Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 04, 1864, Image 3

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UJ 'I ..
emi I aim rilTcr. a'MITPO in an. tI. -f 11.
I I ..... ' ,I,'""( in
it .untied Mate, or hrlnii. ....
. ".
iMG fl, SftiVllf
Ul . - r Mamtwd b Trcctlbed In i.h.'i ......i
niTIFORNIA AND OREGON', 0i,.. I beret,, d.-cWl unlawful, nnd, r
I"" .... TUX. KTI.M-
iwnt ff !,- Une MM J..wn
..i.l between the J"r,;-""
J "' - I....... Iu.-..
.0 -SnTiMt- J
I . I......,n1nf JllHt I'M
llf ' . n,l. A I iflMll'll I"""
hr..i -.en, "" "-
I" f .....l I...
,.. iM .i.v,rln.i. ... --"
.l.m,rnrcei-luly cro-mllhc "
l" .- ,d'n..w wnipM lr"l ' '""'
LB,thnfilKr.ur. Yr.itr.!y
ownl our ntvalry bail nn t-ii
- with lh it "y P'"'H ' iiu"T
. . i. ......... I,.. i
T t ,nnr nun a'""1 " n,"r "
. . i - I, V will find
nTlI urn" - '
4W4.l lUwM Unrli-irnii
,M0Vnl " "'"' """ "
U y,p. known in Ik- Ki:in
... l Tl. !........- ItMft n
-, j nhu. .'U . ii- jv""' -
t a.fcRI' M. 1urh .. il'
,,,-, cuh miiiinii. Ilawik in ml
. t .i-d M Wr'sht. tti lu Wiirren
- :' hnau'lit im 'lii" rear nf
r,fjt;! wm? nti-r .V'irili Ann.
jit ff ui 'iniry Il'idge,
v ,4rreir, Army thiivift Willi
,. rwr W"re known, t. e will
,j) c by nght. SiH-rriikii i
Jk-b ineiktmniiiy. le"'' I'tuleM
C i-hc c"Wr I" turn lii left
,rlU'..-1 the forth mle tif Smith
i, y ke I "t enrrnlnl. mid lit night
r V h;o bur hows' march o'
linijy Horning' Dispatch.
It Jil'ii. The CiiinmtiCiol'i
:i ntti"! anii,daiid iIh-'JSIi,
m riid j nf i-une inaiMtittnk in
t'iri v it 1 1 tm turn nnViWKti.
ry person or corporation who rhnlt lrnnrT.
transport, exchange, rtpnrt (,r Oral. Mich
shall lie mlject to a miia; or t Kilt Tor
ccli hITciit, Mini liniriMiiiniriit from four
month lo tun j'lnrx.
(crljT(li;i!l tl.-ii-rmiiif it.
ItVftrtic, Jfl.h. Mnlinclit. A pnr-
iJl4f(Tforcini ll.rnia.b llumlrnl
IwiiH It (IPiPtv irallnn, Irnvt
iinUcrml, under cinnimml of (Jen,
Kteibt rmy of llio I'olom, nml
itpirl by lliii time to Lave (urinnJ
Kiieiit (torn Clcn. CaBlit cute that
i lu.iy nipiprd in rr-unlyiitfr tde
ki brwi-ht back by Ujiikn. ami orgin-
f Mf wni of the MlMittippl. In
:iu!ii !ucb now IbcIuJh the De
tt of Missouri, Arkaixji niij Lou.
Llivtrani, Steele ml lUnki remain
msind of Ih'ir rwpf elite ilfpart-
, iim-t order from Utn. Caobt.
.try tapfrtimon brin- llie name
Thnrsday Evening's Dispatch.
rnrtriv. .Miii.r.-,.liim. lt. A imriinri
or iriNip at 11-imiid.i llnihlriil. i,,T
Urn. .Slintli, Imti- Ihvii M-nt in lniM.ii,.r
wiili (.-riiii wliritt tip ',t Uiv.r in iH-Mnti-HntKc.
wliiri-Cmiit'n in- lw.,. (,r
fiipplun m In lie. Ciinmn- rru.nliK ut,
HiilUT M Ilriiiinlii lliimlriil. Ijirniuii.
iiiiih tif Mipplira I.mvi- Ihi n mm i i
While IIimi. UiiiiiIV iiiiiiiliitn.iilM
with tin (Hunt rr ninipi.M nml .,tk
cll. A iiivi-iii-i-r h-niit lri ,,M)i
llml nn llif .'Itllh nur Bruit rrm.n in ,Me
rhuiilfvillf. iii-iir thf Cli.ekuhi.tiiiin,ith
lint lit tie iippiKitlnu.
Siifriiuiii lot rmiliil tin- .t,m-' ctnlr
at nil niinN. ciipliirm iii.ihv pri..iii.-t "
Allirttit. Int. Nv jilt riiiuiil iiili
ihut llii' while cviiiriil Kiitlnii nt ih, til-Ihl'I-
nf (ilniiifiilN, iicmliitf tmi hunk.,
two rhiirclie', piwl i ffiiv imil n luree imni
Iht nf lUrllniL' Imiiim-'. wn il,s,i,,.v.) ,y
fire, which rucul fiirii.u.k live li Mirf imi'(.
mil t'iiwi.
.SVw Ynrk. Int. TIM. IktaUV fp-c'til
lll3SiC CliM' linn lletirillllNil tn put in
niiiliit fid in 1 00 niilli.iiii or fx r (vi,i
IhiihIji. mlifiiiuiiic Mdir lfisl. It nl.iit.
ilml the rre..fli (i.tteinni m u-mimI )'n
t-ter Itut"ii lint nn ii-li I iriiii-rliiiU wimlil
lie ierm tinl in Inne Fnuiip.
The IVrM Im.k imt Im f u inllliim nf
iipii'ie yetiiily.
liliicluti, ll UlMflieiul rlUtritrli
fllllll K KTir-tim. iIm 3.i. t..r4 Xl.t.w
lliilikilK. f SliilH'liiHh' MklT. i-iinie Iiiiii
the rriinl t Jii niter n. ,. Mj-n tli- n It
!! niiuiknl ii nt 7. "'clink ilii rti irmiiL'
n' 10 iielnrk Hie n(fnr wh nir. iheiti.
my MpuUil. uml mir line puhit f.imiiiil
In the rtiilrnml, ul MnrTiellii.
U iMi'iurliiii 2 1. lip.ttehi' frnm tinini
il.iteil I'. Mm i hImv in II. mm' inp
reiel mm IiiI'iiwf : . mt c .m nter ill
mil lift toft l-enllnr iiihI HtlHlkil. Tie y
ttere repil Mil with heivt l ncMcr. Til
reH-ve tii-n. Wernn (Ihi on imr hf')
n-iiil.V, (Jill, ili-.ele ntibrnl ii li nltiifk lit
the hillniire nf nur hue. ( J.-n. lliincKk
wu the (inly me wlin receitml ill- inilir
In tinio tn imit.e un ntliitk Ih lore ihirk.
lie ilnite ilitetK-ntt frmn iniiei.rlnd rkir
mili line mil linliN il. He remru hav ii?
ukeii riMitithrmlile numU r nf prinrii-r unit
llmt there ore inuiiy rtlu'lii ileinl on llie
firlil. Of hm own lie he hut inmh mi re
port. I he lalift ilUpttirlie fv that the
tnemt tire movinc IriMitm tn liiii left.. mm.
etilly lo clear hi ntiprnneh In Uiliiiiind
in that directum. Un mir riflit the uclinn
linn Ihvii ruinc eter imirv d.trk hut had
cIomJ a foon ii the enemy nltarkul our
i..i. t tii .i . . rn i.
irn. urrua, iicui nnu iiiiiicikk iti
imlfnil In pitch in, hut don't i-ei tn to hac
levn tendy till ufter iiifhtfoll. No report
riwivwlyil from tlirm. Other ilnpatch'-o
alnite riftrred In, (lntnUix o'clock llilt
ninrnine. fitnle llml In llancockV nttir.ipt
last n'iht Col. lirofiliKlriite theenemt mt
nf u Mrnnsly lntritirlid line and hold ft,
my. Joliiilnn It apnln cnmpTTlcly nut-k-im-ralol,
u,d mmiirll.il lo nliniilnn hi
lrftftli.il, nt AllrtntH. uml flirtit. if nt all,
in Hie cnmiiry rnilh nr then-, in Which imr
utmy m mm in iiH-mliin with fpl.inlid
rn.nl. Our trHin Mill mnliiiiie tn
run Kws:tiin ntd Hinr iImhicIi it l
l'am .TuiiiiMiin, ran. if he rlinn--., inrnpt
w.ilinn In mir reiir. Slut mail rm
preetU m.1 (T not tn lhifet lli.nriny
- I'll hi ,tliilliaiir Heitlil Weal
ihckhi iiini i.iiilninl
n li. iw.en ( i
Iyifi not reiiorlrd. IlnrntliWk ulinlprnrix
it (ntwly exercised by (Jen. a'lxr ! C"l ncrixs toTnlnpaiumit C'ruk l.it eten-
mir unu in in lull dnneciinn wnn iirnn.
The left of Hancock' corn rei tijnin ihi
hieot umK. iiieoiiicorp innpnii nun
l'.rM!K iMurlnirtili ut nuu (..
' v3' wyt llinki was appoiolhl
'tUirereor of I)ttliiana, Latins Lit
i Tsrlc, 31t.-Vttterd.y' Cunntr.
P u rseidti-d
ilnieil n Irniii nf fiily whl'
'(tiHeiinil ICne.ii.ii "fi...
ita-niy lm ieiMmiii.i,D n uiliirkine nur
r.r Our fin tin Imticln miilinn nl tin!.
I;ir' nnriii nl eotlnii nt K-Ulie.
Ntw Yntk. .11 t, Aiiunu dupnicli In
lie UiehinniMl .'.itorer khj lie ie.ple
if Nnrili m (Ji.iuh nre ernVidinv intn
Mnia, wiiiiiiii; n- iiiiiii-nc Mrnsplo.
Liiirnln on Kuinnripnlioii.
KxvirriTR Manmon. 1
n.liincliM.. I) (,'., April 4. (
A. D. f.er.;;,v . ftatlfurl Jimlntkij
Mr Hkar Sir; Ymi uliia u pii In
writtmr it.r Mnmv i-r almt 1 tiilmllr
iiul. the .inr iliiy, lit jmtr pr.-ni-.-. in
(i.ieni.r HmmVite ni.il Suulnr Dijti.n
Il wa iilmnt nr fnlliiur;
1 mn nu'tirully mill nttivi-iy. If !awt
i imt urmii;, iMithnej l rniit. I tiitiimt
rririniUr aln-n I .Id tmi mi think uml
'rl. And jet. 1 lime tn-rr nn..riil
ih.it the I'lithl.iry rniifrnul ii lu-m,
nmi-.tr tied rlplii in ct iRlehi'lv :imii
ihltjiiitcnenl utel feelimr. t nn. In tin-
mill I l.H.k, llml 1 ,i! t,i Un. i i,
my iiliil.tt prt er w. pmurt nml d 4, ml the
(-it..lilliin nf the t'mtiil Stiiii. I
imi'd unj.fakr tl. i,fll wilheiil li.Ui
Hie mi'h N..r we it my view Hmi I
m'cht ink.' the iih lii c p.mrr. nnd
li'mk "In ihith In uinc the pnwir. I mi
ll. Mim-d. tmi, llml. in iHiliiwry p til mlmln.
itruliii (hit im'li t-vn fiirlMrternelnprriP
ilral'y iwln pe my pnmary. uli.trMt-i Jmlfr
m-iil oh Ihe mural qil"inli.ti i.f Utert. I
Ini'l iHihlieiilly ilichir.il tdk imny lint'.
bih! In miiiy aii. And I nter th.il. In
llii day. I lutve d-ne pn ( fUeial act In iW
en-iipe In my ubMract Juiljintnl und ftdinp
nn nlav.rt.
I ilhl ttiHlfrtand. Iiftweter, lhat mt oath
in prmertp llie Ceimtlluticn tn Ihe bud nf
my uhdity, Imprnml upmi me the duty of
prtrertinp, by evtxy lntlpeiiriblc meant,
llmt G.itertimeiil that iiallnn, of which
that l'imtllutkit) ru the organic Inw,
Wi it Miible to he the tiatlou, aul yit
prtfvnc l!iv ConstiiutiotiT
l!y n pt-nerul law, life und limit tnuit !?
protecltil ; ttt often a limb mutt bv am
pntDtcd to rate a life; bttt a life l never
wiey phut loato a limb. I fad llmt
iiKumrif, eitlierwifc unconntiluliorial, niiplit
beemte lawlul, by bivoninp IrMlitprtitab'e
to the prifprvatlnn of ihe Xollnn. Illpht
or wrnnp, I aMurmd till prnund, ond nnnr
avow it. I could not M lhat lo the bct
of my ability I had eten tried to prxx-rte
comptnln nf Ihe meiitnrf.li-tal Jilttucjf, by
wrilinp ilnwn In one line that he I fnrub
tlnlnc tin- rebellion by frcr nf arm, and
In the next that he fur laklnp thtw mm
Irom Ihe Union ith and pUclnp Hum
whetf Ihet would In, but r,r the tmuiure
he omdi mn. If he cannot face hl cnne
an alMlnl, it Is only beclic lie cuniiot fucv
the truth.
I inM n until which wa not In Ihe vrr
Inil cnncrnli(in. In frllfnc lid la'e. I at
Jempt no complini-tit in my nun tHpacilv.
I r'alm nut InhatP eonlrollnl etinla. but
piinfeaa plainly lhat ctenl Imtr ruritmlhil
ino. Now. nt Ihe end of Ihrw ti-nra
Irtttrclp. dip nation' condition it not hii
l-.lher parlt or any man detiml nrix
(TtiiI. (Jul almie can claim II. Whllhir
II I trodinc fccm plain. IT On.1 now
nlllt the Mtiotnl nl a prrat wrnnjr, tmpr.
tlnl hltnry will find th.-rplii new p.iue In
ntiiKt and retire the justice and piKilnc
ol lil
Yiatr truly. . A .I.trrt.-.
c-ckV richt, and threaten ihe Ml flank of lC CoM'.ilutlon, if tn fate I'nwry w any
ttat tn Ue priM of etd tn
ltcile w& unliri- yrtlerday.
wi m !moit mlutitelt ejwnla
So4mM;Ii in 194. market
UH. The r.mf,' WaAinr
"Wirt Uone Committee on
A-Muexpreied iheonlnl.m
bi i right to indicate the
" TrrtBitnt hnu!d nomue In
f t In, Information. Im-
"hUtlllt till tlm. !.!. ,..,.
j,.,., , t..'11'B iwi
-i! important tnotementnow
tlTMpoDirnt.iitiM. ji.i. .
n-ui ' -.-. uwul
"" "rce or H. in-i. j
KeWI of an
t.t be Mpceted any
'tlOOBnrIin ..
"Prbon. "BVtU
M tta flzht KliV. n....
vrr,n"Ta,J,,nM under
"otHj,ia(e 1(jr .'"
" ".. vum
tl ptietnr. Istniih ouirlit tn urntp ul New
Calle, by tinon, hei I run fupp.rl
Warren and r.rnide, if iH-cetiry. Hlirr
rirli.n willi (l.ei nitil 1.rlHl'M .liiUlotia nf
a Mrmtj; clique I rMVylrt I on nur left flank-Wtlon on
our ripht nnd rear, fur tin purpoM-i report
hI in fnrtner ilmpaielr. The country lliete
nlinut I thirkl' woikViI with pine, with
pond iiK-ninp. Indicullon tlii tnortiinp
arc llmt the enemy have fallen buck ibUth
of C'hlekahuniony
"slpneil Stavtok.
Wakhlnplon, Slit, ll;30 p, m. The fol
low Inp received from Butler yeerday :
All dny beatt firing ht-nid In the direction
of Mecbaiiictllle, Uefusee from Jtieli"
mnnd report that Grout wo on the Median
Icttllle Turnpike, and that lit-uutdrhlnp.
A woman reKirt that a meellnc wa Veld
yoterdot, v bile the wu iu Itlohimiiid, lo
n-e whutbvr the city hould be .unentered
or bumtd. The Mayor adiocatcd the tur
render, uvl wai put in CaiitU Tliuni.-r.
The enemy uttuckfd my line yeleiday.
All day they bao lievti demondratiiiK
aealot r.iy work at Sprinp IMI, outbe
-bauk of the Appatotnax, but were r.-jiul.vd-
SljSlied ttCAMON.
Chicago, June ll. Letter from Sher
mau'a nruiy to the ZGlb plte detail of inove
nivtit to that date. The enemy, lulore
Uuuard, Hooker, Palmer. Dode and Lo
rjii' cirpji. were at nnd tlipbtly beyond
Uallai, tlanklnp the rebel potltlou at till
Hliit, Jchuston had lulled and oecnpM a
very ttronp natural and powerfully forllfiwl
puMiioii, tor llie purpose ci reniMauce
minor waller. I tlmuhl permit llie wrtrk
of OoTrtiinient, wiuulty nnd ConrtilutiiKi,
nltogetU-r. When early In ihe war, (Jen,
Fremont nlletnptttl military emancipation,
I forbade it becauK' I did not thi-ii think
it un litdupennble ccctMlly, When, a lit
III later, Oen. Cameron, then Seealary of
War, rtjpzeitcd the nrmhg of the black.
I objected because I did not yet think ft
an Inditpensable necessity. Winn, rtil'
later, Gen. Hunter attempted tutliUiry
emancipation, 1 opaln forbade II, becauK1
I did not yet think the liidijpc-Dioblc necta
aity had come.
When, in March, nnd Majf, and July,
16C2. 1 made earnet and (-tcctttiveopiieui
to the llorter Stalei (o favor cbrnpentated
rraiDclpaUvn, I Wiitfd ll.e lndipcnable
ncctniiiy for militory emanrijHilIoo, end
armies ihe blacks would eonie, unles
nrerledby that meoture. They declined
Ihe iiropoeitlon. and I war, In my best
judpmtnl, driven to the altcrcaiire of iur-
rendering the Union, and with it, the Lou
ititulioti, or of laylo;; rlroot' laud, upon
the colored ekoicut. J chose the latter.
Iu choosing il, I hoped for greater pain
Copporlimti VticnTitilary.
In lime hke thi-o men nre apt tn at
Inch rrriimini menninpj lo wnrdt ami
pluntv in rninnimi no. ami In be lot nn
irnt by lln-ir hmu Mm. lulerpreluliiiiit
Thai mir pi-Miter limy lie cnhhil lo riphl
Iriii rpietiillniit, we hntp t-nitipihil frniti
nm i.iiihnrllt the foltt.HMiif brief tncnbn
Lire, nn Hhleli tln-re I" nn cnptripht:
'11-e Union A iliiimlinii ef .State
thiil w.n'"lnply .uk aul ln-pmfleiiiil in.
iii.-ii.-M.werru nnd iflorin.H nulli.nulity.
ineinl by it. r..iiu..-r mid the nmj'rliy nl
iliejieiipletn Ik- jK-rpeluul. lull wlileli iinv
ilieoiiln.tnl cnmitiuuity Im ila- rltthl in
brink ui wilhniil miyiur liyyiiiirhnite."
The (Vui'lllnlinii A niie Willi which
In tie Ihe h,iini nfthe Utlinil (Jnveriim-l.t
wh'lo II foe iit.mtfniitp li.nr u IMInw"
ditch with the wrfmir n'nle b'umlerhipiy
enniriieliil Inwnnl ll em my.
Tln'Oiiteriiminl A wcml Ihlnp If ml
uiuiittrnil by D.-moprai, but a "corrupt
cl'ue" If ndmliilninil by other.
The Judiciary A tribunal rttatilhdiul
tn iiellift'p fur the fiirepolng tmlile Ideui..
ami tn maintain thut all men were created
equal except "nlf Ken." who hate no rlghl
that a while man Is bound In rpipccl.
PairlntWm The tllly Idea entrrlalned
by'Abnliilonblt" that the first duty of
a pood clttrcn 1 to hi country, Instead of
to hi Slate or to hii parly.
Slatttmanihip Granting every demand
of the slave power for the rake nf the
Union, and letting the Union go at lust
for the sake of ppacp.
Democracy The right nf four hundred
thntttard while men to buy and sell end
work like oxen four million of colored
mm, wnuien ond children, ond to have the
pnrernmrnt of a crcil nation to odulnli
tired u lo erp"tun!e that richt, tA mul
tiply the number of human clmtiles.
Itcrolullou The oereil ripfit of the
ufnrviuid (luveh'ilder tndeslrn' llie nation
ally of thlr'.y-lwo milliou of American,
because the inJ-rity choae one I'ritiJcut
who was not of I heir number.
Slate Iiiphti The philosopher' ilnnc
of politics; u doctrine that admits the rl: hi
of a State to diMolve the Union at will,
Cut denies the right of the Union to pre
serve itself.
Secession A prerogative of the "glo
rious South," which tone lul Abolitiuu
Uts deny.
Coercion The. exclusive prerogative of
Abolitionism A craxy fanatleium In fa
vor of liberty, (f)naliiy, justice, toce,util
ty, law and order,' fidelity to voluntary
compacts, and compliance tvitu ballot-box
Negro Kqoallty jiv'mg the black man
the privilepe of (edifying, Chtlng and dy
ing In dtfetrte of the while man' life and
prorly, and maintaining the l.ensylhal
iLe-una-mpcnsatid labor of alaves is detri
mental to the intiretts of white men, who
anij the rlphts of the pcoplo against an
orm.il unrpilnn, , j'l '
Tyranny l'milnff Iraltorg In prison li-r-lcad
of hanplng them. ' '
Halicu Ciirptit An Anpto Saxon- In-
venllon for aecurlnp Immunity to publip
enemies In war lime. M.nynillt Apptoi,
Ktorwini tiIk S.vxk I.vnuNs-I.iitn.
Watov Kii.LKn.- We clip tlierollowlnp'ac.
count of the late fight with the Snake In
illati frnm the ()rpt,wn. Wc sincerely rt
crel the death of Lieutenant Walwn, n
brother or Mr. John Walton, or lliii Valley:
Wm l.ni-fiii. tmllnn Am-m nl il, i......
Pprltip It rviilinn. Im ncelviil ihe ml-
liiwlnitletiir rrnni J. (J. Campbell. trUlnsr
lieilela:i, nraiinlliir llplil wllii lheSnaki.
Ilonald McKiiv linllnim nrr n nurlv nf l,ir
or llfit nrndn up at tlio It -to macconi
paiiy Cuptaln UrakeV rnminaml. nnd were
iinder lie lead or McKay and Sloek Whit
ley :
Wahm Sriitsn Attasrv. Mat 22. IF(!4,
IWr Sir : Dounld McKat, with n fi w nf
hi liiibati nJiii nrrldd from Captain
llralte coinumn.l. Il.innl.l mit Unit uUwit
Ml inlle Ir.mi h.-r.' (Ihe li.wnc) his imrij1
or Inilliiti. came upon Snake tracks Thel
iiccml.-it In fliMlnp Hie Imlhtiit, ami K-tii
lck wind tn I'apialn Dnike for fill menj
nU'r Mime delay he pi nt .111 -a iiiimbi-r en
Inly lmnliuiitp for the sirvlc". lhee
InMip'cim-up with IIiumM' pule about
laylliihl. when liny cliarpul the'Sunki
will Un. view tn cutting ilieni iiirirom n
r.-iky knoll. I.l.nt. Wiii-m u)..i l..i ii...
clinrp.' nl ihe h.-nd nf n mull lm.lv or hi
in-ii, wa Mint in llie lieail.mid Milmniientlt
liorrll.ly tiiiiill-itiil. lie m,uii- Mruiigo mU-Ink-.
Lieut MeCill. In omiiMiiil, wild til.
party i.f men iVil not net Inin il..- naUt. .n.i
m- nn. r nun. r jne. lliie ir llniinlds lu
ll nn un. I, II,, ; Old j!iiek Whitley nu
Iml In Ihri-.' phiris ami . I.idly wounded;
ll.iikir, nu ii'e..iimii, wlio went nut with
(t.-nrpe lluilibll. had bin llilk-li Im kill by n
'boll i.riliPMililiir, two wire kllli iltiibv
fitflit and live wnuiidnl. The white Wir
delnit.il. Iiut-n con ml llie ili ml la,i,- ul
li r the Utile. 1 Im parly look Mimu tlvty
nrM-vinly hor.e Imni ll.e .-nuker; oflnie
Ciililiiiii llmki look nil Die l.-l, lintluirtU'
Indians but twenty eight poor Ihiin-..
Amitiikii FAUMiimn. The Coppe;
head art' trying In muke mlilicul eupllHl"
by iniiiulueiuntig Ilea nut of n ctrinlti
"(lieitibaek iMtinicliiin." Tim following
ti.niuiuiflciitlon In I ho Siattwwn m(s tlm
tniitierull right, Hlnrt out nn aniilher
fabiryiiip lurk, yp howling Cipjieiliiiul t
I'd. Sinlamaii i In tU- abn-iitr nf mv
brnlhtr. I fi-i-l It In be my duly liiibmibtn
Ihe public aiiiiul Ly citrn-ellugii foht iialr.
mtitt, made by one Tom Catnn, uliilo bar
Itiipulnp IU icop!c at Stlvtrton,- on !tit
Ileehargrd Mr. Ilcndoriuin, the Union
candidate lor Coneri. wiih .liil,im,..i.
nod ultr-mptlntx to prove It by ntuling that
I had paid a debt, on n gold con
Iraci. with K,((iiUtdt ; and reltfrrtil lo I.
II. Moore of Hah in. ui bis iniilmi-
I w Col. MiKirin on h'alunhiy rvrnlnir
and atkttl him about (he nmiiir. He guva
the following Matitnent:
cut- t. n. mooiim' sTATrHPT.
Suleni, May 18. IBCI.
Mr lienderton bought n wlr of eoli.nt
Ihe sale of my father' t.luto for iibimi
8160. and niter the note betame iluo he
paid 81(10 in go'd nn II, nnd sninelltne nl-tirw-ariU
Mr, II. retvitnl n Niymenl from
the Uullitl Slatis Cntiriiineni, in uinu
6.t of par. At llml time llii ruin-net
wu eircnlallnp nt Mir in Kugene (Jtly'i
Iheii Mr. II. uul oB' the ballatnv on the
note in riirn-iwy in Mr. M lnwnrlh, of Km-gi-lie,
who wus tlo-onlltt ling agent. Ilill,
a! ll.e time id this patue-nl, greenbnt-U
were worth Imt himli '(rati no ihe tlulV.tr
in SiUi. This wit in id-' known to Mr.
II., nnd, utlnml any mlialalwii, he f.ir.
wardiulJheiklieieiic to make thu grctn
bads m good us gold.
1, It. Mcoiux
Jr. MrDowsM. A Hi. Iul ill.,
fialfli iliiti.l May lAth, snya thu SlHtUm,
MtiitiiJtiit. Mule llmt 'MuJ-'r (Jenerul
McDowell ha arc ti'ed criu.uintid of the
Department ol the I'utifie. and wouM lente
ntorire or hi new command. dVntrul
Wright la ordered rait en the arrival of
(Jen McDowell. The unlilui ncceplnnca
of Gen, Douill Ulicates, in our opinion,
the prrwiieel nf n foreign war. If we hate
n war with France. !-n Fuit. (Juaymat mid
Mazillan lire likely to lw occupied by
troop from California. It may lie, that
Ihe appointment of MeDnwell look to the
Inviulnii of Wi-KternTexm by ull Ihe avail
uble Iroopa from thin Kiate, lo t rente n ill.,
version in favor of Hanks in Iouislat:u ainf
Skile In Aikonsa.
..-. . ' . . .- .. ...
5c2iK zi.,z:ii:z: . . k- ., i
nous ui wteial no ill
trc i-npapm in y
Kr.rimnw nv fkvii-vi,. A l it, ,....,, ..I
ele would be worklrg for good wave in I .. , ,,, ,.-..,. n r . i... .
ihunlos-, but of thw I was not cnt.relyithe regions from wh.ch slavery exclude )0 ,, , y m . .. . . . '
couGdent. More thau n year of trial i them. , - . . .
4.g.i.., oi j-oor- lie priutoi u oiacit ,... . . ,. ,, Rnnlll, ,, .., .,
mill, etc , tm. j txpicted attack d'rtttly
'" ' Bdonltd : ll.illiA- i- of our unnv iiiaiel..-.l
" "" or o'htrwtKva iluiv or , ,,n,, cr"l without kcrlou opMiliion nt u
,.4kr,u, ., . """'J-0' OIlMlMIH.I ,.l..l l -11-. !...!.. il... r..llr.,l
urn,. u''l8;;l,Wii-H lirUiji!, and imin.dmte'ly lesumed march.
flaek.,. """u'"iaiiipthoiMI"1 "till but Might el.lnn.i-hliig li-acticd
""aiataiifv,,, M.i . ..,,'. I l)ntl., .,,, .1... ........ i.... ,.r . I... .mir
-rt . i . -""hmi ui iatert " ,MV V.V. ..Hi; V. .MU .M.
Mrr dinlon of tie c,.. I hiiflehl wt.ed ut I'.IOvuh Elallon,
"'r."4urr. C..l. '. . " gllll ivAji i.l A,,tu ,.l lllfr inniini, .town
fortsn oral ,t !,'' fx ,Lc.fiJg lo the euma main body, hi rear
Prtat.on of guard constantly sklrniUhliyj with the tw-
olut. While iheenetoyjuonein our home opular seuUmcot; note chattle when he brings o good price on lhel'M.,A.8 Slinson' O W J W Will'
rXlXX tt'bulk ! ln oar Klli,c uili,or' f"Ce-T l0M b' "' i Uf!i0" b,lk;c , , , , I I " H'. 0- N. Terry 1 ii. T.. i. U.
bed rapidly i..' Uowah. ! anyhow or Bio.imc Ou the conlrary, I ridom of fapeeeh-LIcense to prwIiJHiroq.l ; 0. H.,8. Kl.worll. j (I. M., II
It show u gain of qnlte o iiun-neu ami iii.iotai.y uim nwu union men. ami -mg. , A, Cunnlghum j U. C, J, T. Iilm.iiiflcld ;
tlnrty iti&sanu sowiers, reamcu ouu iauur-,B,ri, niwoiwuiuuipnu i;ntu iiumi G. M-, Kykis; G. G., J.M, Hueon,
er. 'Jluacaif palfwblefacti, about which, who oppose ii, to make iieceasioo spcttLea .' ', '
ns fuels, there cau be no catitlng. We, und rotten egg lit publicnifi. . ' ' Kisxtiox JUti'uoii. We Jiuhj ihe vote
have the men ond e could not have had j. Dcrpotlsin Thy lawlul exerlions of a for each prrcliiet. In Jat kwu und adj6lidnjf
them without the measure. ; . - J cootiitiulooul (JuveiMncot, baiktdliy the irourrtii, will be lent iu to u. at the carUtut
' AuiL oof, .let.cw' .I'fiaoiButB.wlwfwip'c who ikvted il.-to toalotalfKllulf'V.jiporiuolty.