"'.iiSMJUia'afr.it) WH iTffiOREBONSEHTBEL TJlli ATLANTIC NEWS. Uy CALIFORNIA AND ORXGON biAXa lAbliUAUUi rjfjnipStJrtin Vnka to Jtuhontillt fjrtlijr v " fnm (Ae ."Wirni i'M. 6. 1.) Dutc to Jnntmrr a7ili. Uroilqiirli'm, West Virginia. 26th. flm. HuilivMti has Jul Inhumed Hen. Kit- . frmii llar-rV Kerry. that his scouts have J"" rtfunml Willi Kichmnci paper i.f the 22d Tim paper' .v '" IJrs' Ihium wui rultixM uii'l ureil. Hits is aiR tiineutit. l-Ve was di-covered hi tlmo to , the budding. Major Qmtstan of 1st S'tw Ymk cat-alry, who commanded the ,'rouls. rcpotl llml bunds nr men are form jmc t resist rebellion ill tlic liclglilKirlmod of Wood-lock. The scouts took nine prl oners. (' n. lviirly W report rJ to lie ot llrrsh'irir with Hint1 mounted reclments. j'lll lluali Uv has K'if hark to (.unions ville Willi In command. Col. Mulligan, ln ! j"" icturned fnim I'nrtonshurg, West V.. n-Miriii no enemy in force in Koaili Hnwrh. ,Vw Vmk. .Tun. 26lh. A esblncton special daiicli li lln1 Timti ny: I'mml iirnt lirriimn from the U'mi liuil arrived here, wliu report tlitt I lie Hermans liuvi iwiilr.-il iii tint intii the nVI.1 for the Presi dency n candidate irrevocably committed in HiiMlirtH'iM'ii m slavery. Tli" llmi" (annmiiiiv will report. In ninrmw. hill isublishitii: SillMiintliilly llie rt (ifurv money tinier svslein 1)1 Kiiirlunii. fi'rn .Mi-Cli-rnaiid ha turn or tiered In ni irl in (Jen. Hank. A stMjial ili.ia'rli I'i'lic Tnliiiiie says: A continuous stream of tWrtfl friun the rebel. 30 d.vrtera enm In In day. TV II mid' Army of Ihe Potomac dls nitrli sv (trn. MiihIc. lm l III hi Phil adelphia, in rccnvrriiii:. "nd will soon re sume iiiniiiiiiii'l. li l sam llml we tiring lean! "ii ih' 23d nenw I he Uoptdan mm miiMil uv the aiiiiupi ui imc nr two rib ill In ll S-Tt. New Vmk. 27 An riplnslnn occurred nt C.VMnhloti lMiir. I in- nptier purt of tin1 huddim? vm entirely distrovcd loss 875 000. One nun killed irne wounded Nii.lirll!.-. yfitli. (Jen. Il'NMfmi btily recrlfiil Information Hint a iirlcmlf 01 rcb ti ravalrr uihIt Fnrnvt. willi u luitli-ry. rnuhml In crirw lhi TVmnwe rlrer nt I'lonnrr. (or the piirpow; of n ruld through MliUTcTiiiii'fMt1. Thin pvtiilnjr Cnlnnv lit It-tamplm I lint the rmniy lit J Iffl Atliriw. iiih! wrrc nlmill to innve tin i'n- iuniliu Tin inom'iis ihe pirketn nt Co tnmliin ww1 nMiit'lnl, Ihr i-n'my arrivlmr 1nm th' iliriTlInii of Mount I'lnuiit. It ibiMielit runi"! M inrfIne urnntiil Cv liimbM. ihI will itHlmviirt'iilpolrny Nusb TiL'e niu) Wtnu-m lUilruuJ am) obttruc! nuvit'ii"i'i. C'lir-mmll. Jnri 2ih. I)inntrhii from Uricli'i -rl, Alufit)M Itvbrl ilixrrllom utv uniiolu ly wrci. ' hut vole fir S'TMnr)n K'nlnrkv I'c tOutnn piihhI: IJuilirlf, M ; Hell, 42: )lilmm, flB. Il'irWr wu willnlrmni. New Ymk. 27ili. A (1iutti-1t to tlr Wt mv: I U lliiMiirht llml Giirn-it )tU will lie Crtwtn-il lull lint rxjrllnl from tin Hrnitii1. Wny ami Mcnnn Com iiiiIIm Imvr ii!fr-ri) in rfroninifinl an up prnpnnliiHi iif 8100.000 to defray 'xrfn k of milium out (riKip la Ihe srvrrnl ItonU-r Siuliii. Miininnl. 2"ili jMmii n. Olav, nn of lit-in- Clay, iliiil In tliU Ciiy MM hirlii. (-HVfiiMrnrili. 27. Troop ut Ft. Smith are mi Imlf mtiuiit, "rim; to tlefi-rtlve rrf tin nf nipptj, l'oruge U alw very rearm-. Th" il.fTit-uliy Mwei-n Uen. UnllMI unil itn. Fnninnt llimilrin to ilcluy work on III- t'linlie Kiiurnuii. TmUvilli. 2ih. Tho Nnhrlll' Union ray iloerlcr who cunie In ynl-rilny with aevfml well inTunnwl purlin, on' nf whom i a n Iiizi-6 frnm rit I rniwwi. platen that fvi-ry iram from Korihirn Virginia mnn-a lotnlnl wh troon frnm armv. It l li-lii-viil tVint I?e himlf. fHin" l lie I'hwilntc mrvrrily nf the rrorcnpallnn of Kil Ti-nnvir, will leure hi nM mm- tiinixl unit tukft r.lmrirp of thr cnmpaln In the rej;lnn nf Xulivilli. He nnl J-ff )Tla orirue that, if Ti-nnmee be not re jKviaf(. lltclnnoni) mut lie abandoned. Xew York. 27-Gold 157. J)ii(-s lo Jniiiiury 28. lom ttte Seitiiitl Extra, U Jib New York. Jan. 28ili. The New York corriiionilent with Ihe Army of the I'oto ruue, tay ie had u long intt'rview with un fljwr'liili m rank in the army, who lm opporltinitlm of fuijiu-nt convt-reatlnu Hh J'-H-rlcn', uikI he belu-vi-H tlieie la u Vdirnil ilintrml nf the fiiMity of rvbul picki'ip; thai ftoldiera in Lee's unity will prunp, ut tin curliest possible vnod, the olive brunch nf pence held out by the Amnenty IVnelainatmn; that there u out ml dtvtilution In (lie rebel urmy; ilmt the$uiii1y gf raliona la exlrt-mly ilnyl, ii wiih tlic Kreatwt diflicully rracliea the "my. to make even thu tinftlhtt allnwunce; lhat thy suppj;- oj furpje U 60 ahnrj that ralry har-a ure cared for very tenderly, and nearly nil ptckutlnir is done by infantry. The object la lo keep ihe linraea In condU linn forterv(c, wlivii the prinjj campaign -'l-iw-i jirmy J'otemic. 2 Till. It w n Mis-J "wlj'jil regiment tlut opened tU ball ou 'Saturday last, by attempting to Oght their way out nr Hie rciel line lor me purpose of takinjt the ontli of allecinnw. Unfor tunately they nid not nuecem, tnougii iney made it brilliant attack. It in expected that full information will rcuch here short ly by which Mime Idea will be forrm-il of the lo?. Twtnty lo 40 oNmtera come In to the ronka of the 2im1 corp dully, and iia many lo Hie M corpt. A r-peclnl In Ihe X. Y. Time Mys a letter from a Uencral fnim Knnxrille, tc ceivrd here, Mya I " Tho Itebels here are pathcring together all their cavalrr, pic paratnry to a grand raid through 'iVnnev e and Kentucky, to crt hor-s and np pllct." If Ihey are uccifitl in Kentucky the writer wys they may be templed to crwi Hie Utiio. Cincinnati, 27th. A Chatlanootni dis patch pay several unimportant r.arnlry rains hare liren maile recently to cover rebel movements. The UaxetleV Naali- ville dhpatcli rain penons Ilmt lelt Knox ville nn Hatnnl-iv, Jan. 23.1, rt-nort nkir- mWhlng U-lwren Ijoiicstrcet'a caviilry and iSo rioubt is frit that Knoxville can .. . . .- ..T ' be held. (jov. Jnlni.on ImihiI n tirncUma tlon for the clecllon of county titncers In counties under the Union flag, llirloyal persons are not allowed lo vote, and u very rigid oath Is pntcribiil. It Is reported lhat John Morgan, with several regiments of Civ-lry. will muke n raid in Ky and i hr on eh the gups of tho eiutern urt of the State. Chtcusn, 28lh. A Chattanooga dis patch says JohiKtnnV army has fullen buck from IMton. Col, Ilnrke, ol tho lOih Ohio, with a flag or truce, went out 43 miles but could find no enemy. I lo has sent In for pmvilnn and followed nn. The nbel adranct1 pickets uro near Kinjnton, 40 miles south nf IMton. probably to cover Ihe retreat to Mobile, where Clinith nn's division went last Monday. Jan 2.Mh. Nnhville, 25lli Later Informallnn from Gen. Dotage at I'uluskl. Tenn., dnte2Cih. says Ihe eii'tny ctosm-iI Tennessee river last night and attacked Athens this imiriiiinr. They were defeated, nnd are now trying to ret back. The troops at Athens hail most ly gone lo Florence to attack Johnson's forces. and crowinir there Col. Harrison, with COO rrbels anil two piece or artillery trmk ttdratiinzc of their ab.ietice. Rebel's badly defenlitl. Still later advices reeelvi-d Hodge liadlr whippeil. Jiilirmton at Florence, lu ail probability the mid Is enditl. San Franclfco. 2f'li. They commencetl d!'liAri;ing the Aipillu tnilny, and the work prneeeit steaitiiy. A large lighter load of iron plates is o'rmily revelrtil, all 1 1 it- wrxvl work is spoiled but can be readi ly replaced. Gold in Kew York yesterday was 158. Yreka, Feb, 2nd. Tlie Jury in oi of Tom King. Indicled fur munlrr of n limn, on South Fork of Scull river.some inomlia since, relumed verdict of gnilty of murder In t!i Ort degree. Dntc-s to lVbruary 1. (Viwt Stittiutt Kiln. FA. 3 Chicago. Feb. 11. The fullniiitf bus licen recel ved from Watlilngloti: MUali iiiL'ton. Feb. 1.1. It is ortlrnil that u draft of .Mill 000 men, In serve three jears or during thu war, be inude ou tho lOih ol March. Signed, AmutiAU Lixcoit." Under rail or Oct. Tor 200.000 men, about half that number have bevn filled by voliiniifrini; imd riM-nliiilinentri, The rail now made for Imlf u million Is Interpreted to inclunn Ihe ulmve nve m'ntione.1 call; II for JOO.OIIO. iiIuih- iiiff in i ll'ect n cu leerini; is miiitexml to furiiiuli ut preK-nt tin average of 2.000 men per day nr week ?J New York. Jan. 28ih. The lltitdd't army disputch rt-pnrl llml 130 dm-nt-re came into our line in one, iqnud on Wed. iicwUy. Kew York, Jan. 3lit. Riclunond pa per have the following: l(uelh'ille, 'I en. Jan. 1 Gih. Our cavalry ia ktill in the vi cinity of Knoxville. Dalton, Ua.. 23d. Forrest I doing good aemev. lie ha lupied the enemy ut Lu Grange, Colbyville, anj German lowu. 'IVre is a large forcu In WestTeo iieiee, ready for him. C'hurletou. 20th. Tlie enemy huvu been engaged ull day In Imuhng uintiiuuitiou t.i bitlteriea Gregg und Wagner. Seterul hellhave betii bntl Into tho cily tiuce lust n-port. DlNuitisraclion In Lee's army, In conse qu'iiec of the ritlueilun of rations, bus reached such a pitch i to ri fjuire the Coiiunbury to iue un order upjMullug to their HiiriutUm uud religion tu prevent muiiny Fortress Monroe, 30th. Richmond po ller ol jettrrduy, hate llie following from C'liarlestnii up to Jan. 28ih. Five slw-H were llnil into lite city lull night. Knemy Mill nt work on tho liuMerim ut Cuuiming Point, ami hauling ninnimiilion to Ureg uud Ciimmings Point atlerii. No chunge la position of the fleet oa th21ih, one shot un hour wits fired in tho city. One hundred anil three fuo ahclls wu firtd into the city on the 2Ul. Kushville. Jan, 'JQ:h. The enemy, COO strong, attacked nnr forces ut Alt (lia). but ufler.u fight of 20 hour duration were reptilacd, Our Iiuj wus 200; Ihe enemy' irus intieli i.rp.itir fin llie ''Dili. Cut. Mil. ler had u severe light near Vhm nee, A In.. repulsing tlie enemy killil and wouuded. (Jur Joii was ! 7S " " Wasiilnslnn, Feb. Ut Frum Informa. tlon n-ccivrd from the Navy lK-parlmenl, it appeurs llml few of the ibtruclioni at Chatlwlon, have been washul away. About 100 fcclorobdrocllntiufWiililown al one lime, and nil that liaro driflet to. wanls tin1 fleet wcro rafts, built by the reb els for Ihe porpoi of crippling our vcmcI. Clilcn?o,,In. 30 A Knox ville dL'nalch nf the 22d Niyii our enliro forces crojwil IIi.lMon river In Hlrnwlierry Flaln, mid lill back to n new rxxlllnn. Our loss In itorni at Strawberry wai tptitc vere, and several caiwons were blown up. Two hun dred strapglers were plt-ki-tl up by ihe rel elsafliT our cnwlnif llnlstoit river. Our corp liiirnctl brldpvs and everything likely to (all into Ihe hand of the niciny, among oilier thingc a large lot of clothing. Karly mi the morning ol Ihe 2.11 ihe n-hcl imil nnr slmrphoiiter were nkirnvphiiig acnes the river ut Armstrong, plx miles above Kunxville. A rqtiid u( l)iiL'trevtV men huve since bct-n rrHirltil within four miles of the cily. The movements of the enemy are nnl clearlv tuiiJcnMood. and an linprv-'- . . " . ....' ninns guin grnuml tuat Knnwille U on the eve of a ecige. Our cavalry went to Uoltiyviiic, out un) not llml uny enemy. Dispatches of the 21st say Longtlrcel was within 23 miles nf Knoxville. Heavy skirmishing hid tnken place, hat on-ini; In the Indomitable, firmness of tin Folernls, the enemy was cninpellnl In full back on their line, tweuty-two miles from Knox ville.. Knoxville, 2Cih. General Foster tele ernphed on the 28th that our cavalry, un der Ge.i. Sturuls, achleveil u victory over enemy's cavalrv, ten mile east ol Slever ville. Gen. .NlcCiaik's division drove the enemy two mile, after n stubborn fight, lasting from daylight In 4 p. m. We cap tured two sin-l rilled cannon and 100 pris oners. Km my' lo-s cmisuleralile, seventy live U'in killed uud woundetl In the charge or llodfenl's division, which came up in time In lie sent In pursuit. New York, Jan. 31. The Herald's dls patch, dated headqiiiirlei West Vlrt'lnU. say the garrison at Petersburg evacuated that place on Friday night, having received information that tho enemy In large mini bers would attack the place next morning. The m my did ntluck the place us expect ed, making rrgulur approaches, ami flnully charged l lei woiki when they fnuud the place empty. Washington. Feb. 1st Prlvaf dis patch"- dateil Cumlichiiid. (lu., yeslrrduv. anys there was it it enairemnl on Ihe 30ili. lai.tin? four hours in Hardy county, near Willlani'porl, lietwetn part of Kelly's uud tvtriy a coimimmis. Iiuisvllle, Ftb. 1st. There wai no bal lot for Senator Saturday. It belni aeer luinul llml by the Cmisiullon of Kentucky the el" ciion n'f Urumleile would nipilrco ia-w tiitiierniilorlal elect inn. New York, 31st. A New Orleans let lirsirys theru ure nn signs of a forward mnvemi-nt r ur army. Some com-sjioiid-nl sy unnMier fight Is expected ut Port IIiiUmi, and lurge rclnforccmciils have Imii pent theic. SPECIAL. NOTICES. BROWN'S A neelecltil Coueh. Cold, BRONCHIAL an Irrllatetl or Sore throat. TROCHES roa COUGHS COLDS. If allotted lo proareM re--nils In serious Pulmonary Itronchlal and Asthmstlc DiH-amii online IncuraMe. ItrottiiV Itronchlal Troches reach tirrrty the affected art mid ulru almo.t Immi'dlatA relief. L'. flr....l.tll. A.ll.... fitli.rrl. tit .ii. le-(mlnpv Cnugli the Troche are useful. uhllc Si.-uk'r and Singers rhnuld hate llie Trocli'- in clear uiul sireiiguien nieir Voice. Military iittlcer and soldier who oterlat Ihe voice, and ure excised to sud den changes i-lionlil n- lliem. Obtain only Ihe gtitutnt. llrowit' Ilroucldal Trochtv' having ;W their lOleuey by a tet of many years, are highly ri-cninini-iided and pren-rilml liy Physician and Surgeons In ihe Army, and hare reolvtd tetlimuuial trum many eminent men. Sold by all thri Druif.'lsl and Dealers In Mcdlctnu In the United State uud luol for eleu countries al 'ili ct.. r Uix. tputtforCahforiil, ittliiMJTov .tCo Ban l-rouclsco. Jau'jtn s T--iood-x. DRAKE'S PLANTATION Bl'JTERS. They purify, rtreuiMhuu and r.Oi'i They create it healthy untie They are an antidote, to lint- water and diet. They oteicome ctTects of dUMpatlou and late hour. Tiny strengthen the system and enllvcu tliu mind. They prevent tnlasmto and Interriiltteut fevei s. They puriry tho breath aud acidity or the stomach. Tlu-y cure dysxp'lit and constipation. They cum dlarrhica, choleru aud cholera morbu. Tht-y cure liver complaint nod ncrvou lu ad ache. They are tho best blltera In th world. They make tho weak mau strong, and art tzliautlrJ utituri't artat rulortr. They are made of pure St. Cro'x Hum. the celebrated CaUrityn Hark, roots and herb, and are taken with lUo plcawre or a bejerage, with out regard to ue or lime or day, particu larly ruciiiuineuiletl lu Utlliulu inrfoiu re- jquirlug it geutlo tluiulaut. Hold by all UroCr,lrUKIFl, liotei nno oiv"i- 1', II Uiukk A Co.. New York. iiy Smitu ADavi. orPorllaod, Agynls. I TIOUK A N D I'JlODUC'Klukeq In ex: i l rlmnve for Merchuodbe. at I " -' r" .. . ...rrv. n,n July 19. "J7 MA a HVW'Wp.. TIIK OREGON SENTINEL. IIHl'KD XVKRT BATVIinAY MOHKIMI. IIRNRV DKNUKORH, Pnb'r KHd Prvp'r SctHCHirTtox For One tear. In advance, Four Dollar J ir paid within the first six mo'ilhs of tho year, five dollars If not paid until tho expiration of tho year, six dollars. AnvKHTisisu One sniiaro (1(1 lines or less), first Insertion, Three Dollars; each nlcqucnt Insertion. Una Dollar. A dis count of llfly tier cent will bo made to those who advcrtloby the year. - lKl Tcaders iwltrd l rurrr nl rle. ADVEivirTsERS. Dy application to Polmaslcn and Matl Carf len. vou ran learn lhat the Semi-weekly Ohmiox kxtlnki. has by Tar a larger clrou latlon In the counties ol Southern On-gon and Del Norte county. California, than any other paper. This lacl should commend the Skntinki. to you a n superior medium for advertising. I.ht or Aiikvt. ho are aiilhorltnl lo lmtiact any bushiest concerning this pa per. In th' iiamn of the publisher : f.. V. Fisher, Man Francisco; Vadworlh A Katnes, Yteka; KUf'lImry, Ashland; S. C.Taylor. I'lucnlx; V. V. Fowler. Apple gate; It. 8. Dunlap, Williamsburg; John It. V'rlndle. Kerbyvllle; A. II. Mcllwaln, Waldo; rt.J. Fotbes, Waldo; Wj.. M. Kvnns, Alt house; Joel Thorn, Canyonvllle; A. It. Flint, Ko'cburg: Isaac 11. Moores, Salem; J. n. Underwood. Kuccno Cllvt F. Chnrmau, OrcEon Citv; D. W. Wakefield, Albany; llciijamlu Cook, Curvullls; J. II, Smith. Crescent City; Albert Doolllllc, Happy Camp. WieimHiHIIARIlIE, SICCKMSOIM (O FRANK BAKKK, 410 anil UN Clay Ml. Ma I'rnnrlffo, Importers and Dealers FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Drj Goods, Carpets, Oilcloths, Mailings, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, Ml PAPER HANGINGS, For sale lo quantities lu suit oct :tm:ip ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER iToRILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco MANUFACTURER, 10 und IB Cliiuiiiivrs) St., N. Y. (Formerly ii Chatham street, New York.) Would call Ihe attention of di alcr to the article or his manufacture, vie : Broken tSlsx-ixlTi rta rupi, riit riridnu. On. IUi'w, NkIiIix-Iim, Amrlesa(Inlltmui, ;.f.nlijrt, TTollO'W j5.sa.-u.lTs Scotrii, Itiwr w- Hc.arli, IUku Timt Hnarli, irr.li llun. ih,w Bwlcb, lrllillUliTiaul, Ki.4iKx.lcU. vr l.unJjfM. Attention I callnl to tlio large rttluclloii In nrlce of flue-cut chettlnu and smokliiif Tobaccos, which will bo found ofa kujivrlur quality, M.-Q 130000 a SH0IIS4I rinKft caniiMi mtiisii Unt, P. A. L,W)llln, 8. Jp No.1, (tiaMi,M-aM'tl hul!i, ,S'o.i (..(fV.iilwllfTMiK'o, OatMlrr. Hut. I A 2 uli4, Tiu t'ull UhikU.1i, Turkf umiiiuuM. N. II, A circular of price will Iki foul on apiiliratlnn. Nor. VH. 'lill vl DUG AN k. WAhI0 FORWARDIRG AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, UtUU UullUlliK, Cur. 1'ronl .t Cilmld chesui:nt CITY, CAU WJf.1, allend to tho Deceiving and For warding of all Cood cinrtltled to tbelr care, with proiniitiupsuiid dbpatcb. Consignment solicited, Meicliandlse re ceived on storage. Crescent City. April 1 1. 1&C3 13 X. JI.-No gooddellvert intll tberrelght an J charges are paid, D, & W, ON ornbout he Ilmt or OctoU-r, 1KC3, Mr. Wilbur Iteeinu uuvo mo a note for tho sum ol ouu hundred uiul ten dollar, with Interest from date at tho rate of ten u .vnl tu.p inniim flni. ill nr utmiii llli, 1st or Juue, A. D, lfcii.1, und payable .to ' V.rf.iiin I . Ijm, ,ir linr.p. ptnlil nnlH lian Iieeu tiMt. ami tin, mill Wilbur lleefmi lias j paid to mo tho fujl'aiuoimt of Ihe sainpt Any person mining mo amo i nereny nm lllltdof widfact, ami I requeued to scud tho surue.to me. N()IOIAN J I.KR, JflcksoqvllletJ7, I8U3. Janilwr i Y)U I'JtlSTJNO n'talWncuted ut the Masonic Notice. rpilR regular communication of Warnrt X loilgc, mi, id, t, ami A. M.. Jatksou Title. Orciton, for A. D. 18C4, wilt bo held on tho following days, to-wltt January ,20 July.,,., Pi February, 17 August,,,, IT September 14 Octolier l'J Novemlier, 1 Decemlicr 1 March , V.I April 20 May 18 June IA and regular Seml-annnal Festival nn Jiiim 24lh; and tho regular Annual Festival on Decrnila'r'iTlll. The hour of meeting will lie, frnm March to Scptemlier. nt 7) o'clock) and from Sep temUr to March, at C o'clock. The brcthn-n am earnestly reiiursl.tl tA meet early, for work will be com mound it; the appointed hour. Ilrellireti will do well to savu this ndttt tlscnicnt lor ruluni reference. AI.KXANDKK M.VUTIN', W. Jf. Hkiimw lliaaiM. Sec Jacksourille. Jan. 7.1Pf!l. Junim' VATATABIaE TllEES AND ft .In. . -mw. H ii airy For sale at the GLEN RTJNNTJRSRY, Near Corvullis. TO clo'o up. 1 will sell splendid, largo tree Tor 1.1 eeiiN. Cheny. Mulliery. Chcrluul, Itose. I.llnch, mid all kliuh nt ShrtibU-ry, very low, Lverylhluir will io Ittvely lot clocd out ut soino price befoM April 1st. 1 will also sell a good lot of I'enr und Cherry stock. Come lo tho Nursery and see. Glenn Hun Farm, Jan. H, '(A Juniltt-I HEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A J)'K. Hut restores gray hair to Its original color, by supplying tho capillary lube with ntl unit uiciiunce, impairtii oy ucn or '!!- ease. All iiHttttilimnmt tt'jtt uru chiiimi.!i orfiinnr Miisri'f. detroyln tho vitality uud beauty or the linlr, unit alloiilor lhemeit nn dres'lng. Ileimlrevl's Inlmllablu cue orlng not only restores luilr to It nntuml color by an eay process, but gins tho hair n Xjtxx3C.xxxl.xxt XJonut3r. promotes It gmttlh. prevent It falling oir, enullcntrs tho daudriilf. and linparti' health and pleasantness to lint head. It hiti stood thu test ol time, being thu original iiuir-cnioring, aim is cnnsutuiiy incieitniip In favor, Ustil by both genllemeii and hi dies. It Is sold by nil roiexlablo iliiilh, or can Ik- procured by theiu of D, ii. IUunH, Proprietor. New York. ' Tito sixes, flOe, and SI. eow2ty1 Smith A IUwk. of I'ortlaml Mvt. TOWN-HOUSE AND LOT FOH SALK. '"pUK house and lot occuplid by tho un I. lliTMJIIiei!, HI III" umvii in Muenriiuviiie Idnir..r,f1 rnr Mibt mi verv lib nit terntit. The lot I 230 feel lorn: by IIU wide, and U in a gorai siiiiii oi cuiiituiiuii, a koihi ti tle will lie given, Korfiirili'riwrtIcuIar,en'iiilreiif lliosuo-scrlU-r. J. K.CI.AUK Jacksonville. Jan. 2.1. V.:i. JanMlf cmCK TO SUPKUVISOllS. riuervisi' who huvu not madii their report Tor K'ttlemeut, are required to ai leiir before tho Hoard or Cfiinly Coimnl Iouer ror that pin po, at Iho regular nt Inn or the Hoard, t'omiu'iiclug on Ihe llr.t Monday In February, Ifliil. Ily order tr Ihe Hoard. WM. HOFFMAN, County Clerk. Jan. 9 Hi I. Jiinl'itl AilntliiUtriitur'a Nutlet1. BY onb r of Iho Counly Court. In and fo thu county of Jackson uud ritaie or Ore gon. I ttlll ae to tho highlit li'ilibr. ut pub lic auction, on thu land claim or thu lal Michael Krlly ih-c-ssnl, at thu mouth of Sam' Creek, two mile and u halfabotu Dardauells, on Tuesdny, Ftb. U. IHOI. tw tween the hour or ten a.M, und four l1, IJ , thu persnual pruH'rly bvlougiug to thu tato of Iho afup said deceased Term of rale gold and silver coin, down. liilKK.SONM.flOltb', jauV3tt2 Public Admliilttralor. Phiciiix. Ogn.;jftii.. 22.IHIW. Ailniliiltratui'H rialf. BY order of the Counly Court, in nrxl for the county of Jutkiou urd Klnln of Oii-gcn, I will fell In the highest bidder, ut public uucilrm. al the Ash'und Mil:, on Haiuid.iy, l-'rb 0, 1604, between the louru nf tin A. M. and fur I'. M , the ptrrooal pnjieriy In lunging to the etiale of tho lute John IkuKii, dueuHil, Trims of side gold uml silver coin, down, ESIlvllKON K.'0HK. Jitn23w2 I'ublio Admin ttrutor riicciilx. Ocn. Jan. Ti. mi. I) t-nine of Ui-duiibuck Men, MliltCIIANTH and traders or Jackson county will pleao taku particular nu tlco whom Ihey trust. A certain )cung man, wliosu namo.ls Duvld reiiiil(er, con tracted a bill with mo lu Juno Isut, In irord faith, amouiiling 'lu Iho euonnoui sum of di;u 50 100, aud to-day when I urt-henlM his bill to him for payment, ho conjpvlUd trial to Uko greeuuacK at par, , JI. DI.OOW. Drccember 30. MX jauZivl I )II0TUURAI'II.AI(1IUMH t Aiiiiu.nn at ilAlNIUHO.'.H i, I . . , MmlmltaulMtamt j