,tn TELE0RAP1L nruriivKi.r run inn mssTixKU ttQrerUiul TclrnAipli, nficr n silence Jnl ilij'. on 'I'lntrsttay night gave us (losing Important news. okntikki..j grille, tltli. llPlclies from Lo.x , A noon, wty Hie rclcla left since yes- ij for Ueorgctown. It is supposed they ,pMCil irom mere. jiuriMuBuii tatmriilt with frt'li llorrt ,rtt ",8,,t I ,j purli up whrnnvcr lie has n chance. -rnr from 1'ranfort report the infer mf Hal law. All men capable Inrimrarnu nrc nrnwl to uricmi me Tha archives Iwvo been rrninvni to toot. The Governor feels cnnllilenl inbiliiyto hold the placet until Hip L-i f reinforcements. A rorce ni r ... M occupy n stockado thrco miles ,nfee( Frankfort, to prevent reinforce- rtrfKhlne that place Iron lmlsviiic. mxw attacked llio stockado last AtwJ were rcptilsril. fetW Jinnrw, 1.1111. lAic iticiimuim hUk Hip following: .mil ittatncrs Imvo nrrlvcil at Charles- u,iirh the lust few days. .. 1.. 111. MM. AAA ltiaa KlUtH jrt iwpc, " i "" null iiTii gillie klrnitililn today. (Jen. (JlvMnilnl. run-run nic ninnying iltcAW. A portion of Hip 17lhcnrpJ ,M oolite w" fr,im the lrunMI'lv i 11 rrlnforw Sherman. Tlipy have vtVm llurrn, Aliihumu. Tfttation, 14 Hi. Tho Hoiim today Italhrfih Territory, (wi.l-Jlli Morgan wllli .H.000 ItnlMlitl llio 168lh nml n.ltli Ohio, n4f JfnSxoti, nt C'yntlhlana, yesterday. ItoiMrrc tlulit Ilnbun surrendertd, tl.m that hi men ,hould lie Inline- ftVjncbangvd. The lighting look placo ftfij lii the HrwM of Uynthlana. jxfcfour troons (t'k refuse In the Juno Oth, 1801. 'or emigre".' .1. II. I). Henri-won (Union). Col. J. Kelly (Dent) Fur Store Printer! ii. I- rittock (U) For Prottaitin: Attorney II. P. Dnwoll (U) W.G.rVnult(i)) For Repretntalivei! inn, uro.xwn Uf brought to nlri tlio relicls. They attempted to turn our left, lint fulled, nml were pushed I. ...I. n . hun lli.il tl.rciilinrit In rut limit in i. iiii.iiii.i .. .............. --. - CALIFORNIA AND OREGON ' )wm orrfrom 8(unnin. Tlifsj r..rcI lliclr right to give wuy nml n retrcul roiiowru. A Washington illspiilcliMys liilelligcncc from the army to Friday night shows, Hmt while the army Is quiet ot one place, It Is not In nnotlicr. rho Wellington Stnr inys Grant Is car. rylnir out his movement ognlnst Hlelimond wilh liH usnnl celerity. Hctiorts ny Hint the Rebels think they have reason to be lieve that Grant's iurnoo Is to make n new bau of supplies on James rltcr. At the same time n strong line of entrench ments Is being erected nt White Home, In dicating his purpose to hold Hint point. The Tribune's enrrc'pondent with lluller says of the expedition against Petersburg : There were 400 picked men under Kiuilx, and n,fiOO infuntry under Ollmorc. nil tin. der command of Olliiinre. At noon they were within 1 miles or Petersburg, (lilmnro'a orders were to advance on Petersburg nn.l engage the enemy Imme diately, whether ho succeeded or not, the real object being to divert their attention from Iviirir., who was to da,li Into the city Irom the nppntlte side, burn Appomnllnx bridge, destroy their stuns n lid supply de pots, and harass the enemy. Signal glasses announced that Kurtz wns fnlulllng his mission, ns cavalry was rccn ntlncking on the further side, nml driving llin enemy licloru them. Gllmort! nvalled hlnHcifor llio second chime In Ids initructiwiH to return that night, and sent WttJTwWfnlllloI ton seal us Delegate ; word that the works were quite lormi.m- mo ami sirnngcr iiinn pxirsira. . Hicks did not deem It prudent to attack Hie enemy, and had tlierefuru relrenliil n mile awl formal n lino of battle. Kurlz was In the city lighting, Mwcllnir cooK'r ntlon. On the withdrawal of Gllmore's force, the enemy turned their attention to Kurtz, pressing him closely nnd capturing ouo Ktin. Our cavalry on their return , m'PTrrlC Cf vi v "" ' - --.-n- --. . III A V JL AJL UA K7 Ottll(m.H-.ninlln(mlerlOBetthwioiit enptumin ix-pwimer m p.cu:, ...l.. .. .i. .i on fire, nnd about twenly tucy orougni nwny. . 'K" "" It. P. Slyer (U). O. .Incofn(U).. ,In. I). Pny(D)... Win. P. Snnffcr (I)) T. P. IJenll(l) For Count ii Clerk: Wm. IlolTmnn (U) For Sheriff: 0. W.feavago (U) W.A.Owen (I)) For Tteamren P.P. Russell (U) David Linn It For County Commiuioneew J. Hutterileld fUl John H. bive U J'-.-lleixT I ll I John Nichols D For School Stintriiitemleiit: SI. A. WlllinmsU For VuUie Ailmiiiiitrntor: O. 1). Hoxio ru llrrmiiii Helms !,... tor Loroner. L, H. Thompson Ul Tniin Slcltughllii 1 50 20 no no 20 48 4 47 20 10 20 48 10 48 20 18 48 20 10 CI 48 20 For AiUon P. H.Hpraoup U T. G. Reams fl)l.. 1 1 28 7fi 7n 7f. :io 311 :io 101 ns us 70 :u 7fl 74 30 31 123 ICQ 13S 132 102 123 131 149 inn 140 100 270 110 170 120 1G8 130 183 100 11 270 n r, 171 1G 30 12 IC 2 in in in 20 30 o 37 in 30 10 30 in in 30 30 33 13 31 10 30 10 14 34 11 10 II 3li 38 38 42 11 38 10 40 r 7 o 41 10 15 7 41 in 18 20 21 12 20 20 20 III 43 40 40 20 40 10 44 10 20 40 44 08 19 43 2t 10 2.1 22 13 20 21 22 14 14 14 3G 20 14 21 13 20 22 14 14 31 21 13 48 70 14 140 10 10 31 23 29 31 10 13 14 2G 00 480 20 30 t0 148 30 38 43 12 0 3G 18 27 14 23 9 472 48 70 10 149 17 12 20 22 31131 9 13 14 2.100 480 '0 no 14 1.1'.' 20 37 43 12 0 37 18 27 14 2.1 9 407 .IR ?r. IK i.m tfi 13 19222930 913142700474 20 30 14 14 1 30 34 40 14 10 OG 18 27 10 23 9 489 29 10 29 29 8 29 28 29 10 11 10 3G 27 11 28 11 28 29 10 10 29 18 19 28 38 31 29 3G 2n 28 31 3 3 39 GO 28 40 28 39 23 2G 41 40 02 in 40 IB 474 504 4G3 172 408 142 403 470 460 477 484 804 41 G 030 444 .103 438 005 noo 403 844 392 023 ATTENTION Is oallcd to the following list of 'Amerloan nnd Port'tgii l'erlodl oils, for which I receive subscription. 1'crmnnent Arrangements hnvu liecu mario ly llio United Slute' Government for the carrying of the Malta from the Atlantio Rtnti-s by slcantcr, Ihrco limes a month, 1 nm emttited to recelvo subscriptions at n, much lower rnto limn formerly. Tim same enro nnd ntlcutlon will bu pnld to the for wnnllilR of nil packages, for which tills c tnbllslimcnt has pained such an cnviablo reputation througliout the l'aclnc Coast. Atlmitlo rcrioillcnlM. l'Kii'mn. Harper's Monthly Mnga.lno $.'l Ad Goduy 's Lady's llook .'I oil Atlantic Monthly 3.111 :i All 3 Oil :i uo .1 (10 :i !) :i on :i uo .... ....... For .Vnrivwr.- 1. H. Howard fUl. W. J. IMymnto (I)... Cy-lu Kvnm Crick Precinct J. K. T. Sillier received ten votes for County Clerk. 1. 1). llnlnt-H reci'lvulfiiiir vulns In Jucksonvlllo fur Representative. In this county Salem ricelvcd 198 voles for thp Sent or Government; Kugenc, 230; Portland, 10G Corvallls, 20, nml Jucknnv!llo 10. IiCfllo's I'nmlly Magazine Knickerbocker Magazine Continental Monllily I'ctcrrnn's Lndles' MnRnzluu.. Artliur s Homo Mngnzlnu l,nillcsi(cpoltory,. Talcs or tlicDny,,, Mnnlhlv NovcllctU. Kclrctlc iMngazino n ou Hunt's Merchant's Mngnzlue i OU llankcr's Magazine C 00 l,c lion Ton 3 til) Ilrownron's Review 3 CU Ilrnlthwnllc Itetrofpect 3 til) Turf Register (yearly) 2 00 llnllou's Slagazliic 2 CU Ynnkiu Notions (comic) 2 AU Leslies llmlgct or Pun (comic) 3 tin NIoKax (ooiiilc),, , 2 fill Comic Monthly 2 fill l'hunny Fellow (coinlo) 2"'0 New York Weekly Herald 3 10 11 Police Gazette 3 SO " Clipper 3 At) " HnmnJournnl a 3 flu " Weekly Tribune 3 00 " Sumlsy Atlas 3 Au " Times S fiU ' Hl'patch 3 All " " Mercury ,. 3 Oil ". " Courier !l CU " Weekly Times 3 All World 3 fit) " Journal of Commcrcu 3 AO Inili'iHinilont 3 fill 3 AO 3 0U 3 fill 3 An 3 00 3 fill Iteiconmincri. Our low was 15 Killed MtKkx),anri from 1.200 to M00 prls- ln This morning Gen. Ihubridgv, wlio Hrw l.it night, fell upon Morgan, Jittlj mrnwvtviit brrakfsil, nnd after irw njtht, compleiely ikfeatwl lilm, and n'wrJ his forces In ul! directions. About Mfrisvnrrx were taken, Including twenty &11. Ilarhridgc, at lust advicin, wa Mtlj following the rebek. Lwirtille, 12(li. lUnncll has success- K'jrti'ntvd two attacks upon Prankfort. Uwliln'lon, 12lb. Dispatched from iBnkr lo 6 o'clock on the morning of the H,t SUnnlon, Klienanrioah Volley, say: 'WiBrt the enemy at Piedmont last Bun- ijnoroiDg. (icn. Jones commandlng.uiid lityrottrd him, after battle of hours feiUM. Wu -captunil M00 prisoners OupLer, on the field, 300 viand of arms, it pirtr of arlllleiy. and a lurgo quan- tJjrfitfrc. Wo have to-d.iy formed a JtztM ith Crooks and Avrrlll's-cnval- n.' iwllier dirpatrh, not official, dated isqu Our Infantry nro rngageil lo- ajWalsg railroad ties.aod bending rails Htktvtsnri west. All Onveinmeirt and nWI hildlngs at Btaunton were dc- Jt f-sxtcli from Grant nt 4 o'clock ycS' bUttm; Abortion of Mcintosh's brl- I Pfcrfenalry, Knt on reconnoiinco yes- 1wDlng, drove In the rebel pickets, WJover tho lino of rcbtl leenses, "'OTir entrenchiornts ubont a tnlle wrf Dctliialda Church, nnd Imvlng e- KuW tho purpose of tins rcconnol "Mt proceedul to return. A number ''tkrotdiy were killed nd some orison- "Mglrt lu. Our 1063, ,10 killed ond MftW, 'sMteh from Sherman, dalrd Ti'ie ""I;. Gs, today, says: Our lines robe- '" 100 and 500 varda Jroin tLoouemv. ''iMlijbtkigywterd.iy, SiguetlJ Stintox. Jf't York, 13th. Tho Herald's correa- Nt gives u detuilwl uecount of Hun- aoremeut. After learing' Cedar A.tlie rebel .Mosby attempted to inter "ft wmniunlcsllons wills the rear, and Pfly eeocessful, leslroyIng boiuo Jiiw. turning trnln ot stores, -enptur-t men. and tho towns of Woodstock "IHount Juekiinn. Ihn ellircnH nniiMrlnr SllV St till ftnmi. lm Irmil0 mnvr.1 . , - N nlV .I.I.V. MII.. IHWMM t!V 04ar (lrulr A.o.MII frnm Tilmil, HlrsnJ Staunton. At tho fight ot o, ill ita mllitiaat Hlauntoo wero MOTHERS MOTHERS sion In their f.ivor by Infantry being made, Gen. Kurtz ordered them to withdraw. Tno Tribttm'e correspondent with Sher man, of tho llth.says tho enemy attacked SlcPhcrson's corps yesterday morning, nml dashed on our advance line of works with the Intention of occupjlngn belter poiltlou, they were met with n heavy volley from our men, who remained Immoveable. Tlw fight continued an hour nnJ a hall, when the enemy retreated, leaving tlw field cot ered with their dead ami wounded. After flvo days fighting on his own honk, Me. Phersou has eloied in on his right, ena bling us to nuke thu next Important move ment. Dispatches from Louisville this miming say the rebels raited the selge of Prank fort yesterday, and fled. The 7Vi4u' correspondent says uo such Intelligence has reached !rc from nny other source. Whl to House, Mill. Two officers have jmt iirrived hero, bringing Intelligence of the capture of Port Darling. An order confirming this Intelligence was read to the army last evening. The clteert of our sold, lers could be beard for miles aroand. Chicago, 13lh. Vnllnndigham suddenly made his appearanco In Hamilton, Ohio. nml made n speech In the publia (fpiure. lie leil in tne evening iur jayion. m Japkso.v Comr Oiikoo:!. It ecetns that victory perches uponlhe Union ban ner everywhere In Oregon except in Jock- ion County, Southern Oregon, which has green tho Copperheads about 00 majority. Tho Skswkl charges the ilefcut to tho Influeneo of aid and comfort afforded the re bels and Unppetlieads by Ol. Drew. 'J'ho secesh of Sbldyou arc great ndmlreraof the Colonel, but alas, tho Copperhead Colonel has no Influence here, even If he doea ml verllso for Copperhead bids to supply Port Klamath. Drew wants to divide his fa vors with the Copperheud .ami secession press, nnd has given tho SMIyou vllllfler of tho Administration n benefit. If n man Isludged by the society he keeps, Draw must bf tecesilonlst, Tor ho Is -very thick with tLem on his visits to Yreka, and seems to shun Union men. Tlio secesh Jiero get father hostile about Union men dsubting Colonel Drew i loyally, but then that Is nothing new they feel equally in dignant about calling Jeff. vU disloyal. Yreka Journal. i. ..- Brnator NtuMirit will aeeept our thanks for.aeopyoMho.UensuslReport.EiNulive and o'Lf'iTaluniblc dpcuoiefit. tONTUI la prucura JIH8. WIN8U1WS BOOTH. lNUsvuurrcmumr.NTrmtiM). TUU UM preparation I' I'' pr'Krlpllon of on i.f llio Ut ftaula phjrtlrUni ami nnrtri In tlio Viil lMlSUtM,UKlhA Un uanl tor thirty ytin llli nTf r falllnK Mfflr ta4 uicrfM 1 nilllluiit of nmlli. rtnlclilllrtn,rnmUlU Intuit ofwMWttk ol.l to 111 hlult. II not vntjr rttltrH Dm blU (ruu piln, tal lml(or Im IIi ilomxli unit luwtli, rrricl mIJIIjt, iul sli Uh '! t nrrgjr lu Hi wM i;lm, ltxUI sloiuit IntUalty rilltt Onrioa ix tiii lloniuj, ask Vim Gone. VWII..ll Ik DmI ikl Hum! IUm. In IIm W'uiM. In ill uni cr DYSKNTKUV ami 1IIAII- tlllllUAI.SCIIII.DItKK.wtitllicriCMltxrrvmlMlh- I11K ur frvei any other raiit. full dtiKltorn Car uttui; will immiJiijf wh Imttlt. Nona llmuln l Ilia fKMluilU of Ctlltl'IS k rKllKINd, Nw Vmk it on lb ouUIJ rnnmr. HA-l r U IMIdno Doalcn; l'tliKlil Onkr, U UajrdlrMt.NtwVork. l'uci UM.T ii Cir ria Ilomz. IIKHI.MlTONrO., 418 a4 US I'runt l) 1, Mn I'mncW., ausinO ' A,uli for Otlltituta, iMascsHlo Notice TDK regular communications of Warren I.od l'o. No. 10. P. ami A. M..isekon- vllle. Orecnu. fur A. 1). I Ml. wHl bo held on the following lays,1o-wli: January 20 July IA l-'ubruury ,17 AiiKUit 17 Mnrel 2.1 September 14 April 20 October 12 May ,...1H November...-. t Juno 13 Ducember 0 and regular Bcinl-nimusJ Testlval on Juno 31th; nud llio.reKUlar Annual Festival on McccmiMir CTiii. The hours of uctln avlllbc, from March toBeutemUr.nt71 oVloek; and from Sep- tember lo March, nt ti o'cluck. Tlio oreitiren aro cnrueiiy rcqucsieu in meet early, for work will be commenced nt tun appointed hour. Ilrelhren will do well to save this adver tisement forifitturo reference. AMUCANDKR MAUTIN, W. M. Hkiiman IIi.oom, Bee Jacksonville. Jan. 7, 1SC1. JsnOwl A. C. AliBERTS Is prepared to manufacture to order, nil kluds of Matresses, Tents, Flour and Grain Sacks, And nUo will attend to paper hanging etc. Bewlng machines repaired and put In good running condition. Work of llio nbovu kinds done on tho utoU liberal terms, tor cash, or oilier ready nay. A. O. AUtr.llTS. Jnekruavlllc, April. SO. '03. apl30m3 JLAW NOTICE. rpHK underslgneil has trntuferred all his J. law nud collection business lu Jok1- phlno coutUy, Oregou. to J. Gaston, Kxi.,of Jaevsouvitie, wno win .protucmu iiiuanuiu lo Html settlement, forties having bufl ncrs with mo will please cnmtnuuleala with Mr. Gallon. It. U. MOUFOUD. March 3d. 1861. ma5w3 MAIL CONTRACT. I Have made up my mind to go north, mA I will therefore dlijviw of H10 Mall Con traot between CreaeeutOUy. CJ and Wal- lo.Oregsn, for the two yuaisfroin July, 1U04 to July, itjus. Apply to II. GA8QUOT, npiaOmZ Waldo.or Cryscunt Oily. Nows-Dcalors and Book-Sollcrs, Bead and Remorabor. .T. STJRATA1AN, Wliolcsnlo News Dealer, Packs aud forwards nil tho Dally and Weekly News paers, Maearlnos, etc., to all parts ot tho country, with Great Dlipjtoli. I GELL"AT""pmCES Tkat Dory Oompotitionl I Rvery New Novel received as soon as published. Ill WE special arrangements with nil tho dlllereut puhlMiem. stationers, etc., nnd furnish thu Trade with Books, Stationery, DIuuk. Hooks, Music, PORTRAITS, PRINTS. MEDALS, Molainotyuos, etc. Moxufi 3"ESoa-r IN OIIKAT ViUlKTV. I havo unenualcd fad' tb s, nnd guarantee dealers the clonal attention. 5Send torn price ll.t.uud glvo uto atrial. JOHN STBATMAN. SAN FUANOISUO. American Hags! Willi full complement of Stars I printed on Muslln.de l.nltic, bnltntlou ot limiting, In Fat Colors at 4ho FOLLOWINO LOW PRIOESi Slr., I fot 1 0 P"f 'I01-'"' Size, 2feet 2 80 per dozen. Slue, S itet 9 UO Pr doxail. BUo, t2 Inches 10 00 per dozeu. AUO FLAGS, Independent Lender.,,., Lcdscr .,,,., 1 .... . I.erlfc'sl'ictorinl Harper's Wuekly Illustrateil News Leslie's ZlcUinK (German) Dcmokrnt a fill Criminal Zlclung 'i Ml Family lllatter i'O Vanity Fair !J to Irish American 3 St) ' Kolenllllo American II JO Wilkes' Spirit or tho Times 3 .Ml " Tablet 3 CU " Country Gentleman .1 A0 ' Weekly 3 M " Mercury., 3 SO ' Herald of Frosress 3 SO " ScottlrU American Journal. 6 00 " Albion..., noo Leo d'llalla (Italian) It) " La CrnnicA (Spanlah) 12 (u Doston Weekly Journal 3 CO " Flag of our Union 3 0 l'llot 3 SO " Wavcrly Uagatlue 3 00 11 Ilanner of Light 3 fill " TruoFlajr 3 fit) " Investigator 3 fiO " Literary Companion 3 A0 Llltell's Llvlua Aim T 00 Fhlladclphla Fomey's War Frees.... 3 SO " Dollar Newspaper 3 00 Saturday Fveniuc l'ost. ... 3 fiO Haltlmoro Weekly Sun 3 SO Louisville Weekly Journal ...,, 3S0 Cincinnati Wt-ukfr Cummercbil 3 00 St. Louis Republican 3 SO Foreign Perludlciils. London llluilrnlcd News with sup plement 314 00 11 Weekly Dlipalch 13 00 " Illustrated News of tho World U 00 Illustrated Times 12 00 Weekly TUes 10 00 Hello' Life 13 00 Alheuaum 12 On " Funch ... 8 1)0 OnconWeek 8 (0 Liverpool Wllmer i Bmlth's Time,. IS 00 Dublin Nation 13 00 Cornhill Magazine C 09 Temple Hor MttKzlno ti 00 St. James Mngazlue t 00 Loudon Lancet 0 00 World of Fashion 00 Cliambers' Journal 4 00 All tho Year Hound. Dickens ti 00 Loudon Art Journal 12 00 lllnckwood's Magazine 4 00 Wcstlmer Quarterly Review 3 00 North llrltt.h " " 3 00 lidlngburg " " 3 00 London ' " 3 00 Tthefour RevlewsAnd DlacMvood . . 13 00 SEt-Sulicrlntlona received for nil tb Sau FranclMO dallies, nt Fublltber's prices. Any Newspaper, Ungnzlno or Review, not inoutfoned lu tin hbove lltt will be furnlaU ed to order. Orders for Uooks, Muilo Fan cy Articles, etc, tilled promptly at tho low est market rati. Subscriptions payable Invariably lu odvaoec. Addreii, J.STRATMAN, my21tf News Agent, 8an Francisco. NOTIOK. Notice Is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that O Jacobs is my agent In Jackton county, for tho transaction of all my business during niy absence. Any person wlthlng to pur chase my real oslate Is referred to him. 8, . WAFT. March 11,1864 uai;t( , BUNTING Of nil sizes, Irom sixty cents to ouo dollar per toot, UNION BABGES"AND PINS, In Until Variety. J. 8TRATTON. Major First California Artillery. Empire News Depot, northeast corner of Washington adSauiomo streets, San Fran AUailNISTIlATOll'8 NO. J. TlfJJi.Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appolnttd by the County Courf of Douglas eounty, Oregon, odrauilstrator of the estate of U late Maklnz. J'acfcnrd, decaased, of Ui county aud State aforesaid. AH persons having claims against said estate are re quested to exhibit them within six months ironi ui uuw, wim men pvi! , .--, to said administrator, living near Canyon villa, Douglas county, Oregon. ROlltiUT TUIMBU5, Administrator. Swtwrg, Jan. , IHL jairf'wi 1 1 . -s i . i i.'. ' . i t i I tJHL fc ' ,i i 1 ai XL - '