Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 21, 1864, Image 6

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    save the inimni.
It lo.k like lead amonc tS Gold Iat.
I w;il pay a h!Vr prie fr It than any
n iu l alifnrnia. on reipt of
leWaf Wy mall, or Welt. Parjto A
Ttxr Orrwf. tr.rairrEXT I
Wa.Mngton. Jan Sfc, 1?M. f A c C "V l. t t
met Office of tlil IVnnrtmewt mmII 3 r m ' . v n
t lt Jwie. I5MM. (In he itoiilil lv lb A '
IMta.) for enaveein lb. mailof lb t'mtrd -,.-
sk.K in uwv of CiijfnMt m o- n I? j I, n, n c TV r n t n
iwws mi tar ttMiv nnd by ihr rbedal. of 11 a 1 li II 13 1 il U U li II
rrinl and df itrlnf. herein -p-ellM. on ,
wWeh rviae i io imwmm( 1Mb Mtti'm- ' .
-r. IH. nndeiwl th Jane. IK ll.t
r nln Inriied for weiee Io end 3uib
147 "nan t.inenin. In Marrritl. Cen
tral llmr. mvill. Km eo llntie Vat
I. Cairn. Buck Crk lime 1'iiv Trm-
iaw. Ned Ulaf. Coilaawaed. Amrtenn
Mitttea. Sbl.. TrWtv Oentr. Calkthau'
Ranch. Fart Jooim. Yrefcu. Hnlv A.fcland
Mill. (Orecoa., Ptwenix. Jacksonville. Kek
I'rfaj, ItanJnaelhs, ' Itefand. RnWrillt. I
N'orth CanyMviHe, Myrtle Creek. So-:
nr;. Wilknr. Rniren City. Cntla Gmvt.
CrvallK Albany. SMtm.JraVre4t Relpa-
-i. Aurora MMr. Oreson City ami UHwa.
Met to Portland, l miles und tack, wm
Umr it week.
Leave LiMitlo daily at 9 a m: nriee at i
PwHmbh. Ittn the ll April la J llraeai-'
tI 7 ifcy-.ji-t of the year Ih 13 Hay., Frem L. DKVUE, Nane,
I.sr Pm-thiM ilnlly uttm; arrive at
l.lotHn. from lt April to lt I . , la
rtr rwt of Ih rar m i: d.
Hm t emwMHc frrl on th Ktk
S-wT!W. ", nix rml oa 3Mtk Juoc.
lr Kfvht ihi lbi rtMilv W HH. th rrief
rata tmV-t H;5 an! lWft ill
Mfl h.
l-l? From I.liw4(i. hr MirrTlllr.
tVrrtnl Himw. OrurllW Ri 5cn. liuil.
Valkty. CWw. lUwk Ccwck. Grote Qty.Te- iIm onlr rfikr In th I'nlltit Statf
Kam Kd Uluff. Co4(miwm1, AftMffeaii hbat wuitunlii gold ixut fur at, JJ.V
rMwn. cBti'm. i rirnv vniire. tilwiUHl r L.lehtltMl
Clothing Trade
H.BlooiisLOCKS, WAT(
Nos. 411. 413 nnd 415 Battery St..
l'ur rilrnlinnl. 'an Prnnrlo.
Importers and Wholesale RYAN'S NEW BRICK,
Hntirr New ami 1'ro!! Stock.
A Ml iknVtr la
'r wonM call
Next to .In dec A. Zimmerman
lk'twwn the
K. -T fiF.iVIVK V. Merchants wr
, "' 't""K Onr lncl. C"tnrl'
ele in tin
icv'T arli
CAM BOS. COR Allele.
T amtkmmmj lItH I l-.I M m 1 A A I 1!.l
' I..M t-lll 1 .H .....1 4 .
iuiu " .i (jittu uu pmviiwu w uift
O23r0sitlO30L 2
Hxk. KHrt Jmw. Yrvk. HmIt; AhtiHt
Villi. (Orvpk) ami Itramlx. M JackMH
rW. 3M iulhH ami buck. tH tmtf a
lr I.ln.)4a iWIIt at $ a in; arrlrr at
JikmtilW. fnwi 1ft .nrll W lt ma
f in 4 dun r l nf lb yaar hi 6.
laf JjekxMiitW ikllr at la m; arrT
it I.larohi. Utm 1-t April Mt IH IWatUr.
a 4 ilay ret of tb jur in a ija.
! I aMniH f rier im Uttt sp- "
ifatir. Ml. and cad Wlb June. IblK will W
k M(Hblrd.
UrrWon thU roat l Wt, taat oa ' I b bn practlenl manMfnelairr iacr i
:.V H-; will not kv. - 1037. la Mm cilkm of Nw York. UultittMKt ,
IMtt Prwn JaekHiriik. hjr iHnlna!- f Factory & Saleroom, Armory Hall,
California Gold-Pens
' Will I eaond te fult tbe band.
Pr twlv iiMnta. ml and tMrd
tMtlil; li)mi fMia rt a. smnl a th-
i mNrti tw. tMii !w otk priao.
i atMfMi w ruu.
cLortnvn & Fi'itsipmNo link
Wr latvr aantnntiT on Imih) lb lurjrt
ml er-all rartrtr iif
t nor b"- Hi 5m Plane, imd oHr lri
frr tb u' "' nrr ! than lbr of
nt MM., a mp ivcIk- invri ilirrel from
I tbt-tmBonioHrT' cHHi;nmr?t. UurtMk
i luitHralurlT Rltrntlivr. nml tbr emit fra
lurv lo itH enMHir; mrrvbaHl I Ih umuh
alljr low hjp
Less than the cost of Importation !
We nlo U p iIh-
Stnplo Vjrtlolom
in the tlrv Gi-i I ii b ch fiV ( lurr
jmrttMrd in tbi miirk' t m.il-r tlw bmnm-r.
and an nllrtlnj tht at Nvw Vork ct.
and k.
Wr pithlMi IbkenrH In nrdr thai we mat
muke mc aeuiMintaiiev. ai.il imine Ihu-
wim have not btrretoforr ntrebi'cd of m lo
(Mil am rMMliK itur wck
Gncul Artltlr A. Low Price
Arr tbe crrat iHdoeemetfHMtt fit to all
wta i urobaw; to fell mtam. Mrrotuat tm
bur of ih ana make a rd iMrvNl. aail fell
Ut iboir ulH.r at a Iom sure. We re-
main, rwpUHtljr.
Ytmr mKmIIiI ereaaM.
WloHriHtb- Clo'ltitae hmI Hat U'oiebirtMe,
Nih .111. 4I3IbwI 41.1 lUtlf T Mrrot.
Sun FruiK-Hcu. Mitrcb 1 1. 'C4 HrhSAmS
Tb rent nf my nw More ! po murb le ;
than I hud In par at hit old Mnml. that I '
run nnA will rll jrmtil lo mv cwlnm-r at
cmi'iderablr reducxd ralM. Gire m- a rail
Jnclonnrille March .t tH
raliforuia Strrrt, JackMnriflf,
i Mi U .MXlKj-i
Next Door to Sncli
T NEl'ISER h. ftocl, d h! try
nun .ir unu Taiuacjicine,..!
mip Tie ami pair rnj r
mti fivi t t r.....1
. .WV.W ...M....,,., l rtjljl..i
frllII.Ml U'ttH alMn.ll.l 1
"""-" -jr-"- i i). rfe
JS .aiii "' JB'J JLj ."-
.. .... "-
tircnrt t itw. urooclKi,
IJir-ltins. Finper Rinci,
Lnckclt. Hurklcn. Cifa,
AbA. cnmpVle rtti of lDmmp!ib't
"'"""""'"", " ir riciHfi j,J
. SHEET IRON. C0PPER.l-'XT'"'rtO"u",-,c
i i.u jiii rrrriTnj irnra me iiiannri
JLX Mai. ami hail rranciwo,
rWHWrrltla. Merit Cr-ek. Bo.4wiraa. Wi.
lair. Oakland. Karen C.ir. Catmee Gmee.
'realli. Aov ?alia. Jebrn. l-lpa
4. Aamra M1IU. Oreawn City, and Milwuu
Mt. lo hwtlawl. 3M mM abd Uek. erwa
ihav a wwk
lr JckarllH dolly at i am: ar
rive at fonfaad. Iran IM April la l lv
.aait'ir. la t da jw rH af tSe year la fcaVyi.
Lee ParUaad 4aly at ( a m; arrive at
JjSoaeitb-. 1rmm ! Aanl to lt Uveav
h4r. la 3 da "" ?r la due.
ma i caaMaoaa rrie oa lam s
asaar. Ia. uad oad JMk Juae, lr. wW
Wt aWrawBPaH
If ereice tad raale W Wt. that on
H7 wW Mt a.
Nrtra. Eiicb male man K- aid f-ir p
rately. wila -prato mantaty and criitt
fxle. and bm4 aruriaV for tar rTryarv
it h mall alib --lorily. OTtaWrty. aad
aftriM ." ula; the trrro f llw ktw.
far Mrm af prAptl. xaaeaaly. aad &
llaeale aad far faMracltuo mfa'rvtio-nt.
K . mdilef are refemd to lb paatphbrt
attearttawtil of roaloe la Califura a. -MVta
dui-d tbe lalk Oloti-r. lm, to
Ut fnHod M lh priaeipal pl oSkeo.
llwMet tavald be eurefal In jK pay
td. M ULAIK.
I,otmter t!i
Corner af Montsamrrr aad aeramentn
stteoKi (up tolr sua r ranreo
April H-3w
Inimitable Hair Restorative.
it is Afjr tivn.
Ilat retarei pay balr to iu oriptoal aW,
by aardyinc tbe cawlktry IuUm alth tml
anil iiiiliwarms bntMird br ae or itk-
All aaaMi"o yrr are eoatMl
IN Ibe Pifeait t:.mrt. 4 ibe Stale if Or
r riw ik ('a'T .teafi
Daniel HnpkiM. Pia'tinff. w. T S. Ilarrli.
ta ...Vl4lanM n L .L... . . 1
, in .IM. .- ...; "WTanajjl
( wi ni -iurr ic i"i ijimiitif W
A 1 dhhal - - - t
a ciimMflr "'" "' r""' " " ' Tarwif
iiiiek of tterylhliip In their line and will NlcU-NncUs A. Fancy ArtltU.
tfaHiti irkik Hilar Ah Itanid an nianetrtunl ...&. .. .
i. '. . Tt !. . T ,v ""'"' Jill w which w be sod at low
tbe tet Tin. MWtdmii ami Copperwore. I aIvi wurrnnip.i
nM ii- n..in..ii. :n.,i 'c...- n1 wurrnniw.
rMmr-.Thal'i,.. l-ad I'lpe. Il'i-r. ' . UA AIRING.-Clork. Watttn e
IIAItDWARr. CPTLKItY: NA1I5 """J npu.rru wi.n irnmp.nr,,is.
li iimmwr in w?iinnamr tti )? i
1 .MAL'FAtrrURKD In tmlrr. .m
VQ, Cull and tec lim new toek.atktl
n?w iorr. on California irrr nr iU
Minjrh Hfi,, .iiirkMinti 1, Orrpwi.
.Irk.riln'. Dc. 17 16fi2 '
of all ..
liar. Plate and aonrtrd Iron ;
Paint.. I ! Si" and Glu:
All r)tulith- of Powder ;
Shot of all nnmber" :
Ilrnnlienif evpfj raricty.'te., ele.
' of Imtttr aimrr aWin mi- liw eitalily nad
Wanly of la aair. and nHord f Ibemelve
ao iic,.nt. tutraurvet tntiBltabte eV
ormr wot only rwntom balr to i natural
enlnr by aa oy proce. bat cirei
aa'r a
Ijucvcriuit 23ortts.-tar.
prnawi it 'Towtb. preTcaU It fullia;
' otf. eraiUanlr tbe ilainlniC und impart
health aad pleaaate to tbe bead. It ba
,il ike wt ot tintr. mrz tbr oricliMl
bairoloric. and U eixMlanlly inemi'Hii:
io favor. I d ly litb pttillemea and la- t
dm. It ! told by all rtvpfjlabte dealert. ' I i
m n l ....u.l I.M .l. ..III k l . u.
9r vwri ; nmnni f, inw w, 4. l lfcil
Pmarielor New York.
Two tea. 4ac. and $1. eowjly
a with A DirM. uf Portland. Asenlf.
I hwntwiHI.
Arllnn al Law li, Itrrovrr JInnry.
To T 5 Harri. Drfendant afomnd'
Y are taelr rju nrd lo nppear in mid !
Coart. on ta l:llb day o Jane. A t IM1.
io iarr a aoatpa.MH on nw m n m- ' BW 180rt!lH!: to direction',
enuiia oia. i,oh ore uttpot nmin- a
inai n yoa ran ia ufr
a ahnrr rMfaifed. tbe
tec. JH.ipmHrt.1 aanrai ton ir want or u. Ca aw, ,.mntf ,,,lr M(lc vr,)rr pr.
ao.wrr. I.w the hiw of Sl IS-IW. wlih io-1 cbsl.,nc H-fwh-r Jnne SS. 1m:o-!3.
.r .z: Te.i r:z :.7.r " -.: ". .:: i ab-w w imimiar to n irr i:.
. Stoves.
AIo nlwny.nn band a larar lt ofulnre
tf aord tan. ilcl' Palrnt Cmikine
.SMr." and lb N w World Slo. " lb IJVERY iI) SIT F KTHBITt
two tere l-tandnw.rorl..tlrri..nlhe lj111 -VUI O.lLti M.BLt
worbl. Parlor. OUloe and CnWu Siorr. winer rf California and r lorthilrRU
fancy und plain. eniHlntetnl on Intent Inrl-
Tiar tiw. rtiHIeni. hetll , 'i.t. Tain.
and vTery'bioc ronneelrd with theM rtoref.
warranlpn numbo- and prf.t.
AH nrtlrie im.iii nr tbrn or manulac-
titrrd. WAUK .VNTKD. Tttlr aork If made
f tb Ixft matrrial und of cboiect pattern.
5u''rnr allelxlnl to with il.ipattih. aU
in retry'
CLUGAOKilHir M. l'npraionl
r"',I!rMj.7,?!!rfc,,!J.l.'"w' bwefctl'' JaekMioelllcnnd tbey are l" Z .
be Mid tWatlff-lll!drtin,nnjt,,,H,lltw,w.rnwrirTB,, UK-fciVif
t ton for want of aa r-ii -j ...amin- ,i,. .....t ir.,. n.,,. "cl ""7 w"1
Mm la ITlk 4y of May. Ill. and lb
fartbvr raw of forty dulian. auk ndtt
Ui.fM.ii at the rale of two p-T nt pr
awinib from the 35lb lUy of lia'wWr. A.
Ikr 1 1 lsi-1. and tb eol nod e.Tpar, and at
crn.nc -W aad vapenMie of Mm tail M U.
Mr onler of Hon P. P. Prim. Jwd-e of
taid Court. JAOItS A Klio-Et.I.
Atiortopy lor Plainile.
April ZM 181. apliawC
centrally locatcil ar.d rm-'
enirtil to the t'nwn ll.
I i. llnrvaiid ninle w II lr k-pt ijul
tiar or wk ni moicraip i narcm
Th prntirirliir hart n Mini ffif tst
IlCliUlrs AND CARItlAtitS
o bore. lo Pt n m-vnU I
cixid aiMl tnr uhd nnn.l
let to so to anj trt of tWl
Ctmntrr on rraninaMe lrrm,
Jlurw.- bnke lo tbe luildl nr barcea,
Animals Bought txd Sold.
Tb pnpr.etor pledge ti'rroe.i to f I
lirowu' llroticliial Troches.
I tiaee aeeer abansed my mind rp-et-'nZ
Mofa from lb nrl. eeptin; b think
jot belter of taut wbieb I W-.-aw MiMkloe
eraMuf." Ibt.llmrr ll"W Jnte.
The Toee ore a MlT of lifr io me "
7e- iUaraea' .Vrfa.
I'm. Ilvkj aitufi. cu.s. r
- Far tbraat traubrH they am a p-ela.''
X ! IIiUm.
-Too favorably know to need (oawoeo
dj!o.M lhn.CkM-A VUbM.
J'tu. Ja &-
"Cuatala no Opium nor ai.'lbn.x Ioja
rlHi." I)r. 4. A. lltya. CActuj.' -.
-Aa elegant eonibiaation for Coo-'l."
Dr. O. '. Jlytli. JUtttn.
ul racemmesd tluir am lo public auV
." En. t. Jl. CAtn.
ilait military relief in llrouobili
ur. J JsnjfruJ. JTutMni OtuA
ST100O 3.
They purify, itrvnetben and
Tn-y arrale a bealicy appr
They are an antidote to clrrc
and diet.
Tby urereome effrtti of diwlpatlon and
Filial Setflriuriif.
the l-riihir l.wari ot Curry county.
Irrrrtiir lerm. las.
Iu Ibe tsjih-r of the rciute of I1cnami
IlaATTAlV. IeruM-l.
F. 11. Pratt, lb adminritrater of aid m
tat, baeias tld b eJlbiUl for filial m.-
meat. Htee I beray peea ta all pixiu
iatrld. that Mooday. tbe 4lb nir u
April. A. I. 1M)I. ba l.-en r-t aMrt fwl
i tbe dual Mltlemeut uf laid eUle wltb tbt
! laid adBilal'tralor.
1 lly order of Hon. )( II. Gresory.coar.ty
.water juae. J. I.. u A. Co. Ulefk.
lly . KHr.Ko. Ueuuiy
PrbriMrT 13. 1 M . frbeta i
late boom.
They Mreagtbea
the islaU.
Tbor prevent rolaimlc
Tby purify lb breath
tbe Mosmen
i n
rjitem and enlirtn
and Intermittent
Atlminiiitrntor' Notice.
; VTOTICK m lrtliT civrn to all whom it
' Xl roar eoncerR. that letirri of adminU-
addlty of lM, h"1 teen cranted. by the Coouly
' r...... if .filial ...n ....k... . .1... t...aKM
V"Mlt ... VBbM.WH iwMr... inv wti.
Term thervof. to Emroa 11 Gore, to ad.
minWter upon ibe estate of Michael Eritr.
Dfl R Fl fl N F I I Q H fl T P I ' fati-fiu-tion to all wto nmy favor .bcm .Hi
ttnunncLLo n u i c l i a m jmrju mi, a :i itr
S. A. Scott, Proprietor.
n"'HEundrlcnd h lad the.Jv
In the C'font t'oort if llie-'airnf Oit)
f-r ihr l iMiniT of Jackxm,
AltTill'R LANGKLL. Compiai6ict,j
IHII in Cliuucerf.
Yon an hrrly .timmonnl In ajiprif !i
rani uurt ihi lb 13lh ilay il Jdik iw
I mo-l plraMnlly BiHl-atrre-!- .racmpiaml tftlI .? i-l irii
on tbe bunk, of K..gH Iliver. Hi al.ir ewl.tled can? and yo ate kr
-ary .mlbuildiliLi convenient B Bd Ibat if too tail to an.aer fdet-
llardsiiell iKvanrillrt lintel, fii
put it in cikkI rniidition. and otin.i!ii
d it for Ih aeemnrHUlioH of tit pi Wit
The poldie ran rly Hn the prmni- that
no pain will b .pornl to make Ibe aerom
modatloa' for all a bo favor him with tbeir
palrafl:e m"" asrovuM nml ph-a-abt.
TU Hotel
aldy llaaid
B.I All naaail.V .J I t lu . . I.l 111 .K
and In cnoil repair poiiot. a above iifuirrd, "he aid tJaHJ
Tk- nn.nri.in hnM tn r..lr. - ft IU apply to the court for an order la .
i;i..-...i.!- a .(aviTT an aecount of tbe mm of nnwTilwM
lUui.ii.Mll. F.L ac .li. Uf-.f "Id pUiililT. on a Judsnient in Uwf f
, ald piuiHliO and nsaiiit ra.d d-fw!-k
rndtvd at tl February Term ri
In the Cirruil Court of tlie Slate nl Ore Court, and for Ibe amoirot do tod-fr-iul
on a juucn-vui rvnanru in u cuoi inu
lor of mikI dfrr.daut nud r mt 4
, toaiatitTaad JoUh Hicham, and that ud
Jiidptnrtit be cancelh-d, o far aa tlw lU-i
otfwt and wy each oiIht
lie orilr or tbe tbe Hon. r r itm,
cnn. fur ih Ooinir of Jaekon.
ENINA C. BROWN. Complainant,
JACK II. IIROWN, Defewlant.
Dill for Dlrorcc
Judi: of raid ciurt.
Alt'y fnrTh-i:t
Vunn !.... ...mmnn.1 n ann.. la nTII J. I Ml- i
laid eourt on tb 13tb day or June. Ittl. to BTATK OF OREGON I c
awer a e..mflat on file ns.ln.t jom Iu Counir or Jackioo. J
uc c mittii'u ctuVff miu jvu Pit? uric
TWy eurc (lvpiaand comtlpailftn.
That btiiv ill jphi- finlttm mm rhft1r.
-t... dcvMbteO. Ute of tald count t. All iTu..i by nolitW that if ki fail lo iMcr rld
Tbey enre llrer eomplakt and nerron. . be. f UiM ?'"rt ? M,' nr TlPir." ' T'1;1 We ilM uf. trlTff 7-mAi l
Iii Jiutlce'a CsurU
To HurIi Krnnydy: You aie kflttf
bead acbe.
Tbey are tbe
minted to pre-ent tbu to me. at my reii-1 will apply to tbe Court lr a decree dwolv- ,""rJ1 ,ua,t f"1 or ichtnen i"" f.
1 droue. near PbiniU. with the proper vomb- la? tbe bond of raarriase ejUtins helwreq "" -Siu ?n. J-nd jour J!"
a -ii. i. ii. ..a. . .-. . r-r. iui iiMitiriiit. nitBin m uiuuiih inim riiu abii iirv iui tun uiiiuui iuu caiia ui tuc . ... j.t
-VfT LllHUi WhM rieT-.Jna ffnm'lUCl UllhC 4UTJ TldftA UUfl RUUUE..UaVT . . ' . -,...--., ..... . - . .t ...... , m ,. . a" ., " " (.1 aim Tie f.bP I . sum txf i vfV riolllrt W1U
7.i "" " "--. -.-.-.,.,-. . .. .".a . . tIAll ftl II11-4 n4illla" aaSH IF Hill Tl-fLen laWl I-UIUI iria laMt fM BT-llt ma m U ra' 11I TllF tt "- " - w. -
ooldi," ir SJP.mU,,S:.tu .tfAaoaioi ai.r.a or rn-frr. i"7"' ,...,. ' ' r ,T J, ,";;, -IT , ri,Mlnn ..f 1. mi ,1 lu-'re.l Irom tbe ICth of
-Altno't toaut reliefln tbe dntreme -W"01 pureau-m iiud. ine ceieorviicu .. .. 'lA',,J '".j- . Tr."-" ,, " .C " .... ' Ibe rate of two ner cent oer
laUworureathinroeeallartaAithmai'- " Cali-txy- .Ilwls, : roots and herto. and are - - .r':"-'P"."5,u. " I".. -.-" ". ' n. """, "C ..' "' ,r ",'. 'r.T- ,a .. co.U and noeniea of inftt
. XA C iTsen, .V. P. un -lh the plere of a berer.. with- -- 7S5 v7 ,1"' , aa ff- eiV " """ J nlP. .v S , PPear UforV Cb.uncey N
Titer hare tailed mr eiue exutlr. re- out reca.-o io e w lime ot uy. jariwu- . irXZ,. ....":."?. ii.ui... ...."VT-.. ." ... tbe Peace In Table Itoek P
.e va ... I !.. Hmjo jal a.4 iljfiiiA lik -.- . . - w.. . a UllliW alUMllUlill KIUii ' ww mr ta or a w a w aTa II SVt M asSSai 14 .. m. .... -
Bilk lorir rreofc'""""". "" i-.. -..- . ,,, .. nm or liar. ihci. ui
' -"'"
lievinj ray (broat m loat I could am
Ckriur PtttvS Paruk Cktutk, JiMWrna.'.
Atithens are iaitalion, U aute to obtan I
ibe Gk.wi.mc ,
Airenu for California, IlrotNuroN A Co.,
Sin FratMuoo.
aulriDC a ct-itle tllmalant, hold by all
GruCcn.Drusu'tf.-lIoteli and Saloou.
P. 11 D.axi: Co New York.
iij Surru X Dana of Portland. A genu
Spoiideulix AYuuted.
Jlarcb IMI-i"
monlb, im n
now. nak Ji
ve. a Juitic f
rrclnct caw
niu.rr tbe to
plaint of tbe'plalntiC, jour properly UI "
, Him io pay me uebt.
JPioenir, Orpgoa,
iii Kutice u herehr eiren to all whom it
may concern, that tbe underpinned has been
app tinted Adminiftrator of Ibe etftale of
W It. iloaau, drtraxd, Ute of Jockann
eiHinlr. fJresna. All penoM Indebted U laid
.Where artUtie and Lifelike Pictures are b. .?.l or iilifLnl to ijor ud wilhin lx.
iatakea, uiuurpoMcd for liauiy of out- moflti; and all perotn harln claim
lute and touch of fiiu.b. ao.l in tbelateat a?alaitu"d wtate. are mjaested U proieot
t.sd moat improved tyl uf tbe art. i them for payment to me. at my ruiiUM
Old plctunai copied, itppajval, and rtD..on Ucur Creek:, within lx montb from date,
ireaimp-fiihablc. ' JOHN WATSON. Admtn'r.
vQF"iL i0nGE. BrARCBc.jaii3UooJ.0U7.1Cl
I 1 latailaaaiAnMta V..a.
I a.ununi.UAlVt-B -1UIUC, r ' ........,- Ol.taCr
. . .-,.-. i.vair . re laiuii
.rr-HOSEIodebUdto ISmilh i llrown.of: uiLr w nereuv Riven to all wnom Dated AwU t. lhM P-J
I 1 Pbtroix. Orpon are hereby notifled ' - it may concern, that lellers nf admin- ZULiiSJ.u. ' --
, that their notes and tuxouuu are pliced In i Utnitlon have been rantrd to Einron E. Estate of Rev, John F. Grey, JKCft.
.onrhandu for eollotion. Pits all L.d i Gore, br tbe Coantr Court of Jukoii ' "V rriTinr I. l,.i.r .Ir.n ihn iU uoJtf
T7"3TATE of Wee. II. Mooatt. deceofed. , Kttle tminedwtoly. and ave ril. county, at tbe February Term Uircof. load- a- iijrurd baa been duly apio.B.d a"
JAf-'Hl .t i;t,ri.l.u miniwer upon me eiaie ot J.J. Jlolman. qaaliUol a Admiolitralor of ibe r.ww
Jacktonvllle. Jan. H. 1?M janlUir ; ueeeaxa. late ot aiu county. All peti-oua Uer. John F Grey, lately drceacd,trJ'
iuiiiiiC .aim Ham"i ruin
Admiulttrater-s Notice.
Pack-Train Wanted.
I want to hire a train of from fifteen to
thirty good anlmali. wcll-tigRrl add with
packer, to po out with the Military Expe
dition from Fort Klamath to Owyhee to
lav nUu tfc- tint of Jim.
At Bradburv A Wade'l.
eatate. are rt n r.umir nt,mn all htmsi bavi'f
3uetnl to prwent Ibetn to tne, at my tm- claiioa Bint Ibe raid tUte are niuw
enee. near Piiccnli. wilh tbe projier vouch-1 to prent them, with tbeir proper vuueat.
rr, for judsment, within ix tnonthi from for Judgment, to me. at my rrfdnce t
the date of tblt notice: and If not pre.nttd ' Pbuiliu. wilhin lx wonth. and if no' P""
a nam one year, iney will i
ai9, ait pertt.n indebted
reuueated and nutitlrd
ately. EMEItSOS
Public Adminlitrator. . UVIEKSOjf E. GOKE. Admf
iureverirrtJ; tented within one year Xroro dale ot ia
to aid wtate arc notice, thee will he fnr.rtr harrrd.
10 tnv lit) immcdl.'ivn.m. Ii,.TIiImI in .M iat are rtiac'
E. GOBE. J acl nnlifi.vi ti tut nn tfnmdiatlV
F 'rarr; s'
s''" ' April r 11.
llLUfcl" ' n "PrJ W