m man mmtmmmmm nr iBiTSmftG WHAT u o. Punic at Kf-AXATii Funnv. r.Sfled.h.tPcrFnnU "'", hop MKIomatli Ferry, or nmr "' .!. ..!., bum nir n the conch, fZX ,wnil . ' 1 ..J deliver," under Wenllcc.lnslnxfnr.l.oS.a.0 0! tinw!" " , , , it.i. fernU. Wcarutniurmc....... --- ... r. -1,1 cnunlV h8 compelled . ..i.- iku miintv. whoarccllUcns ?? .. . .- th. military, poll nn.l owlt.1 1 f Clirornl.. under tlircals 1 . . . I.J hhi anlil. I kiting thflr learm m.. "" -- I Howls. hi t Let Xn .. I . ,.. ... ....i.ii.i, ihm fur the bene It e tictrr i i""- toftrsnwtcrs, travelers nnd other. ... n, Mimm. During tin past t. ... ,Uh mid extrndve il.poIt of riuiiave been dlscnrrrcd on llui desert. ICKM IlMr erwk. Wearcloi.Mimii.onm i -1.1 l.rtfrt Urn iilitlfrri (iff: ! KMHllfni Fllllll HiW - "W Ib.t.Wg .WtU trom Utile Italic creek Ir tn tie bronchi In.snd Hint theiliri tyi from one to Hirer, sod even n high ten cml lo the r""- ' m' on proves . . f.. utll aAflu lift till. Ira', lis 0" mines "iii r .. vnt nilnlmr mn In Hnullicrn Oregon. irrf will itlrf o great Imiietin tn nil kind borlneM.ind breathe new life into trade nrnllj JJsiotStr.T Women. Tim Union will be mtoI, If Mil will do nny good. tt. Fuller k Co. have established salt wis, its salt spring, upon F.vnn crrck, i thUcnuntr, ami Nrc rapidly niukliifr (fur h nntnhtr of kettles they have) n very line srllc'e of sail. A nick may ho seen t the sinrc nf Fisher & Urn. We nrn ;ll to thrnncle such evidence of the vul ,ble rwwee of our ronnty. Lut the rwntry br more thoroughly prospected cv. rrr trtr, snd untold riches will be brought to lllllt. Htoni.T CiMMisNtiAiii.K. Inn few weeks CulWiMnl Allen Gulch, nnd the pen- pie of SiHor niacin? and Althntisc rnWd nt li ii ml ml dollars, fur the purpose nf taiMiog a ehiiieh (tl Allen Gulch, und Mch wai erected in two weeks, in order o celebrate Hie fowl nf the grenl Apntlc f Ireland St. rutrick. Hncli cnerjry rsl liberality on the ptrl of our Josephine irfsMmrr-, I highly cnmnicndubic. Lot Utct go and do likewise. Umti Mam on F.aktkr Sumdav. High kliNwIll he cohlimliil nl the Catholic 'liorch on liitler Kundny, It will be nn iiffntlng 4ilnn to ull llmt will attend. lie lortw of the grand nnd iHMtitlful mim ic of the SMlKr Church will beilcbghin). be choFr trill lc comtiiMi of Miu Illnde. llnlMjer, Mr. KrtuzT. and Mwsr. ''onlt. Danlap, Hitchcock and S.wloiw, 'itii MflodfWi accomnanlment. Tlie nub. licUrtipecirully invited to attend. PWOI.K. Thnra wlm nrn tn.ll.lr.l In lIieSKNTlNKI. OITW. rn IimI.u ..i ..-. ptlfullf "dunned," and rrqueated to"hcll ht" what U due und owing ,y tlieiti to waouice. we nnii money to buy jiopcr, - "j mi., iu y priniere, to pay debla, Itn m, l.i . .- -. ' ' ,- r; nirrm, ,0 jmy oillee rent, etc. "iliose who ciii't ifo liin n.t. .i in h " uun, will " when the bill it iluck at lhtn. Wutn WiiKKu-Klljah Chancy write '. from Willow f?,i. ..i W lojlead of Icuvloff ipacw betwwn the lo'OMinwjron wliw.L n.. i...i ........ t. . ... .." -,... now 11IUUIU -bmlt soUl, and tmt h!a cmnK In ,he , , " l,n:eni ii rrom becoming fiSlwitu the black mud. which pre r"l in inme nlim wi... .i. ........ fiUL m... r-- MIHI UU III"IIIL' Vrellowy,oOhney'8dtur Kbukviiiiv r.uu Cat' ,l8g8 P,enlIOn, fttCt ,hBl ,,,ere mtCt V, In (n ..l.t.L ... We w J l " ke for UUin ucucve tuo r-anio good h, - t My uuir luge route Iwo of the globe. ClCHIIHn n... ii-j . " tT -unr oia rrieod, J ". qut8 Miu on Jgckwo ' k"dre d Z TIT C:8U ? pwJoUionA Co. 8ucc to thum. lwLW M,u-Se h bII lvertie. t la BnotLcr column. iKtu.iiD Two. Lutt Friday 'week the Deputy Collector of foreign tnlneri' taxes In Siskiyou killed two Chinamen on the Klnmnth, nbnut six miles abate the monlh nf Srntt rlcr, while in the performance of his tlotlci In demanding their Ifocnres. The circnmslnpccs, ns rilaled by the Yre- ko Jiuirnnl, nrc, that the Deputy made de mand fur monthly license nf the Chinamen, nnd nn gning into their cnhln, one of the Chinamen told the other to shut the door, while one sdwd an ax, and the other n slmvol, ircmulltntinc nn nanlt on the Deputy Collector, wlm Instantly drew n pintnl, shooting one nf them dend nn the spot nnd mortally wounding the othet so that he hits slum died. lighted candle. This wm solcmnlied the Fwt of St. Patrick In Ibo future St. Pal rick's Church, In this place, lost Thursday. Pat. Allen's Gulch, Josephine Co. IMPORTED From Maink to Orkhok. Upon the occasion nl the completion nl the Telegraph tn Portland, in this State, the Mnyor of Pnrllnnd, Maine, telegraphed Ihc following dispatch, which lor beamy nnd originality we have never seen rxcclhd : Portland, Mk., Mnreh 6th. 18C4. it.cvi nl., .:to r. M.i David Tmiac, Mnyor : Portland, Maine, In Pnriland. Oreirnn, this morning greets her fair sister. The flnods chip their Immk the hllU shout for jny I Iyl the sun In nil hla course witness our unditninWhrd hive nnd sleenh's vlgllniui'. ns we kirp the gales of the Itepublic. Jacoii M'Ci.ki.i.ak, Mayor of Portland. Mc. Capt. Mui.i.an'ii Hki-oiit. rieniilor Nes- inllh will accept our thanks for a copy of dipt. John Mullan's report on the Rocky Mountain Wagon Itnad ; nnd ulso for u copy of (Jen. McOlellan's ltepnrt. Itcv. Father lllanchet Infnrms us that he hopes tn soon have organised nt this place, n pood school for girls nnd young ladles, under tho direction of the SUlen of Churity. Tiik Halt. Postponkd. Tlie Hall that was intended to be given nt thu U. 8. Ho tel on Monday evening next, has been post poned until further notice. St. Patiiick'h Day at Am.kn'h Ccu-ii. On Thursday, 17lh Intunt, the Festival of Si. Patrick was observed nnd celt lira ted with grenl solemnity, ut Alldi's Gulch, nt the newly built church, which will proha lily lie ih-dieuled In the future to Si. Put rick, the (J rent Patron or Ireland. Musi was cell hrnlcd liy Father Ilbnehetntll o'clock, a m., during which the church wut dt'nscly crowded. At the end of mars, Father lllanchet delivered n sermon on the illustrious saint, whose, feust the Catholic Church solenmlxed on the day. His text wus, " lb-member your Prclutm who have spoken the wnrd of God Iu you ; whose faith follow, and bo not led uwuy with various und slrunge doctrine. (Ilth'r; chap. 13, v. 7, 0." He showed how St. 1'iilrlek was great nnd eminent by his apos tolic works, by Ids virtues, und by his mlr ueles. Then hu Invited nil the true children nf the gInrloun Pulton of Ireland to Inti tule hi virtues, llefore concluding, the ltcvcreud Father tendertd his slnccreiil nnd heurlfelt thanks In nil those who to liber ully und generously tonlrlbiitid to erect a church to tho glory ol tho Moat High. During Mass, hymns nod eauliclt were sung in u very Impressive manner. Soint Patrick' Hymn, especially, caused many tears of Jny nod consolation to hu shed. To be just, Mr. T. U. Dessello nnd Mrs. John Mcllrhtrly, deserve our gruteml thanks for the manner they huve conducted the choir. At 4 o'clock v. m. Vespers were chuntid by the choir. Then Father Ulan- diet delivered n sermon on lite necessity of Confession. Ho proved from tho Cospel, the Acts nf Apoallefc, thu monuments of time, and the traditions of every century since the establishment or Christianity, that Confession is u Divine Institution. In concluding, he said o few words about its conditions. Immediately after tho lluver end Father gave the lkuediollon with the Illesscd Sacrament. From ou early hour In tho forenoon, and in the alternoon, persons took their places in the church ; and previous to the time announced for Mass nnd Vespers, a large number bud assembled in tho church ground. During the entire ceremonies, the profoundest attention, respect aod deco rum, were manifested by those not members of the Catholic faith, many or whom came to witness the solemnities of St. Patrick intho so quickly built church. Tlie church was hondsomely decorated, and the interior nrescnled a muiMiillcent spectacle, being exnulsltelv ornamented with flowers, bo- ptets and cmgreciiB, and lllumimueu wim Tiir PRnn.r.xiTirR or True 11x8.!. Out or Frtino Pan into Firb. The debates in thu reticl Congress, nnd thecdito- rial reniarki In Ihc rebel pnpirs, upon the difficulties by which the South i environed, nrc uptly dcHenbed in the following list of troubles : 1. If they Increase their army they can not feed it. 2. Unless they increase Ihclr army they nro whipped. 3. Unless the press speaks out their lib crlics are gnne. 4. ir the press spcuks out their Govern ment will be gone, 5. Unlen they draft the whole popula tion they must surrender. G. lflhey dralt tho whole population they miHl starve. 7. Unless they recover Kast Tennessee iht-y can gclnonltclcr. 8. If they undertake to recover Kail Tcuncssiu they will get more saltpeter limn they want. 9. Unless they Irec the negroes they have nothing left to fi;'ht with. 10. lflhey free the negroe they have not hint; left tn (it-lit for. 11. Kverslnco the rebellion begun groes have lieen falling. 12. Nevertheless, their greatest fear now is, lest the ngrncs should rise. 1.1. Unless JifT Davis repudiate his present debts, he can't borrow from any body. 14. If he repudiates, nobody will lend tn him. 15. iriielmpresscsfooilhcturnsthe land Into n di-scrl. Ifi. Unless he Impresses food he turns his men Into ih-serlers. 17. They enn't succeed In the wnr until they hnve got the means of building rail rornK 18. They can't get the means of building railroads. 19. D they fight thry lose the day. 2(1. Unless lln-y fight they lose every thing. That Ii what wa meant two year ngo, when wo talked nbnut getting them into folds of the nnnconda. Huvlng rioted In the enjoyment nr several vice for a long time, we will sec how tlu-y feel In a eirr. ne- Will stand thts Season at jMluMTilU, OrtgM, At the stable of JOHN S. DRUM. Will servo ttAUKS nt $20 tho senwin and jknkikh at $100, payable nt commencement of season, which will begin March 1st. and end July 1st, 1KG4. A premium or $40 will lie given for tho ncr cot.T bj Mai.timk, fur IBM, nl Jacksonville on thu first Saturday In September, 18(U. URCM A JUAHTIS. CKUTIKICATI-S. Paris, Monroe. Co., Mo.. April 1st, 1862. This Is to certify that wc know the Jack that Joki-ii II. Fox. of thts county, has lids day told to Gikxx .V Wiumv, of Ihls coun ty, wno nro snout sinning id niiioriim, nnd we unhesitatingly statu that wu know snld Jack to he a niimkcr one Itrceder nnd n sure roal-gelter, bis ColU selling at call ing time at from $125 to $130. Wc take plcn'tire In recommending aid Ilrceder to lliu Mule rnlem of California, or of any Slate In the Union. Ho Ii not second as Ilrceder to any Jack In Ihls section of thu country. I'. S. We also state that the above men tioned Jack was imported direct from Malta and Is thorough hrvd. Given under our hands the day and date niMive, Jos. II. Fox, Drury Rucxlule, TliiM. Ilnliihiy, Marion Higgs, Itoht. Gwvn, Granvlllu Snell, TIiim. Crulcher, J. W. Itagsdalc, A lex 'r Thompson, Wm. Chapman, J. O.FnX. J. Ii. Ciittrlght, It. D. Austin, Dan'l M Dehmy, K. W. M'llrlde, Sniii'I II. Pool. Ukk. Warmimiton on AnniTRAnv An iiksth The Copperheads make great com plulnts about arbitrary arrests, und call "Old Lincoln" n tyrant. We suppose they will call Wanhlnglnn un "old lyraul," nn "old beast," .tc. when they read the lollowlng letter, addressed by him tn Gov. Trumbull, of Connecticut. Gen. Washington wrote: " Would it not he prudent Iu sciw llioso tnries wlm huve been, lire, nnd we know will bo uclivu agulnsl us? Why should persons who nrc preying upon tho viluls of their country bo suffered to stwlk unout. wlilio we know they will do us every mis chief In their power T" Why should Copperheads and open Se cessionists bo allowed to "stulk about" do ing us eu-ry mischief in their power? Wur i wur, internal or foreign, and thirc is no moro excuse fur sympathy for relcl Americans lluin foreign foe. Doth would kill, and both would burn, bolhdestioy our Govcrumeut, and both ure vital fins. Jai-ankso Ciikhtnuts A largo nunttier of the Jupanese chestnuts, says the Alia, sprouted ready for planting, are being sold in this market ot the present time to ranch men and gardeners, who propose to ralie a wop of their own In a few years wore. These chestnuts arc identical in shape with lima of the Eastern crowth, but ore of enormous sire, many or Ihem weighing an ounce or more each. In flavor, they seem to be about boir way between the Italian and nativo American chestnut partaking somewhat of the characteristics of each. m Firk. The bouse or Mr. 8. M. Peeing, ton of this place was destroyed by fire on Tuesday evening last. Mr. Penlogton and ramily bad gone to cbnrch, and had hit about 1.040 00 Jo coin in a ituok bi home. As soon as search could be made for the money, a portion or tho truok was found, but the money was mlwiog. Pome villain had undoubtedly stole I lie money and set tlie house on tire. Mr. Pealngtwi's Ipss is about 53,000. Albany Dtmocrut. Wc hereby certify that wo nro personally nrqunlnlcd with the most ol the nlmvu nam ed men, and know all of them from charac ter, nnd lli-y ure. or were, thu leadlnu slock men of Monroe county, Mls-miirl, and of tin doubled veracity. (Signed) J. M. Wilson, Jiff. Wilcoxson, C. Nelson, Jua. T. Glenn. BACIUMKVTIlClTr l)rc. , lfif.t- Wflhave Ihls day pohl the alxive described Mai.tkkK Jack to DRUM & MARTIN, lor $2,000. Gl.KNX .V WlljillK. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALEl Amsiiuiiu: nwi'hhiNG. with 8lahlinud Out-houses, nnd n lino col lection of Shrubbery, with Krult Trees, etc., (o sale on the Mest Liberal Terms. Title Wat ranted. They are situated on tho corner of Ore gon and C. Si re. Is, For further particular eniiilre of Dr. G. W. Greer, nl his office on California .treet, or at hla residence on Oregon street, Jackmnit Die, Feb. 3. Ml. fehfitr IIOHSKS HTUAYIM) or rmr jr jks ?w A ROUT Tour innniua since, a roan mare with a bald race, hind feel w Idle, an J heavy iimue und tall--no brand; and a incdluui-slged sorrel liorw.-. witb a white tripu In the forehead, collar-marked -no iimud--slra)cd, or were stolen. Iroin Fann er's Flat. A liberal reward will bo paid by thu liuderslgiud lur tha return of either or both the anliuuls.or for such Information us will k-ud to their recovery. PATON FOUD. Farmer's Flat, Jackwin Co., Jan. Ifl. 'lit.' EV l'UOTOGKAPH R(M)M8. AT 7hoeaiz, Oregon, Where nrlUilc and Mfe-Ilko Pictures are lie lug taken, iiiiuraiwed fur beauty of out line and touch of tlnbh, nnd iu the latest und mo't linproved stylo of the art. Old pictures copied, Improved, and ren dered liuiierbhable. ORVIh DODGK. I'hirnlx.Jan. 30. Y.4. leMwH VALUABLE T II 13 33 S AND For tale at the GLEN RUN NTJRSRY, Near Corvullis. will sell splcodld, large cent. Cherry. MulUery, Chestnut, Roses, Lllach, and all kinds of ShruUiwry, very low. Evcrylhlng will pos itively bucloexl out at eomu price before April 1st. I will ulso sell a good lot of Pear and Cherry stock. Come lo the Nursery and fee. Glenn Ruu Farm, Jan. t), 'CI Jan9w4 SffPimitS MOTHERS MOTHERS . ,.. boot ff P MMnnNsutwa seottt- iNsirw,r ewijsxw nrrm.Na. Th'h wt'tt-pivrftnitfta-ti- rrrsfrlrllon of of Ui trtt jmHiy)rMNm and nunc In lti Ual W !, WlifieSVm awl r thirty ;rrlih nrtt i;tif)frtt ant ikoti Yj mlltfrnsi of o tn KfiSfW!ffn, nn the SrrWV InSmt of our werW oMfotfwMtt. II not only rrllrtr tto (MM ftvm jurfn, Nrt Intljor. tn rW itn-iawtr- m,i tnwW,.ntmU KtWtlj-, a-l lri tmp wt rrttray lo lt Ik4 jrtltm. It w ; atnnt Intlnnttj rtlitT Owmsa I tiik Pswitrn, sun Wr Cntic. WbKrf Hm- m and Snrwl llemnt In lh Worl.1, In h nrt of PWIK.NTKHV an.t III IK til Ot A IN OIIUmKtf, t,ttWT It trim from tr, II.- In or frvwn vj rt Wt Fall dlrcctkma S nf vtUammrany tiwtiMtU. Nima (Icnnlnt witUm its) fknilmll o COItTI? l-KKKINii, N VifHttcn tho iiithlo-tsrtnrr, Sul.l br all MnDrln BwnlwK l-ilrirti iioim.. M tHj Wrtl Ntw Tot. i-aics van atrnti m notm. IlKDIMITfl.V A LXr.. 4IS nnd It) tn Nt. n I'rrnif l-ni, aiutlim Ani(r CVISunU. I). I .?. CZAl'K.f 'S PrlraW Mntlral anrt rr kiDRM,, SCHlTOltIT, nlow Uentgnnttv, ipplt lrlS! MMl' 8. . CU't prv, ha ITiirl, KaUbtlthrd In IVH, f Ilia IVnmimit Cuff nf nil I'rlrikl and Clinwlc lH.r, AND TIIK SUmiKSSlON UV qVACKKHT. Atten.llnjr and ttnldsnl I'lir.lf Un. . , . ... lR.I.J.C.AIK.r.M.P, IaI In lh llunmrlsn ll-i1iitl,Hiry ttnrl CVU-f 1-hpklMi Iu itu ISHh Upylim-nl ur ll.xiti-Wi tlir 8nron lo Ilia MlllUry llnplul A l-nlli, llun rr tli. Il Uctarw un IMmmm uf lli (Irnlln I'll nT (ri!n, and IIUmsm i.f Winnrn rihI Oill.lr.u, ivl ll,m,r tlrmWrof Uit t'WUJ. I4.U M4r vt ttxdlflni,. " I'ortkulkraltrnllnn paid to Hit trratnitnl ,f Dlunan i.f Women an J ttilllrrn. OOk liuun rnn a. m. lo 9 1. w. a4Oinimunlotks sirltltjr ohiII.I. nlUI. t-rttnt- nntrurcrantr.l or no Mr. lVn.ullitll.Ksi, l lalUrorMlitrnlMsrUKK. A.K'it.s UILL.J.Cr.AI'KAV,IUn YntxXtu. To tlxo Amiotod. 01 all dlsM, Ilia Am arral rnno NprlniK fnm m-plsrl or NaluraS hs. SUrrKltNUTWIIKN A CltltK I (IttAIIATCIH In ll Krtnl tilmura. Birlo, nirnxi. ilrl.lt lljr, iTphllla In all III sUcr. stricture., lrrl, lrl, dmWlM, dlsrM A tl. ULlncjs ihI l(w.lrr, mrrvtt rUI rlisumnll.m. mtoTuI. mIh In tin tnr and anklt, iIIiimhk if tin lunis, tl.lml, ih sii.I r, utran uon ll.r !! ur llniU. raiKvr, dnMjr, i fllf -UcU,tU Vitus' iUikv, and all dlww i.ni rrvoi a iUmn(rmt nt 14T Ilia sriust uririiis, such as iirrrow. trsimbtlnc;, lin t wmotj, ! k "'ir, Kriwp.l alinM, dluu.ru of vision, llli .milUr s.t ty rrln lrS His , Ium ufslilil, st,rr.ili.. dr(WwU, llrrr dlsMsr. fU.II.H.s um Hi be,, rln In Hi Iswk aiNl lisnj, ftniAlr IrrrcuUllllM. aii.1 all lmpnr dlKliaritM ,.f U.tli hik It lualUit not from wluttnusoUia dlsM orlflnnlrd, l.r lonj lUivlli.iierollliwIs ll,a rtusi, rioKsrjr larvi Uln. aivt In a shorUr tins lluui a prrmamiit tr can w orfrrlr-l l.jr snr iUr tirolmMil, ttrnaRtr ll.r dlassu liu Ufflrd tin skill of rinllirl.t phtslclau., and tslst. all Ihrlr msant uf nn, Tl. nir.llrlb. pfMcrlUnlar plnuanl and oil limit t.Ur, rntlril) urautl,cu.lii iwsk-a,ns,iMl frt fni mrrrurt andumlsain. During lis tut v )i,' l.rvllc In Kii rvp. Un AtUntia Suts and Osllf ,rnK I li m curd from ll Ji of d.ll, many IIhmismiiIs ho, In Uia last !:. ,4 tits atut uirntl.HiM Ultmsvs, u. bn Elirn up tu ills djr tl.tlr plivtlcUus I wlikli mi. rant mt In iimnililnk- lo In affiklrd, ado uu) pUci wivmtvi.ra iiiowr nij vr, psiirci ni slMtrur rutr. rpo close UD. I X trees for 15 c Dlsslutiai ! Car(iierikl. PUULIO NOTICK is hereby given that tlie copartnerttbip berelofore ex 1st log between the undersigned, in the Livery bus! new, under the firm name of Cixuauk it Dituu, has been this day dlasolved by mutu al consent. All persaus Indebted to said tlria are requested to make payment to John S. Drum, who U authorised to avttle the business; and all persons having claims against the firm should preseut them tu blin for lluuldAtlou. .TAMKS CLUGAGK. JOHN H. DRUM. Jacksonville, Nor. W, ;SC3. uovWtt lrlraUdlsMMW tlisjrot.t vnsmlri tnlirllti,ks tl.s at ll.r nut caus uf consumption, srrvluW and mujr utlicr dlsoasr, and slwuld U, a Isinnr loll.n liumtn fsnillr, A wrinnnt cut is srarcrl rri ITocls.1, a naj.iflljr of IU raws Mllni; Into Ih. handauf lncurtrnt Krua, l,n not iiilr avll to tur UiadlsMUM, but ruin Unittllutlon, nlllna tl. jralcm ltli msicurj, whk-ti, ltli HidlsMM,Wi. ans Hi sultrrs r Into rpU ensManiptloti. Ilul sliuukl tbdlsauBiidlrlaiinl uut tnuM danlli snUli, and Hi tlctliu tnarrlr, Hi dlsmu is rnliilltM uuuu tliscWMrtu, alHiar Ujfn srlUi frrl.l cu.-lllullu,-. sn.ltLscurrr.il of lift eoauptxl Ijr a lrus wlit-li Utrars Itsrlf In acruruls, trtlrr, ulwrs, rriipllot.., and other affWtk uT tl.s skin. rra, tlilil td lunjrs, nUlllax Umi Ihrm a brief UlriH-ur sun tit. and nmslyuliut tl.s.n to an will- lsr. MKLf-AIIUltK Is mnUr fnil.l.tl. iurMr tu limJtli, fur 11011,11111 rls In lbs ,lrr ru..Kui. ,4 V attoscaiiMSrodrstraclltaadrisIn Uun ll.r .j.lrni, Irawlns; lit thousand ii vktlius, tln.li a ft ),ls uf surirrli.c, lonn anllnirljr (rata. It ilr.ln.js il.u nMvuss)slui,rpldly st.asr llir mwrslM if III. CHUM'S lusiiUl driknauinsut, pistrlits llir po.prr dstrlxp.titl.t uf tUa srslani, dis.Ullr1ra for mariUr, s.-lrtr. buslnau, sjkI all tsu Ihl l,ap Ima, nd Irai 1 . Ihaaultrirr isrnknl In ll aivl iuIihI, i.iplUiHd to conaumptlon airl a train of II mm in la, Jiru.'. ad than dntth llarlf. WIUi tl.s fullrsl riHindiiM-, I uaui th unSa-tunat victim of a. Iflaia Hull it Cirinajisiit ami sawdy cur can la rfiu-tl, ali.1, Mill, i alMOtloniiirnt of ruinous t.ractleea, my iwtUul can U rctotad to rubust aad I,iawla brolth. IrrrautarltlM.uid all dl.era iaii.aJc.and frinalr turn tiuta-t ihi prliHTipl HlsUMwl by trnly ye;i practice, aiai s.iuctlind If tUoiiwiida of th una! r(. inwksXl ruraa. Xadldiwa, vltb full illria-lloua.a, a ...aHH..Kr. ..r.l.U... .- ,k. .... .. &... I ... . to an hart uf Ilia SUIs. Oiajvii, .SaiaiU ami Vtit.1.. mcvun irrriuxirt.o lauisiii ifHniiiiiiiltvlliis: Ihrlr siupUx.ia by Ullrr. IIusIimm corrMiaHidrw ttrk I- y euuDdcnllaJ, Addrraa. I. J. CZAI'KAV, )t. P, Sau VtiLUtv. ataV Ttia lia.tor offrr fro runsullatiou, Mai asks no ninunrrallon unlrs lis HTrcls a tun-. Jii3u EAGLE BREWERY! My Joseph WetUrer. " O, lager, awcel larger, bustln' lager Ixrr. Now ita pruts we'll slug as the saelt.er comes In Kin pheif uud eln Lager lieer!" TUB proprietor announces that the nr rangemcut of Ills Ilrewery are so exU-u-slve and complete that be can defy all com petition lit Houtheru Oregou Iu making un A No. I article of Lager Deer. The larife cellar of the ctlalilMimcnt nrn always stocked with keg of lager ample for tho largest wholeal or retail demand, Call at the Saloon, on the upper end ol Oregou street, teat tbo beer, and leave your oidet. Jacksonville, Oct. 24, 1803. Final gcttlemcMt. IV tlie County Court of Curry county, Peoraber Tarm, 1803. In tb natter of tbe estate of IfeyAMis lisurraiif, Deceased. F. H. Pratt, tbe administrator of aald ei. taw, having (114 bis exhibit for Hull nettle meut, uotloe is btreby given lo all persons InteresU-d, that Monday, the 41b Vjay of April, A, D. 1M4, baa bea net apart fjr thu Snal aettlecaent of said t-slale with Ibn said admlnlatrator, , Hy order of Ilea. M. B, Gregory, com.ty Ju.l,.0 J.L.BVANM.l'o.Clerl., lly N, MrwHsaaiov, UeMity, February 13, ltiv'i. feW7w tn mJ