Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 18, 1864, Image 2

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    WTOP!!(ni..'X-. '
"ToTiiBKriicAor Axnn:nAsr..oroKYncii
U.1111.V. a JnvKnxMKXT rnn tub wiioi.k ih
l.nnrxs nt.K." W'athingten.
.. i
Tiik Issue Tlio National Union Com
mittee have laid down tho following dis
tinct platform as tlio Issue of tlic forllicom
log Presidential contest :
.vatiox.il I'Niow nwEvnox mmn.
Abraham Lincoln.
For Presidential Elector,
if AS. P. d AKLEV, or Douglas county.
It. N. GKOUOE. of Linn county.
tIKOUMK I WOODS, or Wasco county
Infamous, but not C'nudid,
LUwler'l'ihelicad or "OTndfdbat Ink-
lug wc ore opposed lo tlio Constitution ns
il Is, and tlio Union as It was, mid nks us
to bo candid cnuogh to tell lilm what Con
stitution we nro in favor of when we pro
claim our devotion to the Constitution.
We are In favor or n Irco Constitution, one
that will not rccogutr.a shivery In any res
ect. Tlio present Constitution is nil we
dttlre, with tills exception. Hut permit
us to ask, now, What kind of a Constitu
tion yon ore In favor of, when in your
Stutc Platform you proclaim your devo
tion to tlio Crittenden CompromlruT You
.ennnnt be ignorant of tlio Tact that the
Crittenden Compromise proposes several
(Iterations In the Constitution ol 1787 T
What then nro Iheso changes proposed by
tlio compromise, which you hold up to the
iienple us the panacea or ull tlio national
troubles f Nothing more nor less than lo
make tlio present Constitution moro pro
slavery titan oven nothing elso than lo
chain the nation to tlio disgraceful, degrad
ing institution which makes merchandise
uf the bodies or men who arc as much co
titled to freedom as yourself. This U the
Constitution you would have the peoplo
adopt. Wo opposo It, nod you say that our
course, though caudid, is infamous. We
cannot say as much for you. You would
niter tlio Constitution by the Crittenden
Compromise, and although tho mere alter
ing of tlio document would not be Infamy,
yet making the Constitution mora pro-
shivery would bo the lowest infamy. The
diffrrcaca between us Is, that we nro In fa'
vor of o noble, freo Constitution, ooo worthy
of tho American people, while you arc lo
favor of an Infamous, pro slavery Gonstltu
tloo, one that would bo a disgrace to the
American Dame and nation. More than
this, you are not consistent because you
continually proclaim for "the Constitution
as it Is, and the Union as It mas," while at
the came time you advocate tbo compro
mise which. proposes lo alter the old docu
ment. We cannot say, therefore, that you
are either candid or consistent, while we
can freely say that the proposition to alter
the Coostltatloo by tho Crittenden Com
' promise, advocated by the Ilmtw, U both
monstrous and infamous.
KxrunitW Movimo. The expedition
from Fort Klomsth Is now on the road to
O.wyhec. A large 'numbers nr citizens,
prospectors ood ojdwrs, from this Valley,
Yrekn, and other"placcs, bavo accompa
nied It. ' '
Tho Railroad Question
From articles In the Sknyinm., Wo learn
thul Charles Harry, Esq.. Is about commenc
ing an expedition for tho purprwo of com
pleting a survey of the Murysvlllo and Co-
lumuia nvtxraurw"! rumc. " u-
ilitble enterprise, and one which wo hope
will lend at hast to n dlsmikslon of the
practicability of the scheme.
It seems that two routs nro now being
discussed, by which It is proposed to bring
our Statu Into u connection with other por
ting i,r iho world. One nlan Is to leave
the main trunk of tho Pacific railroad nt
Sail Iiko Oily, and termlnato near the
hind of navigation on tho Columbia. Tlio
other proportion Is to mako n continua
tion of tlic t'nciiic ronu uirougii murine
California and Oregon to terminate ntsomo
accessible point on tlio Columbia. rcrsons
tuku sides on this question nbnut as their
personal nr srctlntml Interests dictate.
We Ihlnk good run-ons can bo given
nhv llitf latter tirtmoscd route should be
preform), nt least by thu Inhabitants of the
Wlllamclto valley ana Bouincrn urcgon
The route would give us tho benefit of
the transcontinental IrncK, anil at me same
time l:ln,T ns Into immiiliulo railroad con
nection with California. The former route,
while It would ol course benefit tho North
ern nion, would effectually leavo the old
er nettled portion of Oregon out In Iho
coM. Iir enulillne tho iieonle of Suit Iike.
mid even the Wistern Btulcs, to ship sup
piles lo Iho mines Willi ns grciit tasr- ns
those of the Willamette and Umpquu Vul
leys, olid thus rub us of un Important mar
K the aid or tho government could be
oliliilnnl and u movement ret on foot for
building both road, wo should of course
jrhc them tiU? hearty support, believing
that all sections would receive rqunl benefit.
Hut U compelled In choose bulwecn the two
routes alMivo pirnlloncd, looking to whnt
wo consider tho siilwlunllal inlrrest of our
Stute, we should be obliged lo decldo In fa
vor of the latter.
U th't. rcitc should prevail, the northern
terminus would proliuhaly not remain long
nn the Iiwer Columbia. If the northern
mine held out and the country beenme pop
dated, It won Id before many years bo ex
lenilid through the Cascades.
'I ln prwnl Icriuimis snouui uo at some
point nn the Columbia necessiblc to ship
ping, mid ImIow nil sandbars and shoals
that could prevent tho free entrance of Ilia
larcest vessels. It should In lclow nhcro
Iho rhrer Is blocksditl with lee a good pnr
lion of almost fverv winter. Il wruc sutf.
geslol by Mr. Elliott, when making- his
preliminary survey, that St, Helen, or
some other point lower down, would prob
ably be Iho point.
Tho consummation of such n scheme may
bo several years in the In I lire, It Is true, but
It should be tho aim or all those wlio are
Interested lo iih every means by which It
may become, liko thu great Paclllo road, n
uxetl raet. diaitman.
Wc ore glad lo sec tho Stattimnn call
tho attention or its readers to so important
n question. Next to Oregon'a loyalty to
tho Union stands tho question of Oregon s
safely from tho Latin marauders that nro
now threatening the ltepublican communi
ties or tho Pacific. And what so necessa
ry to our safety as u speedy railroad con
rcction with the great, giant forces of the
Atlantic States. It Is trim that years will
boconcunHin tho consummation of this
railroad scheme, but remember that the
more yearn wo defer tho commencement, the
more years wo defer tho end. Wc all remem
ber how mny years the country talked,
aud Congress philosophized and made
speeches', over a l'uelflc Ilallroad, and noth
ing was dooe, except to annually send out
the military cadets with handsome appro
priations to exploro for a route; the results
of which were observations taken with a
pocket barometer, and wonderful pictures
of toads, snakes and Diggers. Tho Gov
ernment engineers, instead of making re
liable reports of tbo country over which
the great highway was to pass, heaped up
obstacles atid magnified tho difficulties, and
never were able to find a better route
through tho Rocky Mountains than tho
ooo Iho emigrant and his ox-team bad fol
lowed for years. And the ridiculous prop
osition, reported by one of these red-tape
men, that the Siskiyou could not be cross
ed by a railroad, sayo by cutting a tunnel
which would cost many millions of dollars
and eight or ten years of time, was knock
ed in the bead last summer by Mr. Pollay,
a practical railroad eogloeer, who with a
level aod transit demonstrated a route
throogh tbo Applegate pass, having a grade
or lesa that) ninety feet to tbo mile, and no
Tho people of California got tired of
red-tape railroads, organized tbeir Central
Poclflo Company, and sent T. 1). Judab, a
practical railroad mat), to , Washington,
with his real surveys, ami in one single ses
sion of Congress bo procured such old as
enabled companies on both sides of the
mountains to commebeo the great work;
and at this last session, Cone res bos
Ei.kotiok Nkws. So fur as heard from,
the Union party has carried every county
in tho Slate, except Jackson, Josephine,
Coos. Columbia and Umatilla) and Nllen-
.I.Mxr'i mnlnrllv will not fill I short of
2,600. In Jackson nnd Josephine conntles
Ihe Union pnrly succeeded In electing a
part of their tickets, including tho election
of Tt. P. Dowcll for District Attorney, by
n mntnrttv nt nnn veto. OVCr T'Voult. Ill
this county we elect Iho Clerk, one Com
missioner, Coroner, School Superintendent
and Assessor j nnd In Josephine tho Union
men bavo elected Thomas Floyd, Sheriff,
nnd U. J. Forbes, School Superintendent.
In this county the Union candidates for
Representatives wcro defeated by a very
small vole Mr. Jacobs by only two votes,
nnd had not Drew removed nil Iho soldiers
from tho county just prior to the election,
nnr whoto ticket, except Sheriff, would
have been elected.
Annuixo With TiiKM.-Our Fort Klanv
nth letter slates thnt when tho soldiers
unanimously petitioned Col. Drew to dfs
mismlfs tho Copperhead Ross, ho (Drew)
undertook In " nrguc " with them. " Ar
gno " with theso soldiers, Indeed I Forco
them lo follow the lend of thls'puthnnding'
shouter for Iho Jeff. Duvls parly I Molli
fy them by compelling them lo follow a
man who rejoices over the defeat of the
cause of the Union 1 A flno thing, Indeed!
If Drew bad bis deserts bo would be sent
to Fort Alenlras to pack sandbags for six
mnntlii. Thnt would doubtless tnke some
of tho Copperhead arguments out or Mm.
Such treatment had a wonderfully good
rfTrct on old Chlpman. It cured htm of
his arguments In short order, and it ought
to be administered to Drew until be be
comes loyal.
doubled that generous bounty, nnd the
great Tactile railroad will hasten to com
pletion. Now, If Oregon wants any ben
rflts or this grout, natluiR eo'nllnentol en
terprise, wo must tnko hold of II as did
California. Jt Is our business, nnd wc
must attend td It; nnd If Iho pcop'o r 0r
egon do not, nobody elo will for them.
Tho continuation of tho rollrond from
California to Oretron. nnd to the deep wulers
of tho Pogct Sound, or the lower Colum
bia, Is, wo think, tho most leolbic pinn.
At leant. It la Ihe only oho that will bene
fit tho peoplo or Southern Oregon nnd the
Wlllamclto Valley. Uollillng n railroad
from Salt Lnkc to the headwaters of the
Columbia, would bof no consequence to
tho nntlon, nnd would Iks literally com
mencing nt nowhere nnd ending nt nowhere.
Transporting Iron up Iho Columbia to
build It, would doubtless mako millionaires
out or everybody who owns a share or tho
Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s stock;
but what Is that to us mudsills T
Raimioaii Sunvxr. IJy recent letters
from Col. ltarry wo lenrn that Iho Railroad
Survey has reached CnrtwrlghtV, on the
other side of tho Caluponla Mountains.
Tho survey was mado through Iho celebra
ted "Applegate Pass" In the Culnpoola,
being n pass discovered by tho Hon. Jcsso
Applegate wllhln Iho lost yenr, nnd being
nearly a lovel valley through the mountain,
and affording beyond doubt incomparably
the best route for the railroad. This dis
covery, which Is lo bo credited to the ener
gy nnd perseverance of Mr. Applegate,
will save, doubtless, not less than one mil
lion dollars In tho construction of n rullrnnd
on this route, over Iho usually traveled
route. So far. the peoplo linvo taken hold
or the matter In earnest, nnd, ns Unelo
Jesso expresses It, tho Stato Is bound to
have a railroad now, before tho people will
rest satisfied. Messrs. Thomas Smith, E.
Young, II. P. 8mllh and E. F. Elo. arc
entitled to especial thanks for the Inlrrest
they have taken In tho matter, nnd for the
substantial aid Ihry bavo rendered tho sur
vevjnt party. Wo sincerely hope II will
not bo manjr years before llyyti!tahu
their families, seat themselves In n sumptu
ous car behind the Iron horse, and tuke a
trip to Portland or San Francisco, nt Iho
rate of thirty miles per hour. Then will
all these Valleys teem with busy, propcr
ous thousands, wliero liiuulreiU tire now
struggling to maka both ends or the year
' .n
Roour Itivsn and John Day Waoox
Road. During tho coming week Mr. Jo.
cobs will address Iho peoplo of tho different
portions of Ihe county at tho times and
places named in a notice in another part ol
this paper, on tho subject of IhorRoguo
River and John Day Wag'on Rnad.Vo
arc informed that there Is bnttwtlvo miles
of this road to flnkji, andviieti that I
dono there wUT'bo ofjp oFtho best wagon
roods In tho country from this valley to
the Northern mines. Thereertnlnly might
to be lire enough lo this Valley to finish
this road. Tho paople of Lnno county
bavo subscribed 830,000 to the McKcnxle
Fork Road, and Rogue River Vulley ought
to be able to raise 82,000 mora to finish
our road. Let every one turn out imd Iwir
wtiat Mr. Jacobs has to ray.
Hunq in Errior, Uy late advices from
Fort Klamath, we learn that the Indigna
tion of Iho soldiers at Colonels Ross anJ
Drew readied such a plult that they actu
ally bung.Rosa in ty. Wo are glsd to
sec these t.r..4,nr ..pw. ...n.g f n i. o..r-i..-ir.rr.
iwmm. .ffpeijtin
Srnvi:i) lint RiatiT. - In another col
umn will bo found a letter from a'privntc
soldier ul Fort Klamath, dutulling the mun
ner In which tho soldiers expressed their
conien.pt lor .mm ft. "oss, j;rcw s coauy gla,0 of QffgM j.
Orkoon ClMCTnAt. MlMTART
The surveying parly on the MlA)
Road sinned on Tuesday last. 7,
pany comnsmi "i Jr. i engra, fior-
ueni I 4ir. viicn, uiimtjur, ami m
l.ugcne vautvai,
Ry an advertisement In the tarns
wo icarn uini anpunnicnui-ni I engn
nbout the 20th or .iune, start what
or thirty five men lo explore the tor
Iho above rond, from tho hacoftk
cades lo Harney Lnkc. Wc rrjoim
these manifestation or a coming
day for Oregon. When the peepfe
their attention to snch public worb
Internal Improvements ns rnilr(4
wngon ronds, we may certainty expect
Id and substantial growth am fa;
ments thrnnghnut the entire Stale,
Tiik CocrrniiKADsron Fumoxt.-
Coppcrbcnds nro endorsing Fremont,,
freely. It seems thai they like V j,
nd name or the Radical Democncv. '
onn i-rancirco iiomror, mo scii-imam
Catliolio organ, Is out strong for Kn
It rays :
This powerful parly, and Its A-S
tlons In favor of tho essential prhol
jiiliuni-iui iiihtcj, cuiinm lull 10 ((1J
powerful cllVct."
The Democratic papers tlirotflooi (
pon ore copying largely from lWA't,J
Fremont's paper In New York. Vjt
not be surprised to soon see Item,!
Fremont and Cochrane hoisted bfei
Cmci'iT Cii'iiT.-ThIs Inctltutlonb
been in session occasionally durlof uV)J
week. There only nbnut a half-dcsu
cases, nnd these ore not worth snruiJ
the lawyers. I lie irrepressible M mtV&
has been removed to JowphliiecoseijJ
wo ran now assure our Josephine
friends that they will not bo wlihcutu
suit for several yrars lo come. II. F.
ell 1is npiminlrd Prosecuting Ato
pro Urn., Mr. unzley failing to ifl
One of tho new cases Is one brought m
tho sentiments of Drew than those express
ed by Ross. Not given to thinking him
self, lie but reflects what Drew tells him.
Hero wo see this Copperhead leaven which
Drew has long been scattering, cropping
out again. Last winter Ross was consid
ered ns good u Union man ns anybody, nud
was even talked of us a suitable person to
receive tho Union nomination for Repre
sentative, nnd now wo see him, under
Drew's manipulation, in Government cm-
missloners for delinquent taxes. TVl
llnqucncy consists In tendering rn'
wblcb the Sluto Treasurer refused toml
Girxs His Frikmis tiik I.iic-OHJ
and tho other Copperhead cdllon4U
the restoration of tho DcmocrohU
Is tho only way of restoring tXi
They oro also lauding Uongrcssmtibfl
of Ohio, as the great rrpresentatinCJ
perlicad. Hero Is what Long save:
" If the Democratic parly were Ion
ploy, nnd hurrahing over tlio ueieaior me po-oay, j navo no luea, and imnni;
Union parly. Men will get the scales off
their eyes nfler awhile.
ItAYincATioN Mkctiku. Tlio Union
men of.JiicksonvllIe held a glorious ratifl-
cntion meeting lust Saturday evening, not
withstanding the rainy, inclement weather,
Tho old " baby-wakcr " was broogbt out
and n dilate of thirty-four guns Gred In
honor of the nominations of Lincoln and
Johnson. At a lato hour Ihe crowd rallied
lo front of Iho Union Hotel, nnd 0. Jacobs,
Esq., was culled oat, nnd made un eloquent
speech. Cheers were proposed and given
with u will, for the Union nominees, the
Army and Nnvy, the Flag, nnd the speaker,
Tbo nomination of Honest Old Abe and
the gn'lant Andy Johnson is balled with
delight by every true Union man. They
are recognised representatives of the crest
cause of tbd peoplo the enuso of right and
justice and tUsjjrwUl be dverwlwtalngly
eieeteu in isovetnber next.
liels me lo declare il, that they cow
More tho Utilon cf thirty-four Blatrs,
liellevc that there ore but two altered
nnd these are. cither an acknowlftlsn
the Independence or the south ssssfc
pendent nation, or their compile isUsj
non ami exiermi nation ns a people; i
or these alternatives, 1 prefer tbefrnafl
Distinol'imikd Aiiiiivaiji.- Mnjom
was In town this week, looking si u
as life and twice us handsome, lie c
on his return to Fort Lapwa1,I.TJ
tcrday morning.
Our old townsman, Mr. P. J. llyss.1
just returned from the Atlantic e'sfl
whither ho lias been sojourning far I
imatyi-or. He looks much impWl
appearance, which Is doubtless cwsfj
Tact that Heaven has blessed bin vitl
partner In bis Joys. We welcome tkcM
Jacksonville, and bnpo that they (
sldtrttbls their "
"J HW .'
for Copperhead officers i
tbrmselves, tbey feel mortified at being
cointyelled lo submit to the leadership of
Secessionists. 'J bey can see, too, easily
enough tbat It wh Drew tbat.removcd the
last man of them from this connly prior to
the election, In order that tbeir vote could
not be polled for the Union county tloket
here. No wonder that they feel justly In
Oorrxotioh. In thu last Issue of the
Scnyinkl, the name of Governor Gibbs
was Incidental' connected with the article
against Drew. Let no one suppose, by
reason of this, tbat there wsj any Intention
to reflect on the Governor for ttie Copper.
beodism of Drew, ss sueb is not tbe case.
Gov. Gibbs Is one of the most faithful and
zealous Union men In Oregon, and has done
all in bis power to eorreet existing evils in
this military department. The 'headless
General In Sao Franclseo U Ibcrwrty to
i representing 'that Judge Williams
Ing thoroughly loyal and me to tlio Union and Governor Gibbs refused to meet the
opposite slue lo discussion In Southern
Oregon. This Is not correct. Gov. Gibbs
met Lone nt Eugcno nnd Roscburg, ood
Fay at Phoenix; and as to the meeting at
tills place, we have yet to learn that any
one desired to have a discussion with either
Gibbs or Williams. At the close of Judge
William's speech here, Mr, Fay got up to
make a mere announcement, as wo under
stood it, and not to make a speech, if be
bad hsoded his announcement to tbe chair
man or tbo meeting, It would bavo been
cheerfully made, but as be undertook to do
It himself, tho audience refused to listen to
WsiiqsjsWwrooijajiderit atateo tbat
UqiUmj:ifnr of being
dirroBriwsjcljSsfothtf, 3ref June, when
tbe efeqtiictlwlU'.teompany
wcwHffifce ideyjftawform the eoatract
lor Sl.OO.owjwr'tp the'Jnereased cost
BffoedVftdbtgbrn" rM
Pay U!
tWeswed about 8500
to printers. There Is far more tVO
long since due the Brntixm. rfl
who know themselves indebted csefcfl
ward and pay up, or will tbey pats
tho Increased expense of going after ti4
Those wbose'subscrlntlons bare swl
plred will confer a great favor bys
tbe advance payment system. It fVM
saving to them and a great accsssssfl
tloo to us.
Attend! Everybody,
0. Jacobs, Esq., will appeal to tt
son ona pocKeu oi tnc citizens w
eounlv. at tho follnwW named tinsel'
J laces, In favor of tbe completion d
togue River Wagon Road. AtlM
At Phenols, on Satnrday, June &m
ai Asmatiu, on Monday, zutn.
At Rock Point. Thursday. 23d.
At Willow Springs. Friday. 2iih-
At Jacksonville, Saturday, -251D.
Speaking will commence at twos'
in l lie eriernoon, at each place,
Phoenix, where 4 comment nt caslj
uie ugni. jij rctiucst of
Maxy Ci