txmmssssuswlMJumvuJJK iL J jU!lL!!L!itJ!S.ai.iu. ih 1 JJWWlW w ' --' in-- mrr mm iramm; WWB 1 SJ BBmKmmi Uil.JN! MiT le TM0H ttftimt. .v 7t W ttttJtllM WK3HWffCWl V.ri5ujr" LM AM i?I PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. Nvitwiyrcfm JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13, 1S04. VOL. IX, -NO. 4. tort i i, it "i-i Its) tv. ci CM ml il fli ck. s. I , 0. 0. F. .TnrUnniivlllp Lrulnc , v K0.10hil.lllrTHlornil wujii ii n VtMijr -r tin- pt 'A Vh Bf-l. ' '" r"f'1 '"'"I'll. '"l n .J& SliA 3 Slnnhrufiwrli Inlrrtrnln W- g;!wig u,l llifSUnklUtl,l t'rV4&.r. V. llrutl.rrn In ! tiiillrirn It.illnl ..11. IIKU, II. Iiollltlfl, .V. (I. Hi r rvxt, it . TraiiiJM M Fulton, Ilfnry Ptntlinr-r uJ IUl HftH, Warm Lodco TJo, 10. A. F. & A. W. & IlOIil) tlmlr regular commuul flkf cation tlio Vtineliy Kvi-nljigr on r "r jin-ceiiing me inn moon, m jalx JWIIJ.K, OIIMIOV. AI.KX. MAIITIN. W. M. IIlooh. Srr'v. oitucox ciiai'ti:u no. -j, ..OF" IIOYAL AltCII MASOXS, JACKSOX VIU.K. QllKtlOA; i'HUinMltr'giiliirriiinmiiiilcMlimii on the rintfatiinln) F.v-. nf liwry -Month. ' All K.lwrnlnc ttumuiiilnn In cthhI tumllng an-cnrdlnlly lnvltn in titti'inl. W. U.S. HYDK. II. I I Sji-iih. Sec 'v. ikcHMT o, Jamil. :. r. ncsam... JACODS, fi. RUSSELL. lnouNi:v.s and (iou.vski.ohs -CLTF Xn-TVOTr. Ivsnsot.iaioiw in cuanokuy, i'ai'kkiinvim.k. OiiKnu.v. Ilmr npiulr lh CiMii-l IIuum'. Ill l-tilnr. cotunilllul to Ihtlr cure will 1 r-roinplly iiltviidul In. Julv 211. 'Hi. . WX. IWITIIITT. JAWhM II. MV, v DOUTHITT Sl FAY, ,vrroit.i:vs and counselors V.S'l) SOLICITOUS IX UII AXCKHY. .UrvKiNVtit.n. Ounoox. it III practice In lliu Supreme atxt other BwirlMif thl Slnl. March l.'Ck B. F. DOWELL. ATTORNEY AT HAW, tfACMO.fVII.I.K, UlllMOV. Vl prwUlce In till lliu Court if the Third ndUul lfirUfct. llieHilliretno Court of Ore run, ami in reka, Col. U'nr Scrip prompt- cnn-wi ucu IK. In ir J. GASTON, (W.W In ll.l t QMtm) TTORNEY AT LAW. JAfKr-OXVIM.K, OKMIOV. Knecll ultuutlno .riven i rolluetlon . Juno io. iHa. u H.riWlHUrlltJ GEORGE D. DORRIS, N'OTAJtY PUBLIC V0H JAl'KSON COUNT!'. I 0inrjlll II. I'. Dowi'll. Kq. 0. S.HOWARD. fl'm'KVOIt i CIVIL ISNUIKliBR Jackmnvilu: OitMjip.v. pfMcnc l'ril. Mtr the South i'i4 of Orriron Jihiki, 2. 14 (i 4 PETER BRITT, IMioloRraithle Ai-tirt. pmiaml to tnko picture In i-iorv UI.1 jr the nrt, ullh u Ow Ibu ImiiMrvinriiio i i i iciiiry no not gUo nitli.wtI,Mi. no unrsm mil w mane, fjnii ul h iipw (HI- tj. on i no inn, rxumlim III picture, uud Things tlmt Xcvcr illc. Tlio pure, the lirijtht, the Irntillrul, Tlmt Mlrrvd our henrtf In yonlh, Tin Impulse to a 'nnllr prnytr, Th ilrt-jtim of love mid truth; The loiiRlnRi nfti-r corn-lliliis '0!,ti Tlio rplrllV yrnmliiK cry. The ntriviiB niter U-ttcrhiipen TIm-mj ihlug) cnu tu'wrUlu. The timid linud Mrc'tclicil lurtli to nld A lirother In hUtutd, Tlie kindly trord In prlern dnrk hour Tlmt prom n friend Imlififj Tin- pica for mercy loflly litvtUheil,' When Jutlctf Uiri-utfim hlch, Tim Mirrnw of n contrite heiirt Tliero tblii?i rhall never die. Tlio memory of a clu'plnj,' Imud. Tlio preiure of a purling kp. And nil lliu trllloi. rwect nml fnill, Thnt iiiaIjc up tovc'n llnt IiIIm; ITultli n firm. iiucIiuiiu'Iiik fullli, And holy triii"! hih! hlch, Thoce huiiiln lmve cln'pcd, llioto llpi Iikvu met, Them tlilnpn iilinll tivcr die. The cruel nnd llm hitter word, Tlntl Roumle I dk It fill; The chllllnir want of ymp.Uhy, V feel hut iiitTrtell: Tint html repulu that rlilll Ike lirrt, Whine Ik. pen wem hounding high, In nrt ttiifmlltip rccnnl kept TlnMt- tliln h6ull uetvr die. Let nolliliiR pt, for every liuiid Mut llnd Mime wot I; to do; Lii not ii elmneo to wnken lore Hi) flrm, nnd Jut, utid Irne. So tball a Unlit tlmt cnuuot fade Itcnm on then from on hljli, And niiRol voice my to Uiii TIicms thliiK" hnll never die. Urevrler't Income Tux. nv t. r. Ar.Ttiun. My neighbor Gruwler. nti excitable mnn, liy the wny, wus (mrticulurly excilnl over hi Ineonio Tux,"ir, ii lt culn-il It, lit " W'nr Tiit." lie luid never liknl tho r little from liln lone of indignation. " It me be more purtti-ulur in my wcy or pulling the cuw. our Income it from the rent of projKTty T" " Vw." " Wliit wouliljll linve coil you In defend tlmt projierty from llic urmy or Oen. Lee. rrcently driven from our S Into. by tmllonnl soldier T" ' v " Cot tne!r' Growler, looked nt mc In S kind of nnw. tin hmwU he ilmnehl he linlflnjint. 44 Kxiictly ! Wlmt would It hnvc com you T liee, iinnpWHil, would ccrliilnly huve reached thin city, und held It ; nnd if your prnprrly Imd bwn of to him or nny nl hi officer or imliller, it would Imve bn n npproprinteil without i rmieli n rnylni: imwr wiijihjh pnyl Only n mnll jicr cenlapeof your Income from Hint properly I Jmt foilij tltttc dollart und tirtntymu tent.' Pur don me for paying it, friend Growler, but I nm more limn linlf udianwl ( you " " And pceinjj the wy you pui the cnte, I nm more tlmn half nhmed nf myxell," he rtuwered frunkly. M Why Inking "your view. thU is about the cheapest Investment I ever rnnilc." " You certainlr eel more for tour mon ey linn in any other line of expenditure 1 etrniar I Imd n letter from nn old friend living In the neighborhood of CnrlMc. The rebel took from him lx lino horpe. worth two hundred dollar n piece, pix cow and nxr-n, and over two jnindrnl bmhel of L-niln And not content with tilundcrintr I turned ofT, paylnj In my Ihnuejit ; So mnch pood done! My reclaimed pin. tier ling beeonm n prencher of rtnhlcoui. nm.N. 1". totprr. Tiik Printkii. The printer N Ilia Ad Julnut of thiincht. nml thl cxpliilni tho iiijlerle of the wonderful wyiU Hint Dili, kindle ii homo us no long cnn llio word "o," with a Imiiillndiand wnrmlh In It, for Ili Author nnd Printer nre rnglncrm logflher. Ivuglmtrs IndifilJ When tliu Utile Cunlcnn bombnnled Cudlzul ihoili tnnec of five mile, it was deemed tho very triumph or engineering. lint wlml hrthnt paltry range to thl. where they bombnnl tho ngeg yet to be. Tlicro he Ptntuls nt tho ciiim) nml mnrphJic Into no the forcon Hy your leave. slrT Would forly-lhrve him. ther linrnl li.rn wl.iM. I,.,t rn.i nrmetl for Irutli. rlnll,e.1 l,iIm.,,n.l,.llK.n.,.l in. i. . . . - v. .--. -- ,-..-. i.inar unu iwemyone rem mire eovenii ,m IIPnrv vo Ummmd dollur. INt lor the dnimigM T Perlwps not. Poility. you i ,(,,. nny rnil and eqnlppeil by the nation, might hare lxt rrnm onelmlf In llin- Jn mpp.irl id which you nnd I nre Inxed fourth of nil thut yon are worth." !n llel.tl.v. we might hnvc uuTered n pc- Growler was a trifle bewildercl at tin j verely. How mnch do yon think It emits nr of putting Ihc case. He lookrd piw. 1 1 tmwT (,. ,IP rot,tlnn we lmve color. i .... : . : . ' ' eu in llii partlruur iiwlnncc.:" tied " You have n itore on South Wlmrvci! paid I. " Yes." - A million of dollar, ierliiips !" " Nearer ten million of dollar. From the time the nrmv left the ltiintnlmnnnck. " Wlmt hns kept Ihe Ahlnma or tlm until the battle of Gettvilmnr. It eit to 7iiriiii rrnm ruimi'ig tip the IlelcH'itrr nnd the government could pcarcely havo b.n burning the whole city front T Io iou lme 1 1. iian llm sum I lmr i..Hnil..nt. Of foru nnd Pliip of war for iheproliclioii of i.I mm Miur nrnnortlan eunnot Im ovir .irpri.,wi-j n not. wiiti provmeiiiK'Hilnhrcporf,,,,, dollr: ot.d for tlmt Irille They nre provided nnd you uro ufe. What i yimr pliurc of the ex peon) lorn whole year? Just furiylhree dollor nnd twenty. onecinlP. Il pmikU llkea jem" Growler did not uimwcr ; po I krpt on. "Hut for our immenne' iirnile in Ihe your properly, may be your life, r held wen re." -No more of that, If you p'eue," paid Growler, pliowiug pome unuonce. "You nre, running the thing into the ground. I own up Mjuure. I was quarreling with my uciu. ami nary on me wavr, tins relielllou best friind. I was striking tit ll.e lund would have Puccocded. What then T Huve, tmt Ruve me protection. If my wur lux you eer pondered the Mure or thl cnun. . eXt yeur plionld Iks u huiidr.il d-.llur In try in mch on event t Have you thought ,(l.aj f frty.three, 1 will puy It without nf your own position of the Ion or gain a murmur." toyi.unelf? How long doy..u llilrb ol i),m't say without n murmur, friend could bent pence with Knghind or l'riK-e, Grimier.' If tbo nation were dismembered, and n h. !.. f 1 ..' . -thought It nnneccssnry nud wicked; tl.ef ,,c wiimwToiiniiwiaiiiiii-uoiiourBulli.' work of tiulnlti.n. Tlila fi.-l.tln,. ,lfrn bonier T Would our war tuxes Iw U-u i..,ii,... .. i-.t i.,ii..., .,,. .. i..ii.t...i.i.... than now T Would life nnd properly be , In,, nn rt.illi.Pinr Itilav1 r.,...i,.i i,i,.i. i liiliipeycH. If you iLed him who U-guti '""' ecure ? Have you not nn Intern l Mill held In his ImiiJ, und bowing hiuuelf "What hen!" " Say gladly, ui a means of safely." " Put It up you will," he uiuwtred, fold. the wur? mho struck at the natia' life? ir pclf-dcfeiicii were mil u duly? he would reply with vague f eiiemlilieK. tutule uur hiui uuu imvv, u urn ii j nnu every ' out. other member nf the Union? limn not! Notmanydaystfierwnr.il, I linppeunl your wfely us well us nine lie In their ex-, )0 heir om? one erumbltn.- in mi i.r..,. rw 1 -j .---.. upol p.irtKJii tricky peoienny, whick he! 1"e"a't Arc,1",y,,("' uUll, my ,lme' bur's pnneo about his loeoma lax lie ii.iwrvi.ioni 01 eveiy.i.mg we 1...111 (;rowler wulle.1 to hear him through. Mr dear u men und cilixeiist Who equip uu4 WHI w,f lllir,v) , h,0l1 j ,,.. pays tW urmy? Who build nnd rurnliln nlllceni phrure h " pitched ImV' the of. these flilpp? Where iW-s the ennnnixi fender, aiid ceu.1 Idra a Icclure so much pumsof money re,.iir.il come from? It li'stroi.gw than mine, that I felt uyielf the allon's work the people nggregated thrown quite in Ihe Lwe. L'lui f:rJ r for niir lki-iir. 0 THE AFFLICTED. No one uetd nufTcr with the Ague when D.R.Q. W. GREER'S A-a-Tras anaiiiacaraxi. Can U had, .varrented to cure in crcry cue when taken according to flirvclloti. ' bs had only at his ofllco to JaeVwwvllIe. jnn.CallfunilnStrwt. Jta atf Lsc- S.Sacsis. SACHS BRO'S V1IOLUSAM2 AND KETA1X DEALERS IN pEXEEAL MKIIOAHNDIBE. Jackmkvili.r, Orkusv. BRANCTTSTORE. HfewiK,Q REGON. SUND MILLS FLOUR BAGLE MILLS PLOt'ltl Tr. mm, kKKI. "()N 1UN0 the ' Alkllll wall.. ...... .. I...i. t Aiallrm-r.. V."" "". i'!.""." r nv.n m . . . -....,,, ri,,,:,! )4teW.IH (CliU- f'l- 1IVAV n mn a v .n CW S, 16M. cjl!luU had leiirnetl williuvit cn(n-cle(ii!iiig tbclr significance. " TIktc it Is ! Ju w tiiuch robbery Stiind mJ deliver, is the word. Pitol and boyimelsl Your money or your life 1'' I took the (dice of puK'r from his h ud and reud: I'munKiJtJiA.SiiitoiiiUr. 16G3. "RlCIIAIIII GlIflWI.Mt. it., Dr. John. M. I.'io.r. uOJItrlnr of JiiUtimI llnne fur fi f!r'A DittrvA J'tiituyUiiiiM. Ojios 1ST CUituut Slttit. l''r Tax on Income, fur tlioytuu- 1KC2. in per return mudo to tho Aw ef lliu Dis trict $(3 21 "Iteeehed pu.uifiit. J0HN M. ItlLKi', Collector." " You're all right," I laid, smiling. " I'd like to know wlmt you nieuu by nil right 1" Grosser wo just a little oCWided ut my way of treating this lery serious mutter series in his eye, I mean, " I've been robbed of forty-three inUti and twenly.one cetit," he contii:mf . " Do you say tlmt U ull right? A niiulsn or the Government lias put his Iiunl 'into iny pocket und l3;en out just po ixh of uiy .properly. Is tlmt nil riglrt f " The tame Ihlug may ie eet "forth in rery different language," niplied, - Let tne stuie the case.'" "Very well, state Itr Id Growler lamping hlieself into a cliurr, und looking as ill humored as possible into power nnd inuuifieenee. nnd so irro sletlble in might uneiiiMiiernble. IIuo ' Vou huve been nrerwi fifty-eight dol- h.r. ' he said in hi exciini wuy fifty- you no heart P.IIinS of pride In this j.-u-ht d-dlunj One would think from Ihe magnificent i-sliil.itloii or will nml Ptreugth? Nn part kt the nation's glory ? No eug.r helping baud to stretch forth I" Growler win nt III silent. H There wos . power in you or me to check the nave of cUvtimullou tlmt wa launched by fratricidal bunds against u. If unresisted, by the iiatimi, us on nggre gate power, h would low swept in dtsohv tlon over tlie whole land. Traitors In our mid!, and truitors in arms against ue, would lime united to destroy our beuutifil rubric of rril liberty. The Government, which dealt with ull good citizens so kind ly and gently, that not ooc in u thousand felt its tocch beyond the weight of a feulh. er, wouU have been sulrvcrtul i nnd who can tell voder what Irua rule we might have fallen lor a lim, orltow many jers of bloody strife would have eluped before that civil liberty which krures the great est goos to thegreuleatsecmbcr would hare been ivtublibhed? Uut the wave or ies Iructlon was met nuy hurhil back upou " Itutead T being robbet," suld I, " you (he enewie avIio sought our ruin. We yet lhave been protected in jour properly und 'dwell in mfety. Your projicrly is secure. enjon, anfi guaranteed all tho high priv iou Hill gather your uniiual Income, pro ileges of citizenship, for Ihe jiullry sum ol tected In nil your rights and privilege by foriy-thnv dollars and tHeuty.onecvntsus tie national arm. Aod wlmt does the your pIimw or the coit or rtection." nation osfcsa to you ns your dun; in thu "Oh,hut'only your wuy or putting '-cost or this security J Uulf or your pro lliccuse, retorted Growler, dropping ajjierly? No net a hulking or that pro- noiuyoii make ubout it, that you hud been robbed of half you -were uorlk. Pif-ly-eighl dollars for pecarity nt hae, uua prUi:iioubriwdI Pilly-elght dollars ni )fr share or Ihe cort or derence ogalmt a enemy thai, ir unopposed will Resolute wr homes and destroy our goveruuieuti Already it has cost the nution fir your purely and Mkie 0 Ihowand millions (if dob lars, and yot are ungry Ineaufe sikea for your little urto! the cxpenv. fiir, you are not worthy the uatne ol au American citizen 1" " That's hrp talk, and I won't bci II," suld Ihe other. "It's true talk, anJ you'll havo to bear It !" was retorted. " I'rettlng over the mean little sum of fifty eight dollars ! Why sir, I know n man who has given his right arm to this cause, at4 another who lius given his right leg. Do they grumble ? No sir J I neter heard a word of complaint from their lips. 'I nosainds and tens of thousands huve given their lives, thai you mil I might dwell in safety. know mothers who lme git en their sous, and wives who bute glvuu tlielr husbands sons and huibaod, who will never Koreic turnJ They are with the dead, sir. reu are dishonoring in Ihe rye or all ineu. A grniubkr over thu pultry war lx ror fbauto !' I.tigllph. And what can be mora noblu limn ihe cqulpm.Mit of u thought in sterl ing Saxon Saxon with the ring ofppcnr or shield therein, and that commlsjlunul, when ho is dead, In move gradually on In the last pyllnble of recorded llm. This is lo win a victory from death, for this hut tin dying in it. Tho Printer U culled u laborer, nnd the iflUv l.u perf irmt It tell. It t not work bit u sublimu right ho is performing;, when he thus MidiM" the en gine tlmt Is to lllng u worded truth In grundrr curve than mtfsitrt c'it Inforo do pcrllKil lling it Into Ihe bosom of ull ngo yet unborn. Hu throws nUhlscoat Imlml; but wo wonder Ihe rnlher that he doe not put hi tliori rrom oil' his fit-t. (or the placa whereon he ptomls Ir holy ground. A lit tle poog wa tillered potnewbere long n;o; it wundered to the twilight fabler limn u star; It dinl upon the nlrj but the Printer take it np where it wn lying In thepllcnco like a wounded bird, and bu win!. It furll. frimi the Ark that had putmed it, and it files Into the future Willi Ihe olive brnnvli of peace, nnd nround the world with mel ody, like the dawning of u spring uiorniug. Ilaijiud 'J'nilor. A Xkw ltK.DKiii.Mior Uami.kt. Hon. John Cochrane got iff I ho following In a pjxieliat UriMiklyn, recently: "Upon you. der line, ut Windsor, paw Vallandlgluni nnd his friend Horullo I see Ihe frit ml or Hornlln grnilng his clonk ubout him to screen him rrom thu northern blunt, ar I ulm Inhold Mureellus Wikk), It I llm peaeo phitfunn on theCatmdlnii line. Thty ti.iid tlio Huge nnd rem'nJ nm or thu scene conceived In the tuinJ 4 imiure' poi-l, mmpoiN undoubtidly wllhreierencu lo Ihiutveuts now Iruiirplricg. It wax ihe m-lunrho!y Humlel Vullundlghnia his Irh-tid Horullo, und Ihe ofllcrr Murcellus Wood, that oceuplc.1, on n dreary iiiulit. u brier liour upon Ihe peaiu platform ut Klplninora. liie and applnui 1 Hamlet (Vollandlghnm) The ulr biles ihrrwrdly; It I cry oold. Horatio it is indeed, su untupiy and an eniriT uir. Hamlet What hour nnw ? ilorntlo Methiukp It lacks of twelve. Maroellus Wood No, il lias struck. Horatio Indeed ! I heard it not. Heard il not, Horatio ? Heurd you not Ithode Island, one? two, Vermont? three Massachusetts ? four, X'ev Hampphlre? fire, Maine? six, Calrfonibi ? Meii, Wis conshi? eight, IlllnuUf nine, Pennsjlva nla? ten, Ohio? i-let-en, Maryland? twelve, New York J (Uprourlousnppluute, which lulled forie time.t'iu audience rising lo their frel ond cheering tn wn And there struck the lust nylluble or recorded lime. If, Horatio, your auricular iiertie wo dead lo that, it must bo the dftU.coli! ear! deurtirwhli which you are struck i-i j 11 1 . 1 , . . i.r uruu urum n loubeu up uini wondered at the miracle. Tiie living heard il and rejoiced, and a ourmrmy stood shoulder lo shoulder In the rronl, the people were ptandlog shoulder lo shoulder In thu rear," A few duv aeotwo larce Iriu.L-i fllUl w(lh One-tooth combs, uero wir-,1 In WushlngUu u their wuy to Dixie, -That was too bad. It wa cruel. It wa's re worscles. Do Ihe Union authorities meaa Uiat Ike rebels iliull be eaten alive ? I gBgttt-tJtmKaimnmamimlmuttttaa W9SSSmSmmmWmmmmmmWmWm9fBnmmrT ansisisiissssiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissisiiiB . ' ""J - " - A, n.itU. JiMka9&