Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 04, 1864, Image 2

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A Few" Srrrsslon .
TV CipWhf.l about here dfiT thnt'f -Irwttmirb i lh (- PC ' ,n; "
... ...a . . .
te in fTnriSrcewina. Wr ebatrr it i 'ainw"
rd-nt, ni! I''"1 llt
Sheriff. Jiul .onpori Mrjowrn
wa rait nfuViriit!T rortcmifr,
romp out an liulrpei
P.mn-rats .hi.iild.roaVn.romiruiiirin mr
N thi
wa rait
.ffixlnrlrcl 0""rn bm) defiitt
M.K, WlKUiii umpire n nnmonn.iii.1. v .. .....- .-..-.-.- .' . , , .
.vn i tee. ' ' " '?-' ard them i ilrny fire t'H...n nrnmirr. we l"r l0 " ' ' add. that have .nii.VHrt'nwijr nbn lo
B, JIPE 4, ''jJo4, i,, J.0.,.uiLnnty in previa-jattr....r.n IhirA-ne m-q m Ihe j raiahlWi the lct. that three C-vp-tntfU
Mr .GvtcT- an nrfr iw i,, iln,, t ..fj-r in voir 'be rmirf
ra -
....- ...I . tT rA HtW
I r- th- 21 f March 161. Lane mad whrlmn nwiy. We hn ay.r.nth.t l-, ,ick,, (. ,w, r..r Sher ft") if our
rch in Ihe Cmlrd Sim S-nntr. fioni to n-jare the Ww of M' 0m nr tj,,,, ttmlt, v..tr f.ir Owrn, shnwitic
I . 1 l..u In -.
wli eh wr make Ihe Mining Mlrcss , M In. ra. not rrt any trnniwi im.nw- " ' i .rafcn-i. ami l--pt-ri.mil o.
- IV Union la len in laet lr.Ar nr ! ' " l""""' '.
VTncl.innitl nniHtrj awi.
... k .- .. S. ..-.. fJl,
tllTMtttj union. A nuinin-r i i3t-irtT..
I "! "t taff
I1W 0-rnt.m'!" w tf,nff,
wt .. h1mi ltHiU.1 u wHh J( m)nI (n n MTi m) Jf Mr 0wrn .
!wti-iKf i IT. luve formtd n iBdrptwWn' i k'J-". " ""' "' """ "" ''' " I rrlrJ. h- qn I will ?prr. hrr i1wn nml
. .1 . ITjl aJ.1 is klBa M
Acuin : - I) mnlon l iivTliali. It i
mil cwfR ln ,0P rUb ll,e 'eTrn s,",,
... . . .! -..
lip-nrr, lijr nrnklnc an Wfnj
dfiM' KiI,,i fvL.n.l te.l -.1
I -. -. - ". ' n'ntnvd,f.
nJ Ihrf w nIT nn Mm hf rt. wb.ir V J
cot mioc (ripnn iijMiie fcnir, ji,
:ilr. J.I.I .L. i.l .v. 'H
mil iiku inni inr iMrK'nKt torj ,
a pixl msny otw nn Hmtc.
Jndge Williams and GoveniofC
11ir two il!lin?ijili-tl pit tT.)fil(B,' t
. . -. i . . . - . i i.
. .1 .. l...l. .I.u WrtajlA fll I ltftl'tl HP I mm.. ...I .1.1 I.. .1... t .1
pnnimn in nram iik '"""w " w-.- -.. . Kun, inn mix- iranrn m in-' I n
nnuniti un ininii'nv crnwd tif f,
IJiirlmm ." Ororc lat
that arr nut. .Nn ir.
I finia wilt n tint too.
I" r
"Tomtxrncicr axb rrixrMTor tocii ..ril rriilit Bfir lL
U,lX. A G..TKNKKVT M THE wOT.l Ufc.Tr Stt ill fNlntT It." , "' h"t: V" I''0 "'"
.. ...1..J. I Am.ii, Tl..t llt dontrilHUnU.n. to" HHikr u ci tafr uad flmUfc wfiH
niHrnn'liilii. iifntw;enf ! " -r-
c-Hilmwn. Iiai wtiiHHiiiw'Tr ", " -.! ,n i.i, ,intM iMWh. - Hy your
mi t.l' lln li ' " ttt '' "'" inrif hall yr Ik- jiwl.nil." not yonr prnmi-
ii. IV r.il i the unly n-liuolc inl
tn iIm jiiliirr.
Ai1 miw. on thr o'lier Iwml wc ran rre
muni-nd tl- Un'nm nmniT, Mr. Ptiict
i frrl tkat "r f Wwlly Jihi in hiw. HH
lUmn, timj iltik Imi iwkH MiHKy.
NrMkr mil , Ky lw any Uiilii4. prt m ion wawy
Nun ol the j !" '" ""N"'" "".r " ""." ""
In tlc rwiii!r of .Inrkim cniin'r. a n man
of unpsfrirtiflnalili rlinmrter Iwrrt.
Tk Uvk TV Nations! t'nton Cora-
ami inlniw of their own : fiif miin: a f rrsi. j Snir-r-U-ii iii.iltr a foiHn.ill.ti t r), (l, ,(frwilf,f n.!n.irii.u. i.lior ih
-n.qn!.,t rj
cru ti-xcfpi a lew t'lnpffij.,
wrrr maile ck In ln'hnlJisg tbf )M
lih intlnpi am? porpoKii t,f
cratic parly) lljlrninj; wih fairri!T
it MP tf if tltt 4int ttn a ...
"n l -"" "
ernrrrt ureliii;iy that .-,
alilf to I prvjent iliinnj the boVt.'&J
Uihiw prcri. Mtat wed J b?
puinteil ami well irelirerH, M rt
jKfch a woiiM iimeh the rrfi.
tCt pVitbtrm a the ii of the fjr thcorn
fns.l'rMnttat efilrt :
.. ... . ..t .. U'iL. hiiiu.
, -i bhhm j,.ihrn w.,timnr?. -iffiiiiT .-. " .. . i-- n, ,H.vrT crn nnprnr.f ixctllfnl !. UVharehrnril HrerrKi-ki.,
i. A . turiiiiii U.ultl li iiitii lo the I : ... .. ....... i... ' ' 'vc
'- . ... nnin imiiih. oiwbj niiHnn in- un nr i,r nil who IijIptimJ In iL Wi-.
'ih.i.lTUt unffhhir nut) nlIKflnill Ihr . . . . .. . ... m . :.i ..i... -' ' . . i
."r-" " iiHifn. nen-r mnimm
T . . I - - ..;! IT .. . . .. . B.. u .. 1ImI.J (f V . n ' .
rtzam: -rorineaKe oi cnnifreT , ;w u " pwrnm n,rr, , llu,lfc, ,.. , . ,- . ih nl icr iwn'i n ... J.. :. .. "
wlihllmyrtitpfnfeMi.iMjalmiirfs!..inniiker. ami ihi wui rant lmM I pre I -,. .,..., 111M, r-llhfni ln uUenA ,n .11 .., .,, ,' . . ,"'
t m lnwntl In rnwrl L sill nf lU .nr. . -ni. to a hwifT bl WIK ill ihr mnlt of I . , . , ... t .i i.i .. .... r. . " .. '-'
TflK : , V , , ; , , lL .. n i , :, i ' "' ' "' un ' "H'""":"'? r""" " Ihik aimt. lmt I lie immriw rrvtu
' . ..m wi.t.d LUL r.. ......... ...l.r.... . ....1 .iiimi . ..I. Hm. I Tiu. I Htrnrr. u i ... .. ...I
.J" .. .: - J ' ' "i: .' L 01 A ' :N ' I am lan.l in rrtnect the will of ihr .nr-. -m. to a -hrf ,fT bo in ihr rn11 of
' .?! n iMlai rltili f,.f rMtiuu caiUCaniA. ' m sttfi nrr miiIi tk (?ir diTflii'V. It
?!?SX'KSL? ?'??T1 fT trn-mlTe., havr rrcnhd frotr the ' it .1U'y ihl thr rniHt nud frWivr
t'UK?SIOV OF THB RBBKuilON. ' l" ' Pta,,"'W ' ,m' "' lf , '-J """ "'" ' ",rr-L.IW it. .l we nn irmj iml wr
vrrtiTHKiMrsBT.iBRHOF. nr "r: . . fTu 'v, :. t : j'-ir ti .." ir:z. : v.Tv "y-" ""- -
,n. ...... , -. iih iiiMiv. n i mv litis k-iii iiiii hut kinu wr....j mm.. ..f .1 . it ... ..
... I. . . .. i . ;... ( ...... - --.- .-- . .,, iiiii.iii.i iiiviiirn hi nir Hill I k.r T,
IMHl.ri IPrttt- lib. if .ILfIT 1RJI 1IM HMfrUHl IHI U frcwvri . i I . . . .1!. I ... "'I
. rv...-.. ...... ..n - -.. .- .u M.ii.ifi nn.1 iicv nnr m.in in iii
Vinnnnn! v . r ivn .ft ik i- mij mit btb nmoi impuni wm nr ':r - - -.i "
Ina reparation from the other .Sialt, I am , iminiry. .So wh any ilhf ftwraMt or
. Uwstl to rrip-ct the expfriHn of llrif i o4lrr riWii nf the U. thr flteee wnk'
Abraham Lincoln,
Sdliject tn ih- ih rin of the National
t'n on Conrntinn.
For Presidential Electors,
IAS. F. iiA'ALKY. u( Il.i?l eouaiy.
II N. GKOMiB. of I.mii e.aiy.
CKOItUK I WOODS, of Wo eonniy
rpwihltil Willi Mr. S.iviiiri
w..crr,pn -mi , .mil Dtanny irpimair nain in rnaw-iw cnr..u ... "' I nhl T(HI can alwatu Mr nn. He ltl
the imliernf tlempline te thwart tlut (.h. p.at wi.h thrfsWii vwUnimr. ""t.i..,; i h.bihI n.i.Miil. iiitl will faiarullv
will uiwjrf the pn-lfn of piinijhioj; tr-. h" W Ihr mm Ihr pJ- h t-tkvivi to tt ( Mr wfnSr
MB'Bnd. f"ferw4 b l4"'-'." i,-, ,l tw'M' " " ,u;.V7'";P"-,'i I" eoHcinn. in j Union m.,n un-
iiCTBimiisHUN jr.Hin cmin.1Bii.ilrPiMr-iy i-mmi. """"" flij.i.wlr .u..w.m 1, r,.r .ml I.I-.,
. . . .... .- .''" "V '1 ........... ...,
lirr, .min lniwnl Ihr crowd llan,
nni Triil.i.nt mol rntrrlain:ri- -II.
...t..l Uiih li.. v. . "
"r """"' " ' ",r - "rrc nep
Mr. aafapr),0flprn.ij B,)ncaliil IniiIi
n mull u. tvry pmal cttizii nlioaM j Ooiiprev. hy errrv niimU-r of ih?"
tnlMHH.r with hi voir, lie U u (!.,,rt,, prty". fn.m Mnwiol
I in Id; fandimMital.
j 'IV rishl of fetiwlon linc fana
irn.l h mn. (nod r Wnhr lhl nppml lo
ih-o mni is InnwVfi al prn'riy. who to-
J mnlal ami paramoNHt. at) the TVrralo- lend lodiiy i4i.lnehMirMnlr,fchl whoa)
I rij nrwi ileii of furla hare brrn aetftbvd pfremlr Ihr WHOof CM iSrrt; who erl
ahKt to that rfeht.Bhdinn.i sliitir iiTiL"nni new'-! mwmti. Mr. 0v noi n
Union State
... i . . , ... a ,'TI NM rl" lw- !(- J."' III MH H
U.oeonn.y - I -l orp,l at ,hr tesatorV IJah. aWlr j-p.. Wl hr h h rf a ch. rf . riUr -4 -f f
' ' ;'". pech-h8rl umm-J h to, m-n who ..rt ,, ,pm-.ky ,H l.lMr nan fi.kir.nl! Sava.-r. Tl
rP!.l- i,M? f,,f enewn a ip-rch fur the mtb . h-y br th.tr ftm that ay ; bm it v.m. i ......
I lCivOt . r .i . . . . '. . . . .i.i "" williHir to traite the rnlirr liekrt to
vi. t ion of theuamJ the pr in return i4 thr !. hi u M Had eowmwuiy like iiu-k- . . ... ,,
fiir him from ihi lime until the mll nrr
rfnvd. 1 1 every tnle lie eanv.inl nml
eXHmittrd. huI trr thut il i nil riL'ht for
Savujre. Tli- t'np rhtarf Iwre alumliin
I Ml nil i-lM' ; Ikni ImIo pivifi tin kit luit.t
Frd-ra! properly. Sir, if thre h. a 1 , ' "iwiy. n pwmii ih eln-M iA two te
jcootrad. the richt of trenion. thfn, whrn lrvl- ihrrr faviitr to thr w l ibin.
For Ecprcsentatlve In Conpea.
.T T.T T T.TrvnniiL-cw
. ii. a.. xi.-xi-ikov-',,Tfr,vjtatee'rer that neht. thn Gmt- j UM i4Sv i Ike fwiaiy. un i.ffcr hiii
I'rnnirni run no uw in inai male lo Mr- . oirr ih iw whii nr HwtiHiM unu k
lir XlrCT.1i.MAH ClHiMT.
Fr I'rocjiti Atioroey of Fin: Judt
em! Il.ifwi.
Of .Ijekn Conmr.
eutr, nor kai it any properly in n4i Siair
thai ens re protrctnl by the ponrr of lti
IVn romr lbi adriee : - li m bs
th party lo sir loon In lake eharre uf
riufiy i if liV wuV.irrty iIkii nil iHfci-r.
It U MK hHrtff- to m , that a iVr
Tdih. inutii i rigour or kiilip mnr
pavHlilr con.-, 4fid tArti the iky or
n'phl that would S"d ito i'hrfiCiiwu prr
For Lvidjiirr A.emh'Tmra,
rues, cnoxio.v.
F-.r Cmnty Cfrrk,
Fm Sheriff.
For Trairjr.
K F. IlUsSm.L
Fur ConiaiMionen,
For Treorer,
B. F. l:UriSKI.U
Far Cnwmiih)eer,
FrSl Suf?rkUfilit,
Firr l'ablie AdmiBliiritBT,
O. 1). JIOXIB.
For Corrmrr.
Fur A'rentor.
For Sanryor.
thw Cinrrnnirnt to 11 the reenl'd Siatr uwl wtfit Iwr ihjiy. 'Ilii wwil W thf
xt&. and I it nn iikum to nll-romt to col iino- of uli mhrt, thnt a hud nun wrottd
h-el rrBne in their port ; that would n- j nimoMl h krd ihd-ut thr Iihw br
It is s lilomly. IrtriMr wr ; hot, on thr , ernwl ilHy Ihr rimHtMiny with levo.vtf.
eaatrary, seknowhilpr the iwt-rr4r of: ih )mmii. and k ff fim aw int. xi
the Confihrrate Slatri of Amrie. and tulid Shef.ff with iniimiiUr. The sh.rfl
treat with them si an ally nj3 frksdly m- h.'d lie u wan of the Mft mbtirir
ti-w." !abd of thtricnit ami mint pt-rhot !.
S wrathfa! did he benm st the Uarr i mtm hlnu. Mr. Oam hi nut fueu a itmti,
ida of colirctMC rererwe frsm traitor., ikw Uwimv heihii4 know iwt Urn:ht
one thr ilriVal of SaVnL'e. Ilr true In
your iMinmre. Uiwui wro. Pun 'I .rmlili
4 man. V are mil in h hum iliHcrr.
"IVte it ii necniiiy 6ir Iradmr. Wrran
mid will ofrtf the rnlKr liehet ftlllxtul nay
W dMjtrarrM ir.rrtidip.'.
that he mide tbe folfew iag iurtlii.j so
nrmacement :
" I bare teen lh poliey of cnllrctinc
(for he tlnef) lmt UtniMf frtr-uixl canity
k hi fyfe, and lucky bapfiy, tin nun
mt of life. Kvry imiii Mi inrnU to
tribate carried oat on the Pacific ewait. I rnMiwiiliy twhW i ium cnnlv. rvrry
hepaied wkc te in ptereni when a prrsi i man who dwirn. to r Ww ami oiilrr id
asd ntuiiilaitrtrd, and erry mas wloi
Iadun tribe came and drouiahd the trib
ute it hid reeeired annoaliy from the Ump
qua peon, j u. tbe proce of cuilec-
dniH to e nctranigc briey, irpnhtr Imin
ilr. Lurd nmkitr. bmI ibduriroiui nwfi.
lKo. Tbechrel wmt sll over the coontrr. iiusbt to votts ncuiwt Mr. on. u.i
j Iff1 diridrd hw bscdi scd rent tbrm to ere-1 work opiiwt him. su fur Mr. datu.-v.
ry T.'i.'fre and forced them to pay hej We preuc rw uiC will dey, ihut the
.amount o.' t'lbnle that he d.iirrd; aul Coppetbruib are nuw lUrin day uml
, when they diled to pay it be carried the . night to ircore jle electwo of Mr. Owni.
jdehnqnenlt kay, and reduced them to, am) the only argument ukO i. tr.Wy.
Utatery. I wituVird lltat myidf. The I Tael that ii tfce only ogument (und it u
itorSM in senator cwrrriic? irioaie orjy ob Branirni wnn iiiute wl.ur tii
' tun or rireoue from the Statn that bare and isffomce u aJway to be ducurdid lir
fedrd from thn Uflinn w not ose iota cnwl mm) thai can be oted spairut Mr.
; above the b.rbjroui policy of the Clkk- Savage. It Ua ludiignto fee a hit of
; inn.
Tiwader isd Man J Where U thf
.Isdua tribe that wllrclrd tribute
. UmM)'ia ! Aod wlio wi rtdi
txr frPKrrHM it ! u'l.'iiWiini to
Me what an iimuitl if uuii'uire a iljr
ntr HMitlrluii wti jml on in n Iml rmm-.
Mr. Fay planed tan in ll.r runu". an wr
afr iHlonifil. I it iit.rrlii'L' ul Wilhiw
ltihS. ilatt the KVnliirky Ikitnre
notrr --iil ihi-rr4uiiuw i4 "jg ,ich
we pubt .hd l.i-t wrvti. iumI that the .mm-
na mi Aladitinn ih-VHiirvHt. Hat lir the
li- I -ol to Darilal.rlbi hi- raw it in
utorlbrr lithl'iilal iidlliitltil the (hawm'tit
ui.il taHifi-J Iim iiM.ini thut lir would
laial iihmi uim iWvmI it. In hi. nnxh
Srtiurday rrt-nir lal. at the Hold, hr
read lla- imdHiioti to prove llmt the Il.m
ikhbI wWr lait in favor of Sitvuhm. aial
j with tin- word Hull ftttdien Unrinjr him I
Mnut'y in Hie raer. he il ohiiid llmt llarr
olnthm did ih mmn Nnllitirutlnn. What
Han h it mnn? Are the imne nf
Jacii'nn Cfmiity UAt in the cutimaliiin of
Mr. Fay, thut tla-y dn not know the mmn
inr of ihe word of tin- Btii'lUlt lai.guape.
HmSaiunkiy evenlni;' fM-rli nbnuwlnl
io the mmt atnuitdinr stoteiiH-nU we have
rvtr li.lrHil In. That a imtn, unarliiip
uwh-r ihe n hukr. mcli ai Mr. Fay rewiv.
ol from Juil-re Williums ondiriii-e at the
Gmve ihnu!d pilch into his opponents lo
Hie uieiit of In ability, is not to be won
tlril at ; b that any man by any meaoi.
j wimul be driven to the u of Ian
i in r,. m il
(IumI Ihe lime feuuth ITarn irj m.1
Ilr fhi.rnl mnt CPnelnnin-'r, ii
D-mnrrary are nmr qiiarrly phm ,
ihr wm irrannab'r fonnlatinn, iJ r.
hare flnulily adhrrril In it frrtn Urfcj
ion of Ilia fimt State din tntbe:
tin', ami tliat mich action of thmlv
nwt in Inn the inlrliicinl kik tl
liaal prtH.-ramine i Northern Tn.
joayinr into iliehaml of .1, (Ttmi Pi-i!
wla'it lie proclaim to the Nnrtkm p,
p'r mid the world, that at' he lI n
" to h let alone." Tlie f rarth it (k
arirr'rt-il llironrlinut lie itn clnrri c
fince. iiimI urn one of the abNt tft
we Imvr rvi r had the p!uure of '.t
Ibith pakrr wrre eiitrmjiaitiaNi?
p'amW ihronchoiit.
Dou;ln Coniktltution.
IV hrifHwinir i xt'jct is liVni !r:
n..iiff'ii' crrui ppeerh on rrliinihint 6
hit.laekiMiii fine. Th whnleoflbfjp'iM-
eon lr- fimiHl in tl ConcrcMiowl b'A
of Jim. 10 1844
-TalkalM.nl lllrralilr! Ta!kboa-
rraililir J ! U hy. there wa hot oot it
imliiy In lk obarrreil, and that wdtheb
iButify of dinc'lM); ihr cannon. aoJ ir
In? Ihr ininy, rrtrardlmi of the cr,
wleHla-r it la? Iiy the seizure of tuttce WAv tr
it for
. men sUrt io to tiact.ow of Ibtir Dumber i.i ... ,...,. t , , . , f I
creat to an office, and the oule indowment tlae!-..v.i . ...,..: ,u,"",c,,nd to intercept
i I "fc UHl IfUL rilldll. limk.' ni mai. -. . . . .
in rBBuf.,to civetU Twlimadrink oi.e.iu. r.. .... t ,.... ....'". imS- H this was
BM! toiciaiahBhtaaad tell him Owen be- Z7Z TL 7n .ZT, ."" "W 1 ? "
ha nuif-rrnl thii ripht nn mifiaDilei'
and tlirrrfnrr let him nut be tnl t
wa unrnnititutiiinal. To d.-frid Ibrtsa
try. let him not be tn!d that it u vet
stilutionul to ose the iifce"arT wo
The Constitution was adopted fur tk
tecllon of the country, ard urnkf the v
stiiothm the nation bad the right t
cie all the powers that were necwsir ir
the proiection of the country Ifswi
law wai necrwary for the protrctks'
country, martial low was legal I f
poe. If it wat necessary lor ajsljt.
the preservation nf order, to ptt-
tempt, he thonjrht it was nece7 ' '
General to esercise control oTcrbacw1
to Impr'iMtt traitors, and to srrat r?e
communication :"
Decenary, tls sm
slsrery : Anybody eke than same of Oal . to.y to or crowd." , 7, , " . , . . ' ." '" J J.ckson. at the time be perfcn!
"' Jot " miTgensted" ppoy , j, u rubably oselea for a to show br wnmen ioooerat white vli... r x.i ncl Douglas was defending si comtH
w - " " " ew - w m h r t v uvni im tauii uiiil- , ii ur i r tar iwii ur.naia 11..1 ii .:! . . . k rriinirni n nn ncn in a.ia mm 1 ac s -
Jo-WaUbeforetheireycUvebeesistes;. everything he , aid in the speech ab.ve ri.STs. Lfr KcIZlTZ! " U . To ! im,. LitaVu s fa
e. .. c- . 1 .. . . . . - .-. ,,r .-.,.ranr v.w.i ui ir. i-ar. we learn I mi .' - - , -.
nr llunn A- W.lr. n...i ,l. 12
.:."". riv.a.T,.. .,.... nji oe wouw not taseawora durinif the lut rear, sod Hat Le U .11 L. ..ii..i .....': ....... MV . fowtitolion. s onlr bounded br t
ui arc . s. .. .....-. .... . m .... . .. . v - m .---. vvawtai nj Huuiu iru iiiHt i . BB'n m La 1. i.k . . iv 1 m
r.i WVBlW'r ' W ' "'" of duKan. If this, inlW)U .Bd purposes CperLtad Ifcno- Ibis also On itana r, 1 . . "' !f ease. Whaterer is rU,.
Mexcxrdngiy aanoyiag to both the Sut-.ii not the Democratic doctrioe. why U M, nSJTLZl. ? .Tl T . ." ,,0,,C l 'e learn that fuf thf nrM...Mtnn ,. . rniD0 -MUi
I'astbad. Dagan i Wall paper u rep. u- TT it J " M " ,,Ml iht C,l'UM of ,,,at Pa" e that there is do show on the rsr ff
ymolWn.thth.pck.gTcresS, SZTZ'ITJZ' ZSZ S """ -7 re a Uf-civH. IgLnt, guh road. Z Z S ! s,t w!ek o. I
:hr. aad tisre n be no w.y r account, rai'n w . U deS oV X ' Wr bare IheTrstimonr ot r .it ' uu ". "? 1e.K0,d Uke "'f B "" ,U,'cl U "foclu- " " i,b M' "
.- KiU faiJo.cto reach ttem. ncent a eonieerld word meiA . ' ' ""' " rrlub.ajio wttb . Blackguard -0 ,bU I.LJ1.U. i.. w v. He .
.... . " . u.n m w in . BBuinnruia a.aa.a.a i......iiT.a a i ----- . v ,..... .., ...,
i i.c i."irTn luruninz ni ine worn u
.I . jalf .K.aila al..i f. . a . . 1 . Iff .
ihi. "" ""-. Mr.-,roiiuUBU lumM,, $orM- mUla!).u- . .,.,,.., .... ,,...,..,.. wforS
.ctra, Lim.lfea.My Mt - gm ')?? L' ": !oiut. bat is not .u-
ir rata csaxwCflifnl -J i j ..i ... ...". r. ,"" , 1" . . . ." " "" ,w" " --.vMi,cr. awj jlowm the itaii. ."reeV-. fne .,.. v. -i r,. m.L. tit tm
w7nerrTard ihatO.ec J-M - iw...n- . . . . . . " " " M
, "'" "ire 'rP-tcc Ihfir intrL ircctU-B,
ojssnthe banntlNsii Hail cne persoc it
ouctiBf timzif entire
tfeta csaxwdineol
wr s i-np-Mfd arj Jh Jatttr titUu-d."
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