Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 21, 1864, Image 1

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U annum; in advance.
VOL. IX. NO. 18
n r 1nrfcM'Hle Lodge
Kr 'V-:
Iiim on ftl'Uy of Urn tint
ri. l ...! ninttlii. And on
I fWiirJiyoNvlilnttmnliiie
1 -ktllilnklUII,t
l- Ilru rtSv. il nonius. N. a.
L'JIji. M. tiitm, llnry txnllowr nl
Rnn. .
Ldso No, 10, A. F. & A. .'I.
"llOLD Uwlr regular common!-
Lfillom II"-' cunemy nm ik""i
Crrcllnn "- full union, I" '-
uBMf.IV .,...-.. W ,,
l. '
UAiw-wnlarcitininiinicslInn on tlio
b .. l'.vr. r Itvt-ry Month.
I.. ... rnmti!llllllll4 III CfOOll
r ' . tii.t.i it i
11. II. a. il "' " '
. ?. ."' ilecSt!?
I1H.J. K. ' lW
2NT.Y.S AM) iKJU.'NHi.iAma
n. rn TiA-W.
JtHfiiyviM.R. OiiKnns,
IMff eiTWillr lire Court limine.
1... M m tf.l lii llii.tr pnrt wilt
r-tll' alloinh it In. JnlyW.Vtt.
i ..(,.,. In nil Hi.' Courts of (Ira Third
.i batrict, tin Supreme Court of tla"
uA m i reka, ijl. ur ben prompt
ItSMrl (let. 1H.
PwtwMr la UmJ 1 Union)
i acvmiiviim:, Okkoon.
fjpcclivl attsntlou given In collection
June in, iflnu. jo
filth It. F Pmifll. i:q.
JicitoNViMj; Onuuny,
blntt near tie Soulfc end of Oregon
I Jminiuv .'J. 1H0I
I'liutoginplilc AitlNt,
IptunliVi Uk" piclnrih In every style
Ihju' mlhall th' l.ttn linprovriuiMitH.
I Fait, jo not erv' siUNfaetlnu, no
!? ',1 liiuK. tV.I at hi new Gal
I' u& t n mimin tiin picture, mil
I'. ...in ... '
-i inn'r.".
o. w. o n r r r
Jumnl.' Ori'"iin.
5cttin Fpri'M Hnlonii nod Uyti,
Xpu it Co V Store
Ht! '""ntly Incatod in Jnckwn
1 1 lit iaj ir,r, m HrvtccK to nil lhoe
mmeu Imll,. Ilfcayliii loctll
1 ' KM "(lM In 111. L..-I ...
:IMlm i..iA.kt,. l.i. il tn ....
-I, ..,n IN inn llllf, Will una
"MrjitUi5(i to Kive lihn a call.
c One door cast of Madame de K
ant.unrnt. m,Hntf
"k RaltllK( Cor. Vrot & PlltlU,
rn.Uitod to the JlfccUInR and For-
ii, i'nin ,, nun rtl'pntc i.
Iu'Chj April il. jsici. 5
-.Nol.iJimvwi 'iiitil iheftvllit
-2"' 1 I). A w.
'9--2i MAY MItrTi7u.e
'"OGItAl'll'TuTuMSnt ""
HAIM38 BR0.-5
for Ac .Wind.
Frceitom'n SoliUcm.
FrcodnmV Folillcr nrc koIiik in tliv flclit;
Their caime It In inly'i tTntriu nnd Ttlulit.
And tlm mliiloim uf Trvnton nru pullvd'ullh
A they po mnrvlilnc on.
Glory, Olory, vWliiluJah.jCIory.vglory.
lialloliijuhl "' r-':.
Glory, Olory, Imlli-lnjah I Frecdnm'n miih
nro rnuixliliift on 1
The banner In flyliiB-lhey po to tho fniy,
Their liaynnvla i;linin In thu llhtnrtheiliiyt
A they meet (ho vile tnillnrn In Inillle iirro)!
An they go :n.irchlnt; on, etc.
Then Rlcimcd tho bright fnlchloti nloft In
the fky
For the foldlcrn of Frerdom four lint to die
And the cnliimim of TrenMin urc ticnltered
nnd 11)1
And they go marching on, etc.
The patriot' linnncr now rhadmvn the plnln.
And the anthem of glory ring I'rcvilom'n
Wicro trennoii U struggling mid licopi of
her rlnln.
And they go marching on, etc.
Thy glorlon Mint, Oh Frviilo'ml ittll go
nmrchtng on,
ThelinnnerM of their fnthcr yet waring'
In thu UMI,
And Trenton'a nmd career, now. In nearly
And they go marching on, etc.
And honicnnrd turned, they'll iimrch again,
Acrorft IhogrHvi'MiiT hrotliiTu rluln,
Whllo Treann'ii love blntch on tho plain 1
And they go marching on, vie.
Aiblund, Ogn., May 2d, lHlit.
The Crlttcik-clrn ComproinltA.
From the Oregon StativniAii.
The (,iiH'rliead D.-mocrucy nro nnw
trying to inalie capital net of what !
known a thu Crittenden Oninpriimli'', ul
leglng that the llfpilillram ulouc urc re
fpntisHile for iudcrrut.
We da not propn.o nnw to cIUciim the
rnerlts nf thin plun of oiljiinlini'iit, which
wot prnpned by Mr. Cdltmlen for tin
pucillculliin of the country, nnd U now
rondo n part of the itnl form of Ihc Demo-
crntlc parly of tin1 Slutc. Dut we tin pro
poc to almw that the pro-Iuvcry l)em-
ocrnllc Iniiler In ('ongrifn were iippntM
ft) any conipronrM., becuure they hud found
their lung nought -xcne und iipirlunily
for ureiildiij,' np the Union, and tiny weie
deterniiiicd not to kl them pa uului
1Ct nn recall the atalc of faclH cxlMlng
when lliU f.imoua mi-nurc wuh under dw
cneion. Ilticliunan uh yet IVwiilewt.
Floyd, nnd Thompson, und Cobb, were vt
in Ida Cabinet, dicpiMiog uf tho publw
urnn iiHtl property, nnd minify in micIi u
wnv oh to atu'mt Ihu rebelllnn iviueli their
trultor frieniU wen) maturing, pud ut the
aame lime pot it out of tlie power ut tin
Uoverimieiit to put it down. Lincoln hud
K-cn elecled, but It wins yet inoutlia until
liia imiuv'uruliun would luke luce, nnd It
waa nut pretended that ooy uct of the
Unvertiment had impaired u alnglo right
of tlw Soulli. South Carolina -had for
inally aeccded from the Union, nnd other
Slutw were pre paring to follow her ein
pic. Tlio Gnveriunent must quietly tub.
mil, without ahow of rwlntnuce, to ita own
annihilation, or It must resist tho uur
which tho rebels were preparing to wage
There waa no other oltcrimtive. Hither In
nccept the challenge to the combat odered
by the Southern tmilora. or bassly ylc'd
to them nil they ihnunded. In this condi
tion or aflalM, Coiyiw very nntiirnlly oc
copied a lurge part of the sewion Intvrvcu
Ins'octween Lincoln' election nnd inaugu
ration in discusilon of the ularmlug ton
ditlon of ulfaira.
Oii'Llie Kcond day of 1lmt fftuloo, (Dec.
'I. 18C01 Mr. Singleton of MUsUslppl srtul:
"I wua not sent Iwro fur the purpose of
making uny comprotuuo. or patch up c
iUiiiK dirficullie!'. I ltve, sir, to the so v.
reign Stuto of Mislippl to dclermlno
for bersclflifr prf""' Ta'eral rehiionj.'
Mr. Ilnwkim of Florida, raid, on the
roni" day :
" 1 might na well rny in mlvimre, that I
am oppiKi-d, mid I believe my Siule la np
posed In nil mill every cninprjnuiae. The
day uf rumpriimtM! Ima paned."
Mr. Jomn uf Georgia, inudo remarks or
siiiiilrr.tfiiiir. on the cumu ucciinluii.
M r Ulopiiii) ol Alubjiiia, TuTd -t ,
" 11,-licvlng that it tilate liua the right to
feo-di'. und lliut the only renmly lur pri
cnt evils i M-eeioiiuii, 1 will not bold nut
uny ilcloive luijie, ur function uny tempo.
rieing ioliey,''
Mr. 1'ugh, nlao nf Alubutna, uned theae
wurd in tin Mine debate :
" An my Slule iiiluida following South
Carolina mil of the Union by thu 10th of
Timiiury next, I my tin nttintioti to any
notion token in thin body."
About the Mime lime lecrffln of (Jenr
L'in. mud thl lungunge on I lie floor of the
U. S. Semite :
"Sir, the Southern Slutea that nrc now
moving in thin mutltr tire mil doing it with,
nut eon drrutiiiu. Wu believe that Ihc tin
ly sieiirtty Tor the initllution to which we
utlneli u miieli Importance I ricet-ciiiiiniid
u Southern CMiilVileriicy. You lulk uhoul
n pealing the IVraonut Liberty bill, ns u
emiec'ilon to Ihc South. Ilipeul them ull
nn morrow, rir. nnd il would not i-top the
prnini of Ihi revuliitlnn. Il i not your
IVraiuinl Liberty bill tlmt we driiid. Knr
dn we Mippnc that there will be uny overt
net on the purl of Mr. Lincoln. For one,
I do tint drnid overt net. I do lint pro
poe to wait lor them. We iutwd to go
"iflVritin l)vl. on the Inith nf the nmr
innntU, oirt ihraf TrofiHhTjhe Henale In
di'fene nf the infumoun Irrusiai whh-li lie
und hi fellow eonppirutom were llien ifia
lurin? :
"The Slate in thi-Ir fovcrrlgn cnpueily
lime now n ulved in Judge o( the infruction
uf the I'Vih-nil ciimpiict. nnd of Ilia mode
nnd nicumirc of retlrera. Shall wc cling to
l lie mere form or idolise the tmtne nf
Union, when It htcfa'mga uru lout aller
itpirit liaft flid."
Wigfall, of'IVxii, aid, one day luter:
"So far na thin Union la concerned, the
the colli sweat uf death in upon it. Your
Union I now did. Yi'iir governm-nt I
nnw dnul. There it n fi.i il, detetmeiictl,
willtlut they will be free."
Senator Iti-nj irnuti uf Lou!Li::a, Raid n
abort lintenfter:
"The day for adjustment In passed. If
you would give it now. you arc too late."
We might multiply I hen- extract until
we filled hall the pritit iiuiuUt ol thl pa
or. Dut them are etiongU. They show
clearly, conclusively, tlmt the -Southern re
bel were not only utterly unwilling to uc-ci-pt
even the large cnnawslnn cfliied by
tlmt ooinpromlik us the price uf their re
maining in the Union, but dial they nero
ilelcriuinvd to uccepl no compicmitt tit (ill,
Wur wan with llo:n u foregone couuliinhm,
u (jucfltion no longer dcbatublc. Soulh
Carolina, ulnudy kutdd, wub sullvu aind
ihfiant, iriclulming tlmt it laiJ Income the
enemy of the l'Yduul governmeut. The
polilie! munagere uf the Southern Sluttn,
ceing the power nnd patroimgu of that
government pursing out of their haudt,
were firmly resolvid never to be rceoncilid,
orloMibinlt to it. This cclome uf Mr.
CritU'iiflon would, if odoptell, have betu
u.eltM to prevent kccuIoii and stave utT
the war.
The merits of the- plan llfelf us a nice-
uro of compromise -how .far it would have
humiliated mid disorguniiud the Norili,
a id yielded tho whole mutter in imue to
p irop.iKaiidit uf slavery, i mtiUliw
-cpioilion, to which wo shall refer before
Tliu Luiit WoriU or Stilifii A.
J)oui;lutf Ui lilrt CoMtitryinen.
My Dear Hut Uemg deprived of the
mo of in)! arm ut present by u severe ut
tack of rheuiiutisin, I nm compelling to
nvull mjself of the th-niccs of na amit-u-CD?U
to anaircr yoar two letters.
It scrum tlmt come of my Irleudn nre un
able In comprehend llit ihfftreoct bttc(tn
arfumtntt uttd in favor of an o'nnWc
tampromiH villi the Imptnf niYifrog Hit
horrnn of war, and Iht iiiywr o" tht Guv
ernmtnl amljliig nf our tuuntry, trhtn iivr
i'j be nip wetl ugaiurl llit United Slate
alh Iht .otvirctt purport n pralitting a
perrnautut il in upturn vf tht Union and a
tottd dtttruttinn of lit Govtrnmtnt,
All lioic of cinnprnmluc with I lie cotton
State was uhinlnncd when they aMiinied
the poaitlnn that the feneration of the
Union nn compleic nnd final, nnd lint
they never would conrnt !n n nrnnflruc.
linn In any rnntlngrnry not cvmi if we
wnnld furnlOi tliem with n blank sheet nf
piper nnd "permit them to Inscribe their
own lirm.
Still the hnpe wan elirrlslifil tlmt rrn
snuible and sntlnfacinry term or inljuit
nii'iil ron'il lie ngreed npnti with TvnncMci1,
North Cnrnlina and the border Slate. atnl
i hut nhntever ternm uuiiM prove utltfuc
tnry to thic loyal States would create n
Union party in tho rotton Slate which
would be powerful rnougb at the billot box
to destroy the revolutionary government,
and bring thoi'C Slule buck Into the Union
by the force nf their own teopte. Thl
hoe WdS cli'Tii'lifil by Union men North
and South, unit was never abandoned iinti
nctiml war wn levied nt Clinrletlnn, und
ii- nutlKiritutlvp nnnounn ment mudc by
the revolullnniir) government ut Montgom
ery that Ihc accesalnn flagwou'd bo plinliil
upon the unit nf the capitol nt Wu'hitig
Ion, and n proc'annllon livucil inviting th
plrakt uf the world In prey upon the com
meree of the United Slnte.
Tn-r Unftllic Ciela, t4nVti conme'
tlim with i he Imastid unncvunctninit thai
the ravage nf war nnd enrnnpe should Ih
rpiirkly Irnusfeirrd from the rnllnn CfUU
uf the foil i h to wheat nVhlsniiil eonifnhU
nf Ihc North, furnish the ronebii-lve evl
ih'iice that It was the fixed purpn-t1 nf the
secessionists utterly in ih-struy the jiovcin
nient nf our father mid nblitcrote the
Unltetl Stale from the nm) of the world.
I view nf thl state nf fact there ir
but one putb ol duly Id I to patriotic men.
Il wn not n mrlyuiftlon, nor HiHion
involving partisan policy J it wan n que
timi of gomuim-nt or nn gnveriiment ;
eon n try ur nn country j and l'iioi! It bi-fwini
the inix-ralleduty of cr ry Union man
fiery friend of ronstltuitmuil lilieriyf to
rully to the support of our -common onun ,
try, it pivirnmint und flig, u the only
mean ol checking the pmerci of renoto
lion nnd pretervliig the Union of State.
i mn unable to nnnwer ynur juetliKi in
risHet to the policy of Mr. Lincoln uihI
bin Cabinet. I urn not in llo-lr cniifilriiff,
ii you and the whole country ought ID be
unure. I io neither the supporter of the
luirtiou policy nor the apologist for ihc
error of the Ailiniulstru'.lan. My pie
vinos relalion'n lo them remain unchanged ;
but I trust the time will never come when
I shall not be willing to imike nny needful
Mierifirf of pc rsonal fa ling nnd partisan
policy for the hofor uud iutefimty uf my
I know of no mode by which a loyal
citlsen limy to well demonstrate hii devo
tion to bia country ns by sustaining the fUg.
the CiMHtltutlon nixl thn Union ui.ikr ull
elreumuuuccs ard under every Admiii!"
trutinn, (rrgrdlm of puny nilltiw,)
ogalimt all usfalhints at bume und abruud.
Tlw coure of Clay mid Webster toward
the Adiiiintslra'ion of Ucn. Jackson in the
day ol nullifluatlau, prrsoits a M)b!o und
wuflhy example for all true 'Kitrloti! At
tho iry moment that fearful crisis was
precipitated upon (ho country, tturtlssn
strife between Whigs und Democrut wus
quite os bitter and relenlhi on between
Di'inocrut und Republicans. Tl.o gulf
which srparatid parly leaders In thnsedajs
was quite a broad mid dicp us that which
now separate the Democracy from thu Ko
publican. Hut the niomcut m vi.uny
I jest iu our midt. plotting tho ditinciribcr.
nratof the Union, mid tl.c rirctryctlwi of
Ibp (Invrrnmcnl, Ihc voice nf purltsnn trl!o
wm hii'hed In patriotic silence. One ol
Ihc brightest chapter In the history of our
country will record the fct that durU,:
thin cernlful perloil. Ihc'preat leaders of th?
opposition, sinking the partisan In the pa
triot, riuhnl to tlic support of the Goicru.
ment nnd becme lis nblrst ml best cV.
femlcrs against all ansnllnntn Antll the con
spiracy wn crushed nnd rnilitt, wIkii tln'vv
reliirncil to their former positions as party
leader upon political lsne.
These nets of polilcnl devolinn firlrcncv
pr been jivmiJ evidence of Infldclllynr
ptillilca! Inoihcry, on the part of Cloy ami
Webslcr to the principle nnd orgaii'r.tioo
of the old Whig parly. Nor Imvc I uny
nppreherslon tlmt the firm nnd miuiitniou
Hiipport thlcli the Democrnltc leailm nnd
mns'C nrc now giving to llic Coutitiitlon
and the Union will cvrr be deemed cvldcneo
if Infi lellty to Ircinocratlc prlnclpk-, or it
wnnt of loynlly to Ihc argnnizatlon oikI
cntd of the Ilcmncrntlc party. If wo
hnpe lo regard and 'icrpetnatc Ibo nsccu.
dancy of our party, ahoutil nevir forgot
tlmt a man ciinnot Ic a (mtdtmotrut unlut
lie m n kyat patriot,
Willi (he sincere Impc lint these, my
comcieiitlou convictions, may wilnckle
with those of my friend,
1 nm, very truly, yonrs,
STNi'iim A.liui'ui.n.
ToVk-gll Illckox.lC-q.,
Cliulrmou Democratic Slule C'nmmltuc.
The Kastcni Cnllioltc l'rt-.s
on sliivci-j.
While the traitor Monitor In tbli city Ii
ilebaiichiug the Irish Catholic mind, tli
'' hit Uulbll,iuriMila of l he Hunt ar-
Vnniliy; nobly sp to the upport nf tb-1
Union. On this subject the New b or).
Tiiliint ubserves:
"At the outbreak of lite rcdelliou.
Ihovmon'i Qwuttrly llciiew wu utmost
the only advocate of an mill slavery pulley
iiiuiiog till the Catholic juurn-al. Tlw
greul mwjorily were violent!' opposing ev
ery ii nt i slavery aurusure of the Govern
went, und iictiug in concert wills the ultra
IMHicu faction of thu Northern Democracy.
Hut the progress nf the wur lia wrought
umniig theui several conversionn. 'Mm
Cincinnati Ttlegrayli, the oryuti nf A rcfi
bishop 1'iirccll, was the first tu inuu ovsr
to the ull slavery psrtf , and to udmit aifl
even to urge the necessity of ubnllsbiu
akivery tbrnuglutit the Umlul Slutc. Its
(Miinile bus rctiolljr been followed by tlw
(Inutile, thu Csthwliu Uk.t of I'lulude
plnu, hlthnrto u viuleul Dsmocruliu uni
uuti-Adniiulslrulion sheet. Ju u late issuii
this piHT admits Ibul tho winv uf tho
Hi-puulic deuiundn the ubulitiuii of slaver);
lliul the ualiuiml current in favor uf iibdli.
H3II grow steadily strongvr nnd Inn boH
come Irrvsilible, uud that II would be u"
surd to ulteinpl to nlpoj It. It therefore
gives lo the Irish Democrats the sensiblo
uilvicc tn ueapt cheerfully what lie)' ara
unable to uudo."
With the ubove nameil powerful Catho
lic Journals, the Sun I'rannUoo Mumor
slundi in "stroug coulraslml littleness
despicable ullcn truitnr, who "sleul tho
liviry of (he court a! Heaven In nirve tho
ovil uue" of dihuntou. About onoe u )fur
Arilitilklion Aliir.anv find il lieruMarv Id
repudiate thu Monitor, declaring Ibul It U
"not u Cliuicli organ;'' but uvvtrthcls, the
Catholic clorgy coutlnuu to (upiprl tUi
mpir, und ull other ChrUtiun deiioin'na.
tlons, who think north while to gve it any
attention, rccognliM tho Mmutor m Ihu
wicked sbvphcrd who, wills u wollc's In.
stiucls, u shu-ps clothing uud u crook sto
Un from thu Apostles, leads u Iruitlug and
Impulsive ptople Into the Dead Heus uf
live can get nloog with very Utile
language. Two rquct-xes uud u hug will
couvey more tneauiug than thu whole five
books of Moses.
'J'htt coldcfl scut Ju tu omuibu4-lbc ouu
tsMtcit tLc VvW.
T I!
1 kl