Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 20, 1864, Image 2

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    ft ePPPPir7 A '
W ,i...f. Jem
I v
. '"""'
TmlMnnrrhenrfoD of Ibe fact.. ? CirOTT CnniT.-John l. Ullin.lia, j
' o-- - . . ... f...i niv nf niiirrii-r in Ilic fccoiiii m
iniiMii of uiv ne mo more- mt hv - . . ,
Slntu Rovn.
II; (tie
Corfulli tfiisfffr we ntc Inotmoil , -At ike.rr d.;nco of I er pnrcnl., tnjl
Mlltury compai) wm W llwigt,ler f Charles W. nt.,1 Jtl'l
i tlmt place, wllh (no ri)llrtltlngigvc, Aged u" years, 7 month imd ijI
ivi.e nni. unman ni Milium iiiu ntmicc- - . . . -
:,"'....., t- ,,. .t..;i..nf,l the (tree, and nlenl -to imptlMnimrn. ,0I f thot it Ihlllti:
lull iiiuhiicuiii.i-ij -o - ... . ,i ,(.i hn una Mini nu . . ..
hill . turn tatl Ihe fact M It whin! ' .V .""" .'.. ". ...i-,..w i.''mttl "!
Vou know that after the cajc wo pnt before
them and a partial examination hail, one
of the uror wa Inkers iirttleiiiy III, ami,
t...n..oiiilv iin.litii iii ntli'ml rntirt: nnd
Ihut under these circum-lnnce, the Grand oMhclawmu.l bo vindicated. l. Inc Newton, Wm. Mnrtin, Jo Al-1 On J j;ji julVI4,1J1i,:,;r7"l
Jury wa. ditmiised, leaving the caw of ... ,,,, ijiRinw,!1"1' llon Jlnmp. ,'nini-MOf only two hour.. ' l)rcca,j
- . . . . II IIIUIU1HMII-IKiw"'"i-i'"' - .. . , . . , llil.. . ..I m .. "
jour friend, the Colonel, ununUnnJ, win. . . . . . . k flni, The Kugcne Crmmltr ray n envniry the iniiy uu oi .miiiuii smiui ui menu,.
soma other. So much for the "futllu ut- . , ... r..i... ....,,., rn.,,i mitii nf commnv ha. been formed in Springfield ' On Wncncr Crrck. on the 14th hm. ,
' I lllll.r. ...I.. IrfU.IM.-. "Ut IWUIK. M J I m - )...' ., . .. . '!
tempt." .,ault and fined SI2.1 each, and co,l. on nnd Camp Circle .lUtrleli, I-tw county. J ! wver. at i..m. 3jr
"" "" " " - ' rUII. iinjiwm,u.(, .....vv.o vw. .. . 14 , ,,T
'jiilt would have been. Hut the fact that , ' oncdl Albert H. lowrf. Lnplnln) A. I ' 01" nueh l the Kingdom of heaTen,'
' ..' 1- "" " 7 '
kind oy uoiimi. . .,.-, , otaeem (...ptnin.AVm.J.SI.Iplcyj- The relatives nnd friend, of Metal
Knriif i. mill ii erinrcfvd imirucrcrrwid'ii . .. ....... .. , i. m !... ,..i . i . 1....1.1 ...
, , ,, ii... l,.l,,ftf,nnrirtI.Il!llt.,r.ailOn Wllio., r.miir niun, , nrr rrim-F-.i ............ ...u ....nai xrin
ecem. hard that Collin. mut liniitlfonni ii,...l,t1..,rf lu.rimrnil..i..
'sr.'iii.TS snrsEr: aT ;;.;.:; -..,. -"
Totiik Kiin'Ai'r .in i-kuman
INlOV. A (illVKUNVrAT M)lt
tMHl!.VBvni.K." IIW.mMi
nr or ,. Indian ... hang.l. h,t Octoljer, bv or- -B VZ fact that
tuk W..01.K n , der of your meritorious oftleer. without ()(j JliroM;erc ,cl( ,,, ,
The Gn.n.1 Jury were MinH-cd on Ifcc,''"" f '" ' " ' w' ' '" ' '
:ih.oWnB .0 llio fact that one or im of nnll. In Mcu..; J. .Melan, 3d Ue.il..
unable to iiltend. , lilihon lllanchcl mv the mtmlier of rlill-
Xiist of Lottoro
trial or invalidation, or, indeed. any,T. ,. ., I.VIimi.,rit Pimrl. i.- 1,. 1,-n.-vii.ii-ri.nn.1. i. ir. 1 n t:tAivivr: is tiik ln.T nrrtrB
. " --'' " I J ' t-m ,,- II III! IIIIIMIII T M. UIUMW'J w... ................. ... ..... . -'- - If I ( J111M
. cliurgc of crlmo of 11 wpllal nature. I pre- .fore lhcjllrriW,cll dl-nilMril. that Indian p,. . H-melliln( ii.mh Ave liumlnil. The Av,nl Jack.i.iivllle. Olmi., let.. IA.IKj.
.i.ickWVII.!.i..iii:i. ';""yow yonrn-lf admll. If Ibb U0tmttem bn llrtI,Red nt Camp lUker. by mu 0r them are Klrl-. I Andmou Frr L.n KI?mT K T I
, I Hie ai-c. It Is nlte rea.onable In mippow onlerr Coflncl HrpWf ,T,imtt ,r,l. or, -.....,...,.,.,,, ,.f u,.,m ., J V . ''.. .. "". ".n..i
1 . fc ,. , . a, 1 1 , 1 iiu ji.imhi nun "him "i i iiw'iiii' ijivi'ifvii jiii f nun it
ri:ill!lU il IStil. . " " urycoiim 1101 ...m- uunv rtny form ol trial, nnd willimil any cuarK ,.,. !, i. .ui,-r ap. :i1BIi Axel .link '. Knnx MImAf
other tluu return
if the in
fnlim Cull
l)upla Ciiunty. ' veMlgatlon had )rovdeil ton tlnalliy. Jf
' 1 inc Miliar) nafrtlliy,n ynu rrprmnia ui
meioTai.n.er-... .-uu,,.., .. p, .,, 0, mUrder. Inrwny. eic. and all
pitrlotl'tii, fiiprrlor to former party prcltr
vno. dlioen lliem to tiullc for the purpose
if Mipporilii) our National (jorernnicnt. In
tb Mipprriiion of the pictent dlal)lloal
reunion del;(Hl to etTuot the dlnmemlKr
nt awl tuln of our country, are rUMt-
id to meet In llitlr reipeetlvc prwineii', on
thew facts known, at you represent, what
11 very eiiiy matter it would hate been lor
your "merltorlouj Colonel" to have proud
hli iriiill In a court of jmllce. Jt Mem.
In 111 that your Colonel niiirht to have re
co'ikctiil tliat we liuvn lawi lor the punish-
nf rrlitm nf 11 riililtiit nnltir.. Ililtl Ilic PX . n . . ...... . ILiAlnn... V I!
amlnatlon liecn completid, wo t,hlnk the j.1)rl,lnili nf ttltc, jr-, A, C, fj, , ,T. niillt-y biwrne
relary. lum been ihilnp pood urk fur lliv
heaTeu born Sanitary CommIInu. A rn
clely of the ra:ne kind plniuld bo fiirnicil in
.every tomi unil county In t lie Stnle.
I The l.iterci't of V. It. Vna In the Tort-
llwSTlh ily of February. Imt., lor tlielmentol criminal, and oniceM lo ndmlnip-1
liln of ittlpatet to reprerent Hum In 1 icr the lawi. Wis are u prcnt wn from
tbt-I'hIoii Cwinly Couveullon which li In j Atkuncau; our JilUnrtiMron;:; nuroflievrt
)w helil at ItiK'MiUKii. In mM county, on thvt Ure vlpllvnt. The Colonel was particular
lith lj of Muicn. lfciil. y unfortunnto in not pulling on record the
Tli.' appointment ot i.tle-jratw elKtul In proof of the crime now cliurifl by .our
tbe wiml iimlwt. I" a. follow :-CW uricIc A f(,r ,rijIiCOlviclion ,)'.
in,i, u.iu.ii itu.i: m;i, iimiii.ti i.uri ripui,
both with your officer of merit, tlie com
munity unit the Indian.
Vsi-uUhK CIum.. -! MyttUC'rrrli.S: C'oleV
Vallfy.-ii C'iilaHta.Ji l)er CieW. 10;
l.'aUp.wU (L'inim county), '1: Vuncolla,
.,; (.'ardlncr. 'H Klkton. 3; Scotuburtf, 'J;
Cirvii Valley. .1; Smith', river, 1.
The bti.liivM to lie traiuacted by the
I'ouuly C'oiivtiitlon U lh nomiiialluii of
Cuiiuiv ottlcu' uud mtmVem of the I.epliU-
w, tliecholoeof iNUfritM t attend tborIlit, Ijw. or jmllco hli life was to be
,-ut.) bimm wonveuuoniow imiu ai .u.- ...Inn UiLmmH mm
jury could not have dune Othcrnbu than
found a true bill.
There li cumliK-rablc civil bmlnc" ou the
docket, and the Court will nut niljuuru be
Tore the latter part of licit wck.
I il.titn I'vlm mtt trtlu.l 1 V li.1niu1 Vtj
dfchlon In the celebralul' (j.mrtx Ohof !ia,,!,11, '"w!' ,"",U'1'" P''"1''! 'V ''
W. W. lowler ,1 a, ri. John O'Urlen rl if. I ' 1IM1, ttl"! ,l,kel cl,l,r!!.? "r..U,e ,,,,,t,",
In favor or the defendant. I '"P""" MrcaiiiT. 1 u ( m 1 an ex-
, 'cullent neHpaMT.
,.- tt ..-.. ....- ..l ! 1. . II...... ...If. I.. i .. I.
Ilir II KATIIKII, I'.Tl'. illltr HCTITI1I J.IMIW1 111. III. I.. M.'irc.i i in.- WII.UII, ir . - ...,., ,
week of the moit ilellahtful weather ever rnipuml for In Ihu iiuwrpapw by Wll.on ue..nvu
experiencr.1 by any ieon in nny clime.1 Harernud Jcmo (Jreen. nf Lockporl, tiun (Inirlmirl .T.ti 0
on Thumluy evening the Iihiviih Iwcume J,M"I1'111 wM'' Cnlllnrnla. 1 jlii.kin. V111
llnlhy Hum
lliirn.il W
lliirhati U'm M .1
(Tnurk Kilwnnl-t
Cn..ldy I'at
('lawfiiu II or 10
ChiKtnti ,1 II
Cowi'ii Iinino
Clare Sum
Davi. llr II A
lliinliip Davi
Dyer Mi hmrptt
olncurcil by darkening cloudi. uml during Slew. Haley ami flln.on have rellrul
the night slight shower of rain Ml upon 'fai Hie fiyii J)xrnt. mid are nc
Ilic nlmwt dujlv hind. The norlcntioti. CM,1' ' J,,lm v'- "ackleman, K;(
Kent Clin. 1-'
Mimn Hnulrcl)
Miller V
.Miilliew Wm
Mii.xley II II
.Mill John W
Miickeii llev IVr.1
Mi'iihiu D
Hcmliler (5 M
Hii'iiimnn. Wxilwal
K.ilulliiirn Mnli
llotin llllllll
lli.lmy W II ceil
iMiiiby.S IMV
Wrmhl Wm
Warier .MrrJlKWl
WiIIIiiiih Wm
WlllthM Wm
cloud now lowering in the ky, give rise
to hope that wo may jet have ruinenough
to start rivulet in the gulclin and feeder
111 mari riTincia 111 we pmciiri diiii uiurra
How do you luppom thl. "mcrllorloui , ,0 ,1C rCl,m, ,w w,cli our minen dc
iecr" relt-ImlewJ, how did yuu f pend for their jnpply ol water. Wider
when the victim, with I lie halter alioai hi
neck, appealed to hi executioner In know
llml'oii tl W
llurn.il W Wrmlit Itobt
iiiM-iim.r !
1 i.iiiiiy inn inr 111 iiip n m nun .
caute or Demoenicy North nnd Smith-, r., tilv. (rum dalo r imUitIImmiiviiI.
Hie puccerrriil oliiblMimenl .if the Suiilh- j iVrum wiIIIiik tor any ol' Hie nlmii
m i,.,..r.ior-.n m.,l .-..i. n .ll..l.iil.... u'r win ineao wr iiiev mi' nnwrum
or the liliiim.
The piper will ennlliiuu the nilvocitrr or the '
for our miner I mo.t cs.-1nll.1l to the gen-
Jii'enli It, Seily. 11 mii'lvlan wvll-knonu
Ih U...ll... !..... 11.. .... .l.i.l .....I L1II...1
erul liro.iierllv or llio eomnuinhv.nr.il If. " . . . '. ....
'for what crime and by what principle of ',,.,' ....,,, ,. ,...,:..,, ,' ,, 1,1. "w "'"nocK city. Jan. iu. ny 11 man
1.,..,.. .... ... , .',. .,. '..... ' , , wc 110 mil gel It. Im.ineM pcncnill Ulike- , linll.rni.k. Hiillirook mi. nrrvfteil.
ly to be finite dull during (lie coming itini- ,, , 1 ... .I.,,i, -jmm i.r h..) l-mI.
Viiii nr ,...... - .. ... . -.... 1 -
tnw on Ilia Witiid.ir of SIamcii next, mid' ... .. . '. . '""' nc miiiirciii mciiiuaiyieiii 01 nnr Iccteil to lake him and live nlliers Irom Ihe
uluteiw tbe may U detmed riibite and . ' ',". " ' " : , " . .. . '" . ., Z ." I,,accr ",i,,w mn l wer. l counterlml- ji ua banc them.
- - - 1
K. U.II11.U
County Central Committee,
IM.IWM. lik4CoMNljr.0xn, lK Al W.
, me for? what urn I charged
1 crimr.i have. I ever commitiiilT
1 it i Mid that (leorpo hai done
wllh? what
I know
this, and
anwd by a proper enterprlro In working -
Maltese !Txom
Will ilnnd Hi!. Hou-un at
Jacksonville, Orogon,
At the itubleof .1011 X S. MM
(ieorgc ha done that; but I have never
killed a Mhltc man. There I unman
Communicated. I IIie mail or Indian that oau fay I have
'Iliilly for Iluriioiiillim" 11 ml ; ever done 10. Jf there It, let him nnw
J)rov. iconic forward nnd wy o. He mnl 1101
tl llu-w -A. nrv.. . m.i9l. In oil llio. ' ',ar n, l,0,v- ' am I" " IIOer, Ulld If
vfbA ilmi't like Ihe l.liicoln (i.iiernmeiit,! jou are going to kill me, I can certainly do
rpiarlz; nnd in eompleliug the Itoguc lliv- T'Vniilt ami hi striker are lining Indian
cr & John Day Wacnn Hood, for the Sub-Aaent A. 1- linr 11 gusil rervlce, In
1 - ... .....
j trnmportutlon of produco to lire orlhtrn launchliig ngnlnil lilm column iifler column ,.n,j ,Hr iMt N(i, ir,.,i,n of jwi-.
Mines. or viliiiienillic iiIiiik-, ami ut llio lame lime N clveii Inr llio iii'ht iih.t hi Al.aTi't
Will fervo maiiw nt $20 tint nitj
JKNMra at f 101, pavalilu ill rouiinettrcn J
ni ifuiiu. wuien win in.-uin.iiarciii-i.il
there wnuM be no fear of it continuance
i. Her the -llli nr Match, I8C5. (htgwi
Ilarpenling, It will lie recollected,! ono
him uoharm. llavo I cvenlolen unvthini:?
I there any peron here lo tuythat I haie!
If you ham; me, I urn killed fur nothing.
I was in Vreka when the Ledford tuirtv
ih wie "unapman riraie. ne.uiiu iiiSj m. mi,r,re,l, pud ir I hud the uppurlu
mwompllccf, are now iindrr a fentenco ol nty I could prove llil lad."
iiipri'iiiunent fiir ten jear and n heavy! y proinUe lo notice this matter at
kie (or (i-Mii. It U Dwdlwi to reiit ! length next week. IMeaje tell us what
ihe circumilancei or the dtlecllon, trial. your reeling, were on the occasion of thU
imvli'limi nnd sentence of tlie traitor upp-4tl. I ulw, muy hove occasion to
nl woutdbo plratej; Ihe occurrena- 1 so noilcv matters In this connicllon from
went that Ihe'fucl must be frejli In the mc trt (n)Pt Oiukuvkh
miii'li o all. .Now, I tuiimlt tliat "holy
nril" doe not fix the crinw of rebellion
nnd cnueiirnt kicking out of l'aradiie of
Old T.' claieii'footeil friend, (now- sup
poI to Us 1 ho King ol rebels in a
iitMintry Mine degree warmer than Ihe
r'Miiliern CouWernVy) wilb more certain
ty and precUhd ((tin the dark, fuul and
4smiuble cilme of treason double dyed,
nnd rMllfleil treachery hu leen fixed and
1 now resting uion Ihiptiuliug, Jtubery
rihI (irhilhonw. "Ilarinding wj lie
Pwi't like the Lincoln tinvcrnuitut, ami he
.Superintendent Steele, or Yreka, on the
Mlh, held u council nnd mudo n treaty
with ScongeM, chief ol Modocs, La Iike,
of the Klumatlu, John and Jim, of Scott
Valley Indian, and Josh and .Tuck, of ihe
HlmMas. Tho Irlbe plitlgcil thcniielvc
lo live In peace wllh cucli other, uud to be
"good ingunj" generally. We ipiote from
the "treaty" as published In tho Union:
"Vou Indians of Ihe .Modoc and Klam
ulb Ukc country are subject lo Ihe impec
Hon, protection uod restraint of theollicers
nt I'ort Klamath. Do you ogree to sub-
lMi.V nt .liick'niivllle, un the llrnt Situ.l
In benlviuiivr. Ibt.i.
Dium k JItrr
Tarl. Monroe C.. .Mo.. April 11. Ih-1
Thl I lo certify that we know Hie J-l
that Jiki.i-ii II. 1'iix. or llil. county, U'M
laudliiK Ulunrwnll JiickMin, Meiil. Col.
llxTniH. Since Ihe completion of llio lei- Drew, mid IheChapumii pirate. .Mr linger
egraphle line In IhN plac-. wc have lnied , . imnnrahle and mil-pnkeii loyal man,
iM-vt-nteen Kxtrin. containing Ihu war, Con- nn,i ,,t ,fo ifm T'Vault nnd hl
crelonal and general new, dally, 111 re- lt.r0Mi ,! fur thl dlllVrenee I made Ihe
ctMViii. iMir I ill 4 mini kt or Kvir4 ivninvn . ..i. .j. n i. i t i... urn iiir.i 11 11
..--.. .--. ,.....,......., .,,,.. .,,u,,,, iitiit.fi ni nunrk 111 11111 vriiiinir iif'rniiiii .. ... .. . -t..
paid, In c..b. U,ul .My dollar, llr Hie ,,,,. ,.,., w,lllw ,10, oll. Tlll.y are , ,vf X are al-mt .lalung 'to Calif"
ale or extra.. nt one Mt each, wo hnve re- Impotent Tor Imrin. , and we nnhi-lliillngly ulnio that wt I
ntn.jfittn tUkti. Wo uro enlerprirluy --- - IraldJiick to Immi iiiiiulierono llreedtt
iIIiiimimI Inunrkhanlmul i.lv nnrtwi.l. .1. -.... l. T'V....lt h.1,,.1 II ... I. , MlfC foill-Beller, III ColtH n-lllll" ut
.' ... . ..". '" -".' . " : Iiil' limn ill frnin 51M to SI3II. W
er mo i-ariieii ncwi;iii noi olnR Dle(t An.lerwii" T'Vimll? The mror m mnl . pi,,,,. ri-coiiiineiiiHii mid llnH
wllhauperabuinlaiicoor co.h, wo are n- Iheiainu nnlmul arc ilNlliisnUlud In the ' the Mule raler. or California, or if
liiclnnlly compelled to dbconlluue llieimr- lint ihreu nrtlcb un tliL-nllloriiil kil-o of labile In Ihe I'lilun. lie I notm-imli
cta-e and puhllcatlun or tho telegraphic I the CSray-Iwek urgaii. I'ouni'r-'" W' U" '" KC,Iuaw
"0"; I I'. 8. W. nlxi tato that tho nlwrir
no cannot aiioM lo pay eighty or ninety , Hkiii.ih tub Auk. -The following rcolu- tloniilJiick wu lnii.irlul direct Iron
Hollar a mnnth for leleirmiihlc new, ami n ..... ,.iv...n .1... r a..ni. ,. .i,.i 'iu i iiiorougii nuii.
lie ri-ilrlelul rrnm m-iiiIIiil. ..Tin.. n.ii. . . ,. ... .U 1 tilveii under our hand, the day n
lie ruiricu.i trom Kmiiug extra, norlti. ,,,e incv, by Seiinlor Ilarding.ofOregoiii'nlKni..
hucli a tax amount Inn pro nb Hon. 1 ir t.'.. i... 'i'i..,
fu iUiotvtJ, That thc-Tnion ha 1.01 U-en,''0' ''I)I , , AJcx r homr
mm i."i " 1 ,. "' lioliil. und that whenever the rrlielhon' l'ur,,I,,,1?',We' in. UmpiM
I he Lnlon I'rcclnct Meeting for Doug. ( linv ,, IC M-ceiling Stales t-hall be put I ' ,,n- H'''"'"'. J f. I; ox.
In county will be held on Hatunlar m-.xl, ilown'nnd jnbduml, eilher by Torco tti lliej V,,.0,i. "''' ,,' ,1 V'r,r.
t.'..i -.1. it... ...... .. ... i...i.....i 1... 11... m..... ....... I....I,, ltobt, divyii. It. II. Autio,
& vu.mu. . .1111. hi; iiuuiiiii iiiu p.i 1 in ' j wi v ."- -' "-J ... -j, L, ..
another column 0. .hi, paper. Let , !?l:rit"::,!1.":Tr.?(".ich":
who accept the lest nltend their res,H.clirc will thereby be restored lo'all itriihtnnd ' W- -Kl-te.
precinct inccllngs, fur it is there that your privilege ni n Hlulo of the Union uader
Dan'l M IrUs
K. W. M'llri
Hutn'1 11. 1'oci
power for good can bo most effectually . llio Cnslltullon of ucl. Slate, nnd the "Xirf'lih KmoVtofib?
cried, In choosing none but tho, wtoore'J i"" oflbclJnltalHmiH.jnclu.llr.,, Kmlnud know ulufh!-n, f,
will nat acipnort It. or ner tosauiKtit."
WlrerwpoH Old T. revnond?. "llallv f.ir f l:,It yotirIve9 am your illfnciilltes to Iticni
UnveiLling." and taunts tiU vilWiiom I for lJJu,,""t ollJ Kllleinent. und in case
brethren in treachery and crime wilh ujf any irouble with while men lo go nnd
lack of "nerve," or otbefwUo tho IT, S.
iiiveriimwit wouhl cease 10 exist ufler a
united onslaught.
Tito mm number (lb. 1 3th) of thl
iVefv'inler of villain und traitor, devoles
H lead to Ibo defence of Lieut. Colonel
Drew, by whose ojfuial 01 Jtr, it is siM, an
Iw-liail w iiiurdcriil at Camp IIjUt, in
lhi oouniy, ou Ihe 'JOlh October of last
The artiole referred to charge that the
"Indian Depulment" recently made a "fu
llkMiiiempt" lo secure the indictment of
Mid Colonel by (lie (iruiid Jury, aad adds
that eucli an attempt lo"dlgraee and an
noy a meritorious officer" U unknown lo
history and clviliralioa. Now, T, why do
you He, or eem deslrcom of causing your
reader to believe that you lie, unJcra
talejimr dilUculiy to the officers of the
The Indiun3 arc also forbidden to brin?
llicir gutu or bows ami arrows into (lie let
lleaienti, ami when they come In ure re
qulml lo Laie a patier pas from Ihe Fort.
ThU treaty would do very well If there
was any sev-urily that it would be adhered
lo. Kxpericnco Las proven that the only
proper way to managa Indians Is to put
them on a rcsenallon, In charge of an
agent with force sufficient to compel them
lo remain on it, Col. Drew' plun-mak-Ing
"good ioguus" by hanging them I
practical, but gome falnt-hearieil people
couslder it unlawful nnd Inhuman.
Wc hereby certify that wo arc nl
1 lunuoTi'i
... r .1.-1
.,.... ., . , , , iu iiivii, nun nil. 1.1 Mil in nil-ill i(nu--
beyond suspicion lo represent you in Com , ' i Z. uh " ViV... """"'. ' ." ,er- "!! '"y " "r ." !" "fl
ventlon. If the eo,,lP lll i.,,t .i .1..1. I",.. " V.iZ lZT".rVr.. T1'." "" 01 -Monroe : county, iMiiri.tM
1 " - mm I inr V.VIUIIUIII..I. mm ni.il. Ul suill aline, IIUIIIIU'II Vt'iaClly, (hlglHIll
duty from the begimiing, deslgniug men """'" " CungreMioual or Kxccullve J. M, Wilson, .Irirr Wilcoxioo.
cannot mislead them. control or dictation. j a KeUn, Jui. T. Olenn-
- 1 I 'I'lin mnn ivlin nlT.-m nml llm iifirlt-ivlitj-l. I -
IHjiciMl Acuikmv. The mo.t nonnlar ut)l)orl8 such resolutions nt this time. nro'. . SiciumkvtoCiti-, l)'C. 8, lKC3--nM
luilllutlon la our tuwn at lb pcnt iliuot Uiko years behiml the ti.nw. TliwjVtuimUM&
1 irorcwr Joins' Dancing Academy, don't knnw what they waul, uud less how Gi.km.v.V W'liA
Three well lllle.1 elates baro Ucn formed. 1 10 KCt n)0ut ,. The man who would FAS1I10NA1ILI2 DANC(
of ladles, mlws and gentlemen. Tlioclas, ,,,,.,. ,. n ., ,,..... .
TV Tit. In.JONl. Prorwor f'
1VJ. or eli-L'.int nnd i-nii'.'lnl ilai"?-
ltd inwii Inloniix Iho people ot I"''!
uy, inai lie im niiiauieil u ci-u. " .
Il-apIi lllld nrl l.i nil ulm n.t.llv ilU.
..." ::' r" .". ' ... .1
I h.t Uul Ml I
lor 1110 lAilit'H niM't nn TinVttr nri,.!...,, .. 1 D '
heyou girl ou Saturday al.eruoons.and ! "? " .,,W l'w "
Hie gentlemen on Saturday night. Sol- f U,C L,,i" M wn""Hbo Constilu
reemierohadonTueHlarof lt ir ....1 1 Uon M ,l Ii(" lw been sonud nslecp Hie
Tuelayof this week, which wero iimner-i ,a,t "'rce years, nnd has no more concep
ouily attended, and ut which all heartily
enjoyed Iheiiuelve. Tho last eson and
fiolreo or Ihe term will be given on Thurs
day night next.
Hon of the limes in which lie lives than one
of the diL'uera. All llio v.ilnn iv. e. In li ! ' or tlm I!. S IIiiIhI
. . . .. . . . T,., I 1 C......1 ,nt ti '
mat 11 ueiine the portion and eulibre of Scn ""'"" y '""""'r'c.ii
, 11 , . , , .... ici. Al iivo u vioeil' M .CIIVli
ntors Harding, Nvsjmith nnd Mcl)ou8all'nclaior ladle will received l"1
IV in n vnlnl r.ii It V fn '..III 1. ...Ill In-., nf c ......i T. . ...a v IpstODI .'
....w .. ,v,., ,,., ,v, ., v ... iuu iiruiu wm -"- v..i..hv. ...,i.f-
lUi at tub U. S. Hou-Mr. Home or, ,ry nnd mpr0TO on ,)Ur MoDoulmII. at tho ' L'.riv"'0 !'ou'' '' or 'u.l
ha ' C 11a . .11 .... --. at I'llL'Il. '"
...v .. ......,,.,,,; caix-ini ami eiaiM,ext Senatorial eleclion, and we hope that' Jnekmnrlllo. Teb. fi.lfifil.
OratC lireiur.lllillK fnr n Hill In 1, 1. .. I il. 1T..I.. .. r n ... . .. . ' - -
A. U. l'lint ha been uppolnted Itecelvcr
or tho Land Office t Hoehurg, ure 0.
Iirl3g', resigned.
w.a.v1.iviiur.iiiu.isiuriiiiaiiioiicgiveuoii ttio union men or Oregon will nbo find
Monday evening, to commemorate the birth- fQmti "'ore progrwslvo men than Xcsmllh
day or Washington, New and elegant :uml ''"Jing Miiiwlle Apptah
dance, (aught by J'rol. June, will bo In- rwnT " vT. 7 7
" Llt'tMIIir 1 lilir P..iiinnitiln .ttn . -.
lro.luml..,udaddlucrca,ed lateral lo the eelvM too late Tor publication In lo-day'
mini 01..1.1 .11.. . ... ..... irpmin i
1 -in, r-iiiciiiiuiiierH 111 iiiu .-- ci
I .. i' . ., ..in 1 ..1 in i'
... 1 l-IIIIIIIII. ll llivt -. m
'HniiiM-.lu Jiicl.oiivllli, Miindv. ,l!;
nay nr t-viiiiiury, ibM, nt iui "7J
1 to nay 1111 current exncne, and l" u
'oilier lmporli.nl buinen. , .,,,1
lly the Trustees of saldCosf"-!