;? ft pS rm trtlnsHc.,,,,n,,S,,1P , , CUor.hUC.,.n.yn,t!.e1r r" mn. iiiinim "'"- ' . A.hiinff rebels. u,tfll.vat the camion's mouth rf iMr CMnlryU right n.l fkTa,rlonotn-o'v,.imi hit, ',, enM too! Ah ccntl- .iu. ir.Mt run neither cover "!"... litm-nmnir your liypocrl- ufrr:'Zl -.. far Mr, Far. Mr. Owns I, tan-lym! are endeavoring to fMertIi1Wn,l,,"'r"rru- .. rttWWMjwnntliliw.ln order Oh, tote rr peace Hemocrnlfc -,,, I ihreMler nil If jHK'nJk"n County yon ,r.U UnMatt,'ht of that windy rc- ki tw ffwrniw Copperhead .4 ,k,t to In-linn War scrip for lbepaal In lu '" P"'"' .,v4pfwllft,'nn" ny,,1,nK n,",ul .... Wiwnlo know that they LjU the iw-mhers of Oh! L,jUjBtratlnn for year, nm! iliwiliftly ly Ilaclianaii 1 Innl XI ,.- I.-M.1 M..t ..It, itlftiP ir ie nrtiiiw imi-" i" ' ..tit tin nutter, they can charge keaartlly Iti-mncratic Admin iJiw lliiehanan. In Breaking- Appointments. Fbhscf Wishing t niuke the ap mil iinwnnil in jour paper ol r,x hsrmnnixe with the tipioiot- Uuellon.A.COibni. Thccan- umipcskat Jacksonville on the i' PMlx. nn the HOili i at Awi- mV'lit. auJat Iostnwnnn the iue. CANIHllATrS. Jisioivhxk, May 18ih, 1804. W Ittmti I have the pleasure of re- f'ifn, thut one gentleman a good m. bum ponded to the proposition wq cwn, published last week, of ate one of trn, contributing 61(10 nmnry. to the Sanitary Commit- diss acteally deposited the money k u local treasurer of the Commlj Cwtributflrs name will be publish- stt parte fat nude up. Who nrc flttjtt to take stock In this propo- Oregon Railroad" Survey. We nrc Informed by Col. Harry that he has Ills party nearly ready, and will stnrt Tor the Colnpooln Mniintnlns within the 'next ten d.iy, where he will cnmtnrnce ' ncntn on the Ilailrnnd survey, for nn Ore- 1 iron brnneli nf the Pacific Ilailrnnd. lie ha secured the services; of .Tarn M Cnrlev ' ,., - i i .t . ... r,q , us chum in engineers una rnpnni-ptit-r, who will Imve charge of the opera lion In the field and note the tnpngniphy of the cmntry. Mr. Cnrlcy is tli.iln. iruiflu-d in his profession, nnd his well, known scientific nbillilca la n sufficient guurrnnty that the result nf the survey will be reliable. The party will be cnmpocd nf eight men. the name of all or whom we d.i nut now remember. W. ,1. I'lymate Kq., will nccntnpany Col. Hirry us nn assistant, nnd bin will known cnenry.nnd extensive 'nc tpialntnncu In the Willamette Valley will render lit service valuable. If lime and cireumstBncv permit it I the intention to push the survey thrnnch to Pnpet Hound, tht Kcunnn. It i unnecipiiry fur us to notice tht'praiiewnrihy ilnilertukinc fur ther at present. Kfiirly every one Is fa. miliar with it object unil piirpiinrs. Tlic pMipIo of Oreirim innct inuve In earnest nnn, If they ever expect to derive any benefit fnim the prent l'aclflc llallrnail. We nm! Imve n branch mad to Oregon, TIiitc are now two bills liefure (.'npri-, each pmvidlnp for a branch lo'Orepon. It is not probable that both will becomu laws, prnntlng ntd to two brnnclx- to Orrpiin Which theii shall the Itifluence of (eir Stale !m oist Tor 7 Tlie one rtinntiig from Salt Lnkc to the navlirable waters of the Columbia liver, or the one runiilni from Murysvllle. Cat., to Portland, Oregon; or hall a compromise line be advocated run ning from Ibsen's Meadow to Portland. These are question which are now engag. luir the attention nf thixe who look ahead to a glorniw future for Oregon ; ntid Col Harry' survey Is Intended to call ottcntlon to them nnd uid In settling them. n. C. C. IlfKKUAK. KuGclcii, May 20,1804. I i What hat become uf the lwwlalcription, martyr Vnllan. I: 1 bare not heard a democrat 4tjTiecut patriot' namo for r ! In sxxithj J h he still under the act Qurn Victoria' crinoline! PwbtMne situation for a martyr iVrt it uood dital of Andrew MatWmutloo Isn't there? Mr. r CUttm hduee lliR rinnnrnier ItJiJiCKiiajfor mrTcring Vat ? PlKK. " I 'I!l'o.htliiriTin fiivni,i -- wvk , , i luff, iJsotwtoMi; Democratic Con- 14th. The follow!,... '""""lei Uepreseutativei, '"tytfftT Sanger, ThM.Ucll; ,rff IltiJ Lin. , IV,,.,. nj.i Pl II "..y UUIIIIIIIFB. B p " t"d K''"! 5 Assessor, ttEwti0orooer1Jiio, McUugh. rw,il!S Attornev. W. O T'V-i.tf . " tre made fur County "w oaivrynr. ;MM. Cut -Mrs. Luerelta ! M of tlw III,.. .:. ii 'i . r hiu usury tLesfagtoo, Ky., April Git., . uer Kin, Jolin M.Clay, ymiMmn. Bhewa. SrofL'ol. II.,i r rt ... ' ! UCAHIglUII, tr Looored liusbapd eleven " ""Snwj, four of whom ur. JInreTl,rettrefourart,c,cs ,n d .""""is-H., which should be , u.uu, mm carried tllad In l.i. .! . irafv "e'gifor. "The JCoa.pronusc" and Dongh. ' J W bo beg the War." on ,fttoo eoodi,. i i. !ib. m '" be made by the The President' Gun. Tho following pMin, by W. I. Cntla ghcr, K"i., wo read at the meeting held In St. Ijut to ratify tho l'rcaldenl' Procla mation : Uatlfy' ratify J ratify what! The President' Proclamation t The hcuvicf t gun that has yet been fired At the enemk' of the natlou, "DablBrcns," or "Uulons" are nothing llku It, I i iiom) ciicmie to uomor ; It range und carries ucrosi the whole land, From ono extreme to the other. Hurrah I hurrah I for tho President' gun Welt named "The Proclamation J" Twi made of tho metal of stern resolve, And run hi the heart of the nation. Already the cheeks of the traitors host Are white as their staple cotton, For they tlud that their boasted "corner stonu" Was tuado of rock that I rotten. Ilcncforth let the President's gun advance With the armies uf the nation ; And ruurulng and cveulng they'll alt salute The "rifled" Proclamation. And In future year as the Stars and Stripes, In peace float out above It, Wu'll rtrivo to teach lb erring host, Who hate It now, to lovu It, ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, Xlrorvu. QixxxfTt Itwotmr, Dtmlcnw, Fine Huppw, Turn Vlrclnlis Ciktm !lAtpe. KitcliltnrhM, Amfilran (lfntlf man, C..-lilii;". Te'ollo'cv JSlxxxxxXi Raitrh, Itnnfj IVw donlch, lllijti Tix.l SVkIcH, 'rrli tlutiry Hew Scotch, ltlli llteh Trawt, t'rnh Avtcti. or l4inUjfi.4. Attention Is called In the larpc retliicllon In price of flue-cut chewing nnd smoklnir Tolmccos, which will be found ofn U)H.rlor quality. Tobnooo t tmtmai niKit rittwivat osiat Ionc, P. A. Ior flJn, p. Jjs 1, Oif mlMi, ,v Hwrl, CpanUti. No. 2, Swwt-fc'Milrrt Onmo, tn.l.r, Km. 1 X 2 mltcl, Tin I'uil CkMmll.h, Tiilkt.li (IranuttlnL N II. A circular of prices will be sent on application. Nov. 2f . '63 y I Tlic'Cnmlltlntcs rtt Allmiiy. The Albany Journal makes the following notice, of the Congressional discussion nl On Monday. 2d InM., Col. Kelly, nnd Mr. I Sllllff 311(1 TODaCCO Henderson uddrcs'ul n targe Miidiiiirt' nt this place. The Colonel led ifT In speech of two hours, showing up in the iivinl Dc. mocniey stjle, the wrongs nnd outrages practical upon the South, driving them, n tt were, inlo recession as n measure of de fene nr.d self presi rvntion. The burden of Id speech win to prove, that the wiir wa liroiiL'ht nboiil, becnue the rrpnMlrnns te fucil to susinin tlie Crittenden Comprom. I"". lie suciiYiled oilmiratily in showing the bent of his own sympithle and thoe of his p.trty. He has a way of hovering over the reliel comp until one would ui e him jitl ready to light down, when lie flaps his wnns auil is iifTfor Wnshlngton again, lie tins u Imnl road to travel, nnd he evidently reel it. It require nil h skill and lael to io just fur enough to tuke In the wur l)-mocrat, and not loo fur to leave out the unconditional ciice howlers. His smtterini; remaiks went to show that the South Imd cause to secede; that the Government ouirlit to Imve coniprnmiwd ; that it ought imt in Imve iiiiiupurnifd war ; tlmt lie nihil linn must put down ; that Iloiiirlas opposed the war, tlmt the rebels Imve yi t ii'l the riehls they ever bud meter the Constitution : tlmt huct must lie miide to save the Nation from ru in; that Lincoln violutid the CouMitu. linn by tniirfrrinir Willi shivery ; thai the tho war must tie rigorously pnmccutcd J that when it closes, the right or slave hut iters, a such, miint tie held mend. etc. We are not disposed to do Cot". ICelly any Injustice. We belleic lie has erred, and that he will soon, If lm doe 'not already, sec It. Delia accepted a position, nnd ha taken upon himself Issue, in which he fall ; nnd Is which he cannot but continue to Tad throuirh the chiivumi. The reason is found in the fact that he I fundamentally wronp. Hi party were much elated al lit nomination nnd acceptance. They reposed all confidence In hi talent nnd ubilliy at a camasser. They bnaitin;rly proclaimed that he would make "that old preacher get;" but the table arc turned, and the "old preacher" ha got Mm, nnd will continue to administer to him.nt he has commenced, In wholesome doctrine. It wa plain to be seen, that thu Colonel chagrined tits friends, and fell far below the expectation of the. And with one accord give It thtlr unqualified it , approbation. W'u now add rem ourn ti to union men. , Jail who are uiiacinalutcd with this, thu .nr. iicnucrson, un inc vuiumi, i lilt argument nn the principals that under lie the republican government. lie traced secession into the rank of the Democratic party where it belong; pointed out the Inconslssenclet of modern Domocracy, nnd thowrd the complete untenablenes of the position taken by the Cotoncl. In short. Id speech wa a complete success, a graf. fylng to the Uulon men a it was annoying to the Copticihcad. Mr. Henderson I the right man in the .light place. Spring & Summer C3i-003DSi. Jruus-t R.eoeiv'd. AND NOW OlMWINt;, AT MANUFACTURER, IG nnd IS Clittiiiticr St., X. Y.i (Formerly 42 Chatham street, New ork ) Would call the ntlenllnn of dinler to the I O A " UC DD " O articles of his manufacture, vtr. : vrVVnu DrVV'U Cheap Cash Store ! A MOST Complete ami Attractive Stock. STOP THAT COUGHING! SOMI5 or you can't, and wo pity you. Von haio tried eury remedy but the ON'K destined by lis Intrinsic merit to sit pi'ix do nil simitar prepirntlnus. It Is not surprislii)! that vou should be reliiclaut to try Miiuethliii; lire, aftir the many t'Xierl nientsyoii have inndo or the trifhy com pounds ToUted on the public as n certain cure; but Newell's Pulmonary Syrup Is really tho rg UH n-miily ever com pounded lor lb" cure of couplis, colds, sore thmat, nthma Whooping-cough, brunchltls and coiisutnpllon. Thounnd of pcnde In California and Orepon haV' already teen iK'tiellted by the surprising curatlirv ini of HTewell's Pulmonary Syrup, or Fasliloimblc Summer d'obtls Our assortment of the new (.Incrrabelln, Kinptrm nnd CiHuct Slylraof l.idle. Misvcs, Clillilreiiand lufiitits' Straw IIATd. also IIONNiri'S. ltUIIIONH nnd FIA1WKUS. ialho inosrcouipKiu to be found this side ol San I'mncl-co. Our nssortimnt or DUKSS OOODH i-i extinsive, und or the la'tst Hjhs In colom and designs. Our stock of Prints. laiwns, Itlearhcil and brown Muslins, Tii hie nnd Shirting Linens, CuSslisi'res, Hosiery, Silk Mantilla. Ktc, Kit., Ki c. I not excrllctl by any Inuiso in quaintly or qualitv. In CENTS' CLOIIIINO nnd FUJI. NISIIINO OOOIIS. IIOO I'S. SIIOHS, CAUI'KI'S and OIL CI.OIHS. we h.iy.t it larger slock lliun wu eer olT.'reil in tills market. In fct, we keep everything npiH-rtnlnlng to njhrtcltni Dry Uowts dud Clothing Ptahlilumnt. All are Invllii! tn call nnd Inspect our Onods, winch will b sold nt such prlcH that nonu can complain. SACHS I1KOS. P. S. Constantly nn hand, u full stock or GROCERIES, LIQUORS SI'GAKS AND TOHACCO. Jacksonville, dan. "J.1, lh(! I. :ini Express Safoon, John Woland Fropriotor. uLr;ratof lUv ,broat ttua ,uUK'' u"ur-. - sssws; f$& t PiifHSMX. May 13th, 18C4. Kd. Seiitititlt I write this, tlmt you may put Union voter on their guard against Copperhead tricks, ou the day of tlie elec tion. One of their plans Is, that on the day of the election, they will circulate the slory at the different precincts, that some of the i Union nomlurc (and having a different mime Tor each precinct) i going to vote lor Owen, or ome other of the Copperhead candidates, whereby they hope that strictly Union men will refrain from voting for uch candidate. I have not heard of uny other plan, but If I do, will let you know. Yours truly, Sk.stisu- Candidate ox tiik Stumi. Don't fall tn turn out tn matt. We presume that Messrs. Jacobs and Fay will make the prin cipal speeches; and If Jacob don't hold up our end of the cause In h satisfactory man uer, we will give up bat. IIox. I. D. Haink-Thl gentlemen ha declined to run a an Independait Candi date lor the Legislature. A Card will ap pear next wctk. Wilww Snuxoo-A good letter for Union men to read, written by a gentleman lug you that NewclPs Pulmonary Syrup lias cured thousands, and will cure YOU, If you try it. ItKIMKGTOX i CO.. So'e Agents, 110 and -118 Front street, fc'au Prsuclco, and lor sale by nil Drugl'ts. niiniii Atliiiiiiltrator'H Sule. TN ntir.tinnf,, of nil nrflr of thu ITountv 'oiirt, of JackMiu county, Oregon, I will THE EXPRESS SALOON, , I pledge myself to keep a iFIHST-OLAS SAXOOXV And giro the best of LIQUORS, WINKS, CIUAK8 and LAOKlMIKKIt, tit ONE-BIT A GLASS. April, 2M.1KJ1. inv i JOHN NOLANI). apl'i.'ltr Kit at public outcry.on tV.duelay, the; Hj I II m H M PL If I II lljt I Bin uay ol May, al inn larm o' Joimi ll l ll it J. Ill 11 It X 11 11 11 ill l'J Mataou, on Hear creik, tlie rollowlni; Oe-. u-rtlMl ,.rii,i...lv lik.ullt 11.111 v.uli liuil scrlU-d proierty. to-wit: Twenty-one head of mures and cults, as the pron-riy or the estate or W. II. Mnwutl, deeeuM-d. JOHN WATsON, Adm'r JackKHlv)te. April 16, '(it. ptU!w:t Adnsiiiistrator'a iS'otlcc. NOT1UK Is hcriby );lven to ull whom It may concern, that letter or ndiiilu- lutratl-jn have been t;raiite.l, by thu County nt the above named place, will appear next i Court or Jackson county, at the January i- i, ..,a i i, fn, it, t. tn i Terra tliereuf, to KmerMjii 12. (Jure, lo ail- week. It came: too late for thl Issue. u,r u (,(() wlul(j )f Jo,(l Ui0totu 'decvuM-d, late of said county. All (h-imjii jliailug claims aiiainsl fum e.uie, uiu re ht'CCKtMOUH TO FRANK I5AKi:i, 410 anil 4IH fl.y HC, Nai. KritiirlKu, Importers and Dealers t IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Drj Goods, ,tu r TiTMir nT I oueMid to preunt them, with their proper L, . .,,, , .. ., AM, SSOO REWARD l.ouclOTllrJnJr-ul.to.nr,alyK.. C'Ul'IlCUi, OIlClOillK, Mil IllttrJ, iltJJ O-fciJ I I Xl-xsvjv s ,dllCe, near Phaulx. within six month.; audi mtiiw um.imiv iwio , ,, ir not presenkd within one yeur Iromdatu, Ji iiuinii,iiy liiiuijfj, Uslraycd from my ranch, on Colonwoo.) i , ,u,mlIcei ,lty wl u, furt.vt.r )lirrtHi - - ami UrecK. Laliluru a, in April, iu,ure ueuu B, prtwlw u,ebitd to said islatoarw pAptin TT ATO"r"'TTSi,.a or hure- thelat heard or them was at , n t,J ttLj uollllfd .,. Iiav , ., , X-LX-XjXX XaZXlN UrXJN U-fcJ, ,....111.. .---.---- ---.-. .r - . v i Tiik Whoso JIvx. A private letter Trom .Alabama, saya: Our mlnistej nearly got lilmseif into a scrape the other day ; and whether he I bit of u wag, or a very cureless fellow, or on abolition trai tor, U now the topic of discussion with us. At the meeting on the fast day he gac out Dr. Wall' hymn, commenciog "And nrc we wretche yet alive, And do we yet reU-l ? Ti woudrous.'ti sniaziog grace, That we are out of hell." .Mr. ijlimius.iour mum irum jwiu.uimiie, i uf-y, Il.t..., ilm. Unlit Lnv linr... k.-t .,l or. ' eight year old, with collar mark plain, my heavy inane and tall, J a little thy about thu head to struugern; one bay mare, Mien or eight ytars old, with saddle marks, one off fore uud otr hind foot white, mull i lay nil JDJKIISON Ii. 001(11 Public Adiuluitrtiir. January, 7. Ififlt, Janttw 1 ktutu uf HI argil ret Long, Dtc'U Notice Is hereby given that the under. T . T ...a. .. B B.nu B....ft .lilIU UUhnlllfl ! bllll oilkll. white spot on ueur fria root, wlilly slriH) f'B "' "" "'. " -ri'-". ... un. down the face, had on. when la.t sum, B.-d as Adinlulstra tor ol the estate or Mr, cast Ull with nothing but a wire ror u clap-1 .Margaret Long, lately deceased, of Jackson lw, .ll ll.pim 1x.iiri niil i LUUIIlIi tyiVKViis ".ivh uhtiiik VioiUSf .'..,.. i.. ,i. r.....i!.i ...,f i.i. rii,t Biralukt the Said estate are requested to nru- foot white up to hi pastor joint, and wh'to sent them, with their proper vouchers, ror oa the nose; oiio brow u or Uy horse colt.Jmlg". to me, at my residence near one year old. with fore white tect and u Plioeulx. within six mould, and ir no pre- while stripe n the face; oue light bay or JfUd will lo one 1": .orrel horiu colt onevearold. lice, they will bo lorever barred ; also, all The ataX va?d wfll be pa d to any one riu. Ubtcd to said estate are miuc.ted that wltl send to in at Henly. Si.klyo.f Co , and nolined yl''. California. ri.Uiumcx. KMhHHON K. OOKh, Adinr. lleuly, Siskiyou Co. Cat., May lath, Ml Jackwu co., Ogu., March IS, BCi. 4w Fur sule In iiuantitlea to suit. . "I2 ani3pl STATU OF OUKOON, 1 B4 County of Jueksoii, I"'' TOJ08KPH PINKIIAM- ' You nru hereby notified that a writ of at tachment ha been Itsuid agaluvt you and your propel tv ulluchtd, to salltfy (he de mand or S. P. Tuylor, amounting to oi.u hundred and elghty-ilght dollar ud ninety tlvecnUi5ltl8"4)j uow, uulesa oi shall appear bt fore U. H. Ha)dvu, a Justice or thu Peace Its and ror said couuty;t ono o'clock on tho 21st day or May, Ustli,Judn. incut will be lend red ugalusi you and your properly sold to pay the debt. Dated thl ith day of March, 18U. iin H.l'.VAYLOUJ'tiloilfl. mhl9wt Di V ti iv