Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 11, 1864, Image 1

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iriv ;?OTlnillf
' 1nit"t.asJv.V- r 1 ill!
.1. .'I
VOL. IX. NO. 21.
I i
. I
, JnokMimllle Lodge
iu. in inw ii4 fiti larmevt
Inji on Ktl'hjr of iim first
wrrk In wvh inmilti. and on
tUlunlty iTs4rli lnttrtnlnc
Wrck,U Ul UMOtUO nan, l
Ilrotlifpi In tml stan-Uitrar Invito
Q 1.0.11. ItORKIS. N. O.
. n ftr'j
Ju. l hullo. tlcnrr Ifcntlwr knd
ilodto No, 10. A. F. & A. M.
HOLD their regular communt
slinnf llti U'nlnrsilny Evenings nn
1 jiff-iUnl Il' full miHiii. In Jacs
i, iraftn
Ilium V .
m;onci!A1ti:u no...,
nto'iw oiicaox.
LiMIUreciilitrtMiinniiiiilcaliiiit'Otl (lie
hi 4lon1V V.v . iif Tt -r- t tmil h.
(Hciraln ' f 'iiiiitmiilmis In good
itrttiiplia!'r.liivltiiit(t iitli-tul.
W. II H. I1YDK. II. I.
hiriii.rVc'y decB:17
tiwu. k r iiumki.Im
A.T" Xjy.V7V,
iCMicixvn.i.K. Onhonx.
PmmII ilia C'nHit Hants.
committed lu I ti'-l r care will
-alleniM In. July 29. 'M.
Ktiw In nil tlio Courtu of the Thlnl
J IKtlriet, tlie Hutiremo Court of Ore-
w l rcka, im. v, ar tcrip prompt-
r'nl. Del. m.
untmt to IWI A OmIoo)
1 attention given to collectlou
June 10, 1RK.X 40
(Dt apnoUlmt nt.
LI1 A. F. Powell, Kq.
Jicxii.yiuj: Ouron,
i eear tbe Bod In end of Oregon
January. 1, IHCt
phetoEnipklc Artist,
l to take pictures In every imt1
ut,llkilt thu late Improvements.
oo not give sall'tartlon. no
be made. Call at lilt new Gal
Ml. examine lili tileturta. and
'dwnTllkj. Oregon.
w Kiprim Saloon anil Ryan,
win k ia),-i oiorc.
.PWtwntntly located In Jackton-
"xnoitn lili services toall those
ini teeth. Decnying teeth
fare gy)J n tlie beat manner.
"Img work la hli line, will Bad
tge to giro him a calL
door cant of Madame de He-
IJraiit. anllCtf
mm m commission
U4lnf; Cor, front ii VilmU.
cKS0KNT Qli''t CAL.
""fend to the Receiving ami For-
T?S "' "" woou ciilrusled to
" promipeii3 and dupatb.
witeHj. ercoaidlo re-
fCHy. April 11,1863. 1?
-i.L" 4. v 'I .
1) Pttmmnw ia, u ..
Phlliiilrlplila ltl A ipectal In the
Krriinir 'IViipraph Ima nfwa fmm nhn.
Inn, which hr Shfrniun iirrhnl ul Dnl.
Ian on I hi- 2fl0i. anil piuhii rfinrnrccfiifiilli
llirntuh to Mrl'lienxm.'wh'i wa rxprfll
In rrarli AiImiiIh dy Slnn1ar, tie 24th,
whi-n h hiiivy ricr f ri-ln'V rml .li'm n
tlm wny. Al laat urcimnl hr wa at
8n'iwifr Ti'wii.nnil hud ilrivrn 1 1 if rrt
rl HrntM I'nw.l.r anil NirkBJik cnil.
unit cut p.wi.).iii ir f lie bmlpj acro
(IhuliHtirMiclii. 13 mili-a fmm Atlnnln
Th' rnnlli nnnv. unilrr Tlimnaa, rfarliiil
nml rnpmnil Marii'ila.im llw 30ili.lHkliiirl34, w ,lr nnf r nU- nOpHiroir
Jim . t . .. .ll I ...!.. ...III. m1 . ... . . -
41)0 nri"iTii. u rullriiid tratn wild ck
nml wiiiiiiihtl n Wii.irtMal irnna nml nyi
Wlnll nrrii. Jhiimnn, with rniirinMita of
)i ilHurllnf nnnv. Im rnwiil Glial luhrin
chi' rrvtk. ami Ulliiip; liurk tn AllunU.
Wunhiui:liin, 2J. UmpalcHrt rmin In ml
qimrli r, ilaliil Nt, 111 ii, in., huve laru re
cvirid. AIhmiI II vi' o'clock In the mIIit
iiihmi nl iIm- .Hat, Klit-ritliin MCi-ivul a nit
el finer? i if ciimlrv nt Cn'd UurUr, wlilili
pnniil tn lie Filrliitirll Liv'k divUiun. and
oiler ii llitlti niutiii it, luL'i-iiiiT liit uicin
rnta lirlu'mlf uf liifiinire, with It rami1 In
Ir aitppurl. Atilaik lit rvpi'ttid that
he Itud tuki n u ccinmilcniti'c nuinWr uf
primmer, iiim! the nhei left tiuny dead
mid wound tl mi ihc fli'ld, SIitkIiiii wn
iirtli'rrd tiilmdthi'po.Iiliiii. Gen Writrhl
ami Hh ridan nut hrard rmm t hi iniiNiinj.'.
and don't know wl'iellvr the rnriiu-r gut hli
trixip'i lo ihi'ir iliflinulliiii or Mil. Grit.
Smith muni be clie upon Gm. Wrlirht or
SltfrUlati lhl iiiiinilnc. The enemy io(o
niovinp a hrn7 column In tlie fame direc
tion. An order lua juat gone fur U'urren
tn fall on llirlr (lank. Gen, Wllaon had a
Wit ymltrday cTeiiltt): wllh Ynung'abrlc.
ade, near Ilaiinver Court Houne, killing
and capturing many of the enemy. There
hm bo n pood deal ofurttllery DchliiiR
to that direction thia iiwrnlnjr. Warreo
reported lact nifrlilthat In his Cplit on the
afternoon of the 3U'lt, near Oetlnalila
Cbnrcb, Col. Terrll, 13lh Va., Col. Willi;
commanding I'egrum'i brigade, were killed;
10 oilier cummiwloned officer and 70 pri
vatea were coplured. Bizty rcbtlt were
buried on the field.
!)uruide reporti Ida advance line with'
In a mile and a hall of Mttcbaulcavitle.
Signed Btantox.
llifpalchci from Grant, dated Kven
o'clovk thii morning, at Uethsalda Church,
itateg ytftteday allernoon an attack wb
made by our lift nt Cidd Harbor, by lite
Cth corps. Trnopa under Smith, Warren,
Ilurmlde and Hancock being lield In read
ineti to advance In their respective pointi.
Tlie attack wet made with iplrit about five
p. in., continuing until after dark, and re
aulletl in our cumptng In the enemy worki
on the right; the mill corpi itlll holds
them. We lo carried the fint Hue In
front of Smith; I ho latter however wai
commanded by worki on the rear, which
rendered tlteae untenable, The enemy
mude repealed aaaulli on every corps nut
engaged m the main otaault, but were re
pulled with tnM in every Instance. Sever
al hundred prisoners were taken, bat no
cannot say what the number of our own
or tlie enemy' casualties are. The enemy
made feterul attempts to regain what they
bad lost, but lalleU.
Warfiington, 3d, 10 I'. M. Dif-pitclies
dated half past 7 p. m. on 2d, from Slier
man, reports that on the 1st Mcl'lirreon
moved Irom Dallas, Georgia, to a poiut in
front of the enemy at New Hope Church.
On the 2d, Scholkld rim Hooker having
been shilti-d to the extreme iefl.tnoieJ f&r
ward toward Muriettu. At the same inte
Stooemsn and Garrard's Cavalry were
ent to Altoona l'uw. which they reached
and held possescioa of. This ilifjialcli U
considered very formidable.
The steamer from White House reports
heavy cannonading when she left, Indicating
a heavy engugemeot in progress. A car
oilman from the front reported that the
Cth corn wns engagetl, haviug been bru't
Vy rapid niurcineut from the left to the
right. Several regiments of negro rotyw,
doubtless portion of 11 a I lor' forces, ert
beinj? landed at While Houte.
Dispatches from Potomac Army. 3 put
31st ult.,- say Uiroey's division advanced
agalost breastwork's held by Urcckiortdge's
eorjis, aouih side of Tolopatomoy crek,joo
high emlnfnce.A ery stroaff pou'tiO'ii
that might have beeo held pgainst u vastly
superior force. The enemy, after" Drlag a
round or two, seeing our determination la
live inc place, evacuated bbu retreated to
the wood. Our lota 25 or 60. Tdeal
teoiut to turn our left last night aud cat
ns off from White J I wise, pur new le.of
nuppiiea, was defeated wilb qoasiaerauic
The Tiiktt abectal dbonteli. ITeadauar-
ttT,3Iat, cloees tbM.Tbert'kf'banrlj u
Hontit llinl the K-iliiti held liv the rchrli m
nur friitit ! but Ihvlr advuncvd Iim-, whkli
lliey will bold us tnng u m-sible. Inr the
purpn- of irnlninz lime ll tfetl ileren-rn
alnng the Cliiekiihmniiir. On that historic
line wr now fullv ex-cl wu fhall In fore
liinir del v r lialtle. The rcult ( thin llfht
wtllilicide whe'herlhe reliel dipltill Ciin
lh carried bv n teup Jt mum, or whether
il Ik dei-liipil tn bvcomu the ohj-ct ol a
rnmmerV y.y.v .. ,, , .,,f
The llrrahl'i cnrirspondi nt wllh the
Army if ihe I'ntnumc vhjs, all I Imt wu
limn.1 mi Tii-K'lny ami MiHHhay amtittulnl
In nulliiiiir ni'iru than Sif inn attempts In
npcirlaiii I lie tiHpn'a rnwlthin,
Tlie TribniM'V cnrrnnMident. heHclnnar-
Ifru C ill cnrni. 11 miles iinrlhnf Uicliiniind,
town, ilainl 3Ii, bus the fnlliml;ig in re
canl In the i"itinn nf the twn Himle:
Our .right nat mi thei IVmunky neur
neiirMimver Coiirl IImiMlaiimiaaix milt
ni h iiglh, I'XtilHlitiir nlmixl due (mutli nn
the Tnli'imtum-y crek. Five mile witi
nnr Iiimi" rnii almiiT the Chinihiiinltiy rivi r,
in fnmt if iind oivi'rinir the Virginia Ciii
trail rniliivnl ftunt Allee'n ,Mliilon in
Slwily (Jrme Kiw ini'e-i nurlh cf Rich
irnmil re!' rVl Pwitnil. v "
tlnld In N. V. m BaMinlay 191?.
J-n Triif in 8 P, lewlay 60-67.
netiil the friHit i if ilatiOMk'a. Dmulimy
llring ncciltMl all iliiy. WiIkIiIV ciriiri in
in virvcliie piiixliniiy In the hIm-I. V.t
piiily wuliea I lie nlliir In
Wodneiday's Slspntch.
Wahliiitti'ii,Jillie fit la I hrp.il che. from
Gnittl In C p in . Ol Bill, Mate tin rr IihiI
txtii tin Tulillnur diiriiiif thedity. The en
i my mnle nn aiinek mi Bnliirdny night
iimiii llatieoekV rght. (ml wire repiiUtl
IIiiiilim ('ii line lire wilhln Inrly yiird nf
the reln'l works. Tlie reliels wire very
,.....,..,. .,,... it... '"lv mi naniniKT in rirrniiicnuiir ii"-ir in-
cnmimiKV tin' , . .. , . v.. . -i.i ..r .i... iLi.-i.
imiciinieiu .mi iii w,ti Fin in iiiu unii-K-
I . . ... -i. .. . nil..
ii.i... ol i i i... i .1.-. i alminiilV, HI iiiii'mn iiimgr.
bynreU-trnghl. LS-iOOOOO. dpln-j. edl-nf
NfW Vmk, 2 I The rmr' specisl the enemy. iicnvering m ntnvlinr nruiiiid
mjs the 1 1. nine Cmnmltlivnti Pnn-lgn Al- hi right "fUnk, hiiinnned lili p-willnn lt
futr-i iiinlriicliil tin Ir fliulrnwn tn ri'tt a night ami tnarcleil oCT. McPhirsnn ia
reinilutlnn reili riling 'flintier rernliitinini mnvlng in-iUy fnun Aeworih. Thnmn I
n-latlng tn Ihe Mniiii" duclrine. and main on the direct road mid Sclmfleld nn hut
tntiilng Ihe right uf Cmign-M tn Imliente right. Il has been raining Imnl fur lltrre
the pulley of the Omifninent concerning ditys and tlir rnad Mre heavy, The enemy
the iiicrnachtuciilt or Fiance on this con- had an Itntnrn-r lino of wl'irks, which we
tinenl. have turned with K-si loss to us than Ihrm,
Vna1ilnztnn. 4ili Secretary (Jlmso has I IBIgneil taktov.
sold a million of gold at IJ09l, In order New York.-llh. The Tribune's special,
tit itmnra the grrateit xeailile vigor in the dated Headquarters Army Putiimuc, 2d,
armies miw innving agalnil the insurgent!, the suco-asfiil oxttiimi nf the Clll corps
unilir brave uml skillful gmerals. Uf-ri) on Iho 30h, fiiloitl by ie 2d corrw ul)
tlie vast theater nl iia-ruiinns rxienditurin the 31st, rnmielled the enriny o withdraw
havo licen Inereuted beynml ntrlpli Crnm from tlielr line on tlie Tnfnpaliimoy, re
revenue and ordinary subscriptions to Na- treating to snath side nf Ihe Chickahomltiy.
I ion I Loin, therefore the Secretary has
advertised that sealed nffiers will be rt-e'd
at the Department under act of March 3d,
1BC2, until June ICth, for bonds U. S. to
amount ol- 75 millions, bearing annual In
terest at C per cent., payable semi annually,
in coin, on the 1st of July and lit Janu
ary each year, redeemable after 3flth June.
'81. Kucli offer muit be for 50 dollars,
100 or some multiple of 100.
The steamer Pocahontas, lately ,pff Cspe
May, collided with and was sunk by anoth
er Vessel, Tarrying down with her forty of
Iter crew and her passengers.
The World's ilatbelor Gin (N. 0.)
correspondent ay. on removing four iuoii
sier torpedoes Irom the train at that sta
tion, one exploded, lilllng over 40 soldiers
of N. Y. regiments, and blowing the signal
tower and commissary building, 800 feet
long. Into air.
Washington, 2d. Dispatches from Sher
man, dated the 4th, 13 miles from Mariet
ta, reports his Iclt now well around and
covering nit roods from South to rullroud
with the ixcepilon of a line lo retard our
advance. Our cavalry rnli red Mecliunics
ville hul evening. Grant, having compelled
the em my tn withdraw n cross the Chicka
hominy, with usual celerity, has thrown
his Irll uway lo Ihe east of UUhmoml, and
Is now threat! nlng the crooning of the
Chlcahnmlny at linttnm's Ilrldge. llaldy
Stnlth arrived from White House Just In
time to p-l Into action and co-operate, with
our It-ft (lank, last night.
Headquarters Army of the Potomac,
4th. 8 a. in. Cava'ry engaged all day
in Ihe vlrlnltv of Halms1 Store. The first
nttack was made on Himplou's commsnd,
Allied was bully delruled. Afterwards
attacked Hill's left on Tolopatomey Hirer,
dtore one brigade out or l nnr works, new
ihe place nn hour ami then withdrew,
We now hold Haines Store. Wilson Mr.
nuclei! last night between Dethialda
Church and the Pumunkey, and has
strong position. Today the army Is rest
ing, and nothing but artillery duelling U
going on. Un the right yestenlay, HrrcK
fij-neil my i-nniinisslnii hi the army. 'ITils
W.ism Kianruv whali gate itte pain, hut I
liinl Inr u long time IrtlilhWy inttenMiml
(n obialn in-live svrvlce, I muke lite sae
iil1v imiw only to rignlu ilio lilnrly tr
spueh .
Tiilitt Cm hratif lm nlso written njellcf ,
acoplitig ii'uniiiiitlnn fnr Vice I'n-slilrnt,
Chii-ngn, filli. It ia annnuiieeil that
C'sikVmiry l.iiigiiin n iiiuliiin; lr It'ch,-ni-itiil.
nml will txioit be mliktl to Ihe army
New Yntk iwpir lsn suy Gut. tliitt
.'.:... if
about Acaonh. His cavalry has been in i inrldge occupied the right, Ileauregard
Acworth and occupy iu force nil of All I the next, Lnngtrct' corn Ihe center, and
stoona Pass. Kwell on the left, while Hill's corps was
Chicago, 5ih. Spec's! dispatches from held In reserve. Their artillery Are wn
Washington say a steamer from Ihe White I good ul snm points. Two nf our cessions
House on the 3d, bring news that our i were explmled by their shells, and u nil in
army holds the railroad at Savag Station,) U-r nf men and horuv killed and woundisl.
and that n portion of our forces had cross- Fortress Monroe, 3d, A dispalcli frnui
ed Ihe Chtckutmminy In front nflhat place, llalldy Smith sajs he rebels aljackld him
Daliimnre, 4ih. The Amtncnn or this! with three columns. and ere driven off
iiftemmio says that news from the front, jaltrr a desperate fight. Smith reports
Friday morning nine o'clock, retirixuts, havintt taken COO prisoners. Grant II
the uliuck referred to in Grant's ilifiuttli pushing the enemy at every point.
as having opened with a beovy canuonad- Xew Yiirlc, Cili,-Slnle Commlllee of
Ing along the whole line. I'lie nrmy was ,ie 'ar Democracy of the State of New
said to be io the best possible condition I y a, B meellng held nt the Aslor
and plriis. They have never lo uny pre-j jinuw. hateeulurnieil Ihelr pre'ere'ice for
vlous campiilgn been so well supplied. ( , renomlnatlon of Lincoln, and udnptttl
Auunnanr, supply oi prmisiona me wm- fil t0 B( yM Jft.mocralS to rally nt
stautly gning forward from Wasltlngloa
to their relkf. It I universally believed
among the troops and tlm residents of the
country arouod Richmond that the place
roust fall.
Fortress Monroe, 3d. It Is reporled
that at liermuda Hundred the enemy made
lialilrnore on Ihe 7th. uml iinnrusa nn
the Union Cnnunlon the jusljce, expedl
ency nnd necrssily of thu nomination,
DanielS Dickinson fur Vlca President
Fremont bus resigned his Major General
ship, uml his resignation hat bet n ucceplid
uy me rrenuent. uen, uuen it is tmufr
nsllght nttack on our breatnrks,ntnin,,00drc8nl his original poIHon ?n the
regular urtuy, es tioiooii mm aw t ao; t
A long letter from Fremont, accepting
o'clock lust evcuipg, wjlhout effect, nod re
New York, 8th. The Tnlunt't special
from the frout says Sheridan's calry the uoiriinatlpo of the OUavtlsnd Cwfn
the day previous drove the em. my down
the Mechaoicsville road, within five mile
of Richmond. Our entire line advanced
considerably. The impresslpn prevails
that Lee is withdrawing his forces with-
iji the inner defenses of ItlcltiBond. Hit
losses within the past few days have been
severe, l nntrabaoii report ijie citlzeos of
Kichmond In great fright. The Cth corps
and Sm'ih's forces nude a heavy charge
Wednesday, carrying the enemy's first line
of works, and takiwr from six lo clghl
hundred prisoners. An Itour Inter the reb
els mane n iremenauous assault, ami were
frightfully slaughtered. Hancock repulsed
similar atlaek In whieb the lighting was
rnost .were,, Tbe, tomft low Wl Iw
two or three UionsaBd; ours lour or Ore
JuuMred. ' "
CetVtb.-'Ltcr' ifeto lUoore
lion, thus coiuludes: t ihe conveijtlotj at
Ilalllmore will tioirilcate a man whose rait
ItfeluitiRes well grounded confidence in his
fidelity to our cardinal principles, there Is
no reason why there should be suy division
among the really patriotic men of (he
country. To any such I sliall be most hap
py to give my cordial and active support.
My own decided peferrnce is In aid in this
and not be a ciindldste ; but if Lincoln Is
renominated,! bejjeve It xill be fatal to
tbe country. It i this policy which jias
cost us Ihe lite of thousands of men, snd
needlessly ut our country In the read tq
bankruptcy. I here will remsin no altern
ative but to orpaniw every eeosisfent elc
HWOt against Mw.o nrfsent the BiW&Tr
ttuoe of Jiff F-eWcliop. Wlijihlsfow,!
gvuey a c.ri iuo iiuHiiuaiiuti ai kkw
sDtl,sn!u prellaiMry Mcp' I lrcVe-
nf the I'-itonuic.
lerVuimv Is Hi In aiMiiI tn Uranl's dlrtct
untiiiunml, kml Uml n juiiclloii win snotr '
lake plmr. A niimlnr nf Imnria Irom,,,
P.i'teV ii.piirtiiiiil Hie ls-lng fotwniilnl lJ
ihe smi' nrlny. Tin- saiite thing Muolnf ,
nn ul the West, evi ry iivullrtMe snldii r bf
leg s-t-nl lit Bhirmatt. Gen A.J. Smith,
wild 25.111)0 insips Irmn ihe Irani Missis
sippi ili-'Miriniuit. I uiili tslooil to boon,
ihe wny In CliilUnnnngiU
Ciilnt. filli. Plspali-lie from below
inie thai Gen. Contijr win ucllvely en
iHgiil nrgan't nif fnrcii, uml was marly
n-iiilv fnr iff.nsivf nxfaiiiiis. All tpilet
t While ltiv.r. Pine Hint!'' mid IKvll'a A
lllnlTiire giilfisnnl with snftlcielil fnfcew
tn rerl uny attack likely to be ptaile by
ihe em my
Siimly llnnk.ih Iiisim tn ,the 2)thi
mtd 25ili fmm K'tinr, suyfllirinews nl tho
I w t tlm in Virginia cjinil it prnfiMtnilsen-
r-iiiion in h'igiami, i iieynro generally re-
gini'il a ilnaitrnns tu w nbel rauie,
IC-Im I iiKin ilechtieil flvo and sx ter rent,
laird's rami havu (mn purchuaetl by the
llrlilsh Onvrriimen!, People wirvastnn-,
Isheil at the magnitude; of the lustra. Tho
plrute Georgia Is announced for tale at
I,tveronl, by private parllt-f.
New York, Cth. The Herald's corres-
pondent gives the following of the Oglit on
the lilt Our line of battle extended ten
mites In length, front nurthwrst tu south
eust. Hancnck wss on the Mecbanlrtvllt
rnud, In rifit-plts wrested from the erwray
two days U.-fnr. Hurnslde next to Han
cock s Warren In fre-il, pentected by don
ble and triple lints of bn-uslworks. Wright
wss marched to the lelt with tKodlvisioiti.
Sheridan's cavalry on front nnd flank. A a,
attempt was made by the rebel infantry
early In the day to drive our cavalry from
Cold Harbor, which resulted in their re
pulse and losing a large number In killed
and ivounded and about 300 prlsuntrt,
General Wright followed up the lucceis,
bringing on nn engagement which listed
until an hour after dark. A I lint lime we
had cirriid a line of rifle-pits and driven
the i-hfinv to Chlckahomlny. The rebels
made rurfous assaults later In the etcnlng
on our center and right, tnsrchlng In three
lines upon Warren, nnd seemed determined
to pierce our center nnd throw our line Into
confuilon. Attempt after attempt wm
made, nnd the enemy were hurled back with
great lot. The battle thus raged fur lltrei'
hours In front ol this corps. Oar losses
can only be o tithe of what the enemy suf.
fered. The attack on Jlanrock was nearly
simultaneous. He not only rrpuUed tlio
enemy, but pressed them back so far that
he was thrown Into a bad position, nnd
compelled to retreat and resume thegrouud ,
occupied nt the outset. He was snlisei
qtirntly ordered io nbandon his posit ou
and more Ms corps from the right of our
line to the extreme left.
Another comypondeot says of the fight
at Coldwatrr I The enemy were ip heavy
force at Gaines' Mill, and strongly rii
Irenchtd nt Ihe end of Douse Woods. At
half past Tour troops were Irt position In
liiree lines of battle, At fi t-klrmithlng
commenced, and butteries of 'J l, poupder
opened on the reliels. At Imlfpsst six
orders were received by both Cth and lfitli
c.r to ehsrge the rebjl work In front,
1 1 rooks Deveus nutlied through Ike work
In tlielr front nd poured like a tornado on
the opt n field 'IIm rebi) Opened wli
crape, csnnlsirr, and a hiovy nitjikelry tire,
The first ine, badlv cut up, met the secej f
and, with the third, the rebels were alivesa.i
immediately drl)crt ie-mel frpii IIih
wnrka through the woods, They rallied
behlml reserves and endeavored to recap
lure the position tost, but were received
wih such n murderous fire of artillery that
they broke and lleil io Mnfnslpa, Again
they rallied snd returned to t,tie charge, but
ooly to be driven back with great slaugh
ter. Cold Harbor diepatefies, dated 3d, savs
a giiifisl allscV wns oruVrrd algnff (lie
whole Jin n( a, m,( rfuln in thu
fiercest flgljl of the Campaign. Tho bat(lu
still raging, with promise ol a 'bloody dsy.
I'twviTtov M.KTrwwu. Tlie llurfulo
KxjireH -dwlarestnat IthMgosdaulhorlly
for staling (hat, the 9h9.Qfiii(& lstu
depoilted In the bank at WM'or, to tho
credit of Vallandltighsm 118,000. Tlat, Is
aoavtiilBgHJiu-CojiprtieKt'iMiartyrilom In
tUs fffft-r-li AWfcg .iftlM-lfeiWakea
wore s&oherbr f ban ArwHdia V u'
tfeftagj- ' til J w i