Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 18, 1864, Image 1

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    &w.t'j!yrm.l.st. ,jltn.i in milium hi i .Myiiv'r'yin&J?afa
- J '
VOL. IX. NO. 22.
I,, i) P.JitrlKoiivlllc liUdKO
""" o tllK-IMMrrrilUriiii-rt-
I'll rrMiy -r sin- nri
k III l-ll innultl, ATltl Ml
ilut l f miwIi Ihtmritinff
L l Ihv Mni-nli Hull, lit
Lt v IK tt -hi atfliHlItirMrr lntlfpil
1 1 r." II .''III.IC, ... lit
I it I' li r
,Wir SI Hi H'ory IVnllnirr an-l
linen Lodio No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
nni.ll tln'lr regular conimnnl-
rtiwu the tfilnehy KvciiIiiKon
nt rrtccuiitg me mil moon, in jack-
.r.nx. MANTIS'. W.M.
. O F"
hboMltm-ilr mtnnnlcllonon the
niMlunlny Ittt.of I'.rrry .Month.
Lll rojonrnliu Cm.iilon In Rood
SWJsrvCCnl nnr imimi mi niirmi.
w. ii h. nvjii:. ii. p.
Il.um rVcy ilccBrti
io.acfli. k. r. niwu.
hronsRVS avi i'ounsklohs
IxDSoninoits in ciianckuy,
JifJMITII i.k, Onvuov,
W rn"""" "'" t'nurl Hunt.
KlMofM cmm ttiil lis lh-Ir caro will
wwi"' Hp lfd l. July W. 'fit.
JArKumiMX, Ohkiiov.
71 mcllec In nil tliv Court or llto Third
Jtisl IHttrirt id. Niim-mo Court of Ore-
ftia-Iln Yriiu.lul. War Hcrl protnpl
tnlWliI Oct. IW.
(fur Tir Ii Ilrwl X Un.tun)
frptcial attention ul sen to collection
.mmi so. j pi-.i. in
lly ituinKHt.)
lOIeecith I) F Powell. Ii.
ovkyok h civir. i:ngini:i:h,
Jhkiit('u: Oxkuov,
Ktace nenr tho Hon III end of Oregon
l-tt January, 2, laiil
I'lintngriuiliic Artist,
I rnVMed to take picture In evety stylo
i win Him all ttrn lute improu-nscni.
' Pktcrt ! not alto Mtbfacllon. no
lirre wTt lomadf Call at hi new C!ul-
' 3 Ihr- i II rxain no fain uktures. and
JscVkmivIIIc. Oregon.
I2cttamt Eiprew Saloon tad Ityan,
wr:i .v iv atorc
Ml. O. ,T. GATES
LT.VS Mrnianently located In JnekMii-
LX rill mi otr.-r,, t,. t Irru In nil thnM
nJ arlillei.il iitd Dwnflmr tilli
'WIUi we CoM in !bobvt wanner.
TW8I Kdim worlcln liU lino. lll llud
ti li!r iluntago to gho him a call.
0fflct-OWdortit of Madarao de Itc
r,n'ntttaurant. opIICtf
IftkBaimiiie, for. lTronC t Ftrt.
riLL attend in Ikn T!r-.trln .nrl Vnr.
'J ardln( of nil Ooodn entrusted to
-'-, vim fromttineM ami tfitimica.
ltttne nti Mlictted. HerchandUo ro-
CrcvtnlPli.7 t Mil u..
V ii v(v rtHtii it IOU.J. ta
alVv 8go1,lellvwel until tho freight
-Kcasrejiaiii. u. ig w.
j'WlJU AM) PKOBUOK inlteninox'-
Milnn. f. If I 11.. &
r r.'i' ,ur iBrcimnuia, ni
Tho Church of Itomo tho Deadly En
emy of Slnvcry.
Iran I ho fan Vrcinri-o H(t.
AVe liitvc f uld llutt no llonmn Cntliollc
enn ndlicru to the pro-ilavcry Democratic
party, without hclnp rccrciuit to tho anions
of his faith nml ilelylng the ntmtlinnns of
the Church of Itome. In proof of thin c
quolo lielnw tho Apotollc Iltcrs of n
Hovercin PonlllT, (Inj-ory XVI.IsMirdlu
1839, which trc llml In " Kuropcnn Clvlll
ZAtlnn," n ttanilitnl C'ntlmlic work, by tho
llev. Jiimn Hulntm, a BpnnUh Cnlhollo
priest, wlirxc milhorlly no clrrpynmn of hid
fullli will bo prcpnrnl In dispute. I.H It
Ik) kept In mind tlmt Itoman Vapcr nrc
held to Im Infullllile liy nil of tlmt religion.
Tho ordlnittlnui of (Irc-pnry XVI nru the
ilocltlnen of Hint Church furcvtr; hlnnn
themns itlll Ihnmler upon tho trnck of tho
alnvr r, nml ii)on nil who "preneh or tench"
nnylhln whntfoevcr cnulrory to the com
iimndi which ho then uttered from the
Chair of Saint Peter. Wc will nil Cnlh
ollo citizens to rend nml ponder II wcll.nml
tell us If they can how Ihey mny be tliond.
vncnle of humnn rlnvcry and true Itomnn
Calhlie nlo? This momentous document
Is (InulilleM familiar enouuh to tho clergy:
wo print fur the Information nf the penplt,
nml with thonMiirnnce llutt It Is genuine,
nml tho Impcrhluiblo iKclnnitioii of llto
Uomnu Church :
Amitiillrnt T.rllrr of I'ojw (JrtKorXVI.
'(Iiffiirim ll.''luilnlumiitrtiintmornm
" ltiilnd to tho supremo defireu of tho
upoitolic dignity, and filling, nltlmuyli
not without nny merit on our part, the
place of Jem Christ, the Son of (iod, who
by ll cxccm or Ills charity has deigned to
becomo man, and die for tho redemption of
the world i wo consider tlmt it belongs to
our pastoral solicitude In exert nil our ef
forts to prevent Clirlitulns from engaging
in tho trade In blacks or uuy other men,
whoever they mny be.
" As won as tho light of the Gospel la
gan to spread, I ho unfortunate men who
M into the hard fa to of slavery during llio
numerous wars of tlmt criod, felt their
condition improved; for the apostles, In
spired by tho Spirit of (hx on Ihnnne
hand, taught slave to obey their wrllily
inlvr.nJew8 Christ llltmelf.nnd to bo
resigned from tho bottom of their heart to
tho will of God; but, on the other, they
commanded masters to behavo ucll in their
slaves, to grant them wlint nno just nml
e(nltat)le, and not to treat lliemwilli nnger,
knowing that the Lord nf bold U in hea
ven, and that with II itn there U uo diiliuc
tlon of persons.
"Tho 'nw ol tho Gnpcl Imving very
soon anlversally nnd fundamentally ordained
sincere charity towanls all. nml tho Lord
Jesus having declared that He would regard
os" done- or refused to Himelf nil tho nets
of bcnhice.ve and mercy done or refuted to '
tho poor nod little ones it naturally fol
lowed that Christians not only rcgnrded
their slaves as brethren, above all when
they were more Inclined to ghe liberty to
IhoM who rendered themselves worlhy of
It. This usually took pluco particularly
on the solemn feasts of Karier.us St. Greg
ory of Nyssa relates. Tlicro were ven
found some who, Inflamed with more ardent
charity, tmbratal ttavtry for l!tc redemption
of their brttlnen; nnd an apostollo man,
our predecessor, Popo Gregory I, of sacred
memory, attests that ho hud known a great
many who performed this work of mercy.
Wherefore tho darkness of I'ogan super
stition being entirely dissipated In the pro
gress of time, and tho maimers of the most
bitrUaroua nations being eoflened thanks
to tLo benefit of faith-working charity
thtng advanced so far, that for many cen
turies there have been do slaves among tho
greater part of Christian nations. Yet
(wo ny it with profound sorrow) men have
keen einco found, even among Christians,
wbo,batiiefcilly blinded by the desire of
sordid gat,tiave not hesitated to reduce to
into Uviy, in distant countries, Indians,
Xttgroee, sad other unfortunate raeee; or
to assist la this scandalous crime, by insti
tuting nnd organizing n traffic In these un
fortunate beings, who had been loaded with
clmlin by others. A great number of tho
Itoman l'onlin, our prethcessora of glori
ous memory, hnvo not forgotten to stlgmn
tir.e, throughout the extent of their juris
diction, tho conduct of these men ns Injuri
ous to their salvatlmi, and disgraceful to
tho Christian name for they clearly saw
that It wa9 one of tho causes which tended
most powerfully to make Infidel tintioui con
tinue In their hatred to the true religion.
"Tills was tho object of the npoatollcal
letters of Paul IN, of the 'JOIh or May,
ln.Ti.mldrcfFcd to the Cardinal Archbishop
of Tolrdo, under tho ring of tho Hibernian,
nnd other li-ttcrs, much more copious, of
Urban VIII, ol tho 2'.M of April, 10H0.
nddn-sscd to tho colltctor ul tho rights of
tho Apostolic Chnm'ucr In Portugal let
ter In which tho most revere ccnmircs nrc
cast upon llione who venture to reduce tho
InhnbllnntM of the lt:t or West Indies Into
slavery, buy, sell, give, or escbango them,
separate them from their wive and child
ren, Strip them of their property, take or
send them Into itrnni:u places, or deprlvo
them of their liberty In nny way; to retuln
them hi slavery ; or aid, counsel, succor or
favor llioc whit do there things under nny
color or pretense whatever J or preach or
teach tlmt this Is lawful, and, In fine, co
operate therewith In nny way whatever.
Ileneillct XVI has since confirmed nnd
renewed, these pontifical ordinances before
mentioned, by now npostnllcal letters to tho
lllrhopsof llrnzll and somo other countries,
dated tho 20th of December, 17-11, by
means nf which he calls forth tho rollctude
or the Illshnps fur tho same purpose. A
long time before, another of our more nn
clcnt predecessor, Pius II, whose pontifi
cate saw the empire of tho Portugese ex
tended In Guinea nnd t! country of the
black, mid r wed letters, dated the 7lh of
October, 11 8'.', to tho lllshnp of Ituvo,
who wns rendy to depart for tltaio coun
tries: in tlicro letters lie d:d not confine
himself to giving to this prelate the means
requisite for exercising tho sacred ministry
in those countries with the greatest fruit,
but Iks took nevusion very severely to
blame (lie conduct of ihoto who reduced
the neophyte into slavery; la fine, In our
day, Pius VII, unlimited by tho Mine
spirit of charity nnd religion ns hid preilc
ceuor. zealously InUr posed his good cflivc
with men of authority for tho entire aboli
tion of the slave-trade nmoog Christians.
"TIicto oril Inar.cs, and this solicitudo
or our prcdeccsiora hnvo availed not n lit
tle, with the nld of God, in defending the
Indinns mid other nations who have just
been mentioned, against tha barbarity of
conquest, nnd the cupidity or Christian
merchants; but tho Holy Sec Is far irons
being nblc to hoast of tho complcto suc
cess of its efforts nnd zeal, for, if tho slave
trade lias been partially abolished, It to still
carried on by n great many Cbrlstlaos.
Whercrorc, dealrlng to rcmovo such n
dirgraco from all Cnristlnn countries, after
having maturely considered the matter
with many of our venernblo brethren, tho
Cardinals of tho Ilo'y Itoman Church, as
sembled in Council, following the example
of oar predecessors, by virtue of the apos
tolic office, wo warn nnd admonish In the
Lord nil Christians, of whatever condition
they may bo, nnd enjoin npoii them that
for the faturo, no ono shall venture unjustly
to oppress tbo Indians, Negroes or other
men, whoever they may be; to strip them
or their property or reduce tiiem into serv
itude; or pivo aid or support to those who
commit such excess::, or carry on that in
famous traffic, by which tho blacks, os if
they were not men, but mere Impure oo(
msls, reduced like 'them Into servitude,
without any distinction, contrary to the
laws of justico aud humanity, nro bought,
sold sod devoted to euduro tbo hardest la
bors; nnd on uceountof which dissensions
nro excited and almost coulinual wnraaire
fomented among mallow by the allurements
of gain offered 4o ihote who first carry
away tiie Nrgioec
"Wherefore, by vlrtuo of tho nposlollc
authority, wo condemn nil theso things
nfnresald, ns absolutely unworthy of the
Christian name; nnd by the same authori
ty, we absolutely prohibit nnd Interdict nil
ecclesiastics nnd laymen from venturing to
maintain, that this traffic in blacks Is per
mitted, under nny pretext or color what
ever; or to preach or teach in public or In
private, In any wny whatever, anything,
contrary to tlicso npostnlic letters. And
in order tlmt these letters may como to the
knowledge of nil, nnd Hint no one mny pre
tend ignorance, we ordain nnd decree that
they be published nnd posted up, according
to custom, by one or our officers, on the
doors of the basilica or the Prince or the
Apostles, or the Apostollo Chanccrv, of
the Palace of Justice, ol Monte Cllorio.
nnd nl the Campo ill I-'iorl. Given nt
Home, nt St. Mary Major's, under the real
or the fisherman, thn 3d or November,
1839, the ninth year or our Pontificate.
Lofii.AiintKAi. LAUimusriiiNt."
. Hi
Tlmt Cosily Hug f Flour.
The particulars attending tho rale of n
certain bag of Hour, as given by the Itecse
lllvcr Utuillt or the 21st, nro ro interest
ing nnd amusing that wc transfer them to
our columns, In the belief that the render
will derive as much pleasure from their pc
ruiul as wo did:
"Two ol our men," says that popcr,"
"Mr. It. Grldlcy.or the firm of (IrMley,
Ilobart k Jacobs, as gallant it Copjicr
head as ever lived, nnd Dr. Herrlck, ono of
our county officials, matlo u very amusing
wager; the terms were that should I). K.
Duel, Democrat, lw elected Mayor, Dr.
Derrick should carry a fifty pound sack of
Hour through Main street, frmn the 1st
Wnid, Clllton, to tho Ills Ward, upper
Austin, n dlituncc or n Utile over ono mile
and n quarter, marching to tho tune of
Dixie. Tho reverse was: Should Charles
llnlhrook, Union, bo elected, Mr. Gridley
would carry the Hour from his store in Aus
tin down Mali) street to tho 1st Ward,
marching to the tune ol Old John Drown.'
A procession wus lormed, ex'ortcd by n
band of music, nud proceeded to Clifton
down tho Austin Canyon, where the scene
described below was cuaetcd:
"A stand was erected, upon which the
now distinguished suvk or Hour was placed.
Alter n few preliminary remarks, Mr. It.
0. Oritl ley offered for It two hundred dol
lars, the money to bo given to theSutiltary
l'un.l. Mr. T. U, Wade took the stand ns
nn auctioneer, nnd tho prico of flour went
up to such prices ns it had never before
readied, even In starving times, or (lint the
moM successful sjn'culator over dretuitcd of
getting. Double eagles In solid gold cro
tho only currency that could buy flour nt
that auction stand, l'roni two hundred
the prico soon ran up to two hundred nnd
fifty, .and declared sold. It was tnid n
Union man had bid the amount, but ns he
was rot very prompt in coming forward,
Sir. Gridley offered the niouey, nnd desired
the juuch coveted flour. Mr. J. M. Xoyes,
ns prominent Union man and a success
ful 'candidate for AMerinan, claimed the
rlgltt to pay the niouey. nnd handed out
n imp full of twenties, amidst tho deafen
ing dicers of the assemblage, the flour was
delivered to him nnd Immediately returned
for sale, tbo proceeds to go, as before, to
tliODOblest of purposes, the Soldier's Saul
tary Fund. Tbo auction still went on, nod
the precious flour told again nnd ogam,
until il had sold for many times its sveight
In silver. Mr. Duel, although .defeated ns
a candidate and a heavy loser In wagers,
was determined not to be outdone, ibut ns
his gold had rnn short, offered a certificate
or Indebtedness -of (ho (United States In
dlaa Department, which would bo paid In
greenbacks, calling'for 81,1115. Thlswaa
the most liberal or all bids, but ns gold Is
tha only article recognised -ns mouey, it
was,nat,cwpted. All bidders wore cheer
ed, sod He f rice fell as low as taty dol
lars, Gridley, for Gridley Jacobs t Co.,
gain bid two huodred dollars, eud was a
purchaser. Greedy nnd unxlous now be
came the seekers nftcr thlt valuable flour)
the nuotloneer bcenme eloquent in Its prnie,
nnd although the sufferings of tho soldiers'
IITa were most feeling depleted, the cheers
nnd unbounded hilarity of the nudlenco
evinced there was no reeling of sadness
nmongst tho listeners. When the twenties
In the pockets of Individuals rnn short,
combinations were made the Democrnts
must buy, tho Republicans must buy, the
Odd Fellows bought, then tho Masons
must excel: there was no thought or party.
or rival societies, or or Individual enmities,
but to excel In their contributions to tho
Sanitary Fund.
"Thus the sale weut on, with tho many
combinations to rnle largo amounts the
merchants nttcmptlng to surpass the hotel
keepers, the mills, tho saloons, mining com
panies, town proprietors, each determined
not to be nutdonei what with money, scrip,
stock, town lots, it appeared as If tho
whole property of Austin wns about to bo
swallowed up In the maelstrom ol tho San
Itary Fund. At a late hour In tho evening,
huvlng continued since twelve o'clock, tho
sala was adjourned until today, when it
will ho again started nt ono hundred dol
lars, there bolng several standing bids nt
that sum. At the tlmo or adjournment,
the nmount of cash bids in the ngrrgnto
was 5-1.020, with necepled bids from P. F.
Duel ol ono block ol lots in tho tnnn or
Wntcrtown,nnd a largo number or lots bid
by Jeff. Work. Tin nmount of gold paid
In ns tho bids were mudo, was 83,1P0
stocks, certificates or Indebtedness, and
much other valuable property, worth
many thousands of dollars, wire also offered,
but ns they were not readily convertible
into cash, were not accepted.
"At tho last ncconnt tho highest bid on
the flour was 8 MOO."
Tills same bag of flour has been sold
over oiul over ngaln nt Gold Hill, Virgi
nia City nnd San Francisco, realizing nl
ready nearly fifty thousand dollars; nnd
Mr. Gridley Intends taking It on to tho
Atlantic cities to sell it ngnln, and hopes
to rcnlizo with It nbout half n million dol
lars for tho Sanitary Commission.
Tub Hkst ltounii Tkst or Rh.vrb Onr.
A correspondent sends us the following
communication, which Is deserving or tha
serious attention of all adventurers. It
comes from a gentleman who understands
the autject thoroughly:
It seems that a kind or contagions
mania to hunt silver ore Is raging in wious
parts of the country, and it may be ben
eficial to some of the lafected to know how
to find out, by a ry simple process, whether
any of tlie much coveted metal exists lit
nny given rock or not. Here Is tho best
method: Let the prospector take o phial of
nltrlo acid along, work a small plceo of
tha ore to powder; roast or burn It out at
low heat, to expel any volatllo matter,
such as sulpher, nrsenlc, etc.: boil a ploch
of roasted powder for a few minutes in
about hair a wineglass ol tho acid (any
piece or crockery that is able to stand a
moderate heat will do for this purpose); let
the solution settle nnd cool ; pounit off into
a tumbler or wineglass ; odd some clear
water to it (rain water is preferable); dis
solve somo common salt in water in another
vessel, and ,pour a little of the brlce Into
the former -solution ; now observe vhether
there be any change or color in the samo ;
,lf you see a whito cloud forming tho
thicker the better you may presume that
tha rock contains silver, and you may send
the specimen toKun iFrsncisco for u regu
lar quantitative assay, because, though It
most likely wlll.conUin silver, It is a ques
tion whether it will be cuough to pay. If
tbo liquid remains clear, or does not show
plainly lite characteristic milky cloud,
throw -the stone away, however bright or
vgliltering, unless, or course, it should bo
quartz, and you can see some specks or soft
yellow metal in it. Hundreds of unfortu
nase wlld-goosu chasers would have saved
themselvce a great deal or trouble npd bard
work, besides all the subsequent disappoint
ment, not to mention excuses, if they had
known and applied the above simple test
for silver.