,l i. H V m nwm m!mim:i, Jackson C'oHntr Union CeH YCHtiail. To the Union Men or Jackson County, Oregon: You arc hereby notified an.1 re commended to hold Precinct Meeting In your respective precincts, in said county, on Saturday I he 23t day of Aran.. 1 8(5 1, for the turtosc of clcciing deli-gutt to the Union County Convention, tit be held nt Jacksonville, in Mid couniyi on Hatukoav, the 30th day of ArniL, 1864. Tlio npre sentatlon from each irt-cinct will he made Upon Ihc same budii nt tlutt alloniil In the last Union County Convention, hk MI.ovs: Jacksonville. 6: Kden.4t Mant-meta. 3: Afhlirl.0 Untm Creek. tt Table ltnvk, H Hieriingville, Z t'erkinavillc, 2: Hlar Gulch, It Applegntc, 2; Pleasant Creak, It Forest Grove, 1 rjtoitnhoai Cny. 1 Hrjtia w Cwl(, 1 1 Darda-ioll. V. Total. .'I.'l I'liQ htMtii. lx fin the Union County Conrcntiou will Ik; the nomination of can didates for the following County Offices lo will Three Ib-presfntnlive to the t.-gls. l.itlve Assembly, Sheriff, County Clerk. Coroner. County Treasurer, County Sur Veyor. Two County Commissioners, Super intendent of Common Hchools. Pub'ic Ad rnlnlitmtur nnd County Assessor. The Convention is rxpvctul to nice t at 10 o'clock a. M. Uy .order of Ihc Central Committer. S. I), VandtKk, Chairman. BY CALIFORNIA AND OREGON TELEQRAFH. TILNRAritRD TO jArKSOMVII.I.K KXI-RKSS LT HIB tltR SKJITIKKI.. iTeiephiHC County Usilon Con vention. The Union Men of Josephine county are rtipiestcd to hold llielr Precinct Meet, tags, at the usual place, on rJAtuiiDAr. Arsib 30th. at two o'clock, f. ., to chouse delegates to tln County Convention, to he held nt Kerbyvillc, SatviHiay. May the 7tb. 18GL for the purpose of nominating candidates fnf Tbe various county ofllcet. Each prednct will be entitled tu dele fairs as follows) Waldo, H Mrlgga.2; Alth.use,3j Ker hyTllle. 1 Canyon Creek. 1 Illinois Hlver, It Williamsburg, 3 Deer Creek. 1 Slate Creek. 1 Vanny'a, 1 Oallcc Creek, 1; Leland.lt Applcirale, 1. Total, 23. Hy order oi County Committer. M. M. Ivvahb, Chairman. DOUGLAS COUNTY TICKET. Ilccommendcd fur Joint Senator, JAM. WATSON, G.S.IIINSDALK. ltrprcsentatlvcs, ALPHKUS IIIKLANI), 1 0. PAUKlMt, K. W. OTBY. County Clerk, L. L. WILLIAMS. Sheriff. J. J. CUAWFOItD. Treasurrr, C. OAUDIS. Assessor, II. L LBWJH. School Snperintrndtnt) K.A.LATHUOP. Commissioners, DAN. RAYMOND, Z1LA DIMMICK. Coroner, A. THOMAS. 8urreyor, JOHN LITTKUHLL. ANIYOUNCMKNTH. For NkerlHr. Ed. Smtintli You will confer a favor on taany loyal voters by announclag tliat JAMKd Mi SUTTON, Deputy Sheriff rebel, whose leaders only await disnjter to will be a candidate before the Union the Federal arms to sire the siirnal for re Mnittluy's Dlstmtcli. Washington, '21 St. The whlky qurs tlon la finally nettled. In the House in day, Wii'liliurnft of Mlnola, moved nil amendment to the lux hill, taking the stock en hand, which win lost. The rule of taxation was then fix til at one dollar per gallon for nil manufactured from July 1st to January 1st. and alter the latter dale 31 2f per gallon. Tax on nle and lairrr beer has been fixed at one dollar for 30 gallons. Chicago 22.1. In the Senate, yesterday, n bill making Portland, Oregon, ti port of delivery was passed, Washington, 21st. The following in formation wns received to-night from the Army of the Potomac: Five deserters. Ironi the -trjlh Vu. rebel regiment, came Into our lines yesterday. It la positively asccrlalml that lngstrect's corta la at Orange Court House. Leu's entire Tom Is rot more than 35 or 50 thousand strong. New York, 22d.-The Imtt' Washing, ten special says Grant left lor thu front, and Hurnslde for Fort Monroe. It la understood that the recent dnvelnpe mrnts of the Intentions of the rebels, ren der an early inurement of the Army of the Potomac highly probable. The War Department ordered nn addi tional o.OOO bnts for the hurpltul nccoin modationa nt Washington. Itrpnrti gain criilencc that Leo has sent part of his army into the SIiuihihIimIi val ley, with n view to comiell (Jrant In divide hii army, by rending n force In pursuit. The MorlJ'i Washington sjn'ciul says (love. Ilrough, Morton, Curtln nnd Yatex had an interview with the President to day, aihl urgeil upon him the necessity of calling 8200,000 more men into service for defense of Stales twrdcring the Ohio river, especially Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. They claim, If authorized, they could raise that number for that duly by vnlun- teers. The President seems dlspoetd to Is sue n call for 200.000 men, to be raised on ly In Western Slates. All the sick of the Army of the Poto mac have bctn sent here and placed In the hospitals. The lltrM't Special says Major Uen. Crittenden has been assigned In an ImpuM ant command, and ordervtl to rcurt to llurnrlde. Apprehrnslous are entertained of difilcul ties with the Sioux and other Indium dur ing the coming reason. Information has been forwarded to St. Louis that there ure 1,(00 Sioux warriors within 70 miles of Fort Union, picparlng to attack It, nnd destroy steamers on the upper Missouri, Uen. Pope is understood to have ordered u strong force into the Indian country. Information received hero confirms tus. plclons of n wide spread coiuplrucy In the Northwestern Stales, Inaugurating armed resistance to the Government. Crawford county, Ohio, the headquarters of a gang of llollernuls, had been placed under mar tlsl law. Other counties In that State will soon be placed in the same position. Ohio, Southern Indiana and Southern III! ools contain the principal portion of the He will depart to- regarding afolrs In Hank's department. The fight on the 6th was ut Sabine Phs. The hliels, were 3.600 strong. Oh th. .......i.l.,,. t lh'..' riIi Itmika sent forward cavalry will, supply trnlM or one hundred !r.tp.i1ltlon '.der l- Chiylon, consisting mand of Ills corps. morrow. Cairo, 23.1 -Jlnlrlllgence recelvtd from Little Hxk. Ark., lftlh. which says : The County Convention, for nomination for tbe office of Suckirr. Mast Voters, Ftsr HnerlfT. Ed, Senliiitt: Please announce the nsme of Samuel It. Taylor as a suitable candidate for tbe office of Sheriff, subject tu the decision of the Uulon Couoty Cod veotioo, und oblige bis Many FuuHbe. For Surveyor. Ed Stntintli'l'ht frieods of J. S Howard desire that you announce bis name for the office or CoohtV Sarveyor, subject to the decision xT the Union County Con vention. A UKto. Mah. Imleiieiulent Cnudldute for SlierlfL At the solicitation of many friends, the undersigned announces himself as an Inok-1-KfnK.NT candidate for llio office of Sheriff of Jackson county, subject to the decision of the voter-, at tbe polls In June next. W. A.Oivrx. Jacksonville. April 22d, 18C1. volt. Philadelphia, 22.1. Itebel prisoners who have arrived at Washington stale that Lee's force near the Itapidan was C0.000. Longstreet was at Charlottesville, march ing towards Stanton, for the purpose of ad vancing down the Shenandoah Valley. Lee's army had received seven days ra tions for forward movement. A letter from Norfolk gives particulars or the late Itebel attack on Plymouth, N. C. and assault on Fort (iruy. The rtbel were repulsed with fearful sluiightrr. Ualtimorc, 22d. The Amtriwix has ad vices from Norfolk that the steamer that orrived there from Newbern was taken pos session of to bring important dispatches to General Ilutltr. The captain reported that a rebel ram came down within a few miles of Plymouth, on the 18lb, attaifcvd our fleet, uud sunk a bomb-boat and two gun hosts. The greatest excitement prevailed n..,rm,m rrnm'-N'rtlclltlOehea. I Wf H Ingnn skirmishing with the emttiy mid found them In force nt Pleasant Hill. The wmmawlcr of the cavulry, Ihlnlilnir the rebel foro-small, si nt n nnssngcto Ihitika to that i IPcl, ami n-ked for reilitnrcemenis. itaiismn'a division was sent forward. The ,.rci! as InsnfficlHit. Tlii'ilh-m) rapltircil the supply trains and sevm guns killed and wounded n large number of our men. hikI took many prisoner. As lln't m prouchitl Oeti. Smllh'a forces, which were in line of halllf. he npfiail line nnd let tin- fi.-elng trmiia pass, and Inmre tin-em my i-titm- up Smith cl.wed his lines and drove tin m back. The next morning Hmith nt lacked the enemy, under Klrby Hinlth, 'IVylor, Mugriidt,r iiimI Holmes, dilvlng Ihem fnkf --Tin- Union forces look n num ber of prisoner, and Inllietnl n greater loss ii uon the ennny In klllnl nnd aial wouialiil than we find stiff red the day lie fore. Hanks fell back to Grand lvicre, nn account ol the n-aicliy of rations, mid sent n message In Admiral Porter, lflO miles alxive.to return with transorls containing supplies. Washington. 20tli. Tlic transfer ol rwn from Ihc nrmy to the navy has nt Irnglh commenced. The transfer of 400 has Uen made. Nashville. 20lh. Lnngslntt carrlnl to liist TenmiMKr 18 000 men. but leturned und formed n junction with Iv with lest than 12.(100. Troops from Jo. Johnson' nrmy and Charhslon are arriving nt Gor- ilnnsvllle. Chlrauo. 21st. llallcck will soonreslun from the army and giMo California. The Congressional Hone Commlllrr nn Elect iona decided that all contested election cases from Missouri, where there was mill tary Interference, shall go buck to the o pie of the districts Cairn, 20th. The greater part of Hlrk man, Ky..nas lieen burned hy the guerillas. Iindon, April 12lli. All difficulties aa to the Mexican crown have been adjusted. Maximlllian will formally recti re. the Mel lean depulalTon. accept the crown, nial sail on the 13th for Mexico. It is nssrrlrd that the relations between France and England ore very frJcndly. San Francisco. 22. Gold in New Yotk yesterday 1C4 and 1G5. Legal tenders dull hi re at C3c. Considrrablo eicllemrnt has been pro duixtl on the stock market by the appear ance nf rursrd certillcales of mining slocks. T)ie ar)el by the Grand Jury ol n large number of gamblers occasions quite a flut ter nmong the fraternity. Kauagawa pap-rsof February 2.11 con tain stipulations of an important treaty be tween the U. S. and Japan. Tuesday's l)lsmtcli. Chicago. 23l. ltlchmond Emmmtr of the Oih, says commissioner Ould has tflVct. 1 cartel for exchange of prisoners. Letters in regard to the lied Hirer dis aster, say great Indignation was manifested by several subordinate officers against Uen. Uanks for the conduct of the battle, Cor. respondence of Eaitrrn papers, received at CuirOi reports the whole affair a complete tlefvnh ad that (Jen. Smith only succeeded In saving the army from total destruction. Mejnjd.ds dates to the 20lh, state that three regiments, under Chslmer, encamped near Suinmcrsville on Fridav of last week, leaving next morning, stopping Saturday night at Lagrange. Oo tbe same night two regiments moied through Saulsburg. Forest had not left Jackson, but would soon loliow wild the remainder or hia forces. The whole body are reported mov ing into Alabama to prevent contemplated v literal movement. New York, 23d. North Carolina ad- vices of the l'lh, confirms rebel attack on Plymouth, but nn particulars given. Governors ot Western States hare mot- IQed their request to the Presldint for call of troops for the defense nf the llorder Stairs. They now limit the request to ten thousand men for six mouths, doubtful If it will be complied with. The U'orld't special says direct arrivals from the Army of the Polomuu report ull at Plymouth.aod it was expected our forces quiet. Gen. Grant, In n letter to the Sen would have to evacuate. It Is thought General Peck will bo able to hold New. bern. Cairo, 2lit. Dispatches from General bio Military Committee, expresses n with of 1.000 Inlanlry.five regiments ofcnvnlry, and six piece or artillery. rcuclHil Pine ll'iifl. Hftir it rnM tu Saline river, where they encoiinti red relwl force 3.000 strong, where the em my wns defeated niter Ihrir houra' fighting. They retreated, our forces following them up to near Mount Elba, on the Saline. The next day we occupied tbe plan-, without rislsiiincc. Our forces here divided, one detachment crossing the river nnd thu oilier ricnnnollering nn this side. Tli enemy were found rnmu distuncc from Ml. Elba, having been reinforced, nnd ml vancimr on our hirers. Hasty preparations were made by extemporising u fortification of logs, rails nnd cotton bales. The enemy charged three limes, and were each time repulsed. and finally tctlred,nflrr six hours' valniflorlstodisliNlgnu. Our forces then chafed on them, scattering them In till di rections. In thl nnd endairrmrntnl Hranch- vllle, we killed 84, wounded flftO, and cap tured fiU. In the meantime the force which h.ul Iki ii sent ncrnss the river was busy. They relumed in the evening, having inn relied fid miles during the trip. They niplaml nnd destroyed n supply train of A0 wagons, and took the rnllre escort, 3IMI men, prisoner. Over 1,0110 horses nnd mule fell Into our hand. Then- move ments took place aboitl the 30th March. New York, 23d. Authentic Intelligence stale that the rebels nre bully engaged sirenullienliig the fortification of Rich mond, nnd the opinion prevails that Iav will fall back there when Giant advances, and no considerable resistance will be made on the lUp dan Intelligence from New Orleam state that the In- of the 4th division. I4lh army corps, In the battle nf Ued Hirer, nn the Bill, was 1.12& In killed, wounded and miss ing, nnd the In of 3d division, same corps, was 3(10. Nnom attaches blame to Han sntn or Franklin, In the movement which resulted so diststrously. It being contrary to the advice of IhiIIi these officers. They obeyed orders, and did all that officers could do under the circumstances. The lCth, ami 17th cor, with part nf the division nf the lOlh corps, were badly whipped, the rebels driving tbrm seven miles belorc they were ordered to retire. New York, 23d. Advices from Hilton Head report the evacuation of Hilataka, Florida, by our trooi, who brought away everything In the shsie of military stores. Hie lltiatd say iersons who nre pre dicting an immediate battle nt ltlchmond will be d!s4pNitnli-d, unless Lee makes a forward movement or advances into Penn sylvania. Itrports arc freely circulated that Grant and Slanlnn have quarrelled. San Franclico. 25lh, 9 r. x. Eastern line down until a late hour this cvcnlni;. 1'rivate telegrams of to-duy quote gold at 180. Steamer St. Louis, which sailed for Panama on the 3d. took 8UOO.00O In treasure, and over COO passengers. Moses Taylor, same day, carried some 700 pas sengers. J. Waiter Wu'sh, publisher of the Sunday lariititi, was shot In the breast, yesterday, near the Dank Ex change, by a man named Teuekle. Wound supposed to be mortal. Cause of I he shoot ing was an article published in the Vnrit titi, reflecting on the character of Tackles' wife. f .spFiCiAii.yoiu hj Tiir Skckssiom IxrosiTioif or 8tatk SovKRKiujiTr. The present rebellion was set in motion upon the fundamental error that each of the Slates of the Union is a sovereign Slate, ant) can leave tbe copart nership upon any pretext, as among tho rights reserved to tbe States in the federal constitution. Now mark bow easy this im- KMtiire is demolished, Accord ng to tbe constitution, by a vote oflwo-thlrdsineacli house or Congress, ratified by three-rourlhs of the States, slavery may be abolished In all tbe Slates, though art amendment In tbe supreme law or the land, Virginia, North and South Caroltdo, Florida, Georgia, Al. abalna, Mlsslss'ppi and Texas may all vole unanimously aguinst Ilj but the supreme law will prevail In those Stales, as in the 8lotes voting for the proposition. If a law can lie mudu constitutionally binding upon a State, In tbe face of tbe unanimous for tire confirmation of tho nomination of I vote of its people, what beconus of this pre Gen. SclioOeld to a Major Generalship, 1 poiterous humbug of Stale sntereigiily T limei' special says lien. Uluir has been It become as dead us (hat other Southern Lyon, on Hed lllvtr, brings the following ' ordered by tbe President to rauuio com. heresy of King Cotton A' V. '- Acmfemv tar Yamtg ,1 .T.CKoNvir,r.rc, uhho,, TW Intlttntlon will It enrxlmlftl Ufa. nt Jmh iI tlarr, n-l will to hIiimj? hsnllli ami iuritIMi .in of Judtw plsn r olnrallon will eml-rnea Iht fuU,. t Innlrncllnti n.it-ill tnujhl In iht. m,M imlitvl r aoiafmlM. J l aim kJh,, oimk lwll tiiwlfm-con.! tlrlnr, lnnfr. In nail liaHla of urtlrr ami eomntn, i4 vle In Ihfin lhe n,nllllr. ulildi in both mUManlallrMlltr. Tim ( an.) nnrnnllllna altnntlxi olll Ir titn anefmiMilnf Ihr pirHI'Inlha lritidMV, Ilea nf elirlitlan tlrlno. a wrll . In Iktft J I lMM..,,n.nl. I.,.ImI ta .L.m . 1 tuwinl tlifmlnllmnf rtflni-mtiilftf t IhneontUnt niAlntUiMtv of n fi, clttvttmml. Tin .tiw-tpllns slmll hi !u rrntat; nl lli Sllr olll n. ttetfrtJ stctiniiis neniui. onnnti nti hsppiM, Inlinilwl In ll.flr cliar;r. Srnptil.ii huJ ra r-Hi io int ptTMmm nriinf nr lbs m. Iln.f anr tlVgUnt iltiHitnltiiitlofuhtlli, II Is ml In llio filAti fr lh tliien in mw th rtl(tl.m ir Iht im-ill., tiitrA llh ll,(J in Anvi'm win i nmirr ini dlrrrtfc-j tlirtlial haiallalnntal Vrtntli t-nlnViiii Mi-rcUII at t-nfllnl, a M-rrtn J a-L . .1 I. at t . . . . m . .. V ininri,, inrn, i. i, n't irv w.wyrfTSMl4 1 U wrll patMnlt.!, mr I In I Iht mIiim, tnjwjt.1 07 popin .1.411 m oprrrrUI, (j fortnl" mttkU nr Iht Otliolk- enfflarank. dlR-crt)l dtnnmlnall.ia limr iMtliMi.i,., character of tha InHII0ll.i,n. rHIil,(J II liw unnaj aitrtlirl mi Ihf irMtmri h4 of Iht citnmM.illjt, wl tin arittlrt u- Ht.llrtr-t t atttcU hsnuner, an dilvrq will nut tn.1 with Id .rMnt, Inn ffi Scltitvtt. If w want In Ivtit frlu U Jn, Wt fUnl an.1 cnltllatt frnllhl tr mannf r, If w daalr o an In ILL Mil t aial In tha alclnllj, Ihaliapj. exult. t ni tlllutkai aa lh Slalars Aca.lrmr, wt It ami a..ft It t f.'f IM iurf, a an tnnaalt our cluulljr aol STntnllr. Tk, of a mnltllaJ or chlMrtm tht rart of it. dlatrltattlonof aaaUlanrt ! tht prtj Iti lh Irtuurt of chrlitlwi tUill; sraSatl with oj-tn liinJi, but with InlelllKranVf t. vrCiMrltjr. nnllilns, amutiill;, tntvairikiramtiiti milling laiaturt wUal runairt n. rt4tclkai IImii ILI ClavtuU, tlon. Tlittianiplt of wir brtthrtn tf erl M danvanlrwlloti, who, on almlttf lm, at Vrtnth lralilt ai.l at !VftUl,Ml attualtu with anCMiinwn imI, iUkiUiiHu hoi tmaUtka tutiartlatiiurhunuwltu urchaill ( tht titatllilinieal t U Traatlns t.i tht nat llbtrallljr ahtaalaa ia.ni.in aiMii i-p aiariri r mt prtaa tf ingnroiirnttni RfMin.i,ani iraiMinfi hvuat fur tht Siatria SrlJ. t'..X.IIUNCIin,r tl.JvMfihtttmUM MOTHEltS MOTJil MOTHERS DO.fT Ml I" prvcurt tltS,VIN)IA1i iiro unit!. ciiildiihn tkktiiisu. Thla Tklaatlt prf-rallvn la tht prrwriftl.1 of tht brat ftault pliaklana an.1 narna ha tfl Slalta, tuxl haa Wan ird Vt tfclnr.o-fl nattr Wllns faljr ami tumaa bjr Mlllkaa ri tra and thlklrtn, fruoi tht fatUt latul i( J otJluthtklnll. It lt col lallatM Hit thlH fn-m H.! alaa Hit tWimatli and U)tl, rwrrrrti i (lira lont ami tntr( lu Iht wh4t trUa almuat Initaatl rtllaft (lainaa i mi Itowsuj, tap Wnif Wt ball. it It tht lUat ami Sf..l kcaaal WotlO, In all cm of DVSK.1Tr.nr aril ItlliKA .N CIIILUHKN, whttUrllwlMi. Inn vr frvrn an cthtr n.H, rull iilrrctkjfM hr ualnir will arromrsr aal i. .. . . . i. -. nnnt utiiuiut uiiiwm nit ic-aiHiia at na PKIIKIAd.NtwYurk aim thtvulaUa tkiklbr all tltJItlut IlMltn: rrtacM lit mini .law Yvik. raica uair a tiara ria iwnu ItKUIMITUtlH 410 an.1 IIS Vival St. Sm rv aajTtaiS asrtltSt Alasunlc Netlce. rTtllK regular commiinleatloaipfN X Malge, cit. ID. r. ami A. H. vllle. Oreirou. fur A. I). IM!. fiU on tbe following days, to-witl inminrT ....... i, in asswT . . l-ebriiary H AiigitM, . Marel 'tS SepiesW., April zO Oelolrr.... Mav 18 Novrtt June 15 DtceaM.. and regular Semi-annual isViIhIs Ztlh; ami llio regular Abbiui i" PecemlxrrZItli. The hours of meeting will be. fr to Beplemln-r. at 7J o'clock! sua The lirethren aro earnestly fl meet early, ror work will w i tha appointed hour. Itrvthreii Mill do well to save ttamnt fur Tnlnr-H rHferelical. ALKXANDKU HAUW.1 llaaMAN HuxiM.Hec. Jacksonville. Jan. 7, 18I. EAG-LB B Mf Jeseph Wett ' O, lager, sweet larger, buitlo'ta Now Its praises we'll sing sit coiiiw In ., Eln pbeif uud eln Lager Dettl rnilE proprietor announce! "! X rangeiueiuaoriiniirewei" live and complete that hecaauti petition in Bourne rn urenou " - A SJ,. I uvltli. Mf r ni,.... Itrt-r. The larue cullara of the t-slaMe'fl nlnayssluckvtl vlh kegaoflsp'' tho largest boll-sale urritall" Call ut thu SahMin. on Ibesij' Oregon street, teat the U-er.aial Jttckl!onllle,u,, tal?! "V. '' .Valallf 1 llliy II SSII ISSsMl Mmmmimmmmt&m' SfMtatsWWWsTa &6tdtt&lljkijjIag&amMUj0mfii?Ktfaiis,r . J&JLmSW .rjoSJPSSSaalalM