J i , i lit UNITED STATES MAILS Van Omcie DxrAnrMRKr, I Washington, Jan. 2(1, 1604. f ritOl'OSAM will bo received allhCon tract UlDcti of this Department until 9m ol 1st June, 18)14. (to Int dilded bv the loth,) for conveying the malls of the unlbsl Wutes In lliu ritatea or OiUrMitm ami On xuov on the routes arol'by Uie schedules of arrival and departures lierrln spililti,on which Kcrvicc l to commence trttti ricplrm lier, IHMI, and end Suth June, iHrtfl. Illds lire alo Invited fur service to end SUth June, 18(18. CALIFORNIA. 14697 From Lincoln, by Maryvittc, Cen tral House, OroTlllc. Itlo Seco. Ilntte Val lay, Chlco, Uock Creek. Ororu City, Telia tna, Itcd llluir. Cottonwood, American ltanch, Hliasln, Trinity Centre, Callahan's Kancb. Fort Jones, Yrvka, Heuty. Ashland Mill. (Oregon,) rbrenlx. Jacksonville, llnek 1'olnt, Dardanelles, Leland, (mlesvllle, North Canyonvllte, Myrtle Creek, Hose Isurg, Wilbur. Kogenc City. Cottage Orove, Corvallis, Albany. Salrm. Jefferson. Help si, Aurora Mill. Oregon City, and Mllwau klc, to l'orlland, CIO miles and back, seven lime a week. Leave Lincoln dally at 0 a m arrive at 1'ortUnd, from tho. 1st April tu 1st Decern Iter, In 7 day rest nftlie year In l'J days. Lvave Portland dally at ti n m arrive at Lincoln, irom 1st April hi lit iiicmncr, in 7 days rest of tho year in 12 days. ltliln to commence service on tho IClh September. I8U4, and end on SUtti June, 18(1H, will bo considered. If service on thin mule he let, the service on routes numbers 148!)8 and I5U24 will iiotbu. 1 4 KM From Lincoln, by MaryTllle, Central House. Ornvllle. Itlo Seen. Unite Valley, Chlco. Hook Creek. OrovuClly.Ti hams, ltcd nititr, Cottonwood, American ltanch, Kfiasta, Trinity Centre. Callahan' ltanch, Fort Jonas, Yrvka, Iltnlyj Ashland Mills, (Oregon) aim! I'hanlx, to Jackson ville, 330 miles and back, seven times n week. Inave Lincoln dally at 9 am; arrive at Jacksonville, from 1st April to 1st Decern Iter. In 4 days r st of Ihe year In (S. I,eave Jacksonvlllo dally at Jam; arrlro at Lincoln, from 1st April to 1st December, In 4 diy rest of thu year In II days. Illds lo eommrncu ss-rvlce on Irtlh Rep lemlier, IM. aud end Sulli June, IHIW, will bo considered. Ifs-Tviconu this route be let, that on No. I lb'J7 will not bo. OREGON. U024 From Jacksonville, by Dardanrl Its, llook point, Inland, Malesvllle, North Oanyonvlllti. My rllu Creek. Knseliurgh. Wll- liir, Oakland, KugctioCily, Cottage Urove. I'orvslll. Alliany, Salem. Jefferson. Ilelpa I. Aurora Mllls.'Orcgon City, and Mllwau klc, to l'ortlaud, 2SK) miles and back, seven time a week. Leave Jacksonville dally at 2 n m ar rive at 1'orlland, from lot April to 1st IK cvmber, In 3 days rest of the year In II days. Leave I'nrtland dally at I! n m arrive at Jacksonville, from 1st April to 1st Decem ber. In 3 days rest of the year In days. Illds to commotion service on lfilh Ke lember. IHiil. aud end SUth June, lHtff, will bo considered. If service on this route bo let, that on 14837 will not be. Koto. Kach route must bo bid for sepa rately, with separate guaranty ami certifi cate, and must provide for thu conveyance of the mall with 'celerity, certainty, and security," using the terms of the law. For form of proposal, piaranty, and cer tificate, and for Iwlruclluns. requirements, etc., bidders are referred to the pamphlet Hdvertlsemeiit of routes In California. Ore gon, etc. ilatiil the I3lh October. 18(J3, hi Isu found at Ibe principal post oAlces, Hidden should be careful to post pay Mds. M. ULAlIt. inhill Podmaster General. swjsVaUl ss svaiJrv. Hy tlrtair of an execution ana order or saio duly ismiii out of tho circuit oiurt of the 8taU' of Ore gon for thu county of Jackson, and to me directed. In favor of Wayne Oliver and against John II. Crawford, for the recovery ol tho sum of fourteen hundred and twenty one and 44-100 dollars, Interetts, costs and accruing costs. I will, Oil TtcMrfiiy, the I9t day (if April, 1064. between tho hours of 9 o'clock a h ami 4 r m, at the court house door of paid county, oiler for sale for cah. to the highest bidder, the following dcscribt'1 mortgaged pro perly. lying and being In the county of Jnckron and State of Oregon, to wltl Dohattnn claim numlier A7, In township 37 south. rtngu one west commencing at the south east corner, from vhlch a white-oak 22 Inch' es In diameter bears north 24 west 28 links, n whiti-oak 24 Inches In diameter bears south 4.1 cast 128 links, tlicucu north 22 chain, thence west IVs.10 chains, thencu north 120 chains, thence west 3l.-Mchalns, thence south 3tM) chains. Ihenco east i'.l-Ml Chains to the place of beginning contain' Ing lf0 21-100 acres. Also claim number A0 in township 37 south of range one west beginning at tho northwest corner of claim number A.1, and running thence north tAniH chains, thencn north f!)8 weal 22:40 chains, thence south 2.1 -10 chains, thencu west ia-4ir chains. Ihencu south 2AtlO chains. thence east 41 chains, thence north 34:H chains to tho place of beginning contain ing ICO 20 lOOncres, W.lf.8. HYliK, Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. Jacksonville. March ICH4. Aw TO MINERS AND- DEALERS IN (!0O Jlrotvii's IlreHClilal Truckes. ' I have never changed my mind respect ing them from tho llrst, excepting to think yet belter of that which I b-can thinking well of." Jta.lexry Ward Undue. " Thu Troches uru it slalf or life in me," Veof. tilmrd .Vnrtt. Pen. IhmxUan (Xltajt, Clinton, A'. J " For llirual irouldea they am it spclllc." A'.'. irsWss. "Too favorably known to ueeil cmnintn dtllon." 1Ii.CKu. A Vkdpt, Vet. Atoi. Sennit. "Contain no Opium nor anything Inju rious." Dr. A. A. Ihyu. Ckmut Jlottun. "M elegant combination for Coughs." De. U. t llydou, lUnlun. "I reootstaead their uso tu public speak vf" J?ev. A' .If. Ohtvtn. Molt italutary relief In Ilronchllls." ttiv. H SriyfruJ, Morruluvn, Ohio. "Vttf benetlclal when suiferlug from colds." Jlev. S. J. I'. AnJtfon, St. louu. Almost Instant relief In the distressing labor of breathing peculiar to Asthma." Jltv, A 0. Epjlatun, A. 1". "Theyhavo suited my case exactly, re lialng my throat ao that I could sing with vaMi," T. Ilutharvu. UhtATtlte Fetneh rariih Church, Montrtal. Am there aru Imitations, bo tuie to obtan tho (iKM'INK. Agents for California, IUouuton iCo., .Sin Kraiiflfco. KKW PHOTOGRiiFH BOOMS. AT Phoeals, Oregoa, Where arllstlo and LIMIke I'lctares are be ing taken, unsurpassed for beamy of out line and touch of finish, and In the latest uod most Improved style of the art. Old pictures copied, Improved, and rcn .4ired Imperishable. ,,. UltViU lWIM.I.. Sheriff's Sale. Ily vlrtuu of an exicutloii and nnonlprnf sale duly Issued out of the circuit court of tho Blate of Oregon for the county or Jack hou, nod to mu directed, in Tavor of Mark Cahnon and William Hoffman, aud against llarvry Morgan and others, for Ihn recivrry of Ihvsumor two Ihousaml eight hundred and sixty and fourteen nne-hundredlhs dol lars, Interests, costs and accruing costs, I will. On Tutvlntj, Iht Whday of April, A. I). lHstl. Iielween the hours of l o'clock a Mnnd 4 o'clock r M. at the court house dior of said county, off-r for sale, for cash. to I he Highest lilililer. tliu lolinwing ilescrilsil inorliiiri-,1 urotierlv. Willi? and Ik-Iiiu III the county of Jackson nn ijiiiltt of Oregon, to wn: Donation mud claim numovr n'J. in lownsliltt :17 iwiulh.ranire I west U'elunlnit at tin soulliMPSl corner or claim number AH In said tnwnshlii and rauirr. Ihencu north (.O.SHI chnlns, I hence well SilKXIchalns.lhenex south 170 chains, thencu west 240 chains, thencu south H'M chslns, Ihenco east r,();f.2 chains, to the place of beginning contain ing three hundred and twenty and forty-nlni' oiiehiiinlnitth acres. Also, claim numlier AH, In said township and rangi begliinlntr at the southeast corner of claim number A9 aforesaid, thencu east St):iS chains, thencu north A 1:70 chains, thencu west 31:00 chns.. tbencn south A1:MI chains to the place or iK-glnnlnit containing one hundred ami sixty and thirty one-hundreths acres. Iieing the samn tract of laud conveyed by the said Mark Cahoon to thu said Harvey Morgan. Also, the southwest quarter of st-cllon 2H, and the southeast quarter of section 27, In township 37 south or range 1 westcontain ing three hundred aud twenty acres. Also, twenty-onn acres out or the southeast corner of said claim numlier A8. township and ratigti aforesaid beginning ut said southeast cor ner and running thence welt CO rods, thencu north '! rmls, ihenco eait M roils, thence south All rod to tho place of Winning. W. II. 8. IIYDK. Sheriff of Jackson county. Oregon. Jacksonville. March 19. 18U1. 4w I HHtHHtAHI. K T1IK UIUUU1T COUHT OF TIIK Utale of Oregoo, lor tho L'ounly ui Jacksou. Wim.uk KariiKit. Plaintiff, vi, Johh Iv tiACXKU. Defendant, Hill III Chaste!-? for yrUnr of TlurlgaK To John LoWker: You are hereby re quired to nppear in said Court, on the 13th il.ty of Juno IHlll. In answer a complaint on lllo In thu above eutltlcil cause; am) you aru hereby untitled that if you fall to answer said complaint, as olmvo requlreil, the said plaintiff will take judgment against you. lor the want o( an answer, for the sum of it 00 and Interest thereon from Jan. 16, IH(i3; and also ask for the foreclosure of it certain mortgage, made by you to thu plaintiff, on it certain lot of laud In Jack sonville. ikTcrlUil In said complaint, lly order or raid Court. J. OASTON, Atl'y for I'la'ir. February 2A, IHUt. feb27w8 STATU OF OUKOON, ) 8S County of Juckson. f In Juitice'a Court. TO IJBVKRLV IIA'ITS- Yott are hereby uotlOtd that a writ of at-, tachment has been Issued agalnit you, and your property attached, to satisfy the de mand of T.Camkkon', amounting to llfleen dollars and fifty cents. Now, unlesa you shall appear beforu M. I). Sturgls, n Justlcu of the l'eace in and for said county, at his ofllce, on Ihe 21it day of May, 18li4. Judg ment will be rendered against you and your property sold to pay the debt. Dated this l'Jth day of March, 1801. march26wG T. CAM Kit ON. Final Settlement. IN the matter or the estate or Jeromo Dy er, deceased; Notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested In said estate, that Monday, the 4th day or April, 18fl. baa bet-it set apart fAr thu fin.il settlement of said estate, with Thomas Croxton, the Ad ministrator thereof, lly order or Hon. HenJ. Holsclaw, County Judge. OU3TAF WILSON, uierK oi josepniuu uo., ugu. SAVE THE IKIDItX. It looks like leail among the Ootd Dust. I will twiv a hlahrmrlco (r It than any other man In Caillornla, on ncelpt of sam ple, In letter by moll, or Wells, Fargo A Co., to W. B. J. KENWEY, GOLD-rEN MAKER And dealer In i IHAMONDS.'l'KAIII.S. .,' P4.MK0d, COHAIS,tla, From J. DKVIJK, Noples. ii Information In respect to detecting Irid ium will be gireti on application lo me. W. I. J. KEHNEY Is the only LVn-.Mskcrln the United States thai warrants,' gold pens for n year, My Celebrated NEW DIAMOND POINTED Califermla Geld-Feas Will lie changed to suit the hand. iiallly twelve? miWiUis, second ami third quality Irlitosmln points an; as gMH a Ihe im-si imporitir pens, auuai new lurx prices, Wholesale and retail. I have bwn a practical manufacturer since 1837, In the elites or New York, llalttmuru and dau Francisco. Factory & Saleroom, Armory Hall, Corner of Montgomery and Sacramento Streets (up stairs) 8.in Francisco. W. IJ.J.KKKKKY. April ir,-3vr H Blooiii98 STORE Reiiioveil TO- RYAN'S NEW BRICK, Next to JHttge h ZlMiMcrmnn Itetwcen tho 8BNTINKL OFFICK k U.S. HOTEL The rent or my now store Is to much less than I had to tstv nt my old sliiud, that I Can and will sell good lo nir cuslomers nt considerably reduced rates, (live m n call II. 1ILOO.M. Jacksonville. MarcliA, I8i!4. HEIMSTREET'3 Inimitable Hair RestorAttre. IT JS HOT A J)YK. Hut restores gray hair to Its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with nat ural sustenance, lnilrnl by age or dis ease. All isudiNiniftiwi yj aru composnl or lunar mhWic, destroying the vitality aud beauty or thu hair, and afford of themselves no drevlng.' llvlmsirect'a luirnliable col oring not ohly restores hair to Its natural color ty'Sn rasy proecu, but glvea Ihe bairn Xvukixx1 n-VLt aaon'u.tzr promotes Its growth, prevents Its falling off, eradlmtes the ilaiMlruff. and Imparls health and pleasantness lo the head. It lm slotsl the LOVE&BILGEll California Slrttt, JatktwiTlllr, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN TIN, SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, HAVi: Just received from tho Atlantic Stales itiidRaii Francisco, n complete slock of etcrylhlnglu their linn, and will keep constantly mi band an assortment or the best Tin, Khi-etdron nnd Copperware. Ilrass I'lpes. Ilydntulle Noxles, Forcu I'limp". Chains. Lead I'lpe, Hose. iiauiu'a::i:, uutlkuy; nails or all sixes: liar. I'lale and assorted Iron; minis, mis, rtlrrs ana Ulnsst All qiinlllles or I'owder Shot or nil number' t Unishes or every variety. etc., etc Also, nlwuvs 011 liiiud.a lurire lot of stoves 1 or assortetl slu-s. llucVs I'utent Cooklnir I Stove," and Ihn " New World Stove." Hit- two very ln'stninl uppnivnl patients In Ihe world. Parlor, Olllco and Cabin Stoves, fancy nnd plain, constructed on latest fuel living plans. Hollers. Kelll", Tots, 1'nns. I nnd every thing counecUil with these stoves. ' warrauieti iiuruwn nun perirct. All nrtlclea sold by them or manufac- lurrd. WAUUANTKII. Ttielr work la maile r the best material and of choicest patterns. .Orders alleiulnl lo with dispatch, nnd It H11I according to directions. In every thing, Ih-lr stock Is the largest nnd best ever brought to Jacksonville. and they are deti-rmlmil lo sell nt uw rwpm mn oasii. Call ami examine their stock tiefom pur chasing elsewhere. fJnno 23. 1KK0.-23. Agents for HallldayA Co'a WlrvKop. 0L00KS, Wil JETVELBTM -axn- FANCY ARTICI - AT- 0W3iT:xj.TrBnK3tc, NEW STOJRl Next )Mr b 8ach ! T NCUIIKK has stock-d tits O with n large nnd taliiitlileassortn latest styles ami pnllMrns or SI'ICINU ANI WKIOIIT CLOUKH. SILVKIt WATOIIKfl. UlAMONIr .1KWKLT ;i'i:AnU HMKIIALO, CAMKOgd Together with it splendid lot uf oj WWJG'mWTEaCs-JWy Hrenst-IMns, Ilroochea, 1-iir-Hings, Finger Illncs, Itvkets, lliicklin". Clasps, Dracvlets. rJlivvr Datiow, rscrniucea. ;i Wntcli-Chtlai t'listU, Also, complete sets of liiptmpnrsblc Qtuirta arwvoXry, munuiaeiurni iiom ine(rii'nest sMm bsitillifill Sx-t'llnetu of (Jold lllll aIIn ler quitrtz. In iidilillnn to tho nrsove, may btd nt ins siore 1110 1111 quiiiiiira ni TAIII.K AMI I'OCKr CUTt And, In short, n ueneml variety ti Mck-Nncltn ilk Fancy Artltls All ol which will lie sold at lowi ami warranted. UKI'AIUINO.-Clocks. WaltWi, Jewelry rt'piiltnl wild promptness, 1 u nmnner In triiHriinliT sntislaelion. MAUFAtrrUIlKD Hi nrdrr. says cie 01 ifweiry, wnn niinness ami ilisf S0T. Cull nnd sev Ills new slork.i new more, on California slrerl. neiiJ to Hnilis llnsi., .Incksonvllle, Orrtfua. .IiicksmvIHe, Ih-c. 17. lUll'J. H DARDANELLS HOTEL U. A. Sctitt, 7rprivtwr. TIIK undersigned has leased the llard'tiiells (Kvansvllb-) Hotel, out It In ifmsl condition, aud op-n test ol time. Isrluir the orlilliml nil It for Ihe aecoinmodalliNi of the balr-colorlns, and Is constantly increasing The public can rely upon the promlso that in luvor. uet-ii oy ooin geiiiiemen unit ia- no palnswill l)SKtreil in mase ineaecom dies. It la sold by all resp-'Clable dealers, modallens for all who favor hi si with their or can im procured by litem f I). 0. IIaii.mm, patroiiav most ngrtx-able and pleasant e4Mk M 1 pdWic. Proprietor. New York. Two sites, AOc. aud II. eow24y Smith A Davm, of l'orlland. Agents, ( T-X880--X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen and ,ni 1 11 11 Tber Creole it healthy upim- They are an antidote lo el si p : water and diet. They, .overcome effecti of dissipation and lateiinurs. the 4 Thejr.s met system and enliven and intermittent The Hotel Is most pleasantly ami nirree- ably situated on the banks of IbitfU Hirer, and all necessary outbuildings convenient and In good repair. The proprietor hoiea to receive a fair living putronaue. S. A. SCOTT. Danhiuells, Feb. 2fi. 1BC4. fib27w4 In the Circuit Court of tls Hlnte ol Ore iron, fur the County of Juckson. I'KNINA C. lIUOU'N.CompIuiuttiit,) JACK H. VlHOWXj Defendant. f Jlill tar Dlvurco. TO JACK II. 1IUOWN You uro hereby summoned lo aprsar In said court on tho 13th day of June, IHiit, to mister complaint on tile against you in Ihe above entitled cause) and you itru here bv nolllled that If vou fall to ai.sttrr said and nervous I """I'"'"'! a UIH,VU reiiireu, inn piaintiu mil itpiiir 111 11111 iouri inr u utvim iiimii. Dclben liW. They prutent etlasmlo level s. Thy purify tho breath and acidity of the stomach. They curu dyspepsia and constipation. They cum dlarrhaM, cholera aud cholera morbus. They euro liver complaint tllHISl uilia They aru the best bitten In thu world. '" '"u wnusor marriage ejtiniiig iwtHeeit They make the weak nan Hroiur.jJii '?1'.1. ti'l T'"- thecuiUNly andcaruofthu ah.nult.1 nature', crtat uttvrrr. They HruiciilHl. Hie Issue or saiuinarrugei ""iI mailo or pure SU Croix Itiim.lho celebrated reitoration 01 uer maiueit naiuej nnu ior Callsayit Ikrk, rooli aud herln. and Hre,00! and expenses or this itilt. taken with the pleasure or n beverage, with-, . or,'er "f 1,ou' ' ,1Vf'r'm.' iu0e of outreganlloagoorllmeor day, l'arllcu- M,,1'co!'f'',,1 :.F ,,!,,' ,t larly recommended to delicate T persons re-1 April U, 'fi.-7w Att'y for l'lalntill. quiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by all ' Urocen.DrugKlsU, Hotels and Saloons. 1'. 11 Diiaxk .V Co..Nuw York. tty Smith & Davih. of rorllund. Agents AilHsliiiitrator'g Notice. Ailnilnlstrntor's Netlcn. VrO'l'lOB U hereby given to all whom ll It may concern, that letters) of admin istration have been grouted to Kmersou U. Hliri.. Iiv tlm r!Ailnttf fT.tnrt i.r Jni-Lukii E STATU of Wm. II. Mowatl, deceased, j county, at tho.FebrunryTerm thereor, toad ,TIWIce Is hertiby given to all whom It 1 minister upon the estate or J.J. Holioan, may coucern. Insttho uudrrsluiied has been , ilw.ruuil. Ui.i nf .at.l numir All rurM,.na ".V. "I. Administrator or Ihe vstato or having claims ngnlnst said estate, ore ru- W. II. Mowalt. deceaseil, late of Jackson llllesti-.l to nn-sent Ilium In mn. at inv tm.!.1 county, Oreuon. Alt persons Indebted to said I iLiieo. nrar ll,.nU with il, nrmwr vnnsh. 1 oslaU sro iiQtllled to pay up within six j era, for Judgment, ttilbln six niortthi from uiuitn.jBim an iwrsuin iiaeiug ciamm 1 in nam or this notice! nnd ir not presenltd against said estate, are requested to prm-nt 1 within one year, they will bo forever barred: them for payment to me. nt inv residence nin. nil wwu,, i,i..i.i...i m uii.i ...luin.r.. on llear Creek, wltbln six months from date, renntateil and nntlUiil to nae un lmmII. n JOyN WATSON. Ailmln'r. lotely. KMKUSON li GOltK, I)un Crbkk, Jackson County, 0t.l7, 1803. j l'ubllo Admlnlitrotor. oct24w4 j February 3, 18G1. uia5tv4 mmrnm m mr El VERY AM) SALE STA1 Cornernf Catlfornln and Fourth C L U U A O K k I) It U M, 1'rasrx aav TIIUIK BTAIII.Ii nre m centrally located, and con. W Tfvriilioii ii dm Union Ho-, lei. Horses and mules will be kvpiM ilnv or KMll.al mmlrrsti) eliarurs. v.1 The proprietors have a numlier.of tl IIUUOIK8 AND CAIIUIAUII ror one or two horses, lo lei on rnw terms. Also, iroodsnddln horses and 1 which they will let to go In any partslll country, on reasonable terms. Horses broke to the saddle or hsnws-l Anlaak Soaeht and Sold, The proprietors pledge themselves tip satisfaction to nil wr.o may lavor itrav a call. JaeKsoitvlllH. wgn. rtug .n.-n In the Circuit (.'ourt of iheHlnienfl for the Counly of Jackson. AUTIIUll LANUKLU Complalaut; i 'A. y. BTROUF.Defendant. Hill In CkHHCory. TO A II.HTIIOL'1' You are hereby summoned In ai raid Court oil Ihe 13th day of Jnur,l lo answer a complaint lllnl Hgalim Ihe above entlllid cause! and you ale noil tied that If you lull to answer siM pbtrnt.lM above required, thu ssld H will apply to thu court for an order I nn aceou ut of the sums of motirr.sV said plaintiff, 011 n judgment in is sold iibilnliir and nualit'l vnld tleft rendered at thu February Term rf Court, and for tho nmouiit due to ou a JwHrMofit rund-nd In raid coMl.ii' yor of said ueieiiuuul nnu ax plalnllFTaiul Joint Illgliam. 1111H us judgment bo coneellrd, so fur as Is) utiM't uml iMiv fntrli ullicr. lly onlrr iff thu thu lion. T.F.ri Jiulirn nr ifil -..orl. J f2 AKTfHS. April tf. ltUM-w7 Att'y fnrHfj, bTATKOFOUKGOS, g County of JncksoD, ( In Justus's Court. To Hush Kmnvdvi You aid BfrJ tlfletl Usui a writ of ntlaehmeiit'bai li sueil against you, fcnd your prOfWj laciietl lo sallily ibe Uismami ci ; nMMii. iitp ii,m .urn or iviv tlulUn ' Interest Irom tho IVth of Martk, Wl llui rntH nf two lu-r. rent tier iHOtlth.SSJ costs and nxoeiuwa of suit: UOW. unl"! apM-arU.Turu Chnuucey Nye, a Jo me reacu in tuuiu itoca i-reen'i 14th or May, 18rt4, and answer IM plaint of the pjalntll, your properly sold to pay thu debt. . , , 1 vii t' pnonl r 1UtK 14 1 lllt.l UUUWHMI , . pi" Dated April 2. 1801. Eitet of Key. John F. Qrey, &f NOTICK Is hereby given that twH Imiwl lniu IsMfn illllv linDOlnW1 iiualllied as Administrator or (lie sWj, Itev. John F.Orey, lately deceosed,w son county, Oregon. All personi w claims agalnit tho said estate are rrT to present (hem, with their proper vm ror Judgment, to roe, at my resides' raa-iiu, wiiuin tu wonius, u u " seuted wltbln one ywtr fr dai "J notice, they will be forever tarrtilj " persons Indebted to said estate fJfr eu anu uotl leu 10 pay up '"rv. I'LccqU, Jan. 30, 'CI. Icbti8 Kcrbyvllle, Feb. 10, 1803. April 1C, 18C1. PIWI smi MHninnlrni itHMSMMWaS -iimtagmiaimiiSfM