Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 12, 1864, Image 2

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    '-. :j$Lm- .' "'lyfiiw jims??' v
v . '
lA 3S
,Nv -
T . ! ! TTi ....... i '... . Ii,.-l-vi-i IT MaKK.1. Jeff.
'I'hn IU'lH'1 llltclltlllt.
riiYm itiillflflV HinHIIVI.M 4ulug their Inllneiicclo c.xicmi mc circnm- ....... """",",...,. ,M
" R RI! l A llLAhli. Hon of the paper. Ibnt wo bn.l Hfcht lo Jhitl, hn s..p,..rsM.l the M (N-
IIIIJ UHIJUWU "" ..'..'. ..... ... .... i.iinl..1lt.l j... I I,. It .itrnnilitl'tllC rluht
At tin' time Hie rebel far I 111. d ld
hum It "'in supposed tlliit their main ob
ject In miking that place, ni Ihey hx-lleviill
impregnable, win to tmnimind Hip .Mltlw
ll fltn llnv. Thn. Klorrnt m il.. i
.L.. i..I.I.. I..ll... .... 11... o,.. i .'
niriuu uniiv p i"i ii iiu Amu j,. a
IVIinmry. IMS I, Fhanuw S. IIuwikxim'I
Suiuidllutu ''I
pxprcl. Jiatl uifv rxiriruuui. unii i iwrnirai hi uiii -
Ibpiicu Hint has been "'"1 by tin? Copper
heads l'i behalf of Ihrlr ticajonrtLlu onrnii,
of North Ourollnu tn withdraw trom .no
Is pi neimii ol innr ui-njnniimu..,,.-. Cnnh-dprnsy, nml ilre.aro iot - ,7.' ' ' V, u.,1.,. m look nut. however,
chelation of the Jm.tiW. wM !W,hi .Trff. started ' w" Bi.,i,M, I Wll ., ...,..!.' by reix-nlntH
('nnf.dernsy.nnddrehiro for tiicoui unnm
d.ubleulini It nnw Is. Ai.iimiHTorKin- . . feht tmt any Smie r. ,, .... ........ ri.,lmi,, m their nllcgl-
At his r.-Mdi-iiPi'. In T11I.I0 Hock V..I
011 .Mniidiiy lhi' THi lii'..,.l.i)iKi Wixi.i.l
I a.H.iit o.-i j.-iur.
I l.u t.L-L'.'n-i. ..-i. .-1 . .i.tuu inmtf.fl
numerniM IriemH ! mourn tin lo.
I ni
tfek "
. r
- : ;'
3 i
. "laawah. I
Z7m Itl.
W ir- (3rrrtr9 5.TV
llmim hmi' gfiienwly nHHiil its. . , ,nv,r(.tirn,vnril1nunt nrnpcrinrli nri. i . KnUnl (Im.rmnnii. Ilrij mi.
ajjuii.: l-.it lo (). Jiici... Ji.. win. "or . ., , . .. , T, ,mic ,cirgrent ..bjeemin miking siicii iimna
.u-r wr .i.IHor. iiwiIp the .:minki. llmt nr "c "'"M l .i,. ,.-, )e. t h'M Ht.it Hr-Mttly f-nllW plmv Jmk t"
,.,, In, .l...,.,.k...,ptMPor.Mcnu'.inrP,''fl" ' "' ' "'"' '? '"? ' , iKenrr n rrninif mT H.- Ktl.rr ..I Wnlrn.
; 't
I""" r""" " . - . iti. imp ... ..-"' " i-rti
To tiik KKHfiiy .N'i vkiim iNi v ' v.nii ,il!' n.lviK-nt.' Ill tin) I nloti niii'i'.niiiinn J,(r, fnppM,c4 iiKifmpprnmiFfiHD iifui- ,,, wcp,. M h,it ilir. clt.iti nnc oi mtj iiiiii-
i. ...i. !.. ip mi. ....:.... ...iirlnr niul limMiller llf HmIi t. ........ I., I il.na un M ttllll II I null i.M'limlltUhlnPlll. Al I MriltO II M'lV
IMIKI"iv!HMI.K "- ir.lll.'foM.
.1 U'lCiOWII.f.i:. IMtl'.liltV.
SUrillMY !llli!li. llllllll IMH.I.
Tlw Hkvtinh. hiti hmi1 lumi iitnlff Hm
'"TIK,. ...I hu.r.Pr.. ...,., ....y in... IT,,.,,. .! T..n oik- .r.r.nio .UliW
.t pintl.'iiMii r Miltml.le PTptflwiw In tin It Iruillng Mwpiir mliuwlw '" ',ot jle;, ; nirimmili tin nHTllori- ol Uonpr.il
,i.irl(.n. lie will inn fci' lhi! paptr n for- trim-, m nchlMt lh CiinriilrfMcy. Mni: n,,,,,,, Wc.tcrii Tpxii ri'tnlcr iinyrir-'rt
,,,., of the p-ople. ;,,f ,,, ,,;,,,,,,, pon the pc.ipV '''".."'SJIS''k!:
iiirnn nil! KHi.niw Hnmn ,r,nt)-i cmns t ,0 momlT(i of .fri. 0r furloiiL'Kcl ni-n rlmll lmi' f.""
ly, liM.1 hfttir clcitrnp n Imii ' Imrk niul our fnrtv put In n -nilltlon l
, unl.jprt. imiilc within il.i'iiipcwr.illy mpi-t th-'in. ihm't M'
1 . ... i-i..;,,r.innv nntl'inl iniivi'iiiiIlK on tin mrl ol Hip
n M.ch lren.niMl.to - '" ! (,(JmnnH.nl ,,., ,,, nnrrp'.ipy wlilel.
We nk lor Hip iirr
I ttl.U h Son I hern Urtjf.ni
'itrtlli till Ivl.y
To Wliinit it May Concern.
The nlltnrhil chtMriinrnt of llw Hhn
tivki. will Iwrmllcr lie iiimJnclnl In win-
Hip tTntori iKirty, IimiI Mtir clmr up n lull ' Imrk niul our fnrn put In n i-mlltlon l
1 . ... . .1 . r.lt i l I .Id.n'i 1 imvur
...1 .... .1.1- ...I.T....I m... a fritlitll I liO I HUlTttmilllV Illll'l liiriil. I hii i i.-v-...
nXIMU "HI 1 il i-
imM (ir. n im
nlll bploTirnli(Mnlln Union orKanteillun.
eriir. nhil In wwnUftw with iimuI
. . . . . . .. . ti... ...1.
UranifciuMiiii ami mime,., .., . n,: ,,r11(.!. ,.x....l In tl-
'", "'", . .. ,,., ri,i. I J
ncliiM or ullmr. im letlrl.. he trill Uhe "-1""; i,"" " ' ,"" ,pln
;, 7or the , Wn. or the ,Hpcr In a frw ' l "l '-t pur,. n, I. I. r.r ;, M,,.,v.- ' 7i.v-r. K.ftS ?rnJ J', K'Sl":
1,lhHfi,nl.r.i,l...1eDP.IfcrlrMrntln.tnlln.ln ,0 eondnet lijhw ,!,, the poor, torrrnnt llarprn.lIntT ! j JS'f"!.. f lowKn.;
uprwntnmimiiire. tm Hmt It flxill I liLlriimwilnl iti cur-! Tlic mmn,k rpctiwnt wrcteh ! '" 1 1, iri,,v well inrormeil nf th' rehel I
Netr llirw yenrn Imte jrone ly rlrrwup, Ior nil illvblnn. nml illHciiftum in the n1ianlnnr.l IviiiK .Mf. T'Vnult ntnl HipP,w ,') piCpar.tl In ilefnii thrin : Ii
. . ... . ...
Hvm tn porlPti.l illi'rr in i"r nriu-. ...
Hint iimirlrr. iin.l iim1IiIv inv fpnw for Hie
ll.irprii.tlnir. nnollx-r or the rimpnnn , n ifely of Knnxville ntnl TeniM-"ef hip
nil-, ulll tula- H .mill niwl W rrlwuil rniinil!. I'lrnnt met the meijri-nry re-
r.Tntl in, ny fPiiiiinL' rpnimrn'meiii. iimi
look imcMlnn o( the.SHvfiM'.i.omct). Then : Uwlmi pflrty. Wo look ilpnn llip mvcm I ,v,nv Irlhp. Ainu ! for poor ol.l T.. llmt ' iIiup I. no .lnnlit they will inikf ""IJ""-
whWiywuliMl. trtiinliiiK trertwrn w hPof ihe Unlwi Mttr In IhU Si.ilr. 11. wrn-1 1. ,t,w,,l l Hum nli.in.lnm.1 by hl "Imh ""; '"'"'." 're,,ren " " '" "" '"
ftllly JnUlrtiit In P.iH.rii On-uon. nml loy.il j twvan, , ,l0 ,CC(.M r,r .,.vatlon or nny 1 , (r,.m. J, t nnt .wmlul tlmt llnr-! ' '' r; rrntrnP(1l nrrvpw iH-lwrrn
mwi full Ibtt but lltHe tm. Hauling lo f re. ntun nr fcl ,,f twn, in tin- IKirty. The ,v.,lne. Hip trnllor nml liimle. nflcr h.iv-' 1 ,,,.1, v,,,mri,n nml len.llnir rpU-ln In.ll.
ntiTMolmliHinml iwrllwu wntfarn In our nM. mny MM of th parly In JuckriMt 1 M wl, nm$w ntnl nppl.imlctl by Hie oitwnii nrrniiirpnifnl by whlrli tin-rrlwU
mHI1!. .IHI.J MU.II. Iimi IT..." p(iTrt.H. "1 (wjnlv
lerffdnii or ilirtr .inly m iiifir cwmiry ni
Ikit tli. nml fill In nnitlifftullrliiK Al
lithiHl'tp; ar IT Hint nlnne uouM ImrnMrnl
otir t'lilflti. tbfll lrnllir ttre In artn tn.lp
trny iKin.lfiilly ilrclarlnj: lint lliclr .lit
imt lrtsmr thiMiM MippUnl the Marry em-
ltrm or llw frt-e iln lh iImho of Hm? Cnpl
'lovlns T'Viinlt. M.or.1.1 now Hum rr..Mr j-w l wc.rnmr.1 l. Mfn l.y IIh
.,.t, . l""" 1 1 rcncli. I Iip priw.'r.inimp Inrlmlp. Hip rW
palrlol. in Mi -tUncf in the llfmornirjr, ninl hum-, ()(f of (1 n M)rnn nn, Nl.vmi
It U tlio plain ilmy of tlw
lime llkn Hh prmrnt. wliilp tnw of Hhmi- (,... crnvo lt. .nrinn f tir "I.lucnlnllti'?
wml. nre roHop their ilevolinn ' Ihi'l'iv time will rnon ponw when thrrp will
Union cniiwHllli their life's bh.ftl.tii bury nnt lt, rnr n , l.m.l. rrfii'ltiit tn
nil mere pntty nwl relllh conliler.Ulon. mkc the n.ilh. on which ohl T. can luvUh
nml look iilone tn the Irluinpli of our prln- ,u lri.iteoimlilc nytiuulhy.
'IVrltory. wlien llmnptiorlnnllv I" nrewntnl
llirm In rorni 11 junction vviili hip inoirkieni
forrr. from 'I'pxn. ntnl other reM lllrlrt.
'I'lip qneHnn will nnn bpn.kril, will our
(Jnverntnent. by iurutriir 11 .lrfrfi'lve lhi"
of ii'.llpy. frnil ll.pppnf' ollnrtrporifrtni.
j:.i1 nriii!e of relel. tn nvrrriin Hip MpxI-
A V.u.r.vw.r. Maimzink. Wc Imve be jcin Hoplp nml nIl lup.liiblllilic'ii Mini-
nrrlirv in llmt iiniHippy country. I lie n
IiiIp Kiniwmr of l-'ruip. knotv well Hint
lip poul.l Imvo nn nllliii In llmt rroin'ry who
wmilil Mnml by lilm nion' iliprrntely Htnn
Hip rnlne.1 nml r.xpiiriuti-il IiiiiIcm of Hip re-
Ml nl Wrt'hlnijtoii. Our iliitv wn n'ulmi. 1 cip'w. I he iti.in llmt i' not willing to iln
WVillrnmntliil Hip " Dniibcratlc" thlp uf Dili ( tint nfe. nml hml bctlrr lie put over-
1 1, plrotleol k ami reorcil nt (he tmiM-1 ((Mri, ''w mtn t Invt rnliit uinler .Irff ; fon n. 11 iiumbcr of the " Aimrlwii l'.x
he.i.1 llw ().l I'la. Thi U)M lyw ere, )4V,' ,l!f t ft tmltnrs tin) man llmt en-1 chimin' nml ltevlow." which we com-luVr n
illMrltMite.1 1h.1t toM In llamlnK iwpll'iin . cotrflj.,M tlt.it traitor by (.'opperhnnl nyiif viilualilp bonk for nil lmliio men. Tin'
(KvlneluslliepxiillantJiiyorihitpviHllinr)!,. ,, ann,1(.r ,M,'nr. nn, nny linn followlti nre n few or the leiiiluurnrtlclcn!
of the ifclnry of llw fmithron nl l'.irt nI(I(,n (rt .f(,()n l!1np( wll() , Krtiry .. 'ilw Unto of lnlrr.it . Wnr Clmrisw nml
S.nptr. TIm trmw.ml.le .I.KSIrhiw. tlmt ,V)tU, , m, mnco nr .(.,., w,,T,ncu, Mormon IrvMalion, Min-
M len louibl n the inwU of the lien... llIw14lo) 1 , am,'IIlclu,lnio ,,r,lllctl.tii in the Uni-
emlto iwr y were tiHirniil. cw.lemnitl niul ' , ..1.1.1 . . .1 , . .. .. . 1 1. . 1
i4l U Krwiliir-V-r.wfnA.Mr." ''" fnl,on nn' M. Il piriy. i.IIk.;im Sm.w; (Wrel.1 1-nir-. ninrnntc.
of him !.u ha ever been, nml uur will U. weeworcven pUnurc ol the Copwrl.caJ, l'nlcnt. Art nml Science i llcvlcw of the
' UrM In the henrie of hi CHiulrymen." w ' ho ii traitor. Ilna.icw North uml South; Nulloiial Ilutik.
peHlitl Hie mono whleh Mill InmiIk ourcob ' Tl country' lMt lnlcreM.lcmitiil Hint nml mvciul oilur of 11 literary character.
uttin To the iiKcney ami HTmineny cvrry member of llw Union party rhnnl.1 Tho number liefurn im h n rpeclmeti copy. I in the future. Iiniiioii Cor. S 1'.
.if wr Lnlrtii n (i.iveiiiininl or tin wliole Maml l.y It "lliroiijsii evil u well "i Koou, in Hie work i ileroinl to rucli ninJ.clF. iiJourntu,
Iwllon. In fact. .Mexico pnienl Hip only
CiHinre they have of obtaining pnlllic.il
power niter they M"mll biive Intii ilrlven
from Hip lTnllel Hlntri, im driven they
urelv will Ik' nt 111 ill.lant ilny. 'I'lmp
prulicllon. mav Htm wild, lull 1 think
there tire riifllclent Mir.n In the horocopc
tnnllmct 11 nioinnitnrv Ihnnuht tniliin..
rlblllliiy.lfn.il proliiblllilp. of nieli rpnlt
U Mir peiiHilile " nml from llmt fe.xt we rfwrl." with a virtuoii. uiixwcrvhij;. Incur-1 ) publiHml monthly nt Philadelphia, by ! The prcnt lrnlln In which llip rrlieU
lmre prteliHl, iih.I l. that itMlto n.lhenil ruptlblc, Xrnlou!i lojuliy. Nn mere liim. , Whiting & Co., for three dollar per year, I nre now rr.luceil, nml the dlliiplil.ite.l con.
h n OhilMlan to the pronii'c ol (."!. 1 rvrrcr. middle man, trimmer, nwk-kneeil. 1 in ndtrnnre. nlitlou of Mcxicn, jrlve nn nlr of prnbabll.
TMlHirInswor.lor the li.ol .lend. nml fl,),.. wUlu-vrntliv conxrvallvc, will do' .. . ". Ily tn Hie nlmvc wlilel r-honld not In; lo.t
.Sl'Kri.U.llll I.IMITKU l'.lllt.VKIiMIII'S-'rilO
; richt of, 'I'lii' rebel IchiIiw, iloubller, nl-
inein.iieniniMmi'ni ute nviii)t naiwiiipn. , ...
U.h Hri ( ii., lMrl or llw ImueM. true Wo tU flbor ffl mnk0 w ,jIon partJ. last region of the U-j-i.lature .nude n law I fw f(.c, lfr mhw (.nlllIi,inn, ,h1
HmllH..lllH,tl)emoercyor....hernOr.w ,,,, nvllnr,Ute .,, ,irU,rIoll,. We pro!.llna that llmli1 MrNcl.i mlghl 1 wi ,,,. ,, ,0 ,., ,,, , rr
m. uiiarm.uK iu o, H.,r ,r.y or; ... , Jffl JulIw ,n WNimni In lli.i ni.ie. I lie Objreior the
illiw, nl nnfflni; them on the 4de of Iheir , ' , . ,. .nv Mn iiirereealc capital for the Irann.
rwnlry.mnwl In the maintenance or lit "" T",wr:"," . I ....;.... ncli.in of mercantile, mechanical ami man.
iruin liiriil. no 11111 inn umuvum iiir ...
elaliniorlntrmuornnT man.Mol men r.elorlnB purprw, w n. lo Hmll the lin-
or clique. Nn Union nun. honeMly deilr. ' b,li,y of "" "K'cial I"'""" ,0 ,1,e amo,ln,
iluirthuiniereMornur n.iriv un.l lit noble they have rulucribeil; and nl.. lo Kelrld
Mrwiirerand tinner In the faith limn ever platform ol prlncinlw. neixl' have anemia of th cumbcrrnme machinery of n corpor-
tfr. Thai the srAtixri.lMlwnliiMni. nlei.m. frar of tlio SKNtivK... lint if Im I u,c oryanlwllnn. It h an excilivnt law.
ummiii in laliiKliiK ationt tun clunue Is u , nnt ..0, ,
iet-cibii imiM irrntlfylni;. The work h saVfttloii
i.w.w ,...i. .... .... ... .;.t..v r' ,n wtlw. o "! apneal lo -, . , ... , expect trouble In California un.l Oregon.
,u,.Li...i..T..-i 1 every Union man to givoullkml nml cor. ...-,,.,..,.. n, ,., . , tellherfroiii Hie relH-l or the 1'acilio IU-
,r... 'l.-mm uir nr nt.niiv in i,,.ii ...J'1'1 "PP"1 JmX 1"P. nnd labor to , . ,,,,,;,., . ..,,.,, , , ,' I putitio cliuiij. ''Klem.il viclUiicu I the
(ioremiiiMit, and mort radioul In their de
lutnebillmi of Inilluri fiHilli mxl Copper
ImmJ Nurlli. The onue 1,'nlou lia Meadlly
nliuil udlierenu, and liftl.iy Hie Kirly la
n nationality before the world. Tho ill
orunlzed condition of Mexico, iln Hon lb
eru cliuute and production?, nml Hip form
er operatioin of the K11I0J1U of the (.old
en Circle, Injjcllicr with the "terrible coin
h.j of Judgment" from the United Slutei
nuihoritie. oil eon.plru to Invite uml
Mtbjvcl, muoli lu been o.nltti-d. Malleni
3.1 the rqnarc." be'd better "mk" and' W,IJ ll"uI)t,fM I,rovc n Brcat tt,lvu,1' ! drive KinR Utt and his conicripli Into
ii" before lih duplicity Ii discovered. , ph'8 ,0 c.u!lLr:v'. ' Mexico. If thin should happen, we may
;i(, I every Union man to give u lllwral ami cor- nM a , o( ,)e Manu Jmmwl , either from the Rbeh or the 1',
lUv I dial support to yonr. piper, and labor to . , inU.rilii, t Abjny ,n u;m f public chaps. ''Klernal viglUu.
MrriiL'llien the bonds between Uuiou nicn
bv tho Albany l'rlntim? and Pnlill.l.ln.. I,rlw ol our wrnw."
Company. Thos. Montellh. J. II.Koiler.l ................... .
worry ami ortwire of buklni'M have U-eu! .. 7 .. " T, ", . .. a i...... ir x 1. ' ..i .1 v ne e.ecuon lor lown uuicerr, on l iips-
iipiinrni t.ritnr iti.inir nritwiri nv urn ; si. ituiiuii in .n iriunii uiiti 11. . .
IVDIklHI 'lflt4 Hll.l.f I ll Iff IIIU ' --, ... -. v-1
Hut Miould !..no received attention In the "throughout ull our borders."
ueclecteil. Our nlm hat U-eu lo imtalu Iliu
ilnv llm lit il.tv ,.r ll...li ..a.il....l .... r,1
SIVRIIIiirU. UUT IIIIII Iiai IU'eU 10 IllliaiU IUU .. .. ., .,, ... . ,, lllivirim nltn.. .1 ,llr...,.r. 1.1.. Q,,'V. "" V " V1UHUI K III..
(ioierument under tie ..Inluhlnllon of I ,N' l'"Wi If" ,,Mt T M" Z L ?.. u LL u . , ' 7 '" Town Trmtivs, Mux .Midler.
1'ra.Meal Lincoln, and to help create and " wnwc unn win 11.0 nominouon ,oru.e 1-.-; '""-- " .. 1 ,.,.,, i,aTei11r ,.ut tlone;U.., U. M.
rotter the Union parly. We looked upon tho I nMr' l'"M " I "Ul Uu'" m,V0CU,C' and- UJ tucL-,vo wil1' ! Haines, end L. Sachs, for llecorder, U. 8.
Covernmeut an our tlr.1 and Untitled, and xg?. AT Xn o'rof ""- ' 'M"J For Treasurer, .!. T. Olennj
!;mZ;.rUT.f,r0,T1ClMU The scarcity of ditorlal this week mav " M"l. 0. M. Hanks; For Street
I manhood and patriotism required us, an Ami If eleetwl I mean to have the side, be ..tlribulitl to n little -epismlc" In ihV Coiomliiloner. John Jlilip-r.
ujuunulltt, to mvm every tehi-ine op- walk lixed between my house unJ the dc ! family of the editor. Tho "eplsotle" hi u -
in.euiuiiiirrefii. iiH.uuinuiweii.no pot." len-ponmier or the malo perouasioii and (Jrin SeKifUTiox Tho continued
loekl uK)ii and eondeinnM ihe wlloy In- t.'eneral Urant is n true patriot, nnd nt I ?" lmr"M wpcenn-tl are "an well as could drnuii. ('ulifornhi bni mi.so.1 n i..l,ln
I lli KV lMltn1 " f Irni.m VS.. f I ,,.-. .......,..
uiiisiiMted in tbiB military department by pfesent the mlliiorv idol of tho nation, yet j .T
tJencral Wright allowlnu Col. Drew to prl- 10 ,a, senso enough tn know that he would ' ,,
alely illMairre Federal patron; aiuone,iii ,tn-,mi i!M.r xj.,.i.i... ... ,.Jll
hUCopperluH,.! f,le.ls,u,uUrlrtlly , ot willing to permit wh old hucksters j0'1 I1,'c uu" ,Lat 1,ls '
ue e.pecieu. vitgon Maltimam.
for Crandall ! One more recruit.
rebellion must be put down, "llletu-
ti Uo Urn mme M'nlce for lets money. No
web oriicer Miould Iw allowed In authority.
Financially, tho Sintimi, bus Kvu a
liurde.l lo u, but would Imve paid a
fair Income, If wo could have put Ihe turn
due lie, un earned, luto the Laud-i or our
creditors, InMiml of Into liook uccounlt.
We have found it ImportiMe to coax or
drive delinquent.! into paylns their bills
rise in the price of flour nml wheat at San
Francisco. Prices will most probably
rule still higher, as it is almost too late
now for rain to do much good to crops in
the Sacramento Valley,
Henuis O'.Meam ndvlscs bis CnnrMriM.1
luviius in remso iu iiiku lliu oulli or u lie-
i.t .
im nuiiie. ' ii'.... 11 1. ..... . ..
. im rv r.Mii.T. wjieara, or tlio
Dkatiiok Starr Kino This eminent 1 ", nnd Ilackleman.of the Dtnmrat.
divine aud true patriot has been gathered ' 'iavc rcd swords upon the great ques. Khiuce nt the coining election, ami If "armed
to his fathers. Ho has been a zealous nd. ' llon of ,,ie eligibility of War Democrats fugues crowd around them," they ure to
vocate in smUlnlng the Oovernment, nnd ' ,0 a P,aco in ",0 Copperhead camp. Don't ' '., ?i ,)cDni.3 ,m ,ln ''!3 encounter with
rebuking tnasou "in high places" and at wry, gentlemen; the War Democrats will! KfcTi70t TiZhJ!&
all times. Ho was well nnd favorably I " "" tst ot ,u0 P0"3- The Union p.uty ' inuim-.
I knowu throughout the country, nud his
promptly, and as tho rcyultr monthly ex. ,WI"C "HI 'hiiia brightly side by side with
peiiK-n nf Ihe ofllee were from two to four ! IhHW and Ilrodcrick, true champions
hnndml ilollarn. ami our Ireai-ury empty ami agalnft treason in vurious forms on tho
eruwia.ung wewerueompclltHjjoKlloutil'ac.Qc coast. Peace to his ashes, and after two or three years' silence, is aaln to I
or Mop nublndi nir. L'nlon mm toi.r..n . m.o ir...v.. Mo.. .....i .1...1.1. ... ...... 1 .. . vu, ia uruin'u 1
f.ni...M. n.,1 .. ,"":.. Z: i "7,...:" : "'" vuc,uu tt" 6UC" :nuK,nK Pn lwr of tie South
- M -"". :u.t: pau.ois. 1 CoDfi-deracv.
has nbsorbcil that element Ion;
There is only one issue Union or
AroiAMiv. Jneonsequeii co of the change
made siuce the lust issue, we are unable to
issue more than a half tWi tl.lu u.ub
.Ii)KLNK.-TheBreat"Konkerin Hero", llefore Ihe next publication day, wo expect
mvo perfecletl our arrnnamenU. and
eru 1 will issue a full sheet, and nuke the Hmi.
tisei. go straight along
NJ3W TO -13 AY.
xtii rii'K .. 11 ee n ion- iv int..
IN ull whom II limy roncern, ll,t 1
-lacolH I my ni'in 111 .nicKvm cnunlT l
Iln. ini.!vllo! t.r nil III V l.n.ln !..
my iilceiiee. Any perum willing to ,
L'IM.11 II.V lfl 1T1U..U .1. (V. VI. I'll ... I'm
Marrlill.lHBI inaUtt
Fiiml Ki'ttloniL'iit.
TOTICi: Is he.eby uivcti, limit). 1).
i le. nilmliilMnilor of tin. l;tt?i,
Juiii'H lll'linp, ib-ciiiM-d, ba lll.il IiI.Slv
r.ir tlnal Itl-meiit or alil e-Mlp, nml a..
WnlneMlay, the lilli tl ty uf April ri u
Ihm'ii net nMrl lor mid Ituul M'llli'iutnl,
Ily order of lion. .1 (;. T.ilunti, cvi
Juilie. W.M. HOITAIAN rini'
.Mareli lilli. IMl. nul2.
AiliiilniHtnitor'H Sale
V virtue of nn oiiIt, mmbi bvlUOngi
Iv Court, nt II Maieli Term, Hl,
will pell nt public aiiclli in the pntu I
near Jni'K IIU1. mi ft.tluiilay. the !
I11M., between the hours of tni A. M. luV
Ion P. M.. In the highest bidder, frtiit
ull tho per.ouul projn-rly li...)iilii Utu
einteoi J. .1. not. nan inci-it-ni.
KMIilt.StlN I;. UOlti; Admr
Plnenlx. Jlaieli II. Ml null..
Vermont IIoihl'.
Wi:. the uniterslgued. herebv nntlfri
.Si.klioldurs of the Yl.ltUON?
IIUIJSi:. Unit Ihere will Im 11 mi'vlmuMt'
comiKiny, ul lliu Court lloii'o, in Jnck -
vllle. orrgou, oil Ktiti.rday, Ihu '.'lllhdijr'
.Mnreli. at line neloek, I. .XI., to lncn'
ale Mid couipany, under the net of the Ui
Matiie Assembly of Oregon, upprurtd Uw
N, m.
All am tiipieMrd tnnlleud.
.SIkuiiI l.y the lollnulug nnmeil ttucV
Inil.lvr In wrnm nml by proxy.
J. C. TllUMSN, lll.MIV I'ln.iwx,
It. 8. IlKI.I.KStr, .Ioii.n Wat.in,
H. S. Moii.mn, K It. Siiirr.
Juiiv .S. IliuiM, TnoMik I', l-'uirn.
M. I,AIMI. O.atlt (). (il.WASP.
JuekHimllle, March ll.'U:i. nnUnJ
KliurllPn Sule.
1JY vlrluo of nn exi-ciillon and onlerrfl
XJ sule, duly ix.iiti out or the t.-ltw
Court, of llieMulrorOreiJon, for llii couuu
r JuoJi.oii. and In mo ibncted. In finer ' I
John 8. Ilirriu. ii.lmliilMriitnr or lliei.lii-
f David N. llerrlu.ileceiiMil.niul npiln-il
IIioiim" Ariimli-ll. for Ihe sum nr Tliiriet I
llu.idrid n.nl lirioeu nud thlrlv one-lini
drvdlln dollars, Interest, eu.U nud uccrui( j
eons, 1 will, 011
7iW.iy.lAf I'M ihvj 0 April, A. U 1WI.I
nt Ihe Court IIoiimi door or wild ciun
pri'ni) lon-ll, lor eci b. lo the hlghvilliw
tier, the lolli.tliiL'.Ua'cr Ik-iI morliraatil p..
projH-ily, sit.iat.il In the county of JucU
uml Mule or Wreitou. In-wlli J lio &li
hair of Donation l.aml Claim Nu. 41 n
loiwiHilp No. :t.i unilli. riiinru No. 1 r-'
liegtunlug nt 11 pt nt IhoporlhueMcuriir'
on the t-oiith bnundnrv of claim No. t'
thence Houtb .18 chains; Ihenee enit 1111!
Chain.; Ihenee north 'M'M clmlns: tlieiK
frtu:t:iileliilti; thence north lH:V'.cblu:
llivncewest 7i;NM ihalns. In Hie p!mm'
U'gtnnlug, coulaiulug in Ihe whole elite
!)l!l:UI uuris.
Knlu Intween Ihn hours of nine o'clock,
A. il. unci four o clock. P. M. or said uy
.Sherlir Juck.ou Co.. Deo.
March i:th,I8Ul, maliwl
Shut-Hi" Sale.
BV vlrlne nf nu oxccottoii, duly l-jeJr
the Clerk or the County Court, vM"
Slate of Oregon, fur thu county of JcW
miii, nnd lo mu directed, in favor of Heuty
ltohlll.ir.l. nml niviln.l M. It MonU. I
ItoUrts. II. Jliirnhov. W. A. ForuT. sl
others, lor the iccnverv of ll.u sum of T
llnudred and Twenly-Ivlght and llfi)M
ouc-iiuuiimiiuH iioiiurs. Willi inieren, """
and accruing costs, I have bivleil upon aid
will otler lor role, for cash, to tbu blfiboi
bidder, nt Ihe Court House door, of wU
county nml State, on
TutsJmj, the lirA Jay of April, A.lh 18CI.
Iietweeu tho hours or nine o'clock A. M
mnirour o'clock P.M.. ull tho right, llll
and interest of said defendants. I" thofW'
lowing deserlbeil real property, to-w it: A
Kour Stamp Quartz Mill nud twoAtatr'
together with the machinery belonging '
Ihu tume: nlso. one Water Hitch nnd KluoH
laid ditch conducts the water frew
Tho.npou'a Creek lo the wild mill and an'
tras. All or said properly I situated U
sahl eonnty and Stale, on tho said Thouqe
son'a Creek, about three mllea south w
Applegate Creek.
Y- H. 8. HYDE,
ShPrliTof Jacksou Co., Ogn.
March. 12. 1861. uwl2wl
rPIIK undersigned Imx trunsferred all W'
1. hW niitl rlltuxllnii ! u In Odd In J Oft
in 11 vuiivviiuii eMiitvr - .
phlne county, Oregon, lo J. GaMon, El-.'
aucK.oiniiie. who will prosecute iuos'-
io iiuai H'ltieineni. rartics naviiiK "'7.
ness wlili uw will nloasa communicate Ha
Mr. Gaston. K. U, MOUJ'OltP.
March W, 16IJI. uia5w3
1 '
1 1
: t
ft"Jr:-jsnsaipsttt.s.M- iB,f9ffl