Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 11, 1864, Image 2

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I t"
TlTuffiil SlfiL
ii4JaJJU' WJVJWU".J.. ' '.r
nifn wiiulil immilHitfly m-i in u nipt, ftm!
nwiiir thut no miin ilmuM (lpututltoir
uiinnnpint iimituny with i lie uvi uiuuii
Ff I Itmitltii nAnalku II kin'l ol.. I ...
JIflRMXn, - JEIB-lLilFGIiSnrflMi.lS-wiwi'r DrewV ni,"'iiO. liU
J-l- l.jijl .Jjsau'foh UUihu fUninrfl.piMy. Ji y
aJL "' 'tt a$r..lr.gYl iflfV nmc.fi. cm.
Diew hi I lie prp.-r thut. (he Ihick nf I In.
Oiipperhiiid wnn'il have Ikvii broken, mill
In wi.iilt! Imvi! Imil mi cnurogu fur iIiiscmi
tin i; liul ii Drew win vrmitiil Jn pu mi
mill lux scln-mes, tin C'liplx'rlicitil wan
-f nnilrisliHl.-slrriiglheneil mill emlmldeueil In
his bidding.
The Path IoncrNomlHBtcd for
fl'lio Convention wliloliagwut
. . - . n7 -rr
rlunii, OMoon illif ill.t till., Inn com
.... . m ? . re, n
lutmrs, 8tni prrfi-Pliil no ii
assemblfil. nl
"Totiik rrncvur ami rKRiuicKMjr tic men
iMiHeio.-st.ni.K.1' tl'iMfnyfon.
Tim Isuk. Tlie National Union Com
mittee have laid down tlie following ilif
tinct platform m Iho l.ne of the forthcom
ing' President la I contest t
Moro of Drew's Operations.
("ill. Drew, iliiulillt-r liuving rtcvilid or.
tiers In ndverllse fur In xuppln-,iicfurdiui;
to law, uml heiniM-illieriiifrii ll to mlverlbe
ill ilio Iiilitligtiittr. nr ileieniliiied to keep
lili ciinlrucl mi i nllre seen t In Ilio former
nf llifui' Ilivrr Vnllcy, send the follow.
laif utlve rilsemrnl to tlie Yrt-kn fmoiii 11
Cnpperheud paper pnliliilnil In iiimllirr
Shite, uml having no circulation whatever
In llila county :
fieiit. il propodn1 10 l'iifinh tlie If imp's nt
Purl Kliiimilli Willi In-li Itrvriliirini! tlie
iifXl IIhciiI jvur, inilinif Jinn IlOlh, IBliA,
will Ik? nti'ittil liy tlie nmlfrniciHil until
IU o'clock n . .Innr 'Jllili, IHftl.
The iHrf to Id' of n poml ID.irkclnblr
nnnllir. In nuul iiroiorllnii nf fure timl
liiiul ipiiirii'r. nirk. 111111111111 inn) kiilni'v,
ImMiiw 10 Ih- rxuml'il uml liniKl trlmtmil
ilnwn To In' ili-lnvml in muli ipiunlliii'ii
in nmy Ih from tune in I inn- miinriil. nml
Oil WICll llrtTD UK fllllll 1)0 (IrtlUUllll-ll llV lllr
.i...- . ir. "
Abraham Lincoln.
For Prcsldontial Electors,
.T.VS.,P OA'.LKY.or Douglm county.
JI.,N. OKOItUK.or Llun county.
UKOUOB L. WOODS, of Wuco county
The DcffUt Hud thu Cuiiho
Tlie Union party In Juckfon county linf
been dii'.'lucvrully dcfraiii), uml tlie mult
U n i)isruce to Iliu county. There Is 110
iiie'in lrnJtitinjr In liny anathemas upon
the (Vfeatrtl candlJutes.
Out we will inquire into the cioto of
thu deleut, and expose the guilty partlc in
Iist 8-ptcmber, In Salem, (lor, OHM
wal Jotd Uml, If Colonel Drew wjt &
milled to retain the command at the mili
tary imBouthcrn Oregon, 'with Ilio oni-r
of disbursing ilio public money us he raw
proper, that the Copperhead would carry
thU June election In Juck.on counly. Col.
Drew has relnlucd command ercr aince;
hat dliosed of the Onrernment fund as
it suited hlmtelf, by letting contracts prl--vatoly,
and the Copperhead! have canitil
the election In Jackson counly. We were
not alone in this little prediction. Others
mw H alio, end done all they could to pro
cure Drew's removal, or an order requiring
Jilm to di.burM tlie publia fundu according
lo law. OhlcT among those who labored,
'with an honut and patriotic purpose, to
sure Jaekson county from llw Copper
Iheadi, by procuring Drew'a remnral. dr un
Vjrder requiring him to let his contracts
according to luw, was Amos E. Rogers;
und Tor 'doing this Mr. Itogrra I1.3 Ikii
lilacVguarikd, howled, hooted, hissed and
yelled after, as was never any man before.
?iy this pack whom Jrew had bought np
with his private contracts. Not only
"Copperhead, Secessionists and Traitors,
3mt men profetning to be Union men joined
'bands with the first named set, and all set
tip a how, that might hare, made the moon
pate." iflloit Rogers, Tolmao, Hanly, the
Ap.ftes and Usslon, because, fonoolli,
1hey too would not throw up their hats lor
Charley Prew, whenever he privately
handed q fat contract to a Copper head.
They' now have the proad satWactioo of
having consistently op'xwtd Drew (a bis
purpose of cbsng.lrig Jackson county from
Unionism (0 SecesslonUm. They plainly
told Union men here aad letsewbere that
that was Drew's Intention, and that he was
using (be entire Government .patronage
under his control, and his,qOicuiJnilusiee,
to break up the Unloo party and buijd np
the Seosssioa J)moratia party, anil the
result has verified the truth of their state
ments. '
Jlut how were these iseo.iswt, when en
deavoring o organise abe '.Union party
ogatast Drew'? TkW"pfctadd Uoloa
onminiinilinff hiiiot.
Piiymnil Id Im mule mnnthly fur llif
(imnllty uf bfl ikti'iiImI, nr iiihiu nflcr
ui fiiiiili rrniy be rro'ivnl lr IIhiI puriHh.
Prnp(Miilntii iMillrifiiMl'ln L-i-iil. I) 0.
UmlrrwiMNl. A. 0 S.. Port ICIhiiihiIi, via
Jucksonvll'r, Un-unn.
I), C. Uniikiiwixh),
tut Lieut. On. 0. Id C'4v 0. V.. A.O.S.
Oiinip IUker, Oroiin...Miiy I'C. IBfi-t.
How do ymi likr llint. former nf Uhmii'
Hirer Viilleyt Hhv'iii unt nnr Uef to
tell tit nil? Drew Ima In en In the 0p-
perhemls of Cutlforniu In pel llirin in fur
nlfh Port Kluiiialh' "via Jiuknniivllle?''
Where Is the Imdsleil nurUt nt Port
Kliimulh llmt tlietv Drewlies huu been
stuffing you willi Drew dun'l want your
beef; wouldn't hnve il nt uuy pricv. I low
will ymi feel to see the Siskiyou Cnpier
heads driving their stock lo Port Khiniuih
" via Jadtonvillt," and returning with the
grveubjvhs T
To show yon how loyal officer advcrli'e
for beef, we make un cxtruet (rum un ud
vrrlltCjUicnt in lUv Daily Oirgomuu;
t' Didders and I heir diiiellm will not only
berr(piirtd to lukii the O.illi uf AlleuUiice
lo I lie Unlletl nlales, liul will ultn liuve lo
render oatiiCictory proof thut iLflr run
duct has been llridlu loyul during this re-
Ullion. ai no bid fmin any m-rum of
1 doullful ' Inynlly will be enlerlmiied.
"The Contract will be ubjcl to the
approval of the .Department Cnmiuuiider.
" 1'rnprvals lo be nildreMied In the un
derslnneil. and endorsed llun: Proposals
lor Supply of Freli Deef.'
" llHlilrrs are invited to be present at
the opening of the bids.
W. I). HoorKB.
" dipt. 0. 8. U. ,S. Vols.
, Vancouver Depot, W. T.. Muy '27, '."
If Drew don't wunt to patroniza the
Copperhead', why did he not send his od
vertisemepl to the Yreka Journal, u Union
paper W lurge circulation lu tiUiiiyou
county and Northero California 7
It wont do, professing Union men. You
can't hold Drew up much longer.
We publish this morning tlie Presiden
tial ticket for the next canvass. We con
givp it but a bare notice this week. It is
the ticket of freemen for freemen, embody
ingiond commanding all the support of all
the'patriotic, true men in the nation; a
ticket which has for lis object and end the
true glory and prosnerty of the whole Unl
ted Stales.
Doth candidates commenced the world
poor boys, and have fought their way Inch
by Inch to the highest honors within the
gift pf their countrymen. They command
the .support of the people by sympathy
llolb ore well known throughout the na
tion. Andy Johnson was originally a Hreck
bridge man, but " among the first to
raise bis voles against the treason of Se
eesiuon, and be has probably contributed
as much as any one man to the overthrow
of this treasonable heresy, He Is now pre
cisely twllbLineotn on tho slavery question.
Sr.Birr,.tbe Illiterate editor of the Marys
vllle Exprtu. got safely home past Alcatraz.
Again tb'eJftrprrts' spelling aud grammar
arc wyeeesjtrlc.-'.Ffag. f
rSintry the iniines oMnhird?Ffeniiinfir,
MiMiiiirt, fur Prciiti'iit, nml Jnhn (Jnc)i'
run-, nf NVw York, for Vice-Prrtidrni nf
tlie Uiiiled Slnlm.
The Convenlinn wbtrli did nil till', wn
'liven' d ill the cull ul fnrlj.flve Individuals,
Iwelvi' nf whom were from (jicS'iile ii.New
Y rk. (Ive fruit! Pennsylvnnln. reven from
ti.nurl Ihrce frnm .Miinchiii'tl, Iwn
trnm Ohio, six frnm Miilne. one from Win
tiiinin, llirei' friiin IlliimK nm frnm Inwn,
m frnm MImImIppLiim1 frnm NewIerry.
mi" Inmi the District of (InlnniMn. mid Iwn
nneluill'i). The elrcnlnr winch lhec men
s'sneil fur the cull ufu (Jniivnillnn, sets
fnrlh I lin I thee do ll "on their nwn renn-
ullilllly,'! nml tliulllie llun1 his rnme fur
nil ilidepriuletlt imil, JiilniMifllii'irlilN,rlirS
nml or tiu notional greuiner), to confer
tnuetiier mid unite tn n-xi'l tie swelling
invii.lnn of on npen, sluinielefn nml tlnrrst'
nilnril pnlroiiHite which llirmlrns Inenunlf
under lis ih-rirnetlvu wuve ihe rliihis nf ihe
jiMipIc tho HU'rly and dignity of the na
They hnve thus placed lliemfc'lveii nul'lili
Ihe pule (if ihe Union nrtfiiiiizjliun. and by
the ue nf arguments such as belnng to
cnpperliemN mid Iridium, invoked the
iple to rully uruuud their bogus raniti
dines. There Is hnrdly miller In this nlTalr In
ilwrve serious nutlet),; und yet 11 few fc
tinnlslii, al ulmiMt iiny iIiik1, urenble In ill
lurli llm ueiieml hurmniiy (if well-iii1Jiifel
mid mnoihty working system. Tin vnuliy
nClliU mull Fiemnul is Inversy In hi liniliw
lie ii un adventurer who wax llrsl hru
into milieu by lite luliuenee nl his Intln-r-
inlaw, Turn lleulon, nun fsme stolen frnm
Kit Carsnn, the clehrnled uiiiiinliiin gmilf.
uml ever since been u tlmril in the siilenl
the Ouermnent. On several neeanlnus Ih
bus Ix-en enlni'lid willi piihlio piwitlon
which he hud lint the nbility in (111 ; liul.
having u free luiiiilliug of OnwriniHiii
money, he nunngd In gillier nriiund him
men nl bmki-n dnwu Inrlnn-s uml ilimnluv
Imblls, whn, by umeiiillliiig rl.ininr uml
cmiciirrrncu of ucliini, tuuimgul tn brie.'
Into existence thut pitiable hudr calletl ihe
Olvveland 0iiivrnllou, which hui given
him n presidential noiniiialnni.
We luvi! Iiereinruruilnecitil uttriitlmi lu
Ihe fact llmt I'remout vus in the timrkel.
bidding fur such u iiruiinulliin. und thut lie
wnuiii accept ll Imui wimtevvr party
teiidcied it. The cnpiierhruils at one line
had n half-formed notion nf tuklnghim up ;
Imt "fier cnnvJMlng the mlseruhle egotist')
chiims, and pilslni; Ids repiilulinn, they
found sn little merit in either, thai tlioy
pawd him cnnlemplunusly by, and trans
ferrrd their admiratinn In his twin brother
in political charlatanry, the gruve Digger
of the Cliickuhominy.
Knlhlng further ran result frnm this
nomination than lo force Fremont Into ll
ranks ol the traitors, where he belongs.
He Is finw completely unmasked, and will
no longer have il in his power to decrivtt
loyal men. It win neveseury to find some
plea of jiHificution, before his name could
bo presented to the cnunlry, withlheen-
ilorsvnicnt of Unionism, and the risolutlons
adopted by thu Convention, In purl preform
thut office, while in uiole they plscu them
selves in opposition to the present Admin
Utrullun, and invite open opposition to Ihe
modes Ihe Oovernuieut bus adopted for the
suppression of the rebellion
Dut all will not do. Tl.o contemptible
trickster and his over-sealous friends will
find that revolutions do not go backwards ;
that it will require a mightier power than
they possess to re shapo or stay the course
of pubic aflairs, Their declaration that
"the rebellion has destroyed slavery," is well
known to tho people; aud it is also known
iou slavery was destroyed an incident In
events, and a fact in history, which un
fortunately far them and their candidate,
deprives him of all opportunities for the
popularity necessary to carry him into the
Presidential chair. Slavery is destroyed.
President Lincoln was its prime execution
er; on J notwithstanding the threatening at
titude bssumed towards his Administration
by such feeble minnows, he will stilt con-
continue to maintain position as a Triton,
and exercise the powers with whleb the
people have Invested him, as 'becomes bis
nwn sportless reputation, and for the future
preservation of the Qorerooieat 'Sgainst
which such mlsprnble whipsters as Pemont
unci hi rrrlnds are. so flpt.pt finding fault.
.?. P. Flnrr. T'
-A-M- t. :
11 "".j : ...in . 1. .. 1 it '
' I'nnnTii iw .rui.Y.t-.'-.ii iiai-m lu uo nnne
nqjhp Knurtli nf July T" Is b query begio,
nL' to he inme nrWime m nur onsen,
who still have some recollection nf n lime
ln'n ihe nullnn' blrthduy was celfbnitrd,
ns n muttrr nf ennrsc. We wnnld uk,dn
the penpl'1 nf Jiick'on cnuii'y iiitend In crl
rhrntp Ihe day nf nil day In Ihe lovers nf
freedom ihrniighnnl Ihe world? The 'day
nn which Ihe Onrfliiin knot of despotism
wn rut In twnlii; I lie day no which n new
nullnn wn born In the W stern hemis
phere, llmt has biT n n Ix-ncon ir hnpo und
irnmle lo he oppressed nnd exiled of all
milium, nnd girdled the rnrlh with it
fiiine. Wc hone then I not a man who
will rny no. I't ll nnl be suiil 'that the
sneers of the Demncrntlo irty in this
county iitprpsrr1 11m- memory nf thu most
glorioti day In American history.
Xl'hdkr nr Rkiiki. Pni'ONKiis OAr-runru
Iiuiiikotiik War The report nl the Com
miiiry Oenerul nf prisoners, neenmpnnylng
tlie Hi-crclary nf tt ur's report, bus Just Ijecn
pulillshrd. It shuw thut the number of
rebel officers and men captured by 11 since
Iho beuiunlng uf the wnr, is I lieutenant
cenernl, 6 major general. 2 brlgudier
cvneml. IfiC rolonel. HC lleulennnt
colonels. 24 1 m ijors, 2497 cuplaln. fiBII
ll'iiiennnl. ICiCt nou commissioned nffi
errs. 121.100 privities. 11 nil fiBOO clllfil.
Of lliese we have mi Inind nt the date nf the
report, 29 223 officer nnd men, among
whom weru one major general und seven
Tliere have'lMTn 121 937 reliefs cxchiin
treil, figulnst Htl.BGG Union men retorneil
The exeliungeit of ofllcer un both sides are
cnmpuird ai their exchumreublo value In
privities. Since the dale of the above re
port there hnve been In thun one thonsund
exchange, nnd ery few rupliircN nn either
side. The fluures lire ciin-iiuenllraniiruxl-
niiitrly enrrert. No slnlenn-nt bus tKrn
fiiriiMii-d In our government oftlio number
nf prisoners held by im r'l'l".
7WyGUiy rAsde lk.t tk,,.
1 S.' riKiMU y'"1, ce!,Md. ,n P-M-U
w iiunriFn sii .liutiinMi iiiiiisf in.. ..
Myhl ..filhe.UncksrHullle l-uUl.l3.7ri
nayy.nnd nnysjinrifiursliip llitnu,w!
iii-ntiinun- cvisiiii neiwi-vii ll.l hfrt,,L
solved. The liiiliililu-s lucimil in du
lug Ihe Oucnov ftkxTisKi. Irntn Ike Jul
or March. Itflit lu iho 7lh d tof 1?
IUl!l ..III I ..l.l I . . '."".
10.11, nm iv niiiiii nun mui liy J.CiA,
u agent for Hid mid ciiranuiiv.ii.i.itj1
nr'llitliillileslliciirnd by the said tfuj
hiicu prior or uii-t(piini to id dTI
inu.t I. ki-iiI.-.! In. ll... .....il. 1. 1
....... ... .-v.-.i.. ... .nu ....ii. iinraMiLt .
.....I .1 !.... in'., ... .
i:uillinuiiiK llll-lll. nil Ill-Ill UUt Ibflh
printing uaicu must be inlil in Mr GmJ
t 1 nn 11 it..r7fl
nuuu itAu.lB.
. . .. J.tSAMOS.
jarKonviiie. Juno 7, IbM.
Vullor Milling nnd lrrlpii,
btatk ok om:mv
vren-w . 1 1 . ...I
"' ini ni-rriiy Kiten HmliDkfdB
or the oIkivo Cnmpniiy will Iw btldtllhl
ortlce- enterprise Quurts alill on XriM
hut i.iiii uny in j inn-, ni 2 n cluck r s ll
Iliu election of Trunlce fur lh m.',.J
a. A. Ilr;u.XEIi,B';
June Pin,
Will be glvrn at the
U.S. Hotel, Jacksonville
On the
Errnliig of July 4th, 1804
The undersicneil luiemlt clfinf Until
Aiiniversnry Hull on the eveuinr ofJavl
4th, pi bis lintel in Juekxmvillr, Is sici
he cnnllully luviti-s Die public frsfrsllr.
1 itncis i'itv I'linnrp.
I.0UI3 110UKF-
Jnck'onvlllw. June II, IKfit
Davk Hukm. lately mide 11 trip In Ihe
hfiiiUnii-r nf Iliu Cnlormlo. uml on Ihe
lrp wore n pair nf hIhx.ii. Tlnste shoes
were put up 11 L nuctinn it few day ago, nt
Austin, uml so'd und resold In aid of the
sell-Mil fund. Theiirnceedsanmnnledtonne
hundred nnd six dollars und five cents
Miuyiville Ajiptnl
We ihink if tho Democracy would put
up, nl public vendue, T'Vn nil's old boots,
hi winch lie iHumied Juclmon and Jose
phine cimnlim, Ihey might realise a hand
some sum fur Ihe benefit nf the "Pacific
llepnblic" For be it was who made Ihe
first bid for an homiruble position in suld
lb public.
A neglretrd coai-ccltl
an Irrl taint or suvt tsrl
If nllowrd lo prnxmi.s-1
mils lu serluus imlsHatn,!
limucuml ami aula
diseases. nfUnllraftUtrl
iililit, Drovrn's Ilia
Tmebes rmeli rfintftil
atri-oted pi.rl. an! rJiikl
iiiofI InnniilmlurtlM.
fur bruiicliltli, ttimM
catarrh, aud consumptive coughs, tHtTn-l
die uru ii'i-liil. I'ulilio Fiu-ukersssilEiirl
i-nt hould have thu Jmclii- lu clear s
DRnniiKR. Henry Waid Heecher must
be n very dangerous inun tn uttuck, thinks
nn exeliNiii:e, Here is a docrimino of his
iireparutions for jr. as mi forth by one nf
ii s iersonul ailinlieni :"lle la on iniellectuul
rlilnoceins, whose terrible born and snout
make ihe ronimnii cattle stand aroundan
irunclud doclur of divinity, with a ram ul
bulb mis nnd guns pointing every way,
charged with Greek firel"
Foi'btu or Ji.t. The Sun Franciscans
propove to hue u grand Fourth of July cele
bration thts year one that will excel all
others that have preceded it on this coast.
The Uourd of Supervisors has appropriated
83,000 rur fireworks. Bet.
A man way be ever so oor, he may be
ever so unfortunate, but he need never be
hard up fur caudles so loog us he makes
light of Ida sufferings,
Rktubmid. Audy Davison, the old-
time "starving correspondent" of the Sen
tinxi., has returned to his home here, from
Auburn, ile looks hearty ,and handsome
as ever, and does not look like as if he bad
ever suffered for want of substantial grub.
Ho ha9 prospered In the Auburn country,
speaks Very fuvorably of lis gold pud silver
mines, and intends .returning there in a
short time.
Sous JSxtknsiok. There has recently
been elgbty.lwo miles of quarts claims re
corded iu the Ellenburg, Curry county, Re '
corder's office, comprising copper, silver
and quicksilver claims.
Rktuonkp. 'Dr. Amen has retnrned
from tbe Reese River country, well con
vinced that Jackson county Is a much bet.
ter place to live than Silver Land. He
gives rather a poor recommendation, to.'Lcj
una qt tsnu ami sage brush,
streni:lli-u the voice. Military ofijem til
nnd soldiers, who overtax ihe voice smtvl
fxpoHil lasuilui'ii cuuiigus,tho.Minvlflva
Olitiiln milv iliu Lfi-iiulnu.
llrtm iiV llruucliiiil Troche, kitlo-ml
tliHr efflcacy iy n lesior tnniv jtiMt.sni
highly recnmnicuilitl nnu pn-Kriixubrui
slcluns uml Mirgi-ous in I lie army, sua stj
nculvcU tuslliuoululs iroui usny cmtasi
Suld by ull JlruggUtsnnd Pesters la H
icinu in toe uiiiuu amies unu n iw
cnuntrle nl ti rt. i.r box. iullsl
XTOI'IOK. 'Hie final settlement of tU
IN estule ol Jiuki'II UlM, deceased,'!
bemude July oih, lRC-t.
Uy order nr J. 0. Tnlmitn. Cminly Jtsji
rjiilll WM. HOFFMAN. tint
Jacksonvlllu, Jacksnii county. Jusci.h
family ring mmi
For further particulars, call Btji
Btora. ana see lists Maennte iu epeiw
Uachlues uu baud, lor nle.
Jacksonvllle. June 4th. 1B04. .
Notice to Holders of County fo
County uf Jucksun. I
PKIISONS holding the followl"
nnlen nru lierubv notlfled to prssW
same for payment:
T. rn.. .-J --. 1ft lfttl!
flA ..! TOR nu.-nlf. l.lltf M. lKW!
I mv H4IU I..W, HEruiiM.u m.j -"", irt
inn ....... '1 u... nil. Ifiill; K4.lr4
11B.H0, 120, 121. 122, 123 and 1,
svilted bepl. 1ZIU, 18lil Xo. iu-
M wm
uet.zi. moi: ko. iar, preui y"-v
1801; No. 8. presented Nov. 6th. 1W
B nriHU-ntnt Knir. Olh. 1861: NoS. Mh i
102, 103. 104, 10S, J0, 1ST, 198 "JI
presented Dec. 7lh. 1801; Nos. 67 sl ej
iivov-mi-a.iiii w,M, " . a BH
403, 464, 403, 400, '4C7, 468 and
Killed April 30th. J82t N '-fj !
presented May 16lb,-1862, Nov-,"
presented May 30th, 18C2. utM
No Interesi will be allowed on tsw
ders afler this dale. ,,v
K.8. MORGANf0o.Trf
Per E. F. Rcssku.. Deputy.
Jttcksouvllle. May 14. 'fit. .
Settle Up.
ALL those knowing thcrowic '"
to the firm of Fisber ft Bro-
chandlse, bought at the ru-"T.
aro reiiucs,t,ea to e)l at the "W? t"jiB
sonviue, ana seine up W' "z H
1864. or.lhoir uotes aud accoun "Tl,
placed In tbe bands of tho proper .
collection. FJ3Ui:B--
Jaclo,nvlllr,!May7;,iev. -."
.-r r y 'mm.' t jtgagr " jMArfaffiacyjs3Vaasss
-f ,jTr--&-"iii7rtr-- l, ..I-1 ixrr .-imt.wMttm. . - ium. . wtKBmSMPUr JM
-jt """ . . .' . . sR . ,.,,Mat,I,aMljaMtiaajisMlWessiiiiiMSta JsBixixixixixixi