n ili. THIJ ATJLAXT1C NEWS. BY CAMronNlA AND OREGON STATE TELEGRAPH. Ii)rjrci!silfrn Vttka In Siichonrillt rrpntoly jtur Vie "tntiinl. J)uti-H to Vciirtitu-y 4. From Hit Stntiiitl Ktlrn, FA, I!. JCiwIinrp. N C. lil. A tl!mtrh ny rnrv tin morning ntir niiipotB Rt Duche nr s creek, tnw litinckcd liy lire enemy, ti presented m he in lnrcu ir about lfv (I'M, c insisting or I'.ckclt'H division. Willi such uilviinliigen thai II wits impossible f.ir Id nuke udequutc tlifciisc. Our force It'll buck In kihkJ nnlcr, with f mull im nT fiftirt i. mid front fiO tn 100 urn! one irctiiiii of urlillcry. Our force are iiiiw ninrriiii.'til that wn nre cnnlident nf sue-n-i-ful resistitnce. Almost aiimiltiiiionn.ly Willi llii'ir ntltirk llm eiiitny inlvultcvd mi fitii'li side til Tn.'iit wild tvliul (nice it wiiii inUul' to estimate mid wero huiulsiuiicly rrpuS il. I'oniiiiiiiilcntinn lit Hllll nh'ii In lli" niy, litil they, lire near I lie Iluilrtmd wild tin' intention (r culling il. purlrnw Monroe, .1.1. Gen. Htitlrr. hu (.tied the following mi .lun. 2Glh t Gen I'ulmcr will mi expedition In rupture u fiic nf ri'lH'l cnvnlry in iltitncauud UimIiiw enunlics. North Carolina, mill ticeiiiltil in rniiliiu (lie enemy, utitl ciipi urine -.1 men wtlli Imriuit Mini Miiiiuit'iiti, iil'ii from I Till V(iiliii2H0.il0ll i'Hiinli nl pt.rk mill 1 ll.(KK) iNHlllljllf IlihlHCfll ulrll Clllltllllll SfVcllll iiiiilm. On ihc29lh Cuddy 21 li X. V. IllUlf) Kltll lli L'llllllUllllll t'Ulllirill HVIf iii pris'iow, timl lOUO sheep in York coun- Headquarters. Western Virginia, fid, After we ilrnvt! the. enemy from tho bridge tiny v'liiinii'iiivd h runl icireut, our tMvulry finely pursuing. Skirmishing ! suul, Insnug some liuu:. A portion of' Sullivan's luictit, on niiciiipUig lo cut nit tho ciiciiiy, I'liL'uuult ml u large f.n en of lulu-l In Mi-chtiiiicduirg Gup, neur Rum iifV, uiitl n light Ifik phiev. Wit I'Vi'iilu oily LMinji-'liitl tliu enemy In dike iiimtltcr I mul. lit irntl prcipiliilf.(fci. nuniU'r of i.riKiitHr' taken. At I lie unset llifimmy iiH'ti'iii'il In nuke n Jiincliiiii with the ina.it litiwiiMir .M'hmDi'IiI, It It Mii'vnl I Int t Gtn .Sullivnn ni.il I 'ill. Mulligan' rmiiiiuiiil lonutil n Juno I urn. mill nre now pursuing I lit) enemy vig uriiiKly, 1 f the enemy escupf our force I iv ct nullity will not lie little lo lukc uwuy any very large portion of Ii'ik plunder. New York. -ttli. A meeting or tint loynl JK-iipl.' ni l-'l.ii Itlit was held itt Key West, mi. J Hi. lor purpose of featuring ritntu to tiriuliiiil flutiiH In Union. Wu learn from S. I Dial ut Uiluiiiliiti Ilium wn n (ilMtinm tut' mi liifMl.iy, wlilcli ilenlrojcil SlI.DOtl.dllU tturlli nl cotton, liiriiti mrlltiu oT wlticli Ik' IoikmI lo (Jllilw V Co. It wu umkT.tooil Ui. l- v,m only SU.'iU,(iuu liinininct'. Elicit i'ii. Illi. Si'imtn yeflenlny confirm rillUlpSiK. Horr receiver t-r publlu iiinnlc ulb.tiil-nucli'co. L'inriiitiiitl. .llli .Tun. 2'Jlli n Irnln of roniiiii-K'iiy loreit for rnr rHin nt IVlrrii-1 ImrL'. ejconetl lie 800 rif MnlltunH coin, j iiMitil. wan otinukt'il lliriv inilcH coulli of Willi.iuuport liy 20IJU reltek A ll'lit on-1 hihI wlneli liiKttil till nflerntion. At nllit i imrfii'ce rt'tmilMl. Iiwiiik whcoii ttul'i timl Ivtivinvr 80 killnl mil woiintlitl on die li-lil. ltuliel low itipptwetl to lie ubout the 4ine. Xw York, llh. TIip UeniMV f)ocIrtl Piyi ii C''iniiiiitt(f of llie Union iicnilifrt. oTJ lli- Uii)m win held ut the Iteprweiillrp J lull tin ni'irnln. Nint'ly meniliiTA were i Jirwni. PrrMYtilinuii rtilliiT convcr.itiun-, nl. 'I'lf 'IVllimip'ri (licpitltlimyit llmt Mm. i itor D.nlnn will cmin lie rccitlliil rronii I'rnueo inn Frunniit iipiiolnlttl to Hucceetl Mm Tlivri nre tho-ie wlm ut-rt. Iiowever. ' llmt (5n. Fremont rutiM nol bo Uni)led ' tvin by a tl.iintler Jili. I Fort RmHli. Ark.. Stl. A tmillc ntnnn ti'il over the entire Muilliweoon Siindnv , nhoiil 1 1 n. ni. It roe in it lornntlo wliieti rntietl twcniy nilnulei,ilnlin: liniiieinio ilxnv litre to n irrt-ut irlliii ii the Imlluu Ter rilnry noil tlnwn Arl.iiiiitm Viilley. C'lilcutrn. 4th 'I'lie Connerintlon Art wn cnn!ilfriil In llm Jloufl yeteriliiy. A proportion lo plrild-out ull'the eoininulii linn was lost liy a Inrce vnlp. All unieml innitH In exempt for three yenrs those cnmmiiled was ug recti to by a vole of 73 iu iy. I Bun Frnnc!co. -tlh Jolin Lvnoli. mnn Iter of llm Awembly from Sun Fmnel'co, I tN-cntiii) Iiiwiip nml vlll 1m nent to Stockton j to-mnnow. AmirotxT Hrltlso wa n'movtil I nml Frank Route put In hH place. Th-ru I ' n iiiin meeting tonight lo prutesl UKlnt 1 rep"l of pi-eln contmct kv. Not one liulf of the people who cmnu to the hall eot In. j I'laeerrllle. -Jtli. Ma mi-ctlnj; to.nljtht In retnonxlratfl nunlutit renral of mecle con. tract law committed tippolnlej toclrculiito p'tltlnu fnllowlnc rectilutloii inml: Itt Milnil. Tl ot repeal of cpvclo contract law U Inexpeilu'iit. Gobi 158. Dittos to February 5. 'row Stiitihtl Jalra. t'tb. 8. llnlifux..lnn. Jinih. Miirahul Knit" ami ' liirjso nuinW of Federnl fiebeljl ofTieersj ue mid to have csc.iped front JolinsJii'g Jlmitl. AVnsliInglnn, 4lh, I Greatly ejagerolcJ reports liivc beenj i piibliflinl n to I lie niimlwr nf reM iWerl er received by the army of the I'titotmip. 'I'liey nvernptil lat ntnntlt from 1 fi to 20 per day, but tbi month lliey nre tnorp frt finent, not, hmvevcr, at any time exiwllnj: the lultrr rinlninte. A Donincnitic cancn wns held lnt tiltrht, 'I'lio only biiltiejM dune wm thf nnut'OMeiS1 inent tn'prepnre nn niMni" In the country. The Commit lee N compos d of one imm her frnm each Congrwsliinal Democrnllc diKtriet. Fori Smllh, Ark . X The Union Hon vinlltm nt I.ltile ltoek nominated diultri NkiiII Tor I'roviitloniil Slate Governor, noil hntc pruanlzttl n 1'fovWonu) Hlnle Gov erttmeiit, lift prnvinlom will bo sitbmiltiil to the eople In Murch next. Invenworih. 3d. WV Imve Snnln Fe ilntt-e In the Uilh ult. Gen. Cnrlelnn lind poire in Kl l'nfn. A flislit iCCliretl near Fort Sumner .Tun. fith. In which troops mtttril the Nnvnlto IntliuiH. killlnir 400. Cliicutrn. 4ih. Dltpntchen frnm Purln, Miiiol, mention n iliHturhnnce between retnrmil tldlein nml rVplu'rhcmk Tlie hitler nre pnlil In imitf lier fix nr 700 utrnnir, nml nre inrnmpetl ten inllen frnm I'arl. Filtv (tlilicr Imve Wn ifiif frnm Tcrre Iluutpfor the ilt-fence or I'.iris. Oulrn, 4th. Gnerrillit iillll continue their tleptedn. lnn on properly below Mnniplil". Cnitt. Forel, wltn wnn oonilni In the vicinity of Inland CO. cnpinritl HO mule nml lior n., ami n lot of eullle. timl ennin"tl. lie next went In Froexpnrt nml utole all the money noil pnotN in the place. Glileuffn. .ltd. A Cincinnati telecrnm iny the Mcuiiiit I-vl, wlih Gen. S"ntnmnn nn boanl. wm eunttiriil bv enerrlllu terdny. nt Iltiil'a binding. Kunawaha fide. I here nre no parncuiurs. I'orllnnd. Me.4lh .Tnrt from L'ver pool with advice in .Tun. 2Nt ami Imdnii 22nd law nrrlvtil. Tlie Dunl'li ineilnn rimnliH untitled wiili lining of pencelnl solution, iillliouch Amtriiin troops have cnnimeiirei inurcliiuir for hchlwiir. l'rlvnie nthlcc thnl tho Alulmma win nt Siiisriiporc, on the 22nd of Dee. Halifax, dill I. O. Huif. In nddre1 In lite l'mjieriT mill cinitinnt. All ovri. lion nn nincndniftit have Ih-mi rejc'eil. Iutt in nn rue lh"y idiinhi"! f!2 vnlo. ltn!ii hn ihrlnreil '.hut If London pro tulnralc be nu'ltHiiiliil. 'ie will mnie1iute. Iv nnnine Iht elitiin In JColorp, n portion of llo'iitcin. DiinUli Uuln nml Aii'trin ue mnml hud reached tn thoe rSovernmentP. mid It wan ittuioiiiieeil that An'trlnn and Ituxlun trnnp would inatcli tn Hchlcpwlg, Hnrtfiird. f'onn., fill.. C'ilt' I'iMnl Factory I In II mien. 1 will be tin tni'iit'. Inlnrt Ht'veral live were lout by the fulling hi or the hoildinc nf Colto l'i tul Fitetorv. ! bfllevetl to exceed g:i00.000. 'Inmiirdfiir half. Wlieelinir, Vo., Bib. A di'pnlch frnm Cnl. Miilliirnn.m): After 'x hour' light ins our ftircvn mcciTiletl In driving K.irlv command from Moo'llld. Our cuvulry In purMilt were flinrply eneufed. llnlllmnic. filh. The fnllnwln" In JnM peel veil nl Fnrtre" Mnnroe; jCewltern, N. C. Felt. 2d Ni'wIhtii hn bwii nt. titckitl nml Ihe rallrond lietweeii Mnnrbeml nml till place U In msiiiilnn nf t'-o rcMis but lhev nitv be forced in return to Fort Macon. Titer riiriirlned and cupliired Ihe LMiiihoat Underwriter, und diclrnvd lier A long a wo can keep llic river open wu are nil rllit. T)u!sville, fiili. Sleomi-r Taylor tnoli (Ire thl morning mid communlcnted will tow boat, loaded with conimlMarv tnrw for Kmdiville. Goremmenl lti SfiO.OOO; boat valued at S:2.0()0. l'lillndelphin, fllli. Ilinpalch In bdilgh r-nyf, "Huiuor imy that coniblneil iithtck nt.der Adinirnl Furrnu'iit, nml nm 211.0110 trn'tn by wuy of luc ignit'n, wa mude nl Mobile, on Kntitnluy la't. If thin be true, we flinll hear ubout il In ltlchmood pupcni. which ore due to day. New York Stli. Arch Duke. Mnv linillian is not only ruing tn excrpt the crown, but will visit France an the Kinpctor nf Mexico. DatcH to February G. Iwh Iht Seiiliml iUtra, Ji. tl. Chicago, Rill. Resolutions amendatory of the Cnntl. cnilfin Aul iMfeil llm Homo yeitfrtlay 82 In 74. The Act tmoed umenils the joint resolution of July 12. 18C2. by mak ing it reutl, Unit tin puiilcliiueiit nr pro ceeding underit lill be mi comtrnod n to work forfeiture of the fMnte of Iho of fi-ndrr. conirary lo Ihe Coiwlllnlion nf Ihe UiHletl fjlaltii. provitini inut nn diner pun lie warning or prnclainution under Iho Act nf July 18C2. Chanter 9. 8.f. nlxlh. Khali bu reuiieil limn the pinclaniution of the FreHideut, made und publinhetl by him nn the 25ih of July. 1802, which pioelain nllnn to niado shall bo n wived und held nifljcient in nil case now pending or which may hereafter urise under iuid Act. llarlford,5th. Slock of nlntol nml rifle completed, or In proceas of manufacture .destroyed by fire nl Coll'a Fuctory. wn valued nt 8100.000, untl machinery nt 8500.000. whole low es timated nt 82,000 000. Inurance-only SfiOO.000. Minie IMIe Factory will cou. tinue. The origin of Urn I a myniery. 'nhini!inii. Cth. tt.cl.mwd S'iitiucl of Mondjy let, ha tic fotlnwlntrt Two slcamrr run llic block Kiln Into Wilmington recently. Ainiiuc. in. dtiin, A dinpnlch from Okulonn. MIm., My llmt the 12tb Mllippl regiment entered Corinth HiU morning, and cnplttrcil n rtmintlty nf nmiK, &c. ankces left ns lliey tniirwl. UlintlCinn. .inn. .iijin. The bombardment of Fort Sumter cea. il nt dark last night. One hundred and fifty idiot were thrown, or which numtwr 12!) atrttck. Firlno began niraln this innrnlmr. with right 100 and 200 pounder. Firing continued all day nml mostly di rected r.nnlnt the western wall. Only Ihrcn person have lieen wounded, !neo the bombardment begun. Chnr'rtnn..11t. Knemv' bombanlment of Sumter 1 kept tip by day und cloes nt night. Headquarter. Wpt Vn , fith. WolmvomM wllh cignn) and brilliant snrccss. Gen Kirlv lin been compelled lo relrent up Sottilt F rk of South llranch Inwnrd Shennndoah Vnllev, In cmwnnencc nf the vigorous nmnnl-r in which n has l-rn nttnekiil ami pursued by Gen. Krily' ftrc. Our combinations prnvttl sitece full In deltatlim the enemy' designs. Wc took a number of prisoners, recaptured many taken from M. and drove thp en?my out of Ft Icrslmrir. The enemy lost large numlKT by ihnertlnn. Kcw York, Cih. The Tribune' Newbnrn letter of Feb. 1st sav our p'ckel were driven in nn Sun day lifght. nt IJuchi'lor' Creek, nml Dei-p Otillv llrlnr Creik. L'eilt Col. Fellow. with 11(H) nvn and n ih'liiehinent nf the nntl. V..u' VnrV.- nml n ai-rllriti nf Cntltillll Churc hV bat.ery. nml on tl.e asl.lng.on riutil this llinrnitiir. Another section Weill ... . a.a ..'. out nn the Trent rond, nntl was captured .i rv I nr r .1 i.i i . i... entire. Only 11.1 nf the 1 iMi Mituchit- Pit cam" inicK. I lie fix my cime on iiieitt in nverwhclininii niiniber. but nnr troop lield them in check till their blgirage und camp iqnltmvnt could be n moved nr Iniriiiil. The enemv followed rmr troop closely till thev were under llic gun ormir iUI rhrunwil.tn. noTuU, iin. in th I-.,, aul .... V ' " ". . .m i.ni i i . ih anklwi, illM.-of llm Iiihe, tlienl, liM niflyr. forts. Olir bus Is 20 or .10 killed, lind I ft ' ,. .,, , i,., )r ,- csiirrr,.U.j. eH f captured Tin- eneinv' los suppO'tetl lo!llcllt,pu Vltu'ilimi.ii'lll'Mw uiWnafnuti i.. in - II lill.wl n!l fi ,r r.n uiim.l. it diroiiniiilof llwuii?3iii.iK:linaiirrii be 10 nr 12 l.llltil nntl 40 or &U woutitl.tl. ,,,,,,,,11,, , , f Illf ,,u.ry, l.i of.rr, arm ml ,.,. ,. , v. , i.,,. i I. 01 wntliiw", illmiMvut of ll.in, wllli iiitlur iut. h The lime' Newbnrn lellnr, leb. 2d. wilKT; r..roll.r rjr., . tf.liiM. wati.diliiJs sar mir ! Is not hen vv 150 will cover IiI.iih, iitrr ili'iww, ini,ti,Hi un n.r i... It I li.iiionanl Cititiol' l,-lliu' nf 17il. Ha In Iht" Imrlt hihI Itiwt, friiwlti IrrrKiiUrllln. ihI all, l.teilteimill I inont'i iiiimhs, 111 inn ,... .11-i.,r, ,.f 1..1. ....M, ,.,..... MnS'iicllUv'll. nml severnl other iiUICer, 1 soon rnibiiik for lexus. with view to tin1 Miraiico 111 mat qtturu r. . mil heard fitun. The gmdmat Underwriter il'"'""'K--tlilo I .r. nrry i.irr. 1,1 r. m-p i-ousiuiui, tin iinnn " 1 .1 r .. .tt.l lain, anJIllniiliorlrr t mo lliatl H l-rnnatifiil iuio I If llf AVIlll!. Kill lllll'H lllltl Clc- mn tinder Ihe gun of our r..rl. which ,, .iHTr.lr.l.y.tiyi.ll.rrlnMlmril.i-nni-rll. , ' ' "1 ,,,. , ,,,,Vw , ,,,! Mmlih,. nliell.il, set her 011 fire mid blew her up. , .ll---. ha. m ti.o .LIU of rutinmi i.l.y.'rta,... nrs. nntl nvilo 11 nr rneiid nntl the iiublKi m-i - I- 1 ii- ie v- n 1 ielrfllitalllliolr iiiontii of nnr. Thn tiMillrlm-a , 10 mil niltl tlt lllllll. C IlilVC nilllCeil 1 be New orl II ortM .Nfiv Urlenn pi-rllH-lro inwni an.1 wlih mi AW, rutin I) 1 ii , ..n ....p.- liiTTlofiirii tira.-vallhiir.niMl tiro IoMi-t snvs our fnree nt Miidisonville on Te(ruW,ri.ii.liij n.i aj. knru. hihI frw from nirmtry I "" 'J l'" liireioiorn prtiainiiik.iii 11 iro lent r sajs our urte nt .Mutnsonv 1 e. n wiYIm,w. (llf,lia ,llly ,, .,,.., , ,,,f. cnnndi-nt of our tiblllly tn make 11 Mr It v. I.-ike Ftmchtirtrnin. are la-ing eon.tanlly In-' ,,.,,,. mh,wh.i ..i uiihU 1 t.... ,0- ,, ,y rurnislilng llt U-at urliclw nt Icl'Ii- crOISIll evidently III view nl making II tho ! from lboJawairloalli many IIhimimUIi.i. In ",..,,,., r.ir I ftfi't baorui...lie: Kiimirr mv IUiiIm will , J-' iflE. ...,, ,, I'lm rulliiwliwr iirntlmtiitpst fureifti Items illwyMw Ilia lrl rau-wof -ninii.'ii, n fuUaii-l llieioiiiiwingiireiiioiiucsiioreiguiicm1niruliirU(MBlM ,lMlli ,., n t,,lnr.ul( per kteurner Aratila : liuman hmlly. A la-nuniHrtit ritro la poirrly rtrr ' II...II.. t.... O't.t -I'l... !,., ;.,. i-M.nm. rarrl,.t. a iiial.ultv if Iho mm blllruf Inl.i lh 1..., !... I.....l .. .....!.,iI,.m ,.!.. Wllllltt WIIII awUH I IH I lil-'Mllin I'ltiiill' pnl'l-y lf I'rU'Siulll IX'pratillg lli-rself from I I .w.,l.u. I'u. ...,.-. .i.,i... I it,r.-,i)o,iln'. Iho other lerinun rtate uml lliri-utfiiinj every rest tt mice therein, It Is Tonorte.1 from .luti in that Prince Sals. .ma ,1.1..- mi"i ui-.. 'ri 1 I r 1 II I . I tiiiiu nun n-ii-.il ,1, .n iiiiiriiinMat .ir, ,,,,,- liitnl will tippoinl h Minister to Mexitu n tnK.ii ub (hey have reeeivtil ouleial notice of lliL-crownlni' of Muxiinl'linn. tvli.l .Tun "'i! '"' ."". IlunWll qilislinn In uneliungiil. lliilllsll 1 --.-.I : 1 .-. ... ...i. t. ..1 ..r trii'ip. unvo nniiTS iu iruiu un uiiiiui in t 1 . ...... 1 ih.-iiiii ti""'-. ' DUGA.V & WAlaI0 FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, llllrk Utillilliig, Cur. I'mnt tt !' alrrita. CRKSUKNT ClTY.OsVr I TXr'f' attend to the Iteeelvlng nml Kor V wurdlitg of all fiootla entrusted to their care, with pinimitucniiaud tlispatch. Consignment solicited. Merchandise re- 1 celviil on storage. I l-.-..... !.. I ...II 11 lkl'.'l 1 I N. II.-N0 goods delivert until the freiKhl an 1 charges are paid. II. tW. KENIAl3l7& 330LT, KL'tCIWIln TO M.U. MOHUIS AND U'M.XANCIvK, lk.rliy tile. Jo.tiltlnc Voinity, 0n. tVllTVt lit Vilt. , .tlllil liuwi rntllt: t'MiKltfiasui) IIAY1NU ri'Ht'UA8KD jl tha nntro inierri 01 ..i, n. iwi.niti, iuim a Ik. Intnv.ti.r I I.I.I AM .NAM'KK, of tlw flnu of. NAM'KK A luJt.T, wi'Ul'l nol ieiriilly Infurm ll.ditUin.or KrrbytilloauJVIcltilt) tUiit tlifyhai. mrraoil lit tt It'"" Int" olio, niwlor the naiua of "Kii.NUAIili A lltll.T," uViIhk I'U.Iimm Iu tha bulU lug f.nnirly uvtiilnl by .Nninke A U"II Vb.ra lby lulalnl tu kari a seutt al auurtiuclit vf liitV GOOIirf. unoci' MM. I'UOYISIOXH y(tj lia'TOOIS H'lt ii-rri r rHiuil ltorlto MINK V. ar.uilil niiiat rranrrlfully rMUC of Krrbiille ami tklnlty tu gi" u urullbrfcre oart4iaiiii; aiM'tniire. AI(lsilltrJlnthtWnlty fri.iTrl.aTie.. 1IAV11I KKNUAlJ JOHN HOLT. K.rbytiUa it Si, UC3. Jyliu3 nl liy tlin lillglisll. Il'llll lliey eVIICUiltCII MolotiH-r unarm. .1 111. .Kin, rw, tunjai and , .,., ...-i.'i -...i -" 1,7,1 iT.lli.l.'ii,,, . 1, 1 'i-i... 1... .11.1. .. nwnlil.,.. . luiiS.eiilIliiisii'mth.iiibilifel.lriK-ui.fninfr,,",,y CUCIOmil, aim HJII1U lulltl mljollllng, "i i.kultiimt. I ho hnglUli arc uwniting re- lfclfc",ujrHi.iuiiiuic ti.-t.it.. an ruiiyKraT. will luj Tor rent on nml nfier the Istduy of lllforceilieilt. ' CKp-AUUeK : I. aniiU.r ttnfaU, riirniy M ' OctfllatT , lKUX TIlO pnsent OCCtlllUIlt will t cM;l;''l;23d. lr't'tlVl.r rr "' Iho Incoming I'.pnca nnnnuncc tlint bpunHi liiivern- driiicii.ili..'jMii.Ui.rictiiii..ilir.iili r. ir leiuiiit. Ihlslsit most favuritttlu oniioilu- MOTHERS MOTHERS MOTHERS DOXT hit ta procur MRR. WINSIjOWS Mfltt 1S(l8VtHJPr.CIIIMllKNTr.KTIItSl. Tills TslusMe mpntliii It tli prcrlUln of efrf of th lst frnutlf ihjrlclns n.l nurtM la tlt lrtl tt Stairs ami hiu Wtn uirj for thirty frsrt llh nf tsr Mllti ntftlj nl kikttm by million, of moth ms unit fltll.lrrn, from thf feM lnfnt of ens wtil tU lo Ihr fcliilt. It not wily rf llern the tlillit from rln, but lnlci at, tits itomwli n.l tnorl., mrrorls scMltj-, sn.l hItm ton nJ nrjyr tit tli hol ly.tf ra. It will slmint InitMitly r litre (Isinsa it tn nmtitus amp Wiib Ooue. W lxllte It the tint nn.t Sftirwt nfmnty la th rorla. In Ml nun of llVSKNTKUV n.l lll.Ut niliRA IN Cltll.tiHKN, wlKlhrr It arl.fs from If. IIk tar; or front nj olhrr rtitii. Tull JltTttl.m. fr ttln will KTotttpsnt r.cli tlllt. .N.iti llrnuliio titilr.i lire fto-nlnnlr of Ct'ItT18 rUIIKlNft, Ntw Vitk Uon tlirotit.lUr wr'l""r. ol.br nil MMk-inv llralcri; I'llnrlrat OlMcf, 41 Vtj tlntt Xfw Voik. I'mvs 0lt 21 Cuts rsa llotttr. llt:ilMlTOXXO), 410 anil 41S Front itt. Can t'ntnrl-o, ansttmfl Aprntsf.irt'atirjnila. Dlt. I.. ,T. CZAIMCAY'S I'lltnln Mrtllrnl nml Nniulrnl Ill.tlltllr, Svcturto Jtarrr, Iltlow Mont(:i)liKT(, t..llr IVlflc Mall .8.Cu.'a onriTV pan KratKlwo. nitablUlird In KM, f.ir llir IVriiunent Ciirf of all l'rlraln n,l tlmmlc I)lwit.r and tiik Biirfitt-tsio.N or qiacki:iiv. JUtrtvllnn aiitt Ilo.lltnl l'lir.lfUn, ntl.l.J.tV.M'KAY.M.II. Ijttr In tho tltincariin lltrntiitlisiarr U'art dilrf I'htnlcUn tu Ihr ult Itrclmrttt of If.xtriil.i t'l.lrf yurKram Initio MlllUry llmoltal i I'flli, Ilitnca ryi nn Mir wnsn;r mi imwrn ii iw t rm "'" ' Illlctl nccortllllg 10 lllrvCllltll. ill every-narynnrimiui,lli!i-f.or WotiifnaiiilClilMirn, ,. , i,r alnok la tltn lurmt nml l,al ciMrilMiiwarrMriiilwrfftli l'lilla.ltl.ltUOi4lrit l"'nK, tltclr MOCK I 1110 largtSI ami IxSl a Mntieiiir. ever brottghtlo Jacksonvlllo. and they nre ar l-arllrtilarallriiiwt ill lnl.in lrcatm.nl ol I.t .- ..r t. ......... d..J I-I.M.Ik.. '";'T;;ZTv.m. Kj-OiiimiinlratkmtftrH'llvronn'li-ntlat. IVrmif n.nt .tiro nuratiir.-l or n.t pit. tWuliailon., hj ltttrori-tlifril-T, n.Kli AiHn-, iiiLUJ.C7.A.'KAYlMnl,raiH-l. To tlxo Affllotocl. I Of nil ilinw thf Itrsl woat ti.i. hiirlttir. fti'tii ln'Blpii of Nalitr tawa, Si:ri.u.MrTwiti:.N a tiik i tii.titATt:i:n In all Nrtol IiImsim., Jt,,filuir, itrrvon. iM it- llv . a.l.llld l.i hII llfl mlnfm IrtllirHa itait irrMkrl itlnt-HM, ,lim. of hn klilnrt an I Mi-Uct, iii.itii- iit frnm what rati iho ,11-wm. orldnalr.1. Iiowrtrr rant nio In irniWiiK tu llm tlk-tnl, wlm nuy .lan 1 Iti.inMl.M .iiulr 111. iim it iwrf.t an.1. ivr.lv rm. I i'lllfttoilU-lui-.ari thKroalr.t oni-iuk. loliillti,a. --Vuu a . - . r 1 . a . a. .. . l'f"."I "li- 11 nm: wi. i ..Mir laii 10 euro ll,a .itniKM-, I'tti rum ii-en-iiiiiiiiiun, niiiiiniiiT ynm Willi i-uiirury, whkli, wlih ll,.ill..-n.r, h,.. f.llirnitI'T.rliiluia.it.rti.iiiiiilh,ii. Ilut.luHiM .u, ulw(V, .,, lrH)llllrBt )M,, . dmiii .Wiiij. anJ Ih. tlrlUt mairlr Iho ill'io.. U rntHll-1 u..ii IharhlUnii. liarl.uii Willi f.i-l.eoii.tllull.Kis nJ II. MrlU UMirir ! iUho-p U rntlll ui-m aiMtlit'ciirinitoi lie' mrruHM liy n lrn wlilrli iimjr, ti.eir in airoriiu. iMi.r, uicrr, rriiitiiiK n .Kin, rta, innni aim or urr.iiiu.t(aii imtim.ly inne. Ii iiti,.yt th. irrnffi tirrh.iiunirf thi..y.itm.utiiaiiii..fJriuairUi-r, riwtrly,Uitiiir'.,atiilallrarlhlli.iiiiiu'M,aitillitr Ilia .uKirrarHUI In U.lv an.1 niliiil. l.n.lUnuuHl 1. c.n.Hiii)ll-Hi aixl a Iruiu r vils mri l h ilrowl. ui il..,. .t..il. Iiujr win. itiM full., r.u.n.1. .u. li --....-.. :-,",,. .,:',,. ;J..J 'eniiti u i'ii . ifi.-vmii lauutr tl.e uiifftiiiiatu Ktlm of ..Ifhuui lliat a premise. I IIU.M..O lyllA Vh.M.ll vrinanrnlaiiu.iwJy'uri'UU laianKleil.itiiil, wlta ll, alMiekmniaut of ntlnuti. Mm IUm, luy latUnl can Ihi rattortil tn rol'tttt athl v!a"iii lultti. Irn-Kularillc, auj all Ulw of nulr.aii'l f.inal'. ara tto4lo4 "U prlurJil.a ..laMUIntl hy Iw.nly ),r. Mrurttro, anaaaiH-tlolitiU by lliouatnil.iif Ihoiiowi k ln.lk.llil; rut.. MrdUllio.. Willi fall illrw llun., n tiinuyiiarl of thrl'talr. UrtKun, .Sovs.1.1 nut Wa.l.. Imti'ii rVrrilorio., by imllnit. ruHiiuuiilllui Ihrlr .jriHitHii. by latlr. l!i.litta cxrroiwioJitir lrh I ly (oltnurlitial. A't'tiw., I.. J IV.AI'KAV. )l. D.. Han ImmU-u. aOTlif Iiirlia; oirm fno O'li.ullatloii, amliuti. au r.tiiuui'ralbin U11I..4 lia rlfr.!. a into. Jtfjt iiiIji EAGLE BREWERY I By Josopli Wotteror. " O, lager, i-l Inrin-r biit 11' lugerla'tr. Now lis prulreu 'II iluj; us IV- wi il.i'l' comes iu Klu pln-if untl Hu L jt-t li ' r '" irTMIij proprietor Hiiuounei-a tlntt tlie ar- J. rungt litems or Ins mow i u" " ' t U slto umi couiilte thai lm cm 1I1 ly nil uiuii petition In Hiiullnri'. Onjoii 111 luaLiiig an A No. 1 urticle of Latter liter The lurvit cellar ul' tliu .t.ttili.liiiiuil are alw ay stocked with kegs ol lager ample, for the largest wlinli'-alo nr It'lall ilmniuil, Call ut the SaliHiit, on Ihe uiiner end ol Oregou atreet, test the lu-tr, and leavu )o ir ertiers, Jacksouvllle. Oct. 21, I8(il, 3Wi1Akj. OX or about the first or October, 18C3, Mr. Wilbur Ileesoii jjavo mo a nolti for tliu sum of one humlrtd and leu dullars, Willi Interest from datn at the tale of ten , ter cent, per annum, tluu c '' ot Jui'sA. I). 1KC5, 1 Norman h, Io or bearer. ?' !"' ""!. ,1,U, f.aW Wll ter cent, per annum, tluu on or ubout Iho uml payabltt to . Haiti note ha llblir lleeiun has paid to mo tliu full amount of the satno. Anv Oerson tlllilillir the snmn la liorliu nn. 1 titled of ald fact, and la rtiiue.ted to fend the same to lie;. NOHMAN L, LEIi Jacktomllle, Jan. T, 18C3. Jan'JwX' LOVE&BIJLGJ5R rnllfarnln Street, Jncktonilltf. DEALERS AND WORKERS IN TIM. SHEET IRON. COPPER. LEAD AND BRASS, HAVK Jusl received rrnm the Atlantlo Slate and San Francisco, a complete tock of et cry thing In Ihelr line, and will keep constantly on hand nn Assortment of tho best Tin, rihcct-lmii nntl Copperwnte, Ilrn l'lpc. llydntullo Noxxles, Koran Pump", Chain, Lend l'lpc, Hose. HAltDU'AIU:, UUTLKUYj NA1I-S of nil size: Itnr. Plate nml nssorlcd Iron Faints. Oils, Ulr.es nml Glass! All qualities of Powder Shot of nil number: Brushes of every varlcty,olc.,ctc Stoves. Also, ataitvs on hiiml.it largo lot nfstnvc of asortel slr.es. lluck's l'atent Cooking Slovc," ami the " Now World Stove." the two very lctnnd approved natlerii in the world. Parlor, OUtco nml Cabin Slow-, fancy and plain, comtructctl on latest fuel living plans. Hollers. Keiths. 1'ots, l'nu. and cvciy thing connected with Iheau stotes. wnrranted duniblo ami perfect. All article sold by them nr mnnitf.ie lured. WAKKANTKI). Tlielr work I tumlo f the la-it material and of choicest pat term. Va.()nlcr attended lo with dispatch, nntl delermlnetl tn sell nt liw I'tnct: nut t'tMt Call and examine their stock beforo imr chasing elsewhere. Junc';:i, lHilO.-ill, Agenls for llallliiay x. Co' WlrnHnnt'. t 'Jt.r '" Tin: vjJiiY nrcsT 1. iv "h Tia I tmifltably iM t Of wliltli jntl ran lo aatltflc.) by calllnn ul lli. EXPRESS SALOON. ;,, , ,i,,,,, lc "' uvtlllllllllir. I H K. . K. K. M YKRS St CO. , Jarainiivllla. July IilW.1. nttiillf . . T.'Ar A XTti'Vt y t Tr t.r'l' l.'T ' Vl O V iluluilt X I.KJ XMjLu Itill X. 3E IHsT Ol? r S . f I ?. l,fH TC.IH " Ji"""i v ' rt."n r-WIIT. ..1.n... I.i..l .ta. .-..! f9 r j. ii4i(ii f.ii.Hruii viimiiiii M-i;iif miir tliu Hojvx Hlvrr ConijunyV lirlilKU itcrf-r , nity for Mitno good man to gel into u kimmI P-JT" l , , , , , Aim, tliu 1 unit Hunch mliolnlng said (own, fiOH acre or Hint meadow, tor rent ul the ruiue lliiiu. Aitiy Apply to Thomn Clmvener. near tho I Aimusl must tl, ixu:i. uugllir Aftiitoiilc: Nollcu. TIIK regular c'limnuuleulloiis of Wiirrru liiulgu, Nn. H), V. ami A. M.. JnckMiii. vllle. On-troii. for A. 1). Iti, will hjhihl oil the following days, to-wii: January V0 July ,i Iebiuury 17 August IT March a Heputulur II April..,.,,, ill OoloUr Vl May IH November '.) J'lito IS December II and regular Hemi-aiiiiual I'esllviil 011 Juno V Ills; and Iho regular Aliliuul l'eslltul 011 Deremlu-rSTlli, Tito hour of meeting will lie, from March to fcepii iiiIht nt 7J n'clncki innl Iroiu fcep talliUT III March, ut II) o'clock. The brethruu urn cur net liy requested In imct rnrly. lor work will bo comiuciicid ot tliu appointed hour. lln lliren will do well to savo this advur tlsuinuot for liiluro riTcimce. t, AI.KXANDKH MAKTIN, W. M. IfKllMAN ItMMlU. rieo, Jaaksnnvllltj. Jan. 7, lfirtl. JiitiDwl VALUABLE THEEH ANJ m 'Mm. m? -um, H H is jt-r-For sale at tho GLEN RUN NURSRY, Near Corvullia. rpO close up. I will nil idcndiil, Urgo J. tree for 15 cent, Cherry, Mulbory. Chcitnut, lto.. I.ilach, ami ult klinli of KhrubU-ry. very lojKvt-ryUilujr will po. Illrely li closed oufli'iotuu prlcu beiotu I will a'so sell good lot of I'ear uod Clterrv st'ick Ccm ! Hi Vnncry ami ice, Utviir Ilun Farm Jan. IS, 't JanOwl , TTTn I .......!.. . l.-.l II... I.-,! iiii iu 11111 ii nitii a j- 1 ii iiriinii. iiiii-ni raaictii irilti.n ill III a Ilnai 1m ..... a.a.1....