Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 06, 1864, Image 7

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From "Decatur."
Ko. Skstiski. : The rcbsl sheet nt your
',e taking advantage of Its " imlepcnd-
ml " fMwUloti, publishes with great guitn
ihe dieratt fill nttocks of one " Anderson,"
apn the Hangers ir ibis ptre but It Is
in perfect keeping with I lie nhtrcrdrnts nf
the " liieh-tniied mill r-Jiivnlrlc " editor, not
withstanding that lie mnl Anderson nrc nt
wnrds' polntti on the Congressional quff
lion. N wo 1 tu ,J,r,y f,,r "lm- w" '
rl.lrg, lie ban thus nn opportunity to show j
Itvtahtj to 1.1 11, " JilTcraoti " tlic fallen.
Ji-Oirton" the doomed. At the same
time he unwillingly betrays bin disgust for
the Government he dlssrnccs, for it is well
onilerstnnd tlmt the Hangers were organ
ml under law of the last session of our
1,-giidaturc (which Inw Anderson opposed
wllh r.11 the tloijittmr mid stubbortiws of u
certain Inmr-cnrvd animal, by tonic people
tippntctl to '" the hither of nil the rabbits
In Ik country. Messrs. Martin & Drum
lure one on rxliibition ut Jacksonville,
and Anderson would do well to cultivate
hi sen,nalnlniict'. A llltle ottcntlnn to his
ptiinrn and iiiftmfliioin, nml, "Anderson,"
Mm will b? perfect ) I hi law was mane
ir the txprers purpose of anling In the
rotecllnn of thii purl of onr common'
wintry from nil Joe, whether foreign or
uiifllc The titaary ctlilnr (here insert
in parenthesis his peroration to Jackson
ville, Htniidimj; on the emlmnw of a beau-
llfnl evening," etv. ) nnd Id ttnf corn
apnmtrnl have been windy exercised a to
our welfare from the dale of onr orgnnlza
t.nn. They dl tnit, however, dare hi at
tack u In a It'L'ltimntc way, but, " inuke-
In-the-gtn's'' like, commissioned some of
Ihtir liruiiicr n-piib-a to iook niicr ruiuirs
In tlie private ncls or individual turmtw-rs.
wnl rrpirltoln,uihtiuMi'rilhe Copnerlaruil
dm) nt Jacksonville. Clut titirya progitki
wasjhere lotVIMirt, and the liU'cJoppex
head vent cntwlwg bnck lo the big snakes,
saying, " We cim find nothing wk-rcof to
krone the Hungers." Hearing this, hi
hip snnkrshlp was quite upon the verge ol
despair, tlmagh no noko was ever known
to reach It. Tim meanest of them will
rccfc tAe tail iwcnlyfour hour after their
II bends mxXvnlt your matter' negro re
public. ItccutiM ymi were tvo cowardly U
kto lo lie rescue. Uncle Sum's great 'cheese
Knife Iim severrd her head fnmi her dying
Miuy. JJul somctlilng muit ue none, i he
Hanger mutt be rebuked. For lovul Cun-
tvdcrulr lo know lliut their muster ' cmv
wiiin wito abiolulely armed and equipped
tn ieslt any utletnpU of hi tlartt to u-
ume the reins tif vowrr is absolutely Io
tolerable. So n irruud convocation of
nnke I culled, full me "anti-slavery,"
black npubliCTn." "obolillimlFtH but
Ilea rrn deliver me from n dipjM-rhead
meeting! The bum! luiuginatlou of that
pile of. reptiles, knotted and wound togetli.
it, their head comlrg out side by side,
frothing each other over with nllme now
already chiu deep their eyes snapping (Ire
(yiionyni of whisky), and their finked
tongues hiralng defiuoce to "Abulitlnnims,"
i intensely appalling. A disgusted (!op.
erhead saith tlmt, upon llieinun of letters
being calli-d lo ll3 chair, the fiery little
serpent, " Anderson," arose nnd said : The
brothers we scut to bite the Hangers have
not wrll performed thetr duly, not having
well understood the extent of the license
given them In the mission whereupoo they
were sent, 1 move to receive llielr report,
reprove nd dlrelmrge, theni." Moved and
rarrled unanimously. Motion 2d, by "An-
dcrron : "U It enacted by tho friends of
the C. 8. A. In grand convocation of Cop.
perhcadsnt Jneksonvllle nwienibled, Tlmt
in order to nccomplish anything agaiust
he Hangers, 'or any other man,' we must
land fast to the time-honored usages of
parly, lying and IxicL-bitnig, and that
e entrench ourselves beldud assumed
pames" (uside to Jilmself) "and nmkea
rat's paw ol old 'J'., tho old cuss, for oppos
ing toe fur Congreiu, and may some d d
ganger kill him." This met with a warm
f wpoiw. An exclamation of delight broke
tfo every Copperhead. Jlcd eyes dauced,
ails wiggled, uod it was a season, as An-
ferson is wont to soy, of "high carnival,"
Dver,lhe bare mention of the talisman that
(Pne brings them uccet. J need hardly
eiiypu lite motiim was curried with ac-
laim. Wbereunon old 'i'.. having lieiirJ
nderson's side soliloquy, aprulntirur soine
lher snake to the chair, moved to nuke ;
AoJersoo" reporter, that be might di j
vulge his real name to.the Hangers, with
thrhnpe that tie " d d Abniltlonlsts"
wontd slice him up wllh their 'chrrr
knives.' Anderson" hnvlng made him
self popnlar by the previous motion, wus
not nllnweil to decline, but was elected
unanimously. Well, onr snake mndu n
splendid choice but they knew ihrlr msn
was s ni'y-tnuiigU'il ns his ancient n I ilivr,
the old serpent liiin'df. Oil the Bill of
itunmry the Hanger had n rialt nt Ash
land, in honor of him who said Hy the
Ktcrnal ! the Union must nnd shnll bn pre
served," nt which a large number of llic
Stilly of the country were assembled.
Certain parlies who arc rlleibtc to the hon
ors of a r-ildler wrre cxclndrd, on nccounl
of their expressed hostility to the orunl
Ration; but nn Invitation was extended to
all perjnns exempt from military duty.
One jolly old Srccsh availing himself of
the Invitation, joined nnd rnjirintil with us
the festlvlles ol tho occasion, and txpresf
ril himclf ns being highly delighted with
the whole programme, referring In com
meiiduble terms to tlmt part, that ashcsnid
" kept the d d tag hares out," Anderson's
time had now nrrived. Thefi'le " fctlvc
cup' could remain silent no longer. Not
only had himself and his friends not been
bidden to the feast, but the hitler lixing nil
the dignity und tndept-iidilice of men, es
sayed In force tltvniH-Ives upon the compa
ny, when siring n brace or so of villiiinmu
" cheine knives" Ihey relrcalnl, as Ander
son will dm the first time he its one In the
haiidji of a Hanger In a thrrAlcnlng utti
tilde (itnlt'M, urcliHiice hl object la logulu
notoriety mid refpi-ctubilily by being caneil
by one of I hem,) at nil events Anderson
liMpnivril hlmelf" lip valiant," for on
the fulliiwiiig Suiunlay hit first e-pVilc
burst like u bomb shell in thohola Cop-pi-rhead
comniuiiity, nn occasional frag
ment n-sching the camps of the enemy.
Our gulluut Cnpluin hud actually gone to
(ho ball hi full uniform, (and Anderson Is.
doubtless, ulrnld lliut he will viit him
some day In the tame attire.) To turn
the Captain Into ridicule, and the whole
company Into disiepute, a number of rldic.
ulous stories nre lutd of hi verdancy which
It is only tieccMnry to notice Iti order to
ihuw the duplicity of the writer. For In
stance he (s represented as hnvltiff had great
trouble in adjusting his sash, but finally
succeeded In getting It arijutcd to his en
tire satisfaction; but this not suiting his
lancy, he sikhi changed It to some other
position, alter asserting that he (the Cap
tain) was unable, after various trials, lo
procure a purlner for the occasion, he Is
uccuK-d of allowing her (the partner he
could not procure) to be imulled (by An
dersnn's chivahoiis friend.) us he was es
corting herhume.
0. Anderson, do you suppose that be
ciium: you are a Cipcrlieud and have n
forked tongue, that you cun tell two lies at
one lircuth, the one in direct contradiction
of the oilier, and muke sensible people be
lieve them, or did you nut have sense
enough to know that you were entangling
yourself In the web you were weuving for
honest jieople; either horn of die dileinui'i
proves bow sagacious yon ure, nnd cither
gives you a clear title to the distinction of
u Copperhead (knaves and fools arc all
Copiiei-liends). Again, you uccuse the
Csptuhi of flaunting bis shame to the
world by writing the article over the sig
nature of "Decatur." Allow me to assure
you that "Captain Applegate" and "De
catur" ore nut synonymous terms. Kucb
represents u distinct and separate physical
unatomy of ils own. Waxing warm over
your discordant strain of fulo-liood, you
"musical cu," you, you betray your dis
like to tho Hangers generally, and for your
country too, by slashing both over the
shoulders of our worthy Captain. liut
Anderson, you fulled to vindicate your
friends from charges mude In former com
munication, and rvpeuted in this, thereby
showing your faithlessness lo them, for the
weapons you proposed nnd was commis
sioned to iifw (the only ones with which
you ore at all familiar) would have vindi
cated them (if not to all the world) to all
traitorous certainly. (Cumtux FuyT ex
cuse me, Anderson.) The only exploit of
which ycu have to boost, and upon which
you thus congratulate rebeldom is this,
that they your neglected friends some
half dozen of them captured a Hunger after
he had fallen. Shades of all the martyred
chivalry How "vulianl!' Tho time
was when "one chiv. was equal to four
Yankees," but now it takes a hall dozen of
them to copture a dead "Abolitionist."
Do yon know, Anderson that you arc
not the first spy that Intrenched" hlmwlf
behind the name you have dirgracol.
You will learn something of him by rend
ing the history nnd capture of Major An
dre by mr revolutionary slrrs. The first
"Anderson" (Msjnr Andre) taint to tht
halttr. Why not the last one. Surely
the lnt one is n disgrace to the first. Head
the history, Anderson, and profit by It.
Hut nn dmibt you will think it a villain-
ou proceixling.
Now, Anderson, don't go Into a rage
nnd swear this Is bciKulh your notice, for
we wnnt to henr Irom you ngaln, yon are
to mmiciil, and then yon handle the clashes
so nicely, and play with Ihe God and
(Joddesc4 so familiarly that you are quite
Hood bye, Anderson, pleasant dreams lo
you, In proof of my sincerity In this, I
would rccommt nd that you int light sup
per or you mny sec the Captain nnd his
"cheese knlfu" In ycur drcoins.
Ashland, February. -tth, 1664.
A ItKBKt. ItoonrucK. The following
paragraph shows what measure Southern
papers take to keep up the spirit ol their
sohlirrs :
The Atlanta Apptal says n private letter
from a soldier, dated at Meridian, Decem
ber 11 th, say the last accounts from be
yond the river report three full regiments
from California, well armed and tqulpjied,
have joined onr army, and two more en
the way for the same purpose.
California Slrrcl, Jcckionvlllr,
HAVE Just received from the Atlantic
States ami San Prauclrco, a, complete
stock of everything In their line, and will
keep constantly on hand nn assortment of
the best Tin, f!ivi Mnm and Copperwarc.
Ilrn I'lpc. Hydraulic Nowh.-s, Force
1'umps, Chains, l."od l'lpe, Hose,
of all elzcs:
Dnr, 1'latc and assorted Iron ;
I'alnls. Oils, Hlr.- and Glass:
All qualities oN'owdcrj
Shot oT all number' I
II rutbt-sof every varlety.rtc., etc
. Stoves.
Also,alwavon liand.n Nrcu lot of stoves
of uwort'.il sizes. " Duck's l'ntent Cooking
Stove," and the "New World glove." the
two very best und approved patterns In tLc
world, l'arlor, 0 flics nnd Cabin Stoves,
Taney and plain, ronlnictiil on Uteri fuel
ivIiir plutis. Ilollers, Ketll-s, I'ots, l'aiix,
and every thliigeounwled with tlieoc sloven,
warranted durubl-) nnd perfect.
All article sold by them or manufac
tured. WAintANTKI). Ttielrwoiklsmiido
f tho lift material und of choicest pat teru.
.U.Orders attended to with dispatch, and
filled nrcordiiig to dlnctiou. In every
thing, tbi-lr stock Is Ihe largest nnd best
ever broueht to Jacksonville. and they are
determined to sell at uovr i-iiicm KOil turn.
Call and examine their slock lieforo pur
chasing cl:nherc. June f., I8C0.-23.
Acenl for I Inltlday&Cu'a WlreHorM).
Urtek IJuIIiUiik, Car. Front & l'atrcel.
WILL attend to the Iloccivlng and For
warding of all fivods rniruited to
their care, with proinptnrMi and dhpatch.
CoiiMKiunenta solicited. Merchandise re
eelvrdoii stornge.
Crescent City, April 1 1. 18C3. 13
N. Il.-No good delivered 'in til Ihe freight
anj churges are paid. D. & Vr,
Knl.vlllr, Jom-jiIiIiic Count', Ugn.
JL L tntire luurwt -of M. D.M01UllH1ii4lo
lk.lnl.n-.lor WIU.IAH .NArtCUK, ol U. Srra cf
.SANCKK UOLT. vruuld uu.t rwiwcirullv lurorm
llit- dlluui A Kcrbjrrllln oid tldolly thu tlmf hi
urrxl ! " Kfiui '"K "as. uwur U iuui i.f
-KKMIALL t UOI.T." J-Jug Lutliw-M In lli lulW
las foniirrl tmiflrJ l. St-ukt Holt, lwr lUry
lull ihI tu Isu-p a (eutrraliLMurUnrut u(
W ull moat retfullj r"l Iht ilMi
TKerbUU ol lclult u i u ndlWm
All vJ, U.U....4 la IU 'Wjjn-
KtrtsUl .W,tK3- i,u3
POST Ml lo pronir Mil", WINSWWB POOTH-
Thli TlaiMe irxirstlon It tht pr-erlpll-n ef out
of tht brit rtmtt phrl(lnj ami hunt la tht unl
U J tMn, mkI hM Wen r.fj f thlrtj jrr wllh
ar hlllnK itff ly ! l.y nillllcnt of imith
rt an4 dilMrrn, from Ihf lrU Infvit ef unt wnk
,JJ In ISf ivlull.
II nt mty rtll'tn tht thll.l frtm ln, bnt lnlnr-
six Iht ilomvh nl bixrrl', of rrct oflJIIjr, n-l
(Wm tont six) tntrat to tht whntt irrtrm. tt will
tlnunl Iniunllr rtlltv t
(lMMa t mi Dow sua, ki Wish Ootir.
TVt Wtlttt It tht Ikil imJ Curr-t nfitir-tr In lb
WotM. In all mi of MSKNTKIIV ami DIAR-
RlliXA IN Cllll.THlKN, whtthrr It arliei frurn IttlL
InR rr fnm mijt olhf r roi.
Tall Jln-rlln f.ir mine, will tmmipany 'fh Mil'.
Nont flrnalnt uulrn the fMlmil of IMlllTIS I
rsllKINil. Nfwork lt.-n IhtmiuMtwnihiwr.
fM 1 all Mxllrhit Itnittr, Prliwlial Omct, it
pi; iimi arw iota.
1ici Ostt Si Cuatt r lloTUt.
410 and 118 front Rt, tn Kriwl--o,
tajKmS Awnl 1c CtlHirnlt.
PiItrI Mrfllrnt ami Nurtlenl Imlltute,
CicatMtsrt Sraur,
Plow Mnnljconwry, Ofpollu I'w-lfic Malt 8.8.Co.'l
iflW. Sn rnuiclarvv
RitaUlilird In 1K.M, f.- Iht IVmmnrnt Cart tf all
t'rltalt ami Chnmk )waM,
and nit: numtuMioN or quackuiiy.
AltciKUna an-l HnMrnt I1ir-Hn,
Lata In th Ilunrarian llariplolhnrr War) (lilrf
i-njiirian mint "in iirrm.ni or inmtniai unrr
f nrtcnm to Iht MHIUry II pllat i.f IV-lh, limita
ry) tlii-lata l.rrtiitfrifl IH.MHi.fllillrnllii IJrl
narr Oririna, aM lllanaara of Wcmrn tn-t ClilMrvti,
thllKKirarr Mtintxrof Hit l1.ILtiMiliUlVllr(t
tf lr.lkln-.
Cm PartlmUr allrtitlnn rnlj In Ihe Irtalmtnt cf
IXtMaea of W iinif n and Chlhlrrn.
Ornr hitita rrnni V a. in, In V p. in.
AarGnuiiitikall'nitrktljrcunAi.'ntlal. IVrma-
tint rutt (tnanmlre-l or nn injr. Cun'iiltatloni, tjr
tittfr or otbtrwlw, KKK. Ad.lrt,
llll. L. J,C7.AI'KAV,fan riaiKlacu.
To tlao ,V.Eriiotocl.
(if all illwa-fs Iht tint emu rame
I'priuc fnmi iirglrrl of N'atun-'a lw.
In all ferTt liiiraM. Sir-Uir, ii-rriu dl4l
lly, yHilli in all lla !. alrlrtiiira. xlotl, rral.l,
dlaWlrstiiia- it Hi" kliim-ya anj l.lH.r. mnu
rial iliriiniatfni. arroflita, iln lit the liH-a ami
anal, dlraM- of the luuc, thll, n Niilryra,
Inn ui Hit !! or IIiuInl ouierr, divpar, r.Ui-
Uc Uta, M. 1 1 1 in' dance, and all dlx-bva ail.lnz from
a dvrangrmrnt of the fxaal of can, am li aa im-i vmu
tremtlluit, h of f ci7 I'"' "f mwrr, Erfitial
wrakiK-., tUniliv of llthal, ullh imillar rvita a
Iwarlntrhrfire Ihe ryt, loti of alRhl, iakrfnliir,a,
dj,"1"l'. Ilr dlaaawa. rruolhaia upon the fjro.
lln la the hard and hea.1, female IrrrgtitarllU-a, and
ail liaprvlKT dihai;e if lJi .!., II iiullrri
mil fraw what mu the illiaae orlglnalMUlMiirvrr
leiiKftiali-lltiKorinlliiale Iht nue, ronnrry larrr
talu, aa-l la ahitrr tlmt than a )wnnaro-tit rnra
tan be rlTrilr.1 l.jr any 4l-r tiMiutnt,arnatlar the
dlMtMhai Uiltli-d the Hll orrndntiit li.U lain,
amt rrlaloil all thrtr meant U out. Tht IllfitHllira
irtcrlll are .uant and wllh. ill nlor, anllrtly
Vfartalilr.raji.lny M-iiWLa,atod frte from inrrcury
and baltarn. lliiiJaK Iwrnly ymra' tiraftlrt In Ki-m-.
tht Alhnlk Ml' aud (Mlfnrnu, I hate rra
tutd from Ihe Jaaa of death uiany ihuuuuvla wIhi, h
tbt laat attK-aof Ihe above inrntlolietl diiraaea, liad
Ktr.lnoui ludkty ihrlr phyaldani whkli war
rant me In tironil.lnK In tht afiiklrd, who may be
thnHarlrra wnikr my care, m (in fcrt ami arely cuiv.
I'hf alt dlMtaara are iheKr4et entrulra bihetlh,M
thay are tht Aral raupo of emi,inn(lbu. arrofula ami
many other dlea4, ami alaaitd be a trnr In the
human family. A rmaiivnl cure la aramly eiar
fffxit.l. a laajitiiy of the most rUtllna Inln ihe
hand of livrsuntwlrnt ierwiu( wlai not ot.ly fall 14,
turn tlir dlwwa. but ruin Uit cuo.lllnll-ii, nlllutf tht
y.lrnitlllllurliury, whkh, wllh the iIImiuv, Tiaat
tnlhaaultelerlulnnra.ldoilaulilitloll, llill aleaild
the dlata-amltrrallUl'lil md reue dellh fMNl(ly,
and Ilia Vktlui Inatrlra, tht riiaoaae li riilalb-d iihi
the rhlMirii, who are burn with frrl.le ruiiallull.ei,
and Ihtrurrrnl of life ourrvplad by a tlrut whkh
brlraya ll.rlf In xrifuU, latter, ulcere, eiupll.!.,
and older atTivlliaia of the akin, ayoa, lhn.il ami
luiir, riitailln i-ai Ihtni a bilef ttUtvnni vf auffri
toe, and rontliiulii Ihviu lu an rally crate.
tahr-AuTilK la another rnildUe enruy tu
baalth, ft- n'jllilfiela.lii thedruol mlatufueof dka
VMCMUtt andrtrirtlreadralu iifiei Ihe ay.laui,
draa Ing ll tlouuiKlt i f tkliuia, Ihrouli a f )u
of autTi-rintf. Inun uullnivly mule. It deilnix the
narrouaatttrni, raj.Hly witataa away Ihe nurslea of)
IITa .likbd Itaaalil.tll lruliif naall t lit aatraall f a ItiA t.tl.tuV '
Iter a paeev w a Pi " "! taeaet( 'iiviiiv lite te"t
titTltitMii vf lh ttjKtrui, iltUMitti for iiiarrlAjc,
tftfjr. Isuaiiii-i. 114 all twii ttt iaitlnM.iitIIv4c
lL utTrrr wntkM In Uly mhI mlml, rnIUusM4
l4niuiuiiitlmii'l Irulftii tiU utfn fa m 4ijI-
J HuikImIIi llvir, Willi ti IuUmI duMritr, I i
Murt h uiifttuiuUi vktlui t! lfl'UM Kwtl s
priiMnvuifiuijcuriiui t-v ratKicwi,taivit wu
th i.l,itui.uiiiil w ruliioua rtu.tirMt my itl)iil
tn tMtolii liriXul stnti Iurwiuli-liJi.
Irr rvUiit.M, ttnJ nil iUmuh ft ihhIm tvl frmUi
art lrtt?4 chi rIicl('lauUi)l ty lTljr yvi
yrvtlfr. wi4uclloiijfJ ty Umun44 tf tli !( re
nrti.lU rur, ltjMliciu, with ftilillrrctl'iu,Mi.
lu vjf irt U IL sSUIr, OitHi, aSitwU tv WiuU
lnctwnTrrriUrilty lutUfttn outtintunkatlti( Ihrlr
fyitiltutn ty Utlr. J.twii cvrriwpanuJtiM ilrlrt
Ir tWiHJul.U, Atl-lrt,
Is. J, CAI'K AY, M. D, J rraitrlxu.
t9Ttt iKjctvr 4rTn fi- ouniuluilutj, uiulaakt
rueuurtil'tu uuIm Ii ittrti a rurv. Jri3i
My Josoph Wottoror.
' O, lajrrr, sweet larger, IhuIIii lajrer lieer,
Now lla pralaes we'll ring o Ihe sniluer
coini-a lis
Ida pbvif und eln Lager lieer!"
TU?! proprbtor announces that the or
raugeiaents of his Ilrevtery uru so extra
slvu and complete that he can defy all com
petition in Houtheru Oregon In making un
A No. 1 iirllclu or Lager llier.
The Ww cellars of the vtlulilihlinient are
nluays stockiil "itli kegt or Ugi r aiiiplo for
the largct uholernlu or retail demand.
Cull at thu Saloon, on I ho unik-r end of
Oregon afreet, lert Ihe beer, and leave your
orders. Jackmiivllle. Oct 21, lfei.3.
ON or about the tint of October, 18G3,
Mr. Wilbur lleenoii save nut a nolo for
tliHMiui of one hundred aud leu dollars,
u lib Inkrest from iaUj at Ihe rale of ten
per cent, per auuutn. due on or about thu
1st of June, A. K'IV6S, and payable to
Norin.111 L. Ieo .or- bearer, h'aid note hat
teen lost, und the said- Wilbur lleeron hiu
paid lo me the full 'amount of thu same,
Any perron finding tho same Is hereby no
tified or raid ftl, and la reqi(t'led to rend
the same to we. NOUUAN I-. I.KIi
JiisJatyayijIaW, Jan. 7, I8CU. jmi'JwV
DltselHtlen ef Cepartncrstilf.
PUULIO NOTICK la hereby gtwo Ihnt
tho copartnership heretofore existing
between the iindcrslgneil. In the I.lrery boH
ne, under tho firm name of Ct.viunu k
Dnuv, has la-en this day dltnlvcd liy ruulti
al consent. All peruana Imlehted lo raid
firm nre requested to make pnymvut to John
S. Drum, ho Is authorised to settle tin
builness; nnd nil wnons hnvlng elalini
again! the linn should present them to him
for liquidation.
Jnrktortvllls. Nov. 28. IMW, nnvUBlf
TICK. NoUce la heruliy given thai
the undersigned has been duly appointed
by tho County Court of Dougla emintv,
Oregon. ndmlulMmtor of the vtUle of Urn
late MnklusA Packard, deccnnil, of the
county nnd Stale nfnwnld. All perrons
having claims ngnln't rtttd eatal-t are m
qiieMedto exhibit Ihem within sit month
rnnn this dale, wllh their proper vouchers,
to raid ndmlnbtrntnr, living near Canyon
vllle, DfliiKlnteoutilv. Orccon.
KOIIKUT TlllMllI.K, Administrator.
Ho-litirir.Jan. i. ImU. Janlllw4
AIIOUT Tour nionlha since, n roan m.trn
wllh a bald race, blnd-net whltiCnnd
heavy ninnr nint fn.ll.iin lirrniflt ami i.
miilium-iUiil nirrel liorn). wllh n nhfln
triK) In Ibo Tun-head, coll'r-niArked--nii
liiaml-lrnyitl. or were -tolrii. from farm
er's l-'lnl. A lltientl rcwanl will be paid hy
tno iimiersieuiii lor inn rciurn or either or
both the animals, or fur such Information
as will lead lo llielr recovery.
JParmer's Flat. Jnckion Co., Jan. !., 'til.
IN thu matter of Ihe eitAte ol Wni. 1'.
II ti klus, decrael.
Notice It hereby nlvcii that Wm. ".
J mid, mlinlnhlrntnr of the rslnte or U'rr,,
V. ilaMkine, ileCeitH-tl, lias Ihlt ilay Hint In
the County Court, for the county or Pomp
la, Oregon, his accounts, and pnue lh.it
Hie fnmo lienllowetl, nnd u Ihial settleuii-nl
had It Is IlKiefnro onleml that the acllle
ment of said t-rlntu Inj made nl Ihe March
term or this Court. It. ll.DMAllIl'JHN,
Clerk ot IJouglai Co., Ogn.
Ily A. H. Fust, Deputy.
Utm-liurg. Jan. li, I hit I. JunlBw-t
IN tha in.itlcr of the e Ute of Jesse KoU
efts, deceased.
Nollco Is hereby clvrn that I. F. .Mother
ndmlutatmlor or the elntonf Jem IlnlN-rtt
ili-cennil.lma I lilt day llhil In theCnulily
Couit, for Ihe ennnty or DoiikUs, ('regoii,
ma account, ami prays inai me Minn in al
towed, and n Hunt H-lllemrnt had. It li
lliereforr. onlereil that Ihe setllvment or
mid eitate be mada at tho Man-h Term of
this Court. II. II. DKAKIIOKN.
Cb-rk or Douglas Co.. Ogn.
Ily A. It. I'uxT, Depiily.
UoM-lnirg. Jan. li. I Mil. Janlfiw-t
:mc :m jit rx r s
mill-: above hotel, sltualeil nt FA'ANH
X 11,1, In Jackson County. Oreenn. in..f
Iho Itog'ie Kiver Compiiy's hrldge urru
Itnuiie Itiver. wllh u Fine Garden, sidun-
dldly rnvloMil,and iwiiii land ailjolnliig
will ho for rent on and afttr Ihe 1st day or
October, 16i:.t. Thu ieaeiit wcuimnI will
dbKse of snimi lurulturo lo the Incoming
tenant. This is a innrt r.kvonibh opHirii
ulty for some good uvui tu get Into a good
paying budiiem1.
Alro, the T'Vault llanch mljoliilng iM
town, 500 ucnt of Hue meadow, lor relit l
the tame time.
Apply to Tkomitt Chavener, nenr lh-
Aut!iil H, IH'kI. imgllir
illnsoulc Notice.
Till-: regular cnmmiinleallont or Warren
I.odr,e, No. Ill, I', and A. M.. Jackwtn
vllle. Oii-k'uu. for A. I), imil, will Ujhild
on thu following days, to-wll;
January W July ,
February 17 Augiiat ,....IT
Match , ..li- 8ii'i'inlnr. . Id
April, M OcloU-r Vi
May IH NiivimUr !
June I- IhvemlK-r r
and regular Semi-annual Featlvnl on Juan
.4lh; and Ihu regular Auiiual Futliatou
Drcriiil-r .71 h.
The hours of niutlnjr will In, fmin Manli
toSeplimlnr. al7J o'clock; nml rnnn JSep
lender lo MjicU, ut li o'clock.
The iTtdlireii aio enruerlly r fi wlttl lo
meet tally, lor work will lw tniiinr nvetl m
the up)olnlii Inair.
Ilrethren will do will lo rate Hi mlicr
tlsuuienl (or riiliirc r'l'erenue.
Ih.iiaus IIijmiu. hee,
JiickMimlllu.Jaii 7, Ihtfi j uvl
VAIdlTADLiliJ T K I . lis
Htf Xb. 3ar . H Rb - w.-2r-
For rdlu at Iho
Near Corvdllis.
rpQ cloe up. I will be)l d. "i .. Iarjr.1
J. tree fur IS cunts. Chenv vi dlitry.
Cheslnul, (tores, Mlach, nnd .ill k id !
.Shrubbery, ery low. Uvcryihii. t. II .
Itlvt-ly Ui closed out al tomu i.nc Ulore
April 1st.
1 will also kII a good lot nl I ar ami
Cherry stock,
Come to the Kursury am) see
Glcuu Him Farm, Jau. fi, 'it j.injtvt
BftlUllJl eillll II -- -.w.,W.. mr.,.-C". ..,