Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 06, 1864, Image 4

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    - . ."
jm iiii'ifuwiujiii mm
Unien State CenTcatloHi
General llrttlcr, I want the favor of the mony. 'He dares
A every prnmlnTnTrnan has lib blogr ' Pl lhc rcm,e "Tlcne , of policy.
pher.i.r course we have a book In regard j i'"lafe " '".J 'T" ', III
Hen.Hutrer. ll chiefly relates ,0 ,1, ' dr l Incur obloq,.. He .Mm to I II
the truth urn! all the truth- 1 venture to
The Union voters or the various conn
tics of the State of Oregon, who nro lit f.i
vnr of the continued nnd vlgorou pmf
rutlon of thr present war to the complete
irtid finnl suppression of the rebellion unit j
lite uxtlnction of treason, ami In favor of a
nenriy mm cincicni support 01 me nuiuuri-1 ""; . " " . .
tie of the General Government In their inti his old In lis treason, for previnn to mnn "l nnl ' nnu mr" n ,
b.!lli..u - ..u..a Ik ? itl-mm HI
a,, lihcrullr denounced by fcM symp-.hlz ! nf W ?ri,n' nn fffr T ! "T ' ". '"l "' , ?!
ers. No offlcer has been more abundantly 1 nt, there la not one In eni.rmn. mwm.e,
.bused, m.dperhP M T In part 'mentor unfair suppress fan. r-bebnod Is
wlntf In lhc fuel that (he South counted ' "1 '"rl nf 'lm"1"-' A brnVe
clfoits to protect nnd defend the Conlltu
"oil uii'l law or the United Mule, ami irv
Tvennl pirivluatc the Union, and who
are. Milling to cnmlilnc for'lhc elrcllmi or
men of like principle to t,ll office In llil
State, nro respectfully and earnestly Inrllrd
to hold conventions according to usual cus
tom for Ihe election or d-leirale lo n Slati
Unlnn Convention, tn I h-ld tit AL1IANV.
in I.lnn county, nn the frith, day "I" Mam.ii.
. P. Itfflt. for" Ihe mrpc nf niimlimllne
randiihttc fur Ueprescntutivr In Cnneress
mnl Slate Printer, clcctlit: ilelcentc to the
N'ntMnnl Union Convention, and providing
fur lli- selection of candidate for l'riden
t'nl Klcctor, nnd transacting such other
ImdneM us the Convention shall deeln prii'
We respectfully recommend the holding
of County Conventions on the. lUlb tiny ul
Jlnrah, a. 11. 1CC4.
We nl-o rt-p-Ctfully recnr"tnnd the livtil
Inn or convention of dMepites, from the
v.irlniH districts, nt I lie tlmu and place of
holding the Slide Convention, fur tlieuninl
union or candidate for Supreme Judge
mm rrnsecutlng Attorney in lite several
district where vacancies) shall iaUU
The revral counlie will Iw eutllleil tn
ileRle liT Ihe Stale Convrntlim a lot.
linr: llenton. ft; Clacliitmiix. !); Clat'op, t:
Ciilitiulia. I; Coo l Curry. I; IIoorIu. h;
.Iiu!kon. 10; JoH'phlne,.'i; Iuie, 8: I.lnn.
1-.': Marlon. 12: Mullnnnmli. H; 1'i.lk. A;
Tlllamooh, 1: Vaen. lO; WVIilnplon. 4;
Tfttmtitll. (I; UmmatllU, 2; lluker, X To
la.'. 112.
Ily onlcr of the Stat Control Uolon Coui'
ciltitt'i Jons II. Mimikm, Chairman.
.A. (5. Ilnvcv. SrcreW-y.
Salem, Jan. 6, IRf.l.
Iheailiick on Sumter, lm Irodem Invited Honiy,
nnd urcul him la
linn that he would
nnd hnntjml In Ihe rebel Stales. He
fpurneil the oder.nnd has Itevn rcwafdeil
by rucb ubliiH! an Is highly honorable to n J
nitriiitle aiihlirr,
l.i -...i. ... w.. i.i. t....i. i Honrniv. With nnportiinltirt of Irrrc-
I IIIU nillien I'll Olllllll-r, lin n-uurip hiiiht j -- '- I I j
t.1 M.imin Rn .lit, ll,rm. aMmlnr. ular pain nrh BJ tin oilier man has had
I be ctirdhllT welconinl nce hc duj of Wnrren Hustln?, his
hnndnre potIej'. lie cnuiu nnvc mmie n
safe half million by n wiiilti anil If lie hnd
I done , he would have come home with n
Mr. l.rtcn. tlw author 1 1"" nil marke.1 reputation for Intep.
oftl.eb.Hih mentioned, gives thlsfkelrlr "W """u"c ",l" ,w ",,u,u '"" , "
ol the churucler of Holler, whom .Vnjor mierwi lo crenie wen n rrpo a.ion. an..
bile In n-rvicc under hlni,""" nnl r,"c "b "" -"''"-
nr Willi rcfjnril to in goini name which
In Ihetprlvllepc of the man slronj; In con
clnti rectitude. The fuel that so nble n
man I iicruwd nf corruption is of itself a
kind nf proof of his honesty.
Humor. The happy word is pnrt nl the
art of governing. There Is opt lo I n
their mnnufictnrra itnd commerce proceed
with an nnlniernipteii sucw. IVy ore
ruled by a 1'miuVnt chosen, It Is true, nnl
from some worn nut royal or noble blood,
but from the people, nnd the one whose
honor hnve
now the
country that has been villihVd through half
the orgdtt or the pn-x in Knglnnd iliiring
lhc lat three years, nnd was pointed out.
too, ns nn example to tie shunned by many
of your etiitrmcn thut country, now lit
tnnrlnt fllrtr. uftiri!. IhiVmii nlul n ItntTlf. I
tn multitude flylne Trom ihe burthens nnd momenl-nnd thoU slnkVt tn rest I
' " ' tM ta..L. Uk.M MM ahM I.Ual
, - -m ' x
nr w. m.
t. ji. iiihrAl.
And thon wcfl onco a maiden fair,
A blushing tlfgln, warm and you or,
Willi myrtles hrcathed tn golden hair,
Aud gloy brow that knew no care
Upon a bridegroom's arm you hung,
The golden locks are slivered now,
The M tubing cheek Is pale and wan;
Tlic Spring may bloom, the Autumn glow,
All's one tn chimney corner thou
BittVt shivering on.
Willi lirnn.
culhd thc-Gmud Yankee."
It nmy In pmQiable t Inqnlre what Is
the secret "f Oen. Holler's success.
Ilruhn. TImiI U ii great part of the se
cict. This mnn has understood the mutter,
He lm iK-rn nble In grnp the situation ul
all tint-, nnd tn know what the situation
reipjiieil ut nil time. From the hour
wlwn he shook blind with JifTersoR Davisi
in Ilecvmle'r, 18R0, to the prvseiit tiiomeut,
be bus never been groping in the dark or
feelinc his wny tn a policy. And his npin
fund of humor In good victorious men
which enables them lo get the lunch of
mankind entirely on their side. Would
I'nlmcrstnn ever hnve liecn Premier of
Knglatid without his Jokes, or Lincoln
President or the United Slates unless he
inn. generullv i entiled nt the moment, lias I . . rt . . '
. .",.,. , , . had Drst nversprf nil uerrs nr prairie tniis
ulw,iil luk.li Ittltifisl lit lint lfffAttfMBl Hi' .
always been jutiflnl by ihe prngmt of!
meetings with n grin? The point, humor,
........- II.. .. aiul.t Ih ....111,.. ll,ll,i
rTri,,-. ,r-n, t,m ,, Vr ,...s - i ,, vlwy of 0en. IliilbrV ulllrrancef
ibuM-lls rnuly to march. He took the.. , ' . r ., . ,.
nt: til roan to usliingion. lie was riguii
In rrgarditig I'ortrrt .Monroe as the base!
of oterutiiin ngniiut llleiitnnnd. 'I'hc!
i nave uecii nn clement oi "is success in mc
service of hi country.
Fullli. "After our relurn In the Xortb."
says one nf the (ienerul's slnfT, "nn rx-.Muy
ttJ.li of l..p,mtlnn which prumiunetil the oof QM ,,,,, , 10 ,;,
iiegris cmitmlmnd of war wa, right. nt St jj , Ncn
hieb sle;. in the progress of tils mind on Yofki J J(wl ot u Ime wifD om
the negto nutsiinn ni right nl Ihe lime ,. .. . , ,... ,
Union Call.
To the Union .Men of Juckson County
Oregon: You ore Iwtcby noillirtl and re
commeniltil tn hold I'rrcinet .Meetings in
ynur wprctive preeineM, in suld county,
nn Saturday, the Fifth day of Mancn.
IBM. for the purH of electing delerati-s
tn the Union County Conveiitiim, to le
Md at Jacksonville, in said county, on
S.m-miAt. ihe 12th tiny or .Maiicii. make the whole niritnent mwnslli!e
IBM. The rrprwntuiloil from each pre ! privtilm n well as ffficers. At New Or-
uinct will made um the same boM as j n t. wn, muanificently right, linth In '
Hint allowed In the lost Union Luunty . tl.iry nnd practice, livery day brought
Convention, ns follows: ' rrlh ,me new uroof ol the fertiliir of his
qiKSlinn mii right
uml in the circuni'tunce. 'I'lmt single
suggestinn of n lliwril to decide upon the
Htm-. nf nfliccn. whs worth nil he Ims
retvtvetl from the Govrrnment. Ills order
nuking officers y fur the pillage com.
milled by I heir men, was another mnterly
cnue lookul very ghmmy. 'i'hc Mayor
nio eviileiitly much ilepresseil by Ihe luili.
culion of iialiouiil niiiifiirtuiie, and iu n
tnue ol deioiidency usktd the General:
Do you believe we shall ever get
through this wur successfully !"
" Yes, sir," lhc General answered, very
To wake, perhaps nn angel blest,
In the bright presence of thy Lord.
Ob, wenry li lire's path to nil I
Hard Is the ntrlfe,and light the fall,
Hut wondrous the reward 1
TlKiuvreii itc i?hki.m. An armj com,
pnndent snysi Shells nrc queerly beharnl
thing, nflcii harmlcs against rill irnlnln
ties, nnd, when yoj would think they inim
lie deadly, only patching thunder lfaoMl
pasw you by ooly a few feet bcfureU
litllsts, you are pretty sure tn Iks jrood fe j
the next one that come, since rnch frj- I
ment takes nway It shnre or the mntloa 'I
and Mies oo. Un shell shows symptom sf !
'making n lauding" Just In front of yo,
)oiirUit route Mnuld semi to be tovan! I
nnd xl the shell, but bow rapidly um
could run In Ibnt direction I lime uinnem,
of knowing, having nevur seen the man Ut
tried It. A Milld flint Is the most d'-crp-live
of projectiles. It iniiy seem tn inot
lazily, to be almost dead, but o long mi:
Iniiva nl nit iM.wnri. f,f ll .litt lMr,tr.. Om
. .... i ...... ... .... . ... ... v..-. n.w. .w i
...... iue c..-...,. u, ,,., ,r-.r..v...,.0,Mt nrtuurvniua received bis di-
noinan inim ijin5 wic ngii. wuru -'"H charge for disloyally, but delaying, for
some reason, hi Northward Journey, b t
the neglect of ihe old Governments of
Kuropc cbrers'li nnd when this mortal
strife is over, when pence is restored, when
slavery Is destroyed, when the Union I ce
mented nrresh for 1 wiuild sty in the lan
guage of one of our own pucls, nddrmlng
his country,
The grave's not dug where traitor hands
shall lay.
In fearful !nttc thy murdered cor-c nway.'
loud cheers then Kuroie and Knglnnd
may It-urn tlml nn (intruded democracy is
the surest fnuiid.ttlnn nl Government, and
that education nnd freedom arc the only
sources nf true greatness and true hnppl
uess among any people." Immense cheer.
Wiimk.v Coi'ktimi AIk.v. And why not?
Why should nil Ihe Ini'InrM nf euurlshlp
detolve upon man? It Is only fair tlml
nninun should do her sbnru of the work,
lleslde many a match that would have
proved a happy one has been broken nlf be-
Iletter sllll, perhnp. it would be! . .. ,
"Well, but how," nsked Ihe Moyor.
"God knowa. I don't; lint I know He
! dnrs. to I am satisfied," the General rrplo-d.
1 1 have often heard hltn reply thus to unx-
. Jacksonville, C luten.-l; Mnnuneln, 3;.,ji,d nf his cettius Tor cnverolnr. That I "'..I ."T. ... ....
li.i.n.i !. ii. ..,.. i .i. . r.i.u TF.wL- I . ., . i . i . -vtfougiii io rnnrc.i inrousn, ne onw
Ashland, d; Hutle trevk, 2; I able KocK. p,ibcy of isolaliog, crippling nnd delrov. .. , . , . ,. , ., ,
Si Sicrliogvilie. 2, IVrklnsvllle. 3, Star n, ,fB nmlipiallV BBl of raising in the n ,,!, '"!' ',,U",; ! uf", "C w
ti.ilcl.,1; Applegttle.8; He.sa.,1 Crwk. U-'c of Inlng the laboring mulitlude.!0" "mWf ,,,rnof,, " n.at.er; we shall
Ml ihmiii li'n luoinimni . .i . . ..t a i
1, I'.mi n,m t. Hnn,lHw. CUv I - ii.- s.t s, if i. ,i. i. ..i... i (?" ""fnugii someiiow.
Hrjuaw CVtk. 1. Total. 31. which en ever nuke .he country n nu.lou. """I?"" ' llC W h,," " n,'r
The business before the Union Coon.y L,njsncou. unilett. ponerful und U.?w' "IV f""' ' "''
Convention will be the election ol 1 0 del- NV ninn ha, no man cun. point out ' ,fnce ,l",t ,,, ,i'tt k"?' C""' ' f1r,",c mu?'
.gates, to at.eml Ihe Union Slate C.mvcn BWlIwr , t0 ,,ne,il recnns.ruc.h.,,. ' ,,e Rom"", ''" ,0,dif" ,,Ue; h"X f
lion, to be held nt ALUAN Y.Oregou. on !To ,,,,;,. ie U kins, .Minorily. ami lo j " '" V ' Vr"m" ' T r
tbeaoin PAt or AUncUBGl.tnnnmt. cfown in his stead the Hue king. Mojority ! ,e w" ,"nd fur,r,"K U,, ?
aitu jCnngressm.n and a State Printer. ,m, mM ,te !.. nt.empled in Unit I fnw,1r "'"'. " l ""' '
right moment. What I a bn.hfnl lover to
do, ir Ihe bidy or Ids choice will not help
him out of lhc dldlcully of popping the
ipirstlnn t The fact Is, that tlm ladles do
fierlorm Ihelr share of the courting, not
only In scml-clillizcd communltle, ns iu lhc
I linlnnce spoken of below, but Iu our own
' enlightened laud:
"A mnt extraordinary custom prevail
nmoogs the Vlrres, a powerful trilsc, occu
pylng an extensive district In Cabut, among
the inniinlnlus, ltwecn Persia nud India.
It Is in fact a femulo prerogative that has
no pa nil I id among any other woptu iiMin
the earth, uml reverses what we aru In the
ha hi I of considering the natural order of
things Ihe women choose their husband,
and not Ihe hu.bnnd their wires. If a
woman bo pleased with a man, she sends the
drummer of the camp to pin a handkerchief
lo hi cap with the pin she uses to fasten
her hair. The drummer walcbes bis oppor
tunity, nud does this in public, naming the
woman, nnd Ihe mnn is obliged to marry
her If he con pay ihe price to her father."
Wc clip the bIkivc from one of our ex-,
changes, but onr brother of the quill Is mis
taken In supposing Unit "this female pre
rogative ha no parallel nmong any other
wns yet with his buttery on the eve of lie
engagement, mid true to his Instinct, be lis
bis old place beside his horse, and wo jul
preparing to mount, w hen n shot came rlch j
chelilng across the field, bounded Uliaaj
struck hltn In the lower part of Iho 1k).
Crying not. -I've got the first licit t. bojC i
he muk dnnii and only added, with tin;
strange ilrnul of a liUlt hurt a terribly
wounded man nluuys seem to feel. "lay rat
down by a trcu wheru ibey won't run orer
me.'' They complied with his rerpie.1.
lnutcnnl Into iMisltio.i. and saw hltn ft
more. The poor fellow's discharso w
confirmed by Heaven. Now that falsi La
when, having flnsbed ll work I here, lr
Inzily on, poshed out Ihe skirt of the artil
lerist's cout ns a hand would move a cur
tain without rending it.
JJrown's ISroitcfiiul Troche.
These Lnzence are prenanil from a hick-
ly esieeined recliw for allevintinir llmncli'sl
An'fllon. Astluni. lloarein-s, Cngh.
('old, and Irrilntlun or SoreueM of w
J-fW.lC SPKJ1KKKS ad vnr At.tirrs,
.A full attendance of delegates Is earnestly
ri commended.
K. F. Itruxu., Slate Commltlenisn
. For Jackson County.
C.u.trouxu and Oitiuiox Maiu The
Juliforn Stage Company have n contract
In carry a dully mail front this city to
ana. Hut one thins is wanting to Its com
plclesucass Ihe tntnl abolition ofilavrry.
which constitutes the (tower cf the ruling
faction and kres in healhenish bonduge
trayt-d a weaknesa nr Infirmity of nature
He wus cenerou to the poor. lie was so
licitous In bestow honor where it wns due.
He was Ingenious in deviling ways or pro-
,.,.... , . ,. vmius iiriiiiiuiiuii iu iinerviiiK umwis,
every poor man ill thobouthi whatever his .. ' , , .. .. ,
' He sympailnxed with the anxiety of pu-
i...., r... i...:- .... t tt.A .... ..m.1 ...
wills tii, (lieu virus in lite Hiiitj. mill ur
Will nnd Ihem l-neflclal in clenrliie tb
H-otde." Acusloin substantially th me ' l";,"r.'; 'liking nr singing, in.dr.
' lli.t.l.if llin tli.f.n, .Her nliv iimiitl Mtt.rlliHI
nri i.1l ,Mnnw ll.M Slnmlivlli f.liintlMni . .. . .. ..
i,,v'" "" - "" '-"" o Hie vocal orpms. iisvimrn Tiiiiarnuaf-
We rememlter onco to have asked a good' uiinn to nlfeclluns which disturb the cream
Gen. rtiltirr, en the nlher hand, Is no
dreamer or theoriier. Drvumers or theor.
Portlaml. Oregon. The contract price, we , iters are good and lielpfutl but he is not
understand to be gfiO.(100 per annum. The ! one of Ihem. His forte is I o devise ex-
wrvicc low been pcrftirmrd for tint c years , pediruls to meet a new slule of thing or
very regularly, but since theseconlweisarelto cflVct nn extra stcia purpose. Ho is
paid in Treasury nolw. the Company cannot i singularly happy iu framing a measure, on
Hive thrnuklves under IbU amount, nnd jibe spur nf Ihe moment, which preciiely
propoie to givo it up. The company it is'nnsaers the putjose projtod, and works
aid, exjiend ubout S 10,000 per mnnth on 'good in many directions tint specially con-
Hie routa, which is paid in cash. 5u(ra-1 templatcd. ilia plan fur reeding the poor
in t nta Ike.
, the Sjonora Flag is to, be removed to San
Frohcivo. and published as an evening
paper,. The Sacramento correspondent of
thej San Francisco Spirit of tho Tiniea
" l'ifiy lhouand dollers have lieen sub
setibrtl fur the purpose ; fcj,000 iu San !
sunged many a bleeding heart by the kind
thoughtfu'ness with which ill news wus
brokeu to them
rruncucu aou oiu.uuu imiuiuc tiiereoi. , . ,, - n.-i,
,. , ..ii , . istructed, experienced brain I leaven a best
It, of course, will be of hewme charac er .. . , ,' ,. ., .,i, i,;i. -n
.... ,, ., i. , . eft. and the mwlium through which all
politically as it Is now, only more id. lt.b ' . ., ..
will n,l,.hlv l. in nnernllnnin nnn,nr.ll, ""'" K""" B" f""
JollS liHIiltlT ON TI1K StllK.vfiTII or OIK
GoTiT.Mir.M. John llright closed his
sp-ech ut ItKlidale with the following no
bio tribute:
"Will uoyliody deny that the Govern
ment ol Washington, as rvgatds its own
iieonle. is the strongest Government in the
of New Orleans, for example, besides tf- worId nt this hour? Cheers. And Tor
feeling the main purpose of raving thou- this simple reason, Ik-cuuo it is b.ied on
rond front starvation, brought home to U,c will.oml thegixnl wlll.of anlnsltucll
the uulhors of their ruin a part of the III tt,(l.,u fCheers.l Look at ihcnuwer!
eooKiiuencea of their conduct, nnd chimed r , nnt ,IOw dicuing why it is. or the
in with hU geoeral policy of raising one UK wllch j, ,jeVeonnr. n, nowt.r: lllt
claw and suppressing, another. tMiwer is the thing which men regutd In
Hrains ure the great secret. He In en-1 these old countries, and which they ascribe
dowed with a large, healthy, active, in-, mainly to Kurnpeuti imtitulioos; but look
ut the power which the United Slates have
I am told its advertising patronage already
promised Is very large."
L'ourasc. will, firmness, nerve call it by
whatever name you choose Gen. Uutler
I has it. He lias not been culled to lace the
, A Down Kaiter speaks of a heavy fog in , leodeo rain and iron hall of battle, but he
his locality. lie wjg he hired u msn to luu exhibited on every occasion the cour
fhinglc a barn. At coon (he man com
plained that itwas a terrible lor.- barn,
for he Imd been nt work all the morning
and badn't'gnl one mn laid. 8o after
dinner he went to we what IteM been nboul
Ati'd found he had sliinghd rnnrr than n
l.sstflltfvl Tmj9 Aslt) .a it -
uuiiuiiu ,.-. nj;,u ""' n iue logi j
develojieil I They have brought more men
into Iho field, they huvo built more ships
for their navj. the hnve shown greater re
sources than any nation in Kurojie ul this
moment is capable of. I-ook nt the order
which has prevailed at their elections, at
which, as you see by the papers, 60,01)0 or
ae which the occasion miuired. He has 1 1 00,000 or i!30,000 persoiu uted in n
shown a singular insensibility to the pban- given Slate, wills lea disorder than you
toms which ploy so important a purl in war. Imve seen lately in three of the smallest
lie has shown the courage lo po forward boroughs iu Knglatid llarnstable, Wind-
aginary danger as well tu sor aod Amlover. llJiugliler onu cliwrs.j
is "the courage of opirtoii-1 1.tok ot their industry
Hml.meot (he im
the real, lie has
looktog llawnllnu bachelor why he did not
get married, and he replied with n look uf
Innocent simplicity, that "nona of tho girls
bad asked him V'J'aqfie Monthly,
CttANoro urn mind. Dicky was poor
ICuty had a ricli mother. Dick loved Kuly
und nr tenn Dicky wauled to marry
Kuty ICaiy's mother was iWn on that
urrungeinenl Dicky wo forliid the premi-1
x-s notes were rxrhanged through the
high board fence which enclosed lhc- yard
One day I lie old lady went out "eullin," nnd
Dicky kiis duly Infortneil of the fact -rallvd
on Kuly renminbi u little too long
old lady uhcat bund no chance of escape
without deleclion. At Hie inslunce of
Kuly, Dick popped Into the closet; old
holy mw that Iviity looki-d confused, guess
eil that Dicky bud U-cn there supposed of
cuurx thut he hud made good bU escape
tboughl perhaps the young folks had ogrccd j
to elope logelher delermined to bo too
smart for them slmt Kuly tip in the sume
closet where Dicky was concealed and gir.
ing her n pair of quilts and pillow, locked
her up for the night didn't see Dicky
next morning went lo let Kuty out.
-Oh, Lord!" n scream couldu't get breath
fur n moment fiuully:
"Ahem, Ujcky, Is that you!"
"Dicky, you must slay to breakfast."
"t'ouid'nt, iiiu'miii.,'
"Oh, but you must.''
Dicky concluded lo stay.
Hreakfast table "Dicky, I've been think.
a good deul ubout you lately. You ure
indubious mid honest, 1 hear."
"I never bros."
Well, now, upon the whole. Dickey, I
of siwch.
A cents for California, Itedlnglnn d'Co.i
Sin rnuml.cn. Jannnwt
wagox ltoAD ii:j:tings
THK stnckbolders nf the Itogne RIvt
ft John Pay Wngou Hoad uml the citi
zen generally, ure ri-que.ti-d lo nn-et In (Ik
Court House-. In Jiicksuiitille, oil Saturdsi.
Feb. Uib. lo devlMt measures for rnl-l
melius lo finish the road. A full altaudaaM
I urgently solicited.
Ily order uf the Hoard of Managers,
JOHN 6. LOVK, Pres'i
II. IJukik. H.-C y.
mm liiLL
..-- - wxi-x
Will be given nt the
Ih Jncksonvlllt) Urrgon.
THK undersigned deaigns gitlngan Ansi
versury 11a 1 1 on Ibu 'i'iil February, '
respectfully Invite all to ultuiid. bvet;
care will U) taken to render the occasloas
j pleaMiiit oue, TickeU 5.
JAU3UW1 t.utiM inut.fc-
ALL person Indcbtiil to niobyN'oter
Hook uccouut, nro nini"rly request
Iu come uud -iy their udetildoet. un
before the 1st day ul January 1UCI. jjbuH
any one full to du mj, their nceounta or pot"
will iKisltlvely bu banded to my attorwy
ror collection. 11. HLOOM.
Jacksonville, Dec. IB. H3. deotHU
so rare in a repubiie.wkw ;all pulic pwu,' thU tciriEc struggk. -their agriculture. w7
BhhIvuI1x Wanted.
mWflfiR Inilehted to Smith .t Drawn, c'fl
1 I'luenlx, Oregon, ru hereby uoliS?!
tint their uolcs uud accouuU ure plncnl ij j
our hands for tolletllon, IMeaHi cullsii
..l,u tii.io.llnlnlif Alul ulrs nwttt.
yntwltlisiondinb'. think you. uud Katydiad better get mur-i JACOIW A ItUSsKIiU
kir gericultureJwuV" '. '"kiomlllc. Jnii. II. IBOJ. . jautCii