Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 30, 1864, Image 2

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the mm gam
i m it
.i.utcitm'ir.r.r., our.tiov.
SiTURDAY M01t.l.l. . ..MIL JO, ISiil.
Tim Itnun Tliu Notional Union Com
mit leo Imvo la til iltitii dm following dis
tinct platform at the l'ttc of Hit! furthcom
ing Presidential contest !
tknanckof Tin; union, tiii:
priwsion ok tiii: rwiklmon.
Of l'UHTf.ANU.
For Froldoutial Electors.
IAS." 1'. GAH(,KY,of Doughm counly.
II. N. (3 KO IK IK. or Linn county.
I.KOIKIK L. WOODS, of Wmmo ennnty
Tlio Ouiiiit)' Convention.
of tlm Union cause, nnd ought Jo bu nV-
icateoj nnaiir sticii management prerititsi
,tewllbr defeated, df Jpt m. J
s R, .. -., t B "'
Tltp FortWIlBW JlittckuryjM
TIM siivuirc nml fleudiidi fntlctiTT uf'slx
hundred negnt soldiers, with their white
officers, tifti-r they lm.1 surrender, d, lv tin
reltrl mldier. I n-rrlmc unknown in tin
nnnnls (if nny rivillnd tuition, nml set oml
' In none rt ended of I ! .Sepoy snviigr Hint
I pintles. To'lliM 'horrlble'ntilhigc, shock-
I lug to Ihe moral senc of nil nntinti, nml
I revolting to humanity throughout 1 1
1 world, we tntll mlil that of tin1 Iwn com
pnnli of white nnd Inynl patriot of the
j Slate of North Unrollim, lifter I hey hud
liven surrtmlrrcd nt the Into halite ol
Plymouth. A liorrllilu fate ci Mainly
nwnlls the under mill lnllgtli.irol iIim
hellidi Iritirody. IJnte the Himilirrn lend
er nil lurniil "avair.1 7 Hut l lie linMrnn
lion of i'limlriiioninni tiikin o ?!it. of
tlii'Ir hemM liml (inirln 7 It mtiii so.
"Whom Ilic Of.Hl woiild 'destroy, 1bey'firl
nvikt' mad." Tlirn let relnhullon on .IfT
D..vlj ami lit satellites fall Illicit nml'ft.
Let Ilic ml hand of vengiitnii' iinlit-.iih
hi word, nml mny ixvilt ileMrnetiun In1
hurled upon Rlchmnml, The Northern
Slnlc lire nliV In crtuli I In- irbrlllnn l
poivilcr, nml pt It bi'i'p'iilily il'iro, Dri.fl
a million more mm, tirm llu-ni nml irli
Ornrnil (Inint to "oil lo Illclmmoil," nml
Imnir D,ivl wlllinu! Jiiilgi. jury or pruyrri".
More tlmn that, let rpenly nml ivrlnin pun-
In.hninit bit InllicUtl on nny N.irllirm
Irullor tlnit will ilaru lo rynipullniM tritli
llit) rdiil IcniKri".
On iM Fiibji-ct n cntrrrpomlcnt of tlic
H. V. Duly Flng m):
Tlurt' rliimlil llirti lw but one tlimishi,
nn tlrttriiilniillnn, one tfTurt to cl.c tin-
liorrM rrcnu tit once. If clllw mint ?mot
mid jnionMir. nml llicir hjIiw l.e llliiil In
Ilic c!niuU, If llrrlK tnnut contetiil In fire
nml (tjmc upon n lilmlilnn rrn, lilllii turn
nliitc nillifitnrk nml pnlliil ilrnil, let vnl
Icy rrrk In Ilic slippery rctl pn'mt of tri
nicmloiM nrinif?. luborln? In lnnuliter
nml rrlln in ileittli, nml Irt rnrrotr nml
Tln (,'mnty Convinllon will be bold to.
tUy, ami It wouM bo will for tlrlfgnlro lo ' woe fiml tlidr ullcraneo In Ilic pltmii wnil
rrllrct ft 1 1 1 1 K before voting. Tlicre ore
KVi-nil wry Impotlunt county ifllcc lo
bit1 flll.il. mid nbout romo of llifin I lira
will tliinbllcM be ronie contrit. We liopv
thul'nnman will be noniiimlnl from pt-r-
rotul connlilfrntlnni nr nrrfrrrnccr. Illtnnn. never brforf nwnnleil to the motutfr
invn bertleeltil on uccomil of tlirlr knott I who have curnol nnr rncc"
lltnrM for the place, tllr ouml Union I
r!nclpliv, nml the Mrennlli thry will brln
of n nation of mtMowh nml orphan;; let It
lo but for n tiny for an InMnnt only.
CIopo the terrible act, romlgn it horror
In hhUory, nml their imf nulhnr to nn Ini-
innrinllly of rxccrntlnn, Dlvlmi ami hn
Exciting Hows from Canyon City.
jjp mu arritui ui ! """""'i jt
wme IhrninjIiTwIliriliejtimtv't hiimicii, tj
Iniv.- Cnnyoi50ti'?'il.il"o8fflril1i. I la
mil. I,..i t' fll.l.., C, l.!S,ii lliiilfniitti
lFill linn jyi.mi.11111, 'IJlJ; "'" i"'JII t
r.il ll.llnm Lull In on rrnilnil (rrtnl I III1 tllir'
ly who liml went out In if"iilWf llif
fnntd' Imluiii'. Tin' romp my, cniii.tiln:
uf l.n m.Mli If I .i!.llll lllill till r I cit'K'IK
' " I '
lira wlui'e under coiiiiuiml nf (J.tpl. Miliir.
IntVeliil MllMtiilll ihe.V h'.it'hed I hf Ointe
f'iki' roiintry ArrWil'ilnwHliy 'fuim
the Indliiu Ciuni for nhlrb thry wen- In
enrih but nfter rrcnniinilrilnj; they Ihoiiirhl
It lKt In ri'lrmt. rnllnr limit tiike I In i7.
nrd t'f billle. Unforluii-ilily ll"' Imlnin
dieimil dpi. Mllli-rV pir'.v lff lln'.v
lhn linn' In lift iiunr, mid fnrlhwilh Ilic
lilit coinnicnttd. Tin- wliili l.tpt n ten-
dv Irnnl Hi Ihf utriiirr nil fnunlit them for
rtflnn mill, rrlrwlbiif nil tin- wny. TlKre
llif.vcicoiilt.lJn,Wiipliic Ihilr Indinn n
i ..' . .i.i.... . ... ., .
illiinlit, nml miiir wmr nny o.ick in inr
itelilemr-nt H bit'lliev iiiii'.l. In tlit-lUlil.
Iline nf iIii'HiIz'ih nd lvn or tin1 pul.lu-r
ili.ipifiirol, bill tthellier hillnl nr' litken
tirioner. I hey Imvi' nn ini'itiH of knowliiy.
One nf Hit inliwlin: tmn l it nnwl 0n.,'c
.I.nqilll, n p'lillftiinu ttill kuinvu ut tin
Dilli. Th'-y tjiluiiiitil thnt tlifte wh tx
lituiilr.il Iiidiiini In Hn' lljlit, nml llli tin m
luht or tin wl.llr, who npiiiiil In net n
Iciiihr. The receipt of I hi new Citn.nl
un-tt .'.Xeileliunl nt dliy.ui I'll. nml forth
with ii hir(.c nniiiber, mid In lw Ihr.r linn,
ilrnl. vnlmileercil In an .nil nml llyhl I In
Iml nn. I'mvUlonji, nrrn. &&. wetr fri-c-
ly "iilip-crllH.I, mid the lile Iwily wn nl
niiit iniuinbiitely n'.nly In Inke Ihn flirM.
.Snb'tqueiilly il wn thonlil belter Indefer
netlou until the nr.'iiul of dipt. Driilie'
Col. Jnwili K. Kelly
Thl Dttillffhiin '"nM nmnlnnttpillby
flic DTnincrrtT n IheTr iWdidnle f.K?d5n.
i W. - T. . . .P
tm. nnd mine r Ihu'.dUntnn pn ier ,i
if n
UellliiRffihiL'?rihendr'ln Iho nmlHWrln
wliirli thev Mmll imTiK nf nun. We Imvc
the plniUM'.i ii ptfcoinil ucri'irtililimfi! uilli
Col. Ki-tlv I Itiinw him peieonully tn Im
m Kf.uiiiiif.ui. wvueiimniMt-iiiritflviiiv'
vlinriivlcr I nbovi' reprii.ieli. IK Im llu-j
ripniiiliini nf beiinr un uble Inwyer, mid '
iniT.'wT.' aiaifflmntiBrTfrTOrTBw
i nil i i;''i".''J.MWHdm
in un
cilli'. 'HI'lriii)iiiiliip,iHiintiiKlnciini ' AT THE Um S. HOTElJ
ntlinir. itn.l It lent lllll.i liiiul.ir tlmt l.el i . JACkrfON VlMJi. 1
..,1 llt.II()llNi:iuinOiuici',lhittlievmJ
I... .1..I II ....,1.1.... II I....L.. I - .... nl,..j.. . . ' "1
ne ion. imi inn' i k v iiinnii itiiin-.- 'rvi'iun m 1 1 rni'ii I .nny il(
tiin-l I why i Il liml n nun of the nw. pu'ilic ireuernllv .m liilt-il to nilnilIi
lioilld hitrf iciix-d UMtrimony in lotu i
in the ticket. Men should bo relccldl for
County C'uimnWttoiirr who arc direful bun.
liit- tren, nml tncli m will be economical
In the dlthurmnent of the county fundi.
Thht U a very Important cttcc to the tux
Tor HeprryrnlathT lo the rglnlnlure,
ftich men only n can how t c-ar rcconl
on Ihetrreul Imhcs of the ilny. during Ilic
trying hour of the nation, ilinuld r.cilve n
Moment' coiihlerallon. They tliotiM be
Fuch men, nlo, ui lure the tbllily and In
flitencv. oml Iho dl'pollion lo Impitrtinlly
Tut? IUw.v Amicuhmm 1'i.iu. I). 0.
McCarthy, formerly of Ponora, Otllnntv
lulling Ihlii paper from Sun Kranciieo.
Il I llw name elw ni the iliilltlin. uml I
iplemlidly prlnteil with new type on tine
paper. U'e corncMly rrcoinmend it In nil
Union men a the nbVt ami bft Union
paper on tho I'jcifia C'nnM. It 1 honeM,
faithful ottl fenrlwi. It will nuvcr betray
the Union caiiw, nr falter In II crusidf
ugalnit (.'oppcrliendlnn, In local oml crn-
trul new It Is tnuro than npial In llie
oilier Kan I'rnucl'co papers; nud In point
nf nlitnrl.ll ablllly It leave" Iho old fogy
look tOer (he local intere-KofthNcounly.l"" ",,"! eoirupt Wrfwi far In the m.r.
And uch men f ItmtM be lelcclnl ui nro
Known lo bo sound on Ihu following rcco
lutlon, oduptcil at tlio filulo C'onvenlioii:
fith. That If OugrcH shall rubmlt nn
mitrndmrut to Ihu Constitution of the
United Klutti, by wliirli liuntun f la very
i-liult lu furevtr abobhtiI on American
roll, ncuru in favor of llm.I.iyii-laturc of
Orrgon Kupporllng the nmimliiutit.
We sincerely hopu that a spirit of har
mony will prevail, and that local iue
uni) faction ill bo Ignored, rebuked and
Inirkd, Ict there be no fire brupd, In the
flupe of preferences for C'ongrcMtpan or
Senator?, resolution or Instructions. Intro
.luced. They can do no good, but u great
dtial of hrm. We have alrcudy pUlformi
ktid rrsolullon enough.
Ict us now have n united, Invalnerablo
nnd hard-working party, determined to ceo
the complete triumph of Union principle
and Union mrr. at the next elation, 11
every man feel thai it is honor 1110113 Ii to
ho lound fighting ns a private In the ranks,
under the old flag, und in khalf of Ihu
presenatiun of the Union am) (he Consli
tution, and tho enforcement of the luwt on
every foot of American soil, If we pre
rent a strong ticket of our belt men, back
ed with a united and determined party in
its support, the Copperhead will dltband
und give up tho contest. Hut if wo per
rnit candidate for mull offices, und their
backer, lodiitracl and disturb the Conven
tion, and create divisions, we ure unworthy
I'or sake of the Union cause, we Impa lo
see the 7iig obtain n largo circulation
If you want a San Francisco puer. bo
sun' lo get the 'Vug. Specimen cople
furnished, itml subscriptions received at Ihu
I'iMt Offlw.
TrxrmuNiio IIii.tciik The Sn.v
TISEl. is nnw publishing the dlspntche an
fast us received ut the Tackrnnvillu oDIct-,
In the shapo of "extras," at 75 cents per
week, or W cents lor n single dispatch.
We tflll mall them to nny place desired.
We do hot expect lo make anything by so
doing, but only with to furnbh Ihu latest
news. Tlie hews Iieteafler will bo Import,
ant. (leu. (Jrsnt Is massing not less than
300,000 men, and is rapidly preparing lo
tako Kichmoml. Hospital preparation
Imvo been made fur .10,000 additional
wounded. Everything betokens the com
mencement of tho last act In the bloody
drums; and when the final shock doc
come, It will ie Ise most oesperaie ami
fearlul content the world linsevvr beheld.
Sk.vatou IUkuimj. The rrport that
IJenj. Harding, Senator from Oregon, hud
declared in fuvor of Mr. Lincoln J"r the
next Presidency is unfounded. Walla
Walla Stutctmun.
A slight mistake, my dear friend. We
are Authorized from headquarters to say
tlmt Senator Harding Is jwituthj, wiqwil
ificdl;i und iiixoiiihltoiMtly In favor of .Mr.
Lincoln for Ihc l'.rs'dcncy.
i-oiiuna.nl, when the whole parly will prn
im) in the (junrc Like country, fully pie
pnred In clean mil Iho rniuiiu atroimhold
A n inatler of coitre, the ni-t wild nnd
cxttittiigiint rumor pirvnliid ut Canynn
City, mid the snviigt were vnriouly mii.
inlt.d nt from out- IIi.himimI lo six hundred
the littler figure pnuildy pirreel. They
notlcid In the camp it large number ofhor-
res Ihc animal which fiom lime lo lime
have been stolen from the neighborhood of
Canyon City.' Thuh.Mnt of the savage
is now ilifcovcr.il, and the reii'.lenls of the
John Day will never rot nitl'fitil nnlll It
is broken up and Ihe Imlinn driven from
Ilic country. Mr. Franklin further Inform
tt. that the Indians had made another raid,
and driven off forty head of horses : thl wa
nn Dixie Creek. Pursuit was ninth nml
Iho Indians overtaken. In the fight tlmt
followed, Mr. WiUon, one- of Ihc pursuing
parly, was killed, nnd u Mr. Overend bully
woumhd, 'I lie Indian Itft Ihreo of Ihelr
number dead nn Iho field of battle. All but
two of Ihc linrses were rrcocrnl. Lite.
ly the Indian' appeared in the neighbor
hood of Koulli Fink, but hud not commit
ted nny depredation1. Our informiut says
tlmt the wlldfst excitement prevailed nt
C.inon City, nml its soon as C.ipt. Drake
and hi command renche there, Ilia whole
mile population will take up arms nml gu
out to fight Ihc Indians. Mounliiiiittr.
li'crinilntlion nnd w-lf respect that 'Col.
Kellv bus, sh'iu'.l lend hi luimi) In pro-
mule lh,' Irnisnwiblu purposes of llicJiH',
Diivi old society In On-triin, We do mil
vet know liml Col. Kelly will .iccept this
ii.iiiiimiliiin, uml iIiih rnlu li goodiu.imi1.
iml we hope ho -will uolnot liml wuen
lerliiiu the Miuhrl fn.r tlmt he, or nny
oilier uiiiti, h.i the ghost nf it cliunce Inde
full Mr. Ilemlersuu. We iinilentuiiil thnt
Kt-lly l u"'Viir Detnocrut," whieJi, lie
cordiii)! In O'Meur.r inlerpi'elatiun, is un
Alfililiouist ol Ihu ni"H riibi.l iiml'ik
ntriietlve charucter. Ol ('ol. Kelly V'po
lilteiil slri'iiglh ur mituideiit, we know
.iiitlntiir. but rUipoc the lollnwiug -f.otll
Ihu Sioteiimirt i tibout the truth:
Col. , lame K. K.lly, tin- nominee 'for
Conarii'i', I it liiwy.-rof luir iiluniy. lie
ciiuie In Ort-umi ut mi turly day from lVn-
ylvmiiii ; livid nt tjieuou iiiy until itiiri.
wh-n he it'im,.il In Iho
he us u nn'inU-r nf Ihc
Dalle. In lcMtf
I'trrllorlal Cnitii
ril, wus re-ehclnl iu lB'il'uml eliojen lJ.
idem oflhitt bily, und iiiiiln ill cl ii I
l.o-mi I'riKiil-nt iu IB.'iC. In lljAB he
ran on tin National Tieltel for Cuutm!',
with O'Mentii nml ll.irini.it. nnd wimilehiit-
nl bv I (iHO ni.ij-iruy, bv L F. Oruvrr,
win. run us thc'icjinlur" .Uiiiuernllc run-
: I RAO he tvu i-ietnl In lie Klnlc.Hen itirniii't Mild cutiile
.tie by n vrrv t-loe vnle Wm. I-gmi nf1 ""-r of llu'V"1'.1.
Wine., lielni: iitrcnmiieilinr. t
'l'lcl(.-l. live tbillir
1 prepared lo mrnufrtct tro to ctint
llllll.n ui
Matresses, Tend
Flour nml (.rain Sacks,
Ami utsonlll attend lp p:pvr hi?fjyJ
B-wlng mnchho-K iMlrid am J
uni (lllllllll VIIIIIIIIMMI.
Work nf lln iiIhivo llnil ilmie . ,i
inint'llbenil Icrni-, fur cadi, or "lhTrl
P'.v. a i' Ai.HOT.i
Jiicksritirllln. April, 30 'n:i upbvl
TN I fit County Conrl, of .fiieldiiuc
JL Oregon, April I ertn. I tj(i4.
I)i Iho matter nf Ihu enlntu nf Chjtlolj
inallli.', iliceitMl.
Aiillrii.liin In aril Hriil IJitm,,
ATOTICI! I h.-r. by ulven. Il.nl K
li (lore, Adinlnl'tnttnr nf M !
Iiiih tiled hh. piiiltlnu, pntvlnit for Mull
in ell lli.i real i-Millo. lie lonulllff IjiIIm
Clinrle- Duinalllivi.l the llinu uf l.Udn
Il I lln-reliirir iinlfp'il by I lie court (I
nil ikthi'ik IntetL'l.il In mfil e.Uto. tfi
in. inu un nay ii Jtiuii next, M i
cnti.. If nny lliey liave, why mi
hoiild not lie mid" In n'll nuillli-ulf
In.pay .Ihn'ilebtn, charges uml alluid
April III), IXCI
Wil. HOFFMAN. Drrll
,(,ii. .,,.., tt. ., .,...,.. .... I
i.i . in-, iJi.ieui i i, ui it i ur ui
1 Hliile of On-L'uu for Ihv' ii.of1
I It- ii it mint of prr'oiiul worth, Id charac
ter us it ell t'li bWnif iiInivu i.-iiriiacli.
While n nteinber nflhe Tvrriliirl.il I'ui
laiure un. ritrttc nennir, tie wa noi t-m . 7 ...
t.i.. .....i...,. ..rl'l'ephlne,
rm-nmre nr mi ndvocale r lls.u i..lm- -Airiitr lTivrtn. I'fomtfa
liiml by niher. ..ml was wr fn.p.rnlly , .,.., T.rf.,,,nl,n ii,,..
.iiiniinvotuer...... na rrrv ,n,,..r.i v r v, , , Uwil.tmln lbl
miun ,) severe y by h pn llen l ,k Cl, .T..I... Sl(i.rs,
for hi wnnt nMrnckW " J nny nl ll.e ',,.,,,, Vurnft j.; ,.t)l,,r.
A,.' ..,.,. V . .,.,.. ., . . .. ' Win rMinti.l4i)n. H, II, llemK-rilni:
oil n loon 1. ir .inning nil' .un if.nm- ,,. . v.,,,.,...,, i u i ,
emtio parly, nml hi ,,0,1,.,, may lWr 1 No icnt. k l" H m n,
rfiirilivl nt nnollitr remiirkiilili liKtmuv tt .. .. ... ' .. .'.
Ihe he,,ll,,,.,f oh, nolillnt. quarrel, 1 1, 1 l SS, WiUhC
a urniiiriv irmiMini ii" 14 TiMn 11111111 in i
Tiir Dxnen or tiik Amkm.un ItKrcn
t.tn. Wherein lie Ihedaugernfthu Anier.
Iran Republic! Is It In the President nl
the so-called Southern Confulerncy arid Id
Cabinet uml Hlnln officeser Is it in the
nrmiea ofI.cc, 1mgslrcet, limes, Juhni
ton, or Ihc mitrrllla bands uf Morgan nml
ForretT I It In the Soulhrrn climate.
which lias so long btin cnuoTdered .lunger
on to Northern cltlni? I It anything
that belongs to, or Is within the bounds of
Ihc so called Confederate Stulesf We n
ml, and without fear or contradiction,
mom emphatically. 1105 nut one of these.
or all combined, can breuk up ami destroy
lids noble Onvernment. The danger Is
within the loyal Studs It exists at the
Capital of this free Republic and in every
precinct within her borders: Wherever
Ilia present Democratic parly rears lis
head, there Is tho dan-rc r..S'ou'n' Courier.
A Company or l'wisrix'reRH, number
ing twtnly men, under tho leadership ol
Drs. Druney and Dalit, will leave Dalles
todiy. The object ol the company la to
resume tlieexplorollon ond search for min
eral, cnmpienced nt Yre ka, on the 1st day
of last June. The country to be explored
i embraced within the boundarie. if Crook
ed river, Deschutes, the head of theOwyhee
river, Oregon, ond (loose Uike, Cul, The
company go, with pack animal, three
months' provision, nnd supplied with Ihe
necessary material for luting ores. Poil
Mil' I'nivn .fir- I KM, ,
amiable cliarucier. liable tn be diverted
ffiim hi lmn.l lulenlinn by Ihu stronger
nml les fertiniilnn mind, with whuin hn
.. i ......... i... ...... r .......m... 1
rnini- 10 f-ooiiiui. . no. wnin i'i iihi,iiiij- .
111 .up eiinrucier 1111 imin'-.i.iie let. nun .11.1
In pioilioot which n firmer cnt ol mind
woui.l Imvo euali'til lilm tn iiv.ti.l. As 11
reiiiarkab'.' Iii'liinc.' of Ihl. wr may men
tion lh" well known fact. Unit In Ihe run
va of 1B.18. Col. K'lley wit malnlv con.
trolled nnd Inlliieacvil by Andy Shuck ofi
1 umiilil county.
II, Murphy, Tlinimi Knnj,
It, II, Mnrford, '.Teileiluih Fane 1
I). B. llulton, Sintnn I'ajte,
wero dolnc li.iie, rt nn nx'u
nrconinnnv In llm cnntructin of, M
der Ihu nnine mid rlyhi of " Ihu Jinjl
vuijriiii lioiiil i;onipiiiiy ;
Action nl Twiv In Urrorrr Moat;
To rnhl'lefemlnnl iilove nanmh I;
ore hereby re.pilro I tn nppenr in Mill-
0,1 Hit IM'A lny . Utlohtr, Wi
nnd nnwer n cnnililnlut nn file, la IksiV
Hie irrinocrni ii.nii.i.nmi i-r i.nir,,..., . ,. -,,. vn ri, ,nr,,r
clec'nrs S. F. Chmlwlck, 1! F. Ilnyih-n. that ff you fall In nnwer Mlileittrii
nml A. K. Wult; nnd for .Inli.'e.',Hnkfly
Klkwnrlh, da. S. Stnlllt nnd .Itimes II.,
Slat'-r. Tliey made no nomination for
Stale 'Printer, Intending, we understand,
tn ring Arahel Hush In for Iho next two
yenrs on some legnl dodge nf their own.
P. S
learn that Col. Kelly has accepted thenoin
Klnco writing the bmr. we ! or J ,, -
nanti.it-rnnilrnl. llinraldlilnilitlirinL.
Juilcim-nt iijinlnit ynn. for tlm wnnt 'j
iinner. lor die nun or wvvn iiuiuinit
fort v-nliie (loll.if nml llflv cent', imi
(it Iherr.ii. nt Ihc titte nf ten ir crtt)
Intiiiutu from Iho 'i)n day nf Jiuia.l'O.
Ih.f Clint uml .llliureineiilnr Itie.K
lly order nf Ihu lion 1' ! I'rta.'
.1 WATI"- ,j
Alfy furjlwl-
Dr.cT.iNKx. iWeilcaru that J. S. Hmllh,
I'., to whom wa assigned Iho lliunkles
job of trying In defeat tho lion. It. P.
HoIh-, a candidate lor Judgu In the Third
District, ha refuted tn engiijio in nny kiich
speculation. A sagacious decUIno I
In DougUi county, on Ihu l'JIh lnt., nl
Ihe vcaliltnc" of Win. Ill.MIe, Union Valley,
Cow Creek, by M. M. Melrln. J. l, Mr. ft.
V, IIkli, of Jueknou county, to Mia il.iuiA
Near Canyonvllle, Doigla county, on
the. 13th but,, at Ihu rethlence. Of tbu ltev.
I). Feather, by M. M. Melvln, J. P., Mr.
John It. Ilmnui, to Mies Jank Fjutiikju.
On the 13th lint., In Pheunlx. Jackion
county, Oregon. I.y the ltuv. 1. M. Star.
Mr. Samuki. ,, Koui.saux Iu Mis Hannah
IlUve made up my mind lo go north, ond
I will therefore dbpune of Iho Mall Con
tract Iwiween Creaeeni City, Cal and Wal
do. Oregon, for the twu years from July,
I8UI to July, 1SCG.
Apply iu II, liAHl.'KT,
upl3'tn2 Waldo or Civic lit City.
2ast of Letters
IV ut Jacksonville, Ouu )lar 1. Ul
Anilurinn ItvWccn Kaeley 1lll
Alien nun a
Lynch 1'alriU
McKnun Ja
Mooru A J
Middle-Ion M'
.MoVity II II
Markley II A
Jllller Danlil
OIk-ii 11 U
Hlcltard'0fl) W
atWUt It A I
Htocklnn S C
Hevferlb J I
Kii'ylK-rt If U
Thoinp'on C
Terry Ju'ui
Vet J 'V ,
Williaun A J ,
Wentherlr Ao
Walker lliioch I
Wiiodwaitl itl
III.,.. I., llr. I! J
Weilerdaltf Jil'i
WowNm "B "fri'
Able Tlioi J
lion man Jack II
lluchl.olK 11
llourn John
Duck Cliiu F
lluchley Frank
llacker M V
Ihmlaiid Anthony
Oclu W N
Clioto W It
Peering A Ilro
Downing It W
Kbke l)r K II
Friend G M
(lallaher J -A
Cronel H
lloiLot) Knocli
Ilotboti J W
llaim 11
llaliiua Jacob
Hargrove John
llowlet ltuv A
Kuapp Luwl
letters will lay In Iho ofilco ont ft
ouiy, iioinitnwol iiiirvrilHMiieni. 1
Pernio culling fur arty of the S"01?
lord will ..l...,.i ...u ll.i.u ..M. aiUrtlltJ.
s. I;. iiAiNEs.'"!
Kil'im Ititn "a ur., nmtf n.KMlflK S
'slock of new goods. Read tU.r
llsctn nt.
w )
.' iij.iIu. "iiir r-!K;faagte'r;'"'i; js-3!mr 1 - sjgsjauiiiiwffi
It 1
f th
i! j: