination for the Presidency
in opposition to Lincoln.
United Slates shall be obeyed.
Id. The rebellion must be suppressed by
lorrc of nrms anil without compromise.
Ith. Rights of free speech, press, habeas
corpus must bo held Inviolate, rave In dis
tricts whero martial law has been pro
nth. The rebellion lias destroyed slavery,
nnd tho Federal Constitution should bo
mnlnrd nnd shattered men. Wo talk
nf reconstruction with these facts Jicfore
us. We talk of reconstruction 'wllh bnlf
n million of rebels In nrms. It Is but n
now mime for compromise.' Applause.
After nil, would It not be just ns well for
us to subdue, cro wo reconstruct f In the
West you cannot pick up u newspaper
without reading nf the outrages of lho
Rebel guerrillas, nnd their sueceoees. Four
hundred Union soldiers hnve been murder
ed in cold blood, and tho IiihIIcr of three
fourths nf Ihcm were gathered In n heap
nnd burned together. Is this the time, she
would nsk, In talk of reconstruction or
for nfiVfs nf amnesty nnd pardon to such
fiends? Appluuse.J She did not say
there things to dishearten. Hho would
rather encourage nnd keep up the hopes of
the people. First ravo the country, nnd
then talk about reconstruction. Amnesty
Is only nt the mouth of cannon. Cheers.
One grent danger is passed, nnd thai is,
we hnvo found out what the rebellion Is.
Freedom can never bo loo strong; slavery
never loo weak. Generosity to oppression
Is treason to man nnd to God. Our na
tion, in be rebuilt, must be constructed on
n firm bails. Men who declare that the
Union shall ba reconstructed on its old ba
sis, who wuuld havo tho Union ns It wns,
arc unworthy nf n patient hearing. When
you can put up tho buildings that have
been destroyed, when you can replace tlie
villages nnd towns destroyed by the war,
when you can cull Into life tho one hundred
and fifty thousand brave nnd mouldering
forms to-day rintlng In Southern graves,
when you can do this, and not until then,
can you huvc tho Union ns It wns."
Jacksonville Skntixki. under ilia tl
Biyie ui me .inchPiiiiruiu 1 illill,bini
puny, nnd nny puriiathlp tUt m,
heretofore existed liclween us,lsbtrti
solred. Thu llalilllties Incurred UJ
lug the Oiikiiiix JjK.vrHiKt, frum lbs is
(if .Murrh, INIU. In lho 7th ihyctj
loin, win uu Fl-llirfl mm pma uy jq(
imttfutnt fur Slit Kiitil dnmnnnv .!..
or liabilities Incurred by the fnlj
umuu inur ur MiiiefjHi'iii 10 pg i
must tie settled bv thu imrlle tn,mi
coiitriictliiR them. All delits due tk,'
Printline oillcu must be imlil toll, r.. I
i. u.lU..
Jacksonville. Juno 7. lSiil.
Valley Milt hit; mid Inij,
XOTICK is hereby alien that.
of tho nbovo Company will m held st
onico iinierprlsf Qimrlx .Mill -oaUK
mo mm nny ui .iiiuu, ni i n clock 1 1
thu election of Trunlec-s for lho ,
yenr. s, a. iifc.ii.M;ii,s,
.iiinn cm, mi.i.
Will bo given nt the
U.S. Hotel, Jaclcsouv
On tho
' i: veiling of July lth, isoj
Tho unilcrsHincil Intends ulrliijiCi
Anniversary ll.ill on the ereninguj
-in, in in uuiei in iui-Knnville, icil
ha cordially Invites the public gcom.'
iicueis rive uoiiiirs.
Jncksnnvllln, June II. 18(1-1,
Tiik Con-KiiiiKAii's Don't Likr IIookkh.
Kver since Hooker hud the honesty und
courage to testify to MoClellan's linbcclli
ty, the copperheads have been "down upon
him." Tho Xcw York World, lias been
particularly zenmus In disparaging him.
ThoXew York Spirit of the Timet, nllu
ding to thu subject says :
We hnvo but ono word of comment on
the If ord's abuse of Hooker. lis niotlvo
BROWN'S I A nrfilectcd cowVJ
I nil Irrilnlnl ur kMili
BRONCHIAL If allowed to .roJ
I suiimii' nTlompolnv'-y
iironcinui mm !'-
diseases nfuiitimoli
utile. Ilrnwus llmJ
1 niches reach iW
allecleil tinrl. ondrr
most liiiinedlati! rc.itlj
J-or lironclillli, v
catarrh, and consumptive coughs, lit
cues arc iifuiiii. riiniic Siicnki-nsoiJ:
ers shuuld havo Ilia Troches to elm
slreimlheii the voice. Jlllitarv oBctft
nnd soldiers, who overtax the mice it.
expoH'tl In siiihlen changes, shoulil vi
uuiain ouiy mo genuine,
llrown'sllruiicblnl Tinelies. liarii;J
their elllcacy hy n ti-l nf inuiivw-l
highly reciiinmunded and iirvrcrrtHiVjl
sieiniis and tiirueous In tho armv. sm 1
reculvid testimonials from muiiy r:l
men. I
Bold by nil Druirirlstsaud Dealers Is I
Iclno In lho United Stales mid moil Fol
countries nt '.'."i rts. per liox. JullfJ
will ba traced to tho fuot that do tc-x tided
Wo have no means of knowing tho n,n,ll In nml.tl.U h. r.ml.ll.l . Hint tho lVnlnsulnr enmnnl,.,! Mf.lUI
strength or this parly In tho Fastem Slates, nnj KCUro ,0 0 mcn ab,0luto equality be-' Himugh lho niumptlmty of tho Common
but wo judgo It Is not powerful nnd tho roro lil0 iaw. cler-in-chlcr': vet lis statements unwlttlmr.
onlydsllncton It will obtain will arise Clh. That Integrity nnd economy are do- y 'lmlt, Chancellorvllle was ona of tho
i.u .,iue Huiuen we io..y, criminality mnM nt ,, mW , lC BIIflnirolon
..H.ru.cH. ...inuen. of Government. That In tlmo of war the
i I. , t . ' wnl' nucn ,uo Wlnt "f "'"" criminal.
iv-ritciion oi 4,meoin is synonymous wllh
tbo success cf tho Union cause over rebel
lion, and ills defeat the forerunner of disas
ter to tho Union armies, very few wise, pa
triotic or loyal men will lend aid aud com
fort to build up a second party In the
Xorth in opposition to tho Administration
This Convention must have been cotnposcel
of fanatics, desperuto politicians and fools,
and sensible and cahn-mlnded people will
look at the conclavo and laugh at Its Im
pudence and folly.
In this State there will be no Fremont
party, unless tbo Copperheads support the
ticket. If there are a few Fremonters,
they can unite with lho Copperheads and
Secessionists, as we observo the Cleveland
and Copperhead platforms are quite conge
nial, and dove-tail In several planks. The
Copperheads claim as annallenable right'
that of abusing and maligning the Presi
dent and bis Cabinet, and tho Fremonters
do tho same ; tho Constitution and laws
are In danger cry tbo Copperheads, and so
say the Fremonters f the rights of free
speech-nlee to abuse Lincoln and praise
Jeff are In .danger, and they must be
guarded, ery the woolly-borse admirers
and so declare VallaBdlgham, Sam Mrdary
and Berlan Drown j the Fr -.iters r-'.?
7lh. Right nnd usylnm except for crime,
and subject to law, is a recognized princi
ple of American liberty j nny violation of
it cannot be overlooked, and must not go
8tb. The national policy known ni lho
Monroe doctrine has become n recognized
principle, and that the establishment of
anti-republican government on this conti
nent, by nny foreign power, caunot be tol
01b. The grallludo and support of the
nation is duo the brave soldiers and earnest
leaders of the Union nrmy nnd navy, for
their heroic achievements in defense of our
imperilled country.
101b. Favors lho one-term policy for
11th. That the Constitution shall be so
amended that the President and Vice Pre
sident will bo elected by direct vote of the
12th. That the question of reconstruc
tion of rebellious Slates belongs to their
people through their Representatives In
Congress, and not tho Kxecutive.
13ih, That the confiscation of tlie lands
of rtbels, and their distribution among the
soldiers and actual settlers, Is a sound mea
great successes of lho war. It Is undenia
ble that Hooker disgraced Lee by the strut,
egy which In broad daylight turned bis
"Impregnable" position. Hy confederate
accounts ho Inflicted on tho enemy the loss
of sixteen thousand men, killed Stoncwell
Jackson, (who would havo mado Gctlys
uurg, under Meade, a sad day for tho repub
lic); and nt the end of fivo days' operations,
returned to bis carnp with the loss of ten
thousand men, nnd without parting with a
wagon or a gun. To this wo may odd tho
capture of seven cannon, which tho World,
for Sedgwick's take, has multiplied to ten
Altogether, therefore, the IPorW in the
midst of lis disparagement of Hooker,
proves Chancellorvlllo to have been an ex
ploit not unworthy of tho truo hero o( An
tletnm, of Williamsburg, Olendale, nnd
Lookout Mountain. Had Sedgwick obey,
ed orders, Chancellorvlllo would havo re
sulted In tbo termination of the war, ond
proved Itself tho most decisive battle of the
century, since Waterloo.
The L' Union Franto Amtritaint, nn
organ of Louis Xapoleoo, in San Francis-
co, says :
"When will Xnnoleon determine in w.
ognlze the South, ond the Confederacy be
come an Integral portion of the great Mex-
IVU 4'.ltllrV.
Tbat's precisely the Information the se
cessionists and Ce -d? "rt.
"MOTIOH. The final settlement el
JL estute ol Josiern Dim, di-crawl,
tie maiioiiuly Otli, IHul.
Ily order of J. O. Tnlmnn. Connlj J.
lull WM. HOFFMAN. Lin
Jacksonville, Jncknon county. June 7
For further particulars, call at Nentj
Storo. nail too tho Machine lu opersii
Machines on hand, lor sale- I
jacKsnnvitic. Juno -iiii. ltinj.
Notice- to Holderu of County On
County of Juck.
P KHSONS holding lho fulMngM
x orucrs nro Hereby nollUcd io pivB
tamo for payment:
No. Hllll. lircscnted Mnv 10, ltd;
723 and 720. m-cnunteil Jnlr Sd. ltd!
100. presented Sent. Clh. 18UI: N
118, 110, 12U, 121. 122. 123 and 121
sented Sept. 12th, 16(il; No. U3.prf
Oct, 24. lKOli No. 137. presented Oct.
18G1; No. 8, presented Nor. 9th, 1K1;
9, presented Nov. Uth, IMIs Noi. Wi.
m.ltKI, lui, 103, 19C.19I, W8soa
presented Dec. 7lh. IbCl; No. 61 sad
presented Aurll Sib. 16U2. Nos. ii
4(13. Jfil.-ic.v .icit. 4i:t. -Iflfi nnd -It.
sented April Soth. 1812; Nos. 178 m!
presented Mny lltti. 18C2, os. i
lirensntiwl Mi.r xnth lSI'.-i.
No Interi-si will lo allowed on tbn
rlcrs after this eUle.
K. S.MORGAN, Co. Tro
Per VL V. lti-MKi.i Denulv.
Jacksonville, Mny 1 1. 'Cl. "yU
Settle ITp.
A LL thoso knowing themselves InJJ
XX to tbo Arm or i-isuer uru-,""!
chandlse, bought at tho Paruaneiw i
are requested to call ut tho store Inl
sonvllle, and settle up prior w "I
li, or their notes onu accouu-
piocea in tue Hands or tne prom-r
collection. FISllIJi & 1
Jacksonville. May T. 1864. J1
J .,