Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 14, 1864, Image 2

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I 1 1
11 i .
1 1 '
Tim mm mm.
' To Tiir. r.rriuior and rxnuANKNcr t tow
Tiir Iuk. The NulUitml Union Com
rrftteo liiivo luM (Iovtii the followlnjf dis
tlh'ct plntrorni as tlio lsuo of tlie foriliconi
Inrf Presidential contest i
Btll'KKMAUY 01-' Til '. C0N8TITU
PUKS.SION OF Till! Ulllll.l.MON.
Abraham Lincoln,
Sulijict to the decision of Ilia Nallonul
Union Convention.
J. 1-1.1"). HENDERSON,
'rx. x. piTa?ooii
or roMMND.
Tor Pretldontial Electort.
JAS. Fvl! AZM.Y, of Douglas county.
II. N.OF.OUUK.of Llun county.
UKOIKII-: Ii. WOODS, or Wusco county
. ,
' For Representative.
' -II.F. MYKlti
For Shrrin. -..'".
0. W. SAVAGl!.
. For Clerk.
.'... wm. Hoffman.
Somothltirj about (lreenbacks"Tnkc
Notice. '
Kvcry rrder In Oregon know the chnf.
arlernr Ihr decisions nf .Indue Hirtiltnn,
Iloisp and Wilson in reltrtiHM tn grit-it
Imck. The HmthM. U. Hip nnruti of
lhep Tiidi.,r'pai,y '" Honllitrii Orison.
It Hum ili-clnriil llml'-ilii' penpV" . r
t In puny lime endorsed lhop tlcrsloii
by renominating I ho several Judges liulinil
fur reelit'tlnn In their l).lrlel:
They have Pimln lliolr decisions nmler
their o.tlln nr office, riil tin people linvp
ciidorfiil llicni liv n rinoinlimllnti, (nt lot
so fnra III" Unlnn Men nrpconrrrnul.iniiil
thrri) Ihu mailer t-liouUl rest it fur as wo Me
cone, mid."
Voti ri nf Oregon. If y" re did nny of
iIum.. .Tinli.i.a urn m III nrrnntitmlv nittitoVp
dim tnpiiii'Utriil ii ml nppr.iu thci-luiis
i . f ti ... ..
rv.'errui io. y.iigcnc Htvitw.
On not be so f.nt, Mr. O'Meurn ! Demi
It iivtr ngalu. "Tiny have tniuli llii-ir dc
cisiof.s tinder their oaths of nflkv, and tin
people Imve endorsed thtm Ity u rciumi'mi
lion." Kmlowd Hie HecWn by renomlu
ntlng tlic decision, or endorsed tin- Jmlp
by rrnomlimilnj; tlicm. Noilly but tlif
vi-rimt qutbblrr nould My nnytliing but I lie
When ii JuiltfO I? rcnonilnittnl for lil
iifflw, (Jims It follow 03 n mutlrr uf couim1,
nr by nny prow of rinioiilnj, llmt ull lliv
iKclniom lie tuny ImVu iiiuiIp, on rjiii-MUni'
which Imvc Ih-vii broimht Ihlnrf Inm In tin
iiiml ciitirtc of Ulltf-illon, Is tlivnby rif
tlurccd by the pirly Hint put him on their
ticket ? Not at till, .luilpr. ilisclmrup
ilulr iltillni in nccoidincc with their ihiIIi
of ofllce, nrcniiliiiK '' l"WH f 'I'1' ""
nml not accotilini; to the plutfurm of tin-
polltlenl puriy tlmt ihciiil tlicm. UnuM
men Imvu u believe tlutt our Supriine
Court I n inlirrablv Junto, nm) our ,liiileii
thu nipple tnoli of political party, will
Inj: to prontltute the ertnlne nml illrmv
their hltfli nlucci", In order to curry out pi
lillcliiuNf Are we to be I old llmt tin
t. i '
For Coinintcsloiifrii,
ttimiv h. i.nvir.
"" :.
! or 'A'f'nr,
For I'nblio Admlnljlrtor
.: o. i). i ioxii-1.
For Surtpyor.
For Coroner,
. ' -ForTrcunurer,
K. F. UUSaKMi.
For Dlitrlct Attorney,
The Tcli'grnpli Moiiniiolr
'IVienrnphlc newi writ to Hie Pacific
ConM Not jirwpnlMntMclii'My lowlml
U kimit n on the " Ami.cI.iII Pr.-M." ul.lili
! roiHiHfcl of the .vi(nirinio Jtiion, Hul'
him iinil .ilia newp.i.prn. Tills Aoni'
ted Pipm p.iv.l the Ti-IPiriipH company ir..
wnl per word, or nlwltl 52550 per inoiilh
for the ilifpiilclies.
TheUnlHd Htntp.i p.iys tin' 'IVIrgrnpIi
Company the Mini of OlO.nM. nml ll'
Unite of'c.liri.rni.i the n of S5-"" l,Cl
ymr, a nibsldii to Imp it"- lplir..ph
Two of the nlioM ineinltem r tin Arsn
i-lnlul Pre.", If not openly nml iivnwitlly
Coppeiliwil ore, KCMly oo-are uiirrliublu
u. tiiMMnriimtir Hie (Soverninerl. nml ven'
omvi If not now, Jit f.ivor of u Pacific lie-
public. Ho much for the fuel.
The Duly fVug, the nblc nml learteM ile.
lender of the Union, has Inrii p.inlilMiiil
iil.S.111 FrnncNcii by Hie Uulon men of
Uiilifortiln, us their oigaii. The nlllor, II.
0. M'Curlhy.ik-slrlii; the illnp.itelie. np
plied llrt In the Telrffrnpli Company nod
H.en to this AmocIuUiI Pref. nml tin en
eltf.li.li of the whi'li' miitteiA, llmt the
RpinilM lmu Ii"' di-piHche by p.iyln
ns m.ieh it the oilier time puper. tlm
innltln-.' nn otarour, Invidious nml e.nlru
peoim ilintinctliiii uitnlnsl the bict Union
piper on the conl, and iiuiilnsl Union nun
Ifeiierully.iird In f.ivor of the L'oppi rlinnl.
Dive, rlliylnck k Co. moiinjiollM or Hii
I( Is imiiIIcm tn ray tint Mr. M'Curlhy
liidlirnfliilly rptirneil the nVnd li.mll to In
p.iKT nml the Union oinie. and bus unit
tm iicitl H.e piil work of brekiii, down
this iwld-rniciiliilinK Coppvtliiml monop
oly. Iiiinriicul, nml Inn iiIhuIiiI to Hip
lihilier power at Wnhlinton City. Tin
DmIij I'lag ilewrvw nml nlmu'il receive Hip
Fiippnit ol every Union man. nml of every
mm lio ivanls the latest ncw ul riMVirm
JuiIl'ps of thu Sunremo Court of Orrv'on i,i ,.M. ul r -virv niun who di!re to
are wllllmr to nerlurc Iheni'elve, coinmll ., ...wn, ,l,,ne. on the Pudfic Coall.
M'Cirlhy has dolm ConneM to back him.
;'ninl we will itiikctwotooiiconh!mu;iilint
the opwiliot) of all the nionopoliit- wlio
the most Infamous crime known to the cut
atomic, and judicially murder men for uiil
ritnUrv rftntulrrttllon ? Till I lull nll'lt
. ..- . - - i iim ,'i'inrriiii'ii
the lUvitic, nml iome other people, would ,. i ,i ,vv
have us to believo about .Tudjo Hlntlton, (hnw ihc Oreson delej-nllon In Con.
Ilolsoond Wllsonj becauro If they would ytm, will cheerfully nssslU Connesi In
bo Influenced by a money comlderalloii on nrt,eur.iiir nny Iriflilatlnti neccMnry to cive
the greenback queition, they would be , n,,n newspipers equal ndvanlnaes from
equally ro II tliu IHo ol a citizen was oi ltiu omnd Tclijpli.
tn what Itngths parly spirit or prpjudicv Ktuti Capital QiiuaiIoii.
wl'l carry men in the slander business. ! - -... viim.
If ,1,prtplc do not like the decision, of IW f ' " , f
their Judge, and It I desired to know te i" MK j' '
I .i .1 i i.r. - .ui.i r tvrmv- I on. and each have ofT-rreil Hit moot con-
whellur thrso decisions arc right or wronjr.j"
. . . ..... 'r mien reasons hi f.ivor Ol "their town
I icru 1 n P a n way oi proccuuru u, u - , ,,.
mere is n . . .. .,,,,1 N'otw I istaml nj t ic various and weljjhiy
certain who Is right-by removal of the ..." , ,. .,.,.,.
causes to Hid United Statu.' CourU. If re,., V" " "' , V". 'f
.1,, decisions are rMit.wca.uht not to "" we i .w " c - "
abuse the Judges for properly declaring Mle. w.ilcl, .1 .tr.Ke us nrc .,,.
. . .... nllturiTAlllp.
the law, no matter liow ounoxious u may -
Ih-, butwc ought to try to correct tlo 1st. Jacksonville Is the principal bus!-
Use. Wc ought to be sure that the decls. j ness town In houutern iirvgnn ami in uie
Ions m-u wronsr.by n dicIlo from the .centre of ICoj-iio mver une.
highest tribunal, before wo Impute corrupt 2d. It i tlw capital of Juekson county.
moth-c to those who tleclarcil tncm. uui mm inn i me i ".) - """
asldo Trom the conslderatloii of simple Jus- named In honor of thu Immnrtul hero or
tlce to these Judges, there are reasons why " Ily tho Ktcrnal tho Union muU and
thev should receive the undividiil Nippon shall bo preserved."
ot tho entire Union parly, and of every 3d. It Is koulh of the Cnlapoola Mourn
mm who love Jusllce ami an uprigiu , win.
M,,nTtiy Uaxokm' KMscniiM. in
piirsunntv of th MlllH" l"w "f ,llC a,nll,
Hip Mountain IUntffr met In leglstatlvp
convention, nt Afhland, on May "ill. 1BC4,
for the purpose of electing cflleeri for the
ensuini; ypir.
Charles IC. Klum, having been nppntni.
cd Prt siding Ofllrer by lien. Applegatf,
coinniimling 1st lltlgade, presidtil In eon
ventlnn; and 0. C. Applpgnte nml u. a.
Biennis nciid nuKicrelurie.
The following nfllcefi were chosen, to
will CLitiialn. Ivou AnnteL'alei 1st Mcutrn-
ant. dames Thornton; 2d I.icut. Chris. F.
t.l Kcrtrennt. ,. II. Anp'rgalp; 2d Ser-
giant. 0. A. Hlearns; ltd Sergcuiil. Julius
H. Tom; 4lb Strgennl, 0.0. Vppleguu;
fitb Hergeant, Minos Walker.
1st Corporal. Clm. Hoot; 2.1 Corporal,
8. M. Hoblnson; .Id Corporal, Ash. Mc
(;.inl; -III. Corporal, Tin. Huberts; fall
K. II Uhimlmrl.
Tnnsiuer. Jacob Wagner; Journalist,
(held over) 0. U. Appligalc.
Tun Fiiist Aiiomtioiist. Aecotiling
to lloraco fJushy's iipw book, lliiij.iinin
Liinilv. of Itrlniont. Oiilo, was Hip lirst
itliolltlonlst In the UnltnlHinle. I.i 18lo
lie oriranir.'il H Union MiiinanpHoelely
nf ilx member. Soon ulli r he eslublisl.id
an nnti slnvtry pip, r, unlit d Tit Gtmutof
Univtr1.1l I'.miiiitipnUon. In 1H l-c
went lvil. nml fell In 'illi oi. Moyd
A Vrr.v Mkaw lli.w -ItTTmB
eorrespomlent nl the tlttllttm thmul
smnuc up mo icmocraiic plallctB,
following words :
"I ennnot but think there Is nri'ir
sIUIp conuci" it iwcen ll.e 1st nrklni.
nf this rmllllciWtriiclntv. TK.r,... ,
llip Kinlneky nml Vlrirlnin tri?i.
'OH, nml Hit! oilier rnndemns Hip ,C,
.1 . . u. .., .1... i ..,.. ...
1IIIW Olllll'.-i urn lllltc p.ltcill lhriTlf
rebellion nuainst ihe (lovtrnnwn-
comparallvely lew people nf I hi, RM1.
pver rind the resiiliilinns of '9J, ,
from Hie ICenlnchy eilllinn nf H,at
ilntm.is, tniMinreil by Jcftrrsnni
"That Hip (lovprnm'nl i. t, th f,
Mliill crtaiiil ny mis compact (',
Hull of Hip Ur.llrd HiiUp ws h t
Hip ixeiiKive or uimi .i-niirr i. ,e .,
ileleg.iliil lo ilsi'ir, but llml.m ,,
other cae oreotnnirt nmonriovTri
inr no rnmmou jii'lat, enrli int
H IuIps In Kp'l rift'it lavilftti
ttlf. ii wt II of iirnriuiis as tlic mo,. ,
mntsrtrr vf rrtini.
The minilslnkcnblc inrnnlnir of iln
ptlitgp l. lli.il the Ftdernl (liTtrts,
In no senp supreme ; In slniil. Ism
ment, but only n lime Iwlng pwiiwA)
tween soyerelgn aittte ; nml llnlnci-,
ly (.Stale) to the compiel, ij.lfrniiif
sp wnen iiicrcisniiiiirinniMHitKm
Da ct. mid cncll forlls'lflK'iililhssVIW.
of Hip "mode nml np noire nfrnW .
at It own sovi reign pleasure hulWjM
linniind nillhofliy of Hi- Fnlersl (i.
ment within lis own luiumlutin, e trM
(i.irri'on. who readily embrucetl In view, or willulrnw from I lip pompnet nr t-M
and lima' grew the Anti. Shivery party of slilpnliog-ther. Tin (Vinrriillnn inv'l
i .. .. . .i
Hip linil.il atale.
We up the above Item going Hip round
of the pup-r, and we will mid unnllierniw
lo It, which may lie of inleresi tn some.
We Irellcvc that Ilepjuinln I.umly ami
N'ehciiilnli Wrlghl were the first setller ul
Hie plnce now known ns Hie lown nf Its
monl. They wen bnlh Quaker nml bulls
Abi'llt!iuill, and their ih-fNiidanl. now
living nt Ilelniont, nru also Abolitloulns.
Such was the Inlliirncv of then two mem
Hint the township in which Hell no nl wn
loaitid ntwoy voted Anti .Slavery, ami the
own of Belmont Itself lux never )el sup
ported n grog-shop or u ('cppcrlivtul Dcin
""I M "irai
linn Hip nolnllnns of 'OH. mti'l he
simid as asserting lint llw nrlnelplrittJ
In enuncliileil were snuiid nml crm
Willi what rnnslstancv. then. ronU I
Convi'iilion in the nrxibrralh con.rttnl
itViUtd Slnlci for p.lllini; In farce 1
nrnclici' Hiosi very nrlncipVs If (
Stnlc had Hip rtulil to adopl nnymull
measure or reilress,' Hun I ruhmit, J
whether they acled wisely or iinw.setj I
what other might consider sufficlrnlnl
sn iTlclent reason., no ntlicrKlutehatar
to condemn them or cnll their cotHlart I
fiticsllon. and the Democratic Ciinm
in so dnliis Imve directly violated lk fl
canon nf Its own professed creed. Ilrf'-J
equal Blutcf, liavlngno"rnmnionihl
till. It contains two llrcwcrtc. and a
Distillery i'clokcby.liignnd running order.
Slh. Our saloons keen open on Kunday,
except when the Orund Jury Is in wm!ou.
filh. Jncktonvlllo ha u Dog Iiw."
Hut laying all joking aside, wo presume
that Ihc Southern Oregon people ore in
favor of localitic tlio .capital at Kugerw
City.- "
Dai-oTx roRTin: SA.MT.vnv Commiriiok,
We would fuggert lo the frlwds ol thin
noblu Coinmlsjiion In Jacknon county, ami
throughout ihc ritnle.tliat, nt live ensuing
June election, thtro be prepareil nml
placed nt I lie pollf, a box, into which bal.
lot In tho hapo of lic, ten and twenty
dollar pieces or legal tender notes, be dc
pojltcd for tho direct benefit or our lick
anil wounded soldier. The box could bo
placed in the charge of tonio euitable per
son, who could call attention to tho matter,
nnd register the names and amounts oontrl
bntci), and act ns treasurer In forwarding
tho ime to Mr. Ilolbrook. W2 would
then nee nleo which political party poss's
cd the most humanity awl pntrlolwm. To
more tffectnally Imuran the matter on the
people, let large poster bo placed about
iim vni!nr n'nrp. culllnc attention to the
pl that H. A. Scott'a granJ 'Jja , at w uswoto pi smre miu v., ,.m.v r- r -
PuMic .Speaking.
the nomlneca of the Jackson county Un
Ion Conventlun will address their fellow
elllzena at llacfollowlng time and places:
At Willow Soring. Hmvlay. Hay 23, 1S0I;'
' h . . i... W.. ., itl.. l
IMnj.inCllS, lUBNJUjr, till,,
Miller's. "am' Creek. WViliieiHlay, May 23.
Westgtte'i. Hullo Creik. VliurwUy. May 20.
HUnztncta ScIiojI Iiouk. mi frldy, 27lh;
1'b.o.ilT. S iturd ly, May 2M.!:;
Aoldaud. MonUy.Auth:
l.ii!(tflwi: whoolhouse, TueMsy.aUt;
IlinedictV, Applegate. WtNlnerfay.uiw 1st;
Uiiioitown. Applcxnte. ThuriulAy, iuuo 2dj
Sterling, Krld ly, Juno 3d;
Jacksonville, ataiMay, Juno lib.
The speaking will commence at I o'clock,
r. m. each day. OppoUng caiidldatea ra
Ifiiltnl to b orescnt. Arranireuientu WlH
U made, If thuy diilre II, to divide titno
w Ith them. Wo hop? to no gooJ turn-out
of tho sterling Union men or tho county
Tho Udies aro Invited to bo prcttcnt.
,IiiiIlc. When a Judge. In these latter
times, will deliberately, ami in obedience
to the dictate of lit corifclcticc. do an
official net which reems oppoted lo the po!
icy of Hie political party which placed him
upon tho llench, wo may rely upon Hint
nun as faithful nnd Just, and ono that will
maintain his integtlty to the last, in Hie
face of nil opposition and against ull threats,
menace and persecutions. Tho clti'en
may rely on such Judires for the protection
or his lire, liberty nod property, which Hit
law glvci him. Willi nn Incorruptible
Judiciary, our laws and frco Institutions
will always bo safe.
The great fight juit now Is mtde upon
Judge a tratton, nml from such fonsWira
tlotu as tho above, we seriously liopo Hut
no Union man will hcjllolo fur n moment
to labor for tho election of this candidate.
We kuow they will not In the three south
rn counties of his District.
Oi.r TwK LwiAr.TnvDKM.--Dr. Bpen
SoMt-itonv ii a llunnv. It seems Hint ,lintror (ivCrnment,esehfi'Tlitltrim
some liitercslnl Inilividiml has licen In quite .. , , , du-irp Jtdgr; ot lis ovi
0 hurry lo Imve the Jackson county lleso- cfm lfr,jr, omj ,IIW ar ar.d ha hi
liilliins publislitsl. Ihu urtgoniin pun m ,nilnU external relatloivs witli a
I ips t nni nt rori anil .ion miica uisiuiii.. u..i..
. . . .TIMIi i".
on the nth Inst., two day wore they coulil
be inibll ml in n Jackmnville pnper ; nml
snnipwlmt ri mmkublo too, In the only reso-, ,. ,IC pmvf r 0r tl,e l,h
billoii needing InesligolIon, there is in Hie i..MUi ihev cniiMn'l
niit h niiilKrlul nllprulloil frullli ... ... .1 ... n
nr!?iiiiinii conv. n nmli-rlal iilleralioii from
Hie copy lurnislml by tho Chuirinan ot the
Committee on llesolutloin.
!iirelialnir sunnlies." I one thing, and
" furnlthlng Hum" Is quite anolher.
There Is no Inllmalion that Hie Urtgon
tan mude the alteration. Uo slow, gentle
inrn. Then has been many n patient kill
id by too much nursing. Uo slow.
All men nnd nssoclallons or mn,
from time to lime nrrayrd IlifiW
'cdtrsl ti
whclher In Musacliuellsor Csrolir.s,l
In somo way rrlied upon these mh
resolutions of '98 tn Justify Ihtlr eoftil
Thev are nnd have been the pelil"lt,l
. . i
i iir of nullification, secwion. pers(tui
eriy bills, mid every form or insawtj
lion nnd unarciT that has curml iue t
irv. U the iloclrlnes they Inculcate si
rnriled out to their legitimate roV-l
Oovernmenl or the Unlteil hlslrs s
of the name would be Impossible.
Thu I.ute Inillun lint I If. I
Wc aro permlllwl to make the Weil
"--, ; , I i in i, t Mlroct from u privaie icuer, .'-
Idltniui, ininw ami iru.ulc . w.,K , . . . jnlIo (o Wm ,.f lBlftiiB
the Josephine county altalr out oi inr ier- .
rlble muddle they are now In. I lie ticket
1 headed by that splendid old bachelor
f'ol.J. V. It. Wit. who. I be docM not
pet n wlfn down In the land or " pretty
girl and roil iippief," winie moKing laws
for ihc people, ought not bo elected to the
Legislature ol Oregon ngnin.
lisli this week tho Joephlne county Union
ticket. It is n ticket of lust such men as
ought to Ik, and will bo eleclul ul tho
June election. All of the nominee ore
Ahotiikr ttu'cno.fwfni.'.o l)ouar The
Copperheads arc going round now, whining
and grumbling thut Gen. (Jrant wont give
tlicm n fair show lo curry the election in
Oregon. In addition tn killing off vast
number or their brethren In Io'h army,
the moral effect or the thing In Oregon, Is
immense. They tire weakening nil around,
and not u few lnvo been heard to sing
out," I told you so bully for Grant he's
the boy."
' And while tho lamp hold nut to burn,
T ho vilest (Copperhead) may return."
eer, in hi History or tho United atatesl
w.r.t.a tlio r-rt llmt n tlio Near 1 l.i. mo
' "Colonial Assembly of Maryland paFwl n
I law making tobacco and Iwlian corn legal
Tiik W.u Flic ball goer arc remind tenders In llw payment of all Uctas-lo
fdlh.it a. A. 8cotfa grand .ball, at tho 'baCeo to gnat Hie rate of one peony per
A Hahusomk Pugk. Messrs. Fercu.
eon, Caldwell & Co,, of Willow Spring,
picket! up Ilia other uay in tneir claim, a
nugget of gold welghlog 8165. This I
.... - ....... !...,. a nl.... tnm ,t.t n.nu Kl.t
If It had been found at DoIsp, or near the ' word of tbem has been heard, so
..... . ... . ..... .- .,.- AnrIllSlOB '
North Pole, ull creation would have been obliged to come to um v
eroxy to get lo that purtlcutnr spot. j lhy were killed by the luJlans.
""""v ..... ... luJ
ir.imn nn Houi h Fork ot w v
April 27, 18G4. .nr 5ir: h
. ..,.!'., I .Imv In Infiirm volt'
or loss of our mutual frieol.Mr.lw
Cnsteel. Ho occompanleil r
his company to this plucc last JIfA'
. . . i.t . i'
from here lio weni wiiii int...; -....
Tn.li,i ImriAiliti'ves. which t
rwiiiv ...u .. .w.w .....---.
lowed two hundreil miiej, In i
erly direction, mid overtook lhto'
day out. The ludians, by tnis o
Ing got Into their own country oJ
their own people, gave us battle.
ii,n.,i.i. Unlit. Oastecl. Cyrus htP
rt... 1 1 :...., n,i n citizen ns"-
quelt, wero cut off from lh nulv
ami It Is supposed they were WW-
As tho Indians greatly outnuaW
and would flfxht only In H.eir o
.l.. !..! ff OItvallt2e of p
we wero compelled In relreat,w.P
quently, It wos Impossible fur w
tain certainly Iho fate or the ms
On the nexl day. however. Ksrc
llgent oil day. but found no traces
Four weeks have since elwJ "